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AR451 - Planning 2: Fundamentals of Urban Design and Community Architecture
November 09, 2021
Instructor: Ar. Eduardo F. Bober, Jr.

Assignment 5.1. Participation in Urban Design

Look for an urban design project (internet search) which used a participation
technique or methodology in its process. Give brief details on the following:

Project name, location, and project rationale

Public participation for sustainable urban planning In Case of Iran. The United Nations'
eighth Millennium Development Goal is to "Develop a global partnership for
development." That is, create a more open, rule-based, predictable, and non-
discriminatory trade and financial system. Meanwhile, social justice is founded on the
notions of human rights and equality, and it entails a larger degree of economic
egalitarianism. It has been characterized as one of the most significant aims of social
progress. As a result, participation is a component of social justice, and it is highly
encouraged in all emerging nations, including Iran. Especially when underdeveloped
countries attempt to meet the Millennium Development Goals.

The purpose of this work is to investigate the status of citizen participation in Iran's
recent urban planning and redevelopment projects. The main question is to determine
the stage of people's participation in the design process of the refurbishment
project. Based on research data analysis, the results obtained are considered the
proposed principles for future human participation and sustainable urban planning.
Efforts for community participation will be more efficient if the participation process is
implemented at a time when population participation leads to social sustainability at
the appropriate time for the project. Urban development project.

Technique or methods used

According to Groat and Wang, the design process is an effective way to analyze
human involvement. There are several perspectives on the design process, some of
which are similar or some of which are complementary. In this study, they used the
research approach “Case Studies and Integration Techniques”. After presenting a
theoretical framework, the case study was examined through comparative analysis,
examining the weaknesses and strengths of this type of involvement of these people
in the project.

Goals and objectives of participation

According to Sanof, Individuals or interest groups who will or should participate in
the planned participation activity must be identified. People who will be affected by
design and planning decisions should, in general, be included in the decision-making
process. Furthermore, persons and Designers and other stakeholders that can
participate include investors and lawmakers, each of whom has a specific function to
play in the design process.

Residents that are actively participating in the development process with people
involvement, so there will be a better maintained physical environment, higher public
spirit, more user pleasure, huge financial savings, and an increase in their trust and
faith in organizations. As a result, they will accept judgments and plans, as well as
cooperate within the initiatives carried out or seeking solutions to difficulties.
Results of the participation and its application to the project.
Participation is a major concern in impoverished places since it is a means of achieving
social sustainability. When it comes to the basics of sustainable development, not
only reconstruction but also people`s engagement are critical. As a result, public
engagement is required to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and achieve
social justice.
Through the vision of a city planning project, you can use actual participation in the
four phases of the design process to counter influential participation that can lead to
decision making. Through the study of the remodeling initiative in Iran, the following
factors are mentioned in order to achieve a better sustainable environment in the
- These policies call development economists more equal opportunities than they
currently exist in some societies and aim to achieve decent urbanism rather than
human rights.
- Design in critical areas should be done for people and the current distance
between process designers needs to be reduced.
- The refurbishment project requires special attention to the cultural background of
the area and the building structure of the site. In emergencies, rehabilitation should
take into account that future residents must be current residents to prevent people
from moving to other emergencies. To achieve social sustainability,
- People must be included in the actual participation paradigm. In short, you need to
be involved in every phase of the design process, from circuit design to operation.

- Public participation for sustainable urban planning In Case of Iran

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