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planning-inindonesia.html Thursday, July 26, 2007 Who is Planner? A
Challenge for Planning Profession in Indonesia Deden Rukmana
Assistant Professor of Urban Studies and Planning at Savannah State
University, Savannah GA 31404 USA A member of the list-serve of
Referensi raised a straightforward question: who is planner? He asked
such a question in response to his observation that the documents of
spatial planning in Indonesia seem to be produced by those with
skills of not more than simple math for elementary school students.
He found at least ten spatial planning documents showing how the
planners project the needs of various urban facilities by only using
simple math for elementary school students. He posed subsequent
questions: Why do we need planning education if spatial planning can
be done by an elementary school student? Can someone with a two-day
planning class receive a certificate as planner? My prompt response
to such questions is that planner is not simply to project the future
facility needs or land use. There are still tons of works that
planner needs to do for shaping the future. Below are the lists of
what planners do: 1. Planners formulate policies to meet the needs of
communities including social, economic, and physical needs and they
develop the strategies to make these plans work 2. Planners develop
plans for land use patterns, housing needs, parks and recreation
facilities, transportation systems, economic development,
environmental protection and other aspects of the future 3. Planners
work with the public to develop a vision of the future and to build
on that vision 4. Planners often function as mediator among
conflicting community interests; they may also become facilititors
using their professional judgment to help identify the best
resolutions to the conflict 5. Planners advise public officials and
citizens in shaping the future 6. Planners design and manage the
planning process and attract public to involve in the process. Can
someone with the only skill of simple math for elementary school
student do planner's job as mentioned above? Of course not! We need
planning education to prepare a to-beplanner with skills that can not
be delivered in only a two-day planning class. In 1997, ACSP assigned
the strategic marketing committee to identify the core of planning
identity that clearly distinguishes planning from other disciplines.
The committee reveals six themes that anchor planning's identity
(Myers, 1997: 223-224): 1. A focus on improvement of human
settlements with: • emphasis on understanding cities, suburbs, small
places, and regions, including processes of physical development and
their changing social and economic characteristics; and • emphasis on
making places better serve the needs of people, including solving
perceived urban problems. 2. A focus on interconnections among
distinct community facets, incorporating: • linkages among physical,
economic, natural, and social dimensions; • linkages among sectors,
e.g. transportation and land use, housing and economic development,
etc.; and • linkages between public and private enterprises. 3. A
focus on the future and pathways of change over time, encompassing: •
affirmation of community goals and aspirations; • forecasting
probable or feasible paths; • developing plans to achieve desired
futures; and • understanding historical momentum shaping the present
and future. 4. A focus on identification of the diversity of needs
and distributional consequences in human settlements, guided by: •
concern for public well-being; • monitoring changing population; •
targeting needs of all segments in the population; and • developing
rationales for equitable distribution of community benefits. 5. A
focus on open participation in decision making, including: • citizen
participation; • stakeholder representation; • negotiation and mutual
compromise among competing interests; • dispute resolution; •
communication of technical facts in lay terms; and • recognizing
value-centrism embedded in analysis and prescription. 6. A focus on
linking knowledge and collective action, recognizing that: • planning
bridges academic knowledge and professional practice; • information
flows across the bridge both ways, linking the university to the
“real world”; • planning practice is enhanced by infusion of
humanities, social science, and technical knowledge; and • academic
knowledge is enhanced by confrontation with experience in practice.
The above planning's identities also reveal how planners differ from
other professions. Planner with these identities clearly plays
seminal role in shaping the future of human settlements. The skill of
projecting the future facility needs or land use is only one of many
other skills that a planner is supposed to have. Not only is planners
a projector -those who project the future needs- but also is an
analyst, a spokesperson, a public advisor, a consensus builder or a
collaborator. We should not bother with the fact that many planners
project the future needs by using simple math. A more sophisticated
projection with complicated formulas can not guarantee that the
projection will result in better plan. Planning as a systematic
attempt and actions in the public domain to shape the future is best
implemented when all stakeholders are involved. The planning practice
in the 21st century is facing greater challenges than that in the
20th century. Some of the challenges are the complexity of the
problems and the elusiveness of solutions to those problems. A better
way of shaping the future of the community is no longer primarily
based on the sense of order, comprehensibility, predictability and
rationality that prevailed in the modernist era. Projection of future
needs as a technical tool of predictability and rationality only
prevailed in the 20th century. The postmodernist era in the 21st
century requires more communicative aspects of planning practice.
Innes (1997) identifies the post modern era that is characterized by
distrust of government and experts. Recent planning practice requires
planners to more actively communicate information and ideas to the
many people and stakeholders with whom they interact and receive
information and ideas in return. A sophisticated projection method
does not really matter in the postmodernist era. What matters is
making connections among interests, public agencies, and profession
and disciplines, between public and private sector and between
government and the public. These are the skills that a planner needs
to have to face greater challenges in the 21st century. References:
1. Innes, J. (1997). The planners’ century. Journal of Planning
Education and Research 16(3): 227-228 2. Myers, D. (1997). Anchor
points for planning’s identification. Journal of Planning Education
and Research 16(3): 223-224. Posted by Deden Rukmana at 7:22 PM

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