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Answer the following questions

1. What is pharmacology?
Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their action on the living body.
2. What can substances used as drugs be derived from?
Substances derived from plants and animals, from vitamins and minerals, and from
synthetic (artificial)
sources can be used as drugs in the treatment
3. What can be the purpose of drug use?
Drugs can be used for treating and preventing diseases, maintaining healthy body
functions, or aiding in diagnostic procedures.
4. Name the phases of the drug action.
The phases of drug action are pharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacodynamic.
5. Characterize the pharmaceutical phase.
The pharmaceutical phase involves making the drug until it’s absorbed by the
patient’s body.
6. Characterize the pharmacokinetic phase.
Pharmacokinetic phase deals with the movement of the drug’s active ingredients from
body fluids to their intended action sites.
7. Characterize the pharmacodynamic phase.
Pharmacodynamic phase sees the drug’s active ingredient interacting with intended
body tissues, leading to changes in cell response as the drug is metabolized.
8. What is the main organ that inactivates and metabolizes drugs? The liver is the
primary organ responsible for inactivating and metabolizing drugs.
9. What is the main organ that eliminates the metabolites of drugs from the body?
The kidneys are the main organs that eliminate drug metabolites from the body.
10. How can the drugs be excreted from the body?
Drugs can be excreted through urine, feces, sweat, tears, breast milk (in lactating
mothers), and expired air.
11. What drug is said to have a cumulative effect?
A drug that builds up in the body due to slow elimination can have a cumulative
effect, potentially causing toxicity or lethal outcomes.

II. Give synonymous to the following words.

disease(хвороба)—illness,flu,sickness,unhealthiness, ill health,virus,infection.
complicated(складний)— difficult,hard, challenging,problematic,puzzling.
substances(речовини)—item, material,texture,thing.
treatment(лікування)—analysis,hospitalization, therapy, cure
drugs(ліки)—medicine,medical drug, medicament, cure, pills,antidote,panacea,elixir,
process(процес)—action,case, course,system, technique,way,mechanism,progress,steps
to involve(залучати)—include, take in,require,demand, count in
prescribed(призначений)—order,advise, direct, recommend
to treat(лікувати)—analysis,hospitalization, therapy, cure, take care.
action(дія)—steps,activity, move,reaction,effect
principal( головний)- main,capital, important.
4 вправа
1. Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their action on the living body.
2. Substances derived from plants, animals, vitamins, minerals, and synthetic
sources can be used as drugs.
3. Drugs can be used in the treatment and prevention of disease, restoration and
maintenance of healthy body functions, and diagnostic procedures.
4. The pharmaceutical phase is the initial stage from the making of the drug until
its absorption in the patient's body.
5. The pharmacokinetic phase involves the movement or distribution of the drug's
active ingredients from body fluids to the site where the intended action of the
drugs occurs.
6. In the pharmacodynamic phase, the drug's active ingredient interacts with
intended body tissues, causing changes in the body's cells as the drug is
7. The liver is the main organ that inactivates and metabolizes drugs.
8. The kidneys are the principal organs responsible for eliminating the metabolites
of drugs from the body.
9. Drugs that are not excreted may build up in the body, potentially leading to a
cumulative effect, which can be harmful or even lethal.
3 вправа
1. The action of any drug on the body is a complicated process.
- What defines the complexity of a drug's action on the body?
- How does the body respond to drugs?
- Why is the process of a drug's action considered complicated?
- When does the drug's action on the body begin and end?
- Where does the absorption of a drug take place in the body?
- Who is affected by the complexities of a drug's action on the body?

2. The body's cells respond to the action of the drug.

- What triggers the response of the body's cells to a drug's action?
- How do different types of cells react to various drugs?
- Why is it essential for body cells to respond to a drug's action?
- When do cells exhibit a response to the drug?
- Where in the body do these cellular responses primarily occur?
- Who studies the responses of body cells to different drug actions?

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