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Trinidad 1

Leonardo Trinidad

Trishia Briones

ENGL 1301-162

October 19, 2023

Essay 2 Reflection

I've acquired the skill of magnifying significance from seemingly insignificant details.

Though it may sound amusing, this perspective has enhanced my ability to admire the meticu-

lous thought an artist invests in even the simplest of posters. The insights gained from visual

analysis and understanding the rhetorical situation have armed me with valuable tools. I am con-

fident that they will prove invaluable when I find myself grappling with writer's block, prompt-

ing me to think creatively and consider unconventional approaches for bolstering the content of

my essays.

After seeking guidance from my professor, she introduced me to a valuable technique for

brainstorming and organizing my ideas through a tree/flow chart. This proved to be a game-

changer, significantly enhancing the fluidity of my drafting process. Prior to adopting this

method, I often found myself grappling with writer's block, struggling to generate new content

and feeling as though I had exhausted my thoughts well before reaching the desired word count.

This newfound approach to brainstorming and organizing ideas has empowered me to

write more seamlessly, eliminating the need to laboriously extract my thoughts and convert them

into words. Its impact extends beyond this particular essay, offering me a valuable tool to con-

front my apprehension of future essay assignments.

In this essay, I encountered minimal peer review and feedback from my professor, pri-

marily consisting of minor formatting issues I had inadvertently overlooked. These issues en-
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compassed elements such as my last name missing from the header and ensuring that I included

the correct work cited. I addressed these concerns promptly, while also making the necessary ad-

justments to the first quarter of my essay, after which I proceeded with the writing process.

The most formidable challenge I encountered while writing this essay was the intricate

process of intertwining my numerous ideas. I found myself grappling with a multitude of con-

cepts that seemed to intersect endlessly, forming a complex web. This intricate entanglement left

me immobilized for several days, unable to articulate or structure my thoughts effectively. Re-

grettably, I couldn't avail myself of ACE tutoring due to time constraints and other responsibili-

ties. However, I took the initiative to consult Professor Briones, seeking her guidance on orga-

nizing my ideas for smoother connectivity.

Professor Briones offered a valuable suggestion – creating a visual tree or flowchart to

help me streamline my ideas and their interconnections. Recognizing my struggles with ADHD,

I wholeheartedly embraced her advice. This approach promises to be a valuable tool in my future

endeavors, making the intricate process of weaving ideas together more manageable and produc-


Subsequent to assimilating these insights, I undertook an extensive revision and editing

process for my essay. In essence, I found myself compelled to remove every paragraph following

the introductory one, as I perceived my point and ideas to be disorganized, lacking clarity, and

devoid of coherence. Regrettably, my recollection of specific examples that were modified

through the editing and proofreading stages is somewhat hazy, a consequence of my ADHD-re-

lated challenges.

Nevertheless, I take pride in the acknowledgment that despite the mistakes and shortcom-

ings in this endeavor, it has imparted invaluable lessons. It has underscored the importance of

meticulous preparation before embarking on each essay, ensuring a more coherent and fluid writ-
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ing process. In this manner, I endeavor to bypass attributing any hindrance to ADHD and instead

rely on meticulous groundwork and well-structured writing.

Analyzing the poster was the least arduous aspect of this essay. Although not without its

challenges, some ideas surfaced quite late, almost on the eve of submitting the final draft. Take,

for instance, the dilemma of addressing the drummer's sheet music to his left. At first, I struggled

to find a meaningful angle. However, eventually, I managed to weave the music score into the

broader theme, particularly regarding the spotlight. Specifically, I emphasized how the spotlight

brilliantly cast light on everything except the music score resting on the stand.
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Works Cited

Whiplash Official Movie Poster. 2013. QuotesGram,

art.jpg. Accessed 9 Oct. 2023.

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