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apu = 'xaudio2' # Audio system.

Use: [any, nop, xaudio2]

libav_verbose = false # Verbose libav output (debug and above)
mute = false # Mutes all audio output.

break_condition_gpr = -1 # GPR compared to
break_condition_op = 'eq' # comparison operator
break_condition_truncate = true # truncate value to 32-bits
break_condition_value = 0 # value compared against
break_on_debugbreak = false # int3 on JITed __debugbreak requests.
break_on_instruction = 0 # int3 before the given guest address is
break_on_start = false # Break into the debugger on startup.
clock_no_scaling = true # Disable scaling code. Time management
and locking is bypassed. Guest system time is directly pulled from host.
clock_source_raw = false # Use the RDTSC instruction as the time
source. Host CPU must support invariant TSC.
cpu = 'x64' # CPU backend [any, x64].
debug_symbol_loader = false # Enable dbghelp debug logging and
debugprint_trap_log = false # Log debugprint traps to the active
disable_global_lock = false # Disables global lock usage in guest
code. Does not affect host code.
disassemble_functions = false # Disassemble functions during
emit_source_annotations = false # Add extra movs and nops to make
disassembly easier to read.
ignore_undefined_externs = true # Don't exit when an undefined extern is
inline_mmio_access = true # Inline constant MMIO loads and stores.
load_module_map = '' # Loads a .map for symbol names and to
diff with the generated symbol database.
pvr = '0x710700' # X360 Processor version & revision
number. Known Values: 0x710600, 0x710700, 0x710800
store_all_context_values = false # Don't strip dead context stores to aid
in debugging.
trace_function_coverage = false # Generate tracing for function
instruction coverage statistics.
trace_function_data = false # Generate tracing for function result
trace_function_data_path = '' # File to write trace data to.
trace_function_references = false # Generate tracing for function address
trace_functions = false # Generate tracing for function
use_haswell_instructions = false # Uses the AVX2/FMA extentions for modern
Intel CPU (Haswell+) or AMD Ryzen when available.
validate_hir = false # Perform validation checks on the HIR
during compilation.

license_mask = 1 # Set license mask for activated content:
0 - disable all licenses / 1 - enable the first license - usually the full version
license in Xbox Live Arcade games / -1 or 0xFFFFFFFF - enable all possible

d3d12_16bit_rtv_full_range = true # Use full -32...32 range for RG16 and
RGBA16 render targets (at the expense of blending correctness) without ROV.
d3d12_adapter = -1 # Index of the DXGI adapter to use. -1
for any physical adapter, -2 for WARP software rendering.
d3d12_convert_quads_to_triangles = false # Convert quad lists to triangle lists on
the CPU instead of using a geometry shader. Not recommended for playing, for
debugging primarily (because PIX fails to display vertices when a geometry shader
is used).
d3d12_debug = false # Enable Direct3D 12 and DXGI debug
d3d12_dxbc_disasm = false # Disassemble DXBC shaders after
d3d12_edram_rov = true # Use rasterizer-ordered views for render
target emulation where available.
d3d12_half_pixel_offset = true # Enable half-pixel vertex and VPOS
d3d12_pipeline_creation_threads = -1 # Number of threads used for graphics
pipeline state creation. -1 to calculate automatically (75% of logical CPU cores),
1-16 to specify the number of threads explicitly, 0 to disable multithreaded
pipeline state creation.
d3d12_random_clear_color = false # Randomize presentation back buffer
clear color.
d3d12_readback_memexport = false # Read data written by memory export in
shaders on the CPU. This may be needed in some games (but many only access exported
data on the GPU, and this flag isn't needed to handle such behavior), but causes
mid-frame synchronization, so it has a huge performance impact.
d3d12_readback_resolve = false # Read render-to-texture results on the
CPU. This may be needed in some games, for instance, for screenshots in saved
games, but causes mid-frame synchronization, so it has a huge performance impact.
d3d12_resolution_scale = 1 # Scale of rendering width and height
(currently only 1 and 2 are available).
d3d12_resolution_scale_resolve_edge_clamp = true # When using resolution
scale, apply the hack that duplicates the right/lower subpixel in the left and top
sides of render target resolve areas to eliminate the gap caused by half-pixel
offset (this is necessary for certain games like GTA IV to work).
d3d12_ssaa_custom_sample_positions = false # Enable custom SSAA sample
positions for the RTV/DSV rendering path where available instead of centers
(experimental, not very high-quality).
d3d12_tessellation_adaptive = false # Allow games to use adaptive
tessellation - may be disabled if the game has issues with memexport, the maximum
factor will be used in this case. Temporarily disabled by default since there are
visible cracks currently in Halo 3.
d3d12_tessellation_wireframe = false # Display tessellated surfaces as
wireframe for debugging.
d3d12_texture_cache_limit_hard = 2048 # Maximum host texture memory usage (in
megabytes) above which textures will be destroyed as soon as possible. If using 2x
resolution scale, 1.25x of this is used.
d3d12_texture_cache_limit_soft = 1024 # Maximum host texture memory usage (in
megabytes) above which old textures will be destroyed (lifetime configured with
d3d12_texture_cache_limit_soft_lifetime). If using 2x resolution scale, 1.25x of
this is used.
d3d12_texture_cache_limit_soft_lifetime = 60 # Seconds a texture should be
unused to be considered old enough to be deleted if texture memory usage exceeds
d3d12_tiled_shared_memory = true # Enable tiled resources for shared
memory emulation. Disabling them greatly increases video memory usage - a 512 MB
buffer is created - but allows graphics debuggers that don't support tiled
resources to work.
dxbc_source_map = false # Disassemble Xenos instructions as
comments in the resulting DXBC for debugging.
dxbc_switch = true # Use switch rather than if for flow
control. Turning this off or on may improve stability, though this heavily depends
on the driver - on AMD, it's recommended to have this set to true, as Halo 3
appears to crash when if is used for flow control (possibly the shader compiler
tries to flatten them). On Intel HD Graphics, this is ignored because of a crash
with the switch instruction.

dump_shaders = C:\Users\Allan\Downloads\xenia\shaders''
# Path to write GPU shaders to as they are compiled.
fullscreen = false # Toggles fullscreen
gpu = 'd3d12' # Graphics system. Use: [any, d3d12,
vulkan, vk, null]
spv_disasm = false # Disassemble SPIR-V shaders after
spv_validate = false # Validate SPIR-V shaders after
texture_dump = false # Dump textures to DDS
trace_gpu_prefix = 'scratch/gpu/' # Prefix path for GPU trace files.
trace_gpu_stream = false # Trace all GPU packets.
vsync = true # Enable VSYNC.

Sound_Fix_1 = true # true - enable fix for Fable2. Can be
unstable(!) / false - disable (Safe mode of Xenia for other games)
Unreal_Engine_Fix = true # true - enable fix for normal start
games on Unreal Engine. Can be unstable(!) / false - disable (Safe mode of Xenia
for other games)
debug = false # Allow debugging and retain debug
discord = false # Enable Discord rich presence
launch_module = '' # Executable to launch from the .iso or
the package instead of default.xex or the module specified by the game. Leave blank
to launch the default module.
time_scalar = 1.000000 # Scalar used to speed or slow time (1x,
2x, 1/2x, etc).

hid = 'any' # Input system. Use: [any, nop, winkey,

cl = '' # Specify additional command-line
provided to guest.
ignore_thread_affinities = true # Ignores game-specified thread
ignore_thread_priorities = true # Ignores game-specified thread
kernel_cert_monitor = false # Enable cert monitor.
kernel_debug_monitor = false # Enable debug monitor.
kernel_display_gamma_power = 2.222222 # Display gamma to use with
kernel_display_gamma_type 3.
kernel_display_gamma_type = 2 # Display gamma type: 0 - linear, 1 -
sRGB, 2 - TV (BT.709), 3 - power specified via kernel_display_gamma_power.
kernel_pix = false # Enable PIX.
log_high_frequency_kernel_calls = false # Log kernel calls with the
kHighFrequency tag.
win32_high_freq = true # Requests high performance from the NT
xex_apply_patches = true # Apply XEX patches.

flush_log = true # Flush log file after each log line
log_file = '' # Logs are written to the given file
(specify stdout for command line)
log_level = 0 # Maximum level to be logged. (0=error,
1=warning, 2=info, 3=debug)
log_to_debugprint = false # Dump the log to DebugPrint.

protect_on_release = false # Protect released memory to prevent
protect_zero = false # Protect the zero page from reads and
scribble_heap = false # Scribble 0xCD into all allocated heap

content_root = 'C:\Users\Allan\Downloads\xenia\content'
# Root path for content (save/etc) storage.
mount_cache = false # Enable cache mount
mount_scratch = false # Enable scratch mount

headless = false # Don't display any UI, using defaults
for prompts as needed.
imgui_debug = false # Show ImGui debugging tools.
show_profiler = false # Show profiling UI by default.

vk_device = -1 # Index of the Vulkan physical device to
use. -1 to use any compatible.
vk_random_clear_color = false # Randomize presentation framebuffer
clear color.
vk_validation = false # Enable Vulkan validation layers.
vulkan_device_index = 0 # Index of the physical device to use.
vulkan_dump_disasm = false # Dump shader disassembly. NVIDIA only
vulkan_native_msaa = false # Use native MSAA
vulkan_primary_queue_only = false # Force the use of the primary queue,
ignoring any additional that may be present.
vulkan_random_clear_color = false # Randomizes framebuffer clear color.
vulkan_renderdoc_capture_all = false # Capture everything with RenderDoc.
vulkan_texture_loop = true # Black Screen Fix v2 (Catherine, Rayman
3 HD, DMC HD...)
vulkan_validation = false # Enable Vulkan validation layers.

signin_status = 1 # User profile status: 1=signin,
user_country = 103 # User country ID. 1=AE / 2=AL / 3=AM /
4=AR / 5=AT / 6=AU / 7=AZ / 8=BE / 9=BG / 10=BH / 11=BN / 12=BO / 13=BR / 14=BY /
15=BZ / 16=CA / 18=CH / 19=CL / 20=CN / 21=CO / 22=CR / 23=CZ / 24=DE / 25=DK /
26=DO / 27=DZ / 28=EC / 29=EE / 30=EG / 31=ES / 32=FI / 33=FO / 34=FR / 35=GB /
36=GE / 37=GR / 38=GT / 39=HK / 40=HN / 41=HR / 42=HU / 43=ID / 44=IE / 45=IL /
46=IN / 47=IQ / 48=IR / 49=IS / 50=IT / 51=JM / 52=JO / 53=JP / 54=KE / 55=KG /
56=KR / 57=KW / 58=KZ / 59=LB / 60=LI / 61=LT / 62=LU / 63=LV / 64=LY / 65=MA /
66=MC / 67=MK / 68=MN / 69=MO / 70=MV / 71=MX / 72=MY / 73=NI / 74=NL / 75=NO /
76=NZ / 77=OM / 78=PA / 79=PE / 80=PH / 81=PK / 82=PL / 83=PR / 84=PT / 85=PY /
86=QA / 87=RO / 88=RU / 89=SA / 90=SE / 91=SG / 92=SI / 93=SK / 95=SV / 96=SY /
97=TH / 98=TN / 99=TR / 100=TT / 101=TW / 102=UA / 103=US / 104=UY / 105=UZ /
106=VE / 107=VN / 108=YE / 109=ZA
user_language = 5 # User language ID. 1=en / 2=ja / 3=de /
4=fr / 5=es / 6=it / 7=ko / 8=zh / 9=pt / 11=pl / 12=ru / 13=sv / 14=tr / 15=nb /
16=nl / 17=zh
user_name = 'ALLAN' # Your profile name
window_height = 720 # Xenia window height
window_width = 1280 # Xenia window width

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