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Patented Apr.

6, 1943 2,315,708


Almon G. Hovey, Birmingham, and Theodore S.
Hodgins and Charles J. Meeske, Royal Oak,
Mich., assignors to Reichhold Chemicals, Inc.,
Detroit, Mich.
No Drawing. Application January 15, 1941,
Seria No. 374,558
2 Claims, (C. 260-22)
This invention relates to compositions of mat also, it was necessary to use fatty acids which
ter produced from phthalic anhydride, penta cost considerably more than oils. We have found
erythritol, and soya bean oil, and to the process. a relatively low cost product which uses oils and
of producing the same, and to its use in air-dry which has better hardness than the correspond
ing and baking enamels. ing glycerol-phthalic anhydride-drying oil resins
Burke and Hopkins, U. S. Patent 1,667,189 and which has better drying speed and hardness
(April 24, 1928), describe compositions of matter and superior water-resistance.
produced from polybasic acids, pentaerythritol, There are several peculiarities which manifest
and fatty acids of drying oils; our product dif themselves when trying to carry out an alco
fers from theirs in that it is formed directly from 0. holysis using pentaerythritol. First, the hydroxyl
soya oil and is a different composition of matter groups of pentaerythritol differ from those of
having markedly different properties. We are glycerol and of the glycols in the fact that they
also cognizant of the fact that other monobasic really are not merely hydroxyl groups, but that
unsaturated acids than those of drying oils have 5 they are methylol groups and are subject to re
action with other molecules of pentaerythritol in
been esterified by pentaerythritol as, for example, dependent of their reaction with phthalic anhy
the L. N. Bent, U. S. Patent 2,066,759 (January 5, dride and/or other dibasic acids. Without dis
1937), and the disclosure of A. A. Tikhomirov, coursing further on the possibilities and mech
Iakokrasochnuyu Ind. Za, 1935, No. 3, pp. 27-8,
in which the formation of ester gum was also 20 anisms inasmuch
of reactions, of pentaerythritol with itself
as there appears to be considerable in
described. -
We are also cognizant of the fact that "alco the literature concerning this subject, let us pro
holysis' of oils is also a known procedure in the ceed to other peculiarities of this process.
preparation of alkyd resins, that process usually The second point is that during alcoholysis, a
consisting of heating the oil with a molecular lower temperature must be maintained than is
equivalent of glycerol at temperatures Substan 25 customary, using glycerol and oil. A temperature
of 190-220 C. is best for good results in perform
tially about 240° C., using litharge, or sodium ing alcoholysis to obtain a good alcohol-soluble
hydroxide, or other alkaline catalysts which split intermediate in from 4 of an hour to 3 hours.
the oil and form mono- and di-glycerides of the
oil. According to the preferred embodiment of 30 If a higher temperature is maintained, there
seems to be considerable possibility of reaction of
the present invention we proceed to split the oil the pentaerythritol with itself in preference to
using as Small an amount as possible of penta reaction with the oil.
erythritol with the oil to form alcohol-soluble Thirdly, in the final preparation of the resin
intermediates which are presumably somewhat while
heterogeneous in their composition, but, for con 35 tion ofusing acid
straight pentaerythritol, the reduc
number to a value of less than 50,
venience, they may be called, for want of a bet
ter name, “pentaerythritides.' There are, how which is a characteristic of the present product,
is generally difficult and, therefore, it is necessary
ever, certain difficulties connected with the alco to use much more than theoretical proportions of
holysis of drying oils by pentaerythritol in the
presence of the catalyst which are not encoun 40 pentaerythritol With respect to the polybasic and
monobasic acids. This is probably due to the loss
tered in the preformance of a corresponding of hydroxyl groups due to self reaction, but when
process by the use of glycerol or of ethylene glycol using the oil and attempting to obtain a low acid
with oils. number of the final product, there is an additional
It has been known for some time, as stated by
Burke and Hopkins, that resins made from pen 45 We
saving pentaerythritol over the theoretical
taerythritol, phthalic anhydride, and fatty acids drying oils andare aware that a process for using
China-wood oils with pentaeryth
have good hardness, faster drying, and better ritol and phthalic anhydride has been described
print-resistance than are obtainable with the by Robinson, U. S. Patent No. 2,123,206 dated July
corresponding glycerol resin. Generally, how 12, 1938. The fact that Robinson apparently had
ever, there is too much speed in the reaction for 50 no difficulty in obtaining an acid number as low
controllable commercial large scale production
of such items. Furthermore, the relatively high as 7 for his product is probably due to the ex
cost of pentaerythritol seems to have limited seri tremely low amount of phthalic acid employed
ously the industrial adaptation of the resins de With respect to the total composition.
Fourth point, when using oil and glycerol, the
scribed by Burke and Hopkins. Not only has the 55 interchange
cost of pentaerythritol itself been very high, but reaction involves only oil and glyc
2 - 2,315,708
erol. When using oils and pentaerythritol, the plete alcoholysis of the oil, maintaining the
interchange reaction does not involve merely oil batch at a temperature of about 190° to 220° C.
and pentaerythritol; it involves also the glycerol for a period of three-quarters of an hour to
of the oil and the pentaerythritol which ties on to three hours until alcoholysis is substantially com
the split oil. We have found that among the 5 plete and an alcohol Soluble intermediate is ob
catalysts one that is very efficient is substantially tained, then adding additional pentaerythritol
0.5 part of litharge per 1000 parts by weight of and phthalic anhydride at a temperature of
drying oil.
The advantages of products prepared from about 200 C. in a quantity sufficient to form a
phthalic anhydride, pentuerythritol, and Soya. 10 resinous product, and continuing the reaction at
oil as compared to products prepared from a temperature of about 220 to 250° C. until a
phthalic anhydride, glycerine, and soya oil are final resinous product is obtained having an acid
number of less than 50. -
much better hardness, better Waterproofness,
faster drying speed, better abrasion resistance, Eacample 1
greater freedom from tackiness and quicker 5
print-resistance. As compared, on the other Pounds Per cent
hand, to products made from phthalic anhy
dride, pentaerythritol, and the corresponding Alkali refined soya bean oil....... ------- 732 53.9
fatty acids, there is, of course, the very obvious Litharge---------------- --
Pentaerythritol---------------------...--. {
advantage of economy both from the use of SOya. 20 Phthalic anhydride---------...------------- 426 31.4
oil instead of soya fatty acids and for the greatly
Ydiminished amount of pentaerythritol required Total ------------------------------- 1358,39 100.0
for the production of low acid number final
condensation products. Furthermore, the re The oll is heated to 180° C., then the litharge
action is slower and, therefore, much safer in added at that temperature and heating carried
the reaction kettle. While these products, in on up to 240° C. At this point, the first amount.
general, do not dry quite so fast or hard as the of pentaerythritol may be added, the effect be
ones made from phthalic anhydride, pent ing to reduce the temperature to about 220° C.
aerythritol; and soya fatty acids on account of The oil and pentaerythritol are then heated in
the glycerol component of the oil itself, never 30 the presence of the litharge for 34-142 hours
theless, they are so much superior to the resins until a sample shows that the reaction mixture
from phthalic anhydride, glycerol and soya oil is now completely soluble in alcohol, showing
that with the economy feature, they are very de that the alcoholysis is completed. The addi
sirable products to market. In general, this tional 94 lbs. of pentaerythritol are now added
process makes the 'softer' oils such as Soya dry to chill the batch down to approximately 200° C.
with speed, hardness, and waterproofness ap at which point the phthalic anhydride is intro
proaching that of WOOd oil warnishes, and in duced. The division of the pentaerythritol is
that way, the products can be regarded as elimi for three purposes: First, using only as much
nating wood oil which is imported and fluctuates as is necessary for alcoholysis to prevent the
violently in price, depending on conditions in the 40 tendency for self-reaction; secondly, the less
Orient. In fact, when a 'hard' oil Such as tung pentaerythritol present, the less foaming; and
is employed, the resulting alkyd cooks very fast thirdly, excess pentaerythritol at any one time
and often dries so hard that the resulting film
becomes brittle. tends to exist for a certain length of time as a
The hexahydric alcohols Sorbitol and manitol
sludge in the bottom of the kettle which,
physically, interferes with the agitator blades.
do not produce satisfactory results as compared After the introduction of the phthalic anhy
to pentaerythritol, as there seems to be degra dride, the batch is heated to 220 C. until a vis- .
dation as evidenced by development of dark cosity, on the Gardner-Holdt scale, of approxi
color. Furthermore, alkyds produced with these mately L-N is obtained in a 50% solution in
hexahydric alcohols do not have fast air-dry 50 mineral spirits (boiling range, 300-400 F., kauri
ing properties. . butanol No. approximately 32), or until a hot
Products produced according to the specific plate cure of 7-8 seconds at 200 C. is obtained
examples which follow illustrate the three types for thin films. The acid number of the solu
of highly desirable, marketable products:
1. Long oil, brushing alkyd vehicles which are 55 tion at 50% is approximately 14, and the color
(Hellige-Klett Scale) is less than 1. The Wis.
superior in hardness and in retention of color cosity of a 60% solution in mineral spirits is
and gloSS. about Z4-Za (Gardner-Holdt).
2. Fast air-drying, spraying alkyds of the The resulting resin solution, upon addition of
short oil type, the drying of which approaches
that of lacquer, but with the durability of the 60 driers, such as 0.05% cobalt and 0.05% manga
nese on the solid resin content, when cast in films
unmodified pure alkyd. on glass at 0.004 inch, dries slowly in the initial
3. Quick converting, oily printing ink vehicles. Stages but, overnight, retains a hardness com
The following examples Serve as illustrations parable to long oil phenol-modified alkyd resins
of our invention of using pentaerythritol to and to medium length wood oil spar varnishes.
gether with soya oil and subsequently reacting The
the intermediate alcohol-soluble product with tains'viscosity and is
is too high for "sagging' or “cur
low enough so that the brush marks
phthalic anhydride to form alkyd resins of su flow out and level well. Maintenance of viscos
perior drying quality.
The preferred process accordingly comprises ity when driers are added is far superior to any
producing a resinous product from soya bean 70 dride, corresponding resins made from phthalic anhy
oil, pentaerythritol and phthalic anhydride by pentaerythritol, and fatty acids, and also,
first heating the oil to about 180° C., adding in comparison, this material does not skin over,
a small quantity of an alcoholysis producing whereas the fatty acid type skins over very rap
alkaline catalyst and a quantity of pentaeryth idly and soon gels after the driers are added.
Since this product does not set up immediately,
ritol just sufficient to effect substantially com- 75 but remains oily and free from tack, it brushes
2,318,708 3
out well and enables "lapping over' for quite some markably fast drying properties and hardness
time, at least an hour, after the material is first which enables painting overnight and because of
brushed out. Overnight, it has a Sward hard their freedom from other modification than oils.
ness of 20 to 25 which is extremely hard, es with resultant excellent exterior durability, these
pecially for the class of house paint. The scratch resins are admirably adapted for automotive re
hardness for abrasion-resistance is of the Order finishing by Spray gun application in garages all
of magnitude of the medium length wood oil spar Over the Country. The hardness which is at
varnishes or of oil-modified phenol-modified tained in a very short time by air drying ap
alkyds. But, since this material is exclusively a proaches the hardness of baked enamels. The
soya oil product, it has extremely light color and l) hardness of enamels made from this phthalican
excellent color retention which is unattainable hydride-pentaerythritol-drying oil resin, while it
when wood oil or phenol modification is em does not approach the hardness of a correspond
ployed. Brushed out, air-dried films of enam ing phthalic anhydride-pentaethritol-fatty acid
els made with this vehicle on wood level out and resin, nevertheless, is very much harder than that
appear to be as hard as Spray films on metal 5 of a corresponding phthalic anhydride-glycerine
which have been baked. Sward hardness, after Soyabean oil resin, and also has much less re
68 hours, of the corresponding straight Soya oil activity with pigment than does the phthalic an
glycerine-phthalic anhydride alkyd is about 6-12, hydride-pentaerythritol-fatty acid resin.
whereas films of this vehicle have a Sward hard Eacample 3
ness of 26-30 after 68 hours. 20
Eacample 2 Pounds Per cont

Pounds Per cent Alkali refined Soya bean oil.-----. . . . . . . . . 876 62. 4
Litharge---------------- - 0.47 -...--------.
Pentaerythritol-------------------------- 96 13.9
Alkali refined soya bean oil . . . . . . . . . . . . 630 40.5
25 Phthalic anhydride. --...- ......... ------- 330 23.
Litharge---------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - 0.35 ------------ Total.----------------------------- 1402,47 100.0
Pentaerythritol----...-------.... -- 240 15.4
Phthalic anhydride...................... 546 35.
Pentaerythritol-- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----...- 140 9. ()
The oil was heated under inert gas to 180° C.
1556,35 100.0 30 at which point the litharge was added and taken
on up to 220° C. at which point 130 lbs. of the
The oil is heated to 180 C., the litharge added pentaerythritol are added. After about 1 hour
at that temperature, and heating carried on up of refluxing at 220 C., the resulting interaction
to 230 C. at which time the first addition of 240 intermediate product becomes completely soluble
lbs. of pentaerythritol is added, and the tempera in denatured alcohol whereupon the remaining
ture thereafter maintained at 220 C. until the 66 pounds of pentaerythritol may be used as a
resulting product is completely soluble in alcohol, chillback to cool the batch to approximately 200°
4 volumes of alcohol to 1 of resinous intermedi C. At 200° C., approximately 15 minutes after
ate. the second addition of pentaerythritol, the
At 200° C., the 546 lbs. of phthalic anhydride 40 phthalic anhydride may be added. Heating is
are added and the batch reheated to 200° C. as resumed until 220 C. is reached whereupon the
quickly as is expedient with reaction and foam temperature may be maintained at that point
ing, and then the remaining 140 lbs. of pen 2-3 hours until the resin has advanced to a hot
taerythritol are added at 200 C. after approxi plate cure at 200' C. in thin films of 15 seconds.
mately 15 minutes at that temperature. The The oily resinous mass, at this stage, is still quite
resin becomes clear almost as soon as the pen Soft and oily and so soluble in mineral spirits
taerythritol is melted, and this usually occurs that it has a viscosity of less than A (Gardner
about 5 minutes after regaining 190° C. The Holdt). The solid resin has a medium high vis
temperature is then allowed to rise to 220 C. at cosity somewhere between Z, and Z4 (Gardner
which point it is maintained for approximately Holdt). Due to the long oil length, this resin
1/2 hours, the resin becoming very stiff and free may be advanced still further by advancing the
from tack when cooled and having approximate temperature to 230-245° C. without danger of
ly a 17 second cure on a 200° C. hot plate when loSS of the batch, but with a tendency towards
spread out in a thin film. The resulting light darkening. The resin may be advanced to a
colored resin, when thinned to 50% non-volatile 55 stage where it has a consistency like a thick pe
content in toluol, has a Gardner-Holdt viscosity troleum jelly rather than of oily nature. The
of R-S, and acid No. of 1920 on solution, a resin at intermediate stages of high viscosity,
color (Hellige-Klett) of 2L. This resin solution however, possesses very little initial tendency to
is miscible with raw linseed oil in a wide range Wards tackiness even when driers are added un
of proportions. When driers such as 0.06% co 60 der conditions approximating those of printing.
balt and 0.06% manganese, in the form of the The oily nature and freedom from tackiness at
naphthenate driers, are added on a non-volatile . room temperature together with the quick at
resin basis, the resulting films, when cast at 0.004 tainment of the same ultimate hardness of film,
inch, become dust-free in approximately 10 min attained upon long periods of drying, by eleva
utes and tack-free in approximately 4 hours, and tion of temperature or use of infra-red lamps,
overnight, attain a Sward hardness of 20 to 30, makes this material seem very promising as a
depending on the drying conditions. These films printing ink vehicle. This material is also very
are free from wrinkling when applied in thick miscible with drying oils in practically all pro
films on metal and even free from wrinkling portions. Due to its ease of brushability, it also
when they are partially dried or set and then 70 makes an interesting house paint vehicle. The
suddenly exposed to 150° F. which would be the acid number of this product may be reduced by
equivalent of driving a newly refinished automo further reaction as low as 3-6 on the non-volatile
bile from a shady spot out into the intensely hot resin content when at a viscosity of Z-Z4.
summer sunlight. Under such conditions, they The following example, while not falling with
are also shower-proof. On account of the re 75 in the scope of the present invention, is set forth
4 2,815,708
by way of comparison between a process using Gloss retention, i. e., freedom from development
soya bean oil, phthalic anhydride and pentaeryth of haze, constitutes an improvement over the
ritol and one in which linSeed oil is used to re phthalic-glycerol-soya oil vehicle,
place the soya oil:
...A-black, fast air-drying, automotive, refinish
Eacample 4 ing, Synthetic enamel was prepared using the ve
Same formula as Example 2 except that al hiclegrind:
mill described in Example 2 by means of a pebble
kali refined linseed oil replaces the Soya oil. The
resinous product resulting was somewhat dark Pounds
er in color, but when a 16-second cure at 200 C. Neospectra Black (Binney & Smith, New
0. York --------------------------------- 45
hot plate in thin films was reached, the product Prussian Blue No. 4035 (R. C. I.).----------O
had a viscosity of Z3-Z5 (Gardner-Holdt), an acid Fine oil---------------------------------- 20
number of 16.2 (solution), and a color of 3 (Hel Union oil #30 (high solvency type petrole
lige-Klett). This resin, when compared by air um naphtha)-------------------------- 60
drying against Example 2, was not So fast in air 5
drying although it would be expected that a lin Psylol ----------------------------------- 250
seed oil resin would dry faster than a correspond 6% cobalt naphthenate (Nuodex) drier---- 7
ing soya oil resin. The viscosity, however, was 6%. Manganese naphthenate (Nuodex)
already so high that interruption of the reaction drier ---------------------------------- 7
was necessary in order to still obtain a uSable 20 The pigments were "prewet' A hour by grind
product at a comparative non-volatile content, ing the above ingredients in the mill and then
i. e., 50%. Lengthening out the cooking time these were added to 150 lbs. of the 50% solution
still further increases the drying properties of described in Example 2. After 72 hours grind,
this resin, but due to the higher viscosity, the 1320 lbs. of the vehicle (50% solution) from Ex
nonvolatile content has to be less than 50% in 25 ample 2 Were added together with 120 lbs. of
order to have a solution of uSable viscosity. Xylol. The resulting glossy, black, hard enamel
Nevertheless, this example shows that Example when Sprayed on automotive steel was free from
2, using the soya, bean oil, can be made to ac dust in 5 minutes or about as fast as a nitro
complish the faster drying formerly associated cellulose lacquer. The next morning, it had a
with wood oil Warnishes or alkyds. 30 Sward Hardness of 30 compared with 24 for one
The following formula is an example of a fast of the best known popular commercial enamels
drying architectural enamel which possesses ex for this purpose and yet, at the same time, pos
cellent brushing properties together With color sessed freedom from wrinkling, showerproofness,
retention, gloss retention, and exterior dura
ability to be taped without sticking. Such hard
35 neSS and resistance to abuse apparently, here
Pounds tofore, has not been obtainable without the ap
plication of eat.
Titanated lithopone-------------------- 567
Sublined litharge ---------------------- 3 We claim:
Solid resin as described in Example 1.----- 368 1. A process of producing a resinous product
Mineral Spirits ------------------------- 368 40 from soya bean oil, pentaerythritol and phthalic
Pine oil-------------------------------- 15 anhydride, which comprises heating the oil to
Turpentine ---------------------------- 5. about 180 C., adding a small quantity of an alco
24% lead naphthenate drier------------- 8 holysis producing alkaline catalyst and a quan
6% cobalt maththenate drier--------------- 1% tity of pentaerythritol just sufficient to effect
6% manganese naphthenate drier-------- 2 45 substantially complete alcoholysis of the oil,
This enamel was prepared by 2 passes on 3 maintaining the batch at a temperature of about
roller mill after a short premix. The vehicle poS 190° to 220° C. for a period of three-quarters of
sesses excellent wetting and grinding character an hour to three hours until alcoholysis is sub
istics, a third pass through the mill not being 50 stantially
complete and an alcohol soluble inter
is obtained, then adding additional
necessary in order to equal the commercial pentaerythritol and phthalic anhydride at a tem
enamel which does have 3 passes.
This enamel brushes out well, covers well, and perature of about 200° C. in a quantity sufficient
levels out without "sagging' or showing brush to form a resinous product, and continuing the
marks. It has equal gloss to a corresponding reaction at a temperature of about 220 to 250
enamel made from 4 of a soya bean oil-glycer 55 C. untilacid a final resinous product is obtained hav
ine-phthalic anhydride resin and 4 of a phenolic ing2. an A
number of less than 50.
resinous product produced from soya bean
modified wood oil alkyd, said enamel being a very oil, pentaerythritol and phthalic anhydride ac
successful commercial enamel of this type.
enamel made according to this example has far
The cording to the process of claim 1.
superior color and color retention and equal gloss, 60
whereas the overnight hardness is considerably AMON. G. HOVEY.
higher than that of the commercial enamel. THEODORE S. HODGINS.

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