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Public relation skills: Answer the following question according to the

There’s a certain type of person that I know is going to be great publicist. text :
There are certain innate skills in name one that i think a publicist needs 1) What’s the text idea
and basically being social being an in nova time thinker and loving and 2) What are the innate required skills in a professional publicist
hawing a very vibrant social life. 3) Is the publicist supposed to be posted on everything new around
4) What is the major skill you think it has to be in the publicist
You need to b organized but out going not afraid to go up to that person 5) As a future publicist ‘ do you have these qualities
in the party and introduce your self.
Fill in the blanks with the suitable expression:
You need to not be afraid to talk about your client and your always
pitching. 1) I got a ..................... on my new car and it saved me a lot of
A publicist your never off.
2) Its time to ................. on your car breaks and make sure they are i
So , the skills you need are just someone who innovative , out going , and good condition
loves pop culture. 3) The..................... of this car comes with the latest technology and
safety features.
Like i said before you will be a good publicist if you know every magazine 4) Some people prefer the comfort and style of a .................. car.
out there , the section in the magazine , you know what’s going on right 5) An ................... car lead to serious engine problems if not fixed
now the news .
Oil leak great deal luxury latest meal have work done
To sum it up , to be a good publicist is you’re out going , your popular
you’re social ‘ you have a head far business and you have your finger on
the pulse of everything out there everything news worthy.
Choose the correct option 4) PR

..................... is used to influence the way an organisation is perceived by

..................... is used to influence the way a organisation is perceived by
various groups of stakeholders.
various groups of stakeholders
1) Direct marketing
1) Direct marketing
2) PR.
2) Public relations
3) Sale promotion
3) Sale promotion
4) Advertising
4) Advertising
Press release, sponsor ships special events and web pages are
All of the following are function of marketing public relation (MPR) except part of ................
one : 1) Direct marketing
2) Advertising
1) Traceries brand awareness 3) Sales promotion
2) Access to purchase influence 4) PR.
3) Build brand equity
4) Dealing with competitive efforts Which of the following is not a function of PR department

Which of the following is not a function of PR department 1) Selling

2) Corporate communication
1) Selling 3) Lobbying
2) Corporate communication 4) Counselling
3) Lobbying
4) Counselling

Press releases , sponsorship , special events and web pages and part
of ....................

1) Direct marketing
2) Advertising
3) Sales promotion

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