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The rabbit who likes to play the trombone

In a forest that was still quite beautiful, there lived a group of rabbits in the forest. The life of a group of
rabbits is very peaceful. In a group of rabbits there is one rabbit who really likes playing the trombone
almost every day he always plays the trombone, the rabbit is named Mora.

One time, when Mora was doing his activity, namely blowing the trombone, a rabbit rebuked Mora,
"hey Mora why do you always blow the trombone wherever you are?" "I'm so bored listening to the
sound of your trombone," said the rabbit. "Ah, sorry, this is my habit and My hobby since childhood. I
can't leave the trambone, because it was a gift from my father." "Are you bothered? I'm going to play
this trambone further away from the settlement." "Yes, I'm very disturbed, you play the trambone here
as you please without caring about others. If you want to play the trambone, go far away from here."
Said the rabbit angrily.

the rabbit left Mora alone in a crowd of people,Mora was very embarrassed,Mora was very
embarrassed because of his actions which disturbs the residents. Mora Thinking back, his actions were
very disturbing People's comfort

The message that can be taken from the story is that we must be able to respect other people's comfort

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