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Week 03 - Task: Assignment - A job interview

Teacher: José Edgar Barrera


Gómez Palomino. Josafat Edgar U21322849

Chávez Quispe Antuanett Milena U22229290

¿What are the pros and cons of working and studying at the same time?

*You learn to organize your time in a very *Leave you with less free time
responsible way
*Feeling exhausted and stressed due to the
*Work experience additional workload.

*You earn money, which can help you pay *Balance your work and academic
your expenses responsibilities

*Pay part of your tuition fees *There may be a disorder of schedules

Working and studying at the same time can be a pleasant experience but mostly it is very
stressful if we are beginners in the workplace and studying at the same time but it is also very

start with the pros that can be had in working and Studying has its advantages, such as
obtaining a fixed salary that helps us to have support for paying for the university, you can get a
lot of experience in the workplace or you enter words in customer service, and the important
thing is that you manage to be more responsible or a mature person since at that stage
responsibilities increase. But on the other hand, it also affects the lack of time, sometimes
arriving late due to the circumstances of the place of work, it can also make it difficult to study
and work at the same time, the budget is usually fixed for the necessary expenses, in some
companies can even exploit you and thanks to that they provoke us eating disorders, a lot of
stress, insomnia, etc. In addition, projects such as work meetings or responsibilities can be
brought together.

In conclusion, it makes us more comprehensible in the economy since the expenses of going
out with friends are reduced, that causes us a lack of time because it does not become very
easy, it makes us more complicated by the courses that are becoming of our careers.

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