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Lab # 1 SSUET/QR/114


OBJECTIVE : To create an Arena model using flow chart modules and observe the results
of simulation


Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time.
The act of simulating something first requires that a model be developed; this model
represents the key characteristics, behaviors and functions of the selected physical or
abstract system or process. The model represents the system itself, whereas the
simulation represents the operation of the system over time.
Modeling is a way to create a virtual representation of a real-world system that includes
software and hardware.
Computer simulation the use of a computer to represent the dynamic responses of one
system by the behavior of another system modeled after it. A simulation uses a
mathematical description, or model, of a real system in the form of a computer program.
This model is composed of equations that duplicate the functional relationships within the
real system. When the program is run, the resulting mathematical dynamics form
an analog of the behavior of the real system, with the results presented in the form of
data. A simulation can also take the form of a computer-graphics image that represents
dynamic processes in an animated sequence.
Examples of simulation
 Automobiles
 Biomechanics
 Communication satellites
 Economics
 Engineering, technology, and processes
 Finance
 Flight
 Marine
 Military
 Project management
 Robotics
 Production

CE-409: Simulation and Modeling 1

Lab # 1 SSUET/QR/114

Factors or Components of simulation model

Entity: An entity is something that exists as itself, as a subject or as an object, actually or

potentially, concretely or abstractly, physically or not. It need not be of material
existence. In particular, abstractions and legal fictions are usually regarded as entities.
Attribute: An attribute is a quality or characteristic of a person, place or thing.
Variables: Piece of information that reflect some characteristic /piece of information
that define attributes.
Built-in Variables: No. of busy resources and simulation time.
User Define Variables: No of objects in system.
Resource: Represent a group of several individual servers each of which is called a unit.
Event: Arrivals ,Departure ,Wait.
Simulation Clock: The current value of time in the simulation.
Queuing System: A queue management system is used to control queues. Queues of
people form in various situations and locations in a queue area. A queuing system is
described as
 Its calling a population
 Nature of arrivals
 Service mechanisms
 System capacity
 Queuing disciple
E.g: Take away meal service(KFC)
Billing system(Bank)
M/M/1 Queue Model: Represent a queue length in a system having a single server,
where arrivals are determine by a poisson process and job service times have an
exponential distribution
 Arrivals occur at rate λ according to a Poisson process and move the process from
state i to i+1.
 Service times have an exponential distribution with parameter μ.

Arena is a discrete event simulation and automation software developed by Systems

Modeling and acquired by Rockwell Automation in 2000. It uses the SIMAN processor
and simulation language. As of Dec 2016, it is in version 15, providing significant
enhancements in optimization, animation and inclusion of 64bit operation for modeling
processes with 'Big Data'.
In Arena, the user builds an experiment model by placing modules (boxes of different
shapes) that represent processes or logic. Connector lines are used to join these modules
CE-409: Simulation and Modeling 2
Lab # 1 SSUET/QR/114

together and to specify the flow of entities. While modules have specific actions relative
to entities, flow, and timing, the precise representation of each module and entity relative
to real-life objects is subject to the modeler. Statistical data, such as cycle time and WIP
(work in process) levels, can be recorded and made output as reports.
Arena can be integrated with Microsoft technologies. It includes Visual Basic for
Applications so models can be further automated if specific algorithms are needed. It also
supports importing Microsoft Visio flowcharts, as well as reading from or sending output
to Excel spreadsheets and Access databases.
Arena modules

Flow Chat: Create ,separate ,process ,assign ,dispose ,record

Data object Model: Entity ,queue ,resource ,set ,variable and schedule

Create Module:


This module is intended as the starting point for entities in a simulation model. Entities
are created using a schedule or based on a time between arrivals. Entities then leave the
module to begin processing through the system. The entity type is specified in this


Prompt Description:
Name— Unique module identifier. This name is displayed on the module shape.
Entity Type— Name of the entity type to be generated.
Type— Type of arrival stream to be generated. Types include: Random (uses an
Exponential distribution, user specifies mean), Schedule (uses an Exponential
distribution, mean determined from the specified Schedule module), Constant (user
specifies constant value, e.g., 100), or Expression (pull down list of various distributions).
Value— Determines the mean of the exponential distribution (if Random is used) or the
constant value (if Constant is used) for the time between arrivals. Applies only when
Type is Random or Constant.
Schedule Name— Identifies the name of the schedule to be used. The schedule defines
the arrival pattern for entities arriving to the system. Applies only when Type is Schedule.
Expression— Any distribution or value specifying the time between arrivals. Applies
only when Type is Expression.
Units— Time units used for inter-arrival and first creation times. Does not apply when
Type is Schedule.
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Lab # 1 SSUET/QR/114

Entities per Arrival— Number of entities that will enter the system at a given time with
each arrival.
Max Arrivals— Maximum number of arrivals that this module will generate. When this
value is reached, the creation of new arrivals by this module ceases.
First Creation— Starting time for the first entity to arrive into the system. Does not
apply when Type is Schedule.
Example 1— Random Arrivals
Prompt Entry
Name Accounts Receivable
Entity Type Document
Type Random
Value 8
Units Hours
Entities per UNIF(2,8)
Max Arrivals Infinite
First Creation 4
The Accounts Receivable module will generate Document entities into the system based
on an Exponential distribution with a mean of 8 hours. The Entities Per Arrival is based
on a Uniform distribution between 2 and 8 documents. The result will be a expressed as a
whole number of entities (not a fraction). The first batch of documents is generated at 4
hours into the simulation run.

Example 2— Scheduled Arrivals

Prompt Entry
Name Incoming Support Calls
Entity Type Customer Call
Type Schedule
Schedule Name Spring Weekly Schedule
Entities per 1
Max Arrivals Infinite
The Incoming Support Calls module generates customer calls into the simulation system.
The arrival rate of incoming customer calls varies over a given day, so a schedule is used
that will specify the mean of an exponential distribution based on the values in a
schedule. The Spring Weekly Schedule specifies the rate of incoming calls. Only one call
is received at a time (entities per arrival = 1). Also see the Arrival Schedule example in
the Schedule module.
Process Module:
CE-409: Simulation and Modeling 4
Lab # 1 SSUET/QR/114

This module is intended as the main processing method in the simulation. Options for
seizing and releasing resource constraints are available. Additionally, there is the option
to use a "submodel" and specify hierarchical user-defined logic. The process time is
allocated to the entity and may be considered to be value added, non-value added,
transfer, wait or other. The associated cost will be added to the appropriate category.

Prompt Description:
Name—Unique module identifier. This name is displayed on the module shape.
Type—Method of specifying logic within the module. Standard processing signifies that
all logic will be stored within the Process module and defined by a particular Action.
Submodel indicates that the logic will be hierarchically defined in a "submodel" that can
include any number of logic modules.
Action—Type of processing that will occur within the module. Delay simply indicates
that a process delay will be incurred with no resource constraints. Seize Delay indicates
that a resource(s) will be allocated in this module and a delay will occur, but that resource
release will occur at a later time. Seize Delay Release indicates that a resource(s) will be
allocated followed by a process delay and then the allocated resource(s) will be released.
Delay Release indicates that a resource(s) has previously been allocated and that the
entity will simply delay and release the specified resource(s). Applies only when Type is
Priority—Priority value of the entity waiting at this module for the specified resource(s).
Used when one or more entities from other modules are waiting for the same resource(s).
Does not apply when Action is Delay or Delay Release, or when Type is Submodel.
Resources—Lists the resources or resource sets used for entity processing. Does not
apply when Action is Delay, or when Type is Submodel.
Type—Specification of a particular resource, or selecting from a pool of resources (i.e., a
resource set).
Resource Name—Name of the resource that will be seized and/or released. Applies only
when Type is Resource.
Set Name—Name of the resource set from which a member will be seized and/or
released. Applies only when Type is Set.
Units to Seize/Release—Number of resource units of a given name or from a given set
that will be seized/released. For sets, this value specifies only the number of a selected
resource that will be seized/released (based on the resource’s capacity), not the number of
members of a set to be seized/released.
Selection Rule—Method of selecting among available resources in a set. Cyclical will
cycle through available members (1st member-2nd member-3rd member-1st member-2nd
member-3rd member). Random will randomly select a member. Preferred Order will
always select the first available member (1st member if available, then 2nd member if
CE-409: Simulation and Modeling 5
Lab # 1 SSUET/QR/114

available, then 3rd member). Specific Member requires an input attribute value to specify
which member of the set (previously saved in the Save Attribute field). Largest
Remaining Capacity and Smallest Number Busy are used for resources with multiple
capacity. Applies only when Type is Set.
Save Attribute—Attribute name used to store the index number into the set of the
member that is chosen. This attribute can later be referenced with the Specific Member
selection rule. Applies only when Selection Rule is other than Specific Member. Does not
apply when Selection Rule is Specific Member. If Action is specified as Delay Release,
the value specified defines which member (the index number) of the set to be released. If
no attribute is specified, the entity will release the member of the set that was last seized
Set Index—The index number into the set of the member requested. Applies only when
Selection Rule is Specific Member. If Action is specified as Delay Release, the value
specified defines which member (the index number) of the set is to be released.
Delay Type—Type of distribution or method of specifying the delay parameters.
Constant and Expression require single values, while Normal, Uniform and Triangular
require several parameters.
Units—Time units for delay parameters.
Allocation—Determines how the processing time(processing time+waiting time) and
process costs will be allocated to the entity . The process may be considered to be value
added, non-value added, transfer, wait or other and the associated cost will be added to
the appropriate category for the entity and process.
Minimum—Parameter field for specifying the minimum value for either a Uniform or
Triangular distribution.
Value—Parameter field for specifying the mean for a Normal distribution, the value for a
Constant time delay, or the mode for a Triangular distribution.
Maximum—Parameter field for specifying the maximum value for either a Uniform or
Triangular distribution.
Std Dev—Parameter field for specifying the standard deviation for a Normal distribution.
Expression—Parameter field for specifying an expression whose value is evaluated and
used for the processing time delay.
Report Statistics— Specifies whether or not statistics will automatically be collected
and stored in the report database for this process.
Example 1—Simple Delay
Prompt Entry
Name Check Processing
Type Standard
Action Delay
Delay Type Triangular
Units Minutes
Allocation Value Added
Minimum 30
CE-409: Simulation and Modeling 6
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Value (Most 45
Maximum 60
The Check Processing area is an automatic process where no resources are necessary.
The process takes anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, with a mode time of 45 minutes. This
is considered to be a value added process and the time incurred will be added to the
entity’s Entity.VATime (Value Added) attribute.
Example 2—Simple Delay Utilizing one Resource
Prompt Entry
Name Review Document
Type Standard
Action Seize Delay
Priority Medium(2)
Type Resource
Resource Name Clerk
Quantity 1
Delay Type Triangular
Units Minutes
Allocation Non-Value Added
Minimum 15
Value 20
Maximum 40
Dispose Module:
This module is intended as the ending point for entities in a simulation model. Entity
statistics may be recorded before the entity is disposed.

Prompt Description:
Name—Unique module identifier. This name is displayed on the module shape.

Record Entity Statistics—Determines whether or not the incoming entity’s statistics

will be recorded. Statistics include value added time, non-value added time, wait time,
transfer time, other time, total time, value added cost, non-value added cost, wait cost,
transfer cost, other cost, and total cost.

CE-409: Simulation and Modeling 7

Lab # 1 SSUET/QR/114

Model:Drilling Press Basic:

In a manufacturing plant, in a particular workstation, parts are coming with an
exponentially distributed inter-arrival time of 5 minutes to get processed in a drilling
station. The work station is equipped with one drilling machine; the drilling time is
triangularly distribution with a minimum value of one(1),maximum of six(6) minutes,
and most likely value of three(3) minutes.



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Lab # 1 SSUET/QR/114


Ruuning Model:


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Lab # 1 SSUET/QR/114



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Lab # 1 SSUET/QR/114


CE-409: Simulation and Modeling 11

Lab # 1 SSUET/QR/114

Task: observe the report and fill performance measurement table (PMT)

CE-409: Simulation and Modeling 12

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