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10 Science


Part 2
Cosmology Learning Outcomes

Students should be able to: Quest 10 Chapter 6 text + Number of
resources lessons
1. List the various structures found in the Universe and Page 416 – 419 1.5
their relative sizes - planets, stars, nebulae, star
clusters, galaxies, the Universe. Define constellations Ch 6:.1 pp. 420 Qs 1-7
as patterns of stars in the sky.
2. Use similar triangles to measure unknown distances. Page 419 2
Apply this same concept to the use of a parallax viewer to Similar triangles practical
measure large unknown distances and extrapolate this Parallax Experiment
method to astronomical distances. Ch 6.1 p. 420 Qs 2, 12
3. Define and use the light-year as a unit of astronomical Page 420 .5
distance. Ch 6.1 p. 420 Qs 11
4. Use spectroscopes to draw conclusions about Page 429 2
temperature and chemical composition and relative Investigation: Emission
motion of light sources and extrapolate this experience to Spectra
our knowledge of stars and galaxies. Ch 6.4 p. 432 Qs 1,2
5. Perform a simple experiment that models the inverse Practical: Light Intensity and 1
square law for the intensity of light as a function of Distance
6. Solve inverse square law problems using graphs Light and Distance Homework
and/or simple whole number examples.
7. Identify the position of the Sun and the Main Sequence Pages 421-425 1
Stars on an H-R Diagram and distinguish between the Ch 6.2 p. 428 Qs 1-4, 7-9
apparent brightness and luminosity (Lsun) of a star.
8. Describe the Doppler shift data of Edwin Hubble and Page 430 & 1
show how cosmologists used this work to develop the Big Ch 6.4 p. 432 Qs 3, 4, 8
Bang Theory.
9. Explain that the Universe is not static, that it is Ch 6.5 Pages 433-437 (details 0.5
expanding and originated in an event we call the Big of the evolution of the
Bang. Describe cosmic microwave background radiation Universe pages 434 are not
(CMB) as evidence for the Big Bang required)
Ch 6.5 p. 438 Qs 1, 2, 3, 4 &
10. State Hubble’s Law (“the speed at which a galaxy is Pages 239, 243 0.5
moving away from us is directly proportional to the
distance the galaxy is away from an observer”) and show SQ 10 p. 245 Qs 1, 2, 11
that this leads to the idea of an expanding universe.
11. Perform a simple experiment that models Hubble’s Practical: Rubber band 1
law and the expanding universe. universe
Also Investigation 6.4 p431
12. Discuss possible futures of our universe and refer to Page 437 and 443 1
Brian Schmidt’s discovery of the accelerating expansion
of universe.
13. Define the terms in bold in outcomes 1 – 12 above Chapter 6.7 and Glossary HW
page 447
Revision (HW) and test 1 or 2

Bold Terms
accelerating expansion of universe Apparent brightness Big Bang Theory Constellations
Doppler shift Expanding universe Galaxies H-R Diagram Hubble’s Law,
inverse square law Light-year Luminosity (Lsun), Main Sequence Stars
Nebulae Parallax Planets Spectroscopes square law
Stars Star clusters Universe
A4 Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) Diagrams

All stars have the same life cycle, a birth, a main sequence, and a death. The fate of the star depends on
its size.

This information on the life of the star is for interest only and is not required for any Year 10

The following YouTube link connects various characteristics of stars used via human observations

The H-R diagram is like the periodic table for stars. People can make predictions about stars that are
observed through telescopes such as temperature, colour, size and core composition as well as the
potential fate of the star.

The regions of the H-R Diagrams include:

Main sequence-

Red Giants and Super Giants-

White dwarfs:

The HR Diagram is based on the star’s properties of and .

1. Complete the following table involving colour and temperature.
Colour Temperature

2. Refer to the H-R diagrams in the notes

Star Constellation Spectral Type Absolute Magnitude
Sirius Canis Major A +1.42
Rigel Orion B -7.1
Aldebaran Taurus K -0.7
Spica Virgo B -3.3
Betelgeuse Orion M -5.6
Pollux Gemini K +1.0
Sirius B Canis Major A +10.4
 Centauri A Centaurus G +4.4

(a) What type of star (main sequence, giant, or…) is Betelgeuse?

(b)What type of star is Aldebaran?
(c) Which of the stars fall into the category of main sequence stars?
(d)Which of the stars is closest in colour and type to the Sun?
(e) What would the surface temperature be of Pollux?
(f) What would the colour of  Centauri A be?
(g) Which of the stars would be a white dwarf?
(h)Would Sirius be more or less massive than the Sun?
(i) Which star would be hotter, Rigel or Betelgeuse?

3. Another term for ‘Luminosity’ is ‘Absolute Magnitude’. Describe their luminosity and temperature
(e.g. dull and hot)
Star A: Temp – 20500C, Abs Magnitude –6 Star B: Temp – 20500C, Abs Magnitude +14

Star C: Temp – 3040C, Abs Magnitude +14 Star D: Temp – 3040C, Abs Magnitude -6

4. What is the luminosity given to our Sun in the H-R diagram?

Ch 6.2 Page 428 Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9
A5 Luminosity and Apparent Brightness

Absolute magnitude is the direct comparison of different stars at the same distance. Astronomers'
standard distance is 10 parsecs (33 ly or 3.1 x 1014 km) from Earth. This value is used in the H-R
diagram. (See H-R diagram in previous lesson.)

Apparent magnitude is how the star or object appears to us on Earth. The apparent magnitude
depends on its distance from Earth. A dim star close to us may appear brighter than a really bright
star a long way away.

Use the following Apparent vs. absolute magnitude Table to answer the following questions.

1. Which star has the greatest actual brightness?

2. Which star is the brightest as seen from Earth (besides the Sun!)?

Measuring distance using luminosity

If we know the actual luminosity of a star, then we can work out how far away it is using its observed


Based on the diagram above, describe what happens to the observed brightness when distance from
the light source is doubled.

The observed brightness (intensity) of a light source depends on the distance from which the light
source is viewed. This relationship follows an Inverse Square Law.
This means that, as the viewing distance is increased, the intensity reduces as a factor of 1/(distance) 2
From a particular distance, a 100 W globe has a certain brightness.

a. If you double your distance from the globe, how bright does it appear compared to when you were
close? State your answer as a fraction.

b. How bright would the globe appear if you moved 10 times further away?

c. How much further away would you move to if you wanted the globe to be 1/16th as bright?

* Light and Distance Homework Questions

* Light Intensity and Distance Experiment

A6 Spectroscopy
Emission Spectra Activity

In this experiment, you will look at the spectra of a range of light sources using diffraction filter and

In each case use coloured pencils to sketch the range of colours you observe, noting the regions that
are most bright or dim and any distinct lines as well as the approximate value of the wavelength.
Scientists use spectra like these to get information about the chemical composition and temperature of
the light source as each spectrum is like a unique fingerprint.
Rotate through the 6 light sources provided in the lab. You can do the stations in any order.
After you have observed and sketched each spectrum answer the questions at the end of this sheet.

Station 1: Incandescent light bulb (hot)

700 600 500 400 nm slit

Station 2: Incandescent light bulb (cool)

700 600 500 400 nm slit

Station 3: Mercury vapour lamp

700 600 500 400 nm slit

Station 4: Neon vapour Lamp

700 600 500 400 nm slit

Station 5: Sodium vapour lamp

700 600 500 400 nm slit

Station 6: Fluorescent lights

700 600 500 400 nm slit

Questions: (Complete in workbook)

1 Helium was discovered in the sun’s corona during the eclipse of 1868. In 1888, traces of
helium were isolated on Earth. How could scientists determine that this was the same gas
that had been identified in the sun?
2 Compare the results for the hot and cool incandescent bulbs. How is the energy distributed
in the spectrum in each case?
3 Compare the results of the various vapour lamps with the results from the fluorescent
tubes. Based on your results, what gas do you think is used in the fluorescent light tubes?
4 Compare the results of the incandescent light bulb with the spectrum from the fluorescent
tube. Based on the observed spectra, can you think of a reason why the incandescent light
bulb is less energy efficient?
5 In what 2 ways does this knowledge about light and the Elements affect our knowledge of
the stars?
Remember…. Flame Test Activity

Every element has a unique spectral pattern. Below is the spectrum for hydrogen when light is
emitted and when light is absorbed.

Atomic emission is when

Each colour represents a specific amount of energy. Red light occurs when an electron falls a small
distance between a higher to a lower shell and has a low amount of energy. Purple or violet light
occurs when an electron falls a large distance between shells and has a high amount of energy.

Atomic absorption is when

The specific energy and hence the colour is ‘removed’ from the spectrum of light causing a black band
to be displayed.

Studying the spectra of stars can provide the following information.



Visible light is a very small part of

the electromagnetic spectrum.

Radio waves have the largest

wavelength (103 m) while gamma
or cosmic rays have the smallest
(10-12 m.)
A7 Doppler Effect/Shift
The Doppler effect is commonly demonstrated with sound waves of a vehicle playing its horn as it
approaches and leaves the observer. The pitch of the horn or source is the apparent frequency
heard by the observer. Watch the following YouTube clip. The Doppler Effect is the apparent change
of wavelength or frequency when two objects are moving either towards or away from each other.

As the car approaches the person, the pitch is higher/lower to the observer.

As the car moves away from the person, the pitch is higher/lower to the observer.

The diagram below shows how waves evenly radiate in all directions from a central point.

The 'Front' observer perceives as the wavelengths are causing the pitch or frequency
to .
The 'Back' observer perceives as the wavelengths are causing the pitch or frequency
to .

Any source of waves is able to demonstrate the Doppler effect. The diagram below shows a source of
light moving to the right.

Red Shifted Blue Shifted

1. What happens when visible light waves are compressed? What does that tell us about the object?

2. What happens when visible light waves are stretched? What does that tell us about the object?

3. What do the terms' red shifted' and 'blue shifted' imply?

4. How can red shift tell us about how quickly a galaxy is moving away from Earth?
The fact that galaxies are moving apart from each other and that galaxies further away were moving
faster was a HUGE discovery.

5. What could be concluded from this discovery? HINT: What would happen if you put everything into

The spectra of a star can also show the Doppler effect and imply the movement of the star relative to

Analysing stellar spectra can provide us with the following information.

Composition Pressure



Speed Movement

Chapter 6.4, pp. 429-432
Questions 2, 3, 4, 5

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