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Tuguegarao Archdiocesan School System


(Bible Encounter in School and Home)

Title: Living in Harmony with Creation: Cultivating Ecological


By: Rev. Fr. Gerard Ariston P. Perez

President, SJCB
1. To deepen understanding of the importance of ecological
integrity in our lives and as a Christian responsibility.
2. To explore practical ways for school community members to live
out ecological integrity in their daily lives.

- Welcome participants and introduce the session's topic of
ecological integrity.
- Explain that ecological integrity refers to the balance and
harmony between humans and the natural environment, emphasizing
our responsibility as stewards of creation.

Step 1. Life situation:

Guide Questions:
1. How can we observe ecological integrity in our daily lives?
2. What are some challenges we face in maintaining ecological
integrity in our community?

- Short answers for question 1: Conserving water and energy,
practicing waste reduction and recycling, supporting sustainable
agriculture, planting trees, and respecting wildlife.
- Short answers for question 2: Lack of awareness, improper waste
disposal, pollution and deforestation.

2. Word of life:
Psalm 104:24-25:
How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.
There is the sea, vast and spacious,
teeming with creatures beyond number—
living things both large and small.

Genesis 2:15:
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to
work it and take care of it.

Guide Questions:
1. What do these passages teach us about our relationship with the
natural world?
2. How do these passages inspire us to live with ecological integrity?

- Short answers for question 1: The passage emphasizes our call to
care for and cultivate the earth as stewards of God's creation.
- Short answers for question 2: This passage invites us to recognize
the value of every creature and the interconnectedness of all life,
motivating us to live in harmony with creation.

Ecological integrity is of great significance in Catholic teachings, as
it emphasizes our responsibility as stewards of God's creation. We
are called to care for and protect the environment, recognizing that
all living beings and the Earth itself are interconnected and part of
God's divine plan.

In Pope Francis' Encyclical Letter Laudato Si', he addresses the

urgent need for ecological conversion and calls for a profound
change in our perspective and actions towards the environment. The
encyclical teaches that God created the world out of love, entrusting
it to our care. Therefore, we should recognize and respect the
inherent value of every creature and the interconnectedness of all

The Catechism of the Catholic Church also emphasizes the

importance of caring for creation and promoting ecological integrity.
It teaches that human dominion over creation should be understood
as stewardship rather than domination. We must utilize the Earth's
resources responsibly, considering the long-term implications and
ensuring the well-being of future generations.

To apply these teachings in our daily lives and within our BEC
community, we can start by cultivating an ecological consciousness.
This includes practicing responsible consumption, reducing waste,
and conserving energy and water. We can also promote sustainable
practices such as recycling, supporting local and organic farming,
and advocating for environmental justice.

Furthermore, we should nurture a sense of reverence and gratitude

for the beauty and abundance of creation. Engaging in prayer and
meditation amidst nature can help us deepen our connection with
God and foster a sense of awe and wonder towards His creation.
Additionally, we can organize community initiatives like tree
planting, clean-up drives, and educational programs that raise
awareness about ecological issues and the need for sustainable

Ultimately, the call to ecological integrity is a call to live out our

faith in action, recognizing that the well-being of humanity is
directly linked to the health of the planet. By embracing stewardship
and caring for creation, we can contribute to a more just,
sustainable, and harmonious world for all.

3. Action for life:

Guide Questions:
1. How can we promote ecological integrity in our community?
2. What practical actions can we take individually and as a class to
care for the environment?

Suggestions for practical and concrete ways to live out the theme:
- Plant trees in public spaces or communal areas.
- Organize cleaning drives to maintain cleanliness in the community.
- Encourage proper waste management and recycling practices.
- Advocate for local policies and initiatives supporting
environmental protection.
- Educate children and youth about the importance of ecological
integrity through workshops and awareness campaigns.
- Support local sustainable businesses and products.

Closing Prayer:
- Lead a prayer of thanksgiving for God's creation and a commitment
to live with ecological integrity.
- Ask for God's guidance and strength as group members strive to
be faithful stewards of the earth.

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