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JMeter Performance Testing Interview Questions

01.What is Performance Testing?

➢ It is non-functional testing.
➢ Ensures application performs well under workload.
➢ Examines application behaviour under unexpected workload.
➢ Eliminates performance bottlenecks (limitations)
➢ Some tools to do performance testing are JMeter, LoadRunner,
NeoLoad, LoadUI, LoadView etc.
02.Why performance Testing required?
➢ To measure the below parameters of application under test
1. Speed
2. Scalability (It means check the performance testing when users are
increasing and decreasing from time to time)
3. Stability
03.Why performance testing is necessary for every application explain with
➢ Eg. Independence Day sale at Amazon
Seller’s will pay amount to Amazon→ Amazon will add many advertise
with discount price’s on website before one month of sale→Load
Increases from start date to end date.
Scenario1: Suppose we have not done performance testing then
there will be a chance that server will not accept the load and it will
go down. It will affect to amazon business directly.
Scenario2: If we have done performance testing and already, we
checked that under load website is not working properly in that case
we will raise defect and get is solve from developer. So due to this
our website will work fine under maximum load. And it will not affect
to amazon business.
04.What are the different types of performance testing?
➢ Load Testing: Test measures how systems handle heavy load volumes.
➢ Stress Testing: It is a kind of performance testing that happens when
you push your app, API or software to the upper limits of its capacity.
➢ Volume testing: It is performed to study the impact on response time
and behaviour of the system when the volume of data is increased in
the database.
➢ Endurance Testing: It is a type of Software Testing that is performed to
observe whether an application can resist the processing load it is
expected to have to endure for a long period.
05.List some of the common performance problems faced by users.?
➢ Some of the common performance problems faced by users are:
1. Longer loading time
2. Poor response time
3. Poor scalability

06.List out some common performance bottlenecks?

➢ CPU Usage – CPU is overloaded and unable to perform tasks in a timely
➢ Memory usage – A memory bottleneck implies that the system does
not have sufficient or fast enough RAM. This situation cuts the speed at
which the RAM can serve information to CPU, which slows overall
➢ Networking Usage – Network bottlenecks occur when there is an
overloaded server, an overburdened network communication device
and when the network itself loses integrity. Resolving network
utilization issues typically involves upgrading or adding servers, as well
as upgrading networks hardware like router, hubs and access points
➢ Software Limitations – Software bottleneck occurs when programs are
built to handle only a finite number of tasks at once so the program
won’t utilize any additional CPU or RAM assets even when available.
Additionally, a program may not be written to work with multiple CPU
streams, thus only utilizing a single core on a multicore processor. These
issues are resolved through rewriting and patching software.
➢ Disk Usage – disk usage speed can improve by reducing fragmentation
issues and increasing data caching rates in RAM.
07.What are the parameters considered for performance Testing?
The parameters for performance testing are:
➢ Memory usage
➢ Processor usage
➢ Bandwidth
➢ Memory pages
➢ Response time
➢ CPU interruption per second
➢ Thread count
➢ Top waits

08.How does the load testing tools help us to measure the performance of
application? or
09.What activity you performed in your organization while doing
performance testing?
➢ For this question Explain the process steps which we learn in API P.T.
and Record and play P.T. (P.T means Performance Testing)
10.Why JMeter? or
11.Advantages of JMeter?
➢ JMeter is an Open source - Free.
➢ Based on Java so Its platform independent
➢ Scripting is not essential to learn JMeter.
➢ JMeter GUI is more User-friendly.
12.For which functionality you have done Performance Testing?
➢ Answer to this question is based on your project. You have to tell any
functionality from your project.
13. Tell me one User story on which you have done Performance Testing and
what are the test cases tested for that user story?
➢ Answer to this question is based on your project. You have to tell any
functionality as user story and test cases according to the functionality
and acceptance criteria.
For Example:
TI2235: Payment for same product at a time on Amazon
Description: For same product make payment by using multiple
accounts/users at a time.
Acceptance Criteria:
User <=10000/sec
Sample time <=600ms
Sent bytes <=400
Received bytes <=650
Test Cases:
➢ Verify payment by passing less than 10000/sec users at a time.
➢ Verify payment by passing greater than 10000/sec users at a
➢ Verify payment by passing 10000/sec users at a time.
➢ Verify sample time by applying assertion.
➢ Verify sent bytes by applying assertion.
➢ Verify received bytes by applying assertion.

14.Which type of report you have prepared to share the result?

➢ For sharing result, we have prepared HTML report in JMeter and also
stored all listener data into csv file and also that file attached with
15.How to generate HTML report?

➢ For this question tell all steps to generate HTML report

16.Currently JMeter’s which version you are using for doing P.T.?

➢ We are using latest version of JMeter 5.5 version.

17.Which system or laptop/pc you are using while doing P.T.?

➢ We are configuring all P.T. data in our laptop. First test it on personal
laptop with small count of users and then sharing tested JMX file to
centralized machine in our company and running that test on that
machine as we required powerful machine for doing P.T.
18.What is the need for doing a performance test?
➢ In order to evaluate performances that are applications based we need
performance testing. These evaluations are performed under certain
stress and load conditions. The response time that is related to the
activity of users is generally used for measuring performance testing.
The entire system is tested at a high condition of stress and load.
19.Mention the reasons why load testing in the automated form is
There were certain disadvantages of Manual load testing which are
described below.
➢ There was no accuracy regarding the measurements of the application's
➢ It was also very difficult to perform synchronization among users.
➢ Also, there is a need for the number of users in real-time in case of
performance testing.
➢ Also, manual testing will cause an increment in the cost of
➢ Due to these above-mentioned disadvantages of load testing in the
form of manual procedures, automated testing is performed.
20.In the case of performance testing, mention the entering and exiting
➢ The starting of performance testing is done at the design level only.
After the testing is done, results are collected, and later they are
analysed in order to make improvements regarding the performance.

21.List the activities which are performed during performance testing?

➢ Creation of user scenarios
➢ Distribution of users
➢ Scripting
➢ Application dry run
➢ Implementation of the load test, the collection of results, and then
analysis of results
22.Mention the steps required in JMeter to create a performance test plan.
➢ Add thread group.
➢ Add JMeter elements.
➢ Add Graph result.
➢ Run the test and get the result.
23.What are the common mistakes that are done during performance
➢ Direct jump to multi-user tests
➢ Test results not validated.
➢ unknown workload details
➢ Too small run duration
➢ Lacking long-duration sustainability test
➢ Confusion on definite of Concurrent users
➢ a significant difference between test and production environment
➢ Network bandwidth not stimulated.
➢ Underestimating performance testing schedules
➢ Inappropriate baselining of configurations.
24.What are the performance test activities to be done?
➢ Requirement gathering
➢ Tool selection
➢ Performance test plan
➢ Performance test development
➢ Performance test modelling
➢ Test Execution
➢ Analysis
➢ Report
25.What are the key elements to consider while performance testing?
➢ Reasons for failure
➢ The difference in the measurements with previous test results.
➢ New actions defined that is responsible for performance change.
➢ Make sure to document every test result for better analysis.
➢ Recommended points to include in the result document are:
Aim behind test.
Number of users
Scenario used.
Time is taken to complete the test.
Response time
Graphs and their changes with earlier reports
Possible errors
Error detected.
26.Tell the process How to generate API token in JMeter?
➢ For this question tell steps which we have learn to generate token.

27.What are the different elements you configured?

➢ Test Plan: Test plan consists of all actions and components you need to
execute your performance test script.
➢ Thread Group: A thread group is a set of threads/users executing the
same scenario.
➢ HTTP Request: It is a sampler that lets you send an HTTP/HTTPS request
to a web server for load testing. There are different methods the
sampler is able to use, like: GET. POST. PUT.
➢ HTTP Header Manager: Each time the browser sends a request to a
server, headers with additional information are attached to the request.
➢ HTTP Authorization Manager: Sometimes we required authorization
credential to send request and receive response in that case we use this
➢ Assertion: It is used to validate response of the request, that you have
sent to the server. Also, it is a process where you verify expected result
with the actual result of the request at run time.
➢ Listener: A listener is a component that shows the results of the
samples. The results can be shown in a tree, tables, graphs etc.
28.How to Save Result in CSV File?
➢ For every listener Filename option is available in that Browse the stored
empty CSV file from your laptop or you can directly give location path
of CSV file in the filename field.
29.Explain the different terms used in Listeners?
➢ Sample: Total number of Samples
➢ Start Time: It is a time in which user starts to send request
➢ Thread name: In this showing thread group name with Thread group –
Thread/user count
➢ Label: In this showing name of HTTP Request Name
➢ Sample time (ms): Once the request is initiated by the server, the time
taken to get the response of the request is the Sample time.
➢ Status: Status as Pass/Fail symbol.
➢ Bytes: It represents the quantity of data in the sample response
returned from the server
➢ Sent Bytes: Bytes sent to the server.
➢ Latency: It is time between request sent by application and response
sent by server.
➢ Connect Time: This is the time that a request takes to hit the server.
➢ Average: It is addition of all time divided by the count of thread.
➢ Median: It shows that half (50%) of the samples takes the given or below
the given time.
➢ 90% line: It represents that 10% of the samplers have exceeded time to
reach the server.
➢ 95% line: It represents that 5% of the samplers have exceeded time to
reach the server.
➢ 99% line: It represents that 1% of the samplers have exceeded time to
reach the server.
➢ Min: This is the minimum time a sampler has taken to go to the server.
➢ Maximum: This is the maximum time request taken to go to the server.
➢ Error %: Number of error sampler/Total number of Sampler.
➢ Throughput: Throughput is the per second sample received/handled by
the server.
➢ Received KB/sec: This defines how many kilobytes per second received
by our application.
➢ Sent KB/sec: This defines how many Kilobytes per second are sent to
the server.
➢ Std Deviation: It is a deviation from the average value of sample
response time.

(Note: No need to tell all terms only few you can tell)

30.How can we use parameterization concept in JMeter?

➢ For this tell the process of JMeter internal parameters and Read
parameter values from CSV/Excel
31.How can we record the script in JMeter?
➢ For this tell the process of Recording script which we have learned.

Theoretical Interview Questions:

32.Explain what is JMeter?
➢ JMeter is a Java tool, which is used for performance Load Testing.
33.Explain how JMeter works?
➢ JMeter acts like a group of users sending requests to a target server. It
collects response from the target server and other statistics which show
the performance of the application or server via graphs or tables
34.Explain where you can use functions and variables?
➢ Variables and functions can be written into any field of any test
35.Explain what is Samplers and Thread groups?
➢ Thread group: For any test plan, JMeter is the beginning part of thread
group elements. It is an important element of JMeter, where you can
set a number of users and time to load all the users given in the thread
➢ Samplers: Sampler generates one or more sample results; these sample
results have many attributes like elapsed time, data size, etc. Samplers
allow JMeter to send specific types of requests to the server, through
samplers, thread group decides which type of request it needs to make.
Some of the useful samplers are HTTP request, FTP request, JDBC
request and so on. We have used HTTP request max time.
36.What does “contain” and “matches” indicates in the regular expression?
➢ In the regular expression, contains indicates that the regular
expression matched at least some part of the target. While
matches mean the regular expression matched the whole target.
37.Explain what is a timer in JMeter and what are the types of it?
➢ A JMeter thread by default will send requests continuously
without any pause. To get a pause between the request, Timers
are used.
38.Explain what is Assertion in JMeter? What are the types of assertion?
➢ Assertion helps to verify that your server under test returns the
expected results.
Some commonly used Assertion in JMeter are
Response Assertion
Duration Assertion
Size Assertion
XML Assertion
HTML Assertion etc.
39.List out few JMeter Listeners?
Some of the JMeter Listeners are
➢ Aggregate Report
➢ View Result Tree
➢ View Result in Table
➢ Summary Report
➢ Aggregate graph
➢ Graph result
➢ Assertion result and so on
40.Explain what is pre-processor?
➢ Pre-processors are JMeter elements that are used to execute actions
before the sampler requests are executed in the test scenario. Pre-
processors can be used for different performance testing needs, like
fetching data from a database, setting a timeout between sampler
execution or before test data generation.
(Note: Only Definitions keep in mind)

41.Explain what is post-processor?

➢ To perform any action after making a request, post-processor is used.
For example, if JMeter sends an HTTP request to the web server, and if
you want JMeter to stop sending the request if the web server shows
an error, then you will use post-processor to perform this action.
(Note: Only Definitions keep in mind)

42.What are the benefits that JMeter offers for performance testing?
➢ It can be used to test performance for both, static resources as well as
dynamic resources.
➢ It can handle a maximum number of concurrent users then your website
can handle.
➢ It provides the graphical analyses of performance reports.

Note: If you get a Question which is not in our syllabus in that case give the
answer as given below
➢ I haven’t got chance in my organization to perform such

Or if it is related to Tools concept then tell

➢ I know but I am not able to recall at this time.

*With this read and practice all the process and terms which we learn in

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