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Master Of Fine Arts (PAINTING)

Art of Ancient India

2nd Year Examination
(July - 2023)
Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any Ten Questions. Each question Carry 10 marks.

Q1. Analyze the significance of ancient Indian art in the context of world art history. How
have the artistic traditions of ancient India contributed to the development of art, culture,
and spirituality in the region and beyond?
Q2. Discuss the portrayal of religious themes and symbolism in ancient Indian art. How do
ancient Indian artworks reflect the diverse religious beliefs, mythological narratives, and
spiritual practices of ancient Indian civilizations?
Q3. Analyze the depiction of deities and celestial beings in ancient Indian art. Discuss how
ancient Indian artists portrayed gods, goddesses, and divine entities through intricate
iconography, symbolism, and artistic conventions in their artworks.
Q4. Discuss the representation of ancient Indian architecture and sculptural elements in
visual art. How do paintings from ancient India depict architectural marvels, temple
complexes, and sculptural motifs that embody the rich cultural heritage and artistic
achievements of the era?
Q5. Analyze the portrayal of daily life and societal customs in ancient Indian paintings. How
do ancient Indian artworks provide insights into the social, cultural, and economic aspects
of ancient Indian society, including depictions of everyday activities, rituals, and communal
Q6. Discuss the role of ancient Indian art in the preservation and dissemination of historical
narratives and epics. How do ancient Indian paintings and artworks convey stories from
ancient texts, such as the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Puranas, through visual narratives
and symbolic imagery?
Q7. Analyze the portrayal of nature and wildlife in ancient Indian art. How do ancient
Indian paintings depict natural landscapes, flora, fauna, and the environment, reflecting the
deep reverence for nature and the interconnectedness of life within ancient Indian
Q8. Discuss the representation of ancient Indian courtly life and royalty in paintings. How
do ancient Indian artworks capture the opulence, grandeur, and cultural refinement of
royal courts, dynasties, and patronage systems prevalent in ancient Indian civilizations?
Q9. Analyze the symbolism and aesthetic motifs in ancient Indian art. How do recurring
symbols, patterns, and decorative elements in ancient Indian artworks reflect spiritual,
philosophical, and cultural ideologies prevalent in ancient Indian societies?
Q10. Discuss the significance of ancient Indian textile and craft traditions in visual art. How
do ancient Indian paintings depict intricate textile designs, weaving techniques, and
artisanal crafts that showcase the mastery and craftsmanship of ancient Indian artisans
and weavers?
Q11. Analyze the influence of trade, cultural exchanges, and cross-cultural interactions on
ancient Indian art. How do ancient Indian artworks reveal the impact of trade routes,
foreign influences, and cultural assimilation on the artistic styles, techniques, and
iconography of ancient Indian civilizations?
Q12. Discuss the contemporary relevance of ancient Indian art in the context of modern
and postmodern artistic practices. How does the artistic legacy of ancient India continue to
inspire and influence contemporary artists, scholars, and cultural enthusiasts, fostering a
deeper understanding and appreciation of ancient Indian art and heritage in the
contemporary world?

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