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Investment Details

Client Name Mr. Sujit

Age 34 years (married and has 1 kid)

Annual Income 18 lakhs

Monthly expense 40,000

Monthly Income 1,50,000

Set Basic Investment Objectives:
Firstly discuss with Mr.sujit about is basic aims and objectives to determine the long and short term goals.

Consider the clients potential risk,rewards and time horizons.

Donec risus dolorFUND porta venenatis ● Easily
risus dolor porta venenatis

75% ●

(An emergency
luctus fund
Proin veloftellus
felis equivalent to 6-8
livinginexpenses is
felis volutpat

Pharetra luctus felis
Saving ACtellus in felis volutpat
Proin vel

● Donec risus dolor porta venenatis ● Mutual fundsdolor porta venenatis

Donec risus

75% ●

luctus felis
Proin vel tellus in felis volutpat

Pharetra luctus
Proin vel
felis investment
tellus in felis volutpat

●● SIP risus dolor porta venenatis

Donec ● Donec risus dolor porta venenatis

75% ●

Pharetra luctus felis
Proin vel tellus in felis volutpat

Monthly luctus
Pharetra systematic
felis investment plan
Proin vel tellus in felis volutpat

● Term life insurance
Emergency - Generally, it is recommended to save and invest at least 20% of your incocome into easy liquidate assets such as savings
account and fixed deposite ac commonly preffered in India .These emergency fund can be utilise for 6-8months with no income in certain
cases and for other sudden emergency

Assets class diversification -

Investments in Equity Mutual Funds: Around 30% of the total investment should be allocated to equity funds.

Hybrid funds & Startup investment: Allocate about 20 % of the total investment to hybrid funds and in startups

Direct Stocks: Allocate about 10% of the total investment in stock market

SIP (SYSTEMATIC INVESTMENT PLAN )- Generally, it is recommended to save and invest at least 20% of your income each
month. The monthly investment amount through SIP could be between Rs 20,000 and Rs 22,000 (20% of his monthly income) based on
his annual income of Rs 18 lakhs and after deducting monthly expense.

INSURANCE - Term life insurance provides a higher life cover at an affordable premium, separate from any investment products, when
it comes to life insurance. Since Mr. Sujit is married and has a dependent child, term life insurance will provide a substantial amount of
protection for his family's finances. This product provides higher coverage at a lower premium than other insurance-cumulative

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