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Activity 7

Business Trade
Name: Galot, John Loyd M.
Section: LFCA211N035


1. Which people have benefited the most from globalization and why?

Globalization has benefited those in developed or high-income countries and individuals with
specific skills and resources. Highly skilled workers, business owners and investors,
consumers in high-income countries, and economically stable regions have enjoyed the
advantages of globalization. These include better employment opportunities, increased
profits, access to affordable goods and services, and foreign investments that create jobs
and boost economies.

2. Why are the benefits of globalization distributed unevenly among countries?

Globalization has unevenly distributed benefits due to several factors, including economic
disparities, trade policies, resource disparities, educational and technological gaps,
infrastructure and political stability, and labor conditions. Developing countries may struggle
to compete with developed countries that have the resources, technology, and infrastructure
to take advantage of globalization, perpetuating existing economic inequalities. Trade
policies and agreements can favor certain countries, while nations with abundant natural
resources benefit from globalization. Educational and technological gaps, lack of
infrastructure and political stability, and exploitation of labor in some countries also hinder
equal distribution of globalization benefits.

My Summary:

Overall, globalization has the potential to benefit many, but its uneven distribution of benefits
is largely driven by existing economic, political, and social disparities between countries.
Policymakers and international organizations work to address these disparities and make
globalization more inclusive through various initiatives and reforms.

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