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N. G.

Course Name (With Code): Python Programming (4311601)
Sr. No. Questions related to Course Outcomes CO Number
Part – A
Questions carrying 3 Marks
1 What is Problem Solving? List the steps of problem solving. 4311601.a
2 Construct an Algorithm to check entered number is even or odd. 4311601.a
3 Write Importance and Limitations of Flow chart. 4311601.a
5 Give Difference between Flow chart and Algorithm. 4311601.a
6 Design a Flow Chart to print sum of 10 numbers 4311601.a
7 Explain features of Python 4311601.b
8 List application of python 4311601.b
9 Explain Type Conversion in python. 4311601.b
Check following variable names and indicate whether it is valid or
10 i) _my_var = "IT"
ii) 16myvar="AHMedabad"
iii) iii) MYVAR = "computer2"
11 Define selection statement. Explain any one in detail. 4311601.c
12 Write short note on while loop 4311601.c
13 Define function. Why do we need it? 4311601.d
Write a user-defined function to find the factorial of a given
14 4311601.d
15 Differentiate arguments and parameters with suitable example 4311601.d
List out string operations. Explain any two operations with
16 4311601.e
Explain usage of given string methods
17 4311601.e
i) islower( ) ii) replace( ) iii) isdigit( )
List out various String operations and Explain any one with
18 4311601.e
19 List built in methods of list and give their use. 4311601.e
20 List out various List operations and Explain any one with example. 4311601.e
Part – B
Questions carrying 4 Marks
1 Explain Pseudocodes with example. 4311601.a
Design a flowchart to check entered number is positive or
2 4311601.a
3 Explain Input and Output statements in Python by giving examples 4311601.b
4 Summarize the assignment operators of python 4311601.b
5 Summarize the comparison operators of python. 4311601.b
6 Explain local and global variables using examples 4311601.b
7 Define selection statement. Explain any one in detail. 4311601.c
8 Explain if…else statement with suitable example 4311601.c
9 Explain while loop by giving flowchart and example. 4311601.c
Write a program to show whether the entered number is prime or
10 4311601.c
11 Explain break and continue statement with suitable example 4311601.c
Create a program to display the following patterns
123 4311601.c
13 Explain local and global variables using examples 4311601.d
14 Write a program to find length of string. 4311601.e
Build a python code to check whether given element is member of
15 list 4311601.e
or not.

16 Develop a code to create nested list and display elements. 4311601.e

Differentiate remove( ) and pop( ) methods of list with suitable
17 example. 4311601.e

18 Explain indexing and slicing operations in python list. 4311601.e

Part – C
Questions carrying 7 Marks

Design a flowchart for the calculate the average from 1 to 25

1 4311601.a
2 Explain Basic Structure of Python Program. 4311601.b
List out arithmetic operations. Build python code which performs
3 three arithmetic operations. 4311601.b
Develop python code which calculate the value of c using equation
4 4311601.b
c=a/b. Apply explicit type conversion, Take a=50 and b=2.7
Create a program to display the following patterns using loop
5 ++ 4311601.c
Build a code to display Fibonacci sequences up to nth term where
6 n is 4311601.c
provided by the user
7 Create a code to explain local and global scope of variables 4311601.d
Create a user defined function which prints square of all the even
8 4311601.d
numbers between 1 to 5.
Create a user defined function which will return the count of
9 numbers 4311601.d
divisible by 5 in range 1 to 20.
Develop python code to create list of prime and non-prime
10 numbers 4311601.e
in range 1 to 30.
Build python code which calculates the number of elements in the
11 list 4311601.e
without using built-in function

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