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Jan Psamuel B.

BSIT 112

Learning Activity 3:


Choose one religion ( Buddhism, Christianity-Catholicism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam etc.).
Surf the web and research the history of the selected religion. Then describe the following:

a.) The religion's concept of good.

✦The idea of being "born again" in Christianity is based on the New

Testament teachings of Jesus Christ, especially in the context of evangelical
or Born Again Christian beliefs. It speaks of a spiritual rebirth or regeneration,
an individual's life-changing experience of accepting Jesus Christ as their
savior and beginning anew in accordance with Christ's teachings.

b.) The religion's concept of evil.

✦The Born Again Christian belief system's understanding of evil is consistent

with conventional Christian theology. Most Born Again Christians believe that
sin is what causes evil to exist in the world. They hold that Adam and Eve's
transgression in the Garden of Eden allowed evil to enter the world, causing
them to become estranged from God and corrupting the entire creation.

c.) The steps needed by a person to become good and prevent himself/herself from
becoming evil.

Step 1: Acceptance of Jesus Christ

Step 2: Repentance and Confession
Step 3: Study of the Bible
Step 4: Prayer and Communication with God
Step 5: Fellowship and Community Involvement
Step 6: Living a Transformed Life
Step 7: Resisting Temptation
Step 8: Developing Fruit of the Holy Spirit

✦ To put it simply, the process is a lifelong journey of spiritual development,

depending on God's grace, faith, and transformative power to move away
from evil and toward goodness. It's a lifetime commitment to living in line with
the teachings and example of Jesus Christ rather than just a to-do list.

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