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In a world where change is the only constant, where environmental challenges loom

large, and where the future belongs to the youth, the call for “gireen skills” resonates like a
beacon of hope. Imagine a generation equipped not just with knowledge but with the skills to
turn that knowledge into meaningful and purposive actions. The age where young minds become
the architects and the seeds of a greener, brighter tomorrow is sown.

Picture a classroom not confined to four walls, but extended to lush gardens and vibrant
ecosystems. Here, youth don't just learn about the environment; they become its stewards. I am a
youth, I starve for green skills which are “knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to
live in, develop and support a sustainable and resource-efficient society”. We the youth, are
learning how to harness renewable energy, reduce waste, and embrace eco-friendly practices.
Imagine the impact when our curiosity, energy, and ambition merge with the tools and
knowledge to create positive change. These green skills are our superpower. They enable us to
engineer renewable solutions, nurture biodiversity, and design eco-friendly innovations. We are
the generation that converts climate data into climate action, our micro-curiosity into macro-
empowerment, our green skills into a green world. It's about forging a deep connection with
Mother Nature, where sustainability isn't a choice but a way of life. This isn't just about us; it's
about everyone. We're not waiting for a better world; we're creating it.

As our planet evolve, remember that the theme "Green Skills for Youth: Towards a
Sustainable World" is not just a concept; it's a reality we are actively molding. Let's continue to
innovate, educate, and advocate, because our actions today define the world we inherit
tomorrow. WE are not just dreamers of a sustainable world; we are its champions, we are not just
readers of eco-efficient possibilities; we are the author of a greener chapter. We are the weavers
making safe and clean tapestry for a better world to be a home.

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