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Assigment 2: 28th April

Task: You have been invited to write an article for a youth magazine. Use
your organized ideas (Planning) from last class and write your article of
about 180-220 words. Remember to use suitable transitional words and

Answer: In a world marked by rapid changes and challenges, today's youth stand at
the forefront of innovation and progress. Our generation is defined by adaptability,
resilience, and a strong desire for positive change. As young individuals, we possess the
energy, creativity, and determination needed to shape the future.
First and foremost, youth have a remarkable ability to adapt to the ever-evolving
technological landscape. We grew up in the digital age, making us tech-savvy and quick
to embrace new trends. This adaptability allows us to harness the potential of
technology for the betterment of society, from promoting online activism to creating
innovative solutions to global problems.
Moreover, young people are the driving force behind social and environmental
movements. We care deeply about issues such as climate change, gender equality, and
social justice. Our passion and commitment are the catalysts for change, as we work
tirelessly to raise awareness and advocate for a more equitable and sustainable world.
Transitional words and phrases, such as "first and foremost" and "moreover," help
organize our thoughts and guide the reader through our article.
In conclusion, today's youth are a force to be reckoned with. Our adaptability, passion,
and determination empower us to make a difference in a world that constantly evolves.
By embracing change, harnessing the power of technology, and advocating for
meaningful causes, we are shaping a brighter and more promising future for all.

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