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Transforming the Society through Science and Technology

Nowadays innovations, improvements and changes are constantly happening in

our world and we need to be with this evolution for us to survive. Science and technology is a
very broad topic and the questions of different individuals is “Will it bring anything good to
society”?. As a student my insights about this are neutral. It can benefit society and at the same
time it can give us disadvantages.

Transforming society through science and technology sounds like turning our society
as well us people into a more advanced and new environment. These transformations can help
us to improve our beliefs, social status or even our whole life. Science and technology can help
us improve our daily lives especially when it comes to our education, economy, culture and
many others. Education is more accessible and convenient for us students and teachers as
well, because of technologies. We have different mobile devices that we can use for our studies.
We have different social media platforms for us to have easier access to communication and
knowledge. To conclude, technology is the way to enhance the quality of our education. Second
one is for our economy. Importing and exporting products through different countries is more
effortless than before because of the advancement of our technology. Technology contributes a
lot when it comes to globalization and globalization is one of the most needed by our economy
to improve the status of different countries. Third is for different cultures. Connections ,
interactions and bonds nowadays are more free than before. Technology can provide access for
us people to explore the world and different countries to know their different perspectives,
experiences, religion, etc. In short, technology can help us to connect us people with unity and
love. But with these benefits, innovations and improvements there’s also the bad side that can
harm people and society itself. With this advancement, rude people take the opportunity to
spread their bad habits. Best examples are cyber bullying, pornography, crime, depression,
isolation, pollution and many others. Abusing the power of science and technology can lead us
to disasters.

Changing the world with these improvements is needed but abusing these changes
can harm us. Science and technology bring us power, hope and excitement but we need more
knowledge and guidance for us to use this advancement with respect and self control. So be the
change and not the problem.

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