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Understanding Culture,
Society and Politics
Research further on the technological evolution of societies through the course of
history. Give at least one example and explain how it significantly changed people’s
way of life from the past to the present.

The evolution of technology has had a profound effect on society. Before the
invention of modern technology, life was complicated and static as most tasks consumed
an immense amount of our time. Like any other development, the technological evolution
paved the way for us to live a convenient and productive daily living as it became dynamic
and is subject to progression. In fact, many opportunities have been created by
technologies that have become integral to human life. Indeed, our standard of living has
risen in recent decades as a result of technological advancements. Without technology,
people would continue to live within their societies' geographical boundaries and will never
If we try to look back, we can really witness how our society has evolved and
transformed from being cavemen to tech experts these days. That is because the evolution
of technology is one of the most notable revolutionary changes of the twenty-first century.
Fundamental structural changes brought about by technology can play a vital role in
achieving significant productivity gains in our society. In addition, current technological
advancements have altered how humans communicate, interact, and work evidently. That
being said, we can only be much productive and have efficient results if we make use of
the technological advancements as they are now essential in pertaining to the needs of
Like how our mode of communication has drastically changed due to the effect of
technology development, people in society would usually communicate the 'old-school' way
before the creation of technology. Slowly by slowly, the form of communication develops,
may it be through handwritten letters, to telegraphs, to telephones, radios, and televisions,
and up to the current times after the creation of smartphones and the internet. Nowadays,
people would instead engage in non-verbal communication through texting or calling rather
than face-to-face conversation. Hence, social networking continues to change the way
people engage with one another due to technological evolution.
Another effect of technological evolution is visible in the field of education. The
standard way of learning is through the four-cornered classroom with actual books in front
of us, but as technology emerged, we get to study online just like our current situation due
to the pandemic. And with the creation of technological gadgets and devices, it became our
educational platforms with the help of the internet. Plus, most academic papers, informative
studies, and literary works can be found in online portals for literature, internet-based
libraries, electronic books, etc. Education has been made more accessible because of the
technological development that allows information to be spread worldwide at the click of a
button, enabling easy access compared to the traditional way of searching.
Technological evolution also played a crucial role in the medical field as it has created
a significant impact among its innovations through time. In the past, without the presence
of technology, physicians would only tend their patients using herbal medicines and would
diagnose them based on their assumptions most of the time as there were no proper tools,
devices, and machines that could help in determining the illness of a patient and in treating
them. But in today's time, it has become convenient for hospitals and doctors to attend to
their patients because they have several technologies that can aid them in curing their
patients. It is also easy for them to save a life as the invention of medical-technological
devices plays a significant role, especially when it comes to diagnosis, surgeries, therapies,
and more.
When it comes to our transportation also, technology indeed transformed it for our
benefit. Before, the people in the community would only walk when traveling until they used
the animals and rode them like with the horses, camels, elephants, carabaos, and more.
And as time passed by, they built and constructed other means of transportations like boats,
cycles and wheels, and kalesa. But it did not end there as technological evolution continued
to grow through the inventions. Multiple types of vehicles were formed for transportation
like cars, trucks, trains, ships, planes, etc. that makes our traveling much more
advantageous, safe, and comfortable.
Also, technological evolution indeed has made each of our households progressive
and productive as a majority of the things inside our homes are made from technology like
our appliances and utilities. Most importantly, our electricity coming from electrical energy
can be converted through the help of technology too, and without it, our lives can be
miserable. Therefore, the benefits brought by technological evolution are very important
inside our homes as we depend on them on a day-to-day basis.
And in addition, technological evolution can be witnessed in the entertainment world
too when it comes to the progression of films from black and white to colored, and even
with the use of Computer Graphics (CG) effects and such. And when it comes to the
business industry, technological evolution has contributed a lot, like the formation of
factories and machinery that allow them to produce the products flexibly.
These are just some of the benefits we could get through the changes brought by
technological evolution. All technologies are created for a specific purpose. Nobody can
escape the inevitable necessity of technology in our daily lives. Each of us is so reliant on
technology that we cannot function without it. Technology plays a significant role in almost
every aspect of our lives. In other words, it resolves the majority of humanity's problems.
Throughout the centuries, technology advances. The significance of technology is aimed at
user comfort in whatever form it takes. It always points the way toward ease in life. While
technology is highly beneficial, it also has negative consequences. However, it all comes
down to discipline; if we use technology more effectively and efficiently, we can use it for
our own advantage and comfort.

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