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from web3 import Web3

import requests

import time

# Replace with your BSC node URL


# Replace with your DODO contract address


# Initialize a Web3 instance

w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(BSC_NODE_URL))

# Function to get the gas price in gwei in real-time

def get_gas_price():


gas_price = w3.eth.gasPrice

return gas_price

except Exception as e:

print(f"An error occurred while getting gas price: {str(e)}")

return None
# Function to simulate the reproduction of transactions

def simulate_reproduction(transaction):

# Implement the logic to reproduce the transactions

# ...


# Function to transfer benefits to a secure wallet

def transfer_benefits(benefits):

# Implement the logic to transfer benefits to a secure wallet

# ...


# Function to monitor flash loan transactions and reproduce operations

def monitor_flash_loan_transactions():

total_benefits = 0

# Loop to continuously monitor flash loan transactions

while True:


# Get the gas price in real-time

gas_price = get_gas_price()

if gas_price is not None:

print(f"Gas price in gwei: {gas_price}")

# Create an HTTP request to the BSCScan API to get DODO transactions

request = requests.get(


# Parse the response from the API

response = request.json()

# Iterate over the transactions in the response

for transaction in response["result"]:

# Check if the transaction is a flash loan

if transaction["value"] > 0:

print("Flash loan transaction detected:")


# Simulate the reproduction of transactions

benefits = simulate_reproduction(transaction)

# Add the benefits to the total benefits

total_benefits += benefits

print(f"Total benefits so far: {total_benefits}")

# Transfer benefits to a secure wallet (optional)

# Uncomment the line below and provide the secure wallet address

# transfer_benefits(benefits)

# Wait for a few seconds before checking again


except KeyboardInterrupt:

print("Script stopped.")


except Exception as e:

print(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}")

# Start monitoring flash loan transactions and reproducing operations

if __name__ == "__main__":


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