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Left brained or right brained?

Something stroke a chord with me the other day when I saw an article, saying
that people are either right brained or left brained, which meant that right
brained people were more artistic, creative, and able to think outside the box,
when left brained people were better at dealing with facts, mathematics, and
linear thinking.
I think, this idea is patently not true, because I don’t agree with these
sweeping statements, that are saying that creative person is only someone who
is interested and successful in field the of art and music, and the person who is
good at mathematic has nothing to do with creative thinking and can’t come
up with novel ideas out of the blue.
In a fact, there are a lot of people who, at critical thinking and understanding
technical subjects, are as good as in writing poetry and expressing themselves.
My friend, who is a creative genius, and writes mind-blowing stuff out of
blue and is getting flashes of inspiration from a very little things, wants to
major in physics. She knows and understands physics and mathematics well,
but also is talented at writing. And I think it’s not about which hemisphere of
her brain is working; it’s about how they are collaborating. Of course, there is
an element of truth in that, that one of the hemispheres is dominant, because
it you can’t be as good in one thing as in the other, but without both part of
our brain, without creativity and linear thinking, we wouldn’t be able to come
up with knew things, we wouldn’t be able to make a change in the world.
I think no one should limit people in there passion, if somone is intersred in
two different areas and is passionate in two complitely opposide fileds, it is
normal, because everithng requars coloobirations of different fields and areas.

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