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- Voru:

Voru essentially implies the previous iteration of the

Multiverse/Omniverse/Creation (pre-reset) exists just in a different shape:
Voru is a chaotic nonexistence in which minds and matter still continually emerge
and are destroyed alike, God (Capital G God, the one Derek used) has, at some
point, created the First Hytoth where pre-reset took place.
This is also the same place where most of the archangels - including the
Morningstar and the Silver City have been created. This was the very first creation
that was sheltered from the dangers of Voru.
This universe has existed for billions of years until an extrauniversal entity (the
very same God that created it in the first place) entirely scrapped it, erasing
every single piece from it. This included extra-universal dimensions-
the material realm, Noosphere, and everything that could be erased except the
archanges for obvious reasons.

Few surviviors have made it out of the erasure through the Ways of the Wanderers
Library (the same way OG did, only he came back way later due to Way fuckery.), but
those that did formed a mini-church named "Church of the Second Hythoth"-
named after the current creation which the same entity that destroyed their world
created - Second Hytoth.
The survivors "drilled" into the Second Hytoth, settling in the expanding
spacetime, and seven leaders of the survivors grouped together-
vowing to prevent the new universe from being destroyed as well. These seven then
ascended to godhood and became the Holy Seven (the "Koru-teusa").

The Koru-teusa were active in the beginning of the Second Hytoth, spreading their
religion and fears of the same entity destroying this creation the same way it did
last time, unknowingly to them, this same entity created their world-
in the first place, and was now dead and replaced by Elaine Belloc due to Gabriel,
with the Sword of Azazel destroying God outside of his creation - the Overvoid -
along with stabbing Lucifer-
unknowingly to him. This spiralled an investigation with him and the Morningstar.
(due to how weird the Overvoid is, it took perhaps days for Lucifer to even notice
this, though luckily for him he didn't die like God, but without further treatment
he would eventually, hence why he joined Gabriel in his investigation.)
eventually finding out who has possessed Gabriel during his confrontation with God,
their actions lead to the resurrection of God as the Dark Presence, another
multiversal threat. This time it was Lucifer with the Sword vs Dark Presence-
which leads to the dark presence being slayin and replaced by Harold, an old saint
from the long past, again, without Lucifer knowing.

In order to maintain divine states the Koru-teusa required a constant source of

blood, a consequence of how blood continually leaked from their new forms, which
necessitated bloodletting rituals to maintain their health.
This insane amount of blood rituals have also massively fueled the creation of the
first Chaos God that came to be - Khorne - who was meant to wake up centuries later
if not for the rituals.
However, their influence gradually decreased over time, with lowered influence
decreasing the number of bloodletting rituals followers would perform.
Members of the Koru-teusa progressively died, the last death being that of the Holy
Sixth ("Yorun-leusan"), and most others have unknown status but are most likely
dead. You know the story of the Second Hytoth from there.

Voru though, the very thing the survivours of the First Hytoth have been hiding
inside of, still exists. After the destruction of the First Hytoth, Voru has
consumed it and made it a piece of itself, causing it to enter the very-
same state of existence, nonexistence in which minds can still live, be created and
be destroyed. While the implications of this are up to speculation but are
generally horrible - most minds trapped in the Voru from the first-
Hytoth have an alternate copy of themselves in the Second Hytoth, such as Lucifer
Morningstar and The Scarlet King - both being Satan, just in different Omniversal
interperations. Dante and Dana, etc, etc, etc.
But Voru is still waiting for the same to happen to the Second Hytoth. Spectating,
hungry and craving for the day to come. Perhaps one day it will.

- Some backstory for the Second Hytoth (excluding the War in Heaven and the King's
War because some events are too long to write, this'll be just background I deemed
not too confusing yet cool.)

600,000 BCE: The first society of beings identified as distant human ancestors
(Homo aeturnus) is destroyed in the fall of Audapaupadopolis.
The cause of this is not fully understood, but is believed to have been the result
of an attempt by the Fae entities (Trans stellaris) to kill the First Man, an
individual called Adam El Asem-
by compelling the Children of the Night (Homo nocturnus) to cross the sea and
annihilate him. The two eldest sons of Asem, Cain and Able are expelled from the
city shortly before its destruction.

500,000 BCE: Proto-human ancestors Homo antediluvianus, Homo erectus, Homo

neanderthalensis, and Homo sanguinus begin to propagate across the Afro-Eurasian
Many small civilizations rise and fall during this period, and very little is
recorded about their histories.

450,000 BCE: The third son of Adam El Asem, Seth, encounters an individual within
the Homo antediluvianus subrace named "Harrian the Elder" and befriends he and his
After Harrian earns his trust, Seth gifts him Asem's iron crown, said to have been
crafted from a star from another universe, and names him Apollyon, meaning "King
Over The Darkness".

400,000 BCE: The "Sky Kings" of a kingdom called Apollyona begin their rule over
"Old Europ". Utilizing the thaumatological aspects of Asem's crown to enhance their
own military might,
the Sky Kings become the dominant superpower in the antediluvian human world.
They wage numerous wars against their neighbors, most significantly against the
Daevites of Daeva, a massive region of individual governorships to the east of
Apollyona. It is unknown how many individuals wore the title of "Sky King",
but records indicate this number could be as high as two-hundred.

Anything from there is nigh-irrelevant and will probably be explained later on

through rp itself, or not.

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