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Answer the following questions:

1. "Evaluating strategies on a continuous rather than a periodic basis is desired". Discuss the
pros and cons of this statement.

Evaluating strategies continuously rather than on a periodic basis allows benchmarks of

progress to be established and more effectively monitored. Some strategies take years to
implement; consequently, associated results may not become apparent for years.

2. How often should an organization's vision and mission be changed in light of strategy
evaluation activities?

It can (and probably will) morph, change and adapt to your growing organization.” Board, staff,
and volunteers from your organization should get in the habit of reviewing the mission statement
every one to three years, or in times of major transition for the organization.

3. Identify two firms that provide their strategy plans on their websites and two that do not.
Should firms do this or not? Why?

Based on my research, Nike and Coca-cola have posted their strategic plans on their website
so that customers know what to expect from the companies. For me, a company should not post
strategies on its website because they can be imitated by other companies. They might be
defeated by the companies that know their strategies and there is a possibility that they can
surpass them and take their customers.

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