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Presentation Proposal

Name: Ong Fang Zheng

Designation: Assistant Conservator
Department: Archives Conservation Lab / Archives Laboratories

Title: Adopting and Adapting: Rethinking Environmental Standards for Southeast Asia

There are many published environmental control standards that are being adopted internationally by
galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAM). From ISO 11799:2015 (Document storage
requirements for archive and library materials), PAS 198:2012 (Specification for managing
environmental conditions for cultural collections), to technical guidelines such as the NARA 1571
(Archival storage standards), environmental guidelines on temperature and relative humidity are
provided for different collection and material types.

Despite published standards and guidelines, a number of institutions would still establish their own
guidelines with variations. Factors for deviation include the collection strategy of the institution, its
existing infrastructure, climate, and other factors such as funding and resources. The debate on
parameters for environmental control has also been gaining traction as the push for greener energy
efficiency and environment extended to the heritage sector and collecting institutions. Adjustments
are being made to previously established environmental settings, and experiments being conducted
on regulating the temperature and relative humidity while juggling preservation, human comfort,
and carbon footprint.

While it may be convenient to adopt, we need to recognise that Southeast Asia (SEA) is of a different
climatic zone from where the standards were initially established. Beyond adoption is the need to
adapt accordingly to local needs, situations, and constraints. While convincing stakeholders and
management on the need to deviate may be challenging, this timely conference may perhaps be
an opportunity for us to gather and start the discussion on establishing environmental guidelines
for SEA ourselves.

ISO: International Organization for Standardization

PAS: Publicly Available Specification are guidelines set out by the British Standards Institution (BSI)
NARA: National Archives and Records Administration, United States

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