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THE MECHANISM OF Q/GONG—MAGNETIC RESONANCE Ma diannan Cfechnology Institute,’ Hongkong Chinese University, Hengkong) Qigong is a kind of frequency energy, which can be affected by the strong magnetic PRR Cn Un ean Cc am CCR CL a Raabe OR Ce COR SASL LL Pea Rr cn Pan Cae Sai rR en nT Re Cee cs a URC CIR nC LCL Caco UR naa en ere cn er ec ccm CCR RL La ai PMR CRC ns cm CSR a a a and a numb feeling appears in the hands ‘This kind of qi sensation is neither electric current Sete NS Pec RCT cca CL oa cena e eI accelerated and the frequency is over 0.7 Hz, nor magnetic field because when the hands are placed between two pleees of strong magnet, no such feeling occurs. The author thinks that it is a feeling caused by the magnetic tesonance., There is a coincidence between the qigerg phenomenon and the mechanism of rr magnetic resonance when one Is practising the basic exercise of qigong. A human magnetic field with an appropriate frequency is produced, which can cauye the water in one's hand to have nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The 'H and 'C are orderlessly arranged in the DOC come cone homme MLS Ces ea ee aaa Con 4+ 4 appears, At this moment if there Is an energy coming from outside, the frequency of which Is correspondent to the formula of nuclear magnetic resonance v = r the magnetized og CCMA Ot CCG Aa Mocs cn Ce CMT Cum onc Ca a ie a ace aN Pe eC TCA COCO AOS COLT ML osCoMCo P a ORCLL CO magnetization) and 2x are constant. The weaker the magnetic field is, the lower frequency nanrdar Water and organic compounds are considered as the media for tho magnetic resonance force, flowing in the body, The Ree may gulde its (ravelling course beeause in the qigong oxercise the magnetic resonance first occurs in the hands; it can also flow from the place where the strongest energy stores to the place where the weakest energy stores. The disabled, weak, discascd and aging organs would absorb the energy passing through them and get rehabilitated. In general, onorgy of infrasonic wave band is emitted (o treat paticnts in the gigong therapy. It can cause the magnetic resonance of the water and protein In the body, Patients tend to absorb the energy emitted from others, A slight het sensation of the patients can be eMC ME Me MTA TKS MCE Cec MrT CC LTR Me CLC Ke ea TT CSE Um cece a energy generated by concomilance, because man-made temperature increase cannot bring the curatlve effeet of gigong . The energy of magnetic: resonance may be originated from the magnetic resonance clements of the cells--'TL, “CGC, "N, "P, ete. When the condition of the magnetic resonance changes, the magnetic resonance ceases because of the unbalance of the NMR formula, and these cloments have to liberate tho absorbed energy of the magnetic resonance, some of which would be absorbed by the cells concerned to strengthen the activity ‘of them, When the supply of the energy of the magnetic resonance discontinues, the extra activity of the colls terminates, and then the far-infrared energy of high frequency is Ilberated by thom, The wavelength of the secondary energy is related to the diameter of the cells. Seta Ur an unm CTT mer Ome ea Cem TUM Cmca SOR ere UIC LL are emitting their qi since they practise different patterns of gigong exercises and there is differed intensity of magnetic fields, It explains the curative cffect to different organs. From the above analysis we can say that there is a third energy dther than food and air ‘for the human beings. The gigeng masters are able to absorb the infrasonic energy of low frequency and emit high frequency energy. The theory of human magnetic resonance not only explains the fundamental phenomena ry qigang » but also moving objects by gigarg , meridian travelling course and the Bermuda mysiery, Some of the manifestations present in the qigong exercise shpuld be expounded not only by the magnetic resonance, but by the magnetic induction capadity, superfluidity and rearrangement of crystals. The research of the human science in future will stress the following aspects, 1. Treating diseases by frequency; 2. Training gigong puplls with the superconduetible magnetic fleld; 3. Training the, pecwiar function with the teverse magnetic pole; SBT oe) HEL OE] instruments based on the mechanism of the magnetic resonance; (6. Doing away with superstitions with the mechanism of qigong; 6. Exploring the wisdom of the outerspace creatures according to the religious legends. But the task of top prlority at present is to standardize the qigong teachers and offer regular course of qigong “Moving the Hands in Circles” PAVE Cenee taeeva Nee e Av er CCTM COCA Cce me eaCOeN cL the body's Jatent potential through chi kung, Ra rete GOT emo muta Peron tev MeV IRICLI CU CT nce Cee. cc aay give a very good example of the latter phenomenon. Ma Jiannan Games Ma) ts POPs OCR UCN LC LeN a La L COLL cig Chinese University. He is the director of that university’s Engineering Institute, He has also en eConN mene cern reatcienncee Licce GLa Wel mean] years, He once had hepatitis, but someone taught him a simple chi Amacom nT T TAO CRG LSC RI circles in front of the stomach every morning. He said he would usually feel something in his hands, numbness or shaking, after exercising for fifteen Sra eMAT aR Re COULNCR LN Cau his health, and some strange things happened. One day, while he was moving his hands in circles, his pet wolfhound was running around him as usual. With- out thinking, he waved his hand at his dog, To his surprise, the wolfhound collapsed instantly. After that, he discovered that mov- Mae GREAT Re lc ccTotc Cc oe nan iu c iene a effect, He often OCMC CEI VCR CRS ceu mn y na LCR Cn CEunaloic PIC eM CCR ccm MCT MELLEL UC Keats ocek When he told the secret of his hand-circling technique to his RCM AACR Ao MME Diocese iS MERC Crem megty Dra Cie Aa Teneo rec cma Working Principle of Chi erm Ere ea ose can ML he submitted to the 12th volume of the Chinese magazine Chi Gong and Science in 1988, he pointed out that as we practice moving our hands in circles in front of our stomachs, we are moving the blood in the hands, the red blood cells in the blood, and the magnetic material in the red blood cells across the earth's magnetic lines of force, thus creating a direct current and a magnetic field, Not only that, but if we provide the right fre- quency, we can cause the water in the hands to undergo nuclear- magnetic resonance, Magnetic resonance comes through the media of water and organic compounds and flows through the body. The direction of the flow can be guided by the hands, because the palms give off a rather strong magnetic resonance during this practice. It also may flow from the point of highest energy to the point of low- est energy. If the energy flows through damaged, weak, sick, or old organs, they will be restored, This explains not only the connec- tions between the magnetic fields of the body, magnetic resonance in the body, and the mystery of chi, but also some principles of chi kung’s healing power. Ido not know Dr. Ma, but in my twenty years of teaching the empty force, energy healing chi kung, and yin and yang eight dia- gram chi kung (the most powerful group-healing chi kung, using two males and two females), I have always put “moving the hands in circles” first. However, I call it “push hands” (see pp. 100-101). Independently of Dr. Ma, [ long ago discovered that this exercise could produce very strong energy and magnetism, which greatly helps in using external chi for healing. Dr. Ma is well known in the Hong Kong scientific community and in chi kung research circles. In 1987, he spent 100,000 Hong Kong, dollars (about $12,500) to go to the South Magnetic Pole for a chi kung experiment that lasted only fifty-six hours, He wanted to test the effects on the human body of the magnetic field on the ocean RTA TCR Meme eRe LCM IUCMO ND subir en crce toma nai the POU Rinieireecren nthe nmi cma ct its cies mexke Coe neces PUI M emercr Ne a Cra easy location of the magnetic pole Peer GCs Con ce se nAa MeConIC LA strong there. He also learned that the Ferrer Olen aCe kL NTO IMT eR CONC s ane cca than the combined infra- Penicercster smo mist enc Re ESOL LCL (You might also be interested to know that Dr. Gar cecn nay on the only steamboat licensed to carry passengers from Chile across eR EYOl evel nc CMG RACAL Anne tea iter as well as the first person to dive under a NOclet ETc mr ect e the captain of the boat decided to call it “James AMO] E utc Miers CALLUS used on world maps ever since!) Based on the results of his years of research, Dr. Ma published a paper at the First International Symposium on Acupuncture, Bei- jing 1987, called “Explaining Chinese Chi Gong by Magnetic-Nuclear erie Meee TELL MS el he stated, “awaiting experi- POTTMTC Racor Cm Cy ccm mC e is researchers.” On his way to Canada in the summer of 1992, ey eay Er passed through California, where Dr. FCTOU AWN Ate Tite Co vRe nC tee eD| ARAM a Ce Crnmo me Cot eAticM I NLecS MLL Rent Colamco Menlo Park to give a talk on chi kung to familiarize Californians with his theories, Se ——— Figure 1 Master Yu Yongnian Cleft) guiding students in “moving the hands in circles” at a chi kung conference. PUSH HANDS EXERCISE SECC RUE MMNER UM een AU LE MeN mala yee Rnlte| feet together. 2. Turn your right foot about 35 degrees to the right. 3. Move your left foot one step forward. Bend your legs slightly, Sere ea CRN Core TCL 4, Start with your hands together in front of the chest, palms down and fingers facing forward. Push the hands forward and around in two horizontal circles, This is done slowly, smoothly, and con- tinuously, The left hand moves around and back to the left side, and the right hand back to the right side, until the hands meet again in front of the chest. Do this 12 times. After one month of practice, increase it to 24 times, and by the third month increase aOR ire MOU MAIC Mea cee eme Ce Tom alm UL A Coy 5. Pull your left foot back to the normal position, and return the Lela coelacon tert TT position, Straighten the Tone Saeco Rt onyta aT eT tT posture. %. Turn your left foot about 35 Cte mem Tea Ta Som celta te tal Cote Seyi Eee COune Tree So CCN et LETT Perea ree] SUR aol tte test a ea tee This time, Uieratra comer iy te Opposite direction. Increase the Tbe er ey circles month-by-month to 36 times, as before, CaaS lornttea srt WET exercises, be sure to concentrate on the palms and imagine that your OER ort ta ing SOUL htes Siem rele sand, grass, and so forth (see borat ewe)

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