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The second in the achievement series of the Institute of Religion, Science and

Social Issues of Shandong University

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Written by Li Yuanguo

Sichuan People's Publishing House

Shandong University Religion, Science and Social Issues
Research Institute Achievements Series 2
The second in the achievement series of the Institute of Religion, Science and
Social Issues of Shandong University

atmosphere of winter
The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism
Written by Li Yuanguo

Sichuan People's Publishing House

Book cataloging in publication (positive) data
Shenxiao Thunder Method: The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao School of
Taoism/by Li Yuanguo. 1
Chengdu: Sichuan People's Publishing House, 2003.7
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"God. One

『 Li Yi

Tian. A sect of Taoism-Research-China


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God's Thunder Method

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Written by Li Yuanguo
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Twenty-five years ago, the famous biologist and philosopher Professor Edward

Based on sociobiology, it is proposed that "four basic types of human behavior

are: aggression,
Sexuality, Altruism and Religion" (Xiang plus 81
Out of 11^ flame 1 511 Ya's & Lieshi 885,080)1)11 (^6, 1^88830111186118, 1978,
i.e. 9 7).
This theory powerfully reveals to us the internal structure of human nature. In
this regard, last year I
I once expressed and discussed this with Professor Wilson during an academic
appointment at Harvard.
A kind of thinking that science is not only a unique method for human beings to
effectively understand and grasp nature.
knowledge system that extends and enhances human control and attack power over
Energy-capturing systems; not only society, but also culture should be treated
from a biological perspective
research, exploring what I call “cultural biology.” Today, science and
technology and its development
The development has enabled human aggression to expand more and more
effectively; modern people are influenced by science
The benefits are countless, and scientific civilization has almost become
synonymous with modern civilization. one
A very real situation is that modern people’s lives and almost all areas of life
Depends on science and its continuous "upgrading". In people's eyes, scientific
Reasonable, valuable and unquestionable. Because it is the appearance of our
change. In fact, science has brought us more blessings in the past two hundred
years than in the past two hundred years.
sum. But what is thought-provoking is that religion and modern science stand
side by side, ancient but not
Failure, science will even be criticized and challenged by religion. institute
of science and civilization

School District Personnel Fang/

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The human social problems and ecological problems caused by religion are the
same as the social problems and ecological problems caused by religion.
The concerns of survival are all intertwined, and modern people are confused by
To put it simply, religion has lasted for thousands of years because it
originated from a deep concern of human beings: human beings
Is it possible for a class to exist beyond this shore? This seems to be
something beyond and even far away from the present
It is a problem of real logic, but it is a problem that remains throughout the
ages. It originates from human self-awareness.
Then the rise of human nature, and the ever-expanding attack and seizure of the
external world
ability and desire to acquire. In the known world, only humans have developed
Objectification appeared with the natural matrix, proposing "
"Know oneself" proposition, identify oneself
self-worth and the meaning of existence. Therefore, human beings continue to
seek to survive in the increasingly escalating
level to achieve self-realization. This raises questions: Is such a precious
Will it really end with the end of his physical form? Under this tension, the
Hall, pure land, fairyland, paradise, etc., as human nature towards "
"afterlife" is not
The same extension method is depicted in various religions.
Like religion, science originates from human nature and is an externalization of
human nature. With scientific theory
The rise of sex in civilization has played an increasingly important role in the
history of human civilization.
color. People use science to express and stretch their will and power in the
real dimension
The human dimension is marked above. In other words, science is a unique energy-
grabbing system of human beings.
It is an expanded form of social common personality in the real dimension.
Therefore, any attempt to
Any denial adopted by science will be regarded as a threat to and denial of
human nature and human will.
determined and therefore dangerous and unacceptable. Advocate science and regard
science as the foundation of all things
Scale and taking science as the basis of culture are a major feature of modern
civilization. because,
Science, a rational culture, has given mankind an unprecedentedly powerful grip
on everything from the whole to the individual.
capabilities, humans have never had such powerful attack power and control over
the external world as they do now.
control force. Science has enabled mankind to gain what many religions promised
in the past, and only by entering the divine realm can they
have certain abilities (such as defeating many diseases and extending people's
life span), many people therefore
There is a feeling that there is no longer any need or fear of God and ghosts.
It's human nature
Shenxiao calligraphy

\ Hello


Natural expansion means that humans will not and cannot give up their admiration
and pursuit of science.
However, looking at the vicissitudes of human religion and belief over thousands
of years, we still do not
It has to be said that the inner world of human beings is not as perfect as he
often expresses.
The lack of "absurdity" and the need for higher forms of "absurdity" also seem
to be human
An important aspect of sex. Since ancient times, there have always been
inevitably some people in society
to move toward religious belief; moreover, what science has never answered or
even denied is human
The issue of ultimate concern, and this is precisely the long-standing,
"thinking" problem in another dimension of human nature.
It is an unavoidable problem for human beings to think. This means that, at
least relative to a specific
For the general population, scientific rationality has its inherent limitations
at the spiritual level, and it is not uniform.
It will definitely satisfy their spiritual world and enable people to achieve
the "ultimate" sense.
of "self-realization". From this we can understand why the American Protestant
thinker Paul T.
Leahy said: "Religion is the ultimate concern of mankind." In fact, as a unique
Culture and religion, like science, are another form of expression of expanding
human nature.
Everyone comes from a specific tradition; a specific tradition creates a
society, a specific society exists in the externalization, renewal and evolution
of specific traditions.
In the process. After the Song Dynasty, the cultural trend of thought
characterized by self-examination and introspection gradually took hold.
Chinese culture is gradually becoming inward-looking, with the passion for the
outside world disappearing and a deeper and deeper
Exploring "Studying Things to Learn"
Being addicted to the inner world cannot be stopped. In the past, those who were
still extroverted "
Suo, by Wang Yangming in the Ming Dynasty, had been transformed into the inner
knowledge of "leading to conscience":
"Knowing good and knowing evil is conscience, and doing good and eliminating
evil is observing things." This is the "thorough and thorough work".
"Husband". (Part 2 of "Zhuanxilu") Sadly, the nature of mind represented by Duan
Zhong's thoughts
Learning has been rampant for a long time, and with the decline of feudal
society and its moral and value system,
The ability to seize Chinese culture constitutes self-castration, thus dooming
the weakness of modern China.
weak. At the same time, traditional religion has also experienced a process from
"gathering" to "dispersing"
In the past, many traditional religions have weakened, and their religious ideas
and systems of proving gods have spread among the people.
During this period, a large number of new folk religions were advocated in the
world, and social ethics, aesthetics, and values




/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Diversification poses a threat to the traditional social order, political

tension increases sharply, and conflicts between the government and the people
Continuously. According to the laws of history and the self-organizing logic of
society, the due religious reform
The process of reforming, reorganizing major religions ("Gathering") and
"Chineseizing" new foreign religions
Cheng, but never appeared. Since the 19th century, China has suffered from the
ravages of invasion.
The Chinese people seem to realize that the root cause of their backwardness and
beatings is culture, so they work hard to strengthen the nation.
forces are appealed to for cultural change, and the failure of such efforts is
repeatedly attributed to itself
cultural issues. As a result, the Chinese people have strongly rejected and
denied tradition many times, resulting in the traditional
Traditional culture is fragmented and moral values are confused. This is a
question that must be considered carefully.
Since the 1980s, Chinese society has gradually deepened its faith and moral
This issue has a profound internal connection with the negation and destruction
of tradition in the past era.
Tie. Indeed, tradition gains vitality as it is constantly being transcended, and
the times continue to evolve and
Advance through breakthroughs; we are not afraid of throwing away the worn-out
traditions and pale ghosts and gods.
What I fear is that the inner integrity and soul of the nation will also be
Scholars should regard the joys and sorrows of the times as joys and sorrows,
and consider the past and the future as their own
appoint. We need to consider China and foreign countries, review the past and
present, and rebuild our traditions. at this
In the process, anything of value should be included in our thinking, "taking
into account all things"
"Uncover"). In this way, we can almost reach the great road.
And the balance is suspended in the middle" ("Xunzi,
Knowledge is like a weed in the wasteland, it is rooted in its own roots and
cannot be sought after. Shandong University Religion,
Full-time and part-time scientific researchers at the Institute of Science and
Social Issues, according to their respective academic ambitions
I am interested in discussing some issues in depth, and what I have thought and
gained are all the hard work of Hanzhu.
They also selected some foreign academic masterpieces and translated them into a
series, which was published one after another.
Version. This is the preface.
Director and Professor of the Institute of Religion, Science and Social Issues
at Shandong University


Met in Quancheng at the end of 2002

Shenxiao thunder method

Wang Jiayou

Disciple Yuan Guo is diligent and knowledgeable, and has a profound foundation
in Taoist research. Facing reality, ed.
There are many books on traditional Chinese health preservation, especially the
"Encyclopedia of Chinese Taoist Qigong Health Preservation"
The huge volume is famous overseas. In recent years, he has participated in the
punctuation compilation of "Chinese Taoist Canon" and studied the truths
A classic, it is very informative to explore the origins and changes of various
factions. In the past, there were Shangqing and Lingbao series.
Textual research; today I write about the evolution of Beidi, Shenxiao and
Qingwei. Each traces their origins and learns from each other’s convergence.
Similarities and differences are combined, and the teachings are in harmony,
making it a truly unique work. Very commendable.
In the Yuan Kingdom, thanks to the discussion of Wen Daoist, and following the
teaching of Yi Xinying (Li Lun) in Qingcheng
Dharma, who is also a prominent scholar of various schools, is an official with
a master's degree in Taoist cultural research. Three visits to Paris (Europe)
Taoist Center) and received favorable treatment. I have been studying in Japan
several times and have achieved a lot of results. Many times in France
The country and Japan brought me a huge book that was overweight and enlightened
me. I worked tirelessly and friendship is hard to come by.
Yes, it's a great relief.
Kunlun in Western Xinjiang (Shu Mountain at the boundary of Sichuan, Qinghai and
Gansu) is the "Bird Mother" god of enlightenment
Yue. Taoism "originates from Kunlun and begins at the source of the river".
Today, the Queen Mother of the West (Feng clan, bird
Mother) sitting on a dragon and tiger seat to preach (Han portrait brick).
Fengyi clan statues were first seen in the Hemudu culture
The bone dagger. Five thousand years ago, China's west and east had an
integrated religious culture. The foundation of China
It’s all about the integrated culture of being born and bred. Six thousand years
ago, there were clams from the Yangshao culture on the west slope of the water.

1 field

⑷ (Yibu/Er Taoism God/Pai Yanfengbi Thought

Sculpture of the Kingdom of Dragon and Tiger (Puyang, Henan)

. The Taoist alchemy of dragon and tiger meeting, in Kunlun Nine
Under the orders of Dou Qi, it had been spread to Yanhuang Zhaomu for a long
This book points out that Taoism originated from the alchemists of Zhou and Qin.
Alchemists are ancient sorcerers, immortals
Following the ancient shaman (official of national knowledge) Taoism. Kunlun
Immortal and Penglai Immortal were integrated early
Three generations ago. The jade-making rituals of Liangzhu culture are included
in the Sanxingdui culture of Guanghan, Sichuan
The utensils also show the integration of the cultures of the two major regions
of Phoenix, Dragon and Tiger. King Mu of Zhou visits Xishan girl
In this country, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty met with the Queen Mother and
answered each other's songs. Taoism originated from Fengmu (the King of the
West) in Kunlun Mountains.
Zhen, Queen of Lishan) and the spirits of the sea, Sanxingdui religion is
evidenced by archaeological evidence.
Don't wait for the mausoleum of Zhengzheng, and follow the altar of Qingyang Li
Lao. If you go back to the distant country to fight against Lao Lao, he has
three officials and seven political affairs.
The destiny must be the same as mine.
The night of November 11, 2002

I wrote this short sequence at the request of a distant country.

Wang Jiayou Zongji

Shenxiao thunder method

cut off the feet

(1) 1


Chinese Taoism has a long history, profoundness and breadth. It originates from
ancient China’s primitive
Religion, Fang Xiandao in the late Zhou Dynasty and Huanglao Taoism in the Qin
and Han Dynasties, and based on the thoughts of pre-Qin Taoism
As a theoretical basis, it draws on Confucianism, Mohism, Yin-Yangism, Five
Elements, Fang Technologists, and Yang
Cultivation methods and ethics of sects of health, medicine, and later Buddhism,
Tibetan Buddhism, etc.
Philosophical concepts and belief elements are based on the true foundation of
valuing people, valuing life, helping the world and saving people, and living a
long life.
and then pursue the ideal of unity with Tao, integrating and absorbing the
traditional culture of the Chinese nation
The various components gradually developed into a local religion with the most
distinctive characteristics of Chinese civilization.
As far as the formation and development of Taoism are concerned, since the
creation of the Celestial Master Zhang Ling during the Eastern Han Dynasty,
After the Zhengyi Sect, Taoism officially moved towards the forefront of history
as an independent historical religion.
tower. At the same time, Zhang Xiu’s Five Pecks of Rice Road and Zhang Jiao’s
Taiping Road were also active in society.
meeting. Later, the Shangqing sect and the Lingbao sect came into being in the
Wei and Jin Dynasties one after another, and then they were in harmony with the
Tianshi sect.
One faction stands on three pillars. In addition, there are Li Jiadao, Bo
Jiadao, Qingshui Dao and other tribes.
Distributed all over the country, preaching and preaching in the society of Wei
and Jin Dynasties. With the development of Taoism
development, many new schools emerged during the Tang and Song Dynasties, mainly
Beidi School, Shenxiao School
Although they
They all respect Taoism and respect the Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing Dynasty,
but they have different opinions on theory, cultivation and Taoism.

Also people take things in and people feel empty/—

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

distinctive, thus greatly enriching and enriching the connotation of Taoist

culture and expanding the scope of Taoism.
Teach the essence of thought. This is the development of the Taoist Talisman
Sect represented by Zhang Ling in the Han, Jin, Tang and Song Dynasties.
basic situation.
Correspondingly, the Taoist Danding sect, which has been hidden since the Han
and Tang Dynasties,
Due to the vigorous advocacy of Zhong Yuquan, Lu Dongbin, Chen Zhuan and others,
the study of inner alchemy began to appear in
During this period, Zhang Boduan, Bai Yuchan and others founded the Nanzong of
the Neidan sect, and Wang Chongyang, Qiu
Chuji and others explain Beizong -

The mystery of Quanzhen Tao, Lu Xixing and Li Xiyue founded the Eastern School,

The gateway to the West. In addition, there are the Zhongpai, Sanfeng, Wuliu,
Qingcheng, and Long sects.
sect, Huashan sect, Guanghui sect, Jinshan sect, Yuxian sect, Qingjing sect,
Yunchao sect,
Huoshan Sect, Jueyun Sect, Xizhu Xinzong, Nanwu Sect, Yanzu Sect, Yinxian Sect,
etc., etc.
They all aim to cultivate alchemy internally and apply morality externally, and
advocate the integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.
1. Cultivation of both life and life, keeping the whole truth in one.
Just as "Jin Zhenren Quotations" says: "If a person cultivates and nourishes his
life, he must first accumulate
achievement. There is merit but no deeds, and it is difficult to achieve the
fruit of the Tao. Having both merit and deeds is called a real person.
"The so-called "tired"
"Gong" refers to the practice of true power: "If you want true power, you must
have a clear mind and a clear mind.
God, motionless and inactive, truly pure and pure, holding the essence and
keeping oneness, preserving the spirit and solidifying the charcoal, this is the
real skill.
The so-called "
"Accumulating deeds" refers to saving people and accumulating virtues: "If you
want to be truly virtuous, you need to cultivate virtues and help others."
When people are poor and suffering, when they see people in trouble, they always
have the heart to save them, or they may induce good people to enter the Tao,
and practice where they are.
When you do something, you put others before yourself, and you are selfless to
all things. This is true practice. ”① True skills and true deeds,
Only by cultivating both sides can one achieve complete truth.
Compared with traditional Taoism, the Quanzhen sects attach great importance to
the study of inner alchemy, although they deliberately downplay
The art of talismans, but also uses talismans to cure people's illnesses and
relieve misfortune, and to pray for sunshine and rain. Because of inner elixir
With the rise and influence of the theory, the Fulu sects in traditional Taoism
have also adopted its teachings.

① See page 697 of Volume 23 of "Tao Zang", Cultural Relics Publishing House,
Shanghai Bookstore, Tianjin Ancient Books Publishing House
Photocopied version in March 1988. The following quotations are based on this
version, referred to as "Tao Zang".
Shenxiao thunder method

\ ⑥

In order to improve the old cultivation system and reform the ancient spells and
Taoism. So, a kind of fusion
Taoist elixir methods, qi methods, spells, alchemy, etc. are integrated into
one, absorbing the "righteousness" of Confucianism
The concept of "sincerity of mind", the Zen view of Buddhism of "clear mind and
seeing nature", the "three secrets" of Tantric Buddhism
The secret method of "Ying Ying" and the new Tao method with the worship of Lei
Zu as the core -

Leifa, as luck would have it

And born.
The worship of the God of Thunder and the practice and application of thunder
methods are the most important in Chinese Taoism.
A belief and a magic. It originates from the oldest primitive religion in China,
namely Bao
It contains the earliest and most essential nature worship in human
civilization, and also preserves the human attempt to control
The courage and effort to create and dominate the world. It brings people's awe
and respect for heaven and earth
The worship of gods and human subjective initiative are organically combined to
A very unique cultural phenomenon. In Taoism, the worship of the God of Thunder
has a long history
long-lasting and very widespread. Especially since the Tang and Song Dynasties,
due to the numerous Taoist sects advocating
Under the guidance of the emperor, the thunder method became popular all over
the world, once ranking first among all methods and becoming the highest level
of Taoist magic.
The representative attracted widespread attention from the world and had a huge
influence to this day. in numerous
Among the Taoist schools, the Shenxiao sect has made the most contribution to
the formation and development of Taoist thunder method.
big. Therefore, we explore the theory, methods, evolution and influence of
Taoist thunder method,
We should start from the research of Shenxiao Sect.
In recent years, with the increasing attention of academic circles to the
history of Taoism, many books have been published
A number of results on the historical evolution and schools of Taoism have been
published, but so far there has been no information on Shenxiao
The monograph on the sect and its thunder methods may be written as a pioneering
work, so it is inevitable that it will be neglected.
Suddenly missed, but finally got a start. According to this idea, this book will
be divided into eight
Chapters respectively discuss the history, pantheon, theory, thunder method and
social influence of Shenxiao Sect.
Sound, in order to seek verification from Taoist sects and colleagues in the
academic world.
Shenxiao thunder method







( 1)








Chapter One: The Beginning Period of Shenxiao Sect—


Section 1





( 1 )


( 1 )


The Dongyuan School originated from the Taoist priest Wang Zhuan of the Eastern
Jin Dynasty, and was collected in "Tao Zang"
"Tai Shang Dong Yuan Shen Mantra Sutra", twenty volumes, is the Taoist scripture
preached by this sect.
...In the early Tang Dynasty, there was a Taoist priest Wei Shanjun who
practiced Dongyuan Taoism...and later Ye Fa
His kindness was great, and he was favored by the Tang royal family, and his
reputation was very high... Gao Dao
Huang Yuantang, Han Yuanzui, Liu Xuanyuan, Fan Xianzhou, He Ziyu, Feng
They are all descendants of this sect... Yuan Miaozong of the Northern Song
Dynasty also inherited his method and passed it on
"Shangqing Hidden Book Bone Marrow Spiritual Text" is alive in the world, and
there is a big Yi Benxing in it to collect evil spirits.
Section 2









Deng Ziyang founded the Beidi Sect because he admired the North Pole Ziwei the


How can someone drag someone into Liu/2—

Along with Taoism Shenxiao sect, and thoughts

The great emperor taught the "Northern Emperor" scriptures and was good at
controlling "Feng".
The capital is known as the "Six Heavenly Ghosts and Gods"... The person who
inherited his dharma lineage is his nephew Deng De
Cheng, famous disciples include Tan Xianyan, Shi Xuandong, Zuo Tongxuan, Zou
Yu Hua and others... Deng Yankang inherited his family law, and his descendant
Deng Qixia will
The Qing, Zhengyi and Beidi dharma are integrated into one, which is generally
accepted by those who practice Taoism.
...Beidi Dafa was deeply favored by Emperors Xuanzong, Dezong, Xianzong, etc. of
the Tang Dynasty.
Wu Zong, Xuan Zong and Yizong strongly supported it, so it became popular for a












The Jingming lineage originated from the Lingbao sect, which respected Xu Xun as
its founder.
Teach the Patriarch... In the early Tang Dynasty, Taoist priests Zhang Fu and Hu
Huichao practiced Jingming
Taoism, so the Taoist priests of the Jingming Sect respected Zhang Liang as the
"Master of Classics" and respected Hu
Huichao is the "Master King"... Huang Huagu and Ye Qianshao are also Jingming
Section 4








Wang Zhenjun once studied under Mr. Baiyun Zhang Yue and Chicheng Sima Cheng
Zhen, who followed the Tao of Qingjing and was proficient in Shenxiao thunder
method, wrote "Fire Master Wang Zhen".
Jun Lei's Secret Purpose", "Mixing Secrets", "Yushu Lingwen", "Zhan Kan"
"Five Thunder Dharma" and so on... Yan Zhenqing is his Taoist friend, and he
goes in and out
Xuanmen, once taught Tao Baba, the Taoist priest, and learned the secret of
Daogui Divine Pill, white jade
Toad said that after his sacrifice, he was promoted to the "Left Judge of the
Arctic Exorcist Academy" of the Lei Department.
Official"...Song Chongyuan, Zhai Fayan, Shu Xuji, Xiang Daorong, Ren
It can be said that the thunder method has been passed down for five
generations...Cheng Taixu and Xie Ziziran have learned the magic of thunder
Purpose and talisman seal, Tan Zixiao said that he had obtained Zhang Lingtian's
heart and rectified the Dharma, and later
Those who practice the righteous Dharma of the Heavenly Mind all have their
ancestors in Zixiao.

(2 0 )
Shen Xiaoxiao~

Chapter two

The formation period of Shenxiao Sect—

Section 1











(3 0 )

… (3 2 )

Song Huizong successively reused Wei Hanjin, Xu Shenweng and Maoshan master
Liu Hunkang formulated the "Three Mountains Ding" of Maoshan, Longhu Mountain
and Zaoge Mountain.
The situation of "establishing and assisting the emperor"... During the Zhenghe
and Xuanhe years, great efforts were made to
Promote Taoism and consider yourself to be "
The "Emperor Donghua" was born and ordered all the people in the world to become
In the Xiao Wanshou Palace, a Shenxiao altar was set up in the capital to teach
talismans, and the forest was granted
Lingsu, Wang Wenqing, Wang Yuncheng, Xu Zhichang, Li Derou, Wang Chong
Guo, Dong Deyun and other nine people collected Taoist scriptures for "Shenxiao
Waiting Chen"...
Thunder Book, fabricated the Thunder Book of Shenxiao on a large scale, and
asked questions in the name of the secret treasure of Shenxiao Mansion.
There may be more than a thousand kinds of Taoist books of the Shenxiao sect in
the world.
Section 2







(3 7 )

Lin Lingsu is a controversial figure. According to legend, he won Zhao Sheng

The "Jade Book of Shenxiao Temple of Heaven" and the Five Thunder Dharma were
passed down because they were recommended by Xu Zhichang
After entering the palace, he read the "Shen Xiao Lei Book" and the Jade Seal of
the Temple of Heaven, and became favored by Huizong.
The power was overwhelming... and later he had a big conflict with the powerful
ministers Cai Jing, Tong Guan and the prince.
Tu, Yan Shui failed and was released to his hometown... After his death, there
was a disciple Zhang Ruhui
Got the secret decree alone.
Section 3








Wang Wenqing is the core figure of the Shenxiao sect. He plays an important role
in theory and organization.
He made a significant contribution to the formation and development of this
sect... recorded in Taoist books
He once obtained the Lei Shu Secret Code written by Wang Zhenjun and Ye Fashan,
which contains the essence of Taoism.
Deep, he repeatedly showed supernatural powers, gained the favor of the Wei
Sect, and ordered him to take charge of the official affairs of the sect.
... After assessing the situation, he returned to his hometown of Nanfeng and
wrote ten Taoist books.
For the rest of the family, he preached and taught disciples, and his teachings
were passed down from generation to generation.

(4 4 )


Section 4






The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism






(5 0 )

Zhang Jixian, the 30th-generation Celestial Master, inherited the Celestial

Master's teachings at the age of nine and worshiped himself.
Since the Ning year, he has responded to imperial edicts four times and
repeatedly advised Huizong to reform his bad government...
The author of "Song of the Great Dao", "Xin Shuo" and "Quotations" has been
handed down to the world, and he is a disciple of the Sui Dharma.
Sa Shoujian, Zhu Meijing, Chen Xiwei and Zhang Zongyan taught the Lei method in
third chapter

The prosperous period of the Winged Sect—

Section 1



Sa Shoujian, who combines three Taoisms into one (5 9)

The Fulu Sect in the Southern Song Dynasty had many sects, and the Taoism was
even more diverse.

The most important figure in the Shenxiao sect is undoubtedly Sa Shoujian, known
as the Fenyang Rescuer in the world.
Zhenren, Fenyang officials and Xihe Shangzai... It is recorded in the book that
Sa Jun obtained Zhang Ji
First, the three families of Lin Lingsu and Wang Wenqing inherited the thunder
method, and the Tao method was greatly displayed.
Xiangyin County is also famous for its ability to encourage people to keep the
precepts and to subjugate demons and evil spirits to attack obscene temples...
Xiangyin County
The temple god used boys and girls to worship him, and Sajun's thunder and fire
flew into the sky and set fire to his temple.
...The temple god Wang Shan secretly followed him for twelve years, waiting for
Mr. Sa to have trouble.
In retaliation, the real person did not violate the commandments in the
slightest, and his god converted him and became an auxiliary general.
...The Jade Emperor conferred the title of Marshal to King Huoluo, with a tin
seal like a bucket and an inner seal.
The four words "loyal and loyal" govern the world... Because of the high Taoism
of Zhou
Side vigorously promoted it and won the support of successive Ming emperors such
as Chengzu, Renzong,
Xuanzong, Yingzong, Shizong, Xianzong, etc. praised it, Sa Shoujian, Wang Ling
The official's belief reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty and expanded from a
local temple
It is a national belief that all Taoist temples and temples have Wang Lingguan
as the protector...
In later generations, there were Sazu sect, Xihe sect and Tianshan sect, all of
which regarded Sa Shojian as their ancestors.

(5 6 )
Section 2

Chen Nan (6 7), the third ancestor of the Southern Sect who also taught the
thunder method
Since Zhang Boduan started the "Wuzhen Chapter", the alchemy method has been
studied by Shi Tai and Xue.

Daoguang, Chen Nan, and Bai Yuchanfang formally formed the Southern Sect of the
Neidan Sect, and later
People call them the five ancestors of the Southern Sect. They are all
proficient in alchemy and promote the way of alchemy... Nan
The ancestors of the sect, Zhang Boduan, Shi Tai and Xue Daoguang, all took good
care of themselves.
The main purpose is to practice Taoism and refine alchemy. But starting from the
third ancestor Chen Nan, he only changed
Emphasis on self-cultivation of the Immortal Tao tradition, and also practice
the Shenxiao Talisman and Thunder method.
Zhang Jishi’s Mahayana thought of benefiting the people...Chen Nan makes a
living by panning long drums
Ye, wandered around the world, and later Taiyi Daogui Jindanjue was given to Xue
Obtained "Jingxiao Daleilang Shu" from Taoist Li Mushan. The Taoist said:
"Improvement of oneself alone cannot reach people, and gods will not take it.
That's why Zhang Zheng
During the first battle with ghosts in Xichuan, Xu Jingzhi killed the snake and
applied medicine. "...... Chen Nanji
Inheriting the Taoist tradition of Nanzong, he obtained the elixir formula to
stabilize his life, and used the method of thunder to save the world.
Xiao Sect regards him as the founder of their sect.
Section 3

The white jade toad that combines alchemy, magic and lightning into one body (7
Bai Yuchan has an open mind, outstanding talent, and many creations.

He has a lot of stories and is the most outstanding figure in Taoism in the
Southern Song Dynasty...he was sixteen years old
Wanting to learn Taoism, he traveled all over the world and suffered a lot. He
met Chen Nan and learned the elixir.
It took more than sixty years to achieve the right results and obtain the secret
edict of the Zhonglu School of Alchemy...
His appearance is like madness, his nature is fond of drinking, he is unruly, he
understands the three teachings, and he learns
Through the nine streams, he read many Buddhist books, studied Zen, and studied
the Great Cave Dharma Ribbon.
Pursuing the great laws of all schools, I am particularly fond of Lei's method.
Try calling yourself Yufu
Lei Jianli, when it comes to exorcising evil spirits and curing diseases, it is
like saving people from starvation and drowning.
...He organically combined inner alchemy with thunder method, and advocated the
use of thunder method
Alchemy helps the people and saves the world, which is an important change in

Section 4

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Many high-minded people who follow Shenxiao Taoism (9 3)

The Zhongxiao Sect with Uncle Li Qing as its founder, this method was taught to
the ancestors by the old king

The Heavenly Master lived in Heming Mountain, Sichuan, and his descendants were
all taught by strangers in person. In the Southern Song Dynasty,
At that time, Uncle Li Qing taught Zhao Lu, and Zhao Lu passed on to Gaocang,
and then he showed up again.
When he was alive, he taught the great Dharma of One Loyalty, Filial Piety and
Five Thunders... with Zou Tiebi as his ancestor.
Masters in the past include Wang Zhenjun, Wang Zhenjun, Shangguan Zhenguan, Zou
Tiebi, Mo Yueding, Chen Wuwei, Li Cunxin, Deng Xiufeng, Huang Tai
And, the main transmission of the innate thunder crystal hidden book... based on
Qingcheng Mountain Zixu Miaodao Zhen
Jun Zhang Yuanzhen is the Grandmaster, and Zhang Jixian is the Patriarch. There
are still other Grandmasters.
Liu Zhiqing, the main teacher of Hunyuan Yiqi Bagua Cave Divine Medicine Five

...Represented by Chen Daoyi, whose inheritance is Lin Lingsu—

Chen Dao

Liu Yu—

Xue Dongzhen, Lu Yanghao—

Zhang Ruhui

Xu Bida—

Huang Gongjin teaches Shenxiao Jinhuo Tianding Dharma because of its

Everyone in the sect is called "Yuzhen's disciple", and Lin Lingsu is respected
as "Yuzhen's disciple".
"Leader", so this sect can be called the Yuzhen Sect of the Shenxiao Sect...
Yilu Yang
Hao is the representative, and he mainly teaches General Zhu of Taiyi Fire
Rhinoceros Palace to take the Dafa test,
Beiyin Fengdu Taixuan controlled the black law to adopt the evil witchcraft, and
his disciple Xu Bi
Da, Liu Yu, and Huang Gongjin followed his lineage... with Liu Haoran as their
Master, who teaches Taiyi Huofu Five Thunder Dharma. He has been practicing
Taiyi since Feng Youzhao in the Tang Dynasty.
The Yi Lei method has always been based on Qingcheng Mountain in Sichuan, and
has been passed down successively to
Jiang Yuanheng, Lu Zhengqing, Li Juchuan, Zhang Zhongzhi and others passed
through the Northern Song Dynasty
Gaodao Chen La, Xishu Liu Haoran, Kaizhou Xu Zhigao, Yanping Yang Geng
Chang, Pucheng Huangyunzhuang, Chengdu Li Gongxiang, etc. This sect has spread
to the south
In the late Song Dynasty, there were many disciples all over Xishu, Jiangnan and
Fujian areas.
... With Peng Lie as his master, he also taught the Shenxiao Thunder Method.
Qinan Zongxilin
In the authentic lineage, there are disciples Zhu Jue and Zheng Ruzi who inherit
its teachings...
Shenxiao calligraphy


Wan Dingxin is the founder, and the previous ancestors are Xu Xun—

Wang Zongbai—


Qingyang Cauldron—

Wang Yixuan—

Liang Tianjin—



Xiao Daochun—


Wang Mingwei, the main biography of Jiuzhou Society Barbarian Thunder

Dafa, Jiuzhou Sheling Yanglei Dafa.

Chapter 4: The Continuation Period of the Priest Sect—
Section 1

The Shenxiao Sect of the Yuan Dynasty—




(1 06)

Represented by Mo Yueding (107)

Mo Yueding was born in the eunuch clan, failed in the imperial examination,
abandoned his family to practice Taoism, and
Entering Qingcheng Mountain in Sichuan, he learned the Five Thunder Techniques
from Xu Wuji and learned from Zou Tiebi.
"Nine Heavens Thunder Crystal Hidden Book"... Lizong of the Song Dynasty Baoyou
Wu Wu Shaoxing drought,
The rain came when the moon tripod was built to pray, and Emperor Lizong said
that he was a god and that he was suffering from illness.
Those who seek treatment may write talismans to it, or hush and give it to them,
and all of them will be confirmed.
People often call him Mo Zhenguan... The only people who succeeded him were Wang
Jihua and Pan Wu.
Ya, Jihua was awarded Zhang Shanyuan, Shanyuan was awarded Bu Zonghao, Zonghao
was awarded Zhou Xuan
Zhen, all understand the thunder and rain clouds, but Xuanzhen is especially
called Weite. Jin Shan
Xin and Wang Weiyi also passed down the teachings of Mo Yueding...Wang Wenqing
passed on Gao Zi
Yu, Gao Ziyu taught Xu Ciju, and then to Nie Tianxi, Tan Wuzhen,
Luo Xuzhou, Xiao Yuxuan, Zhou Lili, Hu Daoxuan...Lu Daan,
Lei Mo'an taught the Ruyi Dafa in the Six Heavens of Hunyuan, followed by Lu
Ren, Zhenren Zha and Zhenren Zhang had thousands of disciples, divided into
southeast and west
There are two schools of Shu, including Grand Masters Lu and Li, and Cha Taiyu
of Nankang. Because
The way of Lu and Li traveled to Western Shu, the way of Taiyu traveled to the
southeast, and the way of Hunyuan
His teachings became popular in the world... Thirty-sixth generation Heavenly
Master Zhang Zongyan preached to Emperor Shenxiao
Make the jewels and five thunders pray to the great law. This method is rarely
spread in the world. It has been since the Song Dynasty and Li
Xianyun was passed on to Zhu Meijing, and was stopped when Zhu Yu emerged from
Qingcheng Mountain.
There are three people: Li Xianyun, Guo Tiju and Zhang Zongyan.

Section 2

The Shenxiao Sect of the Ming Dynasty—

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Represented by Tao Zhongwen (119)

Tao Zhongwen was good at the magic of immortals, and he learned the Fu Shui Jue
from Wan Yushan, and he was very good at it.
Jingjian was recommended by Gaodao Shao Yuanjie and was fortunate enough to be
granted the title of Shaozong by Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty.
Master, Young Master, and Young Protector, in the past twenty-six years, we have
invited twenty-four thousand Taoist priests from all over the world.
Thousands of people, promised. In the following years, there were many rewards
and honors...
At that time, the emperor wanted to live longer, so his ministers and poets
competed for the work of Wu Guan in order to win favor.
However, there are traitors without nationality in the country such as Duan
Chaoyong, Gong Kepei, Lan Daoxing, Wang
Jin, Hu Dashun, and Lantian Yu were all under the palace to be refined.
The magic of spells enchanted the emperor, and Emperor Shizong called himself
"Tai Shang Da Luo Tian Xian Zi".
Extremely Immortal Holy Wisdom Zhao Lingtong Yuan Zheng Ying Yuxu Master Five
Thunder Great Real Person Yuan
"The Emperor of Longevity in Dubao Realm"... Since the Northern Song Dynasty,
Suzhou Xuanmiao Temple
It has always been the center of activities of Shenxiao Taoist priests. In the
Ming Dynasty, there were also Zhou Xuanzhen,
Hu Daoan, Gu Yuanben, Zhang Pique, Shi Daoyuan, etc., have served as prime
ministers from generation to generation.
Subsequently, he spread Shenxiao Dafa and continued the Taoism until the Qing
Section 3 The Shenxiao Sect of the Qing Dynasty—

Represented by Shi Daoyuan (130)

Shi Daoyuan was once a disciple of the Quanzhen Longmen Sect and later converted
to the Heavenly Master
Mansion, inherited the lineage of Shenxiao Dao, initiated Shenxiao Qionglongshan
Sect, and passed down Hu Deguo

Pan Yuangui—

Hui Yuanmo—

Zhang Zili, Shi Shen'an...

Zhengyi sect, Shenxiao sect, Qingwei sect and Lushan Sannai sect, etc., came
into being in the Qing Dynasty
First introduced to Taiwan.
chapter Five

Basic overview of Taoist pantheon^

In the huge Taoist divine system, it can be divided into two categories: gods
and immortals.
Categories. The gods are various supernatural beings that people worship and
believe in Taoism
idols, such as Tianzun, Daojun, Laojun, Leizu, Jade Emperor, Tianzun
Jun, Xingjun, Tiangang, Disha, etc.; Xianzhen is mostly due to fatigue from
practicing Taoism.

(1 3 6 )

Real immortals who have reached the holy realm through virtue, such as
Guangchengzi and Ning in ancient times
Fengzi, Chisongzi, the Eight Immortals of the Tang and Song Dynasties, etc. It
is made up of various
It is composed of natural gods, spiritual gods, ancestors and many immortals.
A Taoist shrine with a strict system and respect for all gods was established...
From early on
The belief in Laojun and the Three Officials in the early period, to Tao
Hongjing's "The True Spirit Position Ye Guo",
Zhang Shangying's "Three Talents Positioning Map" and "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa"
The hierarchical structure of the huge divine group has been adjusted many
times, and along with the numerous Tao
The rise and decline of the sect gave rise to branch pantheons with different
The Taoist pantheon presents a rich and colorful picture...
Among the twelve golden immortals are the immortals in ancient legends and
Xiaoyao Cave.
real people, as well as the Buddhist Manjusri, Samantabhadra, Guanyin, and
Sun, it can be said that immortals and Buddhas are united in the sect.
Section 1










(1 4 3 )

Taoist theology is based on the Taoism of Pre-Qin Taoism and is different from
the three
The world, the free and easy spirits and gods are still the result of the great
The result is to transcend the opposition between life and death and reach the
state of harmony with Tao.
It is the Immortality advocated by Taoism... This theological view is
Taoism attaches great importance to the practical concept of human ethics in the
The role of the family in society, emphasizing the importance of race and blood
Want, believe that blood relationship is the core of extending life and
manifesting the great truth, family
The clan is the foundation for maintaining the lineage of Taoism and maintaining
orthodoxy forever.
Section 2









(1 4 7 )

The deification of Dao as the god of worship began with the founding of Taoism.
Ling founded the Celestial Master Way in the Eastern Han Dynasty and claimed to
be the true biography of Taishang Laojun.
This old man from heaven is the pre-Qin thinker Lao Tzu...
The divine genealogy of the Shangqing sect of the Southern Dynasties divided the
true spirits into seven classes, including jade


The history and thought of Shenxiao School of Taoism

Qing, Shangqing, Taiji, Taiqing, Jiugong, Dongtian, Fengdu, each

There is a main god, left and right immortals, who have specialized duties and
govern the entire universe.
…The Tang Dynasty confirmed the status of the highest deity in Taoism and
established the three
In the theological view of unity, all gods must worship the Three Pure Ones
God, this is another milestone in the history of the development of Taoist
theology, because Taoism
Taoist beliefs focus on the worship of the Three Pure Gods, which is very
important to Taoism.
has played an immeasurable role in its development and growth.






















The title of Yuanshi Tianzun was first seen in the ancient Lingbao Sutra of the
Wei and Jin Dynasties. It has many names.
There are ten kinds, one is called nature, the second is called Wuji, the third
is called Dao, and the fourth is called Dao.
Zhizhen, the fifth day is Taishang, the sixth day is Laojun, the seventh day is
Gaohuang, and the eighth day is Heaven.
Your Majesty, the Nine White Jade Emperor, Your Majesty on the 10th. And
manifest various incarnations to open up
To save people... Lingbao Tianzun is also known as the Great Emperor of the Qing
Dynasty and Yuchen Dao
Jun. There are dozens of names, such as Supreme Heavenly Lord, Wheel-turning
The Compassionate Dharma King, the True King of the Eight Extremes, the Holy
Lord of the Nine Heavens, the Lord of Three Thousand Transformations, the Five
Yi Tianjun, Teacher of the Three Realms, Yuchen Huazhu, Jinque Tianzun, Dongzhen
Dharma Master, Dongxuan Cult Master, Master of All Dharma, Most Excellent
Medical King, Dharma Realm Sage
Zun, Taoist Yuqing, Immortal King Taiqing, Master Santu, Master Jiuyou
etc., ever-changing, innumerable, educating all living beings, performing sutras
To teach, to enlighten heaven and man... The Moral God is also known as Hunyuan
Laojun and Taishang
Laojun, the Great Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, his statue resides in the Sanqing
Hall of the Taoist Temple
The one on the right usually holds a Bagua fan in his hand.












Emperor Ziwei rules over the three realms, controls the five thunders, and rules
over thousands of stars.

god thunder


Work side by side with the Jade Emperor to rule heaven, earth and hell together
...The Jade Emperor, also known as the Haotian Jade Emperor, holds the power of
ascending and descending in the heavens.
The opportunity for the generation of Si Qunpin, the standard pattern of the
three caves and four auxiliary forbidden scriptures, the arrival of the Great
The divine power of Miao Wuwei is the God Lord of the Three Realms and Three
Cave Immortals.
...The emperor of the land only controls the thunder, and is in charge of the
earth, mountains and rivers, so-called
Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother, Hou Tu Jade Emperor, heaven and earth have
been established, the Three Pure Ones have withdrawn from Tibet, and the Jade
The emperor has been ordered to rule all directions, heaven, earth and water,
and the three officials advocate it.
Section 3











The Jade Qingzhen King of the High God Xiao is also known as the Antarctic
Immortal Emperor, Kowloon
Fuso Sun Palace Emperor, one of three... followed by Dongji Qinghua
The Great Emperor Taiyi rescued the Kutian Lord, the Nine Heavens answered the
Yuan thunder and transformed the Heavenly Lord, and the Nine Heavens
The Great Heavenly Emperor of Heavenly Thunder, the Great Heavenly Emperor of
Shangqing Ziwei Taiyi, the Great Emperor of Liutian Dongyuan
Emperor, Six Waves of God Emperor, Kehan Kezhangren True King, Nine Days
The true king... is born from the nine qi of the Yuan Dynasty, so he is called
Jiuchen God, representing the sky.
He is responsible for creation, dominates all things, and is the deity of the
thunder method sent by Shenxiao.
Section 4









The Nine Divisions are in charge of Lei Jian's pivot, and the three provinces of
Tai, Xuan and Du are traveling to the sky.
Lei Fa, the Four Prefectures dispatched troops and generals to control evil and
break prisons. The commander is Tian
Peng, Tianyou, Yisheng, and Xuanwu are collectively called the Four Saints of
the Arctic... Tianpeng
The marshal has three heads and six arms, red hair, scarlet clothes, red armor
and bare feet; his left hand is knotted
Canopy Seal, the right hand shakes the imperial bell; the left hand holds an ax
and the right hand
Holding the seven stars in a hand seal; the left hand holds the rope, the right
hand holds the sword, leading the troops
360,000 horsemen, thunder and lightning, windboy and rain master, fairy boy and
Women, with splendid feathers, each holding a golden sword... Marshal Tianyou
has four children on his shoulders.
Arms, neck length three heads, wearing golden armor, holding a spear in hand,
clouds follow the steps
Hair, the sea flows through the body, the red light disappears, the purple air
lingers...Yi Shengyuan


啰⑷ ⑷ 啰/ — 4 1 The evolution and thought of Jiaozhongxue School

Shuai is also known as the Black Killing Marshal. He has the command of three
holes and five thunders, and can control eight days and nine days.
The weighing of the earth, with the imperial bell in hand and the Kunlun on his
head, travels around the world, searching for
Mention ghosts and gods... Marshal Zhenwu occupies a very mysterious position,
wearing three
On the platform, there is a round elephant with hair, turtles and snakes taking
photos, the body is like a mountain, and the atmosphere is bright.
Qing Dynasty, golden light, bright eyes, teeth like sword trees, holding seven

Section 5










(1 9 3 )

Wulei Dusi is located in Leicheng, the palace of Yuqingzhen.

Wherever the king rules, he is responsible for bringing about all things,
recording the good and punishing the evil...many thunders
Among the gods, the most famous ones are Deng Bowen, Xin Hanchen, Zhang
Uncle Yuan is called the Three Commanders of Thunder in Taoism... The Three
Commanders of Lei Xiang are
First, plus Tao, Pang, Liu, Gou, Bi, Qin, Zhao, Dong,
Yuan, Li, Sun, Bai, Wang, Yao, Zhang, Huang, Jin, Ji, Yu
Waiting for the Lord of Heaven, the God of Lightning, and the God of Helping the
Wind, together they are called the Thunder Department for twenty-four days.
Section 6










Immortality is precious, and there is no way to measure people. Born among

twins, endowed with
The spirits of all things in heaven and earth, from conception to birth, are
very solemn
Sacred...the concept of loving life is the core of Taoist thought,
And regard protecting life, supervising birth and protecting fetus as an
important mission,
The Jiutian Supervisory and Childbirth Department was established to take charge
of pregnancy and childbirth matters... Shows the way
teach people their deep concern for the living conditions of women, and they
hope that through the
The love of Tao and the power of Taoism arouse the concern of society and people
Compassion, help those women and children struggling with suffering and death

(2 0 1 )



Chapter 7 The Origin and Characteristics of the Divine Temporary Thunder Method
(2 1 2)












(2 1 2 )

The Shenxiao sect is based on Neidan Kung Fu, and its Taoism is primarily about
Law. The so-called internal practice can cultivate and cure the body, and
external application can bring peace to the people.
Jiguo...Thunder God is one of the earliest natural gods.
In ancient times, the God of Thunder occupied a prominent position in
agricultural and pastoral areas, and many ethnic groups even
To worship it as the greatest god.
Section 2









(2 20)

As a natural god, the image of the God of Thunder is mostly animal-shaped.

Because dragons, snakes and thunder and lightning are of the same kind, the
thunder god described by the ancients
Most of them have dragon bodies and human heads... With the development of
society and the change of culture,
The rich, half-human, half-animal humanoid image of the God of Thunder gradually
Thunder gods in the form of insects, snakes, and beasts... With the development
of Taoist thunder methods,
Sheng, evolved from a single thunder god into a thunder tribe composed of gods.
Gods, some ancient emperors, heroes, heroes, and Gao Zhen were worshiped after
their death.
For Thor.
Section 3











The Thunder Sacrifice Ceremony is the reflection of the belief in the God of
Thunder in people’s behavior and life.
Expression, the ancients believed that the God of Thunder gave birth to all
things and controlled the rain. As early as
Thunder sacrificial rituals were popular during the Yin and Shang
Dynasties...Thunder God's belief is a collection of creation and destruction.
Death, life and death, good and evil, water and fire, yin and yang, etc.
The elements are integrated into one body, just like the secret of Tai Chi
Diagram, vividly
It embodies the traditional Chinese Yin and Yang theory.
Section 4










The Taoist wind and rain technique with thunder method as the core originated
from ancient China
Social witchcraft of sacrificing thunder and praying for rain...traditional wind
and rain magic is incorporated into the spell

(2 3 5 )
Being a Woman 5 ^ 3 ^ / — The History and Thoughts of Guoqiu Shenxiaolang


It was perfected and developed, and finally formed the system of controlling
thunderstorms, suppressing and eradicating thunderstorms.
A thunder method with evil as its purpose.
chapter eight


Section 1


















When constructing his thunder method theory, he spread the thunder method in
The theory of vitality of traditional philosophy, the theory of yin and yang,
and the foundation of the concept of unity of nature and man
Above... Based on vitality, yin and yang are used, and the human body is a small
The earth has the same essence and the same operating rules as the universe,
heaven and earth.
The same generation process...uses Lei Jian and grasps the thoughts of creation,
It fully demonstrates the positive and promising spirit of Taoism.
Section 2










Thunder method is a kind of fusion of talismans, incantations, finger tactics,

Yu steps and Qi.
A new Tao method that integrates gong, Shen Shen and inner alchemy, and adopts
the method of absorbing
Received the practice methods, mantras and mantras from Confucianism, Zen and
Esoteric Buddhism,
It can be said that it embraces the essence of hundreds of schools of arts...
The thunder method was formed in the process of its formation.
During the process, he absorbed a large amount of the essence of inner alchemy,
inner alchemy theory and skills.
Jue has long been integrated into Lei Fa and has become an integral part of Lei
...The emerging thunder method builds the spell technique on the basis of inner
alchemy practice.
Basically, the practitioner is required to have superb internal skills,
compassion, and concentration.
Only when the spirit is gathered can the talisman be written.
Section 3










There are seventy-two levels of thunder method, divided into five, ten, and
thirty-six levels.
The thunder methods are different for humans and ghosts, whether they are demons
or evil, and they use different methods.
Thunder method, suppression and subjugation to show the constitution of
heaven... Transformation into gods is the key to thunder method,
The key is to use the power of consciousness and imagine yourself changing into


\ picture


Gods, humans and gods are indistinguishable, reaching a very lofty and sacred
Section 4






refer to





Many thunder seals and thunder seals appeared that showed the power of the
thunder tribe.
True text, thunder anvil, thunder axe, thunder hammer, thunder diamond, thunder
ring, thunder ink, etc.
...The Dharma Seal is the secret inheritance of the Nine Emperors of the Three
Qing Dynasties.
His tokens include Purple Light Pill Heavenly Seal, Thunder Light Fire Seal, and
Yuchen Cave Spirit.
Seal, Seal of the Five Thunder Envoys, Seal of the Prefecture of Thunder Cases,
Seal of the Arctic Exorcist Academy,
Canopy Seal, Five Thunder Train Seal, Tiangang Seal, Beidi Fire Bell Seal, Ding
Jia Contract Seal, Tai Chi Jade Seal, Purple Micro Jade Seal, Dutian Da Lei Wen
Seal, Liuding Jade Girl Seal, Thunder and Fire General Seal, Yubu Lei
Guanghuoyun Da
Tongyin, Lingfeng Lingyin, and Five Thunder Train Seals all have different uses.
It is an important weapon for performing thunder methods... Zhijue is also
called pinching, hand tactic, and twisting.
Jue, Grip Jue, Shen Jue, Dou Jue, etc. are made by the mage using his fingers in
his hand.
Pinch and press certain parts or acupuncture points with your palms or fingers,
or mutually between your fingers.
Combined into some fixed postures, so as to concentrate the spirit,
The role of summoning gods and ghosts from outside... Bu Dou is also known as Yu
Bu, Bu Tian Gang, Ta
Gangbudou and stepwalking are important means to attract gods and evil spirits.
Section 5









Sit quietly, meditate, change the spirit, illuminate the cave, week the sky,
refine the spirit, return
Waiting in vain, for the basic skills of Shenxiao Thunder Technique...Wang
Wenqing prayed eight sections
Brocade, separate pole, summon, practice, calligraphy, pray for sunshine, pray
for rain,
Destruction and creation, a comprehensive and systematic discussion of the inner
secrets of alchemy and thunder.
... Bai Yuchan sits down to practice Kung Fu, and his formula is: Two eyes
facing two kidneys,
Recognize this middle. Suddenly there was a sound, like a thunderbolt. Good Luck
Raised in the field, it is as sweet and cool as honey. Anyone who reaches this
point can return to the fairyland


/ two

& Gao




... The intersection of the sun and the moon, the magical use of Hunyuan attack
energy, and the method of gold and fire within the sky.
Refining method, Mixed Five Thunder Internal Cultivation Method, Tianmin Hair
Combing Method, Tianmin Zhai Porridge
Dharma, the method for heavenly people to bathe and wear crowns, the method for
heavenly people to undress, and the law for heavenly people to lie down
Dharma, the method for heavenly people to take medicine when they are sick, the
method for soothing the five internal organs, the method for soothing tinnitus,
and the method for removing
The method of calamity, the method of restoring gods, the method of improving
eyesight, the method of reciting...the key points of thunder method
There are six, called the six things of Lei Mansion, the true talisman, the true
mantra, the true qi, the true
Gang, true tactics, true machine.
Section 6










(3 2 6 )

The Taoist teachings involving the true nature have penetrated deeply into the
consciousness of the Chinese people.
The vast spiritual world of universal beliefs and basic world views...
His teachings were widely adopted by many sects of Taoism in the Song and Yuan
Dynasties, and his rituals
It contains quite a wealth of scientific results and insights... including
Includes knowledge in health care, medicine, astronomy, and meteorology
knowledge and scientific achievements, especially in astronomy and meteorology,
The results are quite outstanding.
Appendix: Tao
Section 1






The origin and evolution of talismans・

(3 3 8 )
(3 3 8 )

Xuanyuan was summoned by the talisman to summon all the gods...the heavenly
master created religion and explained the science...heaven
Shi Dao and Zhengyi Sect…Shangqing Sect and Maoshan Sect…Lingbao Sect and
Ge Zao Sect... Qingwei Sect... Donghua Sect... Tianxin Sect... Jing
Section 2









The Sanyuanbahui is divided into two sections...the Dragon Chapter Heavenly

Book...the Ningyun Seal Script
Zodiac sign... Lingbao Shiqing transformation group... Tongzhenda Lingbiao Liuhe
...the true shape map of the Five Mountains...the combined energy and spirit to
adjust the aura...Huang Suzhen

(3 7 1 )

Shenxiao thunder method



Article... Diagram of the True Forms of the Five Internal Organs... Article on
the Central Eight Powerful Dragons... Jade Light
Chenghui Gaoming's interior view...a little bit of aura transforming into a true
talisman...dispersing and gathering
And according to the writing method...the three-light righteousness talisman.
Section 3










The talisman is the certificate of conversion to the right path... The talisman
is the Supreme God Zhenzhi
Lingwen... Talisman is a tool for blessing the country and its people...
Talisman is an ancient
An important component in people's lives... Talisman is a special tool for
curing and dispelling diseases.
Techniques...Spell therapy often combines psychotherapy, suggestion therapy, and
faith therapy.
Yang therapy, Qigong therapy, drug therapy, physical therapy and natural
Comprehensive use of therapy, etc... Talismans are based on essence, energy and
Section 4









Talismans and forbidden spells...talismans and traditional medicine...talismans
Hydrotherapy is based on the theory of yin and yang and the five elements... Fu
With traditional culture, Chinese society... various auspicious things spread
among the people
Most of the patterns and evil-proofing items are related to Taoist talismans...
The Mind Seal, the Great Freedom Seal, the Soaring Seal, and the Foot Walking
Seal contained in "Secret Essences"
The seal and the forty-three talismans are obviously derived from Taoism...
Achang people, Bu
Yi, Dong, Jing, Li, Maonan, Miao, Qiang
The She, Yao, Yi and Zhuang people also use Taoist talismans to deal with
Demonic diseases... Since the Tang Dynasty, the spell technique has been spread
to Japan and Korea.
countries and other places.


The beginning period of Shenxiao Sect—

Tang Dynasty\

Yi Cheng provokes Zheng ^ Zi Ti Weng Hou Le Hou Bing Qiao 3

:Chapter 1 丿

The beginning period of Shenxiao Sect——

Tang Dynasty

Regarding the history of Shenxiao Sect, today’s academic circles generally

believe that it was formed in the Northern Song Dynasty
end. As Mr. Ren Jiyu pointed out: Shenxiao Sect was founded by Taoist King Wang
from Nanfeng, Jiangxi Province at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty.
Wen Qing, he claims to have the biography of Tang Taoist fire master Wang Jun,
which shows his support. "The Shenxiao sect is called
Its talisman comes from the disciples of the First Heavenly King of the Yuan
Dynasty------Gaoshang Shenxiao Yuqing Zhenwang, also known as Nan
The Great Emperor of Extreme Immortality and the Great Emperor of Fusang Sun
Palace are the commander-in-chief of Wan Lei. Shenxiao thunder method caters to
In order to meet Huizong's need to deify himself with Taoism, it soon became
popular throughout the country. "① This kind of judgment
The conclusion is basically believable. But if we examine its evolution and
trace its origins, the history of Shenxiao Sect
It can still be pushed forward. Below, based on the records of many Taoist
scriptures and with the imprint of history, we explore
Ask for the origin and development of Shenxiao Sect.
From the founding of Taoism by Zhang Ling of the Eastern Han Dynasty, through
the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Taoism gradually
The state has entered a relatively unified and mature stage, gradually moving
from folk religion to
The development of official religion was supported and respected by feudal
rulers to a certain extent.
and thus laid a solid foundation for the further development and prosperity of
Taoism. Sui and Tang Dynasties

① See page 560 of "History of Chinese Taoism" edited by Ren Jiyu, Shanghai
People's Publishing House, 19901. moon




—The history and thought of the Shenxiao School of Taoism

During this period, especially the Tang Dynasty, Taoism entered a prosperous
period of all-round development. Over two hundred
During the years, Taoism was always supported by the Tang Dynasty. In order to
improve the
Regarding the status of Taoism, he once issued the "Wenhui Chengzhao" to express
his views through the mouths of Taoists:
Taoist priest Pan Xia reported that Prince Siddhartha could not attain
Buddhahood and had to seek enlightenment for six years before he became a
Buddha. yes
Then the Tao can give birth to the Buddha, and the Buddha is formed by the Tao.
The Tao is the father and teacher of the Buddha, and the Buddha is the disciple
of the Tao. old Buddha
"The Sutra says, seek the supreme and true Tao." From this point of view, "The
Tao is great and the Buddha is small, but it can help things."
"Know". ① Later, in the eighth year of Wude (6 2 5), "Xian Lao and Later
Interpretation of the Edict" was eulogized: "Lao Lao
Buddhism and Confucianism were the first religions in this land, and Buddhism
emerged later, so it is appropriate to respect guest etiquette. Ling Laoxian, Ci
Released at the end. "
②In this way, Taoism’s status is above Confucianism and Buddhism, ranking third
The leader of teaching.
The Tang Dynasty worshiped Taoism mainly out of political needs. They take
advantage of old
Zi's surname was Li, and he was a member of the same clan. He claimed to be Lao
Tzu's "holy descendant" in order to take advantage of Lao Tzu's influence.
The extensive influence in history improved the social status of the Tang clan.
In this regard, Li Shimin had many times
This time it was clearly stated that Taoism was its origin. His "Edict to Order
the Taoist Priests to Preface the Sangha" said: "I
I have been fearful all day and night, focusing on the true path, thinking about
the past shortcomings, and embracing all things. Kuang, my origin, comes from
In the history of Zhu, today's Dingzuo Kechang has relied on the celebration of
superior virtue to achieve great stability in the world, but it also relies on
achievement. It is advisable to change it and explain it's originality. From now
on, when fasting and making offerings, as for the title,
The female Taoist crown can be worn before that of monks and nuns. The custom of
Shu Dunben is smooth in Jiuyou; respecting the ancestors
The wind blows all the leaves. Report to the world, and the Lord will implement
it "③ In the thirteenth year of Zhenguan (6 3 9),
Li Shiming once again stated: "I am originally from Lao Dan, Yin De in the
Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and heir to the late Ye Dynasty.
Longxi "④ Later, Lao Tzu was not only revered as the "holy ancestor" of the
Tang clan, but also the
Later he was canonized as "
"Emperor Taishang Xuanyuan", "Emperor Xuanyuan of the Holy Ancestor", "Great
Holy Ancestor"
"Emperor Xuan Yuan, the Emperor of Heaven", built the Golden Tower on the High
Road, and built Taoist temples, and ordered all states in the world to
①② See "
"New Edition of the Complete Tang Dynasty" Volume 1, page 23, %, Jilin
Literature and History Publishing House, December 1999 edition.
③ See "
New edition of Tang Dynasty) Volume 1, page 60.
④ See "
In the volume "Part Biography of the Buddhist Protector of the Tang Dynasty, Fa
Lin", "
Taisho Tibetan Volume 50.
The beginning period of Shenxiao Sect—

Tang Dynasty

The temple of Emperor Xuanyuan was built, and many myths about the arrival of
the old emperor appeared to deify the Tang Dynasty.
political purposes of the royal family.
In addition, the royal family of the Tang Dynasty also strongly praised the "Tao
Te Ching" and used "Laozi" to Qing Dynasty
The idea of quietness and inaction serves as the theoretical basis for governing
the country in peace and stability. Since the time of Emperor Gaozong, it has
been regulated
"Laozi" was designated as the supreme scripture, so that all princes and
officials could study it, and it was used as the internal guide for the scholars
who were taking exams.
Allow. Xuanzong pointed out in the "Dividing Morality into Upper and Lower
Classics": "The origin of transformation is Dao.
The use of Tao is virtue, and its meaning is great. Who but a sage can enact it?
In the past, there was Zhou Ji Nian, the generation
In mourning with Taoism, our great ancestor, Emperor Xuanyuan, invented a
wonderful book to attract living beings, and then wrote five chapters of the
Xuan Jing.
A thousand words can be used to save the troubles of the times, the
righteousness is high and the Xiang system is connected, and the reason is clear
to the foreigners. It cannot be passed down to all generations. How can it be
According to the scriptures.
① He also personally annotated the Tao Te Ching, setting a precedent for an
emperor to annotate the Tao Te Ching.
There is a copy in the family of the common people, and every year they pay
tribute to people and reduce the number of "Shangshu" and "The Analects of
One or two, accurate number plus "Laozi" policy. In order to respect the
foundation of Taoism and promote the source of great benefits. Today's situation
I have ordered you to buy a copy at home, and you need to read it three times
each time to understand my feelings."
②. thus igniting a nationwide
Shangxia University's "Tao Te Ching" and "Zhuangzi": "
Liezi", "Wenzi", the highest level of the Four Classics
tide. Obviously, these measures to promote "Laozi" had a profound impact on the
prosperity of the early Tang Dynasty and the prosperity of Tang Xuan Dynasty.
Zong's "
Kaiyuan's rule" have all played a certain positive role.
It is for these reasons that Taoism flourished in the Tang Dynasty. in this
During this period, a large number of Taoist scriptures emerged, which were very
important from Taoist priests and masters to scholars in both the government and
the public.
Consider the study of Taoist classics. It was under the auspices of Emperor
Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty that he ordered to search
The Taoist scriptures of the world were collected, organized, and compiled into
a collection called "Three Cave Qiong Gang".
One thousand seven hundred and forty-four volumes (
or five thousand seven hundred volumes), the collection of Taoist books actually
began here.
It is "Kaiyuan Dao Zang". The emergence of a large number of Taoists and the
trend of exploring the thoughts of Lao and Zhuang
became popular, thereby enriching and perfecting the theoretical system of
Taoism, and the Taoist "emphasis on metaphysics"

See page 385 of Volume 1 of "New Edition of Complete Tang Dynasty".

See Volume 8 of "Hunyuan Shengji", "
Tao Tan, Volume 17, Page 862.
4 | @@@@/

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Formation is the ideological product of this period. Due to the need for Taoism
to teach precepts, Taoism
The Chinese also systematically organized and expanded Taoist rituals, sutras,
precepts, and teachings.
Delete it to make it richer and more perfect. The Taoist rituals and precepts
after the Tang Dynasty were basically based on
The Dao Jing of the Tang Dynasty was the guideline.
In addition, Taoist refining techniques have also developed greatly, such as
degassing methods, guidance, etc.
In addition to being generally popular among the people, the art of taking food
and refining alchemy was also widely practiced in the palace.
In the Tang Dynasty, most emperors believed that taking golden elixirs could
prolong life, and they did not hesitate to invest a lot of money in it.
He used his own resources and ordered Taoist priests to make alchemical elixirs,
which brought the development of external elixirs to the extreme. but
Later, as many emperors and ministers died after taking the golden elixir, some
alchemy Taoist priests also
His death prompted the historic transformation of Taoist golden elixir technique
from outer elixir to inner elixir.
The art of Taoist talisman in the Tang Dynasty also developed considerably, and
the lineage of Zhang Tianshi was revived.
Celestial masters such as Ye Fashan, Deng Ziyang, and Hu Huichao became famous
because they were highly praised by the royal family.
A large number of Taoist priests who were proficient in spells and spells were
active in the government and the public and had a great influence. Ruxuan
Zongji personally wrote two poems in "Praise to Master Zhang", one of which
said: "
Miao is a true immortal, solitary and aloof.
The energy penetrates the sky and the dark sky, and Yuanyuan shows his secrets.
The divine ritual falls, the moon shines brightly in the pavilion. Kill evil
spirits, drive away evil spirits
Ghost Tetsu. Mingwei in the Han Dynasty has been widely circulated "① and
issued many edicts to praise Ye Fashan,
Sima Chengzhen, Bai Lvzhong, Zhang Guo, Li Hanguang and other high-level
Taoists. Taoist temples can be found all over the world
In China, many palaces and temples are large-scale and extremely magnificent,
such as Taiqing Palace, Taiwei Palace, etc.
Palace, Ziwei Palace, etc., their scale can be compared with the royal palace.
In summary, by
With the attention and support of the Li and Tang dynasties, and the atmosphere
of advocating Taoism and establishing ancestors, Taoism gained
Huge development. It can be said that the history of the Tang Dynasty for more
than two hundred years is the beginning of Chinese Taoism.
A glorious period when development reaches its peak.
During this glorious period, due to the efforts of many noble people, not only
some legendary
Traditional Taoist sects, such as Tianshi Tao, Shangqing Sect, Lingbao Sect,
Chongxuan Sect, Shengxuan Sect

① See "
New Edition of the Complete Tang Dynasty" Volume 1, page 520.

7. The first period of pie testis—

Tang Dynasty\

( ⑥ ㊀

Sect, Three Emperors Sect, Gaoxuan Sect, etc., have been reorganized and
developed, and have spawned many
New Taoist sects, such as Dongyuan Sect, Beidi Sect, Jingming Sect, Tianxin
Sect, Shenxiao Sect, etc.
They formed earlier or later, but most of their founders were from the Tang
Dynasty, and they were all good at
He is proficient in the art of talismans and the art of transporting thunder and
war. It was also Ye Fashan, Deng Ziyang and Hu Hui who
The participation of many Taoists such as Chao Chao, Tan Zixiao, and Wang Wenhua
led to the birth of Taoist Thunder Method.
It laid a solid foundation for its development and the emergence of New Taoism
in the Song Dynasty.

Section 1 Ye Fashan and Dongyuan Taoism

In the early Tang Dynasty, there was the Dongyuan sect of Taoism. The sect
originated from the Taoist king who lived in Majishan before the Jin Dynasty.
Compilation, which flourished in the Tang Dynasty, Wei Shanjun, Ye Fashan, Yin
Xi, etc. were all members of the Dongyuan School
High road. The Taoist priests of the Dongyuan sect received the Dongyuan Samadhi
Dharma, which warded off flying demons and cured them in the middle.
The five qi can defeat all demons. This sect respects the power of Beidi and
Tianpeng for their ability to cast down evil spirits.
The name of his technique is more important than anything in the world.
According to Du Guangting's "
The preface to Taishang Dongyuan Divine Curse Sutra reads: "At the end of the
Western Jin Dynasty, the Central Plains was in chaos.
When you are sick and hungry, you have to treat the plague. Wang Zuan, a Taoist
priest from Maji Mountain in Jintan, often used Yin Gong to help
Things, benevolence catches stupid people. At that time, there was poisonous
miasma, many people died, the village was desolate, and the death pillow was
seats. Compiled in a quiet room, he flew to heaven and cried for three nights.
"So I was so moved.
Lords of the Way and gods and men descended. Taojun said: "
One yin and one yang transform and nurture all things.
The use of the five elements0 The five elements complement each other, and all
things have their own ups and downs, and their metabolism changes.
There is no time to rest. Therefore, life and life are endless, and Qi and Qi
are continuous. For hundreds of millions of kalpas, there has been no beginning
or end.
Those who are born will merge with the pure Yang, ascend to heaven and become
immortals. The dead who got it were reduced to the deepest hell, where they
The earth becomes a ghost. Among ghosts, there are good and bad, strong and
weak, hard and soft, good and evil, just like people in the world.
also. The Jade Emperor is worried about the evils caused by ghosts and gods, and
often orders the five emperors and three officials to check and control
The Ministry of Finance was in charge of it, and the laws, orders, and charters
were not prepared clearly. However, among the people of the Ji Dynasty, there
are many hypocrites.
After dissipating, the evil spirit sprouts, unfaithful to the emperor, unfilial
to relatives, violating the teachings of the Three Cardinal Guidelines and the
Five Constant Rules.

Being raped/—

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Throw yourself to death. Yao was in the Sixth Heaven, so the devils and others
gathered together with the dead generals of the defeated armies of past
dynasties to form a party.
He harms the living people, rides the rain and rides the wind, waits for the gap
due to the decline, causes various diseases, and causes many slanders. There are
If you don't live forever, you will suffer in vain. In the past, when he was in
Duyang Palace, he published the "Shenmantra Sutra" and taught it to the real
person Tang Dynasty.
Equality makes it spread to save others. ... Yang is intimidated by the power,
and God's curse will subdue him, so he should do it.
It’s time to die. Now I use the "Shen Mantra Transformation Sutra" to teach it
again to my son, and practice it according to it, so as to save all things.
People. He ordered the servants to wear the nine-light robe and taught them the
sutras and the secrets of the three and five great fasts.
Compilation. Said: If you do it with force, the yin power will be sufficient,
and the immortal steps will be able to fly. Wang Zhuan "then according to the
Pinzhaike, traveling on the outside of the river, has brought prosperity to the
people, eliminated epidemic diseases, and has been blessed by it since the Jin
Dynasty to the present.
Those who are defeated are invincible. ” ① The Taishang Dongyuan Divine Curse
Sutra 2 collected in the "Tao Zang" today
Ten volumes, the first ten volumes were written by Wang Zuan under the pretense
of entrusting Taishang Taojun to delegate it to him, and the last ten volumes
are from the middle and late Tang Dynasty.
The number of Taoist priests of the Dongyuan School was increased, which shows
the development of the school's thought.
During the reign of Emperor Gaozong and Wu Zetian of the early Tang Dynasty,
there was a Taoist priest named Wei Shanjun who practiced Dongyuan Taoism.
Volume 36 of "Zhen Xian Ti Dao Tong Jian" says: "When I was thirteen years old,
I fasted for a long time and recited "Daode".
Sutras such as "Saving People", "Xisheng" and "Shengxuan" have benefited people
and are all used for relief.
When he was Zhuang, he watched Huang Yuantuo in Songyang and studied Taoism.
Also from Linru Dongyuan Temple, Taoist Han
In the Yuan Dynasty, he taught the secrets again. ② He passed away at the age
of 100. Later, Ye Fashan succeeded him in the path of Dongyuan.
Unify and promote it.
According to "The Biography of Tang Honglu Qing Yue Guo Gong Lingxu Jiansu
Zhenren" contains: Ye Fashan (616
- 7 2 0 ), named Daoyuan and Taisu. Originally from Nanyang, my ancestor moved
to Songyang.
He was born with supernatural powers, loved ancient literature, studied rituals
and music, studied "Book of Changes", and savored Laozi and Zhuangzhuang.
I have read all the Heluo map in detail, volunteered to practice Taoism, and
lived in Chi Linquan. He hid in Mao one after another
Mountain, Baima Mountain, Kuocang Mountain, Tiantai Mountain, Siming Mountain,
Jinhua Mountain, Tianzhu Mountain, Tianzhu Mountain
Mu Mountain, Gouqu Mountain, Hengshan Mountain, Huoshan Mountain, Chicheng
Mountain, Luofu Mountain and other places, "Famous Mountains"

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 6, Page 1.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, page 305.
The beginning of the Shenxiao sect—

Tang Dynasty\



"I have experienced all the resorts from the south of Jianghan". He once studied
with Master Wan in Yuzhang and asked for alchemy.
The method of breaking up the grain and guiding the fetal breath. Entering
Western Shu again, "in Qingcheng Zhao Yuanyang received the Dunjia Buxuan
The art of Song Gao Wei Shanjun passed down the method of Yunjiao from the
Eighth History. Later he went to Mengshan to visit and seek hidden skills."
Due to his refined practice, spiritual responses gradually appeared, and he was
inspired by the three gods to teach him the secrets of Taoism. call it its
He is the "Immortal of the Left Palace of Taiwei and Ziwei". Occasionally he was
relegated to the human world due to dereliction of duty. It is appropriate to
build meritorious deeds.
To help people and the country, "You have accumulated more merits and deeds.
When you are done with them, you will be restored to the immortal position. Now
you have done three
The power of the five alliances is to slay evil spirits, save the masses,
benefit the poor, and live on behalf of heaven.
To practice justice, one should put Yin virtue first, and there is no need to
pay any tribute." He was also awarded the divine sword, Dharma seal,
Spiritual Talisman, Gang Jue and Internal and External Alchemy. From then on,
Taoism was revealed, demons and evil spirits were destroyed, and everything was
test. "Hidden yin virtues, helped save life and death. He also treated diseases
in Kuaiji, and died many times. He was restored to Yang
In Zhouzhou, he opened the belly of Mrs. Chang Shi with a sword and took out the
illness to show others. The wife was as ill as before.
If the intestines are opened to ease the stomach, the abdomen is broken and the
shape is cut, nothing is damaged and there is no pain. The eyes are cut and
washed, and the eyes are discharged.
Place it on the paper, remove the film, and place it in the middle. It will not
be disturbed at all, and your eyesight will remain as clear as ever. People are
strong and
If you want money, beg for the poor and sick. Those who are wild, evil and
lustful will be punished and they will be punished wherever they go.
Killing is famous far and near, and everyone knows it. "In response to the
imperial edict during the reign of Emperor Gaozong, he stayed in the inner court
more and asked questions
Dharma, exhausting its source, killing foxes and eliminating evil spirits, has
repeatedly shown miraculous effects. "Emperors and empresses, kings and
princesses dynasty
Those below the rank of scholar received Taoism in person, and the disciples of
hundreds of officials and Taoist priests from the capital and various states
received scriptures from real people.
There are more than thousands of Dharma practitioners in front and behind. The
king announced that the highway would be filled with alms, and he would take
whatever he got and leave others behind.
Watch the universe, decorate the statues and help the poor. Cook more than ten
pieces of rice every day to feed the poor and sick.
No choice. Real people always have the heart to protect the country through
direct advice. Emperor Gaozong wanted to succeed in his enthronement, so he
Fortunately, there was an epidemic in Zhongyue, and many of the followers died
of illness. Following the imperial edict to govern, the real person recited it
With the incantation, the epidemic will disappear and all the dying people will
recover. "It prays for sunshine and rain, brings thunder and calls for wind,
Drive away the dragon and capture the charm, and your deeds will be revealed. Wu
Zetian then marched to Zhongdu and ordered him to lay a memorial ceremony for
him at various famous mountains.
Dragon wall. Zhongzong was restored to power, Wu Sansi still upheld the power of
the country, used the law to be kind, and used it to detect evil spirits and
protect the country.
Zong, Xiangwang and Xuanzong. After that, Empress Wei was pacified, and Wang
Ruizong was established as prime minister. Xuanzong succeeded Zuo.
Tong, Fa Shan was summoned to the capital to assist the Holy Lord. All good and
bad news will be reported and heard, and he will be favored and trusted.

人人名女岁/-----The evolution and thought of the Shenxiao sect of Taoism

There are plus. In May of the eighth year of Kaiyuan (720), the real person was
one hundred and seven years old, and he was in Xijing
Jinglong emerged in the temple, "People in the capital saw green smoke rising
straight up from the courtyard, connecting with the sky.
"Immortal all day long." "One year after the burial, the coffin opened by
itself, and only when he saw the clothes, sword, and sword did he know the real
If you don't die, just lift your ears lightly. The emperor thought about the
fairy wind and admired it endlessly. He erected a monument in the temple and
favored Chen.
Han, and ordered the prince to inscribe his forehead."
① There are more than a hundred disciples, but Yin Xi, Lu Qiwu, and Si
Ma Zhongrong entered the house.
From these accounts, it is revealed that Ye Fashan was a master of Taoism and
had a high reputation at that time.
He also participated in the internal struggles of the ruling class of the Tang
Dynasty and gained the favor of the Li and Tang royal families. As before
In the second year of Tiantian (713), "
He paid homage to Qing Honglu and was granted the title of Duke of Yue. He
remained a Taoist priest until
The Jinglong Temple in the capital was given to his father as the governor of
Shezhou. At that time, I respected my favor and did not do anything to him.
"Bi" ②. Ye Fashan died, and Xuanzong issued an edict to commemorate him:
"Therefore, the Taoist Honglu and his ministers were placed outside the country.
The Duke of Ye is good at teaching, innocent and precise, and has wonderful
principles. He includes the secrets and uses his magic talismans to consolidate
It is difficult to understand because of silence, and it is difficult to
predict. But love lives in Pengzhou, and traces of the dynasty and military
affairs, keeping the yellow crown but not
Pull it out and add a purple ribbon to show off your glory. You are outstanding
and solitary. You go alone calmly. You have a victorious spirit and no
In the dust, the golden bones are towering on the outside, and the pearly light
is reflected on the inside. This is the body that corresponds to the immortal,
and the name rises to the highest virtue. Let me try it
In his free time from politics, he repeatedly inquires about the truth,
publicizes the laws of governing the country, gives numerous speeches, makes
secret suggestions, and satirizes affairs.
Yi Hongyi. I sigh that the sound of Huizhou has not been lost, and I feel sad
that the solution is still left. "
③ In Tang Xuanzong's "Imperial System"
"The Monument of the Real Person" also says: "We feasted in Luofu and Kuocang,
traveled to Penglai and Abbot,
The secret of the spiritual map, the true version of the immortal talisman, the
birth certificate from the treasure urn, the feeling from the underworld is
transmitted from the sky, and there are eight thousand people in sight.
God, after swallowing the fetus and breathing for a thousand and two hundred
breaths, he may swim in the water house, or fly in the fire house; or he may
have a caesarean section.
Intestine, do not use medicine to recover; or clear the membrane and cut the
membrane, cast a lucky charm; or aggregate poison, take it and it will heal
If; or recruit ghosts and make them come. Scolding the ghosts, running around
the gods, if you accompany the slaves
also. Therefore, the name Yan within the sea is ever-changing. First of all, I
will show my favor to you and pick you up three times a day. I am in the vassal

See pages 7 9 ~ 8 4 of Volume 18 of "Tao Zang".

See "Old Tang Book Biography of Ye Fashan".
New Edition of the Complete Tang Dynasty" Volume 1, page 280.
The beginning period of Shenxiao Sect—

Tang Dynasty'


In the mansion, I have heard the truth many times.

”① It can be seen that the imperial court thought highly of Ye Fashan.
In addition, the Taoists belonging to Dongyuan Sect include Huang Yuantuo, Han
Yuanzui, Liu Xuanyuan,
Fan Xianzhou, He Ziyu, Feng Qushe, etc. Rufeng Qushe was born in Longqiu,
Quzhou, and his family was in Jiuzhou.
At the foot of the mountain. There are few people who learn Taoism and forget
their tiredness by thinking hard. In his thirties, he moved to Songyang, Chuzhou
County Anheguan. Maoshan Mountain, five miles to the north, is where Ye Fashan
practices Taoism. According to "Tang Honglu
"The Biography of the Immortal Master Lingxu Jiansu of the State of Qingyue"
records: "The Immortal man once hid his sword and elixir in the huge stone of
Maoshan Mountain.
Later, Feng Qushe practiced here, obtained it, and passed away as an immortal.
Immortal eggplant and other species produced in Jinshan
Ming Dan, the soil under the stove turns into ears.
② This matter is also recorded in Shen Fen's "Xu Xian Zhuan", but
Mistakenly "
"Maoshan" is said to be "Maoshan", and "Ye Fashan" Hidden Sword Pill is said to
be Zhang Tian
What the teacher does. Feng Qushe was able to obtain the magic sword elixir
secretly stored by Ye Fashan. "The sword belongs to Zhang Tianshi Qi."
Star Sword, the elixir is hidden in a bottle in a stone box. When you pour the
medicine, you will get a lot of it, like pockmarks, with red light.
bright. If you give up extravagance and obey yourself, and if you give to others
who are sick, they will all be cured.” Then he practiced diligently without
slacking off, and he never slacked off.
He has been eating for many years and is especially good at using the art of
thunder, luck and wind, "
Every time I see a thunderstorm halfway up the mountain, dragons move through
the rain and thunder
Male and female, there are many ghosts and gods. It would be very polite to meet
you at this mountain."

Yuan Miaozong, a Taoist priest in the Northern Song Dynasty, also inherited
Taoism. In his book "
It is true that the Supreme Being helps the country and saves the people
The three volumes of "Shangqing Yinshu Marrow Essays" included in "Secret
Essentials" were handed down by Ye. Inside
"Marrow Essence", passed down by the Heavenly Master Ye Fashan of the Tang
Dynasty, from the legacy of the Heavenly Master Zheng of the Han Dynasty
Dharma. The results are miraculous and cannot be predicted. In the past, nine
talismans were commonly taught, and the rest were kept secret.
Don't miss it. In addition to the nine talismans, I recovered ten talismans. I
would like to continue this article and make a special one.
The middle volume briefly explains Yuan Gang and uses it widely and wonderfully.
The rest of the regulations are as written in the old edition
After the cloud ears.
④ From the content of the book, we can not only see that it was published in
the Tang Dynasty along with several other books
The connection between Dongyuan Sutra and Beidi Sect, Tianxin Sect and Shenxiao
Sect can also be found.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 18, Page 8 9.
② See "Tao Zang", Volume 18, Page 8 4.
③ See page 82 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".
④ See page 75 of Volume 32 of "Tao Zang".

/ — The evolution and thought of Taoist Shenxiao

Suffer ⑷ 5 ^ )

The Sutra of Dongyuan belongs to this school.

linking. There is a crown in "Tao Zang"

Section 2 Deng Ziyang and Beidi Dafa

The Beidi sect of Taoism was founded by Deng Ziyang, a Taoist priest in the mid-
Tang Dynasty. Because the main god he worships most is
Arctic Ziwei Emperor—

Beidi, taught "

"Beidi Lu" and other scripture urns are good at governing the system.

"Fengdu" is famous for its six days of ghosts and gods, warding off evil spirits
and warding off disasters, so later generations called it "Northern Fengdu".
Imperial faction".
According to historical records, the ancestor Deng Ziyang was named Si Quan and
also named Si Pu. Tang Li Yong
"Deng Tianshijie of Futang Temple in Tokyo, Tang Dynasty" states that Deng was a
native of Linchuan, Jiangxi Province, and was the leader of Nanyang.
clan. The ancestors of several generations "all adhere to philosophy, clothing,
and virtue, and participate in Liodong Yuan. There are people in the generation.
And the Yuan Sect
The branches are divided and reach within the rivers and seas. Father and son
pass on their energy and merge into the beginning of heaven and earth.
Respecting teachers and young people's cottage
The mountain moves Hengyue in the middle, sucks in the Hangxi River, washes away
the coldness, the soul is in the sky, and the ears and eyes are still in the
Valley, body withered wood, heart dead and gray, it is not as good as it is.
Twenty-three years of Kaiyuan (735) Emperor
I issued an imperial edict to ask for alchemists. When I heard about this
county, I asked Li Xingwei to show respect to his master. Emperor's Inquiry
Practice, be elegant and pay attention to what you say. Changzhai Taiyi Palace
gathers Yuan Yuanjiao, worrying about losing everything, and thinking about
getting it.
I sent your respected master to patrol the sixty counties in the south of the
Yangtze River, and searched Yuanlan, hoping to open up the emperor's road.
Let the servants wake up. In the second month of the next spring, Jiazi, he was
ordered to be a Taoist priest.
Ziyang. I still gave him a pair of purple robes and a hundred bolts of silk to
match the Futang Temple in Tokyo and the county.
Long Xing watched and pampered him. The proposer should respect the teacher and
dedicate himself to the Tao, serve the king personally, and be a famous teacher
in his hometown.
No one can compare his virtues to the country." After that, he responded to the
imperial edicts many times and visited the palace to learn about Taoism.
Yi Zhongyue, Wangwu, Hangu, Zongsheng and other famous mountains,
He ordered to build altars in famous mountains to pray for blessings, "
Practice merit. Wherever he arrived, the divine soldiers descended on the altar,
Qingyun gathered at the foot of the mountain, and Yuanhe lingered.
In the Han Dynasty, Danzhi was full of fragrance in the wilderness." In the
twenty-seventh year of Kaiyuan (739), he passed away in Xijing
Taiyuan view. To clear up his inheritance, "Thirty pieces of imperial edict were
hidden in the box, and five thousand words of Taoist scriptures were hung on the
Later, he was given seven pairs of golden and purple robes, nine hundred and
twenty-eight pieces of various colors, and two hundred and sixty-seven thousand
The Shenxiao sect started in the Tang Dynasty\


Thousands, the honorable master has paid for the flags, statues, and sesame oil,
but there is not much left, and he may be old, sick, and poor.
When the emperor heard about it, he shed tears and gave him 200 pieces of silk
to feed his body.
The teacher is filial. Spend
My younger brother Siming, a Taoist priest from Magushan, has become a respected
teacher and a benevolent person. Imperial Book Immortal Spirit Viewing: Standing
on Mount Magu
The temple refers to Zhao Zunshi's wish. On February 20, 2008, he was buried in
his old residence, Magu Mountain.
item". ①
Magu Mountain is located in Nancheng County, Jiangxi Province. It was built by
the immortals Wang Fangping and Magu in the Han Dynasty.
The land of Tao. Taoism calls it the 28th Cave Heaven, or "Danxia Xiaoyou Cave
According to Tang Yan Zhenqing's "Magushan Immortal Altar": "There is an ancient
altar on the top. According to legend, Magu Yun
This is the way. ... There is a spirit in the mouth of the source, and prayers
for rain are always answered. Deng Ziyang, a Taoist priest in Kaiyuan Dynasty,
practiced this
Dao, he was called into the Datong Hall to practice meritorious deeds.
” ② "Records of Immortals in Three Caves" by Chen Baoguang of the Song Dynasty,
Volume 4
Also 3

Deng Ziyang was born in Magu Mountain. He recited the Canopy Mantra day and
night and was grateful for the words of the golden armored god.

He said: I am one of the six angels in the north. I am destined to recite the
spiritual inscriptions. The emperor has signed my son's merits.
Then he ordered the black seal script and the true text of the divine talisman
to be surrendered. There are magical arts above, there are ghosts and gods in
the middle, and there are salvation below.
Treat diseases. The son should keep it secret, and he should be the master of
the king in the future. The next day the fruit was placed in the stone chamber
and the true form was obtained.
Shape talisman and seal script, practice and practice "③
According to the above documents, Deng Ziyang visited many Taoist saints during
his life.
Places such as Lushan Mountain, Songshan Mountain, Wangwushan Mountain, Hangu
Pass, Zongsheng Palace and other places. But Li Yong
3. The words "Zhong Yi Heng Yue" mentioned in Tianshi Jie must be a mistake, and
should be "Zhong Yi Heng".
"Hengyue". Because "Hengyue" refers to Beiyue Hengshan, which is located in
today's Datong, Shanxi. Research
There is no relevant historical documents about Deng's practice of cultivating
Taoism on Hengshan Mountain. "Hengyue" refers to Hunan
Nanyue Hengshan in Hengyang. There are Taoist temples and celestial beings all
over the mountains. It is important to seek truth for cultivating Taoism.
Holy place. Volume 27 of "Seven Lots of Clouds" "Dongtian Blessed Land・"
"Picture of the Palaces of Heaven and Earth" says that Hengshan is
The third cave is called Zhuling Cave. It is also said that there are three
blessed places in the mountain: "The second

① See pages 125 and 126 of Chen Yuan's "Taoist Epigraphy", June 1988 edition of
Wenwu Publishing House.
② See pages 1 5 5 of Chen Yuan's "Taoist Epigraphy".
③ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2, Page 2 5 9.

)/^ — Taoist Taoism’s Evolutionary Thoughts

The Fourteenth Green Jade Altar is located to the west of Zhurong Peak in
Nanyue, and is governed by Duke Qingniao. Twenty-fifth light day
The altar is located at the west source of Hengyue Mountain, where Zhenren Feng
governs. The twenty-sixth cave, Lingyuan, is in the south
Yue Zhaoxian looks to the west, where Mr. Deng hides. "

Deng Ziyang was indeed a practitioner in Nanyue and deduced Beidi Dafa. "The
True Immortal Body Path of All Pasts"
Volume 32 of "Tongjian" says: "
It is first hidden in the northwest of Magu altar. Later, because of visiting
relatives, he got the divine sword on the way.
Admire it. He is quite resolute in nature and prides himself on his ability to
help the world. Every time he rests in a creek, he recites the Canopy Mantra
without stopping.
After quitting, he was inspired by Beidi and Yishenren taught him swordsmanship.
Visited Zhuling in Nanyue, visited the sapphire and light
The Second Altar of Heaven, pay homage to Zhenren Deng (
Deng Yuzhi, a Taoist priest of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, had some feelings in
dreams. Emperor Ming of Tang Dynasty
In Yuanzhong, he was summoned to the Datong Hall, held a memorial ceremony for
Hu Fan, and was granted the title of Heavenly Master.
Deng Ziyang was profound in Taoism and was famous for his Beidi Taoism and
divine swordsmanship. World
Pass him "
Try to use Xia Yuan's technique to make Zhu Bing, a divine soldier, attack
Xirong's invasion. If the thunder changes,
When Quanrong was defeated, he was called a god."
③. Therefore, in the Tang Dynasty, Beidiyuan was built in Nanyue, which was
dedicated to
Worship the Northern Gods. "Nanyue Xiaolu" says: "Beidiyuan is in the northeast
of Yueguan.
In "④ "Nanyue Zongsheng Ji" it is said: "
Beidiyuan, in the second half of Kengde Temple, Xiuzhu
Long pines, dense front and back. "This Beidi Temple must be one of the earliest
specialized temples of the Beidi Sect.
After Deng Ziyang, the person who inherited his dharma lineage was his nephew
Deng Decheng. His famous disciples include
Tan Xianyan, Shi Xuandong, Zuo Tongxuan, Zou Yuhua, etc. Tang Yan Zhenqing's
"Magushan Immortal Altar"
Notes" says: "
Ziyang's nephew, named Decheng, continued to cultivate incense. Disciple Tan
Xianyan’s Dharma Ribbon is dignified,
However, Shi Xuandong, Zuo Tongxuan, and Zou Yuhua were all Qingxu and obeyed
the Tao. "Zheng Tian of the Tang Dynasty also said that Deng De
Cheng studied Taoism with Zi Yang since he was a child, and went in and out of
the inner ban, "
Xuanzong was surprised at his enlightenment and said: "Sir, I will definitely
For the leader. Because he taught it with a scarf slip, he was granted the title
of "Feng Guan" in China. He communicates with gods and spirits, and eliminates
harmful people.
The matter was prepared in the "Family Records" written by Mr.
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 2, page 202.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, page 284.
③ See "The epitaph of Mr. Deng, Master Zi, given on a sutra urn in the third
cave of Longxing Temple, the capital of Shangdu, Tang Dynasty" by Zheng Tian of
the Tang Dynasty, Zhonghua Book Company
"Complete Tang Dynasty" Volume 767.
④ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 6, page 864.
The beginning period of Shenxiao Sect—

Tang Dynasty, ③



Decheng's son Deng Yankang inherited his family tradition. In the early years of
Zhenyuan, Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty (
Immediately, he followed his father "in Kuaiji, and received the three-hole pen
urn." He searched for Magu Mountain, kept his spirits up, and was indifferent.
Ran and Tian Ni Yuan combined. The secret of three scenes, five teeth, two stars
and eight paths, Yunzhang Longzhuan Zhai Yuan Jiao Meeting
The method, the divine understanding of the spiritual contract, reaches the
ultimate level of the sect. He repeatedly acted as an honest envoy to the county
magistrate and asked him to be his teacher, to eliminate evil and save him.
Drought, the obvious response is not the same." In Jingzong Baoli (825-827),
"The old prime minister Yuan Meizhi set the river
My wife was ill, and she suddenly dreamed of a god saying: Why not seek help
from Magu Immortal Master? Duke Yuan suddenly ordered his envoys to pray.
Once it arrives, the disease will be cured. The lady bowed her head and
presented the urn, and all of them became disciples. Restore the power of the
Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty
Tao, Princess Zouping was conferred to Guangling, Liang Gong was lucky enough to
be in Yimen, and he became a vassal minister, fighting for
Second time labor. In the autumn of the eighth year of Taihe (834), he was
summoned to Quexia again, praised for his moral character, and granted official
Taiqing Palace. ...At the beginning of Kaicheng (836), Honglu Shaoqing Qu
Tuqian's wife Li Shimeihu got married
Pregnant, it caused Bin's death. The husband used the divine seal needle to
harden it and gave birth to it immediately. Then all the demon chicks died.
"That's it." He won the support of the eunuchs of both the government and the
public, and they all joined his sect. "The majesty of the divine capital is half
that of the famous and virtuous Taoist priests."
Coming from his disciples, the Dharma teaching has become more prosperous than
ever before. Emperor Zhaosu (i.e. Tang Wuzong) Xingxing
Tang Guan visited Mr. Xi on his way of cultivating the truth. Chen’s decree was
Jiayugu, and the tin was dressed in purple. The later emperor was buried in Nan
Yue Guang became a master and asked Mr. Yue to be his supervisor. The successor
to the throne (that is, Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty) was in the inner hall at that
After visiting his original edict, he first responded to the edicts of "Daode",
"Huang Ting" and "Xisheng", Ruo Dansha
Ignore the sulfur matter. When I live there, I just eat my vitality, drink a
little wine, and the bears and birds stretch out.
Already". In the thirteenth year of Dazhong (859), he died in Xingtangguan at
the age of eighty-six. His son
There are three, "Chang said Dao Ya, abandoned Shuzhou Taihu Cheng, taught three
cave sutra urns; the next day Dao Shi,
He was called Xie Lü Lang and took a leave of absence from Fujian and Yue; the
next was Dao Miao, who carried out sutra talismans, fasted, and taught him the
Department, stationed in Longxing".
① He also passed down the descendants of Deng's Northern Emperor sect to later
According to Xu Kai's "Maoshan Taoist Majestic Monument of Mr. Deng" written by
Xu Kai of the Five Dynasties, Deng, a descendant of Ziyang,
Qixia, "a rational and respectful nature, with a vast and far-reaching spiritual
knowledge". In the first year of Xiantong (860), he began to visit Maoshan Tai
Pingguan became a disciple of Bai Daoquan, and six years later Pidu became a
Taoist priest. Twelve years (871) Yilong

①See Tang Zheng's "

The Sutra of Three Cave in Longxingguan, the former capital of the Tang Dynasty,
gave an epitaph to Mr. Zi Master Deng.




/ —

The history and thought of Tao Zaizhuxiao School

The 19th generation Celestial Master of Hushan participated in teaching Du

Gongzheng Yi Dharma Ribbon. "Qianfu three years (8 7 6) Yiben
Mr. He Yuantong, the master of Guansandong, taught the Zhongmeng Shangqing
Dharma Ribbon", "in the fourth year of Taihe
(9 3 2) At the age of Renchen, he was resolved at Shanmen. The sutra urn handed
down by you was revealed at that time. "① Deng

Qi Xia died at the age of eighty-five. He merged the Shangqing, Zhengyi and
Beidi sects into one and became Xi
Taoists generally accept it.
To sum up, the Beidi sect started from Ziyang, and went through Decheng,
Yankang, Dao
Ya, Daomiao, Qixia for several generations, plus many disciples Tan Xianyan, Shi
Xuandong, Zuotong
The derivation of Xuan, Zou Yuhua, He Yuantong, Wang Qixia, Huang Dongyuan, Qu
Tong and others, and
Thanks to the great efforts of the royal families of the Tang Dynasty such as
Xuanzong, Dezong, Xianzong, Wuzong, Xuanzong and Yizong
support, Beidi Dafa soon spread in Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan, Shaanxi,
It spread in Sichuan and other areas, and a number of Beidi and Four Saints
temples were built.
For example, the Chengdu Jade Bureau established the Beidiyuan in the middle
school. "It is said that this is the Tiancao treasury, and the Jade Bureau
collects and stores it."
"Money played"
②. Datongguan, Tangxing County, Shuzhou, "
There is Ziwei Pavilion, which is the name of Cai Yuanzhong, a Taoist priest.
It was built by Shouchong as a gift of silk."
③. "The old Beidi Hall in Xiangzhou was ruined over time", and later
The King of Chu, Zhao Kuangning, suppressed Xiangzhou and was greatly improved
by the Northern Emperor's efficacious experience.
④In this way, repair
Studying Beidi's Taoism became a trend among Taoists at that time. For example,
Sun Yuan met a Taoist priest and taught him to recite heaven
Canopy curse, and then persevere, when faced with difficulties, "Suddenly I saw
a huge canopy in the sky.
The general and his troops will protect themselves and get out of trouble here."
⑤. Taoist Priest King of Shuangliu County, Chengdu
Dao Ke, "always recite the Canopy Mantra while walking or sitting" to ward off
evil spirits and kill monsters for the people. He often sees supernatural
phenomena. This is the knowledge.
General Tianpeng is the Northern Emperor's general who subdues all ghosts and
⑥. Cao Zaizhi, a native of Sizhou, came to
During the reign of Emperor Xizong, he met Sumen Taoist Liu Daguan and was
taught the Tianpeng Divine Mantra. He recited it diligently and gained a
righteous mind.

"Complete Tang Dynasty" Volume 8880
② See Du Guangting's "Taoist Efficacy Notes"; Volume 15, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 10, Page 852.

"Taoist Efficacy Notes" Volume 2, "Tao Zang" Volume 10, page 804.
④ See "

"Taoist Efficacy Notes" Volume 9, "Tao Zang" Volume 10, page 833.

"Taoist Efficacy Notes" Volume 10, "Tao Zang" Volume 10, page 834.
⑥ See "
"Taoist Efficacy Notes" Volume 10, "Tao Zang" Volume 10, page 835.
The beginning period of Shen Xiaohao—

Tang Dynasty\



Get rid of the consequences of disaster. An immortal official told him: "The
Emperor Tai is the Xuanqing Queen of Ziwei Shanggong in Beidou."
The emperor is also the superior ruler of Dou Ji, and the subordinate ruler is
Fengdu Yin Realm. The emperor is the subordinate of the Tai Emperor, and the sky
The general is the marshal of the emperor.
” ① Fan Xiyue, a native of Chengdu, “obtained Beidi’s cultivation techniques.
The seals on the canopy were carved to carry out the rituals, and the ritual
offerings were made strictly and cleanly, exceeding the ordinary rules."②
These are all proofs that Beidi Dafa was popular in the Tang Dynasty. It should
be noted that Deng Zi
Yang's Beidi sect and Ye Fashan's Dongyuan sect are both descendants of the
Zhengyi sect of the Han and Jin Dynasties. So there
In the hands of Yuan Miaozong, a man of the Song Dynasty, the writings of Deng
and Ye were compiled into "The General of Helping the Country and Saving the
"True Secret Essentials". like"
Canopy Treatment Method", "Canopy Thirty"
"Tianpeng Chengxie Zhenfa", "
"Six Generals Talisman Formula" and so on were all passed down by Deng Ziyang.
It is said: "In the Magu Mountain during the Tang Dynasty,
There was a man whose surname was Deng and whose given name was Ziyang. He
burned Taoist scriptures and practiced the art of Fengdu in this mountain. here
I have been in the cave for five years, building the temple day and night
without any slack, and I have no time to give up reciting the Canopy Mantra.
Then the envoys of Liuding from the north gave God the black seal talisman
"Thirty-six Talisman of Canopy". "
Various studies
If a Taoist encounters the true teachings of this holy text, he must look up to
it with great determination and meditate on the words according to it. He must
be truly solemn.
The book is written by a spiritual sage who has great spiritual experience. Use
it secretly and cultivate it, so don't be scornful. ”③
Later, Du Guangting in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, Zhang
Jixian, Wang Zongjing and Wu Dao in the Song Dynasty
Xian, Liu Boqi, Zhong Mingzhen, Lu Yanghao, Xu Bida, Liu Yu, Huang Gongjin,
etc., all
He studied Beidi's Dharma and combined it with Shenxiao Lei Dharma to promote a
new method.
Taoism -

Shenxiao Jinhuo Tianding Dafa. This is the basic lineage of the Beidi sect in
the Tang and Song dynasties.

It has a close relationship with Tianshi Tao and Shangqing Sect.

Section 3 Hu Huichao and Jingming Taoism

The Jingming lineage originated from the Lingbao sect, which particularly
respected Xu Xun and said that the Dharma urn was

"Taoist Efficacy Notes" Volume 12, "Tao Zang" Volume 10, page 842.
"Taoist Efficacy Notes" Volume 13, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 10, page 847.
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2, pages 71 and 74.

How can a person who has left a legacy live in the same year/--The evolution and
thought of the Shenxiao sect of Taoism

From the biography of Xu Xun. Belief in Xu Xun has a long history. In the early
Tang Dynasty, a biography deifying Xu Xun was published.
During this period, there were Taoist priests such as Zhang Qian and Hu Huichao
who spread the word "
The purpose of "Lingbao Jingming". According to "Jingming"
Volume 2 of "The Complete Book of Loyalty and Filial Piety of the Ming Dynasty"
"Jade True Spirit Treasure Altar" Xu Xun said: "Xishan collects the essence of
the past and the present.
Qi, in fact, there is a large area of deities in the house, and the wise people
lead the way. I am too pure
In the Ming Dynasty, I, Zhang Hongya, Hu Basi and others were also together. "
① Although this is a word relied on by later generations,
But it reflects the affirmation of the status of Patriarch Zhang and Hu by the
Jingming Party of the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Therefore, Xu Xunzhi
After that, they were Zhang Qian and Hu Huichao. In addition, all those who
studied Jingming in Weiwei will "Zhang Yun"
As a scribe.
Volume 1 of the same book, "The Biography of Mr. Hong Ya, Jingming Sutra Master"
states that Zhang Yun is an ancient divine man named
Hongya. Also known as Yun, the word Zangzhen. For unknown generations, he and
Chi Songzi were both teachers of Shen Nong.
He lived in seclusion in Qingcheng Mountain, Gushe Mountain and Xishan
successively. Obviously these are all myths and deceptions
Words cannot be believed. Considering the facts, he should be from Tang Dynasty.
According to "The True Immortal Body Taotong of All Pasts"
Volume 41 of "Jian": Zhang Yun was a native of Shenshan County, Jinzhou, and was
born in the fourth year of Yonghui, Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty.
653). As the old alchemist Huang said, "
Immortal books, secret codes, nine classics and hundreds of clans, all of which
are incomprehensible."

I often ride on a green donkey, from Wu Tong, Ren Ling Xia, to visit Kunlun,
travel to Zhongnan and Taihua, and travel back and forth.
Between Qingcheng, Wangwu and Taihang, and Ye (
Fashan), Luo (
Gongyuan) The two heavenly masters are
My friend, no one can understand the subtleties of the Jindanhua Pond and the
art of changing shapes and refining it. Holy Calendar
Middle (698-700) Empress Wu summoned him, but he did not come. Later, he lived
in Luoyang to serve Li Mang.
Home, Fan thirteen years. The poet Yike came to visit him. Emperor Ming Kaiyuan
seventh year (719)
After repeated summons, he failed to respond, so he came to see Zhanlu
Hall. ...Shangjiazhi, I would like to pay my respects to Mr. Taichang. I am
Even if he moved to Situ, he would not accept it. Said: Your Majesty, why do you
cherish a mountain and a river, and don't let your ministers trace their nests?
Depend on. "He returned to the mountain in August of this year." In the 16th
year of Kaiyuan (728), there was a great epidemic in Hongzhou.
The crazy Taoist climbed on the donkey and came from the five boys to apply
medicine in the market, and the sick people were cured immediately. If you hear
it from the state or above, you will feel good about it.
His model, the post summoned him, and he was in front of the results. However,
the soldiers failed to arrive after three calls, so they rested in Mr. Hongya's

① See "Tao Zang", Volume 2 4, Page 6 3 3.

The mysterious number originated from the Jin Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty\



In the fourth year of the Second Tianbao Period of the Ancient Altar (7 4 5), at
the age of ninety-three, the corpse was exhumed and transformed into the Ancient
Altar in Hongyashan.
On the couch. During his lifetime, he annotated "Laozi", "Book of Changes",
"Three Rites" and "Gu Liang", and also wrote
"The Biography of Gao Shi" (ten volumes), "The Legend of Immortals" (twenty
volumes), "Hedong Chronicles" (thirty volumes), "Da Zhou"
"Chang Yan" has ten volumes, but unfortunately none of them have been published
in the world.
Zhang Yun lived in Nanchang and Xishan areas for eighteen years, so his place
Many old traces. During the Qianyuan period of Emperor Suzong of the Tang
Dynasty (758-760), "Because of Shen Tai's words, Yu Zhang Fulong
There is a strange atmosphere in the mountain, so the imperial edict was given
to erect the Yingsheng Palace and build a statue of Suzong to accompany him.
Today, the Ziqing Palace is
also. During the reign of Emperor Dezong, a temple was built on his residence in
Jinzhou. A temple was also built at the place where corpses were dismembered in
Hongya Mountain.
All of them are now Qizhenguan", "Now they go back several miles from the west
bank of the water in Yuzhang to Xichang in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.
County, so there are hundreds of war rooms, which are made of small stones.
There are Shiji, Hongya, Diaoyutai, and Shichichi.
Hongya Inkstone Pool is said to be the place where the Hydrogen Study Hall was
located. ① This area was the home of the Jingming Sect in the Song and Yuan
Ancestral Court.
Hu Huichao played a very important role in the development of Xu Xun's worship
and the Jingming Sect.
effect. Information about him mainly includes "Ten Books on Cultivation·
"Yulong Collection", "Xishan Xu"
"Records of the Eighty-Five Transformations of the True Lord", "Tongjian of the
Body and Way of the True Immortal in All Pasts", "
"Illustrated Biography of Xu Taishi", "Jing
The Complete Book of Loyalty and Filial Piety of the Ming Dynasty. In addition,
"New Book of Tang·Yiwenzhi" contains: "Chongxuzi Hu Huichao
One roll. Loss of fame. Huichao was a Taoist priest during the reign of Emperor
Gaozong. "According to "New Book of Tang", it can be
It is concluded that there was indeed a Taoist priest Hu Huichao during the
reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, but unfortunately his biography
has been lost. From existing historical data
Look, the earliest one with more complete content is Bai Yuchan's "Ten Books on
Cultivation: Yulong"
"Collection" contained. Bai Yuchan was a famous Taoist priest in the early
Southern Song Dynasty. He practiced Buddhism in the west of Jiangxi Province for
a long time.
Mountain. During his stay in Xishan, a relatively comprehensive rectification of
the worship of Xu Xun before the Southern Song Dynasty was carried out.
reason. The deeds of Hu Huichao are as follows:
"The Heavenly Master's name is Hui Chao, and his courtesy name is Ba Su. I don't
know who he is. No one knows his age.
During the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty (674-676), he came from
Lushan and lived in Hongjing in the Western Mountains of Yuzhang.

See pages 335 and 336 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".


Legacy 5X

5 ^^/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

In Yongchunzhong (682-683), he wore a brown turban and walked on foot with his
staff on his back. When he came to Youwei Temple, he saw the same person.
I don't hold the board with my hands, I just raise my fists. Beautiful man, with
handsome appearance, about forty years old
people. The body is not very long, but wherever there are crowds of people, its
head stands out alone.
and his shoulders, so he was called Immortal Hu Chang. How old is he? Said:
Fifty-two years old. Excess
After asking about it for ten years, the same thing happened again. As for the
treatment of chaos and prosperity since the Jin and Song Dynasties, there is no
difference in detail. happiness
Talking about Jin Sikong Zhang Guanwen's "Bo Wu" is like his friend. Perhaps Yun
Xu and Wu Jun tried to teach him Yan
The way of life, refining and super-yuan nine eras can summon the gods and drive
away thunderstorms. To Tao Hongjing School Mao
There are seventy volumes of "Tai Qing Jing" in Huayang Cave in Shanshan, and
the Heavenly Master also shared them; his surnames are written in ink on the
The name is visible to everyone who reads it. He also said: When I came here
before, I was a guest at Xumuyong. I don’t know why.
A contemporary figure. Everywhere along the way I encountered the remains of
violent corpses and buried them. There are ancient artifacts and treasures on
the ground. If you dig them up,
His words. If you hear something evil or strange, it will kill you like a
bandit, so you must cut it off immediately. Shiyu Zhangxi
There is a camphor wood spirit in the door as a one-legged god, who causes
strange evil spirits and invites people to worship him. When the Heavenly Master
saw it, he scolded him.
To write a ban on a talisman is to order a beheading, to store up fuel and pour
oil into it, and to burn it with fire, and then the evil spirits will be
The earth is the view. ...After a long time, the strange signs became obvious,
and the Queen of Heaven issued an edict with a Pu Lun.
Valley, the state and county were in urgent need of searching and had no choice
but to go out. When he arrived at the capital, he was introduced to Wucheng
Palace and then asked
Immortal things are the source of the Celestial Master's moral and imperial
governance. Later, he was overjoyed and wanted to stay in the capital.
Entrusted with the task of refining alchemy. The Heavenly Master resigned and
returned to the mountain to practice cultivation. He sent an envoy to send him
back to Jinbi. OK
Next time, Shan's father gave him a letter saying: "Sir, he has a noble Taoist
status. He left the secular world early and was as successful as Xuan Li.
On the river of the Han Dynasty, he could travel thousands of miles to visit
Sanchuan. The sun opens first, looking at the colorful clothes
Fading away; after crossing Tianjin, you can see the crane cover in the
distance. Looking at the wind and clouds in the sky, I feel endless melancholy.
If Meng
After nine turns, I left a pill of medicine. The Heavenly Master made elixirs in
the ancient altar of Mr. Hongya, and first
The last three years. An imperial edict was issued to summon the imperial
palace, but when it arrived, the palace was banned. The Heavenly Master resigned
and returned, but he could not stay
Xu, the Heavenly Master escaped in one day. After hearing this, he sighed and
hated him for a long time. He sent envoys to give generous gifts and poems.
One article says: The master Ye Gaozhi went to the mountain home in mountain
clothes. I smell the wind and moon from afar, go and separate from the smoke
Xia. Bixiu peeks into the mysterious cave, and the jade stove refines elixir.
Today I am on Xingjin, I look up at my soul. sky
The master returned to Xishan and lived in Xumujing. He observed that there were
three clear gates and Zhenjun Hengtang, both of which were built by ghosts.
Frost and snow series Zhaojia period 22 Tang Xin\

豊) (Second Director)


make. The flat pillars are imitated from the base to the ridge, and are broken
and cut. People can be ridiculous. When the plant is established, it does not
tilt and is firm.
It is immortal and inaccessible to humans. Liang Pai personally inscribed the
anniversary number with strong penmanship. and wrote it himself
True to the wall of the apse. He lives in Xishan, and everyone is his teacher.
There is no epidemic treatment water within a thousand miles.
The disaster of drought is not as painful as the fierce warbler Tianzhu, and it
depends on the distance. February of the third year of Chang'an (703)
On the 16th, he ordered his disciples to build a brick tomb in Fulonggang,
northwest of Youweiguan, to hide the Taixuan True Talisman.
2. One each of the Seven-Star Divine Sword and the Spiritual Treasure Staff,
which will be completed in three days. The Heavenly Master is attired and
sitting on a rope
The bed, the room is full of strange fragrance, the clouds and cranes in the
sky, the sounds of people and horses outside the wall, are endless, just ignore
The solution is shed. When the state heard about it, he gave money and silk,
made a meal, and gave him the posthumous title of Mr. Ridongzhen. Gusu first
Sima Zhen, who was born, wrote a stele with detailed information.
① Hu Huichao came from Lushan and lived in seclusion for a long time.
He lived in Xishan and died in the mountains in the third year of Chang'an of Wu
Zetian. Later, the Jingming sect took him
Respected as one of the ancestors, "
All disciples of Jingming are respected as Dharma Master”②.
There are many members of his family, the most prominent one is Hua Gu. Hua Gu’s
real surname is Huang and her given name is Lingwei. To caress
A native of Linchuan Prefecture. The young man is good at Taoism and has a
natural talent. At the age of twelve, he became a Taoist priest of Tianbao
When she was eighty years old, she was as white as a virgin and her face was as
red as a virgin. People at that time called her Hua Gu. Walking on ankles,
The horse cannot catch up.
"I once went to Nanyue to visit the relics of Wei Huacun. Winter 10th, the
second year of Changshou (693)
In August, he visited Master Hu Tianshi in Xishan, Hongzhou. Seeing his
sincerity, the Heavenly Master demonstrated Taoism to him and pointed out
Learn some mysteries and teach them how to use ghosts and gods and how to
transport thunder and lightning. Aunt Hua returns to Jingshan, pure and clean
His practice has repeatedly demonstrated supernatural powers and is respected by
the world. "In the ninth year of Kaiyuan (721), he wanted to rise.
At this time, he suddenly said to his disciple: "There is no need to nail my
coffin. You can wear a scarf to decorate it." There was thunder and lightning a
few nights ago
The coffin is wrapped around, and the hole in the top of the veil is like a
chicken egg. The house is full of people, but the coffin is only covered with
wooden slips."

Yan Zhenqing visited Daojing Mountain and listened to what his disciple Li
Qiongxian said, so he wrote "
Jingshan Huagu Immortal Altar
"Inscription" to praise it.
In addition, Ye Qianshao is also a successor of Jingming Sect. "Xuxian Zhuan"
volume contains: "Ye Qian
①See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 4, page 771.
②See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 24, Page 628.
③See Chen Yuan's "
"Taoist Epigraphy" page 150.

Mr. Tian is in winter/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Dao Wang Shenxiao Sect

Lu Cong, whose courtesy name is Shao, was born in Jianchang, Hongzhou. The
Taoist priests Xu and Wu Erzhenjun of Xishan, who had little experience in
Taoism, pioneered Taoism.
Gu is convinced. "Later, he was given the Divine Book of the Heavenly Book by
the real official. "From then on, when the wind roared loudly, the wind filled
the forest gully, and poof.
Water makes rain flow across the fields, patting the ground makes thunder roll,
and hand-painted empty space makes lightning sparkle. It's a procession
The world is full of madness, always drunk and high in the city, and suddenly
shouts and shouts seem to boost the power. What is the reason for people to ask?
For this reason. He responded: I saw a fire somewhere and a drought somewhere,
so I asked the rain to save my ears. people
They are all overridden, and they have their own test results. If there is a
drought in a county or county, please ask for help. I will prepare incense for a
thousand years.
The case begins with blessings, and it rains in a moment. When someone invites
someone to cause thunder, he will make a sound when his feet touch the ground,
and a windlass will come from the ground.
The sound of a windlass. Or if the rain is raining hard and praying for
clearing, but the rain does not respond, you can ask Qianshao to stop it, and
then perform a trick to make it clear. midwinter
Or when there is a drought, praying for snow, for a thousand years I stand in
single clothes and barefoot, whistling and chanting in the middle of the day,
and the wind and clouds converge in a few seconds.
It snowed all night. He also uses talismans to save people from suffering,
without waiting for people to ask for help. He will show mercy to those who are
sick when he sees them.
Save it. Those who have evil charms will heal themselves after hearing the name
of Qian Shao, and those who get the charm will never have it again for the rest
of their lives."①
In his later years, he also died in Xishan.

Section 4 Wang Zhenjun and Shenxiao Leifa

From a historical perspective, the Shenxiao Sect was formed during the Northern
Song Dynasty. There is Wang Wen
Qing, Lin Lingsu and others are world-famous for their proficiency in thunder
techniques and promoting the purpose of Shenxiao Sect. according to
Wang Wenqing said in his own words that he obtained the Book of Shenxiao Yaodao
and Thunderbolt from Wang Zhenjun, so the sect worshiped Wang
The true king is the founder of the teachings. However, because Wang and Wang
lived in very different times, they
The academic circles all hold a negative attitude towards this view. But we can
draw conclusions based on this alone, and even think that
Wang Zhenjun is an unfounded character and may have been taken carelessly.
Because in the Song and Yuan Dynasties
The Taoist Scriptures contain many writings by Wang Zhenjun, and there are also
biographies left in the world. Detailed points here
Analysis to determine the existence of Wang Zhenjun? and his relationship with
the Shenxiao Sect.
The fifth volume of "The Continuation of the True Immortal Body and Tao
Tongjian" by Zhao Daoyi of the Yuan Dynasty contains Wang Zhenjun

① See page 90 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".

Starting period of collection rate—



twenty one

The biography says: "The real king's surname was Wang, his given name was Zihua,
and his courtesy name was Shimei. In the second year of Emperor Xuanzong's reign
in the Tang Dynasty, Jiayin
(7 1 4) Born in Ruyang County, Caizhou. At the age of forty, but he failed in
three exams, he sighed and said: "I am not over the age."

Confused, if you don’t become an official, how can you meet your friends in
person? I will learn from Huang Lao's teachings and submit to the emperor
Countryside. So he and Yan Zhenqing studied under Mr. Baiyun Zhang Yue, and then
studied under Mr. Chicheng Sima Cheng
Zhen. In the Anlu Mountain Rebellion, he abandoned his home and wandered around.
He practiced Taoism at the foot of Zhurong Peak in Nanyue Mountain and stayed
there for nine years.
Go down the mountain. Zhenqing was trapped by Lu Qi, and Li Xilie was hanged to
death in Huaixi. Master meets Zi Xuyuan again
You are lucky enough to be a relative of Nanyue, and teach you the Tao. After
practicing for another twenty-eight years, Dan became Daobei. In the fifth year
of Zhenyuan,
(7 8 9) On the seventh day of the first lunar month of Gengwu, he was ordered to
ascend to heaven in the daytime.

The above account is not groundless talk. There is also the personal statement
of Zhu Zhizhong, a high Taoist in the Northern Song Dynasty.
Describe as evidence. Zhu Zhizhong is a Taoist master from Shangqing Sanjing.
His name is unique and his hometown is unknown.
When I was young, I wore hairpins and clothes, and passed on the knowledge of
stars wonderfully. I traveled among the rivers and lakes and studied Taoism. As
for the famous mountain spirit
Cave, especially like to visit. One day when I went to Qingcheng Mountain, I
thought about it and went to Sizhen Cave.
leisure. At that time, because I had made up my mind in the early morning, it
was still not half past noon, and I was sleepy and lay down in the shade of a
In the dream, the Taoist priest was wearing red clothes and talking to the
woodcutter. As he talked about the secrets of Taoism, he had vivid memories in
the dream.
When the paper for the book was exhausted, he wrote it on a palm leaf. The
Taoist priest said goodbye: I am fire
Master, there is a book of thunder that has been hidden in the west cave of
Zhuling for three hundred years. God will send his decree,
You can travel to that place thousands of times and receive this spiritual
message. Fortunately, you will not miss it. You were thunder in your previous
Judgment, so in this life I personally teach you the secret, cherish it. I woke
up in my dream, but the sun was already west
That’s it. But I saw a scorching fire coming out of the tree. Then he went down
the mountain to the nunnery and looked at what was written in his dream.
Wen Canran, swing leaves are also there. So I recorded what was written in the
dream on paper, for fear that the spiritual writing would be easily changed.
Transformation. Then he went down the mountain to Shu and went to Nanyue to
visit Yan. Because I was thinking about the words of the West Cave, one day
suddenly arrived
In a stone cave, I saw three volumes of yellow scrolls on the stone table. The
middle volume was half open, but the second volume was not secure.
open. I bowed again and stated my feelings sincerely. If I examined it and
looked at it, this would be a thunderous book. Got this volume
After writing the book, you will leave the cave and record your praises. Then
you will pay your respects and send him back to the cave. Occasionally, when I
sit quietly in my spare time, I open

① See page 446 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".

^The history and thought of Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

twenty two

Qian closed Xun, left Kun Segen, and according to Tiangang, held the bucket
handle, visited Xuanyuan, passed Fusang, and entered Guang
Cold, holding the quail tail, holding the yellow boy, crossing the sea, climbing
Kunlun, wearing the Tang talisman, shaking the sky with thunder, the god
How great! Therefore, the secrets obtained are annotated in the "Secret Purpose
of the True King", and can be learned after enlightenment.
Those who are determined to be polite share this. The secrets of all wonderful
ways are passed down by word of mouth from the ancient immortals and sages
without writing them down.
To learn, I now record it in a book. ”①
This precious self-narration details how he obtained Wang Zhenjun's thunder book
and how he obtained it.
Some of Wang Zhenjun's writings have been published to the world. This will help
people understand Wang Zhenjun's life and his relationship with Shen Lei.
The relationship between the factions is extremely important. It is also pointed
out that the autobiography was completed by Chongning, Emperor Huizong of the
Northern Song Dynasty.
Three years (1104), which is the time when Wang Wenqing obtained the thunder
book, that is, the beginning of Huizong's Xuanhe period (1119)
As early as 15 years ago, it effectively shows that as early as before Wang
Wenqing, Lei Shu was already in the upper circles of society.
OK. Perhaps Wang Wenqing’s real master is Zhu Zhizhong, so Zhu’s editors and
All the books on Thunder Law were handed down by Wang Wenqing. Wang Wenqing said
that he met Wang Zhenjun by the Yangtze River.
The talk about the secret method of De Lei Shu is also the same as Zhu
Zhizhong's talk about his insights in his dream.
The main works of Wang Zhenjun's thunder that Zhu Zhizhong obtained and compiled
include "Fire Master Wang Zhenjun"
"Secret of Thunder", "Secrets of Mixing", "Lingwen of Yushu", "The Great Method
of Cutting the Five Thunders", etc.
He said: "The only one we can use today is "The Fire Master's Secret Edict",
"The Secret of Mixing", "Yu Shu" and "Zhan Kan".
Xuanwen is passed down to people, and it goes beyond the three realms on the
inside, and helps all souls on the outside. It prays for rain and sun, and
Eliminate disasters, control mirages, rescue people in danger, kill goblins,
bring wind and rain to the present, bring thunder to the present
On the palm of your hand, you can resolve the sins of the Nine Mysteries and
Seven Ancestors, eliminate the guilt of thousands of lives and tribulations, and
those who have obtained it will stick to it, and those who encounter it will
It is a long-term fate. If one can uphold the precepts, the ghosts and gods of
the three realms will surrender and obey his orders. " ② These works
The description was either obtained by Wang Wenqing, or by Chen Nan and Bai
Yuchan, who still collect "Tao" today.
Among these works, "The Thunderous Purpose of Fire Master Wang Zhenjun" is
particularly important. the book
Annotated by Zhu Zhi and passed down by Wang Wenqing. There is a preface by Bai
Yuchan, telling the origin of this book:

① ② See Volume 76 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 29 of "Tao Zang", pages 274 and
The earliest period of Shuangyi—

Tang Dynasty\ 叵


twenty three

Fortunately, I was able to study in Chongke and studied in various fields, but
failed to fulfill the essentials. Take a roundabout way through Luofu,
I visited the founder Cuixu Zhenren and showed this article in my sleeve. You
can write it to Yunfang urgently and send it to you tomorrow.
Come, remember your desire for the Tao throughout your life, and your sincere
desire to admire the Tao. After I finished writing it, I returned it to my
Before the teacher, play and recite diligently. Even Wang Zhenjun revealed it in
seventy-two sentences. Zhu
The teacher has thousands of words, which were invented later. Concentrating on
meditation, super understanding of the subtleties, it is the so-called banana
The opportunity of the spring breeze, the wonderfulness of the autumn rain on
the sycamore trees, the moonlight in the blue pool, the dusk clouds on the green
mountains, subtle and profound,
Canran understands. Only the second master passed on the disciples with
convenience, and saved everyone with compassion.
Let the scholars of later generations get it and play with it, and they will
have enlightenment. Like the clouds opening and the moon shining brightly, the
dust is pure and discerning, including
All illusions return to reality, and all dharmas return to oneness. "

The main text of "Thunder Secret" is a seven-character poem with a total of 72
sentences, telling the story of Wang Zhenjun
His life story of seeking Taoism and cultivating truth, refining elixir and
transporting thunder. Judging from the writing language and content, it is
obviously not
It is my original work, and it is for posterity to recount. However, Zhu
Zhizhong’s annotation is undoubtedly reliable.
In the article, you can learn more about Wang Zhenjun’s life and the process of
achieving enlightenment.
"The Secret of Thunder" begins on the same day: "
In the past, Mr. Zhuang abandoned Confucianism and abandoned Zhu Rong Jiuchun.
Grass. Suddenly one day I met Lord Yuan and taught me the supreme way of pure
emptiness. Practice again and again forty-seven springs, six
The corpses of the three thieves were swept away like lightning. The body is
light, the body is healthy, the hair is green, and there is no need to worry
about hunger or thirst. The fifth year of Zhenyuan
In the month of Jianyin, the Jade Emperor granted him an ascension. After
bathing in the Yaochi and having a tin banquet, I became a certified fire master
in Lei.
②This is a summary of Wang Zhenjun’s life.
In this regard, Zhu Zhizhong commented: "The real king's surname is Wang, his
name is Zihua, and his courtesy name is Shimei.
Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty was born in Ruyang County, Caizhou at the
age of Jiayin in the second year of Kaiyuan. At the age of seven, he could
recite poems and books.
At the age of nine, he understood the great meanings of the classics. At the age
of thirteen, he understood the science of astronomy and geography.
Fame is like picking up mustard. When he reached the age of forty, he was tired
of selecting candidates and failed in three attempts. Then he sighed and said:
If you are more than a year old and have not been appointed to the official
position, how can you meet intellectual friends in person? So I abandoned the
Confucian pen and inkstone,
Learn the ways of Lao and Zhuang, seek the art of immortality, do not seek to
advance in the world as an official, but simply wish to be immortal in the

① ② See Volume 76 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 2 9 of "Tao Zang", page 2 6 2.


twenty four


giant wax

/ The history and thought of Shenxiao Sect of Erdaoism

Countryside. So he and Yan Zhenqing studied under Mr. Baiyun Zhang Yue, and then
studied under Mr. Sima Chicheng.
Zhen, accept the way of tranquility. "

The characters mentioned in the notes were all from the mid-Tang Dynasty. For
example, Yan Zhenqing was a loyal martyr of the time.
He was a minister, but he liked peace and quiet during his lifetime, and went in
and out of Xuanmen. He once studied under Tao Baba, a Taoist master, and got a
The secret of Guishen Dan is also shared with Zhang Zhihe, Lu Hongjian, Xu
Shiheng, Li Chengju, etc.
friend. Volume 32 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Way of the Past"
says: "Gong Yan Zhenqing of Lu, whose courtesy name is Qingchen.
The fifth generation grandson of Shigu. Be erudite and work hard, and be filial
to your parents. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty held the imperial
examination in Kaiyuan and promoted
He then moved to supervise the imperial officials, and his virtues and deeds are
detailed in the "Book of Tang". In the fourth year of Jianzhong (
Dezong ordered Zhenqing to interrogate Li Xilie. He knew inside and outside that
he would not return the favor, and his relatives paid tribute to him in
Drunk, he jumped in front of the couplet and said: I met the Taoist Yuntao Baba
early in the morning and taught me the Sword Gui Bixia Dan. I still have it
Never fade. He also said: If there is misfortune at seventy, it will be good
luck. If they treat me in Luofu Mountain someday, I will not get what I have
Ouch! When the Duke arrived in Daliang, Xi Lie ordered him to be hanged and
killed, and he was left in the south of the city. Xi Lie was defeated, and his
family was enlightened.
The coffin, with a life-like appearance, is covered in gold, with claws and
armor protruding from the back of the hands, and beard and hair several feet
long. It was buried.
Yanshi Beishan. Later, some businessmen came to Luofu Mountain, where two Taoist
priests played Go under a tree. One said: He
People come here. He said to me: I am a small guest from Luoyang. The Taoist
laughed and said: I am lucky to have sent a book to my home. send
The boy took paper and pen to write a book and went to Yan's house in Beishan.
When the descendants got the book, they were shocked and said: "The former Grand
Master is dear"
Han Ye. The coffin in the tomb is empty. I went straight to Luofu to look for
it, but there was no trace of it. "② Old World
People say that he has become an earthly immortal. Similar records can also be
found in the Song Dynasty stele "Lu Gong Immortal Traces"③
, it can be proved that in the minds of people of the Tang and Song Dynasties,
Yan Zhenqing was not only a loyal minister, but also a loyal minister.
For Taoism, it is high and true.
Yan Zhenqing wrote many inscriptions about Taoism during his lifetime, such as
"Inscriptions on the Qiaoxian Temple",
"The Inscription of Huagu Immortal Altar in Jingshan, Linchuan County, Fuzhou",
"The Story of Magu Immortal Altar", etc. From the inscription
It can be seen from the above that most of the Taoist priests who interacted
with Yan Zhenqing were Gaozhen who were proficient in spells and thunder. Yan

See Volume 76 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 262.
See pages 283 and 284 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".
See page 297 of Chen Yuan's "Taoist Epigraphy".
The beginning of the Shenxiao sect


Zhenqing calls himself "

"Fortunate to inherit Yu Lie"①, since
You should know the true secret of his secret method. Therefore Zhu Zhizhong
It is said that Yan Zhenqing and Wang Zihua are the same Taoist
Friends, study the method of Alchemy and Thunder. Wang Zhenjun
After attaining the Tao and ascending to heaven, "Yi Yinyan
The true minister lives in the Lei Department"②. Bai Yuchan also
Said: "Yan Zhenqing is here to drive away evil spirits from the North Pole.
The judge on the left side of the court. "
③ It can be proved from this that we have
Guan Wang Zhenjun and Yan Zhenqing cultivate Taoism and seek truth
The records should be credible.
According to Zhu Zhizhong’s account, Wang Zhenjun
I got married at Zhurong Peak in Nanyue and devoted myself to cultivating
The Tao has been going on for nine years. In the first year of Baoying, Ren
Yin (
762) In July, feel the Chinese Yuan Zi

Yan Zhenqing (
Qing Dynasty version of "朜神记")

Lord Xuyuan taught him the essentials of Taoism when he was forty years old.
Nine. The true king has obtained this Taoist secret and practiced it for another
twenty-eight years. The elixir will become the Taoist preparation, and the yin
and yang will rise and fall.
When water and fire came together, the three corpses and six thieves all fled
away. Their bodies were all covered with green hair, and the four major bodies
were light.
Jian, take the vitality and the abdomen will not be hungry; swallow the true
liquid but the mouth will not be thirsty. "The true king is seventy-seven years
Dan Cheng Dao Bei. On the seventh day of the first lunar month of the fifth year
of Zhenyuan, according to the Jade Emperor's edict, Zhenjun was given the gift
of flying
Rising below Zhurong Peak. People in the world can only see auspicious clouds
and auspicious mist filling the valley, but they can't look far away.
My dear, the mountains of Nanyue are fragrant and fragrant. They will not
dissipate for seven days. Everyone will see the true scene of this fragrant
fragrance. It is forbidden.
False accusation. When the true king ascended, after bathing in the Yaochi, God
granted him the title of Thunder Fire Master.

① See Chen Yuan's "

"Taoist Epigraphy" pages 1 5 5.
② See page 263 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".
③ See pages 283 and 284 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".

suffered 0

People look left 5/—

The History and Thoughts of the Shenshi School of Taoism

called. ”① This annotation not only traces the story of Wang Zhenjun’s
cultivation of Taoism, but also points out
The reason why he was regarded as the "Thunder Fire Master".
Taoists regard Wang Zhenjun as the founder of the Shenxiao sect, and there is an
inherent importance.
The main reason is that he put forward a set of thunder law theory, and his
"Thunder Secret" is
A representative work, which details the secrets of Taoist thunder method,
covering Qi method, elixir method and so on.
Kung Fu, incantation, magic transformation, general summoning, talismans, Gang
Jue, Finger Technique, Thunder Movement, etc. are all thunder.
The key to Dharma practice and application.
In addition, he also pointed out the social function and moral value of Taoist
Leifa, which is exactly what
This is the main reason why thunder method is different from alchemy method. He
said: "Anyone who seeks immortality and Taoism will not
After refining the inner elixir, the body's body will become corrupted. Without
accumulating meritorious deeds, it is difficult to reach the mysterious realm.
Failure to relieve suffering will lead to difficult results
become. If there is no foam in the Hua Chi, the spirit will not be happy. If you
want to seek immortality, you must first perform meritorious deeds, and you must
cure your illness
Evil, pray for sunshine and rain, help people and materials, accumulate yin
skills, be diligent and incense, be upright and selfless,
Why worry about not being promoted" ② This clearly points out that the
cultivation of inner elixir is the foundation of establishing one's body.
The accumulation of meritorious deeds is the foundation for success. We must
care about the sufferings of the people and help people and materials.
Only by accumulating merit can you attain enlightenment and become an immortal.
This points out the importance of inner alchemy practice.
It also clearly revealed the Mahayana spirit of Taoism to save people and save
the world, thereby laying the foundation for the creation of Shenxiao Sect.
He immediately established the purpose of making great efforts to help the
To sum up what has been said above, the author believes that it should be
admitted that there was indeed a thunderbolt named Wang Zihua in the Tang
Master Dharma, he and Yan Zhenqing were fellow Taoists, and they learned the
secret of Lei Dharma. contemporary with him
Ye Fashan, Deng Ziyang, Hu Huichao, Feng Qushe, Ye Qianshao, etc. all used
He is famous throughout the world for teaching the art of thunder. It can be
said that these Taoist masters who were active in the Tang Dynasty were
Master, laid a solid foundation for the formation of Taoist Lei Fa. Zhu Zhi, a
Taoist priest in the Northern Song Dynasty
Zhong, Wang Wenqing, Lin Suling, Chen Nan, Bai Yuchan and others all agreed that
the Shenxiao sect was founded

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 264.
② See "
"The Fire Master's Legacy", "Tao Zang", Volume 29, Page 274.
The beginning of the Shenxiao sect in the Tang Dynasty\



Although it is difficult to confirm the origin of Wang Huo, a real person in the
Tang Dynasty, he has a direct lineage.
This can be recognized as Taoism in the Tang Dynasty.
In addition, there were many people in the Tang Dynasty whose factions were
unknown but who were proficient in thunder magic. Such as Yun'an, Kuizhou
Zhai Fayan, courtesy name Qianyou. Shaoxi said in "Laozi" that one's ambition
should be pure and cultivated, and one should not eat the five pungent
In the fourteenth year of Tianbao (
755), he is forty-one years old. Suddenly I met two real people and gave them
the precious spiritual treasure.
Literary, three secret arts. "The first day is called the Secret Technique of
the Three Generals, the second day is called the Secret Technique of Zixu, and
the third day is called the Secret Technique of the Supreme Being.
Zhengyi Alliance's powerful secret method, and gave the gods one hundred and
twenty yuan, so that on the first day of the first lunar month, if you take a
bait, you will have a long life.
As expected.
"He summoned the dragon to serve the gods, and the wind, rain and thunder stood
in time. He was famous all over the world.
Wang Guan, the envoy of Jingnan Festival, personally received the Taoism. In
response to the emperor's edict of symmetry, he was given the title "
Great psychic
"Teacher". Later he returned to his hometown, "especially to save people from
suffering, refine yellow and white, and give to the poor".

Wenzong Yamato tenth year (
839) In December, he emerged in his hometown of Yun'an.
There is a disciple Shu Xuji, whose words are true. Kaizhou people. I only like
Linquan, I like Huang Laozhi
technique. His teacher was the Heavenly Master Zhai Fayan. "
Tianshi tasted the "Zhenyuan" in the Cave of the Immortal Capital in Yijiang.
"Ce Ling Shu", which was later passed down to Shu Xuji. He also told him: "This
book was given to the Han Dynasty by Xi Ling Jin Mu in the past.
Emperor Wu, Emperor Wu passed it on to Li Shaojun, and then Taiji Zuoxiangong
got it, and Ge Zhichuan got it from
Luofu Mountain, first learned from Dongting Junshan and recovered it from Ge
Xiangong. Yin Jie said: Zhenyuanzhi
Tao, ride on the great leader, walk on the North Pole, look at the Yao light,
sneak up on the Dan Yuan, lean on the spiritual field, walk on the sun, and
transport luck.
Yuan Gang holds Tianshu, holds the six qi, and commands all spirits. He can
summon gods from outside and extend them from inside.
born. If you practice emptiness and tranquility as you have been warned, you
will experience magical results.
He then passed it on to his disciple Xiang Daorong, "for
He was simple and simple, and his work was quiet. He was awarded "Zhen Yuan Ce
Ling Shu" and became famous in Shu. "Xiang Daorong again
He was appointed as Keju and warned: "Eighteen years later, the experience of
disasters and blessings can be revealed to others. Don't peep."
Honor and benefit should not be imparted to others in vain. Those who gain this
way will be gods, and those who reveal it will be in vain. Biography of Song
Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty
Zhai Qianyou, Qianyou passed down Xunji, Xunji passed down to his son, and now
he has passed it on to you for the fifth generation.

Volume 41 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Tao of All Pasts", Volume 5
of "Tao Zang", page 338.
Volume 42 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Tao of All Pasts", Volume 5
of "Tao Zang", pages 339 and 340.


/Evolution and Thoughts of Er Taoism Shen Xiaoyuan

They are all skilled in the art of thunder and warfare.

There was also Cheng Taixu, a native of Xichong in Guozhou, who was determined
to practice Taoism and obtained the wonderful edict of Lei Dharma, "
Strong winds uprooted the trees, thunder and lightning caused rain, and the
water in the ridges was like boiling water. He stirred it up with his stick, and
the water was boiling.
Two buttons printed with jasper. Every year, farmers beg for talismans and pray
for good luck, and if they seal them with seals, the recipients will have a
better harvest.
Fu. Whatever he got, other than charity, he built a temple and set up a statue,
without any personal gain. There is a female way
The scholar naturally thanked him and gave him the Dharma seal. When he
finished, he collected it secretly and lost it in one day. Tang Dezong Zhenyuan
Ten years (794), the sun naturally rises to the sky. In the fourth year of
Yuanhe reign of Emperor Xianzong (809), Taixujie
Quanzhou Tan Zixiao, a cloud of thunder. He was a Taoist priest when he was
young. When he met a stranger, he was taught Kuigang Dou.
Ji, the art of watching lanterns and flying talismans is very effective. "It can
be used to worship the stars and kill people in the dark. Yu steps and points."
Jue, forbid cursing ghosts, burn memorials for people, pray for good luck, and
know how to live long." He also met Gao Taoist Chen
Shou Yuan passed down Zhang Daoling's talisman, "
He tried his best to understand it, so he said that he had obtained the
righteous Dharma of Daoling Tianxin.
Ghosts have many effects in treating childbirth and illness. King Meng Chang of
Fujian respected him and named him Mr. Zhengyi, the Yuke of Kinmen. Fujian
After his death, he lived in hiding in Qiyin Cave in Lushan Mountain, where
there were more than a hundred scholars. When the later master heard of his
name, he summoned the official.
All of them refused to say goodbye, and died of illness at the age of more than
a hundred years. Today, those who speak of Tianxin's righteous Dharma all have
their ancestors in Zi.
Although the inheritance of many high-spirited sages mentioned above are
different, or
Inherit the lineage of Tianshi Zhengyi, or inherit the mantle of Shangqing and
Lingbao, or start the way of Beidi sect.
They may be the Xuanji of the Jingming sect or the Tianxin sect, but they are
all proficient in spells and thunder to save the world.
It is your duty to save others. Many of the spells and writings they passed on
were absorbed by the Shenxiao sect.
Many of the Shen Zhen whom he respected were also regarded as the founders of
the Shenxiao sect. Such as Ye Fashan
He is the author of "Book of Thunder" and "Shangqing Yinshu Bone Marrow
Spiritual Text", most of which were adopted by the Shenxiao Sect.
Bai Yuchan said: "The Book of Thunder written by Ye Fashan, the Heavenly Master
of the Tang Dynasty, contains the symbols of red chicken and purple goose.

Volume 42 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Dao of All Pasts", Volume 5
of "Tao Zha", pages 339 and 340.
Volume 43 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Tao of All Pasts", Volume 5
of "Tao Zang", pages 3 4 8.
Jiang Zengpai was in the Tang Dynasty in the 1st and 2nd dynasties.


1 29

In the southeast water urn, recite the Mulang Mantra to cause rain. ”① Beidi
University founded by Deng Ziyang
Dharma, the gods enshrined in it are really like Emperor Ziwei, the Four Saints
of the North Pole (Tianpeng, Tianyou, Yi
Sheng, Zhenwu) are all the main gods in the Shenxiao pantheon, and their methods
of rescuing death, calamity, and refining are known as
The Shenxiao sect absorbed it and evolved into the "God of Thunder, Gold, Fire
and Heavenly Ding". Tan Zixiao's Tianxin
There are many dharma secrets in Zhengfa, such as "the secret of preserving and
transforming the legacy", "the secret of transforming the gods", "the secret of
exorcising evil spirits in the North Pole"
"Yuan Seal", "Master Dutian Seal", "Five Thunder Talisman", "Beidi Talisman",
"Fire Bell Talisman"
etc., have all been included in the Shenxiao Sect's classics and become an
important part of the Shenxiao Thunder Method.
On the contrary, many of the secret methods of the Shenxiao Sect are also
derived from the Beidi Sect, Jingming Sect, and
It was absorbed by the Tianxin Sect, Qingwei Sect, and Donghua Sect, because
during the Song and Yuan Dynasties Lei Fa had become
It is the most respected method in Taoism, and the Shenxiao sect is especially
good at thunder method. just
It is on this historical background and ideological and cultural basis that the
Taoism enshrined in Song and Yuan Dynasties came into being.
Thunder Law is the Lord of All Laws, and Shenxiao has the deepest relationship
with Taoist Thunder Way and promotes it most vigorously.
Only then did the faction come into being.

See Volume 87 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 2 9 of "Tao Zang", page 361.

@@@@/ — The evolution and thought of the Shenxiao School of Taoism

1Chapter 2)
The Formation Period of Shenxiao Sect - Northern Song Dynasty

After the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty was another peak period in the
development of Taoism.
A major turning point in development. However, the situation of Taoism in the
Song Dynasty was different between the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern
Song Dynasty.
There is a very clear dividing line between them. In summary, Taoism in the
Northern Song Dynasty was basically
Following the old tradition of Taoism in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it focused
on respecting Taoism. But after the Southern Song Dynasty, due to
With the rise of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, the social and political
environment has undergone tremendous changes.
The traditional Taoist sects have declined, and new Taoist sects such as Nanzong
and Quanzhen Taoism, which focus on cultivation,
They emerged one after another, making the development of Taoism more colorful.
The development and evolution of Taoism in the Song Dynasty, in addition to the
internal reasons of Taoism, were related to the contemporary
The evolution of the current political situation and the vigorous advocacy of
some emperors are inseparable from 0 Zhenzong in the Northern Song Dynasty
and Huizong, the two famous Taoist emperors in history, Gaozong and Xiao of the
Southern Song Dynasty.
Zongzong, Lizong, etc. also played a certain role in the development of Taoism.
Their worship of Taoism has its own characteristics.
The characteristics of the times also add a lot of color to the history of
The worship of Taoism in the early Song Dynasty began with Emperor Taizong of
the Song Dynasty and flourished during the reign of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song
Dynasty. Song Taizong Zhao Kuangyi succeeded
Inheriting the throne from his brother Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, there are "
The saying "the shadow of a candle and the sound of an ax" has become a
of an unsolved case. In order to calm down the various private discussions in
the society, Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty strictly prohibited the
gathering of people.
activities such as astrologers spreading political rumors, while using Taoist
gods to weave a story
The Formation Period of Shenxiao Sect 11~Gong Song Dynasty' ⑷ ㈢ Yang|


A myth about the appearance of "Yisheng" to prove the reasonable legitimacy of

his succession to the throne. according to
Wang Qinruo's "Biography of Yi Sheng Baode Zhenjun" records: In the early Song
Dynasty, a great god descended on Zhang Shou, a citizen of Zhouzhi County.
Zhenjia, who claims to be "
"The Great Sage of Gaotian, the Assistant Minister of the Jade Emperor"
descended to the world on the orders of the Jade Emperor.
In order to assist the Song Dynasty, Zhang Shouzhen was asked to worship it
devoutly. So Zhang Shouzhen "is a courtesy"
Liang Quan, Mr. Gulouguan, was his teacher and became a Taoist priest. Then he
chose an open space next to where he lived and became a monk.
The Beidi Palace, a financial institution, built a temple inside to serve the
gods. They worshiped them day and night, and they were very meticulous in their
Zhen taught Zhang Shouzhen's "sword skills" and "the method of forming an
altar", and said: "I think you are right."
Zhi, I will give you my sword skills so that you can save the people and avoid
"Zhang Shouzhen practiced diligently to be able to
He became famous for channeling gods and subduing demons. When Emperor Taizong
of the Song Dynasty came to the throne, he summoned Zhang Shouzhen and entrusted
him with important tasks.
Qionglin Garden is the great altar for Zhou Tian and the Yanzuo Baosheng altar.
And because the eunuch Wang Jien said that the true king
After hearing this, Emperor Taizong ordered the establishment of the large-scale
Taiping Palace of the Shangqing Dynasty in Zhongnan Mountain for worship.
Serve this god. The palace includes the Jade Emperor Tongming Hall, Ziwei Hall,
Qiyuan Hall, Zhenjun Hall, and Tianpeng Hall.
Hall, Jiuyao Hall, East Dou Hall, West Dou Hall, Sanguan Hall, Zhenwu Hall,
Twelve Yuanchen
Hall, Tiancao Hall, Lingguan Hall, Longtang, Nandou Pavilion and the second
floor of Zhongjing, Zhaidao Hall,
It is incomplete, "just like the system predicted by the true king."
① By the first year of Taiping and Xingguo (9 8 1),
Taizong issued an edict and named his god "Yisheng General". From then on,
General Yisheng became the chief minister of the Song Dynasty.
One of the gods enshrined in it, whenever there are major political and military
activities and disasters such as floods and droughts in the country, the Taipei
The sect will order people to go and pray in order to seek God's true blessing.
Obviously, the reason why Song Taizong was interested in
"Black Kill", "
The myth of "Yisheng" is a big fuss, and its purpose is to use it to achieve
The purpose of deifying the Song Dynasty and consolidating its own status.
Zhao Heng, Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty (9 9 8 - 1 0 2 3), was a famous emperor
who respected Taoism. he inherited his
My father's actions were to implement the policy of supporting Taoism and go
even further. he ascended the throne
After that, he still respected General Yisheng and gave him the title "Yisheng
Baodezhenjun", and ordered the emperor and
The North Pole rises in the first niche. In the first year of Dazhong Xiangfu
(1008), "the book from heaven descended" and the court

See pages 650 ~ 654 of Volume 32 of "Tao Zang".



The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Wild Daqing. After that, heavenly books descended frequently and auspicious
signs abounded. Zhenzong enshrined Mount Tai in Zen and worshiped Fen in his
Yin, and feel "the coming of heaven". So Zhenzong ordered the gods to be given
the honorific titles and to set up altars to worship the gods.
He was also sent to build palaces and temples in all directions, create statues
of gods, establish a shrine system, and set up special temple envoys.
Or the palace is promoted to improve the daily management of the palace. In
addition, great emphasis is placed on Taoism
Collect and organize documents, order Taoist priests and scholars to jointly
verify Taoist scriptures and compile Taoist scriptures
Zhenzong granted the "Bao Wen Tong Lu", so that Taoist books could be better
preserved and disseminated.
Since Zhenzong, the momentum of advocating Taoism in the Northern Song Dynasty
has somewhat slowed down. But emperors of all dynasties have
Some high-spirited people have close relationships with them, and they are asked
to preside over religious gatherings such as praying for rain and warding off
disasters. Such as Renzong once called
The Heavenly Masters Zhang Qianyao and Zhang Xiangzhong went to the palace and
asked about the daytime conflict. Shenzong respects spirit
Master Hui Wang Taichu and Maoshan master Liu Hunchang, as well as Chisongshan
hermit Dong Weizi and Gao
He was given the honorable title of Chen Jingyuan and received great courtesy.
When Huizong (1 1 0 1 - 1 1 2 5) came to the throne,
The Northern Song Dynasty entered another climax of advocating Taoism. He
favored Ren Daoliu, promoted the Taoism of Talisman, and made
The development of Taoism has reached a new peak. In such a historical
background, with
The Shenxiao sect of Taoism represented by Lin Suling and Wang Wenqing
officially debuted and was active in both the government and the public.
Later, it became a prominent new Taoist sect.

Section 1 Song Huizong and the Shenxiao Sect

Huizong reigned for more than 20 years, and his Taoist activities can be roughly
divided into two stages. No.
One stage is the Chongning and Daguan years (1102-1110), which shows the
tendency to love Taoism.
Towards. The second stage, from Zizhenghe to Xuanhe years (1 1 1 1 -1 1 2 5),
was all about Taoism.
Taoism was vigorously promoted and promoted across the country, and Buddhism was
abolished for a time.
In the early days, the first people Huizong reused were the alchemist Wei Hanjin
and the Taizhou Taoist Xu Shen.
Weng, once gave the name Wei Hanjin as "
Xu He Chongxian Baoying", Xu Shenweng "Xu Jing"
Mr. Chonghe. Later, the most favored Taoist priest was the twenty-fifth
generation master of Maoshan Sect.
The Tuo School was formed in the Northern Song Dynasty


I 33

Liu Hunkang. Liu Hunkang was summoned by Zhezong to treat the queen's illness.
"Maoshan Chronicle"
Volume 11: "In the first year of Yuanyou (1086), Meng, the Empress of Zhezong,
accidentally swallowed a needle and put it in her throat. No medical treatment
was allowed.
When he was able to come out, he was summoned by a high-ranking minister. The
master went in and took the talisman. He vomited out acupuncture and pricked it
on the talisman. The god in the palace
As a result, he was given the title of Master Dongyuan Tongmiao and was the
abbot of Shangqing Chuxiang Palace. Shaosheng four years
(1 0 9 7), the Qianshen nunnery where Jiangning Mansion lived was ordered to be
Yuan Fu Temple. Biechi Jiangning Prefecture Jurong County

Sanmao Sanjing Luzongtan, Xinzhou Longhu Mountain and Linjiangjun Yanzao

Mountain form a tripod between the three mountains.
"Assisting the Emperor's Picture" thus formulated the three mountain talismans
of Shangqing Sect, Lingbao Sect and Zhengyi Sect.
The situation of ruling the world. When Huizong came to the throne, he summoned
Liu Hunkang to the palace and gave him the title Yuan Fu Wan.
In the longevity palace, he was given the jade seal of the Nine Immortal Lords,
Jing Zhen’s jade sword, imperial poems, poems, calligraphy and paintings, and
I can't remember them all. "
The teacher's tiredness represented the disaster, and although the superior
sighed, he could not use his words. Called repeatedly
①, Ask about the secret of Taoism. In the fifth year of Chongning (1106), the
additional name was "Baozhenguan Miaochonghexian"
"Born". In April of the second year of Daguan (1 1 0 8), he and Master Xu
Shenweng and Zhang Jixian were reunited.
At the meeting, the Qing Dynasty Chuxiang Palace was given to Taoist temples to
live in. Soon to become feathered. In May, specially given to Taizhong
Doctor, I am deeply saddened.
Cai Jing, a powerful official in the court at that time, wrote "The Monument of
Mr. Huayang's Dissolution in Maoshan" according to the imperial edict: Liu
Hun Kang arrived in Beijing, "
If you are sick and cannot go to court, you will have to ask questions and keep
on going." Huizong personally painted three grasses
The statue of the true king was given to him by Jie Zhai who wrote the Great
Cave Sutra. "Yousi Yi, sir, explained the news,
The emperor was in mourning, and the noble man gave him gold for the funeral. A
special gift to Tai Zhong's husband, so that his coffin can be returned by
When he was buried, one day he ordered Bian, the minister of imperial edict, to
use it as a tombstone, with the imperial edict of endless edicts. "
② Liu Hunkang Gaozuba Jingzhi
It is also said: "The master was met in the holy dynasty, and his grace and
glory ended like a hidden temple.
There is "③"
"Maoshan Chronicles" included in "
Huizong bestowed an imperial edict and poems on Master Liu, "Chong Ning Fan"
Forty-one passes, Daguanfan’s thirty-one passes.”
④. From July 6, the first year of Chongning to Daguan
In the past six years since April 2007, 72 letters have been sent, an average of
one letter per month.
① See page 605 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".
Volume 26 of "Maoshan Chronicles", pages 668 and 669 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".
② ③ See "
④ See Volume 3 of "Maoshan Zhi", Volume 5 of "Tao Zang", page 562.
Lost Giant Formation/ —


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

It can be said that there are constant letters and a very close relationship.
At the same time, Huizong summoned Zhang Jixian, the thirty-generation heavenly
master, to the capital. Chongning four years
(1 1 0 5) In May, given the title "

Nineteen records: "

Since Chongning, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, whenever he was summoned
to the palace four times, he would be given the title of Mr. Xu Jing.
As a doctor in rank. In the early days of Shen Zong's seal, Yang Pingzhi Du Gong
Yin Fan's six characters were used, and Kun was used.
The jade carving is hidden in the Dharma Congtreasure of Chuxiang Palace in the
Three Qing Dynasties. It will be given to those who have the right to follow it.
First. Now the real person has been granted the title of Zheng Yijing, who
should show his blessing to the real king. There is still an imperial edict to
build the country in the east.
He lived in the lower courtyard and was given the title of Chongdao. He also
gave min money to build the Qing Palace on Longhu Mountain, and moved the steps
to the entrance.
The village gave 50,000 yuan to feed the people, and instead gave Shangqingzheng
a palace amount. "① The favor is very generous.
It should be pointed out that Zhang Jixian was proficient in various thunder
methods and was proficient in alchemy.
The most talented Gao Zhen. Volume 5 of "Xuanpinlu" says: "
Huizong sent an envoy to summon him, that is,
When he reached the rank of Doctor Bixu, he was only thirteen years old and
refused to resign. In the fourth year of Chongning, he was summoned again and
He killed the monster in Jiezhou Pond, which was very miraculous, and he was
given the title Mr. Xu Jing. Internal disasters in Zhenghe Zhongda, fateful
Because of the calamity of red sheep and red horses, his words are secret. "
② He once "entered the heart of heaven and stirred up fierce thunders"
He also taught the "Shenxiao Jinhuo Tianding Dharma" and "Shenxiao Jinhuo
Tianding Dharma" in Qingcheng, Western Sichuan.
Beidi University
"Dharma", later Sa Shojian obtained its secret. Therefore, the Shenxiao Sect
regarded him as the master and explained it
Shu Leifa's works remain in the world.
Huizong's favorite Taoist priest was Lin Lingsu. Lin Lingsu’s real name is Lin
Lingyan, Wenzhou
people. He was a monk when he was young, but because he suffered from being
scolded by his teacher, he became a Taoist priest. His human nature is quite
It is easy to say that he was recommended to Huizong by Zuo Daolu Xu Zhichang.
Huizong asked if he knew
What kind of Taoism? He claimed: "
The one above knows the heaven, the middle one knows the human world, the bottom
one knows the underworld, etc. "③
Lin Lingsu used Huizong's claim that he had dreamed about Shenxiao Mansion,
claiming that there were nine heavens in the sky, and Shenxiao
The highest one houses the Shenxiao Mansion, "
The king of Shenxiao Yuqing, the eldest son of God, rules the south,

See pages 211 and 212 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".

See "Tao Zang", Volume 18, Page 139.
See Volume 53 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Taoism of All Pasts",
Volume 5 of "Tao Zang", page 408.
The formation period of Shenxiao Sect—

Northern Song Dynasty,

Volume ⑨(III)


This is the Great Emperor of Immortality, His Majesty is the one who descended
into the world, and his younger brother is named Emperor Qinghua.
Lord of the east, capture and lead it. The Immortal Qing of Ji Naifu called Chu
Hui, and he also descended to assist the emperor in his administration."①
Also known as Cai Jing, Tong Guan, etc., they were all immortal uncles and
immortal officials of Shenxiao Mansion, and even Huizong's favorite concubine
The Liu family was also the "Jiuhua Jade True Concubine" of Shenxiao Mansion,
and both descended to assist Huizong in governing the world.
Huizong was so pleased with what he said that he changed his name to "Lingsu" in
the imperial book and gave him the name "Mr. Tongzhen Daling".
He was also given a gold medal and called in at the wrong time. Order to delete
Taoist history, scriptures, seal scripts, spiritual altars, etc., and
Serve as a teacher. Tongzhen Palace was specially built to house it, and Baolu
Palace of Shangqing Dynasty was built, which is closely connected with the
forbidden provinces. Another fate
All over the world, the Shenxiao Wanshou Palace was built, and the Shenxiao Urn
Altar was set up in the capital, where the urns and talismans were spread. since
At this point, Huizong felt that he had reached the realm of unity between God
and man, and became an emperor who combined divine power and monarchy.
In February of the seventh year of Zhenghe (1 1 1 7), under Lin Lingsu's
personal planning, Huizong declared
He was called the "Emperor Qinghua" and descended to the Xuanhe Hall at night,
conferring on him "Emperor's Edict, Heaven's Book, Yunlu", etc.
On the matter, more than 2,000 Taoist priests were ordered to gather in
Shangqing Baolu Palace, and Lin Lingsu announced the matter.
He also ordered the officials and people of the capital to receive the "Secret
Code of the Divine Sky". So Lin Lingsu collected Jiutian secretaries,
Dragon seals, phoenix seals, and nine thunder methods are integrated into the
jade chapter. Huizong wanted to obtain the complete Golden Classic of Lei Shu
It's enough, it's included in "Tao Zang", and I can't ask for a visit. So Lin
Lingsu used the excuse of "Yuhuatian"
"Zun" reported to God, and God sent a jade girl to engrave the "Temple of Heaven
Jade" in the name of the seal.
"Seal of the Grand Master of the Shenxiao Sect", "
"Du Guan Lei Gong Seal" and "Tianbu Ting Si Seal", even
It is the same as "Leishu" in five volumes. In the first year of Chonghe (1118),
Huashan Mountain in Xiyue opened the Sanqing Dynasty.
At the base of the palace, I found a volume of "Lei Wen Dharma Book" in a huge
stone box, which was made of gold and cocoon paper, so I entered
Before the emperor, the content was exactly the same as the "Book of Thunder"
written by Lin Lingsu. Obviously, this is
Lin Lingsu made advance arrangements with the Huashan Taoist priests, but
Huizong, who was fatuous and superstitious, was overjoyed.
Hope, he said: "
Lin Lingsu is divine and intelligent, so remember it!”②
In May, Lin Lingsu was awarded the title of Yu Ke of Kinmen, Mr. Tongzhen Daling
Yuanmiao, and Shizhong.


Song History・
"Biography of Fang Ji·Biography of Lin Lingsu", Zhonghua Book Company punctuated
edition, volume 39, page 13528.

The Taoist Shenxiao sect along the Gaobi two rats

doctor. In September, he was specially awarded the title of true official,

exempt from the law. In November, I will be given Chonghe palace treatment.
Chen. At this point, Lin Lingsu became so powerful that the imperial court
promoted him to his hometown of Wenzhou.
Taoist military festival. According to the original biography of "History of the
Song Dynasty", he "went in and out to attract people, and even competed with the
Taoism is called "the two houses of Taoism". However, the peak must decline. At
this time, Lin Lingsu, Cai Jing and others
There have been conflicts between powerful ministers and the prince has been
offended many times, causing resentment among the people in both the government
and the public.
At the beginning of Xuanhe (1119), the capital was flooded, and Huizong sent him
to cast spells to defeat the enemy. He walked in vain
On the city, they pretended to be gods and ghosts, but it had no effect, so the
servants raised their sticks to hit them, and he quickly
Escape to avoid harm. The original biography of "History of the Song Dynasty"
also says: "
Lingsu stayed in the capital for four years and acted arrogantly.
The more unattractive he is, the more he encounters the Crown Prince and avoids
it. The prince complained, and the emperor was angry, thinking that he was too
vain and too great.
Husband, rebuked his hometown. "It seems that he was imprisoned because he
violated the autocratic imperial power and offended the powerful.
He returned to his hometown in November of the first year of Xuanhe. Later, he
died in his hometown Yongjia, not long after that.
During the Zhenghe and Xuanhe years, due to Huizong's vigorous advocating of
Taoism, Taoism was extremely respected at that time.
Compare. "Qingbo Magazine" said that during the Xuanhe period, Huang Guan was
banned from the palace and was named "
Kinmen Yuke",
The arrogance is impressive, and Lin Lingsu is its leader. according to"
Volume 51 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Way of All Pasts"
It is said that there were nine people waiting for Chen at that time. In
addition to Lin Lingsu, there were also Wang Yuncheng, Xu Zhichang and Dong Nan.
Yun, Li Derou, Wang Chongdao, Kou Ruoyu (
(who lost his surname), Wang Wenqing and others. in
Wang Wenqing was younger than Lin Lingsu and became famous later. "Zhao Yushi"
"The Biography of Lin Lingsu" says,
He was recommended by Lin Lingsu at the end of Yu Zhenghe's reign and came to
the capital to cure a severe drought in the capital.
Xiao Ning Temple awaits death", becoming the Shen Xiao sect who is still
Huizong's favorite after Lin Lingsu.
± 0 Huizong vigorously promoted Taoist activities, paying special attention to
the Shenxiao sect and its gods.
Xiao Lei Method, among which Lin Lingsu, Wang Wenqing, and Zhang Jixian
established the Shenxiao Sect and promoted Shenxiao.
A key figure in Xiaoleifa.
It should be noted that Huizong, as an emperor, was politically ignorant, but he
was very fond of Taoism.
The organization and development of Taoism have made certain contributions.
Since Huizong attached great importance to Taoism, he should
Most of the Dao books compiled at that time were based on Dao Fa, especially Lei
Fa. Ru Lin Lingsu fabricated
The Shenxiao sect formed during the Song Dynasty




"Shenxiao Thunder Book" has twenty volumes, and others such as "Gaoshang
Shenxiao Yuqingzhen Wang Zishu Dafa",
"Gaoshang Shenxiao Yuqing Secret Record" and so on were all made at that time.
"The Book of Saviors" is only one volume.
During the reign of Emperor Huizong, sixty volumes were also added in the name
of Shenxiao Qiongshi Secret Collection. According to "Gaoshang Shenxiao Sect"
"The Master's Sutra" says: "The Sutra of the Supreme God's Heaven and the
Spiritual Treasure that Saves People" has sixty-one volumes and comes from the
In the beautiful room of Jihuatang in Xiaodong, there are secrets that have been
forbidden for all tribulations and will be passed down forever. If you encounter
this way, protect yourself
Then he ascends to the three realms, and as a human being, he destroys all kinds
of corruption, and his merits and virtues are combined, and he subdues the
divine sky, and he will be rewarded later.
It is the officials who supplement the control and control. " In addition, there
is also "The True King of the High God Xiao said that in the five directions of
"Ode to a Good Life and Not to Kill", "Shenxiao Dongji Huatang Miaoji
Economics", "High Shenxiao True King Immortality"
"The Birth of the Great Emperor", "The Records of the True Talisman of the
Shangqing Jade Book", "The Appearance of the Innocence in Winter Sacrifice"
"Pin Ji" and so on, "There are three caves and four auxiliaries in the inner
palace of You Shenxiao, which have been passed down from ancient times, or more
Seen in the world; there are forbidden secret treasure scriptures that have not
been transmitted in all kalpas, one thousand two hundred volumes, divided into
six categories and twelve
The product is divided into three volumes: upper, middle and lower, and is
hidden in the East and West Huatang. Starting from Taiping, Renchen (
and the second year), Gengzi (
After the second year of Xuanhe (the second year of Xuanhe), it gradually became
apparent"①. This shows that in politics
During the He and Xuanhe years, there may have been as many as
More than a thousand volumes. Among the Taoist priests favored by Huizong, such
as Xu Shenweng, Liu Hunkang, Lin Ling
Su, Zhang Jixian, Wang Wenqing, etc. are all important figures who pioneered and
advocated Shenxiao Taoism.
From this point of view, the emergence and popularity of the Shenxiao Sect was
due to the needs of society and the necessity of history.
Of course.

Section 2 Lin Lingsu and the Shenxiao Sect

In the history of the development of Taoism, Lin Lingsu is a controversial
figure. because of him
During Huizong's reign, his status and practical role aroused the attention of
many officials and Confucian scholars.
This caused resentment and public outrage among students, Buddhists, the public,
and even many Taoists. He used Huizong

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2, page 638.

@ @ @ @ /

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The stupid superstition, colluding with Cai Jing and Tong

The whole generation of treacherous ministers, rejecting dissenters,
Love and pleasure make politics more corrupt.
He relies on his special status to intervene in political affairs
He made an unreasonable proposal to move the capital and deceived the saints.
①. lead
Change Buddhism and slander ministers."
arouse the dissatisfaction of Buddhism and its followers, and
and the opposition of the courtiers and Confucian scholars, prompting the
government to
The situation is further turbulent and the society is uneasy.
He rejected fellow Taoists and killed fellow Taoists.
Kinmen feather guest Wang Yuncheng. According to Song Wu Zeng
Volume 18 of "Neng Gai Zhai Man Lu" records,
There was a Taoist who listened to Lin Lingsu's lecture and became angry.
Presently, challenge him face to face

Lin Lingsu (Ming version of "The Complete Biography of Immortals")

war. "A Comprehensive Guide to the Body and Way of True Immortals Through the
Volume 52 also says: "
At the end of the Zhenghe period of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, Lin
Lingsu gave lectures at the Baolu Palace and Taoism Association.
Thousands of people stood in front of him and paid tribute. Only one Taoist
stood in front of him with angry eyes.
confrontation. In the Ming Dynasty, Master Zhang Yuchu also severely criticized
Lin Lingsu and his like.
Judgment. He said: "As for the disciples of Zhao Guizhen and Lin Lingsu, they
are admired and respected by the Lord of the World.
Etiquette means being proud of the rich and noble, failing to distinguish
between a monarch and his ministers, making excessive exaggerations, and not
being kind and frugal.
Self-preservation also refers to future generations at that time, so it is a
precept for later generations.
③ Of course, the fundamental principle
Because of Song Huizong's corruption and incompetence, the Northern Song Dynasty
was finally destroyed. this is all serious
The consequences are all related to Lin Lingsu’s actions. Therefore, Lin
Lingsu’s treatment in history books is
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, Page 4 1 1.
① See "
Volume 53 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Way of All Pasts", "
^ page.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5 No. 4 (
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2, page 149.
③ See Zhang Yuchu's "Ten Rules of Taoism", "
The formation period of Shenxiao Sect—

Northern Song Dynasty\




The criticism is very sharp and realistic.

However, what needs to be discussed is Lin Lingsu’s role and influence in the
history of the development of Taoism.
Xiang, especially what role he played in the formation of the Shenxiao sect.
color? A little analysis here.
Lin Lingsu was born in Yongjia, Wenzhou, from a humble family background and her
birthday is unknown. The first name was Ling He,
The courtesy name is Suichang. He started reading at the age of seven and was
barely able to compose poetry. It is said that Su Dongpo once saw him and was
surprised by his cleverness.
Ming Dynasty, and asked about his ambition, he replied: "It is not noble to be a
prince when you are born, and to build a temple after death. The title of prince
is empty."
Name, temple food cannot leave ghosts. I wish to be a god, and that is my
"At the age of thirty, Botong
The classics of Confucianism and Taoism are characterized by pure aspirations,
arrogant language and theory, and are far removed from the worldly world. Chu
Lin Lingsu's Journey to the West
In Luo, I met a man named Zhao. I had been friends with him for several years.
He suddenly died one day. Lin Lingsu bathed him.
During the burial, we found three volumes and nineteen chapters of the
posthumous writings. The characters were as fine as pearls, and there were
divine seals in between.
Knowledge, the title above is "The Jade Book of Shenxiao Temple of Heaven",
which contains the secrets of transformation of gods, how to stir up clouds and
cause rain.
Talismans can drive away ghosts and serve all spirits. "
The gentleman received his jade book and suddenly realized it.
Observe ghosts and gods, recite incantations and talismans, control thunder and
lightning, chase evil spirits, restrain and cure people's sufferings,
Immediately seeing the success, he drove away the plague and attacked the
temple. No matter what he did, it would not work.
The following year, Lin Lingsu went to a Yueyang wine shop and saw the dead and
resurrected Taoist Zhao again. Taoist
I am Zhao Sheng, a disciple of the Han Celestial Master. I have given you the
Five Thunder Jade Book, and I will follow it carefully.
Don’t vent lightly. Today, I am the Thundering Judge of the Shenxiao Cult.
Emperor Donghua is in trouble, so I will do my best.
Save it.
” ① The "Biography of Lin Lingsu" written by Zhao Yu of the Song Dynasty also
said that Lin Lingsu's five thunder methods were
When he entered Shu, he obtained it from Zhao Sheng, "He was good at sorcery,
supplemented by the Five Thunder Techniques."
②. Obviously, these
These are all words of support, which only indicate that Lin Lingsu's Taoism
comes from Zhang Ling's Taoist tradition.
In October of the sixth year of Zhenghe (1 1 1 6), Huizong visited Taiyi East
Palace and saw Zuo Dao Lu Xu.
I often read Lin Lingsu's "The Ballad of Shenxiao". Its articles were full of
fairy tales, and I was very happy.


See Volume 53 of "Tongjian of the Immortal Body and Taoism of All Pasts", Volume
5 of "Tao Zang", page 407.
See page 5208 of Volume 8 of "Shuo Yong" by Yao Zongyi of the Ming Dynasty,
photocopied by Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House in March 1988

I'm lying in bed, a man has—

Daozhan Shenxiao School’s Reform and Thoughts

Xu Zhichang was ordered to introduce Lin Lingsuo to people, and he was entrusted
with important tasks from then on. And according to what Lin Lingsu said, fate
All over the world, the Shenxiao Palace of Longevity was built, and the Shenxiao
altar was opened. After the Shenxiao Palace in the capital was built, Huizong
He led Cai Jing and other ministers to celebrate. After fasting in the morning,
Huizong invited hundreds of officials to visit and suddenly recited the
following couplet:
"The five gates of Xuande come to all nations." Cai Jing and others were deep in
thought and had no answer. Huizong asked Lin Lingsu: "Master
Can it be right? "
Lin answered in response: "Shenxiao governs all heavens." Huizong was overjoyed
and ordered
Lin Lingsu corrected the rituals of the Yellow Ribbon and the Green Jiao,
arranged the holy status of the Three Realms, and corrected the Alchemy Book.
On the seventh day of every month, Prince Bo, nobles, civil and military
officials all gathered to listen to the lecture on the three caves.
through. Or the royal chariot may come in person, or sit down. From then on,
people in Tokyo knew how to follow the Tao. ” "History of the Song Dynasty"
"The Biography of Lin Lingsu" also said: "Every time a big fast is held, tens of
thousands of paper money are spent, which is called Qiandao Meeting.

The emperor set his feet beside him, and his spirit was lifted up and he was
sitting upright. Everyone in the room bowed again and invited him, and he said
nothing special.
Different from time to time, miscellaneous success provides media for ridicule
and laughter. His disciples had tens of thousands of people with fine clothes
and good food, so they
The Taoist school was established, and ten ministers and officials were
appointed. There were various halls to wait for the morning, school
registration, and teaching of scriptures, in order to prepare for attendance.
Made, compiled, and edited 0"
At that time, Huizong wanted to obtain all the Golden Scriptures of Lei Shu, so
Lin Lingsu sent a message saying: "The Celestial Master of the former Han
There are twenty volumes of "Shenxiao Thunder Book" and six octagonal thunder
seals of Tianbu Tingsi. to the eighth generation
Tianshi collected ten volumes, six seals, and Jin Huohen seals. Zhang Shouzhen
met Yi Shengzhen in the early days of the Republic of China
Your Majesty, please give me five volumes. "Now in response to the emperor's
request, God sent six jade girls to grant four thunder seals.
"The jade seal of the Temple of Heaven, the seal of the master of Shenxiao's
successor religion, the seal of Duke Lei of Dudu Guan, and the seal of the
Ministry of Heaven
The seals are as solid as iron and stone, neither gold nor jade."
① Lin Lingsu combined these four seals with "Thunder"
The five volumes of "Book" were advanced, and the complete works were obtained.
But as Huizong's favor for him became more and more profound, his power became
increasingly arrogant.
This led to confrontation with the powerful minister Cai Jing and others. Zhao
Yushi's "Biography of Lin Lingsu" contains:
"There is a severe drought in the capital. I ordered Lingsu to pray for rain,
but the prayer failed. Cai Jing reported that he was wrong." Please punish him.
It was proved that Cai Jing had a head-on conflict with him. In this regard, Lin
Lingsu also reflected on Tong Guan and Cai Jing's

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, page 408.
Shenxiaoxin formed "Yizong Song\"



He is a traitorous minister, the "Flying Great Demon Mother" and the "Second
Cave Demon King of the Six Caves of Beidu"
He was reincarnated and brought disaster to the country, so he was advised to
ask Huizong to kill him. He said: "May your Majesty be aware of the Bingwu
Rebellion and ask the Great
Tao, remove all ornaments, appoint loyal and good people, eliminate traitors,
cultivate virtue, kill Tong and Cai, this disaster can be avoided
Otherwise, he will be in Yufu and see Tianyan again, otherwise a great disaster
will come. "Afterwards, Lin Lingsu
Many times the false gods actually spoke to Huizong, warning Huizong: "Escape
quickly and avoid luxury.
Holy Judgment, don’t listen to evildoers. "
Once, Huizong invited Lin Lingsu and Zhang Jixian to travel with him, and they
met Yi Yuan You, a traitor.
Lin Lingsu and Zhang Jixian both bowed their heads to pay tribute to the Party
Monument. Lin also asked for paper and pen to write a poem:
Su and Huang did not serve as guest writers, while Tong and Cai became ministers
of society and state affairs. There has been no conclusion for thirty years;
Who are the traitors?" Obviously, this is a blatant cry for injustice for the
Yuanyou Party members.
Qu, pointed the finger at Cai Jing. No wonder Huizong wrote a poem to Grand
Master Cai Jing the next day, "Beijing is panicking."
Afraid of having no land, they beg for food."
But the fight between Cai Jing and Lin Lingsu did not stop, but became more
intense. It is said that Lin
Lingsu has a secret room with "two windows, the front door and the back wall,
which is the entrance to the tranquility. There are two chairs in the middle.
The outside world is always closed, and no one is allowed. Even if they arrive,
they are not allowed into the room. Cai Jing is suspicious and sends someone to
the house.
After spying in the eight compartments, there was a gold dragon bed and a
vermilion chair and table on the yellow tent. Memorial: Lin Gongyou
I wish your Majesty to go there in person, and I will obey your instructions. If
you dare to make any lies, I will be punished by death. emperor
Fortunately, he passed through the real palace, and the emperor welcomed him to
live in the palace. The emperor and the capital entered his room and opened the
locks, but
He saw a white wall, bright windows, two chairs and a table, but he had nothing.
Cai Jing was frightened and kowtowed.
"Sin"②. Obviously, this was another contest between the two, and the result was
that Cai Jing suffered another

① Yuanyou traitor party: refers to the first year of Chongning (1102) when
Huizong appointed Cai Jing as his prime minister in the name of advocating
Xining’s new law.
Negative of the founding of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
China. He also ordered the names of Yuanyou's old party to be determined in the
official register, and Cai Jing listed Wen Yanbo, Sima Guang, Su Dongpo, etc.
People, including New Party Lu Dian and others, all said that "
"Traitor Party". In three years, Yuanyou and Yuanfu Party members were reviewed
again, a total of 309
The emperor's calligraphy was engraved on the stone on the east wall of Jiwende
Hall, and Cai Jing's handwriting was engraved on the stone in various states and
counties. All mortals who write monuments are persecuted;
Known as the Yuanyou Party Case in history.
② See "
"Tao Zang", Volume 5, Page 409~ 4 1 1.

Login ^ 5X ^1 /

Taoist Shenxiao Sect Yanfeng and Thoughts

In May of the first year of Xuanhe (1 1 1 9), a flood flooded the capital, and
Lin Lingsu was tired of winning.
Defeated, the water will not recede. The later prince came to the city, gave the
emperor a letter, made four bows, and the water receded four feet. yes
At night, when the water receded, the people in the capital all admired the
prince's virtue.
①The situation at this time is very important to Lin Lingsu.
The situation became more and more unfavorable, so Lin Lingsu wanted to resign.
He wrote in the memorial: "I first came here in accordance with the destiny of
Come, for your majesty, slay the evil spirits, eliminate evil spirits, revive
the heavens, build treasures, worship the great road, and praise loyalty.
Xian. Now Cai Jing, the leader of the ghosts, is given great power; Tong Guan,
the thief of the country, is guarded by soldiers.
If the affairs of the country are not maintained and the luxury is too much,
your majesty will not be able to do anything to avoid the comet; Taiyi
Leaving the palace, Your Majesty cannot move the capital to avoid it. The human
heart is the home of heaven. Although the emperor and heaven are high, the human
heart is
It is easy to be susceptible, so cultivating human affairs can be in accordance
with the will of heaven. If you say that a large number cannot be escaped, how
can you know that there is an expiration date?
history. I intend to bid farewell to Longyan for now and never look up to the
sky again. Avoid Bingwu, Dingwei, A
The soldiers are marching forward, and there is bloodshed for thousands of
miles. The two palaces of heaven cannot be guarded. Your Majesty, won’t you see
Yuan Tiangang?
"Poetry on Tuibei Pictures" says: The emperors of the two dynasties smiled
happily and led their ministers to cross Mengjin. armrest from
However, it is difficult to advance or retreat. If you want to leave, you will
not worry about killing people. Chen Lingsu is suffering from illness and
begging for his bones to return.
Township. ” ② Soon, due to the petition from the prince and court officials,
Huizong issued an edict to allow him to return to the mountain.
"Dongdu Shilue" records: "
In the winter of the first year of Xuanhe, in the eleventh month of Yimao, God
Haotian was worshiped.
On the national altar, the world is amnesty, and Lin Lingsu is released to
return to the mountain.
When Lin Lingsu was in Beijing, his confidants had "
Zhang Ruhui, the envoy of the Eastern and Western Imperial Cities, used to be in
In the true palace, if you go out, you will walk together, and if you sit down,
you will share the same table. The master's teachings can only be obtained by
one person.
"I will return to my hometown and live together in Yongjia." So before his
death, Lin Lingsu taught Zhang Ru
My Dharma door is for you. I still have six seals, nine talismans and six
magical magical machines. I will give it to you.
With you, there is only one person to pass on from generation to generation, so
there is no need to let it slip. And a string of seven precious pearls, like the
Lord coming up
Take it, even if you pay it separately. You will be loyal to the imperial court
in the future, but don’t go now. He will be a god at that time.
Goodbye Xiao. After saying this, I asked for paper and pen to write a poem
saying: Forty-five years old, hard work, fame all over the world.

①See Zhao Yushi's "

"The Biography of Lin Lingsu".
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, pages 409~411.
Shenxiao sect's formation period 1 "North 0"

) 6

) 3


lofty. Just remember the old road of Shenxiao, the third watch of the Mid-Autumn
Festival. After finishing the book, I burned a stick of incense and it was three
o'clock in the morning.
In the evening, when the moon was bright and the wind was clear, there was a
sudden thunderbolt, and the gentleman sat down and passed away. "① As for
In what year, the official history books did not specify in detail. "Zhao Yushi"
"The Biography of Lin Lingsu" believes that he died in the second year of Xuanhe
Year, and Song Zhouhui's "Qingbo Magazine" stated that he died at the end of
Xuanhe, but why is it still
A mystery. According to the "Tongjian of the True Immortal Body and Way of the
Past", Huizong learned of Lin Lingsu's death.
Choking in surprise, the emperor made a sacrificial inscription and granted him
a ninety-five-character title. Zhao Yushi's "Lin Lingsu"
"Biography" also said: "Today, there is an imperial inscription in Wenzhou
Tianxi Palace saying: Taizhong Dafu Chonghe Palace Attendant Chen Jin
Mr. Men Yuke Tongzhen Daling Yuanmiao promoted Tongzhen Palace Lin Ling under
the jurisdiction of Jingshenxiao Yuqing Palace.
② It can be seen that Lin Lingsu was a Taoist priest who was honored during his
lifetime and famous after his death.
From the above biographies, we can know that Lin Lingsu was a rather tragic
He studied Taoism since childhood and was proficient in thunder spells. Later he
gained Huizong's favor and took advantage of Huizong.
The mentality of advocating Taoism and superstition, rejecting dissidents, and
interfering in politics contributed to the corruption and corruption of the
Political darkness. But after all, he is just a Taoist priest, and his role is
It was also unable to compete with the imperial power and treacherous officials
such as Cai Jing and Tong Guan who represented the interests of the big
bureaucracy, so
In the end, he was demoted and died in his hometown. But in terms of the
development of Taoism, he played an important role
definite positive effect.
First of all, through his more than ten years of activities in the capital, the
development of Taoism reached
At its peak, preaching and chanting became a trend in both the government and
the public, and many eminent Taoists
Frequently entering and leaving the palace, a large number of Taoist scriptures
were collected and organized, which was very important for the spread of Taoist
Broadcasting is beneficial to the popularization of Taoist culture.
Second, due to his vigorous propaganda, the Taoist god Xiao Lei Fa gained
Huizong's favor.
Yes, Shenxiao Lei Shu and related Taoist scriptures were collected and
collected, and Shenxiao Wanshou was built all over the country.
Palace, thus making the Shenxiao faction dazzle the world and everyone knows it.

① See page 411 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".

② See pages 5 2 8 of Volume 8 of Yao Zongyi's "Shuo Yong" of the Ming Dynasty.
44 | @@@@/

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Thirdly, the Shenxiao Daojing compiled by him objectively reflects the Taoism of
the Northern Song Dynasty.
The popularity of Taoist law is also pointed out. The origin of Taoist thunder
method is very ancient. Shenxiao Taofa and Zhang Lingtian
The inheritance relationship between the masters and sects, these are the study
of the history of Taoism, the evolution of Taoist schools and
and valuable documents on Taoist magic.
It is for the above reasons that the Shenxiao Sect also regards Lin Lingsu as
one of its masters.
And incorporated the teachings he preached into Shenxiao Menting. For example,
the existing "Shenxiao" in "Daofahuiyuan"
"Golden Fire Tianding Dafa", "Golden Fire Tianding Shenxiao Three Qi Fire Bell
Song", "Golden Fire Tianding Phoenix Qi"
Purple Book", "
The God of Gold, Fire, Heaven, Ding and Jade explains Guan Yunzhuan", "
"Golden Fire Tianding Photography Ceremony", "Golden Fire
"Tian Ding Yang Mang Refining Instrument", "Golden Fire Tian Ding Zhao Gu Yi",
"Zhengyi Pan Shen Guan Huo Xi Da"
"The Secret Method of Immortal Examination and Summoning" and so on were all
passed down by Lin Lingsu. Liu Yu, a disciple of the Shenxiao sect, said: "God
In the sky there is the Pavilion of Chiming and the Palace of Fire Bells. There
is a god in the sky, namely Tianding. His god is mighty,
It is combined with the fire, so the master secrets his way. The Legend of the
Fire Master and Lin Shichen, the Leader of Yuzhen Cult, Lin Chuan
With Zhang Ruhui. Later, it was passed down to Chen Daoyi, to Xue Dongzhen and
Lu Junye, and then to the Shenxiao sect.
If you pay Xu, you will be great, and Xu will not be able to write. Lu Jun was
transformed into Jianjiang, and when he was about to be dissolved, he came out
from his pillow.
Book, in exchange for jade. The law was passed down to Lu Jun, and he was sent
to succeed Xu Jun "①
By Lin Lingsu—

Xu Bida—

Zhang Ruhui—

Chen Dao

Xue Dongzhen, Lu Yanghao—

Liu Yu, this line of Shenxiao has been passed down to the reigns of Lizong and
Duzong of the Southern Song Dynasty. this

Lin Lingsu is called "Yuzhen leader", and his disciples call themselves "Yuzhen
disciples", so it can be said that
The Yuzhen Sect of the Shenxiao Sect.

Section 3 Wang Wenqing and the Shenxiao Sect

Wang Wenqing is the core figure of Shenxiao Sect. He has great influence on
Shenxiao Sect in theory and organization.
made a significant contribution to its formation and development. His disciples
spread all over the country and spread throughout the country.

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 198, "Tao Zang" Volume 30, Page 2 5 8.
The formation period of Shenxiao Sect—

Northern Song Dynasty\


From the Song and Yuan Dynasties to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Taoist
lineage still existed, which was unanimously affirmed by the Shenxiao sect and
other Taoist sects.
According to "The True Immortal Body Taotong of All Pasts"
"Jian" Volume 53: Wang Wenqing's words
Narrating the Tao, Shibenjiangyoujianchangnanfeng
Now belongs to Jiangxi) people. Born in Song Zhe
February 10th, the eighth year of Zong Yuanyou's reign (1093)
Hai hour on the seventh day. Born to be magical, long-lasting
And smart, taste it as poetry, have "red"
Rich and noble, no love, Zi Mansion is a true immortal
"If you are aspiring to climb", then you will be attracted by it.
Be pure and empty, have ambitions to nourish yourself, and don’t be greedy for
Profit is far greater than the toil of the world, and every day you enjoy
leisurely travels
In the spiritual resort, there is a scarf and a staff left, and the vastness
Travel around the world. Xuanhechu (1119),
Wang Wenqing was about to cross the Yangtze River when he encountered a

Wang Wenqing (Ming version of "The Complete Biography of Immortals")

Stranger, awarded "Fei Zhang Ye Emperor"

Dharma and the Book of Roaring Wind and Thunder. Every gram of Chen Feizhang
silently looks up to God, calls for thunder and prays for rain, and is powerful
In the wind and clouds, if it rains for a long time and prays for sunshine, the
sky will be bright and clear; if you pray for snow in the middle of winter, six
flowers will float in the sky. Or a house monster
If evil spirits cause harm, send gods and generals to drive them away, and
everyone will be safe."
According to Wang Wenqing's own account, this "stranger" who taught the thunder
method was the Tang Dynasty
Gao Zhen Wang Wenhua. He said: "Before I got Lei Wen, I met Wang Jun in the
Yangtze River.
Grant the flying god the way to visit the emperor. I came across this article
while traveling to the Qingzhen Cave. After three years, I met him again.
Wang Jun is in the Junshan store. Later, after passing the Zen temple, I asked
him what he had learned about the way of flying gods to pay homage to the
emperor. Remain

See "Tao Zang" Volume 5, page 412.


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Meng Renba Pan/Er Taoism

Reply to Wang Jun: Three years ago, I went to the Qingzhen Cave. I didn’t know
where I was at dusk, and the grass was falling.
In the house, on the solitary fire table, there is a poem about the wind and
rain. Then he took it from his body and presented it
superior. Wang Jun said: Zi Zhen is an immortal. In the past, my grandmother was
the Mother of Lightning. Now that the son has obtained his article, he
This is what I'm saying to you. After receiving instructions and instructions,
he summoned the envoys to pay them in full. After that, I met Wang.
You enlighten me. "
① Obviously, Wang Wenqing claimed that he had received Wang Zhenjun's personal
biography, so he should rely on it.
Enough to believe. However, his teaching must have a foundation, which seems to
be related to Zhu Zhizhong, because he was the first to obtain
It was Zhu Zhizhong who wrote the book and annotated it. What Wang Wenqing said
about meeting Wang Zhenjun
The talk about the biography is also similar to the words Zhu Zhizhong received
in his dream.
In addition, Wang Wenqing also obtained the Thunder Book written by Ye Fashan, a
heavenly master of the Tang Dynasty. He said:
"In the past, I traveled to more than 200 famous mountains and arrived at
Jinling Qingzhen Cave, which was the place where Master Ye of the Tang Dynasty
cultivated himself.
At dusk, when there is no one around, I look into the mountains and suddenly
there is a light. I take refuge in the light and arrive.
There was no one in the thatched cottage. I was shocked. There was a text on the
lamp under the lamp. I opened it and looked at it.
It is called "Hush He Wind and Rain", which means that it will definitely
thunder the house. With peace of mind, pick up pen and ink
Konoha recorded it. At the end of the recording, I suddenly heard the sound of
roosters crowing. After a while, an old man came out and asked me what he was
Surname. The old grandma said: I don’t have a surname. This is the place where
thunder lives. Don't stay here for long. give
Asked why there is a cockcrow? This grandma said: It’s the golden rooster
crowing in the ground. I came out without counting the steps
Looking back, I can't see the thatched cottage. Not long after about a mile, we
arrived at the cave. I got the thunder book from the Qingzhen Cave
The beginning of the day.
②This rather miraculous account, although difficult to analyze with common
sense, reveals that
The "Book of Thunder" obtained by Wang Wenqing is related to Ye Fashan.
After Wang Wenqing obtained the secret code of Lei Shu and the method of flying
Zhang to visit the emperor, he became profound in Taoism and demonstrated it
Supernatural. But his reputation is not good, his poetry and wine are poor, he
is in and out of the world, and his popularity is unknown. First
It was Lin Lingsu who reported to Huizong: "Sir, he was born as a civil servant
in charge of the history of the Three Heavens City.
Praise for the transformation of tranquility. "
③ So the edict was sent out eighteen times, but no one knew where it was.
Imperial uncle's honest visit

①② See "The Family Words of Mr. Wang, Chongxu Tongmiaoshichen", "Tao Zang",
Volume 3 2, Page 3 9 0.
③ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, Page 4 1 2.
The Formation Period of Shenxiao Sect


When he visited the high-ranking army, he got sick, but the treatment was
ineffective. When he met him, he asked for talisman water and he was cured. At
first, his name was hidden.
When I begged to ask, I found out it was Wang Wenqing. After returning to the
court to report his story, he sent an envoy to Beijing. according to
"Zhao Yushi"
"The Biography of Lin Lingsu" says that at the end of Yu Zhenghe, he was
recommended by Lin Lingsu to govern the capital.
A severe drought comes to Beijing. Hong Mai's "Yijian Zhi" also said that his
Taoism was manifested in Zhenghe and Xuanhe.
between. "Linchuan Yujiang Zhi" said: He was well-known in the world and was
summoned by Huizong during Xuanhe. look
He became famous relatively late, and was admitted to the palace because of Lin
Lingsu's recommendation.
In July of the fourth year of Xuanhe (1 1 2 2), Huizong personally sent Chen Han
to his residence and sent his attendants
Chen Dong Zhongyun served as the interview envoy, and he was appointed with
courtesy by the supervisor and ministers of this road and was waiting to be sent
to the palace.
Now that we have arrived, we will show you the path to Xuanhua Wuwei. Huizong
was overjoyed and gave the museum to Jiuyang Zongzhen Palace.
Envoys came in large numbers and gave them golden saddles and royal horses,
dragon tea and jade wine, rare fruits, and gold coins.
Silk, and all of them showed that they would not accept it. He also ordered the
evil spirits in the palace to be driven away and built a three-story thunder
altar with iron inside.
On the urn, when the moon is shining at night, I stand on the altar with my
sword, the flying talisman screams, the wind and thunder are loud, the sky and
the earth are dim,
The Taoist officials all saw that the officials had driven out and bound several
ghosts, dressed in scarlet clothes, and put them in the altar. The gentleman
covered the urn with talisman paper.
Mouth, bury it in such a way that the earth will shake. People played in the
early morning that the fox monster has been banned, there is no harm in leaving
Huizong was so impressed that he built a palace and Taoist temple where the
Forbidden Fox Thunder Altar was located, surrounded the altar, and gave him
The "Si Ming Mansion" is responsible for the promotion of Mr. Wang. Later, he
prayed for rain in Yangzhou and performed great miracles.
Huizong was overjoyed and praised him as a god!
In July of the seventh year of Xuanhe (1 1 2 5), an imperial edict was issued, "
Wang Wen, Mr. Chichongxu Miaodao
Your Majesty, I can grant Dr. Taisu the school registration of Ningshen Temple.
I will ask the court to invite the doctor and Youwen to compile it. Please refer
to it.
Lian Conglu. Not long after, he ordered the temple to be consecrated, and later
added the title to the Jiuyang Zongzhen Palace.
In charge of Mingfu affairs. My father Zhaoshi gave it to Cheng Shilang, and my
mother Jiang gave it to Tai Yiren." Wang Wenqing wrote:
He begged to return to the mountains and forests to practice Taoism, but Huizong
refused. Another order was issued once every five days, and a golden square
talisman was placed in the
In the palaces and pavilions of the palace, water is cursed to cleanse away
filth, eliminate evil and cure diseases, and explain morality. Rehabilitated
envoy Huang Yao
He was ordered to go to Guangde Palace, practice the great Dharma of Nanchang
Shouliansi, and save the souls of the dead. Another occurrence of "birth"
Baolu's second mission is to save lives. In the eleventh month, if you pray for
good weather and have merit, you will be ordered to give an imperial edict as
Doctor Taisu convened the temple to serve Chen, "
In addition to Mr. Chen Chongxu Tongmiao, the servant of the two houses, he was
regarded as Taizhong.

Sufferer 5 ^ ^ / ——The history and thoughts of Daoxiang Zhunxiao sect

The doctor was specially appointed to serve in Huiyou Pavilion and take charge
of the official affairs of the sect." His parents and relatives also returned.
Give him a title to show your favor. By now Huizong's praise for Wang Wenqing
had reached its peak, and he ordered him to
He was "in charge of the official affairs of the clergy" and became the leader
of Taoism at that time.
However, due to the increasing social unrest and the invasion of Jin soldiers,
Wang Wenqing once again went to the table to beg.
Return to protect his body. The expression says: "I beg for the commander of
benevolence and wisdom to prevent the evil spirits of the northwest." Yu
Comment: "Isn't it appropriate for the Immortal Qing of the Yufu Palace to
return home? The memorial is not allowed.
"Then the Jin army invaded, and the Song army
After the defeat, Huizong ordered Wang Wenqing to visit the Jiuyang Zongzhen
Palace, drop incense and bring it to the table, in order to pray to the gods.
Oral. "
Sir, when he enters, he goes to Xuanzhang and asks Zhu Zhang, what is the
retribution? The gentleman shed tears and said:
In your memorial, Your Majesty wishes that a wise king will come to the world,
kill all his ministers, and thank you for your memorial.
retribution. According to the decree, there will be no regrets if you quit. I
asked the teacher again: What's the reason? Mr. secret
Play it, and it will be profound. On December 23rd, in the East Palace of the
Zen throne, Mr.
Here, Wang Wenqing sized up the situation and, under the guise of God's will,
advised Huizong to abdicate and wait for
It should be admitted that it is a wise move to save the defeat." Later,
Wang Wenqing immediately retreated bravely, and in April of the first year of
Qinzong's Jingkang year (1126), he begged for his return.
"Country maid,"
The purpose of the poem is sincere, so listen to its performance." Only then can
you avoid the difficulties of Jingkang and protect his life.
In the early Southern Song Dynasty, Wang Wenqing mostly lived in seclusion in
his hometown of Nanfeng, writing books, preaching and teaching.
As a disciple, it is still our duty to carry forward Shenxiao Taoism. In the
thirteenth year of Emperor Gaozong's reign in Shaoxing (1 1 4 3), Gao Zong
The imperial edict came to summon him, but he refused to go. In August of the
twenty-third year of Shaoxing (1153), Mr.
The governor of another county was visiting. He got up early on the 23rd and
wrote an ode to the coffin, saying: "
My body is fake,
The pine board is not real, it is trapped in the world, and it jumps out of the
world of mortals. "Song is over,"
The view of Qingdu hidden in the county
In Xu Jingyang's alchemy hall, there was a thunderous sound, and the master
disappeared. His disciples Xiong Shanren and Ping
Jingzong, Yuan Tingzhi and others were buried in Niaogui Gang"②. Their life
span was sixty.
Looking at Wang Wenqing's life, he had profound knowledge and exquisite Taoism.
Although he was favored by Huizong,

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, page 413.
② See page 414 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".
The formation period of Shenxiao Sect - Northern Song Dynasty\ ⑷



But he does not make friends with powerful people or interfere in government
affairs, and he can understand current affairs and know how to advance and
retreat. "Sou Shen"
Volume 2 of "Book of Records" commented: "I have traveled far and wide and
experienced the universe several times. I have encountered strangers and taught
With Taoism, one can summon wind and thunder. Emperor Huizong of the Song
Dynasty was named Yu Ke of Kinmen, the Attendant of Ningshen Temple, and he was
favored and crowned
At that time, I received nothing from the gift. "
① Yu Ji, a native of the Yuan Dynasty, also said: “In the past, Shi Chen lived
in the palace in Bianjing.
Looking at it, I see that many people with yellow crowns do things to the
powerful and powerful to show off themselves and hate them, so many of them
cannot be explained. "
In his later years, he returned to his hometown, and his disciples except Xiong
Shanren, Ping Jingzong, and Yuan Tingzhi were taught by him.
Xibu, there is still "Xincheng Gao Ziyu, who was awarded Linjiang Xu Ciju, and
then went to Jinxi Nietian
Xi, later his biography was passed down, and the most famous person was Tan
Wuzhen in Linchuan. People in Yun Dynasty did not dare to call him by his name,
It is called Tan Wulei"②. Tan Wuzhen was born at the end of the Southern Song
Dynasty. It is said that after entering the Yuan Dynasty, he was a "floating and
sinking man".
"Every time, it is hidden and revealed." He also taught the Dharma to Lu Lingluo
Xuzhou, and then to Xiao Yuxuan and Zhou Lili.
Zhou Chuan's son, Xiao Chuan Hu Daoxuan, was known as the "Shenxiao Yeke" and
practiced Dharma in Guan, Shaanxi, Jingxiang
Between the Jianghuai Sea, Fujian and Zhejiang. In addition, in Volume 14 of
Hong Mai's "Yi Jian Bing Zhi", Wang Wenqing's brother
Taoist Zizheng practiced the Five Thunder Dharma, "traveling to Yun and Fuzhou,
asking for rain for people to cure evil spirits, and summoning people to
"Thunder, its sound is like thunder." It can be seen that although Wang Wenqing
did not come in and out of the court again after crossing to the south, he still
Folks still take it as their own responsibility to spread Shenxiao Thunder
Method and cultivate students, and their successors are endless.
Finally, the Taoist Shenxiao lineage was continued and strengthened.
What needs to be pointed out in particular is that Wang Wenqing was diligent in
writing and wrote dozens of books.
species, and most still exist in the world. Such as "The Family Words of Mr.
Wang, Chongxu Tongmiaoshichen", "Wang
The two books "Shi Chen's Prayer for Eight Duan Mian" are Wang Wenqing's
discussions with his disciple Yuan Tingzhi on the secrets of the thunder method.
record, the first book systematically discusses 40 major issues of Shenxiao
Thunder Method, and the second book completely discusses
It comprehensively summarizes the eight stages of thunder method practice, the
mystery of elixirs and the secret of moving thunder and praying for rain.
A must-read for studying Shenxiao Thunder Method. In addition, there are
"Xuanzhu Song", "Five Prefectures and Five Prefectures of Shangqing".
"Lei Dafa Jade Shu Lingwen", "Gao Shang Shen Xiao Yu Shu Zhan Kan Five Thunder
Dafa", "Lei Shuo",

① See page 266 of Volume 36 of "Tao Zang".

② See Volume 25 of Yuji's "Daoyuan Xue Ancient Records"
"Ling Hui Chong Xu Tong Miao Zhen Wang Shi Chen Ji", Sikuquanshu



The Taoist Shenxiao Sect and its Thoughts along the Second Army

"Innate Thunder Crystal Hidden Book", "Shi Chen Shi Jue", "Shang Qing Thunder
Train Five Thunder Method",
"The Great Law of the Flying Stars of the Central Emperor of China", "The
Mysterious Purpose of Fire Master Wang Zhenjun's Thunder", etc.
The Dharma Code was either written and edited by Wang Wenqing himself or
compiled and handed down by Wang Wenqing's disciples.
It is an important document of Shenxiao Sect.
The above various major roles established Wang Wenqing as the true founder of
the Shenxiao Sect.
human status. As Zhang Yuchu, the heavenly master of the Ming Dynasty, said:
"The teachings of Taoism are transmitted from beginning to end.
Yuanshi Tianzun, the divine sky began with Yuqing Zhenwang. Since the passing of
Xu in the past dynasties, the Qing Dynasty has been
Following the two Qing ancestors, there were Zhu, Li, Nan, and Huang masters,
whose spread was still flourishing.
The text of Daozhaifa Leifa was developed by Master Huang. The divine sky
descended from the two divisions Wang and Wang, then
There are Zhang, Li, Bai, Sa, Pan, Yang, Tang, and Mo masters, who are as
magnificent as the thunder in the sky.
The texts of Feng Yu were taught by masters of various disciplines. Some
generals may have different sects, or some sects may have spells.
”① The two masters of Shenxiao mentioned here are Wang Wenhua and Wang Wenqing.

Section 4 Zhang Jixian and the Shenxiao Sect

The grandmaster of Shenxiao Sect after Wang Wenqing was Zhang Jixian, the 30th
generation Celestial Master. forward
The "Zhang" mentioned by Zhang Yuchu as the master of the Shenxiao Sect refers
to Zhang Jixian. he
He was the most talented and world-famous heavenly master in the Northern Song
In terms of the historical origin of Shenxiao Sect, it comes from Zhang Ling's
lineage of Tianshi Dao. That
The tradition of heavy spells and thunder spells, spells that help people and
save people, suppress monsters and demons, and pray for sunshine and rain.
It is indeed a direct inheritance of the original intention of the founder of
the sect, Zhang Ling. But it also follows the changes of the times and society
With its development, it absorbed many new ideas and new Taoism, thus forming a
new style in the Northern Song Dynasty.
Become a new Taoist sect. During this period, Gao Zhen, a member of the
Celestial Master lineage, made considerable achievements.

① See Zhang Yuchu's "Ten Rules of Taoism", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2, page 149.
Wanxue Sect formed Jinyi-Northern Song Dynasty\



Among the Celestial Masters of the past dynasties, the ancestor Celestial Master
Zhang Ling subdued demons and exorcised ghosts, divided and conquered Youming,
There are many stories about saving people and animals. Through various magical
legends, they express the creation of Zhang Ling.
The tenet of Taoism is that "a man who reaches the heavens should make
meritorious service to all living beings, help the country, establish a family,
and prosper."
Use advantage to eliminate harm, and then act lightly. If you serve the three
realms, you will have no regrets. Trying to benefit oneself but not doing enough
The people are not the purpose of the Dao to promote economic development." "Now
we practice the transformation of tranquility, assist in praising the Dao, and
nurture the people."
Yuan Yuan'er. ① Of course, to achieve this ideal, the ascetic must be
proficient in alchemy.
Spells, using spells and thunder to cure diseases and relieve disasters for the
people. Therefore, according to historical records, Zhang Ling obtained "Three
"Neiwen", "Yellow Emperor Jiuding Taiqing Alchemy Sutra", "Zhengyi League Wei Mi
Mi Lu", "Fu Lu Dan Zao Mi"
Jue" and so on, it can subdue evil spirits and eliminate evil and hypocrisy. "It
is good at wind and rain, and it can control ghosts and gods.
Driving through the stars, shaking the mountains and rivers, all kinds of
supernatural beings appear.
The ancestor's tradition of teaching the Dharma and the Tao has been passed down
from generation to generation and praised by the world.
As Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty praised: "
Miao is a true immortal, solitary and tall, his energy penetrates the sky and
the dark sky, Xuanyuan expresses his secrets,
Luoluo Shenyi, the bright moon in the pavilion, slaying evil spirits and slaying
spirits, exorcising evil spirits, the power of the alliance in the Han Dynasty,
Continuously. "Tang Suzong praised: "
Virtue comes from purity and emptiness, which is the reality of holy teachings.
Either hidden or seen, this is simplicity
It's quality. Quiet place in the Qiongtang, burning incense in the jade room.
The mind of the Tao is non-dual and is one. "Song Huizong
It is also said: "Only the Tao has no formula, and it can be achieved by
treating others. If it is true in the past, it will prosper the world with the
Tao. The merits will be used by all."
The object is the master of the gods; if you call it rest, how dare you not
respect it. Gongwei Han Celestial Master Zheng Yizhen
For three days, people have supported and taught the great Master Fuyuan. His
body is wonderful and quiet, which is of great benefit to the world. Liu Shizhi
Ji, Jue has achieved great results. Then he took advantage of the scenery and
went up to the crowd, holding the true secret map behind him.
Eliminate the evildoers, resist the bad omen, and there are people in the
underworld, which will last for a long time. ”②
After Zhang Ling, there are many outstanding Celestial Masters in the past
dynasties who are proficient in Taoism and have a wide range of celestial
figure. For example, Zhang Jiao, the heavenly master of the Sixth Dynasty,
"obtained the method of treating ghosts from the real person, and used the
various levels taught by the real person to
The secret can be passed down to the world." 0 Zhang Jiong, the heavenly master
of this generation, strictly adheres to the sutra, "never slacken throughout his
life, and govern

Volume 18 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Way of All Pasts", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, Page 201.
Volume 18 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Way of All Pasts", "
Tao Zang) Volume 5, page 207.

Ba Rennvba Rensui/1 Taoism Shenxiao sect shows the supremacy thought

Diseases can be driven away evil spirits, and there will be no restlessness."
"Xi", "The secrets of the various levels of salvation are passed down to all
directions, and the accumulated Dharma letters are prepared to help the poor in
the lean years."
"There are few scholars." Zhang Shiyuan, the celestial master of the 18th
generation, learned a lot of books and "taught people to cure diseases with
"You can plant peaches and plums and they will grow in an instant."
From time to time, I checked and found out that all the Dharma letters obtained
were given to the poor." Zhang Jiwen, the twenty-third generation of heavenly
masters, "with all the
Those who are capable of cultivating the secrets passed down to their disciples
can use the talisman water to cure illnesses and recover immediately." Twenty-
Four Generations of Heaven
His teacher, Zhang Zhengsui, "rescued the poor with his faith in teaching the
Dharma, even though his family was poor." twenty-seventh generation
The Heavenly Master Zhang Xiangzhong was very wise, knowledgeable in classics
and history, and especially skilled in Taoism. "Song Renzong summoned him.
It is very wonderful to sit in consultation and ask questions, and I am
especially given purple clothes." ① As for Zhang Jixian, there is more history
of Taoism
an important figure in the world.
Zhang Jixian, courtesy name Zunzheng. Or it goes like this: "The courtesy name
is Jiawen, and also the courtesy name is Daozheng. The nickname is Xiuran."
"My father Churen, whose courtesy name was Dexuan, served as Xuandelang and the
magistrate of Linjiang County. He succeeded him as Chu
Ren's second son. Song Zhezong was born in Menggu on October 20, the seventh
year of Yuanyou's reign (1092).
nunnery. He didn't speak until he was five years old. One day he heard the
rooster crow and suddenly laughed and wrote a poem.
Said: "The spiritual rooster has five virtues: its crown is never far away from
its body; it opens its mouth wide at the fifth watch to wake up the dreamer."
The next day, we sat on a green lotus flower at a banquet: everyone called him a
true immortal. At the age of nine, he inherited the teachings of Zhenren. for
He is a man of few words, clear and fair-skinned. Since the Chongning reign of
Emperor Huizong, he has responded to imperial edicts four times.
In Beijing, he has been praised many times for his work in controlling salt pond
demons and building inner courtyards for ritual ceremonies.
In the second year of Chongning (1103), the salt pond in Nongzhou overflowed.
Huizong used the Taoist priest Xu Shen
Weng said to him: "
If the evil dragon is causing harm, it is appropriate to declare Master Zhang to
appoint someone to appoint him. Chongning three years
(1104), Zhang Jixian went to Que in response to the imperial edict. "Summoned
and asked: Your Majesty lives in Longhu Mountain and has ever seen a dragon.
Tiger or not? Opposite Sun: Tigers are common in the mountains, but dragons will
be seen today. Shang Yue. Ling Zuofu
Enter. Shanglan smiled and said: Where does the spirit come from? Opposite the
Sun: Where God resides, the spirit comes from it. Asked above
Can you write? He said: Chen Chang wrote the Tao Te Ching. Then make progress. I
asked you about the art of cultivating elixirs

See Volume 19 of "Tongjian of the Immortal Body and Taoism of All Pasts", Volume
5 of "Tao Zang", page 2 1 1.
The formation period of Shenxiao Sect—





what? He said: This kind of wild human affairs is not suitable for the master.
Your Majesty is quiet and inactive, it is the same
Yao and Shun were enough. Shang Yue, the servant entered the palace, and the
palace servant actually used a fan to ask for scriptures, and all the books were
Secret understanding of its meaning. After a successful examination, the chief
inspector wrote: "Bao Zhenguo Zuo, and live forever with heaven."
The place to control. Go out with a banquet. In the twelfth month, I looked at
the sun and summoned him. He said: "The wet pond is overflowing, and the people
He suffered from it, so he summoned Qing to deal with it. He was ordered to
write an iron talisman and order his disciple Zhu Yongyou to vote with
On the bank of the slip pond, there were thunder and lightning for more than a
while, and the day was dark, and there were dragons floating in the dead water.
I asked you: Xiang Zhi
What general can Jiao Ni use? Can you still see it? He said: The one I serve is
Guan Yu. When called. Hold the sword
He was summoned to the left side of the palace. When Yu followed him, he threw
Chongning money at him and said: "I will seal you." Shi Yin Sacrifice
As the true king of Chongning" Zhang Jixian was only thirteen years old at that
In May of the fourth year of Chongning (1105), he was called again. Huizong sat
down and asked the Dharma
Same and different. He said: "Tao is inherently non-action and has nothing but
action. Its body is Tao and its use is Dharma.
Body and use come from the same source, there are no similarities or
differences. If one is not established and the two have strong reputations, how
can they be similar or different.
Yesterday: Yes. If there are similarities and differences, they are the same as
Yan. Because it enters the heart of heaven and stirs up all the fierce thunders
Law. Offer it up to you personally. In the seventh month, an altar was built to
teach sutras, give lectures on Dharma, and attend the ceremony.
The crowd gathered and all understood and left. Go to the Imperial Tianxiang
Hall and calmly ask about current affairs. Reply: Yuan
May all ministers bear the great hope of the world and beg for saints to save
you calmly. Horrified, he said, "Why can't I tolerate this?" right
He said: Your Majesty, in his work to build the Imperial Palace, is impartial
and without party affiliation, and has the common people in the world in mind. I
am very fortunate to do so. force begging
When he returned to the mountain, he was offered rewards and edicts, but
received no gold or silk. "This is Zhang Jixian's use of people against
Meeting to persuade Huizong to reform the bad government in order to save the
decaying Northern Song Dynasty.
In the fifth year of Chongning (1106), he was summoned again to build the inner
court for the ceremony.
Please cultivate your virtue." Huizong issued an edict and gave him the title "
"Mr. Xu Jing", he was regarded as a middle-ranking official and given
The "Yangping Zhidu Gong Seal" engraved by Kun Yu and the golden statues of
Laojun and Han Tianshi. Give it again soon
Min money was used to overhaul Longhu Mountain, "
He ordered the ministers of Cao in the east of the Yangtze River to relocate and
build the land in the middle of the mountains, and gave them fields for food.
Everyone, build a nunnery in the north of the mountain as a place for the
cultivation of heavenly masters. The imperial book Jingtong nunnery bestows it
on the forehead.
There is a pavilion called Lunran, and the three temples of Lingbao, Yunjin and
Zhenyi are built, and the ancestral temple is changed into the Yanfa Temple.
In the jade book, he was given the title of the Patriarch and was named the True
King. In December of the same year, he begged to return to the mountain.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

In the first year of Daguan (1107), Duanyang was summoned to the palace again.
Huizong said that if there were demons in the palace,
I'm sorry, please get rid of it. He said to him: "He who hears evil and refuses
to do what is right is a demon who cannot defeat virtue. Your Majesty, practice
The demon will subside on its own. " "
The emperor ordered dozens of urns to be used to store water in the capital. He
took talismans and threw them into the water to drink.
Those who are sick will be cured by drinking it.
"It was a severe drought this year. I prayed for rain and received it, and Taixu
was given."
Doctor, I refused to accept my words. In the second year of Daguan (1108), when
he returned to the mountain, Huizong gave him gold and silk.
The day of his resignation: "I am a wild man, and I am useless." This was Zhang
Jixian's last visit to the court.
Yes, from then on he lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, going in
and out of the paradise of caves and heavens.
In the second year of Zhenghe (1112), he sent an envoy to summon him again, but
he refused to respond with harsh words. To Jingkang Yuan
Year (1126), "
Kou Bian, a man of Jin, thought of the premonition of the Heavenly Master with
the Supreme Emperor, and sent an envoy to Ji
Called to Sizhou Tianqing Temple, he wrote an ode with his pen and said: A
bronze mirror, several layers of green jade mountains,
Suddenly, a rainbow appeared in the night and moved into the cave and sky. The
palace is full of fragrant clouds, no one is around, everything is idle, at the
foot of the Western Mountain
The sun is red, misty rain is falling. The book finally came out, on November
23rd, Bingwu, Jingkang.
The capital also suffered from this. The clan's father, martial arts master
Zhang Xianshi, arrived and led his soldiers and civilians to be buried in
Down. "He died at the age of thirty-six.
However, sixteen years later, Shaoxing Xinyou (
1141), "
Xihe Shoujian Youqing
In the city, when you encounter the mouth of a gorge, you will be taught
talismans and water-melody songs.
Only, Lingda Si Tianshi. After arriving at the mountain, the Heavenly Master
issued a different letter, which made people realize that Sizhou is the only one
in the world.
Only when the corpse is preserved will we know how to dismember it. Later, I
also encountered people from Wuyi and Luofu. ”① Regarding this strange news,
"Xuanpinlu" says: "
Later, the Taoist priest of Sa was standing firm and met Mr. Qingcheng Mountain
again. Emperor Gaozong ordered a statue to be erected.
Watch the hall inside. ” ② Volume 19 of “Tongjian of the True Immortal Body and
Way of the Past” also says: “
It's Nian Da
When thieves enter the country, the master warns the crowd to leave. To this
day, Taoist couples come and go, mostly in Luofu and Xi'an.
"Shu, the hidden appearance is uncertain"③According to this, it seems that
Zhang Jixian was on the way to respond to the call.
The situation was serious and no one could make a comeback, so they used "fetal
breath" to fake death to save their lives.

See Volume 3 of "The Family of Celestial Masters of the Han Dynasty", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 4 Pages 826 ~ 8 2 8.
See "Tao Zang", volume 18, page 139.
See "Tao Zang" Volume 5, page 2 1 2.
The formation period of Shenxiao Sect----Northern Song Dynasty\



body. Later, he secluded himself in the mountains and forests, practicing Taoism
between Western Shu, Fujian and Guangdong, preaching and teaching disciples, and
writing books.
Li said.
According to historical records, Zhang Jixian wrote "Song of the Great Dao" to
advance, and "Heart"
"Said" passed down from generation to generation. Today's "Tao Zang" still
contains a collection of poems and essays "Thirty Generations" compiled by Zhang
Yuchu of the Ming Dynasty.
"The Sayings of Master Xu Jing" in seven volumes. Also included in "Dao Fa Hui
Yuan", "Xu Jing Zhao Yu Temple"
"Appearance of Gods", "Xu Jing Tianshi Po Wan Zhang" (i.e. "Song of the Great
Dao"), "Taiyi Forbidden Secret Passage"
"Dafa of Heavenly Collision Stars", "General Zhu of Taiyi Fire Rhinoceros and
Lei Mansion Examination of Dafa", "Marshal Wen of Earth
"Methods", "Marshal Zhang of Dongping specializes in summoning methods",
"Marshal Di Zicheng Moguan's secret method",
"The Secret Method of Marshal Fengdu Langlingguan" and so on were all passed
down by Master Zhang Jixian, so he is regarded as the
The master of Dharma. His disciples include Sa Shoujian, Zhu Meijing, Lu
Yanghao, Chen Xiwei and others.
He was an important figure in the Shenxiao sect and was active in the Southern
Song Dynasty.
In the Renyuan Dynasty, Zhang Zongyan, the thirty-sixth generation of heavenly
masters, inherited his legacy and obtained the "Emperor's Orb of Five Thunders".
"Pray for Dafa", "
This method carries out the orders of the heavens, sums up the thunder of the
three realms, and uses the innate essence to
And use it, the day after tomorrow the eight trigrams will be used to form a
talisman, named Baozhu"①. And was summoned by the Emperor Shizu of the Yuan
As a favor, he will be given the title of Yan Dao Ling Ying Chong and Zhen Zhen,
a second-grade silver seal, and the lord of Jiangnan Road.
Teaching. His imperial decree said: "The thirty-sixth generation of Heavenly
Master Zhang Zongyan was a minister of the Qing Dynasty.
True wind, widely studied in "Huang Ting" and "Dadong", upholds the power of the
alliance, and is pure and true.
Pure, with faith and sincerity. A three-foot green snake fights ghosts and gods
in the dark desert; a glass of clear water purifies the sins of heaven
Yu Erxia. Since he has made great achievements in opening up the economy, he
should be praised and praised. ”②
From the above, it can be seen that the Celestial Master family, especially
Zhang Jixian, is promoting Shenxiao.
In the establishment and development of the sect, he indeed made considerable
contributions. Written by the genius Gao Dao
The documents described and left behind are not only important classics of the
Shenxiao sect, but also important materials for the study of Taoism in the Song
A valuable resource for teaching thought and culture.

See "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume -----, "

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 497.
"The Celestial Master Family of the Han Dynasty" Volume 3, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 4 Page 8 3 0.

@@@@/ — The evolution and thought of the Shenxiao School of Taoism

The prosperous period of Shenxiao Sect

In 1127, the decadent Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed by the Jin soldiers,
and the Southern Dynasty reappeared in China.

The situation of the north being divided, the small imperial court of the
Southern Song Dynasty, which was content with half of Huainan, was always
Under the military oppression of the Jin Kingdom ruled by the Jurchen
aristocrats in the north, fierce national struggles and
Heavy class oppression has brought profound suffering to the people in the north
and south. in this hundred
For many years, cultural exchanges between the North and the South have been
basically interrupted, and the cultures of both sides have been in different
social environments.
develop under different circumstances and show their respective characteristics.
Acute ethnic conflicts have caused the Han nationality to
The suitable conditions for the growth and development of traditional Taoism,
coupled with the general trend of the development of Taoism itself
This trend made Taoism very prosperous during this period, with new Taoist sects
emerging one after another, and religious teachings
Zhidu shows a brand-new look. In a certain sense, it can be called another form
of Taoism.
period of innovation.
In the north ruled by the Jin people, due to wars, many palaces were destroyed
and Taoist priests were scattered.
In exile, the Jin rulers had no tradition of believing in Taoism, and the old
Taoism suffered a heavy blow.
This led to the emergence of the New Taoist sect. The New Taoist sect appeared
among the people in the early Jin Dynasty and took shape.
It has become the three major sects of Taiyi Sect, Daoist Sect, and Quanzhen
Sect. The three sects of New Taoism have many unique characteristics.
Similar to the characteristics of old Taoism, it shows strong vitality. Although
the Jin Dynasty adopted strict
policy of social control, but the new Taoism still developed rapidly among the
people, and the history of Taoism appeared
Watch again and again during the heyday of Shenxiao Sect,




The rare prosperity in the world prompted Jin Ting to recognize it. But just
general comfort and
Utilization is not true belief. Until Genghis Khan, Emperor Taizu of the Yuan
Dynasty, summoned the leader of Quanzhen Taoism
After Qiu Chuji, Quanzhen Taoism gradually formed a powerful Taoist group in the
north and cooperated with
The Zhengyi sect in the south became equally famous and became the most
important sect of Taoism.
In the south, the rulers of the Southern Song Dynasty learned from Huizong’s
failure to advocate Taoism, and the emperors of the Southern Song Dynasty
Generally speaking, Taoism is kept at a distance. During the more than 150 years
of the Southern Song Dynasty, although the Song Dynasty
Some Taoist priests were summoned and bestowed upon them, but none of them was
very favored by the rulers.
± 0 In addition to the old Taoist schools, the South has successively produced
Nanzong, Donghua, and

New Taoist sects such as Qingwei Sect and Jingming Sect were only active among
the people and were not sanctioned by the imperial court.
At that time, the sect that received more official attention was Zhengyi, whose
ancestral home was Longhu Mountain.
Tao, but no special worship was given. Since the Taoist temples in the south
were not severely affected by the war,
Severe destruction, coupled with the need to resist the military pressure of the
Jin tribe and the need to stabilize society, based on Taoism and law
The old Taoist sect of the Lord still has widespread influence, so southern
Taoism is still dominated by the Fulu sect.
As far as the characteristics of southern and northern Taoism are concerned,
there are considerable differences between the two. except the north
Taiyi sect pays more attention to Taoism and is slightly similar to Zhengyi
sect. The other sects all focus on training and nourishment.
host. The various sects in the south inherited the tradition and paid more
attention to Taoism. Even if it is based on inner alchemy
The Southern Sect, when it was spread to Bai Yuchan and formed the Southern
Religious Group, also evolved into the practice of inner alchemy.
A sect that is both religious and Taoist. Bai Yuchan emphasized in "Nine
Essentials of Taoism" that Taoist priests
While practicing personal cultivation, we must also help the country and the
people, help people and benefit materials, and "accumulate and accumulate
Only by practicing "gong" can one "be in harmony with the truth". The Jingming
sect also relies on moral cultivation, inner alchemy cultivation and
Taoism uses sects that combine the three, and the Taoism of Fu Lu is the main
body. The Donghua School followed
A French descendant of the Chenglingbao sect, he is famous for his expertise in
fasting and rituals. The Qingwei sect was greatly favored by the Shenxiao sect.
The main influence was still on the Lei Fa Service. After the Yuan Dynasty
destroyed the Southern Song Dynasty, the Southern Sect merged with Quanzhen
Most of the other Fulu Taoist sects converged on Zhengyiyi.
Of course, Taoism in the Southern Song Dynasty and Jin Dynasty also had a common
feature, that is, in terms of doctrine,
They all inherited the general trend of the development of Taoism in the
Northern Song Dynasty. Due to the unprecedented popularity of the theory of
inner alchemy, it was formed for the first time.


/ two










It became a mass religious group dedicated to the refining and nourishing of

inner elixirs, that is, Jin Yuan’s Quanzhen Tao and Nan
Southern Sect of the Song Dynasty. At the same time, it also promoted the reform
of traditional Taoist methods, inner alchemy and talismans.
The organic combination of Taoism and Taoism has enriched the connotation of
Taoist culture and given birth to many new ideas.
The Fulu Taoist school promoted the theoretical innovation of Fulu Taoism and
presented a new look.
In South China ruled by the Southern Song Dynasty, witchcraft has been prevalent
since the pre-Qin Dynasty, with witchcraft as its mainstay.
The three major Fu Tao sects, Zhengyi, Shangqing and Lingbao, which are one of
the important ideological sources, are all based on the southern
As the birthplace and main spreading area, its ancestral temples are Longhu
Mountain, Maoshan and Yanzao Mountain.
Jiangnan and Jiangxi areas. In the late Northern Song Dynasty, he became famous
for his talisman and thunder method, which was more important than Huizong's
Taoist priests Liu Hunkang, Zhang Jixian, Lin Lingsu, Wang Wenqing, etc. were
all from the south. Exactly
Based on the unique cultural background of the South, Fulu Taoism is deeply
rooted in the people.
During the period, he was able to continuously absorb folk beliefs to enrich
himself, and under the influence of the upper-level rulers,
With support and utilization, its influence on the people has a profound social
foundation. in national strength
In the Southern Song Dynasty, which was weak and faced severe social suffering,
both the royal family and the middle- and lower-class people
Everyone needs help from the gods in order to alleviate wars, foreign invasions,
and droughts.
to gain psychological and spiritual peace from disasters such as floods,
famines, and diseases that are difficult for human beings to escape.
Full sense. This determines that Taoism in the Southern Song Dynasty must be
based on the Taoist method of talismans.
There were many Taoist sects in Fulu in the Southern Song Dynasty, and the
Taoism was even more varied and rich. pass
The three traditional traditional talisman schools of Zhengyi, Shangqing and
Lingbao are respectively named Longhushan, Maoshan and
Gezao Mountain is the main mountain, and an altar was set up to record the
records, which is called "
"Three Mountain Talismans". Song Yueke's "Cheng Shi"
Volume 8
"Xu Mi Ci" says: "
Today, there are actually three altars in Maoshan, Longhu and Gezao.
All over the world, those who have received it are each called "① The rise and
fall of the three schools have evolved from each other. The right sect
Since the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, he has become increasingly
prosperous and has gradually become the leader of Sanshan Fulu;
The Qing and Lingbao sects gradually declined, and their influence was not as
good as before. But all three factions agreed
It has been innovated due to new trends, and new tribes such as Tianxin, Taiyi
and Donghua have been derived. remove

"Grand View of Notes and Novel", Volume 8, page 328, Jiangxi Guangling Ancient
Book Engraving Society, March 1983 edition.
Shenxiao sect promoted Zhou----Southern Song Dynasty



In addition to the three traditional sects, the Beidi sect and Shenxiao sect,
which emerged during the Tang and Song dynasties, are still very active.
leaped forward, and new Taoist sects such as Qingwei and Jingming emerged, thus
making the development of Taoism take another turn.
A prosperous situation emerged. Here, only the development status of Shenxiao
Sect in the Southern Song Dynasty is discussed.
Furthermore, one aspect of Taoism in the Southern Song Dynasty can also be seen.

Section 1: Sa Shoujian, who combines three Taoisms into one

The most important figure in the Shenxiao Sect of the Southern Song Dynasty was
undoubtedly Sa Shoujian. About him in the sky
In the early Ming Dynasty, Tianshi Zhang Yuchu said in the "Ten Rules of
Taoism": "Since Wang,
Wang's second division came down, and there were Zhang, Li, Bai Sa, Pan, Yang,
Tang, and Mo divisions.
Macro yet to the end. "
① The bark mentioned here,
The second division of Wang is Wang Zhenjun and Wang Wenqing.
Below them are Zhang, Li, Bai, Sa, etc.
Namely Zhang Jixian, Li Qingshu, Bai Yu
Toad and Sa hold firm. According to "The True Immortals of All Pasts"
Volume 4 of "The Continuation of Ti Dao Tong Jian" and "Sou
According to Volume 2 of "Book of Gods", it can be roughly
Learn about his experience in learning Taoism and teaching.
The first is his place of origin. "History"
Volume 4 of "The Continuation of Zhenxian Ti Dao Tong Jian" says:
Sa Zhen's name is Shou Jian, and he is from South China.
A native of Yunxihe. Calls himself Fenyang Sa
"② "Zhu Zhen" from Baiyun Temple, Beijing
"The General Book of the Sect" records: "Sa Zhen
① See page 149 of Volume 32 of "Tao Zang".
② See "Jianxinzang", Volume 5, Pages 4 3 6.

Sa Shoujian (Ming version of "The Complete Biography of Immortals")

60 1 @ @ @ @

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

His name is Shoujian and his nickname is Ziyun. He is a native of Yunning

County, Yunning Prefecture, Sichuan.
"In this regard, Taiwan Zhongyan
Professor Li Fengzhu of the Academy believes: "Compare the volumes 241 to 243 of
"Dao Fa Hui Yuan"
"Marshal Wang's Secret Method" The names of the ancestors in the main method are
also called Fenyang's Savior of Kusa,
Fenyang scattered officials and Xihe Shangzai. This is Fenyang, where he is
originally from, in Xiaoyi County, Shanxi
In the north, it was renamed Xihe in the Tang Dynasty and became the prefecture
of Fenzhou, so later generations guarded Sa according to the county's command.
The Daofa tribe he practiced was called the Xihe sect. But the reason why Sa
Shoujian calls himself Fenyang Sa
The reason for being a guest is that the Sa clan is from the Western Regions or
a clan that believes in Islam.
Living behind the Central Plains clearly shows his identity as a guest. Since it
was the place of naturalization, it was later transferred to
In Sichuan, both "Sa Shojian's Biography" agree that he left the Three Gorges
from Shu.
Therefore, it is consistent with his life history to say that he is from
Sichuan. ”①
Sa Shoujian rarely has the heart to help others and benefit things. Originally a
medical student, someone died due to misuse of medicine.
I felt deeply guilty and abandoned medicine. During the reign of Emperor Huizong
of the Northern Song Dynasty, I heard that Zhang Ji, the Heavenly Master of the
30th generation,
First, Lin Lingsu and Wang Wenqing, two servants of the Chen Dynasty, were
profound in Taoism and wanted to learn the Dharma, so they left Western Shu to
Shaanxi, my luggage is all gone, I sit on a rock and feel depressed. Suddenly he
saw three Taoists coming, and Sa Shojian told them
I want to go to Xinzhou to visit Master Xu Jing. The Taoist told the Heavenly
Master that he had become immortal, and Sa Shou
I am filled with regret and hatred. "A person said: Today the teacher's
teachings and methods are also high. I have an old relationship with him. I
You can visit it for writing. I have a method to teach you so that you can be
self-sufficient during the day, so I teach you a mantra.
The art of jujube. Said: Cursing one jujube can get seven liters. If you curse
ten jujubes in one day, you can get 70 liters.
One day is enough. A person said: I also have a method to teach you, and I have
a mouth fan handle.
Day: If there is a disease, just treat it and it will be cured. One person said,
I also have a method to teach you, which is Lei
Dharma. Sa worship and accept it, use it and test it. If you curse more than a
hundred jujubes a day, you will only get seventy jujubes.
For daily use, the rest will be used to help the poor. When he arrived in
Xinzhou and saw the Heavenly Master surrendering his letter, the whole family
It was written by a heavenly master of the 30th generation. The letter stated
that I, Lin Shichen, and Wang Shichen met Mr. Sa.

See Li Fengzhu's "Sa Shoujian and Wang Lingguan's Lei Fa and Jiyou", unpublished
The Shenxiao sect flourished in the Southern Song Dynasty during the 1st and 2nd


It is taught by one method, but the unfinished text can be taught. Sayu is the
great manifestation of Taoism. ”①
This magical legend implies that it was Zhang Jixian and Lin Ling who preached
the law to Yusa.
Su and Wang Wenqing are nothing more than showing that Sa Shoujian's Lei Facheng
inherits the inheritance of the three families, and is related to Zhang Ji
There is a close relationship with the Innate Master. Yu Ji's "Wang Shichen Ji"
also says: "There is another Sa Shou
A strong person is also fond of the Tao. He saw Shi Chen on Qingcheng Mountain
and learned all the mysteries. He traveled to the southeast and prayed.
In impeachment and governance, there are more gods and monsters than those who
serve Chen.
"Sa Shoujian met Wang Wenqing in Qingcheng and learned the secret.
It is said that it is similar to the talk about the teachings of the first three
Taoists, and it seems that it is also based on spiritual life. However, its
Wang Wenqing's line of divine thunder skills should be trustworthy.
Sa Shoujian obtained the thunder method passed down by Wang Wenqing's lineage.
This Taoist method was greatly demonstrated, and he used it to strengthen his
The story of keeping the precepts and subduing Wang Lingguan is praised by
future generations. A taste of living in a certain City God's Temple
A few days later, he saw a lewd demon causing trouble in his temple, so he cast
a Taoist spell and said, "With a thunderous sound, the fire burned the temple."
shield'. Regarding this matter, "
Volume 2 of "Sou Shen Ji" says: "
Then he went to Fuliang, Xiangyin County, where he met people
Use boys and girls to worship the local temple gods. The real person said: Such
obscene gods like to burn their temples. Word
At the end, thunder and fire flew into the sky, and the temple was burned down.
"So the temple god held a grudge and secretly followed the ten
In the second year, I wanted to take revenge on him for breaking his precepts,
but in the end he could not get it. He sincerely surrendered and became a Sasha.
A fierce general driven by Shoujian Leifa. He said: Sa Shoujian went to the
Longxing Mansion Riverside to take a bath.
Foot, I saw a divine figure in the water, with a yellow scarf and golden armor
on its face, its left hand holding its sleeve, and its right hand holding a
"The real man said: What kind of god are you? He replied: I am the god of
Xiangyin Temple, King Shan. The real man burned me
After the temple, we have been together for twelve years now, just waiting to
avenge the past. Now the real person has accomplished his merits
Gao, his position was subordinate to Tianshu, and Wang Baozou was appointed as a
general. The real person said: You evil god, sit down with me
In the law, my law will be damaged. The temple god immediately swore an oath and
did not dare to break the alliance. The real person then played the emperor's
Position "②
From the example of Sa Shoujian subduing Wang Shan and recommending him as a
Taoist protector, we can see that he keeps the precepts

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, page 436.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 6, Page 267.

Also human?

~ ^ History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The importance of practicing the thunder method. Bai Yuchan emphasized this in
"Nine Essentials of Taoism"
point, and highly praised Sa Shoujian's noble conduct. He said: "Those who
practice it will do it."
It is based on the Tao and the Dharma, and it is upheld by the prohibitions.
Only those who understand the two characters can practice it. Learn and observe
If you observe fasting, the gods will naturally assist you. Sa Zhenren said: Tao
and Dharma are not easy for the body. Think about the precepts.
Heartbroken. It is easy for a thousand-year-old iron tree to bloom, but it is
difficult to escape once you enter Fengdu. Don't you hear that the real person
is burning?
In the temple of ferocious people, its gods secretly follow you around. After
twelve years, the real person has never violated the precepts in the slightest.
His god converted him into an auxiliary general. If a real person violates the
precepts, his god will surely take revenge. How can people today not
Keep the precepts? We should also be charitable and help the poor.

It can be seen from historical data that Wang Lingguan was an "evil god" who
harmed the people of a certain area.
He used boys and girls as sacrifices for himself, so he was destroyed by Sa
Zhenren and burned the temple to drive away evil spirits.
It is the main spirit of Shenxiao Leifa. Volume 4 of "The Encyclopedia of
Searching Gods from the Origins of Three Religions" is called Wang Ling
Official original name "
"Evil", with a violent and upright nature. Later he took refuge in Sa Jun, "
The Jade Emperor conferred the title of King of Huoluo
Marshal, the seal of Sikkim is like a bucket, with the four characters "loyalty
and loyalty" inscribed inside, and he is in charge of all social orders in the
world. Where there is
When the alchemist plays a sermon, he acts vigorously and vigorously. If he
detects any serious fault, he will give it a hammer. Officials and people dare
not do less
With private title. There are many handsome men working in Tianmen. They don’t
know how to conceal themselves from the people.
Life means arresting someone who has been wronged, which is horrifying and
should not be violated by people in the world. "②
Although the faith of Sa Shojian and Wang Lingguan began in the Southern Song
Dynasty, it reached its peak in
In the early Ming Dynasty. In this regard, Professor Li Fengzhu pointed out: “In
recent years, Professor Ding Huang has studied this
Duan Taoist History has a detailed textual research. The words of Ming people
cited in it'
Sa Zhenzhi
The law was carried out because of Wang Lingguan; the law of Wang Lingguan was
manifested because of Zhou Side'. When it was the Ming Dynasty
According to the actual situation, the key figure Zhou Side (1 3 5 9 - 1 4 5 1)
is from Qiantang, Zhejiang. In Wu
When I met Qiuyue Temple in Tidian, Zongyang Palace in Shanshan (now Hangzhou),
I was able to receive the Five Thunder Methods of Lingbao. Yongle
At the beginning of the year, the emperor ordered Zhang Yuchu to accompany him
to worship at the Temple of Heaven, and also summoned Zhou Side to test him. He
used the five thunder method to guess Xiu.
① See Volume 1 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, page 678.
② See page 78 of Volume 31 of "The Book of Foreign Taoism", photocopied by
Bashu Publishing House in December 1994, quoted below
All articles are based on this version.
The Five Prosperous Chapters of Shenzi Sect 1 and 2 Southern Song Dynasty\Only



The blame often came to pass, and then the spirit official's method was
presented to the capital; in the 18th year of Yongle's reign, an edict was
issued to build the Tianjiang Temple in the capital.
To the west of the palace city, thinking and leading Fenxiu—

Tianjiang Temple is headed by Wang Lingguan and also enshrines his

His general. At that time, the emperor was marching to the north, and he wanted
to obtain his retinue. Every battle, he would serve as a legal official to
obtain the reward.
win. In the Renzong Dynasty, two halls, Yuxu and Zhaoying, were built, and the
Jiutianlei Hall was built, and he was ordered to lead the burning.
Repair as before. During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, he ordered the Jade
Emperor Pavilion to be built and the forehead of the temple to be the Great
Virtue Temple.
The abbot still leads the burning cultivator; he also conferred the title of
Zhen Sa as Rongen Zhenjun and Wang Lingguan as Longen Zhenzhen.
Your Majesty, build Ron'en Hall and Long'en Hall to worship it. At the beginning
of Xianzong's reign, it was transformed into a palace, and the
The word "spirit" means offering sacrifices according to the time. During the
Jiajing reign of King Sejong, Haoji Tongming Hall was rebuilt; Dongfu Sajun
The hall is called Zhaode, and the hall of Xibi Wangshuai is called Baozhen.
Similar to this, Sa and Wang appeared at the same time, which is actually due to
the Zhou Dynasty.
With the vigorous promotion of Side, it can expand from a local temple to a
national belief.
All palaces and temples have Wang Lingguan as the protector "①
Volume 67 of today's "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" contains "Lei" entitled "Shu Shou Jian
The three articles "The Theory of Continuing Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning"
and "The Art of Inner Tiangang" should be regarded as disciples.
Organized by Zi. It can be seen from these writings that his theories and
techniques are indeed the same as those of Wang Wenqing.
Sa Shoujian said in his autobiography: "I have a simple habit and aspire to
After reading through thousands of volumes, I am dizzy and want to be confirmed
by others. Then I felt sincere
Earth, pity his hard work, he can meet his true teacher, he can achieve great
things, he is shriveled and haggard, and he has received many blessings.
It is unforgettable, and the retribution is extremely thoughtful. On the day of
Master Chuzhen’s command: The husband’s way is in the human body, and its
greatness is
Inside, it is small and has no outside. If it is said to be non-existent, it
will be vague and vague; if it is said to be present, it will be indifferent and
poverty. Since it is not the perfect person, no one can grasp it. You are
diligent in studying Taoism, and your bones are like those of immortals. Now
there is a secret text
According to legend. Although it is said to be against the rules, I will get the
person and receive the instruction from me. I must kneel down and swear my oath
I speak with my heart, and your son should listen carefully. Madam, earth,
water, fire, and wind combine to form the four elements.
All spirits. Death is rotten, so why rely on it? But relying on the three
elements of essence, energy and spirit is the foundation. lady

① See Li Fengmao: "Sa Shoujian and Wang Lingguan's Thunder Method and Jiyou".

^ ^ ? / — ^Taoist Shenxiao Sect Soviet Army and Thoughts

Consolidate its essence, nourish its hernia, protect its spirit, and make the
three palaces move back and forth, rising and falling without stopping, then
every family will
Penglai is full of gods and goddesses. Why do you use obscene methods to destroy
your essence, and how can you use your anger to consume your essence?
The filth and turbidity dizzy the spirit, causing the orifices to be suffocated
and blocked, the furnaces and cauldrons seeping out and not solid, and the
houses broken and broken.
If you don't cultivate, you want to live forever, and you follow Taoism, then
you can achieve it. If you use it physically, it will cause thunder
Suddenly, the wind and rain blow for a moment, and there is nothing that humans
and gods can not do. Old Day: Xingxiantian
The method of the Great Dao is to send the generals of your own soul, which is
called the method.
” ① This paragraph says “the true master
Theory", which is consistent with what Wang Wenqing said, "take Tao as the body
and use the law as the function", "the five principles of Zhongli,
Mixing a hundred gods, I use the god of my life to summon the god of
nothingness; use my own light to combine
The solemnity of nothingness, combined with the Bu Gang secret eye and the
secret mantra, can mediate the transformation mechanism. If the rules are met,
The theory is exactly the same.

Sa Shoujian also said that after he obtained Jue, he worked diligently and
diligently, so his hair turned white and turned black, and his teeth fell out.
Rebirth, "How many years have you passed, and your sight and hearing are still
intact? Your muscles and bones are getting stronger, and all the effects are the
same as those of the teacher."
"Words". And he was taught by his teacher, "
Therefore, the great Dharma of all levels has been passed down from generation
to generation." He also warned: "Master
When you give benefits to others and accumulate merit, you will be supported by
the heavens and welcomed by the devil, and it will be easy for you to succeed.
It can be seen from this that Sa Shoujian has learned all the secrets of
Shenxiao Dafa. He said: "Shou
Corporal Jian Yongsuo encountered a wise master and obtained his facilities to
correct his mistakes, so he drove away thunder and lightning and prayed for
Clear, cure evil spirits and subjugate demons, remove locusts from warts, refine
ghosts, apply talisman water, practice and test many times,
Ru Gu responded. Now I accept it, and I dare not fail to do what I preached. The
wife has one body, two east and five elements
Just the essence. The sages established the law to protect the people and proved
it to themselves. Most of the Dharma and Dao, Dao
Originating from all hearts, the heart can use my spirit to integrate the spirit
of Yidong, and use my creation to adapt to the situation.
If you measure the creation of the five elements, the Tao will be wonderful. A
fool should understand this principle before Tai Chi is established.
To prove this principle, after the three talents have been judged, use thunder
to drum it up, and use wind and rain to moisturize it. How long is this way?
If it does not circulate in heaven and earth for a day, and the Dharma may not
be heard yet, the sage will begin to practice the Dharma.

① See "
Lei Shuo", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 212.
② See "
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 61 "
Preface to Wang Wenqing, "The Great Method of Cutting and Examining the Five
Thunders by the High Divine Sky and Yushu", "
Hidden, Volume 29, Page 165.
The Shenxiao Sect flourished in the Southern Song Dynasty 1 or 2\ 0


That’s it. Nowadays, Yu's steps can all be tested, but the law may not yet be
auspicious. Existing Han Celestial Masters explained
Promote this method, and there will be masters to support this method, and the
method will be fully prepared. "① What is said here
"Grandmaster" should refer to Wang Wenqing.
It needs to be pointed out that due to Song Huizong's high praise, Shenxiao
Thunder Method became very popular in the world for a while.
And there is a chaotic situation where it is difficult to distinguish between
authenticity and good and evil. In this regard, Sa Shoujian pointed out:
Nowadays, many people fake this for sale, infringe upon the righteous Dharma,
confuse the world, have cunning intentions, and are evil and filthy.
As for his behavior, it can be seen that he is not enough to practice the law,
and if it is even worse, it will be a big sigh. Frey's
Sound, why don't you say goodbye? Today's scholars have different surnames and
names, and each one opens an account. There is a so-called
Thunder, there is a law for a certain law, but they are all based on the theory
of deception. "
② "Innate Thunder Crystal"
"Yin Shu Lei Fa Shuo" also says: "The ancestor Shi Chen met the fire master Wang
Zhenjun and taught him the secret of thunder.
The purpose, after the Chongju, has been passed down to this day. In the past
fifty or sixty years, there have been many different sects with the same name.
out, so that no one with good intentions can enter through the door. The cover
is a false instrument, but I, the spirit, am the god.
That is, creation and my body are one and the same. Movement means both movement
and movement means both movement. Therefore, it is said that heaven and earth
flow together.
God and man are one. Nowadays, people are busy among the talismans and formulas
on the paper, and they have not achieved anything.
principle. From ancient times to the present, people have always been familiar
with the language. However, those who abandon the original and pursue the
inferior will regard the false as false.
Really useful. Today, a certain mantra is incorrect and a certain talisman is
wrong; tomorrow, a certain gang is missing and a certain tactic is wrong.
Who knows that Wuji creates Tai Chi, Tai Chi divides Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang
divides the five elements, and the five elements form all things.
The source is one principle, if it is gathered together, it will not be full,
but if it is dispersed, it will bridge the gap between heaven and earth. If we
can grasp the cardinal, we can
If I spin the good fortune, I will be the master of it. "

Sa Shoujian insists on the right path, advocates sincerity and righteousness,
combining gods with gods, and is ever-changing.
He said: "The master once said: You must know that the place where the great
road leads to the mysteries is not in the 3600 gates. After that,
Scholars, who only hold on to their own opinions and talk in vain, will be
eliminated if they are just a hoe." "Scholars
I don’t ask for him, but I can ask for it. The five elements are rooted in the
addition of two, and the two are divided into five

① ② See "Lei Shuo", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 212 and 213.
③ See Volume 84 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 343.

@@@@/ — The evolution and thought of the Shenxiao School of Taoism

Action, people can gather the fruits of the five elements, and the actions of
the five elements are the five thunders, then the thunder method is innate
Dao, thunder method is in my god, use the point to connect the hernia, use the
spirit to connect the spirit, wouldn't it be better to make a sound?
If you understand this way and understand this principle, then the two hernias
are not in the two places, but in my body. five
yeah!" "
Action is not only in the five elements, but also in my body. It blows and
becomes wind, transports it and becomes thunder, shushes and becomes clouds,
But as rain, it is ever-changing and has a thousand shapes and forms, all of
which are the matter in the heart. Sage's Theory
There is a saying: Essence and Qi are things. If they are gathered together and
cannot be filled into a single grasp, this is the essence of Tao. The wandering
soul changes and disperses
It can bridge the gap between Liuhe and Dao. If there is a Tao, there is a body.
If there are laws, they are useful. They are all based on one.
That’s all. If we talk about the troubles in a general way, a thousand words
will not be enough to do anything good. Summarize the essentials in just one or
two words
More than enough. The more greedy entries there are, the more the true nature
will be lost. Even though he has a bright head and a poor scripture, it will be
of no use.
also. I lament that the world is changing day by day, and people's hearts are
becoming more and more evil. Since those who make arguments have nothing to say,
they are in vain.
The person who preached the Dharma no longer had any evidence to prove it.
His deception is nothing short of trivial! The wind cannot be caught
The wind and the shadow cannot be beaten. Huang Shigong
"Su Shu" (Part 1), used by Zhang Liuhou
At that time, he was the emperor's teacher, simple and complex?
What a fool said, now I am tired of chattering
That’s it. However, it is like this for those who have passed on from their
teachers, so they cannot

I can’t tell you if I don’t know.”
Among the various levels of thunder methods of Shenxiao Sect,
There are some Taoist teachings that focus on worshiping Sa and staying firm.
Dharma Patriarch, his Dharma Protector General Wang Shanwei
Coaches, such as "Thunder 3-5 Train Spirit"
The secret method of the palace king and marshal", "The official of Huoluo

Qing Dynasty Painting

Wang Lingguan (

Li Yuanguo Collection)

"Exposed", "The Secret Biography of Marshal Wang, the Antarctic Fire and Thunder
Spirit Officer". In these laws, Sa Shoujian is called

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 212 and 213.

① See "Lei Shuo", "
The heyday of Shenxiaolang - Southern Song Dynasty'



"The Patriarch Xihe Shangzai Fenyang rescued the real person Kusa", "The
Patriarch Shenxiao channeled the spirit of Xihe Shangzai Sa
"The real person", "The founder Fenyang scattered officials rescued the real
person", and called Wang Shan "the thunder is all over the sky and the sky is
March 5th train punishes the spiritual officer Iron-faced Thunder Lord Marshal",
The sky is falling, the fierce officials are loyal and loyal
"Conquering ghosts and binding gods, fire and thunder, the spiritual officer
Wang Yuan", "Antarctic fire and thunder, loyal and fierce official Wang Yuan"
Handsome" and described his image as "red face, red beard and hair, eyes of
fire, red robe, green
Boots, wind belt, train in left hand, golden whip in right hand, appearance is
evil", or may become "red faced"
Purple, yellow scarf, red robe, golden armor, tiger beard and tiger clearing,
green boots, wind belt, left hand thunder
Bureau, holding a golden whip in his right hand."
① This loyal and honest Marshal Wang later became the leader of the whole army.
A protector god king spiritual official respected by Taoism. He guards almost
all Taoist palaces.
View. In later generations there were the so-called "Sazu Sect", "Xihe Sect" and
"Tianshan Sect", all of whom respected Sashou.
Jian is the founder. This shows that Sa Shoujian has a profound influence on the
Shenxiao sect and holds a very important position.
important historical status.

Section 2: Chen Nan, the third ancestor of the Southern Sect who also taught the
thunder method
Since Zhang Boduan of the Northern Song Dynasty initiated the Taoist Southern
Alchemy Method, it has gone through nearly two hundred years of development.
Exhibition, through Shitai, Xue Daoguang, Chen Nan, Bai Yuchan, it can be said
that the inner alchemy sect was officially formed.
Nan Zong, later known as Zhang Boduan, Shi Tai, Xue Daoguang, Chen Nan, Bai
Yuchan and other five people.
He is the fifth ancestor of the Southern Sect of Taoism. The five ancestors all
took it as their own responsibility to master the alchemy method and promote the
alchemy way, thus
Famous in history. Among the five ancestors, Bai Yuchan was the most
outstanding. He inherited the teachings of his master Chen Nan.
Taoism, in line with the trend of the times, not only respects the way of
alchemy, but also practices the method of thunder. Instead of
Correspondingly, Wang Wenqing, Sa Shoujian, Zou Tiebi and Mo, the masters of the
Shenxiao sect belonging to the Fulu sect,
Yueding and others all practice alchemy, and use the alchemy method of Nanzong
as the basis of Shenxiao Lei method. then,
The Nan Sect began to learn the Lei method from Chen Nan; the Shenxiao Sect
started from the time of its origin and establishment, that is,

① See "
"Dao Fa Hui Yuan" Volumes 242 and 243, "
"Tao Zang", volume 30, pages 8 and 494.
68 |

How or English)

The evolution and thought of Taoist Shenxiaodu

Pay attention to the way of alchemy. Nanzong and Shenxiao Sect communicated with
each other, and Neidan and Lei Dharma Body used Wujian and Taoism.
The unity of Dharma has become a unique phenomenon in Taoist culture.
The three founders of the Southern Sect from Zhang Boduan to Xue Daoguang all
took good care of themselves and only cultivated the truth.
Refining alchemy is the main purpose. However, starting from the fourth ancestor
Chen Nan, the Nanzong changed its emphasis on self-cultivation and pursued
The immortal Tao tradition that seeks the eternity and perfection of individual
life, advocates benefiting the world and benefiting the people, and protecting
the country.
The Mahayana thought of the country has since set up the Nanzong and Shenxiao
sects to take Neidan as the body and Leifa as the body.
Taoist system used.
Chen Nan's courtesy name is Nanmu and his nickname is Cuixu. Boluo County,
Huizhou (
Baishuiyan (now Huiyang, Guangdong)
people. He makes a living by making panlong hoops and barrels, and no one knows
his wisdom and understanding. He once wrote "Panlong"

day: "
It is round and round all day long, with a person named Earth in the middle.
Grind and grind to learn more

Very young, no ax chisel marks inside. "Also"

"Ode to the Hoop" says: "
There are no leaks in teaching, such as
What water leaks out. That is to say, it can be round and dense, and there is a
vacuum inside and outside. His words convey an unusual sense of consciousness.
Tai Yi Dao Gui Jin Dan's formula came from Zen Master Pi Ling, and he got "
"Jingxiao Big Lei Lang Shu" written by Grandma Li
Mountain god.
① The "Zen Master Piling" mentioned here is Xue Daoguang, the third ancestor of
the Southern Sect.
The so-called "
Jingxiao's Lei Lang Shu' refers to the Lei Shu passed down by the Shenxiao sect.
In this regard, Bai Yuchan
The narration said: "
Today there is a big thunder in the sky, which is all over the jade hub of the
divine sky. It is called the big thunder in Jingxiao.
Although Jingxiao is under Shenxiao, he is the chief of staff at the beginning
of the Yuan Dynasty. He naively sends wolf fangs and fierce officials to
Xin Hanchen, the judge of the Ministry, conferred the title on his predecessor
Chen Cuixu. Cuixu conferred it on me.
Jing Yuxuan
"Question" also records Bai Yuchan saying: "
The former teacher obtained the Lei Shu in Li Mu Mountain, but did not mention
his surname.
It may have been taught by a god, but the alchemy method was passed down by monk
Daoguang. The late master said when he was drunk: I
He is a disciple of Judge Xin from the Lei Department and does a lot of work for
Monk Daoguang.
”③ This shows that Chen Nan is indeed
Obtained the thunder book from Shenxiao and passed it down to Bai Yuchan.
Today's "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 10 4-1. "Gao Shang Jing Xiao San Wu Hun"
collected by the eight collections
① See Volume 49 of "The True Immortal Body and Tao Tongjian of the Past",
Volume 5 of "Tao Zang", page 3 8 5.
② See Volume 1 of "Quotes of Master Hai Qiongbai", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 3 Page 1 1 5.
③ See "Tao Zang", Volume 3 2, Page 4 1 1.
The Shenxiao Sect flourished in the Southern Song Dynasty\



The five volumes of "Hedu Tianda Lei Lang Shu" were obtained by Chen Nan at that
time. The main method of thunder in the first volume
Yuanshi Dharma King, Yuqingzhen King, Jingxiao Biankong Tianzun, Thunder
Emperor, Five Thunder Judges
Tianzun, Yi Zhenxingjun, Wuguo Zhenren, Zuoxuan Zhenren, Youxuan Zhenren,
followed by
Thunder Fire Master Wang Kangmin, Missionary Thunder Commander Xin Zhongyi,
Cuixu Master Chen Nan,
Haiqiong Ziqing real white jade toad. The end of the volume contains Bai
Yuchan's "The Record of Master Cuixu Chen's Obtaining the Dharma",
It is particularly important. It records the process of his master's visit to
Taoism, seeking immortality, and practicing the thunder method, which is very
important for studying
Studying the relationship and history between Nanzong and Shenxiao Sect provides
a reliable historical material.
Bai Yuchan said that Chen Nan's family was from Qiongzhou. When he was young, he
studied under Xue Daoguang and Taiyi.
The secret of the fire talisman, the alchemy path is completed, returns to the
hometown, takes the barrel as the occupation, mixes the light with the dust,
Traces of folk. In Wuchen, Jiading (1208), Chen Nan was visiting Limu Mountain
and met a man who smiled and said:
I got Xue Zixian's Taiyi Fire Talisman, but I don't know Taiyi's thunder method,
which is a pity.
Chen Nan replied: "I just want to learn Taoism, and I don't want to learn more
to divide my ambition."
He also said: "How foolish you are. You can only be good at one thing, but you
can't achieve the merits of others, and the gods will not take them.
Therefore, Zhang Zheng fought ghosts in Xichuan, and Xu Jingzhi killed snakes
and applied medicine. It has been passed down from ancient times to modern times
and cannot be falsely accused.
" Chen Nan said: "I am so poor in the mountains and fields, how can I trust you
enough to teach this method. "Taoist Wen
He expressed his approval and said: "
Once you get someone, you can pass it on, but how can you make use of it? The
son can believe in it and perform meritorious deeds to others.
That is my merit. Then I took the "Du Tian Da Lei Dharma" from a stone cave,
passed it on to Chen Nan, and told
Commandment: "
However, the Five Thunders cannot be used lightly. Whenever Yuanshi Tianzun is
calamity, he will order the Five Thunders to descend.
Shibao calamity. In the past, Yin Liu was water, and Yao had nine years of
calamity. It was expected that the Lord of Thunder and Fire from the Three
Mountains would descend.
In the world, he was born in the house of Bosu, which is called the god Yu; Lord
Fengting, Lord of Fire, came to the world to serve as Ji and play music.
Grains. It is better for the son to protect him in order to survive the calamity
of another time. "On the occasion of parting, he also said to Chen Nan:
I am not a human being, I am Xin Zhongyi, the governor of the Lei Department. My
master, Wang Zhenren, taught me personally the Jade Qingzhen King
I will pay it to you now.
” ① By the time of Renshen in Jiading (1212), Chen Nan also passed this Lei Shu
To Bai Yuchan, Bai Yuchan passed it on to Peng Xiang. This is a record of the
Nanzong tradition since Chen Nan

① See page 483 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The history of Chuan Lei Shu also reveals the fundamental reason why they also
practiced Shenxiao Thunder Technique.

I don’t seek to be alone, but I hope that my achievements will reach others.
In addition, Chen Nan also got the person who claimed to be

"Tai Shang
35 Shaoyang Iron-faced Train and Five Thunder Techniques"
And Shaoyang Lei Dharma Seal, collected in "
Tao Dharma Assembly
Volume 122 of Yuan Dynasty, which says: "Every
Zhao Lei Ministry generals and Shaoyang Lei Gong all used
This talisman is called a secret code, and it will bring great rewards.
Yes, in the past General Shaoyang had to encounter Liubo Tian
Lord, secretly give this talisman to Lord Xin Tianjun of Lei Department.
In Hainan, he was awarded the title of Master Chen Niwan and became famous
Passed here.
① Chen Nan also said in his own words:
In the past, Shaoyang Lei Gong Zhurong at Hengshan Mountain in Nanyue
At the top of the peak, you can meet the Six Waves of God Emperors and teach
Use the three yang and five thunder methods to control wind and thunder

Chen Nan (Ming version of "The Strange Traces of Immortals and Buddhas")

government. All floods and droughts in the world and epidemic diseases among the
people are all subject to this rule. The Six Waves of Heavenly Lords and
Emperors in the Past,
Therefore, with the Great Thunder Fire Seal of Dutian, the Seal of Three Yangs
and Five Thunder Divine Fires, and the Fu Seal of the Thunder Dusi, all
To pay for it. Since then Shaoyang Lei Gongyi pointed his finger, causing the
wind and thunder to stand up, and after a long time, there will be a big
After hearing about his meritorious deeds, he was granted the title of "Sanwu
Shaoyang Lei Gong Train General" and was able to fight with the palm of his
The government of Kui Wu Lei. ...In the past Jin Dynasty, Xu Junxun, the
magistrate of Jingyang County, hid in the Xishan Mountain of Yuzhang.
When Nian Dan was completed, he acquired the skill of the Nine Heavens Spiritual
Sword. The flying god controlled Ran on the Western Mountain, specializing in
cutting down dragons.
Heart. Jiao Jing knew this and fled to Tanzhou. When God heard about it, he sent
an edict to give this book to
Xu Jun, with the title of Thunderstorm Judge of Doufu, still took the Five
Commanders of Shaoyang as his general, and issued an imperial edict to establish
the Five Commanders of Shaoyang.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 594.
The prosperous period of Shenxiao Sect


The division of Marshal Lei is controlled by Judge Leiyu of Doufu, and is

assisted by the Five Marshals of Shaoyang. Therefore Xu
The king then gained the power of wind and thunder, and the dragon spirit hunted
and exterminated them all. This incident occurred when Wu Meng and Ding Yi
It has been passed down through generations, and it has been handed down to this
day through the passage of time. Those who have obtained this book must also
receive it in secret.
We should understand the meaning of Xu Jun in Jingyang and the reason why the
five commanders of Shaoyang gathered together. It is very secret in ancient
times, and it is also
There is no one who can pass it on, but the two kings of Wu and Ding sent it.
"① The so-called body Xu Xun" obtained
"meaning", that is, we should inherit Xu Xun's tradition of saving people,
exorcising evil spirits and destroying demons, and carry forward the Taoism.
Teach the spirit of Mahayana.
On the basis of inheriting the Taoism of Nanzong, Chen Nan perfected the
principles of Taoism and truth-seeking of Nanzong.
Think about it, from focusing on personal practice to caring about the
sufferings of society, this is indeed a big step forward.
step. In his view, the method of cultivating alchemy can not only break the void
and jump out of the five elements, but also
Able to "manage ghosts and gods, call thunder and rain, hear the nine heavens,
see thousands of miles", and achieve great achievements.
Work in the world. When Bai Yuchan asked: "The founder Zhang Pingshu was an
inhumane three times and suffered disasters three times.
Why?" Chen Nan answered clearly: "He has no eyesight at the moment, and his luck
is not good.
Huh!" This pointedly pointed out the shortcomings of Nanzong's early purpose.
The so-called "luck"
"The heart is not universal", that is, Zhang Boduan only seeks "
"Golden Body Perfection" criticism.
Therefore, he hoped that his disciple Bai Yuchan would not be conservative and
should publish the Alchemy Book and Thunder Book.
"Scattered around the world, so that those who cultivate immortals can find the
meaning of the text, and the wonderful principles are clear. This is a gift from
That’s it. Why should it be passed down by pen and tongue!
"I will enlighten the gods in the world, and those who are guilty will be
How incredible! The Sutra says: My destiny is mine, not Heaven’s, so why should
I condemn it?” ② True
It was this free and generous thought that educated Bai Yuchan and made him
organize and publish it.
He printed a large number of Taoist writings and was diligent in writing, thus
leaving many treasures for future generations.
Expensive Taoist literature, these are inseparable from Chen Nan's open-
mindedness and generosity.
"The Secret Decree of Fire Master Wang Zhenjun Thunder" contained in Volume 76
of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" was written in

See pages 582 and 583 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".

See Volume 4 of "Ten Books on Cultivation"
"On Cultivation of Immortality and Discrimination of Confusion", "Tao Zang",
Volume 4, Chapter 6!
8 pages.

The Locomotive Team is calling/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Song Chongning three years (1104). Later, it was also obtained by Chen Nan and
Bai Yuchan, who wrote a preface to pass it down.
World. Bai Yuchan's preface says: "If you go far away from the Holy Spirit,
there will be many people who talk about Taoism, and those who study Quxue and
other sects will mess up the truth.
Public. Later scholars have nothing to study. Blessings will be shallow if they
are not predestined, but also due to kindness, love and desire.
I am in love, my mood is unclear, and I am confused by right and wrong. I don’t
know how to read thousands of scriptures and treatises in order to seek the
essentials of the Tao.
If it is safe, the way to go will be farther. There may be people who study hard
and practice hard but do not see any results. This is not the way.
Those who betray others are those who follow the Tao and do not follow the
Master, so they suffer illegal consequences. Or act in accordance with the law,
instead of
Those who see merit are all Taoists who do not follow the precepts and fail to
practice the Dharma after learning it. Those who are interested in this, Gou
If you are able to keep your mind pure and have few desires, so that you can
understand the essentials of the Tao and understand the mysteries, you should
seek out teachers from all over the world and practice diligently.
Practice and practice according to the law, why worry about not testing the law!
Therefore, "The Jade Grid of the Temple of Heaven" says: If you don't practice
If you practice it, you will no longer be possessed. If you don’t wash the Hua
Chi, your form will be destroyed. The fire master also said: Anyone who receives
the five major thunders
Dharma, if you are not a high-ranking immortal official, you cannot understand
this mystery. Internally, he cultivates his own elixir, so
Externally, the evil will be treated. What people have said cannot be falsely
accused. It is to know that it is not difficult to study the Dharma, but to
It is difficult to cultivate with a clear mind, but it is even more difficult to
encounter the Tao.
Chen Nan obtained the elixir formula to stabilize his life and seek truth, and
used the method of thunder to help the world and save people. "The True Immortal
of All Times"
Volume 49 of "Ti Dao Tong Jian" says: "Everyone asks for talisman water, and if
the Cuixiu twists the earth to give it, there will be many diseases."
When it heals, old friends call it Chen Ni Wan. During the political harmony
between Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, he was promoted to Taolu Academy.
Return later
Luofu walks the world with Taoism and cures ghosts with people wherever he goes.
Chaoyang folk girl is bitter and disgusted with the fox, crazy and easy to
Wudu, Cuixu used the thunder talisman to smoke the fox charm and kill him. At
that time, he walked away with his hair loose, traveling four to five hundred
miles a day, and the quail
His clothes are knotted, his body is covered with dirt, he eats dog meat from
time to time, he is drunk all the time, he is unpredictable and he helps others.
"It's a sharp thing, but the effect is incredible." He later settled in
Changsha, "
People in Huguang often ask Cui Xumi
poetry. But the strands that came out of his mouth were all written in
literature and science. The reason why he refused to write it himself was not
He has "The Complete Works of Cuixu Miaowu" published in the world, and he also
wrote "Luofu Cuixu Yin". Grant Qiong with the Alchemy Method
There are white jade toads on the mountain, and the white jade toads always
serve on the left and right when they go in and out." In the sixth year of
Jiading of Emperor Ningzong (1213),
Chen Nan went to Zhangzhou to attend the Crane Festival. He foresaw his death,
so he left four sentences and ordered Bai Yuchan to write:

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 262.

① See "
The prosperous period of Shenxiao Sect—

Southern Song Dynasty,



1 73

"Thunder and thunder thundered from the top, and chaos fell to the ground
without a trace. Just find a way now, ride a hornless fire

At this time, Bai Yuchan accompanied him and saw Chen Nan drowning in the water
in Liangshan, Zhangzhou.
"Jing Yu Xuan Wen" records that Bai Yuchan's younger brother Peng Lie said: "On
April 14th, the sixth year of Jiading, our teacher
On that day, in Liangshan, Zhangzhou, I passed away with a bucket of Laozi's
chair in the water. On that day, there was Chaozhou Ge
The county captain met him in Ningxiang County, Tanzhou. The former master and
the captain's father had a long-term contract, and they sent a letter to the
After returning to his father, he found out that he died here and met there that
day. I'll be there with him when I give you the time.
Seeing it happen "② people at the time called it "
Chen Nan's age is unknown, but he is believed to be a centenarian. Because once
Yu Zhenghe was promoted
According to the affairs of the Daolu Academy, it has been a hundred years since
the body was exhumed in the sixth year of Jiading, and it is over a hundred
years old. "again
According to "Seven Revised Drafts" written by Lang Ying of the Ming Dynasty:
"Chen Houtong is said to be an immortal of the Song Dynasty. He can Tao Hui,
The imperial affairs are very clear. He has bare feet and a shaggy head. He only
wears a robe with a collar in winter and summer. His clothes are very old and
not dirty.
He has white hair on his temples and his eyes are as green as green jade, but he
can be counted among half a hundred people. All famous people want to see you,
hidden and revealed
Unforeseen circumstances, Jiangdong today, Guanshan tomorrow, we have to come
here to get there. "③ Chen Yuxing
"Postscript Chenniwan Zhenren Cuixu Chapter" also says: "
The husband said that he was forty-three years old, but people have
It is also different to meet Mr. in the third life. His life writings include
"Zi Ting Jing", which examines and judges Pan Gongjing.
Liangjing Zhuan; "Cuixu Chapter", which was continued by Wang Gong Sicheng.
Since the Alchemy Sutra was published in the world, several times
Thousands of volumes, the higher one is empty, the lower one is full of strange
illusions, just like Mr.
Distinguish the false from the true, and learn from others. The place of
destination seems to have a basis, thinking that people
Everyone can learn it, but if there is no one who can learn it, how can it
really be impossible to learn it? If you are not the same person, you will not
know the truth.
Acting in vain is just a husband's way. At the gate of Cuixu there are Ju Jiusi,
Sha Daozhao and Bai Yuchan.
They all wanted to pass it down orally to their senior brothers. These three
people are not allowed to see each other. Fortunately, Bai Gong meets him every
① See page 385 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2, page 411.
③ See Volume 7 of Chen Lianting's "Supplementary Records of Luofu Mountain",
Volume 32, Pages 4 and 7 15 of "The Book of Foreign Taoism".
Bashu Publishing House, December 1994 edition.





^ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Yan. The way of Cuixu will be more obvious if you get Bai Gong. "
① The "forty years old" mentioned here
Three", when sixty is added, it is one hundred and three years old.
Due to Chen Nan's contribution to the spread of Shenxiao's thunder method, the
Shenxiao sect regarded him as its ancestor.
division. Volume 1 of "Zangquan Ji" by Zhang Yuchu of Ming Dynasty: "
The sects of Shenxiao and Thunder started from Jade
King Qing Zhen, and Fire Master Wang Zhenjun explained it. Next, he served King
Chen, Zhenjun Xujing, and Xihe.
Sa Jun, Fu Mo Li Jun, Prime Minister Xu Jun, Lin Lingsu, Xu Shenweng, Liu Hun
who advocated their sect
Kang, Lei Mo'an, Wan Wulei, Fang Pule, Deng Tieya, and Shangguan, Xu, Tan,
Yang, Chen, Tang, and Mo came down, and the sect also expanded.
”② The “Chen” mentioned in it refers to
As for Chen Nan.

Section 3: White Jade Chan, who combines alchemy, Taoism and thunder into his
In promoting mutual exchanges between the Nanzong and Shenxiao sects, and
improving the respective theories and organizations of the two sects,
In terms of organizational construction, Bai Yuchan played an extremely
important role. He is broad-minded and talented
Hua Chaoqun wrote prolifically and made many innovations in both Taoist thought
and Taoist magic.
He made great contributions and can be said to be the most outstanding figure in
Taoism in the Southern Song Dynasty. Just like Ming Renlin
As someone said: "Looking at the ancient and modern people who have obtained
immortal arts, they can cultivate the truth and refine the Qi.
Resting and recuperating, riding on mist and clouds to become feathers, driving
away thunder and rain to capture essence, but not yet skilled in words.
He who writes in four strokes, spits out smoke when he opens his mouth, spits on
pearls when he kisses. Nine successes are achieved and solidified
It is difficult, and it is especially difficult to pass the six books. Alas!
Qiong Mao and Bai Zhenren are not both.
Huh! The real person was born in the late Song Dynasty, more than 400 years ago.
At that time, he traveled all over famous mountains and met many people.
God, give me the secret formula of returning the elixir. Zhenren Gai has
mastered all his skills and achieved nine turns.

① "Jian Lin Yousheng"

"The Complete Works of Hai Qiongbai" Volume 6, "
"Tao Zang Ji Yao" Volume 6, Page 2 3 6, Ba
Photocopy of Shu Publishing House in January 1995, hereafter referred to as the
Bashu version.
② See page 187 of Volume 33 of "Tao Zang".
③ See Lin Yousheng's "Collected Works of Bai Zhenren".
"Afterword", "
"Tao Zang Collection" Bashu edition, volume 6, page 2 4 0.
The prosperous period of Shenxiao Sect—

Southern Song Dynasty


About his life story,

There are many Taoist and historical books, but
Often the content seems to be fantasy but not real, which makes
It is difficult for people to grasp. as his last name
Family name, place of origin, date of birth and death,
There were many theories at that time.
Here, summarizing the theories of various schools,
Provide your own opinions for
Colleagues discuss.
First is his name,
One day Ge Changgeng, one day white jade
Toad, this is recognized by everyone 3
There are many font sizes, such as Haiqiong
Zi, Hainan Weng, Qiongshan Taoist,
Wuyi Sanren, Gan'an, Shenxiao

White Jade Chan (Ming version of "The Strange Traces of Immortals and Buddhas")

Sanshi, Ziqing Zhenren, Wuyi Weng, Leiting Sanli, Shenxiaodian Lei Xiaoli,
Qiongshan Lao
Sou, Yangsu Zhenren, Henu, etc. The second is his place of origin. It is
generally believed that his ancestral place is a blessing.
Jian Minqing, born in Qiongzhou (
Today's Qiongshan, Hainan). Peng Ping's "Facts about Mr. Hai Qiong Yuchan"
Mr. Ge, whose surname is Changgeng and named Laosou, was born in Fujian and Qing
Dynasty. mother's dream
If you eat something like a toad, you will give birth while sleeping. At that
time, my eldest father wanted to teach Qiongpei, who was born in Qiongpei.
The fifteenth day of the third month of the Jiayin period of Shaoxi period is
also "①" Volume 49 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Way of the Past"
Said: "I am a Fujianese. I was born in Hainan on the day when my ancestors were
appointed to Qiongzhou, so they named themselves Hainan."
Qiongzi, also known as Gan'an, or Shenxiao Sanli "② According to "Facts" by Xue
Shichun, a Yuan Dynasty man

① See "The Essence of Taoism", Episode 10 Part 2 (

(above) Pages 29 and 30, published by Taipei Free Press
② See page 386 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".

Ningren team art is eight years old/Evolution and thought of Shenxiao sect of
Erdao religion

Grandmaster Bai Zhenren is from Haiqiong. His surname was Zhuge and his given
name was Meng. born smart,
Long and strange, seeing the lack of light in the stone fire, I sighed at the
passing of the white horse, so I gave up my wealth and worshiped God.
① From what has been said above, we can see that
Immortal, mixed name is Bai Yu Chan, Gai wants to hide his name. "
Bai Yuchan's surname and place of origin are quite complicated, which is related
to his wandering life and wandering around the world.
life related.
Secondly, regarding the dates of his birth and death, Taoist books also have
different records. Peng Xiangwei was born in
Shaoxi Jiayin (1194) March 15th, this statement is still used by academic
circles. But according to
A textual research on "Three Articles on Immortal Tongjian Bai Zhenren's
Achievements" written by Peng Zhulin in the Qing Dynasty, and Bai Yuchan's
Born in Jiayin, Shaoxing (1134) on March 15th, also named Bai Yuchan in the
third year of Chunxi.
②This is Bi Peng
(1191) Already fifty-eight, the third year of Qingyuan (1197) The year is sixty-
Harrow's statement advanced Bai Yuchan's birth year by sixty years. So what kind
of saying
Which method is more reliable?
Mr. Gai Jianmin and Mr. Huang Kaiduan, combined with Bai Yuchan’s death year and
some of his
After researching the poems, it is believed that Bai was born in Jiayin,
Shaoxing, which is quite insightful.
I also agree with this statement and will examine it in detail. As for the year
of Bai Yuchan's death, it is also the same year.
Bewildered. According to Peng Hua, Bai Yuchan died in the second year of
Shaoding (1229) at the age of
Thirty-six. But things are not that simple. Judging from the many historical
materials that have been discovered,
He seems to have lived longer than this estimate. For example, in "The Complete
Works of Bai Yuchan" Pan interviewed "Original
I had not known Qiongshan for a while. One day, I met Peng Hui at the throne of
Helin and drank half a cup.
Yin said: "
④The preface was written by Duanping Bingshen
Intoxicated, I saw him lifting his beard and holding it against his palm,
stretching out paper and moving ink like the wind.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 10 Eight Years of Yuan People
(1236), then the white jade toad was still alive at that time. 《
Yu Ji's "Preface to the Book of Jingxiao Lei" also says: "Mr. Bai Yuchan of
Qionguan is tied to Ziyang.

① See "
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 147, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, Page 7 6 3.
Above) Page 4 1.
②④ See "The Essence of Taoism", Episode 10 Part 2 (
③ See Gai Jianmin and Huang Kaiduan's "Revelation of White Jade Chan's Alchemy
and Taoist Thoughts on Health Preservation", fifth volume of "Tao Yun", Taiwan
China Avenue Press, August 1999 edition.
Shenxiao sect's prosperity period---Nan Hao, ^


It is hidden and unpredictable. In the past hundred or so years, many people in

their eighties or nineties have seen it. Jiangyou sent Mo You
"① It is likely that Bai Yuchan was still alive at the end of the Song Dynasty
and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.
Here, based on the records of many Taoist classics and historical records, Bai
Yuchan and his disciples Taoist friends
His writings provide detailed research on Bai Yuchan's life story.
According to Peng Zhulin's "Three Deeds of Immortal Tongjian Bai Zhenren": "Yu
Chan's original surname is Ge.
The eldest father, Youxing, was born in Minqing County, Fuzhou. Dong taught in
Qiongzhou. His father, Zhenye, was born in Shaoxing at the age of Jiayin.
On the 15th day of the third lunar month, the Taoist in the dream gave her a
jade toad and a shrimp. She gave birth to a baby in the evening, and the mother
was named after the jade toad.
Ying Meng. Slightly longer, also known as Chang Geng. The ancestor and father
died one after another, and the mother's family name was suitable, so she
changed her surname.
Bai, No. Qiongguan. ”② Bai Yuchan was born in the fourth year of Shaoxing
(1134), Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty.
Jiuzu and his father died one after another, and his mother took him to remarry,
so his family name was Bai.
Bai Yuchan was smart since he was a child. He was able to write poems and poems
at the age of seven. "Deeds Three"
"Article" said: "When I was young, I recited the Nine Classics. At the age of
ten, I came from Haixi to Guangcheng to attend the Tongzi Keke.
"At that time, the scholar-bureaucrats wanted to recommend him with a different
subject, so he couldn't do it."④ It should be noted that Bai Yu
Toad has experienced the scourge of war since he was young. According to "Xu
Zizhi Tongjian", Shaoxing ten
One year (1141), the "Huaixi Rebellion" was caused by the war between Song and
Jin Dynasties. Bai Yuchan also
suffered greatly. He said: "I remember that the war broke out in Huaixi, and
there were corpses everywhere for miles. Fortunately,
Heaven and the residual life, suffering from this hunger and thirst, are
extremely sad. "Also: "Huaixi soldiers and horses rise, withered bones row
For several miles, I wanted to eat, but there was no food, and I wanted to be
thirsty, but there was no water. ”⑤ Such a painful experience is undoubtedly
It has a significant impact on Bai Yuchan's life path.
In the twentieth year of Shaoxing (1150), Bai Yuchan decided to leave home to
seek Taoism. "Sixteen years old, professional
Thinking of learning from the immortals, he resolutely followed the path and
found that he had three hundred dollars in his pocket. I left my home mountain
for the first time, and I don’t know where to stay for the night.
Here, the birds are chirping in the forest at night, just taking shelter in a
hurry. After traveling for several days, they arrived at Zhangcheng and sold all
their clothes.

① See page 484 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".

② ③ See "
The Essence of Taoism" Episode 10 Part 2 (
Above) Page 4 1.
④ See page 386 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".
⑤ See Volume 39 of "Ten Books on Cultivation: Shangqing Collection"
"Yunyou Song", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 4, page 781.


―The history and thought of the Shenxiao sect of the state religion

I have no relatives, I am in a solitary house in Sujiang Village, the moon

shines on the green moss, yellow leaves are floating on the steps, and I have
breakfast in the Ming Dynasty.
Cheng, I only have an umbrella with me. "Then he visited Xinghua Army, Luoyuan
Xingfu Temple, Wuyi
Mountain, Longhu Mountain, Huaixi, Jiangdong, Zhejiang and Zhejiang, Wulin and
other places, "Looking back and thinking about the sun driving the road,
The ground is covered with severe frost, and thousands of mountains and rivers
are busy in the sky."
① For 26 years, he has traveled all over China
South of the country.
It can also be seen from his self-written "Song of Yunyou" that the journey was
difficult and he suffered all the misery in the world.
Liang: "It's difficult to travel in the clouds, it's difficult to travel in the
clouds, thousands of miles of water smoke spread across the sea. Saying that the
taste is bitter,
Teach people how to avoid having a sore nose. When I first left my hometown, I
lost all my flesh and blood, and I had three hundred dollars at my waist. Think
about it
It's hard to think about visiting. I don't know where to stay tonight.
Unconsciously, after walking three or two miles, people said that this place was
In the city, all the clothes and gifts were sold, and no one was seen on the
road. When I first arrived at Jiangcun Sugu Hall, the birds
The flowers are crying and falling in the forest at night, and I will have
breakfast in the morning and set off again, with only an umbrella with me. Come
Xinghua Army, the wind and rain are about to usher in spring, but they are only
dressed in red and dirty powder, and there are still three taels in the bag
arts. It was such a hard walk, my legs were weak, my whole body was itchy and
covered in lice, and I was so naked that I thought
If you want to return home, you can't. I have been fighting for more than ten
days to keep my stomach hungry, but no one knows who can hide my name. Come to
Xingfu Temple, so he donated his life as a servant. It was not even half a month
when I first became a servant, and when I returned to being a master monk, I
Don't. Fire clouds flew up to Zhiti Peak, and the stones on the road were as hot
as fire. The scorching sun is burning in the sky, no matter how hot it is,
It's worthy of walking barefoot. Water flows out of a mountain of meat. How can
there be a fan to shake the wind?
The hot summer weather has left its traces in Jianpu today. It is really
poverty-stricken to the bone and marrow, and a night of phoenix trees in the
rain. At dusk, I look around with tears streaming down my face. I don’t have any
worries or worries. I lean against the eaves and wait for the dawn. The village
Weng is not allowed to have thatched eaves. I heard that the people of Jianning
are kind-hearted and came here to ask for food and clothing.
Ashamed, that person is willing to have compassionate eyes. Recalling the old
days when I was rich, I looked down at my wrinkled nose and eyes.
Eyebrow, in front of every house with empty hands, there is a person who pities
the beggar. From Fujian to Longhu, go up
I visited the palace lord of the Qing Dynasty and asked for help before I got to
know him. The palace official thought that I was wearing blue hair. Just like
come first
When we arrived at Wuyi, Taoist Huang Guan scolded me. He gave me some cold and
hot water and said that I was lonely and humiliated.
① See "
The Essence of Taoism" Episode 10 Part 2 (
Above) Page 4 1.
The prosperous period of Shenxiao Sect—

Southern Song Dynasty\



Yi. The river runs to the east and west, the lake runs to the north and south,
and the left and right sides of Zhejiang are connected to Western Shu.
The mountains and rivers are empty, and I have been wandering in the clouds for
many years. My Taoist friends laugh at me for being so unpretentious. Return of
the old journey
Come and go again, big things happen in a hurry, don’t blame God, my life is
like a god, and there are people who can teach me about my future.
”① It can be said that he worked hard for the truth.
In the third year of Chunxi reign of Emperor Xiaozong (1176), Bai Yuchan was
forty-two years old and swam to the East China Sea.
Binde meets Chen Niwan. Bai Yuchan recalled: "You are a virtuous Cuixu Weng. He
took pity on me as soon as he saw me.
Say a word and the sore spot will be healed. Teach me to walk for a moment. The
hair on my bones and my heart will be cold and the flowers will form into a
Hongqu, it is said that this is the golden elixir. "
② Chen Niwan recognized his immortal qualities and talents and took him back to
Luofu Mountain.
Teach the essentials. He immediately told him: "
And after traveling for several years, I should be here.
” Bai Yuchanzun
His teacher ordered, "
Farewell. When I first arrived at Limu Mountain, I met a man of gods who taught
me the secrets of the Qing Dharma and the Cave Xuan Lei.
tactic. Travel north to Dongting... Return west to Qingcheng Mountain in Shu...
Transfer to Baling... Like this for seven days
In 1183, Bai Yuchan was forty-nine years old.
From then on, Bai Yuchan often accompanied his teacher Chen Nan for nine years.
Ni Wan pitied him for his sincerity, explained the sequence of steps and
conditions, and asked him to practice quickly. jade toad
At the age of fifty-eight, in the second year of Shaoxi's reign, he bid farewell
and went down the mountain to Dayinkou City to prepare for the golden elixir
After three years of hard work... I was not careful, and I didn't realize that
the mercury was flying away." "The purple sun is in the sky.
When Taiyao learned about this, he ordered his boy to write "
"Four Hundred Words for the Golden Elixir" is taught to him... then he can
obtain the elixir. (hour
In the sixty-fourth year of the Qingyuan year (the third year of Qingyuan), he
entered Wuyi again, sat there for nine years, and then came out of the mountain.
The court knew about it and sent envoys to Wuyi. They had already led Chen Cuixu
to Huo Tong to pay a visit to Zixu and Xue Xian.
③ It can be seen from this that it is very difficult for Bai Yuchan to obtain
the Tao and become an elixir. It is not easy.
It took sixty-four years to achieve positive results. As he said in his "Song of
the Great Road": "In the past few years,
It was a mistake to be bound by the world of mortals for sixty-four years. The
dirt is scraped away, eyes open, and a long roar returns.
Come and go. Immortals have no tricks to have many children, they just stay in
the world. Suddenly I also found Penglai,

①② See pages 780 and 781 of Volume 4 of "Tao Zang".

③ See "The Essence of Taoism" Episode 10 Part 2 (
Above) Page 4 1.



———The history and thought of Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Wuyi Sanren told you that you are really a fairy. I won’t practice Xing Shen
now, maybe I will let go
Upset or inferior. When it's cold, there is fire in Dantian; when you're hungry,
you only eat the snow from Qionghu Lake. The immortal master sent a letter the
year before last
Return, saying that I am famous in Jinque.
” ① The “immortal master” mentioned here refers to Tiantai Zhang Zi
Yang, because Bai made a mistake in refining the elixir, he ordered Yutong to
teach the second part of the "Four Hundred Words of the Golden elixir"
Fang Dedan is successful. Obviously, this is also a statement of support,
because Zhang Ziyang has passed away long ago.
Afterwards, Bai Yuchan wrote a "Book of Thanks to Zhang Ziyang" saying: "My
former teacher Niwan, Mr. Cuixu,
The real person comes from the family of the ancestor Piling and Monk Xue Jun.
And the line adjacent to the mausoleum actually comes from the ancestor Xing
It was passed down by Mr. Lin and Shi Jun. Mr. Shi inherited the teachings of
Patriarch Ziyang. Based on today’s single biography
If you look at it, the dream of Western flowers on the rooftop one night is
nothing but blessings for future generations, and all souls are very lucky.
In Qingnian, the Niwan Master went to Huotong Cave, burned incense and paid
homage to the ancestors of Xinglin and Piling.
Calling, caressing the body and holding the ears to return the call, the more
the meaning of guarding the female embraces. Yesterday I arrived in Wuyi and saw
horses naturally
Oral instructions, produced by Baohan, all four hundred words, every word is
medicinal stone. Admiration, love and education, nectar
Spreading the heart, the hair and bones suddenly become clear, and the wonderful
way is clearer than Yin, who has lived in Zhiti for a long time. Here he leaves
with a baby
I wanted to go to Qingcheng Mountain for a pilgrimage because of my mother. I
happened to pass by Shiyan Cave, and then I had a thought.
Chi Shu, but the body of the golden elixir is described in this way. As for the
opportunity of the spring breeze for banana flowers, the opportunity for autumn
rain on phoenix branches
The secret, the moon on the night of the blue pool, the dusk clouds on the green
mountains, is so profound and wonderful that no one dares to reveal it.
Because of the secret, the Patriarch nodded his head. The three masters Xinglin,
Piling, and Niwan wanted to join the crane.
Wings, I am ashamed to be immortal and mortal. When the road is over, when the
care and nourishment will be completed, the flying god will control the air and
accompany the flying boat.
Next, prepare for the battle of calling Luan and crane. I feel so attached to
the paper that I shed tears on my pen and feel at a loss.
..." ② The reason why Bai Yuchan did this was simply to illustrate his
inheritance relationship.
After Bai Yuchan obtained the true lineage of Dan Dao, he immediately determined
to inherit the teacher's legacy and carry forward Zhang Ziyang's legacy.
The alchemy method of his family was secretly passed down by Chen Nan many
times. Such as the Mid-Autumn Festival in the first year of Kaixi (1 2 0 5)
At night, Chen Nan dictated "
"Refining the spirit and returning it to the void" formula. Bai Yuchan's "Song
of Bi Jing Xie Di" says:

"Ten Books on Cultivation: Shangqing Collection" Volume 39, "Tao Zang" Volume 4,
Pages 7 8 5.
"Ten Books on Cultivation: Zhixuan Chapter" Volume 6, "Tao Zang" Volume 4, pages
625 and 6 2 6.
The prosperous period of the Shenxiao sect---- Nanqin^


I don't believe in gods, and I don't know there is Da Luo Tian. That shameful
person says Penglai, hide your face
But he laughed at the wind. 7. The return of Dando is untrue, and often the
claims are made falsely. Immortal power passed down from generation to
Ascension means immortality for thousands of years. Flesh without wings will
fall to the ground, and a person will not be able to live for a hundred years.
His eyes are full of life and death, and life and death revolve around each
other. Master Cuixu told me what he saw
Knowing otherwise. I'm afraid that if I'm not popular enough and I'm not endowed
with talent, I'm afraid that I'll end up in the underworld with no life left.
There are only three things in the human body
Physical, spiritual and solemn preservation. Its essence is not sympathetic
essence, but the saliva from the Jade Emperor's mouth. That
However, it is not caused by breathing, but it is too plain smoke. Its god is
not the god of thinking, but can be compared with Yuanshi
Comparing shoulders", "On the Mid-Autumn Festival night of the first year of
Kaixi, people burn incense and kneel on the ground, which is passed down orally.
Do your best to maintain three liang
The sun, the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon are as soft as cotton.
Suddenly he chewed until the void was broken, and he realized that both Zhong
and Lu were involved in the mysticism. I
If the young man had paid attention early, he would not have ended up like this.
By the first year of Kaixi, Bai Yuchan was an old man in his seventies, and
finally got all the pills of Zhonglu Pai.
Law. From then on, he pretended to be crazy about the world, and developed a
deep understanding of Taoism. At that time, he lived in seclusion in Wuyi
Mountain and was protected by Wuyi Mountain.
Su Sen, the supervisor of the tour, calls himself "Lazy Man". Bai Yuchan likes
to communicate with him and becomes a close friend.
"Ode to the Lazy Man's House", "The Poems of the Lazy Man for the First Time",
"Two Poems to the Lazy Man", "Six Poems in Six Characters"

"Cheng Lao Weng" and so on to give.
Su Sen wrote "Postscript on Immortal Discrimination and Confusion", which tells
some of Bai Yuchan's deeds. Should
The order was completed in Jiading Bingzi (1 2 1 6) on the Zhongyuan Day, which
is the most relevant Baidu we have seen so far.
The earliest historical materials of his life. Among them: "Mr.'s surname is
Bai, his first name is Yuchan, and his nickname is Hainan.
Weng, also known as Wuyi Weng. It is unknown where he is. When people asked, he
said that when he was ten years old, his teacher Chen
Ni Wan, nine years old, learned the magic elixir of alchemy liquid, the method
of nine returns and seven returns, and the art of separating the virtual from
the real.
He has a disheveled head and bare feet, is deaf in his right ear, has hundreds
of knots in his anus, has not eaten grains and eaten meat, has not bathed for
many years, and has been suffering from pain all day long.
Clenching fists and closing eyes, walking wildly, sitting still, sleeping
soundly throughout the day, being alone for long nights, or crying
Or laugh, look like crazy, like to drink alcohol, unruly, mind understands the
three teachings, learns nine things

"Tao Zang" Volume 4, Page 7 8 3.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 4, pages 791 ~ 812.
② See "


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Liu, read more Buddhist books, study Zen, participate in the Great Cave Dharma
Ribbon, practice the Dharma of various schools, and alone
Yu Lei Fayou's experience. He once claimed to be a thundering official in the
Yufu, but when it came to exorcising evil spirits and curing diseases, he
devoted himself to
Ji Yan is like saving people from hunger and drowning. There is an old
"Collection of Immortals' Pearls and Jade", Mr. Nai's book on elixirs, which is
widely used.
There are many anthologies published in various places in Fujian. Occasionally I
came to Jinhua Cave. When I saw Sen, I felt like an old friend.
When I knocked on it calmly, I felt that it was a little bit majestic in its
square inch, and it turned into a poem, and there was no more fireworks.
gas. One foot long cursive script, with dragons and snakes flying, the poems are
completed, without adding any points to the text, and they are sung with the
There are only more than a hundred chapters, and they are complete. There are
countless other chants. And in Luofu Mountain and Huo
Tongshan, Wuyi Mountain, Longhu Mountain, and Tiantai Mountain are where you
often encounter strange people, who are quite auspicious. every
Everywhere, there are exceptions. There are people who are willing to learn, but
they cannot be taught. Traveling alone,
After traveling two to three hundred miles a day, people saw his traces and
suspected that Zhang Xujing was his predecessor. Senmiwuchen
I admired him for a long time, and saw "On the Cultivation of Immortals and
Differentiating Confusion". After reading it, I realized that Mr.
Immortal. ”①
In the fifth year of Jiading (1212), Bai Yuchan lived seventy-eight years. His
teacher Chen Niwan predicted
When he was about to become an immortal, he passed on the important documents of
Jindan and Thunder Secretary to Bai Yuchan. Chen Nan's "Luofu"
Cuixu Yin" said: "In the eighth autumn of Renshen in Jiading, Taoist Cuixu is in
Luofu. Everything is happening in front of him.
Going away like water, there is no sand gull anywhere in the world. I will shed
my body and return to the Jade Palace, so I will use the golden elixir to heat
it up
The secret is told to Qiongshan White Jade Toad, so that it can deeply
understand the bones of creation. Daoguang Zen Master Xue Zixian, paid
In my "Returning to Roots and Restoring Life", the two words "lead and mercury"
are indicated, which is the so-called true mystery within the mystery. Hard
It's only October, and it has gradually condensed. Now my blood is white, and I
feel numb in my limbs.
Cold and heat. Later, I still went to visit people and found out how many wild
fox spirits there were, but none of them were from the same place.
They are all side stories and not true. I'm afraid that you will waste this
youth and report everything to you from the beginning..."

The following year (
On April 14, the sixth year of Jiading (1213), Bai Yuchan accompanied Chen Nan
In Liangshan, Zhangzhou, I saw his teacher drowned in the water. From then on,
Bai Yuchan inherited his orthodoxy and encouraged

See "The Complete Works of Hai Qiongbai", Volume 6, "Tao Zang Collection",
Volume 6, Page 2 3 6, Bashu Edition.
See "Cui Xu Pian", "Tao Zang", Volume 24, Page 205.
The prosperous period of Shenxiao Sect—

Southern Song Dynasty, Tong



Zhiguang Danan Sect and Shenxiao Menting successively accepted Peng Xiang, Liu
Yuanchang, Xie Xiandao and Lin Bo.
Qian, Pan Changji, Zhou Xiqing, Hu Shijian, Luo Zhida, Chen Shoumo, Zhuang
Zhirou, etc.
apprentice, and founded the "
The religious organization with the name "Jing" became the Southern Sect of the
Jindan Sect.
Actual founder.
① According to his great disciple Peng Hui, he said to Lin Boqian: "Master Er
(Bai Yu)
The Bizhijing that was managed by Toad) is now managed by Helin, and the
Ziguangjing that is managed by you today will be treated by everyone.
Scholars of the law, the reason why they set up a place of incense and incense
must be to please Jing's forehead. Such as Han Celestial Master II
The Fourteen Rules were the rule, the ancient Thirty-six Jinglu was the rule,
and Xu Jingyang’s Qijing was the rule. "② The so-called
"Jing" is a quiet room set up by Tianshi Dao in the homes of believers since the
Han and Jin Dynasties to offer sacrifices to gods and pray.
A place for prayer, preaching and evangelism. Bai Yuchan followed suit and
established a parish organization, and also petitioned
The amount they obtained was recognized by the government, indicating that they
already had a considerable and relatively stable trust base.
Teach the masses. For four generations from Zhang Boduan to Chen Nan, the
Nanzong family still maintained the Jin Dynasty since the Sui and Tang
The characteristics of the secret teaching of the Alchemy Sect are that the
scope of the teaching is very narrow, and there is no ancestral mountain or
palace of the sect.
It was not until the time of Bai Yuchan that the Southern Sect had its own
Religious groups and palaces.
Since then, Bai Yuchan is still running around, working hard to promote the
avenue. Chia
In the eighth year of Ding Dynasty (1215), he preached Dharma to Chen Shoumo,
Zhan Jirui and others in Wuyi Mountain. List,
Zhan and others said: "Bai Yuchan is my master. I met him in Wuyi Mountain in
the autumn of Yihai."③Also in
In the Wuyi Mountains, people cut down the grass and cut down the bamboos, "they
run a hut, and the hut is called Yunwo. The back leans against the Great Yin"
Screen, looking at the Three Religions Peak in front, with the Immortal Palm on
the left and the Heavenly Pillar on the right. In front of it is the stone of
the Alchemy Furnace, with the iron elephant as its pillow.
The rocks are shaped like dragons and tigers, how amazing! To the east is
Renzhitang and to the west is Xianyou Hall.
Baiju Wushu pines are green, bamboos are green, and grass is green. The cold
apes are calling for dawn, and the green smoke is hazy.
Crows are urging dusk, purple clouds are in the desert, white flowers are flying
in the clouds, and birds are chirping. What’s more, the mountains are green and
the water is

① See Li Yuanguo's "

"Taoist Qigong Health Preservation" Chapter 4 "Overview of the Southern School
of Neidan in the Two Song Dynasties", 4
Published by the Publishing House of the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences in
June 1988.

See Volume 2 of "Quotations of Master Hai Qiongbai", Volume 33, page 124 of "Tao

See "Haiqiong Preacher Collection"
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 3 Page 147.


Ren Sha Sui/——The evolution and thought of Shenxiao School of Taoism

The sky is blue, the wind is clear, the moon is white, and it is a deserted
place. One year in the world is better than one year in a cave
Day is not an exaggeration. Alas! True happiness is enough, and it is suitable
for the old man Danshu"①. It was September.
On December 27, Bai Yuchan led his disciples to set up a mine at Chongyou Temple
in Wuyi Mountain.
On the altar, he went to the Leibu Dusi for several days and called himself
"Wulei San, a disciple of Shangqing Dadong Baolu".
The judge knows about the affairs of the North Pole Exorcist Academy"②.
In the first month of the ninth year of Jiading (1 2 1 6), Bai Yuchan wrote "Fa
Cao Chen Guo Xie En Xiu Shi Zhu"
"Zhang" and "Zhu Biao of Confession", begging to pass on the message, which
says: "With sincerity, I would like to take a certain number of this month.
On the same day, I devoted myself to the Shengzhen Xuanhua Cave in Wuyi Mountain
and built a few points of the Three Realms High Zhenxuan Qingqing Jiao.
I extend my devotion to the truth, pay my respects to Xuan Zao, and pray for the
beauty of the scenery to be with my ministers. ”③Afterwards, Bai Yuchan
He stayed in Yuntang in Wuyi Mountain and preached scriptures to Taoists. He
said: "A glimpse of the evil world with five turbidities
From the top of my head, I see all living beings in the miserable realm, life
and death, like ants grinding on a grinder, and I can't bear to feel the pain in
my nose.
Thus, the spirit was conceived in the body of the mortal world, and the form was
modeled in the world of form. From the infancy to the crown of the maid, it was
not unknown to the child.
Xi. Always have the thought of cultivating the truth and nourishing the soul,
arouse a strong and courageous heart, discern the power of energy, and be easily
swallowed and destroyed.
There are many people who are interested in Taoism, which shows its kindness and
compassion for all living beings"④
At the same time, he also presided over the groundbreaking ceremony for the
reconstruction of Zhizhi Temple in Wuyishan. "Wuyi
"Reconstruction of Zhizhi'an Ji" says: "Qiongmao and white jade toads came out
from Guangmin and arrived in Wuyi.
The meaning of wearing the edge and killing the front is also the conjecture in
the beauty of Qijuan Zhan. Thereby searching and visiting Zhi’an
The ground is covered with moss that has not been practiced for hundreds of
years, and the grass that has spread for three to five miles has gained its
Wang Chun was born in Bingzi, Jiading. "⑤ According to Wu Rongguiyin and Zhuge
Yanyan, "
Mr. Hai Qiong
People are immortal, and the world cannot know it. When Bingzi was more than a
year old, he had a laugh in Huayang Taoist Temple.
It's time to follow the ink pond and pen grave. For three months, I can't get a
glimpse of it. Mr. Jin
After a few days of rest, together with two real men, He Lin and Zi Yuan, they
played at the entrance, asked questions day and night, and gathered together.
It is a truly wonderful book to be sent to and recited all day long. … … I
recently received a volume of Dream Toad as a gift.

①④ See "
"Ten Books on Cultivation: Shangqing Collection" Volume 37, "Tao Zang" Volume 4,
Page 7 7 3.
"Ten Books on Cultivation,"
Wuyi Collection" Volume 47, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 4, Page 8 0 5.
⑤ See "
"Ten Books on Cultivation: Wuyi Collection" Volume 45, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 4, Page 7 9 8.
Shenxiao faction’s table period—

Southern Song Dynasty,

(3) Electricity)


... During the Chunxi period, Zhou Yiweng tried to carve the longevity jade from
the Linjiang bamboo slips left behind, and Shihu lay people wrote poems to
commemorate it.
When I got this picture, I realized that Mr. Jade Chan's nickname seemed not to
be accidental. Mr. strange traces
In the midst of the sound, the secret scriptures of the Buddha and the books
that have never been seen in the human world are included and should not be
The status of a real Bodhisattva came to pass on Kerr."
①. It can be seen from this that as early as the Chunxi period of Xiaozong,
The "Dream Toad Picture" carved by Yi Weng has been passed down to the world.
This is also the picture of Bai Yuchan who was born in Jiayin, Shaoxing.
A piece of circumstantial evidence.
On July 24th of the same year, Bai Yuchan wrote "Xie Xianshi for sending a
letter" saying: "Jade
Toad Su Zhi has not returned, but he was sincere and loyal in the beginning. He
lamented the quality of Puliu, almost the age of mulberry trees, and his old
Still red, as if there are gods, and the tender beard becomes darker again, and
then it returns to the source of morality." "The Three Generations of Jade Chan"
Grateful for the teacher's kindness, I have waited for a thousand years to truly
control you, and I said that the sword is as good as Guiyou (1213). On the
evening of the autumn moon, all obstacles are over.
Li Yu Yihai (1215) On the day of spring rain, I will cherish the great treasure
in Yaoming for the rest of my life, and guard the Xuanzhu for eternity.
In peace and quiet".
② His "Yunyou Song" also says: "
Occasionally, one day my eyes opened, Chen Niwan
You know I'm lazy. It's sunny in the Mid-Autumn Festival in Guiyou. I sit alone
in the shade of the pines and talk about the pros and cons. Yuan Lai has Zhen at
Gold, all the hard work the day before yesterday was in vain. Remember the
secret of longevity and longevity, sit quietly under the white clouds under the
grass. "

In the tenth year of Jiading (1217), the method of alchemy and thunder was
taught to Liu Yuanchang. Liu Yuanchang’s diary:
In the spring of that year, I met the true master Hai Qiongjun. The surname Bai
is taboo Yu Chan, or he is from Yunnan Hainan. It is suspected that
His home is in Xiangmian. At that time, he went to the market with unkempt hair
and bare feet. At that time, he also wore green turban and wild clothes.
Tour the palace. In the world of luxury and custom, no one knows it. Since the
cloud is twenty, there is only one. The book of the three religions,
Don't care about anything. Every time I talk to guests, I feel the allusions
spring up, as if the world's well-educated scholars have not yet
Yes. The real cursive calligraphy and official script are ingenious and clever,
and the chess, calligraphy and painting are sometimes cynical.
Although he is a fashionable and powerful person, although he admires him, he
cannot be married to him. Take no paper with you and put pen to paper
He has traveled all over the world, traveled all over the rivers and lakes, and
is famous all over the world, and his followers are like hairs on his head. At
that time, many people saw it in the bag
① See "The Complete Works of Hai Qiongbai", Volume 6, "Ba He Lin Cheng Yuan Dao
Collection", "Tao Zang Ji Yao" Bashu edition
Volume 6, page 236.
② See "Ten Books on Cultivation",
"Zhixuan Pian" Volume 6, "Tao Zang" Volume 4, pages 6 2 6.
③ See page 7 8 1 of Volume 4 of "Tao Zang".

Years old ⑻ (5 ^ consultation/

Gao Yan Gao'er Thoughts on Taoist Era

There were times when I didn’t store baht, copper grains and millet to prepare
myself. Sometimes I would be so drunk that I would cry out thunder. Sometimes I
would be able to fly a medal when I was asleep. Sometimes I would be so happy
that I could
Some are angry, some are laughing, some are crying, some appear to be
unintelligent, some even speak out, and they are in harmony with each other, and
see how they can help the world.
The thought of benefiting others is very strong. I sit with candles burning all
night, beat the railings and sing songs during the day, and I don’t even take a
shower in the morning.
They don't cook any food during the day, and they keep water and fire useless
for years, saying that their ears, eyes, and ears are sufficient, or telling
guests with their teeth that they have no use.
Because he did not review Jue's purpose, he was drunk even without wine, and
fainted when he woke up from sleep. Scholars from all over the world published
his articles.
The monument has a lot to say. Today there is a lot of anger and a little joy,
which is very contrary to the world, so I admire it and sneeze at it.
Mr. He taught him the book of nine cauldrons of gold, lead, sand and mercury,
the secret of Taiyi Daogui, fire talisman and gold liquid, and the Zixiao Xiao
The article of Ming Feng Ting. "
① In September of the same year, Bai Yuchan left Wuyi for Quanshan and wrote a
Peng Hua said: "On the 14th day of the 9th month, Yuchan traveled south from
Yitiao River in Luojiang River, and on the 18th day he visited Quanshan
If you don't win the battle, you will be lucky to have good luck. I thought
about the old days of the Three Mountains again, but I still need to linger a
little longer, but
Being a guest in Zhangbin "②
In the eleventh year of Jiading (1218), Bai Yuchan became his disciple in
Taiping Xingguo Palace in Lushan Mountain.
Chen Shoumo, Chen Ruyue, Chen Zhihe, Zhang Zhichang, and Zhan Jirui preached and
preached elixirs
through. The disciples said "
I obtained one article from my master's "Golden Elixir Sutra" and "Hook Lock
Chain Sutra"
One volume and one chapter of "Lushan Happy Song" were published in the world,
and were collectively called "Preaching Preaching"
"Collection" ③. He was invited to write notes for Taiping Xingguo Palace, which
said: "
Was born in Wuyinqing, Jiading
In the Ming Dynasty, Fuzhou Linghuo Tongjing Cave Tianyuren Bai Yuchan, wearing
incense in his sleeves, came to pay respect to Jiutian Yushitai

Later, he moved to the west mountain of Nanchang and wrote "Yulong Wanshou
Palace Hall" for the Taoist priest Luo Shi'an.
⑤ At that time, the imperial court sent envoys to offer incense and strongly
invited the master of the white jade toad to have a ritual ceremony. Peng
Xiang's "Hai Qiongyu"
Mr. Toad Facts" said: "
It is appropriate to send royal incense and build a memorial ceremony in Yulong
Palace. Sir, please avoid it. make
The governor of the palace tried his best to win back his husband and promoted
him to the throne for the country, and the spectators were like a blockage. I
also invited Mr. Jiugong to visit
① See "
Hai Qiong's Questions and Answers・
"Tao Zang" Volume 33, Page 140.
② See "
Hai Qiongbai's Quotes" Volume 4, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 3 Page 137.
③ See "The Preaching Collection of Haiqiong·
"Tao Zang" Volume 33, Page 1.
④ See "
Facts about the interview with Zhenjun at the Taiping Xingguo Palace in Lushan"
Volume 6, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 32, Page 688.
⑤ See "The Complete Works of Hai Qiongbai", Volume 4, "Tao Zang Ji Yao", Bashu
Edition, Volume 6, page 215.
The Shenxiao sect promotes my period—

Southern Song Dynasty\



The master of Shan Ruiqing Palace held a national ceremony. The divine dragon
appeared in the sky. He played music to hear it. There was a decree to summon
him, but he escaped.
And go. ”①
On March 15th of that year, Bai Yuchan visited Taiping Xingguo Palace in
Jiangzhou and wrote a letter to Peng Xiang,
Tell me about the current situation: "I have traveled more than two thousand
miles by land and water this spring to seek shelter in Lushan Mountain.
Fortunately, the four major
It's refreshing, and everything goes smoothly, but the flowers in the morning,
the moon in the evening, the glass of wine and the fragrance of the stove are
quite touching to all my friends in Nanzhong.
I feel pregnant, but I feel sad for my old friend. There are no outsiders,
whether ordinary or holy, who do not regard honor or disgrace as
In the heart, reputation and reputation are just thoughts, but the wood spirit
and stone monsters know what kind of people they are. "Song of the Great Dao",
The picture will be published and circulated widely. I am very happy and my old
friend prays for it even more. Without further ado,
Cherish and cherish. An old man named Bai from Qiongshan wrote this letter.
② At the same time, he wrote to Liu Yuanchang and Zhou Xiqing
etc., and told all the disciples to meet in Wuyi in August. Liu Yuanchang said:
"My master Hai Qiongjun Feixi
Between Kang and Lu, there was a book written in the spring of Wuyin in Jiading,
which was dated in Wuyi. "

In addition, Bai Yuchan also went to Yulong and Wucheng. He said: "Jiading
Wuyin, Qiongshan
The white jade toad passed through Yulong with his sword, visited Fuchuan,
passed through Wucheng, and was surrounded by two fujis and a dragon.
The moon rests in the west of Wucheng, looking to the east of the river,
stroking the sword and shouting, looking at the sky and roaring, surrounding
Wucheng is full of mountains. " He also wrote the "Jade Dragon Palace Huixian
Pavilion", calling himself "the Taoist Bagui,
Sailing to Sanxiang, floating on the Mianjiang River, and passing through Lufu",
we ended up here at "the residence of the best true immortal in the world". ④
On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Bai Yuchan and his disciples gathered in
Wuyi and secretly taught Peng Chao and Liu Yuan.
The long-term rule of law. He said: "
Baohua in the East, Taiqing in the West, exorcism in the North, and evil in the
Jitianshu. These are the four poles. And the five thunders in Zhongji actually
control the division of the four poles. It's a big day today
When the thunder comes out of the jade hub of Shenxiao, it is called the big
thunder of Jingxiao. Although Jingxiao is under the divine sky,
It was the department stationed in Pi at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.
Xiangzhe Tianzhen sent the wolf-toothed official Xin Hanchen, the judge of the
Lei Department, to teach him
My former teacher Chen Cuixu, Cuixu taught it to me, and now I give it to my
son, who should keep it secret. ”⑤

See "The Essence of Taoism", Episode 10, Part 2 (
(above) pages 29 and 30.

Hai Qiongbai's Quotes" Volume 4, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 3 Page 1 3 7.

Hai Qiongbai's Quotes" Volume 1, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 3 Page 1 1 7.
④ See "
"Ten Books on Cultivation: Yulong Collection" Volume 31, "Tao Zang" Volume 4,
pages 750 and 751.
⑤ See "

See Volume 1 of "The Sayings of Master Hai Qiongbai", Volume 33 of "Tao Zang",
Pages 1 1 5.


Entering the year/ —

The history and thoughts of Daofa Shenxiao

In October of the same year, he led his disciples to the "Explanation of

Expressions of Thanks for Delivering" and begged for the Divine Sky Jade.
The King of Qingzhen was conferred with the priesthood of the Ministry of
Thunder: "The Heavenly Sky, the Heavenly Jade Palace, and the Thunder Order of
the Qing Dynasty unified the Five Thunders.
The generals brought Yu Chanyan, the Minister of Ghosts and Gods of Thunder
City, to say that on the 15th day of the year, he will be the Supreme Qing
Taihua Danjingli Shenxiao Yufu Xitai Ling Xingxiandu Fenglei Judge Peng Xiang,
Shangqing Great Cave
Xuandu Sanjing Master Taiyi Thunder Canon Jiuling Feibu Immortal Officials
Signed Letters to the Ghosts and Gods of the Judicial Court
The ministers stayed in Yuan Chang.
"Under him are Lin Bolian, the judge of the Exorcism Court, and the right
attendant of Shenxiao Yufu.
Pan Changji, Zhou Xiqing, Hu Shijian, the director of the Five Lei Envoys, Luo
Zhida, the director of the Thunder City, drove
Chen Shoumo, the right judge of the evil court, Zhuang Zhirou, the minister of
Huanglu Court, etc., all played the jade grid and took refuge in God.
Under the Xiaomen, "Lai Shang really opens the door to confession, so that even
the most foolish people have a way to reveal themselves. Now that we are with
the original
The blame for the past will return to the disaster that has not yet been
eliminated. To be more ignorant of taking refuge is to bear the burden of Tao
Zhu. The long-established destiny,
The Book of Encountering the Five Thunders of the Divine Sky. All rare immortals
receive the orders of the Supreme Nine Spirits. Therefore, it is in the palm of
your hand
The seal, the flying talisman written by the pen, manipulates Feng Ting,
distinguishes between humans and ghosts, helps life and death, assists
righteousness and eliminates evil.
How dare you fall into the dust and dare to fly on Kui Gang? It has been taught
since ancient times, and it is still practiced today.
To practice, one should refine swords and gules internally, store one's merits
externally, transform one's body into heaven, and assist the country and save
the people. Honor God
Xiaoyu Qingzhen Chang Wang gave birth to His Majesty the Great Emperor. His Tao
is greatly difficult to name. His virtues are great and Pu's, and his parents
are all born.
The Moon Master of the King Realm, Duanjiu combs before all the teas, controls
people as far as the outer space, and is compassionate and helpful.
In this world, it is convenient to save people. The minister inspected the east
platform of the east platform, and the side members of the west mansion, talked
about the code of dividing the talisman and breaking the certificate, and the
effect was
The ritual of inserting blood and drinking elixirs, swearing to lead generals,
and establishing special honors, all rely on talismans to explain the great
I sincerely draw lessons from you, and my true shade will replace you. I wish
you could clear the sea and mountains, lock the caves of demons, and eliminate
the void for common people.
This painting will once again promote the trend of Zhengyi."
① This is an extremely important document that shows
Bai Yuchan led all the disciples to formally convert to Shenxiao's sect, and
changed the emphasis of the Southern sect of the Jindan sect.
Self-cultivation of life's bias, on the basis of self-perfection, body and
nature, and salvation of the world
On the fifth day of the first lunar month of the twelfth year of Jiading (1219),
Bai Yuchan sent Yang Bozi to deliver a letter to Peng

See Volume 1 of "The Sayings of Master Hai Qiongbai", Volume 33 of "Tao Zang",
Page 1 1 6.
The prosperous period of the Shenxiao sect—Nantao\

Da) Ren

| 89

After a while, he informed the Heavenly Court that Yu had been officially given
the priesthood and ordered him to publish the Thunder Scripture and pass it on
to the world. He said:
"I made a memorial to the heavens and offered sacrifices to the gods. At that
time, I received the nine heavens' response to the thunder and the universal
transformation of the deity.
Those who record the code under the sect are signed to be responsible for the
official work of ghosts and gods in the Thunder City, and they are still subject
to the ghosts and gods treasures that are driven by the Supreme Qing Dynasty.
The printed text can be accepted as high as possible, and the loneliness can be
cured. Now the old man lives in his own house, if he has nothing to do
See and hear, but don't write anything, for fear of ups and downs, we can meet
again at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. "Thunder Jade Scripture"
I think it has been published, so I can distribute ten copies to spread them
among the people in Jiangxi."①
After that, Bai Yuchan left Wuyi and began his long journey again. He said:
"In March of the spring of Ji'mao, it is already summer in the Minxi Mountains,
the vegetation is still spring, and the white jade toads of Qiongshan are
swimming in the mountains.
Under Gushan Mountain, drink in the nunnery of Zhexian. Looking ahead and
roaring behind, looking left and right, Chonggang and Xiu,
There are abundant springs and luxuriant trees, and all my friends are sages, so
there is no less gathering in the Orchid Pavilion. ” ② Then “to Jiangzhou,
Travel to revitalize the national army, such as Yueyang, return to Yuzhang, pass
through Fuzhou, pay a visit to Huagai Mountain, and go down to Linjiang Army.
Take the road of Rao Xin and conquer the east. On August 1st, I traveled to
Shaoxing again and passed Qingyuan Mansion.
Return to Lin'an again. On October 12th, I was walking around for a while, and
suddenly I met Xiao Qian'an, and I got to know him.
Transformation, as if the nunnery has returned, the purple pot of Xiangshan is
there, and the Zhexian is fine. Ning Guo has shown his favor to each other many
times, and will never go to
See. Shi Kui is appointed as the pivot, and each has his own connections and can
pay him a visit. This is very lazy, so everyone takes a break.
Every day he just spends his time drinking and singing. He has nothing to ask
for and nothing to think about, except for me.
"Helin, this my beloved son is two thousand miles away", "
The method we are doing now is even more effective. Zai even
When you are drunk, you lose your virginity and fall into the water of the West
Lake. The seal of the Dharma is gone, so you can still laugh out loud. Want to
go to heaven
On the platform, before leaving, call Qian'an to teach him, and look south from
③ This white jade toad sent a letter to Peng Hui, and wrote
On October 20th, we can roughly understand Bai's whereabouts this year.
In the summer of July of the thirteenth year of Jiading (1 2 2 0), Bai Yuchan
went to Yan Zao Mountain to Ying Chong Zhen Palace
Following the request of Zhu Jixiang, the master of Miao, he wrote "The Notes of
Haotian Palace, Chongzhen Palace, Yanzao Mountain".
① See "
Hai Qiongbai's Quotes" Volume 4, "Tao Tan" Volume 3 3 Page 1 3 8.
② See "The Complete Works of Hai Qiongbai", Volume 1, "Preface to Dian
Xian'an", "Tao Zang Ji Yao", Bashu Edition, Volume 6
176 pages.
③ See "
Hai Qiongbai's Quotes" Volume 4, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 33, pages 137 and 138.
④ See "
Volume 31 of "Yulong Collection of Ten Books on Cultivation", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 4, Page 7 5 1.



Person times/—

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

On April 14, the fourteenth year (1 2 2 1), Bai Yuchan went to Gusu to attend
the Chunyang Meeting and was promoted to the throne.
He lectured on Lu Zu's life and deeds to teach Taoist believers. He said: "The
14th Emperor Jiading of the Song Dynasty
In the new year, Ji Yue Qinghe Tianxiu wants to be together, Hushan has repaid
its debt to Wulin, and Feng Yue has reunited with Suzhou. aunt
On the tenth day of Su Qi's month, the four groups formed a Chunyang gathering.
Chunyang Zhenren was born on this day, and the drifting beach is old.
Immortal Travels. I heard that Lu Chunyang in the Tang Dynasty was taught by
Zhongli Ziyunfang. Personally transmitted gold liquid to restore the elixir
Jue, travel to Jingxiang when you gain the Tao. Do people in the world still
recognize the pure yang? The crane's neck, turtle's cheeks and body are stained
and dirty...
One must master the Pure Yang Heart before one can learn the Pure Yang Way. "①
He also wrote the long poem "Chun Yang Hui"
To chant his ambition.

On the Shangyuan Festival in the fifteenth year of Jiading (1 2 2 2), Bai Yuchan
was invited by Peng Chao to write to him.
He arrived in Fuzhou from Zhejiang and set up an altar for his disciples to
preach. He said: "Today is the right time to go to the Yuan Dynasty. It is
urgent to
Jingzhi was ordered to be built, the Yutang was established, the Jade Chamber
Department was set up, and the Huanglu Office was still set up. From Chen and
Shen, the documents
After that, he announced the alliance to heaven and earth and planted giant
flags at the door. I ordered Xuyi Zhao Rufa to be a high-level scholar. When
Zishu Lin was
In the middle, Lin Boqian is the supervisor, Ziguang Lin Boqian is the prisoner,
Zifang Wu Jing'an is the attendant, and Yuling Dengdao
Ning is serving the incense, Yuhua Chen Milong is serving the lamp, Zi Hu Xie
Xian Dao is the straight altar, Zi Qiong Zhao is collecting
My husband was the watchman, and I (Peng Du) took charge of the Shangqing
Huanglu Envoy as the director. It uses the first month and the dark day
To fill the post, act on the first day of the second lunar month. On the fourth
day, a Jiao ceremony is held to express gratitude. On the fifth day, a memorial
ceremony is held for thunder.
He drank the ancient Nine Dynasties drink as usual. "③ After that, he solved
the problems and answered questions for all the disciples one by one.
Reveal mysteries.
In April of the same year, Bai Yuchan came to Lin'an, "
Fu Que talked about the affairs of the world", but the result was that he was
When he got there, he arrested Jing Zhaoyin because he was drunk, and he was
released after spending one night."
④ From time to time, some officials reported that he was using the heretical
He confused the public and was expelled from the capital. "Quan Fujian Poetry"
quoted Peng Xiang's "Bi Yuchan Biography" as saying:
Renwu and Mengxia, "
Fu Que said that the world's affairs cannot be achieved if they are blocked."
① See Volume 3 of "Quotations of Master Hai Qiongbai", Volume 33 of "Tao Zang",
Page 130.
② See "The Complete Works of Hai Qiongbai", Volume 2, "Tao Zang Ji Yao", Volume
6, Page 1 8 2 of the Bashu edition.
③ See Volume 2 of "Hai Qiongbai's Quotes", "Helin French", Volume 33 of "Dao
Chuan", page 1 1 9.
④ See pages 29 and 30 of "The Essence of Taoism", Volume 10, Part 2 (Part 1),
published by Taipei Free Press.
⑤ See Chen Lianting's "
Supplement to Volume 7 of Luofu Mountain Chronicles, Volume 32, Page 7 1 5 of
"The Book of Foreign Taoism".
The prosperous period of Shenxiao Sect—


(1) 叵)


In October, I arrived at the Jiangyue Pavilion of the Linjiang Army. "After

drinking deeply, I wrote a poem in my sleeves and went out with all my
followers. Not long ago."
When Zhan Wan jumped into the river, all the swimmers shouted for help. Mr. Zhan
Wan came out of the water and waved his hands to stop him.
All of them are said to have been hydrolyzed. This month I saw him again at
Laojun Cave in Rongzhou. From here we go to Guiling and return
The three mountains returned to Luofu. Shaoding Ji Chou (1229) Winter, it may be
said that Mr. Xian resolved it in Yu Yu
River. Mr. Chang has a poem that goes: When I am thirty-six years old, the blue
clouds and the white crane will be the time to return. In years
According to the calculation, it seems to be consistent. People who are over 10
years old have been seen in Long and Shu, and they have not yet died.
end. Kaobang was a disciple of Yu Chan, and the record is true. Chan was born in
Jiayin, Shaoxing, and settled in Shaoxing.
Ugly, ninety-six years old. "Those who are thirty-six years old can only take
away a year."
Through a basic review of Bai Yuchan's life story, we can see that he is indeed
Extraordinary. It was precisely because of his lifelong unremitting efforts that
both Nanzong and Shenxiao Sect became prosperous.
In the world. For the Nanzong of the Jindan sect, Bai Yuchan was the person who
promoted the Nanzong’s alchemy method and the Dharma sect.
A key figure who is famous in the world. Just as Wang Qingsheng later said:
"Seven returns and nine returns, gold
This is the person who refines the shape with liquid. One moment of intercourse,
one day of pregnancy, ten months of pregnancy, no vaginal discharge for three
It is called the Immortal of Pure Yang. For six years, there have been no
grains, and there is no wheezing in the nose. It is called Zhizhen, and its
bones are white jade.
The gold and its tendons walk in the void, and the holes penetrate the gold and
stone. This is the ultimate form of cultivating immortals. Since Lao Tzu,
From the time of the Yellow Emperor, all those who experienced rapid changes
would cultivate this ear. Therefore Laozi wrote the Tao Te Ching,
In order to edict future generations; Huangdi wrote the "Yin Fu Jing" to express
his purpose; because of this, the real person Wei Boyang
"Zhou Yi Shen Tong Qi", with extremely profound foundation. Zhongli Quan of
Zhengyang wrote "Yunfang" because of this.
"Chapter Thirty-Nine" to dispel the confusion of seeming; Chunyang Lu Yan was
inspired by it and wrote "Qinyuanchun",
Songs such as "Frost Sky Dawn Corner" and "Yaotou Tuokong" are used to widen its
meaning; Huayang Shi Jian Wu Xiu
Therefore, he wrote "
"Hui Zhen Ji", in order to induce students to learn, although they all invented
Taoist essentials and showed secrecy,
However, the laws of fire and warmth and nourishment have never been revealed.
Mr. Tiantai Yizhen was relegated to Zizi
Yang Zhenren, with unswerving virtues, felt that Xihuaguan people were at the
core, and taught them the formula, and the Tao became perfect.
Xinglin Shitai was awarded "Wu Zhen Chapter". Xinglin Daocheng taught Zixian Xue
Daoguang to write "Returning to the Yuan Dynasty"

See Volume 7 of Chen Lianting's "Supplementary Records of Luofu Mountain", "
The Book of Foreign Taoism, Volume 32, Page 715.
92 | @ @ @ @ /

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

"Chapter". Zixian succeeded and taught Niwan Zhenren the "Fu Ming Chapter".
Niwan Daocheng, taught Ziqing
The real person Bai Yuchan took "Cuixu Pian" as a follower of the Tao and a
follower of Ziqing. ”①
As far as the Shenxiao sect is concerned, Bai Yuchan theorized the thunder
method and transformed the school into a sect.
Important master. He is rich in literary talent and has written many works. In
addition to poetry collections "Shangqing Collection" and "Martial Arts
"Koji I", "Yulong Ji", etc., as well as "Jing Yu Xuan Jian", "Baizhen Wen"
compiled by his disciples
"Collection", "Quotations of Hai Qiong Bai", "Collection of Hai Qiong's
Preaching", "Jinhua Chong Bi Dan Sutra"
In addition to "Edict", there are also many writings on thunder talismans. The
most important ones are "Nine Heavens"
Ying Yuan's "Thunder Sound Universalizes the Heavenly Lord Yushu Bao Sutra",
"Xuanzhu Song Annotation", "Nine Essentials of Taoism",
"Sitting and Refining Kung Fu", etc., as well as the "Innate Thunder Crystal
Hidden Book" and "Gaoshang Jingxiao Sanwu"
Mixed with "Du Tian Da Lei Lang Shu", "Dongxuan Yushu Thunder Dafa", "Shenxiao
Cross Scripture",
They are all important documents of the Shenxiao Sect. Therefore, in many
thunder methods, White Jade Chan is used
Being listed as the founder of the Dharma is the recognition of his contribution
by the Shenxiao Party.
To sum up the above, Bai Yuchan conforms to the trend of the times and the needs
of society.
It vigorously advocates dialogue and exchanges between different sects and
different ideas, and promotes the inner development of Taoism.
elixirs, external elixirs, talismans, and thunder methods are even related to
Confucianism, Neo-Confucianism, Buddhism, Zen, and Tantra.
The mutual exchange of Dharma, yoga, etc., so as to build on a broader
ideological and cultural basis,
Constructed its own theoretical system. He compiled a large number of books with
very rich contents
Rich, involves Taoist philosophy, thought, culture, literature, history, Taoism,
Instruments and other fields. In terms of his contribution to the Shenxiao Sect
alone, he not only completed organizational
He improved the inheritance system of Shenxiao Sect, and more importantly, he
integrated inner alchemy and thunder method.
Combined with this, it comprehensively and systematically discusses the origin,
history and theory of Taoist thunder method.
theories, methods and social functions, thereby greatly improving and enriching
this Taoist discipline
Unique knowledge. At the same time, it also changed the traditional Hinayana
philosophy of Nanzong that only focused on personal cultivation.
Seeing this, he advocated going into society and using the power of thunder
method and alchemy to help the people and save the world. so

See "Three Extremes of Life", "Tao Zang", Volume 4, pages 938 and 939.
Shenxiao Sect’s Vast Golden One and Two South Rooms\ ⑷



The first result is that the Taoist alchemy method, which has always been
secretly taught, can be used in a wider field.
Dissemination, firstly, rationalizes and systematizes the art of thunder spells,
and the inner elixir and thunder spells are related to each other.
Moving closer to each other and integrating with each other is an important
change in Taoist culture. It is the white jade
Toad made a great contribution to the development of Taoism.

Section 4: Many Gaozhen who follow Shenxiao Taoism

During the Southern Song Dynasty, the spread of Shenxiao Taoism was mainly
divided into two groups: Sa Shoujian and Bai Yuchan.
In addition to this, there are also some tribes and high Taoists who are also
working hard to promote the Shenxiao Dharma.
Here are some basic information.
1) The tribe with Uncle Li Qing as its founder. The main biography of this sect
is "Zhengyi Zhongxiao Family Letter"
"The Great Method of Catching Five Thunders in White" can be called the
Zhongxiao Sect of the Shenxiao Sect. According to the disciples of this sect,
Xiuzhen Zigao
As Cang said, this great law of loyalty and filial piety was taught by the old
king to the ancestral heavenly master at Heming Mountain in Sichuan.
They were all taught by strangers and were not spoken by the various Taoist
sects of later generations. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Li Qingshu taught Zhao
Lu, Zhao Lu passed it on to Gao Cang, and the method began to appear again in
the world.
Uncle Li Qing's name is Jian, and his courtesy name is Uncle Qing. There is no
test of his birthplace. Calls itself "
The Jade Emperor lies in front of the emperor
"The Demonic Prime Minister Li Zhenjun" is also "one of the masters of the
Shenxiao Sect listed by Zhang Yuchu".
Conquer the devil
Li Jun"
. Li Zhenjun was traveling all over the world and suddenly met Zhao Guanfu in
the prefecture of Xiangxiang.
When they got together, they summoned two commanders, Gou and Bi, to appear in
front of them. Then they wrote four curses on the sleeves of their shirts and
sealed them with missing corners.
The text was awarded to Mr. Songyin Zhao. Before leaving, he gave instructions:
Keep loyalty and filial piety in mind. And also gave learning truth
boy. Hou Songyin was awarded to Mr. Kongshan Gao, Kongshan was awarded to Mr.
Nanjian Yue, and Nanjian was awarded
Lushan Qingxu Cheng, Mr. Cheng was awarded to Mr. Feng, Mr. Feng was awarded to
Mr. Zhou, and Zhou
Mr. Zhang Dongyuan gave it to Mr. Zhang Dongyuan, and Dongyuan gave it to
someone. They were all passed down directly. "① According to this,
The inheritance of this sect is as follows: Uncle Li Qing—

Zhao Guanfu, Xuezhentongzi—


"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 146 "Jiao Du Shi Shi", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 761.
There are 5 survivors, including Ba people/—


Mr. Yue—

Mr. Cheng—

The history and scope of the Shenxiao sect of Taoism

Mr. Feng—

Mr. Zhou—

Mr. Zhang, successively

As many as seven generations. There is no examination of the lives of these

people, but there is a biography of Zhao Guanfu.
Gao Cang, a disciple of the Zhao family, recorded in detail in "Records of the
Origin of the Sect" that his master learned Taoism from Li Qing.
Uncle's story: Zhao Lu, whose courtesy name is Guanfu and whose nickname is
Songyin. A native of Pingyang, Wenzhou. Born in Bingyin
The third day of February. "My father's name is Jue. I am Di Gonglang in
Tanzhou, Hunan. He is a wine official in Ganquan. The public servant Cai
When he was an official, he was in Gengchen, and his father died in Ren. The
public is a man of upright nature and has a good temperament.
Fan, who is solemn and uninhibited, disdains the name, reins, and shackles, but
abandons the world and travels in Hunan.
In the south of Guo County, Xiangzhen County, he lives in Shangzhen Taoist
Temple and cultivates his true nature. One day, Yuyi suddenly arrived, and the
dragon's eyebrows were bright.
First of all, I don’t know how old he is or who he is. “We get along very well
with him and want to teach him secret techniques.
"Tell him: I am not a human being, but the one who subdued demons in front of
the Jade Emperor and Prime Minister Li Zhenjun, that is me.
He is in charge of the Ministry of Lei. So I took out a pen and an inkstone in
my sleeves, and looked around the wilderness, but there was nothing to write on.
Suiyun said: Are you willing to show your sleeves and remember what I preach?
Gong Xinran dared not to obey orders, so he demolished
White silk sleeves with it. After writing, the secrets passed down orally were
given instructions one by one. He knelt down to receive the courtesy and thanks.
Farewell, after walking one mile, I shouted at the foot of the mountain and
ordered the Duke to return. I have a Qingcheng with seals and Tibet.
The mountain abbot looked at the stone box and ordered the thunder general to
take it to you. This Dharma is called Zhongxiao White Catching Five Thunders.
Law. In this dynasty, only Hui Temple was honored. The forbidden secret cannot
be passed down to the next generation. Good luck today
Hey, since your phoenix has immortal bones, I taught him personally. It is
advisable to be pious, self-respecting and cherish. Ru Bo De
If you die, you are an unfaithful and unfilial person, so be careful not to let
it slip. Anyone who prays to chase away evil spirits and melt demons, but
The seal script seals the contract, and when the talisman comes, it will be
implemented." Zhao Guanfu learned the method very well.
After sealing the Dharma, the two commanders immediately met. Then he picked up
a bag and traveled around, "civilizing Zhao, Miao, Zhou and Gaosi"
people. In the tenth month of the lunar month, the Duke was born in the house of
his disciple Zhou Jian. Gao Cang was also one of his disciples.
The prefectures and counties must carry out the teachings passed down by their
ancestors, and if they are enlightened and matched by fate, they will be as
wonderful as
"Response". ①
2) The tribe with Zou Tiebi as its founder. The main biography of this sect is
"The Hidden Book of Innate Thunder Crystal".

See Volume 146 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 29 of "Tao Zang", pages 762 and 763.
The prosperous period of Shenxiao Sect—

Southern Song Dynasty\

Funny) (1) ④

Zou Tiebi was from Nanfeng, the same hometown as Wang Wenqing. My former teacher
was Wang Wenqing’s nephew Shangguan Zhenren,
He was awarded the "Innate Thunder Crystal Hidden Book". According to Yu Ji's
"Linghui Chongxu Tongmiaozhen King Shichen Ji"
It is said that Shangguan Zhenren obtained Wang Wenqing's true biography. At
that time, the famous book said, "When I met Ning Zongchao, the law also
Daxian, given the title Mr. Miaoji." "Xiantian Lei Jingyin Shu·Daomiao" also
said: "This method serves
Chen's secret book, the three commanders of ancient Yushu, was hidden and
forbidden during the Xuanhe period. It is not allowed to be spread in vain. It
is the only one.
This was passed down from the family of the official ancestor to pay tribute to
his predecessors, Tiebi Zou Gong and Yuchan Baigong. ”①
In addition, Zou Tiebi also preached "The Great Dharma of the Innate No Fire and
Thunder Envoy's Prayer" in
World. His disciples recalled: The main master of our sect has "
Ancestor Xianji Bai Yuanjun, Ancestor
Fire Master Wang Zhenjun, Linghui Chongxu Tongmiao Shichen Wang Zhenjun,
Shangguan Ersanzhenguan, Iron Wall
Zou Zhenguan, Yueding Mo Zhenren, Master Wuwei Chen Zhenren, Chunxin Mr. Li,
Xiufeng Deng
Sir, Mr. Taihe Huang, the former and later masters have passed down the real
person."②. Then his lineage has been extended
Continued to the Yuan Dynasty.
3) The lineage with Zhang Yuanzhen as its master, mainly transmits "Hunyuan
Yixiang Bagua Cave God"
The Five Thunder Methods of Heavenly Medicine". This series is dedicated to the
ancestors of the Celestial Master Zhengyi Jingying Zhenjun and the 30th
generation Celestial Master Zhang
The successor is the ancestor, and the grandmaster is Zhang Yuanzhen, the master
of Zixu Miaodao in Qingcheng Mountain, and Zuo Fuzhen of Jinque
Jun Liu Zhiqing. Zhang Jixian's "Preface to the Cave God" says: The natural
method of Bagua includes everything.
Xiang, the great god of fortune and Bagua, understands the mysterious
principles, discovers the opportunities of creation, and detects unforeseen
consequences of ghosts and gods.
Wonderful, subtle and profound, it contains the key to escape from death and
transcend life, dispel evil and maintain righteousness, and the wonder of
natural changes.
The door moves naturally, so there is current retribution. “The immortals of
past dynasties have practiced golden elixirs to dispel internal diseases.
The external demonic obstacles can be eliminated and promoted to immortality,
and the evil can be converted into righteousness. Yubu can surpass the gods and
stabilize the safety and chaos.
Nor is it out of politeness. My Dafa can move heaven and earth from above, and
shake mountains and rivers from below.
If it is bright, it can subdue dragons and tigers; if it is dark, it can subdue
ghosts and gods; if it is large, it can help the country; if it is small, it can
ward off disasters.
Suffering, this efficaciousness is difficult to measure, and it lasts forever.

"Preface to the Mysterious Preface of Bagua Cave God" points out:

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 84, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, Page 3 4 1.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 82, "Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 3 2 1.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 196, "Tao Zang" Volume 30, pages 247 and 248

人人女女岁/--The evolution and thought of the Shenxiao sect of Taoism

This method of inner scene of Bagua is unprecedented in ancient times and modern
times. Zhang Gongzhen of Western Shu taught and accepted it.
Therefore, the effect of its verification is only to continue his school of law
and add to what Liu Jun Zhiqing practiced.
If you practice it, it will be fulfilled without any falsehood. "
① The future inheritance of this sect has not been tested, and it seems that it
should be integrated into
Among other Taoist sects.
(4) A faction represented by Chen Daoyi, the leader of this faction
He preached the "Shenxiao Jinhuo Tianding Dharma". Chen Dao's life is not the
Details, claiming to be "
Shangqing Dadong Master Shenxiao Shangxiang Baozhenji
Wu Qiong Yao and Jin Que Zhenren." He said: "Those who have gold, fire and
heaven are always the same."
All dharmas are united in one body, and one mind is used to respond to all
dharmas, forming one talisman and one seal.
The most important thing. "
Its gods can cultivate the body, refine the soul, and
It can be used to collect semen, capture it in a bottle, and maintain hygiene.
It can kill monsters, eliminate plagues, cause rain, and pray.
Clear weather can cut off the veins of springs, destroy temples, and illuminate
the mirror
The wonderful thing about evil is that the treasure seal can measure the shape
and ascend to the sky, protect the fetus and ensure pregnancy, and resolve the
Knot birth. First protect yourself, then settle down in your home, and then cure
God, chasing away evil spirits, could it be that he refines his mind and
transforms it? "
② This faction
Inheriting the Taoist teachings taught by Lin Lingsu, we use the "Golden
Principles" written by Lin Lingsu to
The Fire Bell Song of the Three Qi of Huotianding Shenxiao" is a classic and its
As follows: Lin Lingsu—

Xu Bida—

Liu Yu—

Zhang Ruhui—

Golden Fire Heaven Ding Iron Talisman

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan")

Chen Dao-----Xue Dongzhen, Lu Yanghao-

Huang Gongjin was at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty. Because everyone in
his teachings

"Yuzhen disciples", so this sect can be called the Yuzhen sect of the Shenxiao
5) A series represented by Lu Yanghao. This series’ main biography is "
Taiyi Fire Rhinoceros Mansion
"General Zhu's Examination of Dafa", "Beiyin Fengdu Taixuan's Black Law of Demon
Control and Collection of Evil Witches". Lu

See Volume 195 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "

"Tao Hall" Volume 30, page 234.
See "Dao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 19 7 1, "
Taoism" Volume 30, page 250.
The prosperous period of Shenxiao Sect^—


Enter) (8) 3


The wild name is Boshan and the nickname is Yanghao. He followed the Tao and
sought the truth, and he successively studied under Chen Daoyi, Zhang Jixian,
and Zheng
Zhiwei and other high-level truths can fully understand the secrets of Shenxiao
Taoism and Beidi Taoism. "Leao Preface" calls it
Obtained "General Zhu's Examination of Dafa" from Zhang Jixian, who was
traveling in Qingcheng Mountain and "encountered Heavenly Master Xu Jing"
Teach the methods of all levels. He came to Hongzhou from Wuzhou and lived in
Baiheguan, the capital of the Qing Dynasty in Fengcheng.
"Stop." "The methods of practicing the six subtle levels of the Six Yin Cave are
all effective. As soon as the talismans arrive, they will immediately appear
Healing, Gaixu Jingtian Master is a first-rate human being. Gejin cloth clothes,
don't like to dress up, but like to be clean
"Quiet". ① Liu Yu said that Chen Dao gave a biography of "Shenxiao Jinhuo
Tianding Dafa" to Lu Yanghao, Lu
Before his death, he taught the Dharma to Liu Yu. Lu said in his own words that
he received the Beidi's method from Zheng Zhi, the real person of Chongmiao.
Zhu Zhenjun, the law enforcer of Wei, said: "Everything about fighting evil and
treating epidemics is to cut off the hindrance. It is a magical skill."
There is no way to use it, and all those who practice the Dharma have not
achieved the wonderful point, and they will never be able to eliminate the path
of evil.
Ye Guang consulted Xuanhui, and Meng Chongmiao said: The method of cutting off
the queen is not as good as Beiyin Fengdu Lian Tiantie
The wonder of obstacles. The black laws that the ancient saints received must be
all written in them. Zhu Zhen later enforced the law
Sir, you know its wonderful use and keep it secret. He worked diligently in the
field to learn from Sophora flavescens to complete his writing. Later scholars
"Jingbaoyan"② It can be seen that Lu Yanghao is a master who combines many
Dafa. His younger brother
His sons Xu Bida and Liu Yu continued his lineage.
6) The second series represented by Liu Yu, which mainly writes "Shenxiao Jinhuo
Tianding Da"
"Law" and "Law of Earth". According to Huang Gongjin (The Facts of Liu
Qingqing), Liu Yu is still famous throughout the world.
The courtesy name is Qingqing, and he is a native of Heshuo for generations. He
was born in Lizong's reign. Liu Qi, a distinguished minister of the Southern
Song Dynasty
His grandson was buried in Linchuan, so his father married into Fengcheng and
moved to his home in Fengcheng. "Inherited by the ancestors
Lang, who admired Qingxu since he was a child, gave up his official position and
engaged in Taoism before he was young. He traveled all over the world and
donated no money.
So Jin is a famous teacher. At first, he practiced Xiao Si Zhi Fu Shui, and then
he practiced Ling Guan Fengdu Di Zhi Kao.
All have spirits. Later, Lu Junboshan came to Jiangxi because of raising Hao,
and he used various methods to pay Xu Hongji's death.
Hong Ji awarded Qing Qing with his income. Qing Qing learned the method and
traveled from Lu. ” It can be seen that Liu Yuguang seeks Taoism

See Volume 227 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 30, Group 2, Page 2.
See Volume 266 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 30, Page 634.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

In Dharma, I first learned from Xu Bida and then from Lu Yanghao. When Lu
Yanghao was dying, "Qing Qing said
Please come to me from the first level of Jinhuo Tianding who is alone in the
sky. Lu Xi used the heart chapter to conceal taboos and secrets of internal
Pay it forward with hardship. After the records were completed, all the
disciples died, and Lu Fu died with his eyes closed. Qing Qingzi
Later, in the morning and evening, I kept thinking about it, but this was not
the case. A single talisman will only change in ever-changing ways.
Move forward. All prayers lead to cutting, and all the sun and thunder are
directed by the ten hands and eyes. See
To rescue people in distress, they often use the Jade Tianxin Seal, the Seventy-
Two Tombs Litigation Seal, and the Thirty-six Tombs Litigation Seal.
Nothing can be done to save the emergency seal. For preserving health, curing
diseases and expelling evil spirits, Shenxiao is often used to fight. Passionate
Holding a watch is only a day old."
① This is the reason why Liu Yu was able to inherit Shenxiao Tianding Dharma.
Liu Yushang had other teachers, and his "Di Zhi Dharma" was obtained from many
masters. He tells himself
There is only one Dharma in the world, which has dozens of levels. General Wen
is responsible for it. He also has more than ten books, so that scholars can
Mo Zhi is comfortable with it. I first got the Shengxian Guan Chun, then I got
Li Zhenjun Shoudao, and then I got it from
Liuyin Cave is slightly different from Lu Xianqingye, but what he was taught is
already very different. Then when you meet the real official at that time, you
will be lucky.
The seal becomes more and more different. Late in the evening, I heard about the
judge Tianyou and the rumored Lu Zhenguan Xizhen, and the mysteries began to be
fully prepared.
That’s it. Lu Yi Taoism came to Jiangxi from Qingcheng, and his reputation
became famous for a while. He prayed for sunshine, rain, and cutting down trees.
Miao Ban Xie, could it be that he used this Lu's Dharma book to summarize the
essentials and simplify it "② It can be seen from this that his
"Di Zhi Fa" was hard to come by. I paid homage to Sheng Chun, Li Shoudao and Lu
Yanghao successively.
Zhenguan, Wen Tianyou, and Lu Xizhen were able to understand all the mysteries.
In order to obtain the true biography, Liu Yu practiced for fourteen years. He
An angry thought,
After studying it for seven years, I received the thunder talisman water. After
another seven years, I became quite familiar with it, the tunnel was slightly
clear, and the interior
The habit of coming in and out of external spirits, the awareness of the
changing moods of ghosts and gods, and the key points of practice are one of
"In view of the chaotic situation at that time when Taoism was complicated and
the truth and falsehood were mixed, Liu Yu advocated rectification.
He adheres to the ten precepts of self-cultivation and clearly distinguishes the
sects of the law. He examines their origins and shows their inheritance.
Said: "The law of the earth's only division was first taught to Master Xu Jing,
and then manifested to the Master of Tianbao Cave.

See "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 253, "Tao Zang" Volume 30 pages 558 and 559.
Liu Yu's autobiography in Volume 253 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 3 0 of "Tao
Zang", page 5 5 5,
The Shenxiao Sect prospered and won the Southern Song Dynasty\




Wang Zongjing Zhenguan, Qingcheng Wu Daoxian Zhenguan, Qingzhou Liu Boqi

Xianguan, Guozhou Weihuizhong
The enlightened masters became masters one after another. After that, people
like Jiangxi, Fujian, Shuhu and Guangsifa were not limited to surnames.
There are several people who are famous in Jie Ning. The book begins with a
stone tablet version, followed by the Tielin Mansion Dizhi and Yuan Gong.
Madam Temple Earth Lord, Five Thunder Earth Lord, Five Tiger Earth Lord, Suozi
Earth Lord, Cross Ground Lord, Four
The evil place is the only place, and the holy place is the only place. Later
there were Su Daoji sect, Wenzhou Zheng sect, Li Pengtou sect,
Guo Yaoqing sect and Xuanling Xu sect. There are countless types like this, and
there are thousands of different paths, and their origins are analyzed.
branches. "
① It can be seen that the earth's dharma is widely spread and has many tribes.
Liu Yu claimed that he had Zhang Ji
"True transmission first,"
He strictly abides by Lu's words and does not dare or fail. It is easy to move
with all laws, nothing more than the earth.
The earth is only brave and brave, and there is no Yue Wen general." ② Later
Liu Yu taught his disciple Huang Gongjin the method.
7) A line with Liu Haoran and Xu Zhigao as its masters. This line mainly writes
Yihuofu Five Thunder Method). According to Song Xianchun and Xinwei (1271),
Huang Yixuan's Fa
"Source of Deeds": "
The thunder of the Taiju Fire Mansion is the secret method of the inner court of
Yuqing, the True Fruit of Beidou
The incarnation is the main method of Taiyiyue School. Pray to drive away evil
spirits, slay demons and subjugate spirits, very spiritual
"Since the first year of Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty (742), in July, there were
floods, droughts, locusts, poisonous gases, and evil spirits.
Now, at that time, Feng You, the prefect of Mianzhou, started the memorial. He
dreamed of the Holy Mother of Beiyin at night and said, "The next day
I found a secret scroll on the incense table and thought it was Taiyi Lei. Feng
You obtained it and established it in accordance with the law.
The altar called, thundering loudly, and Taiyi Yuanjun appeared in the altar to
respond. Prefect Cilu
Abandoning his home, he practiced the magic of water and performed meritorious
deeds, and was granted the title of True Master of the Purple Mansion by God.
The father-in-law of Qingcheng Mountain who later disappeared
Guan, there was a Taoist priest Jiang Yuanheng who taught him Xuanwen in three
years. Later, Lu Zhengqing and Li
Juchuan, Zhang Shenzhi and other teachers taught and received, distinguished
between humans and ghosts, and praised the universe, without any rules.
During the chaos of the Five Seasons, many people went into hiding, so no one
heard about it. These are all contained in this sutra. The Holy Song Dynasty
Since the Jiuzhen of Yan'en Hall came down to the throne, he has respected the
Taoist Dharma and taught righteously. Mr. Xiyi Chenla lives in China
Mountain, get the method in the stone chamber."


See Volume 253 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "Remaining Comments on Di Zixu", Volume 30
of "Tao Zang", Nos. 5, 5, 6 and 567
See Liu Yu's autobiography in Volume 253 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 30 of "Tao
Zang", page 5 5 5.


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Later, this book was spread to Western Shu, and Liu Hao, the headmaster of
Damian Mountain in Qingcheng, Chengdu Prefecture,
However, the courtesy name is Zhongfang, which is taboo for Jin. After obtaining
the method, he "collected the Jiutian Witch and locked her in the Bajiao Well.
As a result, the great education became more and more prominent. Those who
obtained the Lei Zu sect were Sun Taichu, Zhao Shigu, Du Changzong,
Lu Zhenren. Nearby were Liu Xuzheng, Wang Fajin, and the military supervisor
Zhao Biwo. There were many of them, and only Xu
Zhigao Zhenren obtained the Dharma and showed it to the public." At that time,
Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty issued an imperial edict to cure
the internal monsters and clarify the
He taught in Qingcheng and was given the title Tongxuan. One hundred and fifty
years later, Tianshu ordered him to serve Taiqing, and he ascended to the
Xu Zhigao was born in Yuezhou, Sichuan, and was named Yi. I have loved peace and
quiet since I was a child, so I went to Qingcheng Mountain and went out
At home, he worshiped Liu Haoran as his teacher and stayed with him for fourteen
years. Before Liu Haoran emerges,
If you come in a hurry, I will teach you the Dharma. As you travel south, it is
spread to six hundred disciples "Xu Zhi
After Gao Zi obtained the Dharma, he left Shunan and traveled to the south of
the Yangtze River. When he came to the inner courtyard of the capital, he saw,
"There are demons doing evil.
The magician cannot cure it, and the real person can kill the demon by more than
ten feet with just one talisman. Granted by God to subdue demons,
He took this name to subjugate the demon Xu Zhenren, and later traveled to
Yanping, Fujian, where he took Yang Gengyun as his younger brother.
Son, please preach the truth. On June 6, the first year of Emperor Lizong's
Baoqing reign (1225), he was "cremated"
Yuchen Temple in Maoshan. "
When the real person has not ascended to immortality, he will be given the Dao
Dharma and the secret seal of the Lei Seal Script to the general.
The Thunder Dusi Seal, the Dutian Great Thunder Fire Seal, the Tongtian Seal,
and the Tianbao Family Seal are all handed down to
"Piyun Yang Zhenren"
Piyun Yang's real name is Gengchang, and his name is Xie. A native of Yanping,
Fujian. "
His father served as a professor in Shu
At the mouth of the river, I saw Xu Fumo. Later, when he went home to have a
Chunyang meeting, Xu Fumo saw that he was getting old, so he and Yang
The professor took the elixir and gave birth to a boy from his concubine. Later,
Xu subdued the demon and returned to Yanping, taking Piyun with him.
He went to Xishu, Jiankang, Maoshan and other places, and later passed on to
"After Xu Zhigao passed away, Yang
Piyun returned to his hometown of Yanping because his mother was still alive. "
There is Huangzhitang, Pucheng County, Jianning Prefecture,
When I came out to guard Yanping's second chariot, I saw the real person Piyun
driving thunder and lightning, driving to reveal the stars, and praying for rain
and sunshine.
Tired, Shu, Yunni, all pointing out. There is Li Jun who is also from Sichuan
and strongly recommends him. This will stop you first
In the hall, Yunzhuang was ordered to worship Piyun as his teacher.
"Yang Piyun then took Huang Yunzhuang as his disciple and taught him the secret
of thunder method.
print. During the reign of Chunyou, he once prayed for rain on the West Lake Su
Di and the result was successful. The imperial court granted him the title of
The Shenxiao sect flourished in the Song Dynasty on February 1st, ⑻


But not accepted. His disciples include Sanmaoshan Yuchenguan Xue Juzhen and
Xishu Xuange Zhenren.
"Yunzhuang has been practicing Dharma for more than thirty years, and people
from all over the world have come to pray for it.
As long as you are diligent and sincere in your worship, you can cure diseases
and drive away evil spirits, and pray for sunshine and rain.
There is no one who should not respond, and the text of Taiyi Fire Mansion, I
dare not disclose it, because it is not the only method that cannot be
And people in the south of the Yangtze River rarely heard of it. After receiving
the teacher's advice, you can teach it to Westerners. Yesterday
He taught it to Li Gongxiang of Biyuan in Chengdu and got it from the West. Nian
Yunzhuang's elm scenery faces the dusk, and Zhile enjoys the forest springs.
Too lazy to leave the mountain, he feared that this article would be lost. He
would learn from it and pass it on, so he passed it on to the ancestor of the
city, Shen Zhai.
Fengji, Huang Chengxin, Zhan Shanli, Chen Qingxi, etc., explained the teachings
on my behalf. Yongkao Biography
It was recorded, and the voice of the teacher's training was recorded, and the
first chapter was written. Gai Xilai's methods are all simple and essential, and
they are
It has no loose shape, and the curse has no charm. It is different from the
method in Jiangnan. When you see it, there is no suddenness. ”① In addition,
Yang Piyun also passed down "
The law of fire "Deng Tianjun Dafa" came to the world.

Since Feng You of the Tang Dynasty started the Taiyi Thunder Method, Qingcheng
Mountain in Sichuan has always been its ancestral home.
Later it was passed down to Jiang Yuanheng, Lu Zhengqing, Li Juchuan, Zhang
Zhongzhi, etc., and then passed through Gaodao in the Northern Song Dynasty.

, Xishu Liu Haoran, Yuezhou Xu Zhigao, Yanping Yang Gengchang, Pucheng


Chengdu Li Gongxiang and others, this sect has been spread to the late Southern
Song Dynasty, and there are many disciples all over Western Shu,
Jiangnan and Fujian regions. Examining the content of its Taoism, it is also
based on Shenxiao Lei Dharma, so it should be
Shenxiao faction. One of his great masters was Jianzhou Xu Zhigao, who was
respectfully called "the Patriarch Zhongtian" within the sect.
"The prime minister subdued the demon Xu Zhenren", that is, the master of
Shenxiao listed by Zhang Yuchu "
The prime minister Xu Jun."
8) The Nanzong lineage with Peng Hu as their master, they also teach Shenxiao
thunder method. Peng
Xiang was born in Changle, Fujian, and his courtesy name was Jiyi. His family
background is high-ranking, he has little literary reputation, but he is calm
and indifferent.
Official affairs. Later, he studied under Bai Yuchan, "
The legend of Taiyida Guihuo Talisman, Jiuding gold, lead, sand and mercury
The book "Zi Xiao Xiao Ming Feng Ting's Essays" fully connects internal and
external elixirs, spells and thunder methods.
In the place where his hometown lived, he established "Helinjing" to preach and
preach the Dharma. He entertained his mind with Confucius every day.

"Dao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 188, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 30, pages 188 ~ 190.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 80, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 300.


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Liangjiao

Use talismans to cure diseases, and many people have benefited from it, and the
country has obtained it. For a while, if you live in a noble house and are
encouraged to serve, you can't be strong.
Broken, but the knowledge is extensive and the taste is far-reaching, so the
ancient filial piety and integrity are not an exaggeration. Desire for the road
He recommended him to the court for his seclusion, but when the king heard about
it, he declined and thanked him. He stays alone all day long and keeps away from
the rest of the world."
"When you are excited, you will compose poems or drink alcohol. After drinking,
you will be very drunk and then stop. If there are ghosts and gods harming you,
If the patient is ill, he will be cured by using elixirs. His profound Taoism
and howling wind and thunder are admired by people.
The body was later exhumed in Fuzhou."
① Author of eighteen volumes of "Annotations to the Tao De Zhen Jing" and "He
Lin Fu"
Passed down from generation to generation, it is the authentic lineage of Xilin
Sect of Qinan Sect.
Zhu Ju, nicknamed Cuiyang. He lived in Wangjiang, Anqing, Huaixi (now part of
Anhui). Cute since childhood
Hui, aspiring to Confucianism, especially proficient in easy numbers, and long,
failed in the imperial examination. I hate the bad reputation
Li, admires cultivation, travels to famous mountains and resorts, intending to
get a teacher and prove the great way. Xiao Zongqian
Dao Wuzi (1 1 6 8) went to Boluo, Huizhou, met Chen Nan's disciple Ju Jiusi, and
made an oath to him.
"Earth, Ju Jiusi" means using the secret of Jiuding Dao, Guihuo Talisman, the
text of Five Thunders, Gold Book and Jade Seal, Jiujiu Si
The method of flying Shenyang Dao is passed down from the heart, and the
instructions are given in full. And ordered to go to Wan Gong Mountain to build
Room, practice according to law."
②. Zhu Ju obeyed his master's orders and went to Wangong Mountain to build a
house and practice. consequent
Being harassed by the bandits, he entered Fujian and arrived at Boluo, Huizhou.
He stayed in Huizhou for three years and stayed in Huizhou for three years.
He died on November 13, the second year of You (1 2 4 2). There was a disciple,
Zheng Ruzi, who followed his path.
(9) A line with Wan Dingxin as its founder. This line mainly writes "Jiuzhou
Sheling Man Lei"
Female", "
Jiuzhou Sheling Yang Lei Dafa". The first ancestor of this sect was Xu Xun, and
the second ancestor
The teacher is "
The supreme sunshine, the mysterious and wonderful way, the true king Wan
Dingxin,” is what Zhang Yuchu enumerated
The "Ten Thousand Five Thunders" among the masters of the Shenxiao Sect. Then it
was passed down one by one: Wan Dingxin—

Qingsandong Master Thunder Ambassador Wang Zongbai—

Shangqing Sandong via Luxitai Thunderstorm caused Qingyang

Dingyi Jinque Shichen Yushu envoy Liang Tianjin—


Shenxiao Law Enforcement Immortal Lord Yueding Xiao Daochun

Volume 49 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Tao of All Pasts", Volume 5
of "Tao Zang", page 3%.
See Volume 49 of "The True Immortal Body and Tao Tongjian of the Past", Volume 5
of "Tao Zang", page 387.
The rise and fall of the Shenxiao sect—

Yuetian Liu Deqing, the Shangqing of Shenxiao Yufu—

Southern Song Dynasty'



Wang Yixuan, the treasure of the heavenly heaven -


There were eight generations in total of Wang Mingwei, the great master of the
Great Cave Sutra of the Qing Dynasty.
①Although their life stories are
It’s impossible to test, but the Taoist teachings described belong purely to the
Shenxiao sect, and he should be considered a member of Shenxiao.
In addition to the nine major tribes mentioned above, there are still some
unknown teachings and outstanding reputations.
Taoist priests of the Shenxiao sect, such as the following representatives.
Qinghuadong Xuanzi Chen Xiangzhen, his life story is unknown. Author of "Thunder
Compendium Theory",
He believes that thunder has the function of fulfilling the great road and is
the cardinal of creation.
Tun, with the Qian Gang at the top and the Kun Barrier at the bottom, it is
powerful in the world, its sound shakes the heavens, and it nourishes the souls.
Cut off the evil, protect the country, shout to the sky, the wind is flowing,
the thunder and rain are majestic, Zhao Zhao
Its existence and its non-existence are all together, forming one fruit, and
scattering them into five thunders. Roll it up and become silent
The shape is relaxed and suddenly there is an image, the Tao travels in the
Dharma Realm, and the wonder lies in the spiritual platform."②
Huang Yingyan, from childhood to adulthood, pursued Taoism and sought truth,
worked diligently and never slackened off, presented his poems and letters
I paid homage to the master, "I met the most important person in Meishan, so I
kowtowed and begged him. He was my master, and I vowed to set up a
Altar, call for thunder to summon the generals, this must be moved, the
retribution will not be special, and the number of thunder books will be given.
The emperor has roots through the ages, simple runes and calligraphy, precious
calligraphy, gold inscriptions, and jade seals.
There is still much left in the top-grade Thunder Book and Sutras of Great and
Small Tribulations. How can we discuss it unless a great person obtains it?
Pin Lei's books are all written by the emperor. The lower grade thunder book is
the immortal scriptures collected by the master Yingshi and collected into
Deed. Above you can pray for heaven to bless the country, and below you can
praise the Dharma and help people.”③
Zhang Yeyu, there is no test of his life story. He wrote "The Theory of
Tiangang" and believed that Tiangang is the origin of heaven.
Handle Star is the master of the root of thunder, so it discusses the inner
secrets and functions of Tiangang in detail. It states:
"Ears, eyes, mouth, nose, tongue, spirit, soul, and mind gather towards the
middle palace and turn into the innate air, which is the middle palace.
The yellow qi is also the Tiangang qi in my body. A person who practices the
practice, looks at the five aggregates internally, strengthens Qi and practices
Gods, gather their corpses and souls, they can’t think of anything inside, they
can’t think of outside, their spirit doesn’t dissipate, mixed with hundreds of

See Volume 125 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 603.
See Volume 66 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 29 of "Tao Zang", pages 205 and 206.
See Volume 66 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 29 of "Tao Zang", page 2 0 8.
1 learn


The History and Thoughts of the Shentu Sect of Taoism

also. Those who observe the gods from outside, use my past cultivation skills to
recite mantras and knead the secrets on the talismans
Bugang serves all the spirits, and all the gods obey orders. No one dares to be
respectful, and the retribution is like the sound of a grain of rice.
It is almost natural, but only by purifying oneself and fasting with a sincere
heart, one can move the heaven and the earth and feel the ghosts and gods.

Master Wan of Yuanxu Zhenren, his life is unknown. He is the author of "Leifa
Yixuan Chapter". claim to be
As a disciple of Wang Wenqing, "I learned about the Way of Hunyuan Taiyi, the
article on the Five Thunders to Combat Evils, the Second Bureau of the General
Fourteen parts, divided into three volumes: upper, middle and lower volumes.
Among them, there are about 200 talismans, seals and secret incantations.
Chapter, Fei Gang squatting, sealing and pinching, Xi can have its title."
Therefore, I sincerely ask Wang Wenqing to report
In a clever way. The master and apprentice cut their flesh and cut their hair,
and swore an oath to each other. Wang Wenqing then taught him the secret.
There are no more than thirty chapters of talismans and incantations in this
volume, and all the French Gang Jue can be memorized. The teacher said:
"The most profound thing is the most simple thing, and the beauty lies in the
elegance." Master Wan mastered his secrets, knew the secrets of the stars, and
repeatedly obtained spiritual knowledge.
The effect is to transport wind and thunder in the palm of your hand. He praised
this method and said: "
Therefore, my teacher, Wang Jun, is too suave to get the truth.
The king's key to doing things in an expedient manner cannot be met by someone
who is not a man of his soul, nor can he meet someone who is fiercely loyal and
Who can hold it? Furthermore, if you hold on to one end of the Dharma and
practice the shortcut to true cultivation, how can anyone who is not divinely
perfect drive it?
Ghosts and gods to save Shen Rot. Therefore, the Patriarch used the true fruit
of Yuanyi to transform countless great generals and destroy them.
The Demon King of the Six Heavens, after accumulating merit and deeds, went to
the Golden Palace.

In addition, there is Mr. Taiwu Wang Jiling who preached the "Prayer of Thunder
Six-yi Tianxi Messenger".
"Xiongxiong", "Xiantian Sixth Day Happy Envoy Dafa", the master's direct fire
master Wang Zhenren, Shi
King Chen should be the direct descendant of Wang Wenqing.
③Including the silent scholar and Dongwei in Canghe River
His son, Pan Songnian, had no examination of his teachings. He passed on "The
Great Law of Xin Tianjun, a Fierce Official"④, and "Taiyijie".
"Ji Messenger Dafa"⑤, is also an important figure in the Shenxiao sect.
From the above, we can see the basic situation of the spread of Shenxiao Sect in
the Southern Song Dynasty. Southern Song Dynasty
The reason why the Shenxiao sect is still prosperous and has spawned many
branches is that in addition to the relationship with the Shenxiao sect,

See Volume 77 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 29 of "Tao Zang", pages 280 and 281.
"Tao Zang" Volume 32, pages 424 and 426.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volumes 91 and 92, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 379 ~ 389.
See Volume 81 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 29 of "Tao Zang", page 3 1 5.
See Volume 96 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 29 of "Tao Zang", page 4 0 6.
Shenxiao sent Xing Zhou—

Southern Song Dynasty\





In addition to the efforts of the masters to spread the Tao, it is also based on
the social soil of this historical period. Song
During the Liao, Jin and Yuan dynasties, the Han government was weakened and the
ethnic conflicts were unprecedentedly acute.
throughout this era. War, natural disasters, famine, plague, expropriation,
Official corruption, ethnic feuds, etc. weigh heavily on people. Tossing and
groaning in suffering
The people who chanted had to place their hope in the gods in the dark, who
could use talismans, seals and thunder to save their lives.
Fulu Taoism, whose mission is to help the world, became popular among the people
and was active in the government and the public. as a melting
The Shenxiao sect, which integrates spells and thunder methods with inner
alchemy, is known for its subtle and unique thunder methods.
It has been written all over the world, so it is very popular among the people.
Various thunder methods emerged at the historic moment, and the Taoist sect
There are many trees, showing an unprecedented prosperous scene.



The history and thought of Daoxiang Shenxiao School


Second class four!

Zhang Pi

The Shenxiao sect lasted from the Yuan Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties

In the late Southern Song Dynasty, as the Mongolian dynasty became increasingly
powerful, it successively destroyed the Jin Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.
After entering the Central Plains, unifying China, and establishing the Yuan
Dynasty, Taoism based on its original
There have been new evolutions, such as Quanzhen Taoism, Zhendao Taoism and
Taiyi Taoism that were originally active in the north.
etc., immediately received the recognition and support of the Yuan Dynasty, and
the talismans that were originally popular in the south came from different
sects have also successively obtained legal status, thus giving each Taoist sect
a greater
They have developed greatly and communicated and integrated with each other,
showing the development trend of the convergence of Qugui and Zongzong. exist
Among the many sects, the Zhengyi Tao in the south and the Quanzhen Tao in the
north are due to their favorable conditions.
The Yuehe Order's Jianquan development is particularly outstanding, and its
influence is far greater than that of other sects. So to
In the middle and late Yuan Dynasty, Quanzhen Taoism gradually became the focus
of Taoist development in the north, and Zhengyi Taoism also
Becoming the core of southern Taoism, various Taoist sects gathered in their
surrounding areas one after another.
The encirclement finally led to a situation in the history of Taoism where the
two major schools of Taoism, Quanzhen and Zhengyi, were at odds with each other.
These two major
The formation of this sect had a profound influence. Until the Ming and Qing
Dynasties, these two sects still unified Taoism.
However, most of the traditional Taoist sects still exist, even Quanzhen Taoism.
Due to the needs of development, many sects have been derived. As far as the
Shenxiao sect is concerned here, Renyuan
Later, Mo Yueding, Tan Wuzhen, Wang Weiyi and others inherited the ancestral
line and promoted Shenxiao Thunder Method.
During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were still those who followed Shenxiao
Falu, such as Tao Zhongwen, Zhang Yuchu, Shi
Shenxiao Zhuangshu is renewed on February 1, Yuanli


④) return



Dao Yuan, Fang Guoshu, etc. continued to be active in the government and the
public, thus continuing the lineage of Shenxiao.
By the middle of the Qing Dynasty. Based on the above basic clues of the
development of Taoism in Yuan and Ming Dynasties, this chapter is divided into
This part discusses the development of the Shenxiao sect of Taoism in the Yuan,
Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Section 1 The Shenxiao Sect of the Yuan Dynasty—

— Represented by Mo Yueding
The main descendant of the Shenxiao Sect in the Yuan Dynasty was Mo Yueding.
About his name and place of origin
As for the year of birth and death, the records in various books are different.
Volume 5 of "The Continuation of the True Immortal Body and Tao Tongjian of All
Pasts" says:
"The real person Yueding has a surname of Mo, a taboo of Dongyi, and a courtesy
name of Qiyan. He is from Xuechuan in western Zhejiang." Yiyan Yougeng
Yin (
Cha Yanyou has no Gengyin. Gengyin died in the 27th year of Yuan Dynasty (1290),
written before his death.
Stanza: "In the seventy-fourth year of the bright moon, the moon has also waxed
and waned. Today, the earth is bright and the three realms are bright.
The void is penetrating. After finishing the book, he sat upright and passed
away, his face as red as a pill. ” ① Song Lian’s “Yuan Mo Yue Ding”
"The Chuanbei" said: "Taboo Qiyan, after the Humane Dao, changed his name to
Zhanyi." Self-named Yueding. Huzhou Yuehe
A native of Xi, he died in the first month of the second year of Gengyin (1291)
with a lifespan of sixty-nine. ② Wang Feng
"Master Mo Yueding's Taoist Travels" states: Tao Qiyan, whose courtesy name is
Yueding, was born in Wuxing and was born in Bao
Qing Bingxu (1226), died in Yuan Jiawu (1294).
③ "Suzhou Prefecture Chronicles" states that it
For Tiaoxi people,
④ "Zhejiang Tongzhi" said that he was from Qiantang.
⑤ Wang Qi of Ming Dynasty's "General Examination of Continued Documents"
Volume 243 says he is from Gui'an, and Volume 10 of Lu Rong's Shuyuan
Miscellaneous Notes also calls him Huzhou.
He died in Suzhou. The above records are diverse and inconsistent. In summary,
The name Yueding comes from Yan, and Yueding is its character or name. Zhejiang
Wuxing (
Today's Huzhou City) people. or
It is called Xiaochuan, or Tiaoxi, or Yangui'an, all of which are within the
territory of Wuxing. As for the years of birth and death,
It is difficult to determine the age of his life, but he was probably born in
the Baoqing year (1225-1227) of Emperor Lizong of the Southern Song Dynasty.
① See page 4 4 7 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".
② See Volume 11 of Song Lian's "Collected Works of Scholars of the Song
③ See "
Wuxi Collection" Volume 4.
④ ⑤ See "
Collection of ancient and modern books,
"Divine Classics" Volume 254, Zhonghua Book Company, Bashu Publishing House,
October Moon Shadow is Volume 51, Page 62350. The following is a photocopy.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Between the time of Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty and the end of the Yuan
Dynasty (1290-1294).
Mo Yueding was born into the eunuch clan,
Both his ancestors and father were prominent officials in the Song Dynasty.
Studying for imperial examinations at a young age, but failed in three tests.
He abandoned his family and became a Taoist priest. Beginner 4
View of Zhangren on Mount Qingcheng, Sichuan, from Xu
Wuji is subject to the Five Thunder Methods. Wennan again
Fengzou Tiefei was defeated by Wang Wenqing.
Lei Shu is a secret and is not to be passed on to the outside world. It is a
Being a child, he was subject to the service, and he finally received it

"Nine Heavens Thunder Crystal Hidden Book". then
"Call thunderstorms, destroy ghosts, move and
Liuhe. Although they laugh and scold, they all
If there is a god who follows it”
①. because
This name was very important at that time. In this regard, "Xian"
"Jian Xuedi" also says: "
born smart

Mo Yue Ding (Ming version of "The Miracle of Immortals and Buddhas")

Hui, with outstanding intelligence and acumen, admired the theory of Taoism,
Dharma and Immortal Family, so he and Shen Zhenleizhen from Xiye in the same
He was a fellow student of Tiebi Zou Zhenren, and he had to serve Chen Wang
Zhenjun's "Nine Heavens Thunder Crystal Hidden Book", which was written by
It was a masterpiece at that time. If Kuaiji mixes the Dukes of Han, Qiantang
Yang and Yuchanchuan, they will be highly respected.
Nowadays, those who follow Taoism and Dharma all hold incense sticks under their
seats, so Taoism and Dharma become more and more important. The real person is
in despair
Home ends with where you live, and there are many people who seek its way. Often
withdrawn from the world and drinking alcohol
Often drunk, enjoying himself naively. The large number of people he has taken
over makes him awesome, and he will test his sincerity and laziness before
In other words, those who are unbearable should give up in the middle way.
② According to Song Lian's "Mo Yueding Chuan Stele", Song Li

① See Song Lian's "

"Mo Yue Ding Chuan Monument".
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, page 447.
The Shenxiao sect continued during the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties\



Zong Baoyou Wu Wu (1258), there was a severe drought in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, Ma

Tingluan guarded Shaoxing to welcome the
The moon tripod, the moon tripod built an altar and prayed to it, and the rain
came. Lizong heard about it and gave him a chapter of the poem, saying that it
immortal. "Suzhou Fu Zhi" also said: "Be good at practice, move in harmony with
spirit, and be cynical at times.
Evil, crazy about drinking, writing and writing, and speaking secret words that
no one can understand. Baoyouqiu, Yue
Shou Ma Guangzu prayed for rain, and the rain came in response. Lizong gave
poems and praised it. "
Entering the Yuan Dynasty, Shizu arrived at Yuan Jichou (1289), and sent Cui,
the censor, or asked a different person to come to the Yuan Dynasty.
Looking for it in the south of the Yangtze River, Shizu summoned him to the
inner hall of Luanjing. Asked: "Can you hear the roar of thunder?"
Yue Ding said to him, "Yes." Then he took walnuts and threw them on the ground.
Thunder struck out in response, shaking the palace and the whole world.
The ancestor changed his appearance. I asked for rain again, and it rained
immediately. Or it can be said that the order to pray for snow will be verified
immediately. Sejodae
Please give it generously, but don't accept it. If there is a purpose for him to
be in charge of Taoism and teaching, he will be dismissed as an old man. Suiyiyi
South rotation. Therefore, those who come to Heimen to ask for guidance will
benefit everyone, and those who are sick and seeking treatment may write amulets
to them.
Or hush and teach, "everything is verified", people often call it "Mo Zhen
Guan". In this regard, "Su
"Zhifu Zhi" says: "In the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, Cui Cheng was ordered to
go to the south of the Yangtze River and went to the capital to pray. There was
something strange.
Mingdian Taoist affairs, vigorous speech. Returning to Guangying Lane, scholars
filled the door. "
From Shizu to the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Mo Yueding died in Suzhou. The secret
book he obtained from Wang Wenqing, one
Like Zou Tiebei, he does not teach others lightly. The only people who can
inherit it are Wang Jihua and Pan Wuya. "Jihua
He was taught by Zhang Shanyuan, Shanyuan was taught by Bu Zonghao, and Zonghao
was taught by Zhou Xuanzhen.
And Xuan Zhen is especially called Wei Te "①

"Xianjian Sequel" also records: "In the Yuan Dynasty, Dinghai

(1287) Being summoned to the palace, the talisman was displayed, and the
thunderstorm was under his guidance, and the name moved for a while.
In the capital, those who came first after running around are like clouds and
blocks. There are those who have traveled thousands of miles to reach the door
to seek the way.
After being repaired for fifty years, the teacher accepted it for one day and
then walked away. When encountering a shabby wine shop, he is a human being.
When he sees poverty,
Those who are cold will be helped, and those who are old, sick, lonely and weak
must be given things, and they will be returned in the morning, and all the ties
will be exhausted.
Those who have Taoist materials and instruments among their disciples will
follow them frequently. In the secret of thunder, it is carried forward
Yun, there are many scholars coming to teach you. The messenger has a talisman,
each disciple is different, it is

① See Song Liu's "

"Mo Yue Ding Chuan Monument".

That is, one person covers one person per year/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

It is true that the real person made his own legislation to prove the origin of
the sect, examined its mysterious emblems, and came to the same conclusion.
Serving Chen Wang Zhenjun
Since the beginning of Taoism, the two sects of Wei Zhenren and Nishino Shen
Zhenren have spread their tributaries and flourished in Xijiang.
Prosperous in Soochow, supporting education and benefiting the people, nothing
The deeds of Wang Jihua and Pan Wuya, disciples of Mo Yueding, are unknown.
His son Zhang Shanyuan was famous. "Suzhou Prefecture Chronicles" says: "Zhang
Shanyuan's courtesy name is Shenfu and his nickname is Gui.
A Taoist. His uncle Chongyi was a Taoist priest, and he learned Yi Zhenren's
flying footwork like a strong spirit treasure.
For Zhang Leishi. In the Song Dynasty, the book bag was recommended to the court
and ordered to be in charge of Tianqing Temple in the county. Shan Yuan followed
If you learn it, you can often catch ghosts and chase away ghosts, and call out
thunderstorms. The county governor Qian said that his friend was staying at
Yonglong Palace in Jiande.
Live again in Guangxiaoguan, the county. Tao, Dharma and medicine, and study
their wonders. Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty summoned him to the court and
summoned He
And there are prayers, which are always answered, and the order is Pingjiang
Daolu. ”②
Zhang Shanyuan wrote "Tonglun Wanfa", which discussed in detail Taiyi, Taichu,
Taishi, Taisu,
The wonderful principles of Tai Chi directly reveal the inner secrets of Thunder
Profound Pass, which is very insightful. He said: "Yin and Yang
The Qi is thunder, which gives birth to all things. The thunderer is the
cardinal of heaven and earth. Tianshudi
Machine, yang thunder and yin thunder, pivot yin machine yang, thunder produces
thunder and evil, thunder produces good and causes evil. The husband said that
all things are reversed
There is the ultimate talisman, the ultimate talisman Yinxuan, which is the
birth and death of the job. Three in the east, two in the south, one in the
north and four in the west. This is a large number.
The ancestor, and the central five Yan. The thunder reaches the sky and the
earth, so it is called the Five Thunders. "Also known as Xuan
Guan Yiqiao is the foundation of thousands of secrets and methods. The most
wonderful method of alchemy, thunder and lightning, if cultivated within, then
Gathering souls into treasures, they are transcendent saints; when applied to
the outside, they regulate yin and yang, helping people and benefiting things.
It is easy to drive away thunder and lightning, subdue ghosts and gods, and
suppress them. Therefore, it is said: "Fu Lingbao, God
Xiao, Xuanxian, Qingwei, Dongxuan, Taiji, Zhankan and other levels of thunder,
as for the examination of each level
Zhengfa, each has its own family and different sects, but the Xuanguan has one
orifice, the innate wonder of the same version, left and right
It is difficult to understand the original principles and understand all the
dharma, which is difficult in ancient and modern times. "

Bu Zonghao, a disciple of Zhang Shanyuan, was named Jinde. He studied
Confucianism in his early years and became a Taoist scholar in his middle age.

① See page 4 4 7 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".

② See page 62674 of volume 51 of the photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and
Modern Books".
③ See Volume 67 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 209 and 211.
The continuation period of Shenxiao Sect—
—Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties\叵)


Zhang Shanyuan at Xuanmiao Temple in Suzhou. "Suzhou Prefecture Chronicle" says:

Learned from Zhang Lei at Yuan Miao Temple,
Teach the secret of Hui Feng's true interpretation of the Great Cave and the
Three-Five Flying Steps of the Shangqing Lingbao, and investigate it through the
Books, praying for rain and sunshine, calling for luanhe, Xian is in control,
exorcising evil spirits and rescuing people, there are many miraculous miracles.
Yanyou was taught by Master Hongjiao.
” ① Later, Zhou Xuanzhen was taught the Taoism of Shenxiao.
Zhou Xuanzhen, courtesy name Xuanchu, lived in Jiahe (now Jiaxing, Zhejiang) for
a long time, and later moved to Suzhou
Today's Suzhou City)
. First time observing Li Gongduan from Jiahe Zixu (
Du Daojian's disciple) was a Taoist priest,
After being imprisoned for the art of summoning ghosts and gods, he received the
Lingbao Dharma from Cao Guisun, and received the Five Thunders from Bu Zonghao.
The secret text, praying for rain and curing diseases, is quite miraculous. He
was famous in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties and died in the early Ming Dynasty. ②
Among the descendants of Mo Yueding's disciples, there is also Jin Shanxin. Kim
Sun Shin (1 2 7 3 - 1 3 3 1) Zi Shi
Of course, Changzhou (
Today's Suzhou City) people. He is a Confucian by birth, and he likes Lao's
studies as an adult. First time
Zhang Shanyuan of Xuanmiao Temple, and Mo Yueding passed on his secret skills.
Then the Renshou Temple was built in the northeast of the city.
"Yu Yu," he and his disciples were studying the wonderful purpose of the
acupuncture. He said that the mind was so empty that there was nothing to drink,
and all the yin
When all the yang is exhausted, all the yangs gather themselves, covering the
tangible yang. The yang becomes stronger and overcomes the yin, and the qi
becomes better and regulates the essence. I am clear.
Quiet, it’s easy to get there.”
③. He was once informed by the Heavenly Master Zhang Yucai and became the
director of Guangde Road Daolu.
Still mention the concept of benevolence and longevity. Zhang Yucai was also
recommended to the court and given the title of Master Ren Shouzheng Hongdao.
There was also Thunder Sanli Wang Weiyi, who also spread the teachings of Mo
Yueding. 《
Suzhou Prefecture Chronicle says:
Wang Weiyi was born in Kuocang (now Lishui, Zhejiang). Called himself Jing
Yangzi. Father Huating
Today's Songjiang County, Shanghai), because of his family. Abandoned officials
came from outside, met someone and gave him the Return Pill, nine turns
He got it and wrote six volumes of Taoism. In his later years, he lived in Yue
Temple, Fanjing. Taiding Bingyin (1 3 2 6) book
After leaving the legacy and verses, he sat upright and passed away. "
④ "Tao Zang" contains "Tao Fa" written by Wang Weiyi
One volume of "Xin Zhuan", it says: I have been fond of Taoism since I was a
child, and I did not hesitate to work hard to learn from my teachers.
Know how many of them there are. "So I have spent more than thirty years
observing the gathering and dispersing of winds and clouds and the changes in
the climate.
Understand his heart silently, he is happy without knowing it, he is very lucky
in his past life, and he meets the right person again. In one word, he realizes
①④ See "
Collection of Ancient and Modern Books" photocopy, volume 51, page 62675.
② See Song Lian's "
Collected Works of Scholars of the Song Dynasty "Volume 13: Biography of
Respecting the Master"
③ See "
Suzhou Prefecture Chronicles", "
"Collection of Ancient and Modern Books" photocopy, volume 51, page 62674.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The rest was not like that. I worked hard and was lucky enough to meet a true
master who taught me the art of thunder.
Breaking these principles will make me feel like I am drunk before I wake up,
and my previous learning is all nonsense. Later, he got the Yue Ding from Mr.
There is only one method that can be said to be innately wonderful." "I have
studied all the thunder methods in my life, and I have never been able to master
Ruoyue Ding Mojun.
What the teacher said is so clear." In addition, Wang Weiyi also studied the
thunder method taught by Zou Tiebi,
The formulas taught by Mr. Zou Jun, Master Tiebi, are all mysteries of the
sages. ① He also wrote "Ming Dynasty"
"Tao Pian", elucidating Shenxiao Lei Lei's theory of alchemy.
In addition, there is a line that was directly passed down to the Yuan Dynasty
by Wang Wenqing. According to "Linghui" written by Yu Ji
"Chongxu Tongmiaozhen King Shichen Ji", Wang Wenqing's biography of Gao Ziyu and
Tan Wuzhen. Post-transmission method
Lulingluo Xuzhou passed it on to Xiao Yuxuan and Zhou Lili, Zhou passed it on to
his son, and Xiao Ze passed it on to Hu.
Daoxuan. Luo Xuzhou, "is the grandson of Mr. Jiangu, a famous scholar in the
Song Dynasty. He obtained the biography of Five Thunders.
Very consistent. However, Tan Jun recited the precepts of Shi Chen and said:
Each time it is passed down to only one or two people, if it is spread widely,
Then die quickly. Therefore, although there were many disciples of Yiluo, the
only one who thought he had gained it was Master Xiao.
Xuan, and then there were two people named Commander Zhou Lili." Xiao Yuxuan was
a scholar of pure elegance.
"Worries and sorrows are very clear and reasonable, and their hearts are
carefree and unencumbered." "Choose people with great care, and people are
I know that he has this way, and the only way he can teach it is Yuan Hu Jun.
Miraculous things have been seen in
In front of me, the guest came to me, wearing a three-piece bun on top of her
head, carrying a sword with her, wearing a short skirt, and sitting in danger
for the rest of her life.
On a stormy and extremely cold night, the lights stopped and filled the room
with warmth. My eyes were bright and I was looking into the cave.
Thorough, free in both vertical and horizontal directions, unfettered by
external things, yet rigid and unbreakable, this is also the true cultivator of
Huh! There is a poem written by Shi Chen, and a talisman deed passed down by
Gaitan and Luo.
Xiao Yuxuan passed on Hu Daoxuan again. Hu was from Fanyang and was known as the
Wild Guest of Shenxiao. "Deserve
Chen Zhizhi, who was more than 20 years old, traveled between Shaanxi,
Jingxiang, Jianghan, Huaihai, Fujian and Zhejiang. Be oneself
Si, Gengwu (
1329, 1330), within ten days, counties and counties fought over it.
Either one day or two, there will be laughter and curses, thunderstorms will
follow, the officials will be afraid but the people will love them, and the
surrounding environment will be full of laughter and curses.
Between four and five thousand miles, there is no one who can't respond. As for
the work of monsters, they should be impeached and punished according to the

"Tao Zang" Volume 32, pages 413, 419, 420.
The continuation period of Shenxiao Sect—

Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties\




Think God. Encountered a strange person at Wudang Dading Tianzhu Peak, learned
the way of cultivating immortals, and traveled around famous caves
Mansion, and return to the east and west of the Yangtze River, traveling from
Pengtou Jinggong, they are so close to each other that others can’t predict it.
also. So he suppressed the miraculous signs, sought the name of the place and
returned to seclusion, so he paid a visit to Mr. Fuqiu in China.
cover. "
① His subsequent deeds are unknown.
These accounts of Yu Ji are based on the words of those involved. Because Hu
Daoxuan and Xiao Yu
Xuan is his best friend, and Zhou Lili is related by marriage. In addition, Yuji
still has many friends from outside the country.
Most of them are descendants of the Shenxiao sect. He said: "In the late Song
Dynasty, there were people like Wuyang from Henan who were also like Yu Chan.
Yayu, our foreign friend has Puyun Wujun, who is a Taoist priest of the
Shangqing Dynasty and can sit in the thunderstorm and fight.
Don’t take credit for your own merit in using the methods of ghosts and gods.
After leaving, he traveled north to the counties of Yan and Zhao and obtained
the "Scenery"
"Xiao Lei Shu" is written by a different person, but it is not fully understood.
Living leisurely in a quiet room in Beijing's secluded square, with scholars
Several people live in incense. On a clear night, Jade Toad came down to his
room and personally corrected his rough outline and analyzed his essence.
Be humble, cultivate yourself internally, and save the world externally. Be
bright and bright, and never go against your heart. "② Although here
It is assumed that Bai Yuchan came to the world to teach the Dharma, but the
"Jingxiao Lei Shu" he studied is indeed from the Shenxiao Taoist canon.
It is proved that Wu Jun was a Taoist priest of the Shangqing Dynasty in his
early days, and later converted to the Shenxiao sect.
In the Yuan Dynasty, there was a sect with Lei Mo'an as its master. This sect
taught Hunyuan
Liutian Ruyi Dafa has many disciples, distributed in Western Shu and
southeastern areas. According to "Li Shi Zhen"
Volume 4 of "Xian Ti Dao Tong Jian Continued": Lei Shizhong (1 2 1 1 - 1 2 9 5),
courtesy name Kequan, no.
Mo'an. His ancestral home is Yuzhang, Jiangxi, and he moved to Jinniu Town,
Wuchang. He is also known as Shuangqiao Old Man. childhood habit
He wrote poems and poems, and later became a master of the Book of Songs. He was
recommended by three leaders from the countryside, devoted himself to Taoism,
and specialized in Xingphilosophy. Because of Taiping Palace
When you know the palace and gain enlightenment, you will pay more attention to
the Tao and Dharma, and never think about fame. Geng Wu (1 2 7 0) March 3,
On Xuanwu's birthday, thunder was celebrated, an altar was set up to burn
incense, and "The Sutra of Savior" was recited. suddenly
A man came from outside and was given a scroll on his sleeve. He ordered him to
fast for seven days at the altar.
Start watching. The teacher obeyed his instructions, fasted sincerely for seven
days, prayed and read his articles, which lasted for six days.

Volume 25 of "Daoyuanxue Ancient Records".
See Volume 1 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan". 8. "Tao Zang", Volume 29, Page 484.
Published by this 0


/ — The history and thought of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Ruyi Taoism. "After looking at it, the day in the altar was like night, and in a
moment it was filled with thunder and fire, and the sky was filled with thunder
and lightning.
The king filed a case and said: I am ordered by Haotian to explain the teachings
of thunder to the general public.
born. I teach God to be the master, and I assist him, and he conducts it with
you. The person who gave you the essay the day before yesterday,
He is the founder, Lu Zhenjun. Your name is in the immortal book, you have been
a Confucian for seven generations, practiced Dharma for three generations, and
have no fiber.
"After that, my religion should be greatly promoted." Volume 154 of "Tao Fa Hui
Yuan" "The Six Heavens of Hunyuan and the One Qi of Wonderful Dao"
The first founder of the sect mentioned in Yiyi Dafa is "Hunyuan Kaijiao Daci
Puhui Luzhen"
"Jun Da'an", followed by Hunyuan Yanjiao Yiguo Miaodao Lei Zhenren Shizhong,
Zhenren, Jiutian Jinque Shaozai, Immortal Official Lei Shizhen, Cha Zhenren,
Tianquan Zhang Zhenren. The leader of the sect
The Taoist method is still the tradition of Shenxiao, but it attaches great
importance to the Mahayana thoughts of "The Sutra of Saving People" and
"specializes in
Taking "The Sutra of Saving People" as the main guide, every time the teacher
guides people and teaches disciples, he first teaches his essence.
Reciting sutras with your heart will bring you rewards. Let us try to discuss
the purpose of "The Book of Saving People" in order to start future studies. The
key points are
Save people ten times. Not only can you save people ten times, but you can also
practice yourself on daily basis in order to return the
Wonderful. It is necessary to save the ancestors first, and finally obtain the
preparation of the Tao, soar to the highest level, and the clear purpose of the
scriptures cannot be surpassed.
"Yes." ①
Lei Mo'an is based on Taoism, as well as Confucianism and Buddhism. It seeks
from others and always blends them.
People from all over the world heard that his teachings were outstanding and
that he had many disciples and thousands of disciples. Because of the scope of
his spread,
Wei, divided into two factions. The Western Shu faction is led by Zhenren Lu,
and the southeastern faction is led by Cha Zhenren.
As a master. "There are thousands of disciples, divided into two sects:
Southeast and Xishu, and the first two sects of Lu and Li are
The teacher and Nankang Cha Taiyu. From then on, the way of Lu and Li traveled
to Western Shu, and the way of Taiyu traveled to the east.
In the south, Hunyuan's teaching became popular in the world. He is the author
of "Xin Dharma Preface", "Tao Dharma Direct Points", "Original Principles"
"Tao Song" all carry forward the wonders of Hunyuan Taoism. "② In addition, Lei
Mo'an also preached "The Wind is Fierce"
"Li Xin Tianjun Dafa" came into the world. "On the fifth day of the fourth month
of the Yuan Dynasty (1 2 9 5), I took a bath
After changing his clothes and sitting upright, he watched the afternoon and
ordered the two masters Lu and Li to lead the disciples to satirize the "Book of
Saviors" 1

See pages 446 and 447 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".

See "Tao Zang" Volume 5, page 4 4 7.
The continuation period of the Shenji sect—
— Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties\Volume

Garden 叵) Divination 15

After finishing the scroll, he asked for pen and paper and wrote an ode: A
bright moon illuminates the clear sky, and there is no cloud in the sky.
Free and carefree without any worries, harmonious and always the same as Taixu.
After chanting, he condensed and passed away." Disciple Feng
He was buried in Yanshan County, at the age of eighty-five.
Since Zhang Jixian also taught the thunder method, from the beginning of the
Southern Song Dynasty to the thirty-first generation of heavenly master Zhang
Xiu, Zhang Zongyan, the 36th generation Celestial Master at the turn of the Song
and Yuan Dynasties, taught seven Celestial Masters.
Duoneng was famous for his proficiency in spells and thunder, and enjoyed
considerable prestige in the society at that time. Such as thirty
A generation of heavenly master Zhang Shixiu, courtesy name Chaoying. "When Xu
Jing traveled to Sizhou, he paid it with a seal and a sutra urn.
Chaoying, because of the public recommendation, he was able to inherit the legal
system. The thirty-second generation of Celestial Master Zhang
Shouzhen followed the religion in the tenth year of Shaoxing in the Song Dynasty
(1140). In the first year of Qiandao (1170), "Piling"
There is a monster tree, and the imperial edict is issued to treat it, and then
the tree is uprooted by thunder overnight. When summoned to the palace, he was
given the right answer
gentlemen. Emperor Gaozong summoned him to consult him. During the reign of
Emperor Xiaozong, Jiang Tao broke out, and there were differences in the
ordering ceremony in the inner court.
In response, he was given an elephant slip and a sword, "
"Qing Jing" and "Yin Fu" 2 Sutras of the Thirty-Three Dynasties of Heaven
His disciple Zhang Jingyuan tasted the imperial banquet during Emperor Gaozong's
reign and was greatly impressed, "The prince Wei Wang held Mingzhou.
If you are sick, please go to the altar to pray for it, or even curse water and
drink it to heal." Zhang Qing, the Thirty-Fourth Generation Celestial Master
First of all, "Jia Tai Xin You (1201) followed the teachings. He was kind,
frugal and poor in nature, so he was the one who wrote the classics.
"Published Yiguang". And left the story of impeachment and governance of the
Dragon King Zhang Gongdongjing. Thirty-fifth generation of heavenly masters
Zhang Keda was more important than Lizong Dynasty. During Duanping (1234-1236),
the country was troubled.
But he was ordered to go to Que many times to perform fasting rituals, and to
deal with floods in Poyang Lake and Qiantang River tides.
In case of trouble, "throw the talisman into the river, and the thunder will
kill the big white snake, and the water will return to its original state." He
also set up a memorial ceremony in Taiyi
Palace, to control the locust plague. In the third year of Jiaxi's reign (1239),
he was given the title Mr. Guanmiao and ordered to be promoted three times.
Shan Fulu also oversees the official affairs of several palaces in front of the
emperor, and is in charge of Longshuo Palace in Hangzhou. From then on, Zhengyi
The Taoist sect officially became the leader of all Taoist sects in the south of
the Yangtze River. Kublai Khan, the founder of the Yuan Dynasty, stationed
troops in Wu
Changchang, hearing of its miraculous powers, sent a secret envoy from Longhu
Mountain to visit him. Zhang Ke said to the envoy: "Good
Your Majesty, in twenty years you will be able to live in the world. In the 13th
year of Yuan Dynasty, the results were confirmed.
Zhang Zongyan, the thirty-sixth generation heavenly master, was also famous for
his Taoism. Song Duzong Xianchun (1265)
- 1274), there was a drought in Shangrao County, Jiangxi Province. The minister
Tang Zhen asked for rain, and the prayer came as expected.

There are people who are attracted by women/——The evolution of the Shenxiao sect
of Taoism, Bi Si Shi

In the thirteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1276), Shizu sent an envoy to summon
him and treat him with courtesy. "Yuan History·
Shi Lao Zhuan" said: "When I saw it, I said: The past year is over (1 2 5 9),
and I am visiting Ezhu.
I ordered Wang Yiqing to visit Qing's father, and Qing's father reported to me:
In the next twenty years, the world will be unified.
The words of the gods are proven today. Because he was ordered to sit down for a
tin banquet, he was given a jade hibiscus crown and a gold-plated crown.
Sewing clothes. The leader of Taoism in the south of the Yangtze River was
ordered to give the silver seal to the next year (1277), and he was also
enshrined in Chang's name.
Spring Palace, "given the title of Taoist Spirit Yingchong and Zhenren, a
second-grade silver seal, and the life of Jiangnan Taoism.
To do things, you have to give yourself a ultimatum to save others as a Taoist
priest. Roads are established with Daolu Division, prefectures are established
with Dao Zhengsi, and counties are established with Wei
All the ceremonial officials belong to Yan. According to the emperor of the Yuan
Dynasty, "Zhang Zongyan, the thirty-sixth generation heavenly master, please be
kind to your heart."
Pass on the legal tradition, embody the true style, expand the subjects of
"Huangting" and "Dadong", and uphold the authority of the alliance.
The urn is pure and pure, with faith and sincerity. A three-foot green snake
serves to fight ghosts and gods in the dark desert; a cup of light
Water purifies the evil of heaven and earth. Since he has made great
achievements in opening up the economy, he should be given the title of Praise
and Chong and a special gift of Taoism.
Ling Yingchong and Zhenren. ”①
From the above records, it can be seen that Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty
treated Zhang Zongyan with great courtesy. especially needed
It is pointed out that through these two interviews, Zhang Zongyan obtained the
title of "Heavenly Master". exist
Before this, although Zhang Ling's descendants had the title of "Heavenly
Master", this title was also popular among the people.
But it has never been officially recognized. Officially recognize his
descendants as gods in the name of the government
Master, since the ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty, and only in the Yuan Dynasty,
Taizu of the Ming Dynasty issued an edict not long after he came to the throne.
remove. In addition, Zhang Zongyan was given the authority to lead Taoism in the
south of the Yangtze River, which was also unprecedented.
of. Later, as a custom, it was followed by the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty, and
each generation of successors followed the system.
The "Heavenly Master", "Zhenren", and "Master Jiangnan Taoism" are like stories
until the fall of the Yuan Dynasty.
As the most famous southern Taoist leader in the Yuan Dynasty, Zhang Zongyan
also preached Shen Xiao Da
Law. "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume

To the "Emperor's Orb Five Thunder Prayers" recorded in 113

Dafa" was passed down by Zhang Zongyan. His "Preface" says: "
Fubaozhu thunder magician, Xuan

829 pages.

The deeds of the above-mentioned heavenly masters can be found in Volume 3 of

"Han Tianshuai Family", Volume 34, Chapter 828, "Tao Zang"
Shenxiao Sect’s one-yuan bonus during the extension period\

| 117

It is also mysterious and the ancestor of all practical methods. It is rarely

said in the world that since Li Xianyun, the privy envoy of the former Song
Born, it can be passed down to Mr. Zhu Meijing, a bachelor of Master Jixian
Academy before driving. Later Zhu came to Shu,
At the time of Qingcheng Mountain's emergence, only three people were passed
down. One is Guo Tiju of Xincangzhou, the other is San
The sixteenth-generation heavenly master Zhang Zhenren, the third is Mr. Xianyun
Li. This method fulfills the orders of the heavens,
The thunderbolts of the three realms are used by the innate people, and the
eight trigrams of the future are used to form talismans, which are called
"Baozhu", "Those who encounter it practice diligently and practice it for a long
time. They can serve ghosts and gods, and they can guide them."
By wielding a general, he can scream wind and thunder, and he can transcend the
ordinary and become a saint. He can not only protect his life, but also his
It can really lead to a real life. You should practice with a correct mind, be
consistent, follow the Tao, respect the teacher, and save the world.
Xian, be kind and upright, loyal and honest, don’t be self-restrained and rashly
shout, don’t be arrogant and look down upon.
Gods and ghosts. The presence is above and the quality is next to it, making
people and ghosts both harmonious. This is Yin Gong. Don't be exclusive in
The obscene worshiper looks at things like me. If you set up ghosts and gods to
pray for spirits by killing animals and offering sacrifices, this is not the
right path.

"Dongxuan Yushu Thunder Method" that is
The Baiyu Chan line was also inherited in the Yuan Dynasty, such as "
It is passed down by this department. According to Yuan Zhen Bingshen (1 2 9 6)
of the Yuan Dynasty, Xue Shichun, a disciple of Si Fa
"Facts" records: Bai Yuchan obtained his method from Chen Niwan, and the
daughter of Ma Jushi from Quanzhou succeeded him.
Law. In the eighteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1 2 8 1), there was a severe
drought in Quanzhou. Pu Zuocheng ordered the monks and Taoists to pray but there
was no response.
Then he asked the daughter of layman Ma to set up an altar and build a memorial
ceremony for three days.
The thunder and wind shook, the lightning bolts crossed, and the retribution was
very severe." Later, the Taoist teachings were passed on to Weng Fajian, and
Weng Fa was
He is the heir and grandson of Weng Zhuangyuan of Danshan, and his family lives
in Jianning. In the 16th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1 2 7 9) Zhang
Ninety thousand troops were brought into Fujian and detained in Quanzhou. Pu
Xiang saw his beautiful appearance and excellent poetry and calligraphy.
Collect under the curtain. After obtaining the Dharma, he returned to his former
residence. The city was like this but the people were not. Zhiyuan
In the twenty-first year (1 2 8 4) there was a severe drought in Jianning. The
magistrate Mei'an asked for help and prayed, and was very moved.
There was also a drought in Jianyang County under his jurisdiction. The county
governor was Shenfu. The governor ordered him to go to the county to pray. The
county governor Shi Songzhi
Welcoming him in the suburbs, setting up an altar in the mansion, the
retribution is as before. At that time, there were more than a hundred disciples
of Sifa. Koto

① See page 7 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".

Luorennubarensu/ —


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Then there was Zhao Jucun, who was teaching Confucianism in Jianning at that
time. He donated his carriages and horses, exhausted his luggage, and went to
the north to teach.
In the Yuan Dynasty Jichou (1289), Master Xue Chunlang traveled to Fujian. On
the good day of Jiazi in the eleventh month,
Because the Taoist priests Liu Bifeng and Lian Leshan of the Five Blessings and
Longevity Palace recommended him as supervisors, he was given the title of Weng
Master, "For more than three years, ordinary people have asked for orders to
pray, and they will be ordered to do it. I see what they usually do.
It cannot use the Jiuyang, Shaoyang, Yuanyang, Zhenran, Xunmo and other
talismans, as well as the Dongxuan Nine Chapters.
The prayers to cure diseases are like the response of the grain, and the words
of the prayers are different from those of Zhao Jucun and Ding Songyin.
Although there are mysteries, there is no outline." On May 11, the first year of
Yuanzhen (1295), Chengzong
Weng Fajian summoned his disciples and said: "
I want to go back to Lei Mansion temporarily. When the thunder sounds, I will go
there. Russian
The east side of Qing County is called Anshan Mountain, with towering peaks and
steep peaks, faint thunder, and Weng Jun has become an immortal.
The descendants chose a place for their request and hid the sword next to
Beishan Taoist Temple, surrounded by mountains and rivers.
There must be those who challenge the law. There are more than 500 disciples of
Shi Chuntan, and today Dongxuan Sect is the most famous one.
In all directions, there is the spirit of Wengjun’s religion.
” ① "Fahai Sends Pearls" Volume 1 "Dongxuan Secret Edict"
The school mentioned in it also has Xin Zhongyi and Bai Yuchan as its ancestors,
and their next master is "Zixia"
Fufengdong Xuanyuan Mingjun Ma Shiqing, Dongxuan Tongmingzhong minister Weng
Fajian, Dongxuan Yuanming Chong
Shiqing Xue Shichun"②. It can be seen that this lineage flourished in the early
Yuan Dynasty and had many disciples.
Among the masters of the Shenxiao sect mentioned in Zhang Yuchu's "Wanquan
Collection", there is one named
Deng Tieya was also a great Taoist in the Yuan Dynasty. "The Purpose of Taoism"
collected in "Tao Zang"
Two volumes of "Picture Yanyi", titled "Tieya Deng Chu compiled the picture",
"Yangwu Zhang Xixian Liangyan"
"Yi". Zhang Xixian was born during the Chengzong and Wuzong years of Yuan
Dynasty, and his native place is Linchuan, Jiangxi. His courtesy name is
No. Raise my son. The three teachings of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and
the thirty-eighth generation Tianshi Guangweizi Zhang
Friendship with Cai, Linchuan Taoist Kong Xuanzi, Wang Wanqing and others. Deng
Nan, nicknamed Tieyazi, had many problems in his life.
He should also be regarded as a close friend of Zhang Xixian. Zhang Xixian said:
"Tie Yazi hurts the great road and cannot do it.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 9 Page 7%.
② See page 726 of Volume 26 of "Tao Zang".
The continuation period of Shenxiao Sect


In sympathy with the popular customs, he compiled all the phenomena into the
"Illustration of the Purpose of Taoism". Oh, what a great heart
also. Longhu publishes it, and it feels like looking at the ocean. Xixian is
worthy of being a common fool, and he has ambitions in the three schools of
A small word, to derive its meaning. ”①
This book contains "Picture of the Tribulation of the First Ancestor of the Yuan
Dynasty", "Picture of the Incarnation of Hunyuan", "Interaction of Thunder"
Picture", "Thunder Picture", "Three Levels of Thunder Picture", "Five Thunder
Cluster Picture", "Thunder Swallowing Picture"
"I will use my own soul map", "Five thunder fetal breath map", "Thunder one
orifice map", "Thunder's breath map"
picture", "
There are twenty-two pictures including "Tingjiu Palace Picture", "Thunder
Utilization Picture", "Thunder Mysticization Picture", etc., with Yin
Principles such as the Yang Five Elements and the Nine Palaces and Bagua use
pictures and texts to explain the incarnation of the Heavenly Lord, the movement
of the sun and the moon,
The changes in the four seasons, the theories and techniques for using thunder,
and the principles of Shenxiao's thunder technique are clarified every day.
After the picture is "Yan Yi", which mostly quotes relevant quotations from
Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism, mainly in Yin.
The principle of Yang changes and the thought of the induction between heaven
and man explain the formation of wind, rain and thunder, which are the origin.
An important work of art in modern times.
So many high-level Taoists from the Shenxiao sect were active in the Yuan
Dynasty, going in and out of court and helping the world.
people and left many precious writings, which not only passed down the line of
Shenxiao to future generations, but also
It provides a precious historical material for modern people to study Shenxiao

Section 2 The Shenxiao Sect of the Ming Dynasty—

— Represented by Tao Zhongwen
After Taoism experienced the division and merger of sects in the Southern Song,
Jin and Yuan Dynasties, before the middle of Ming Dynasty,
With the support of the ruler, it developed into a very prosperous situation,
especially the Zhengyi sect.
Zong is the most prominent. Many Taoist priests were assigned important official
positions by the imperial court and went deep into the palace to participate in
In the government affairs, some people are highly respected and powerful, or
even officials in the transportation department, with great power and fortune in
their hands.
As a result, "the scholar-bureaucrats all over the world follow the trend"②,
listen to their breath and take advantage of the opportunity to advance. its

① See page 607 of Volume 32 of "Tao Zang".

② See Volume 3 of "History of the Ming Dynasty". seven"
"Ning Xing".

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

His height and power are rare in history. By the time of Emperor Jiajing, Taoism
activities reached a peak
Reached the peak.
It can be seen from historical records that many Taoist schools that were
popular in the Song and Yuan Dynasties continued to spread in the Ming Dynasty.
There are also Zhengyi, Shenxiao, Qingwei, Jingming sect, etc. Especially in the
middle of the Ming Dynasty, due to the
The sect favored Tao Zhongwen, a Taoist priest of the Shenxiao sect.
Zongzhixian. Tao Zhongwen, whose childhood name was Dianzhen, was born in
Huanggang, Hubei. Good magical magic, receive talisman water
He died at Wanyu Mountain in Luotian and interacted with Shao Yuanjie.
according to"
According to "Tongkao of Xuwenwen", his teacher was Wan Yushan, named Fudun, who
was from Luotian.
When he was young, he abandoned his career and joined Tashan Temple to become a
monk. His Dharma name was Daogong, and he was a Zen sect. Yap
Let Xu Zhao and Yu speak with great skill. He ordered his animals to visit the
road and traveled throughout Zhongnan, Emei, Wuyi,
Tiantai, Huaiyu, Wangwu, and the Five Mountains. "Every guest in silk robes and
feathers I meet will understand the meaning of his words and be ready to learn
from them."
As it turned out, returning home was a success. Yushan is good at heel rest hook
training and does not eat rice, wheat, salt and cheese.
Next to the wind corner, you can see the Yu, and there are strange gates and
talismans, which are especially holy in medicine. The painting of bamboo orchid
is elegant and charming.
It can be used to compose music, fencing, dance, dance, and perform acrobatics,
and it can describe many misfortunes and blessings.
When people asked why, they said: "It is too clear and there are no clouds, and
it is clear if it is sincere." Zhengde Gengchen (1520)
He died in Huoshan at the age of ninety-two. During the Jiajing period, Renyin
was invited by his disciple Tao Zhongwen.
(1 5 4 2) The sixth month of imperial edict "
Qingwei Shenxiao plays the real person."

During the Jiajing period, Tao Zhongwen was favored by Emperor Shizong due to
the recommendation of Gaodao Shao Yuanjie. "wild
Shi) records: "I was old during the Yuanjie period, and I wanted to beg but
could not get my body. When I saw the black man in the palace, Yuan
The reason for the ineffectiveness of Jiezhi was that Zhongwen was recommended
to the emperor, and the emperor's test was a good example. Taste the talisman
water and use it to kill the sword.
The demon in the palace. Prince Zhuang Jing suffered from acne and prayed for
it, which caused the disease to heal. The emperor favored him deeply. "Eighteen
(1539) In February, Emperor Shizong visited the south. Yuanjie was ill and could
not follow him, so he was replaced by Tao Zhongwen. three

Month, grant "

Shenxiao protects the country and preaches to the eminent scholars, and seals
them with seals. In September, officials and rituals were given on the second
day of the month.
Department: Customized by our emperor, we hold a great ceremony every year to
pray to the gods of heaven and earth and to seek blessings for the people. Today

Photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and Modern Books", Volume 51, Page 62383.
The Shenxiao sect lasted from 1 to 7 Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties\ ㈤


Since people are gone, this code cannot be abandoned for a long time. He granted
Zhongwen the title of "Shenxiao, Protector of the Country, Honglie, Propaganda
and Zhenfa Tong".
True loyalty, filial piety, and a real person, leading Taoist teachings, having
a good diet and a good salary, and being given a title like this by his parents
and wife.
In the 19th year of the reign of Emperor Shizong (1540), Emperor Shizong became
ill, so Liao and Zhongwen prayed for merit.
Specially awarded Shaobao and Minister of Rites. After a long time, I added
Shaofu, and still had Shaobao, and the food was of the first grade.
Lu. Zhongwen was less than two years old when he started from Wanku, and he
suddenly ascended to high rank. On the Yuan Festival when grace comes out, the
government and the public are horrified
"Different". In the twenty-first year (1542), Sejong was betrayed by his maid.
① Move to Xi Nei, seeking growth every day
When he was born, the monarch and his ministers were not in contact with each
other. Only Zhongwen saw him when he saw him, and he was always given a seat
when he saw him. two
In the thirteenth year (1544), Datong captured the spy Wang San, Shizong
attributed the credit to Shangxuan, and added Zhongwen Shao
Master, still concurrently served as Shaofu and Shaobao. One person held all
three positions. In the end of the Ming Dynasty, Zhongwen was the only one who
held the post.
already. In the twenty-sixth year (1547), he invited 24,000 Taoist priests from
all over the world to be saved. two
In August of the seventeenth year (1548), he again gave Christmas blessings,
gave the earl a salary, and awarded his disciple Guo Hong
Jing and Wang Yongning were high scholars and had the seal of tin. Twenty-nine
years (1550), to rectify the injustice
For his meritorious service, he was granted the title of Uncle Gongcheng, with
an annual salary of two thousand dan. His disciples Guo Hongjing and Wang
Yongning were promoted to real people. Of
In the following years, he was repeatedly rewarded and honored.
As Sejong's pursuit of immortality became increasingly urgent, his measures to
uphold Taoism became even more resolute. since
After the middle period of Jiajing, advocating Taoism and Xuanxuan became the
center of governance, thus making the people at that time
The government has a strong Taoist color. "Unofficial History" said: "At that
time, the emperor sought immortality.
Prayers are kept going on day and night in the temple, and ministers of civil
and military affairs and ministers of speech, who are interested, go directly to
the Xiyuan to worship Qing.
Ci, his popularity is not second to none. So all the Ci ministers gave up their
careers and worked hard to obtain the theory of Wu Guan.
Charming. There are no traitors in the country, such as Duan Chaoyong, Gong
Kepei, Lan Daoxing, Wang Jin, Hu
The descendants of Dashun and Lantianyu rushed to the palace to seduce the
emperor with the art of refining talismans.
The emperor collected them all and used them, hoping to prolong his life but
ended up growing old. However, he was defeated soon, and Du Zhongwen was
The sun is rising, and it will not change for a long time. At that time, there
were also people in the Jin gentry who used it as a favor, so Huang Guanyu
served him.
① According to Volume 267 of "Records of Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty"
and Volume 2 of "Wanli Yeyi Bian", the seventh year of Jiajing's 21st year
During the month, several palace maids strangled Shizong's neck with a rope in
an attempt to kill him, but failed. "Unofficial History", "History of the Ming
Tao Zhongwen Biography) said that in Jia
In the 20th year of Jing Dynasty, the cover was wrong.
The female Yong people have/—


The History and Thoughts of the Shenkan School of Taoism

The stream is filled with water. "

In the thirty-fifth year of Jiajing (1556), Emperor Shizong also consecrated
Taoism to his emperor and his concubines.
No., self-number "
Lingxiao Shangqingtong Lei Yuanyang Miaoyi Feiyuan Zhenjun", later added
Propagate the teachings to help all living beings, the yin and yang merits of
the Great Way, Siren, the Purple Extreme Immortal Weng, Yiyang Zhenren Yuanxu
Enlighten the demons, be loyal and filial to the emperor", and then call him "
Taishang Daluo Celestial Immortal Purple Extreme Immortality Holy Wisdom
Tongyuan Zhengying Yuxu, the master of Wu Lei Da Zhenren, Yuandu Bao Realm
Longevity Emperor", as if he is using the Tao
The Taoist leader claimed to be the leader of the Taoist religion and became
another Taoist emperor after Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty.
The Ming Dynasty almost became a Taoist kingdom. It is precisely because of the
ruler’s fanatical belief that
Driven by this, Taoism reached its peak in the early and middle Ming Dynasty.
Many believers serve as court officials
Some of the important official positions in the imperial court were even very
popular, and they were not only kind and generous,
Body, and shade to descendants. At that time, Taoism's social status was so high
and its influence was so great that it reached
To the point of reaching the pinnacle.
In the thirty-sixth year of Jiajing (1557), Tao Zhongwen became ill and begged
to return to the mountain, promising him, "
Return the python jade gold treasures, dharma crowns and ten thousand taels of
platinum given to you over the years. Let me say that I am fortunate to have
been favored by you.
The grandson-nephew has gained great honor, but he cannot protect it after his
death. The emperor accepted his offer and issued an imperial edict to comfort
him. Zhong
As soon as Wen returned home, the emperor ignored his thoughts. In June next
year, he sent an official in Jinyi to ask questions and bestowed generous gifts.
He also ordered a minister to add courtesy at the right time and change his son
to Shang Bao Shaoqing.
Si You performs the method and serves the real man's house. Zhongwen was favored
for twenty years, and he was a very popular minister, but he was careful
He is careful and does not dare to rely on his favor to act recklessly, so he
always cares for you. Over eighty years old, thirty-nine
He died in November of the same year (1560). The emperor mourned after hearing
this, and the funeral ceremony saw the story of Shaoyuan Festival, and he was
given a special posthumous honor.
Kang Hui screamed
As far as Zhang Tianshi's line is concerned, most of the Tianshis in the past
dynasties after the Ming Dynasty also taught the gods.
Among them, the forty-third generation Heavenly Master Zhang Yuchu (1361-1410)
is especially famous.

The above quotations are all from "Unofficial History", see the photocopy of
"Ancient and Modern Books Collection", Volume 51, No. 62688,

62689 pages.
The continuation period of the Boxiao Sect—

Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties\


Right now


Volume 3 of "The Family of Heavenly Masters of the Han Dynasty" says: "With
advanced knowledge and comprehensive study, the three clans are integrated into
As well as the books of hundreds of scholars, I searched endlessly and published
them as articles recording Taoist records, each of which is extremely exquisite.
In the twelfth year of Hongwu (1379), he was awarded the title of "Zheng Yi Si's
Teaching of Taoism and Wuwei's Interpretation of Zu Guangfan's Dazhen"
"People", led Taoist teachings, sent an imperial edict to Beijing, gave him
dharma robes, gold coins, and returned the post to the mountain. In the second
year of Yue,
His mother Bao was granted the title of "Qingxu Chongsu Miaoshan Xuanjun Ding
Hongwu" in the 16th year (1383).
When he went to the palace, he was ordered to build a jade urn in the Zijin
Mountain. In the summer of the eighteenth year (1385), I was ordered to pray for
God is optimistic and has great insights. In the twenty-third year (1390), he
petitioned to rebuild the Great Shangqing Palace.
Give Huai. The following year, he came to the throne and was given the bronze
seal of Zhengyixuan Altar, which was regarded as the sixth grade.
In the first year of Yongle (1403), Chengzu came to the throne. Zhang Yu was
first congratulated and favored by Yilong. bestow
Qian repaired the Great Palace of the Qing Dynasty, and ordered him to worship
at the Temple of Heaven. In the fourth year of 1406, he ordered the compilation
of Taoism.
Book Yijin was the beginning of the editing of Tao Zang in the Ming Dynasty.
This work was carried out until the Yingzong orthodoxy
It took ten years (1 4 4 5) to be initially completed. In the fifth year of
Yongle (1407), Zhang Yuchu was ordered to come to court
The master of the Heavenly Palace built the Jade Urn Temple to exorcise the
souls of the dead. According to records, "Qingyun covered the altar, and luan
and crane danced among each other."
In March of the sixth year of Zhirui\ (1 4 0 8), "A special edict was issued,
and a special talisman was issued by Zhenzhen's disciples.
瓓. In April, he was ordered to pass on the Yanxi Dharma basket and build five
altars for the Yanxi Palace. There was an auspicious response and generous
Shangfang treasure. Special order is given to Yijuan to return him to the
mountain. In October, I invited the real immortal Zhang San
rich. Ji Chou (1 4 0 9), ordered to look for Zhang Sanfeng again"①. In the
eighth year of Yongle (1410), Zhang
When Yuchu died, the crown prince sent Chen Kui, a traveler, to offer
sacrifices, and the following year he sent Xiao Rong to offer sacrifices.
Zhang Yuchu was a master of learning and writing, and he wrote the most among
the Celestial Masters of the past dynasties.
"Gui", "Zangquan Ji", "The Book of Du Ren Jing Tong Yi", "
"Longhu Mountain Chronicles" has been handed down from generation to generation.
He succeeded Zhang
Following the previous style, we strive to unify internal refining and external
use, internal elixirs and talisman and thunder methods.
Integrate into one body to perfect Zhengyi's traditional talisman Taoism. He
said: "
I am the sect of Xuanyuan,
From the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty to the founding of the Emperor, he used
the teachings of Lingbao Mahayana and the ten divisions of Ziwei Feitian.
The book was awarded to Yuchen Daodaojun and Shenxiao Jiuchen God. Later, he
descended to Mount Emei and was awarded to the Tiantian Emperor.

"Tao Zang", Volume 34, pages 835 and 836.
124 1 logic

—The history and thought of the Shenxiao School of Taoism

This is the method of refining.

"Also said:"
In the past, Emperor Shizun of the Yuan Dynasty ordered Master Yuqing to open
the Zhuling Fire Mansion.
Emperor Qinghua was ordered to open the left palace of Qinghua, the father-in-
law Han Jun opened the right palace of Zhuling, and Zhenren Sanzuo opened the
palace of Huang.
In the Urn Courtyard, there are talismans such as jade clear and broken hell,
which are like three slips and five talismans. Anyone who practices and
maintains temperance, please tell me
When you go down to Youguan, everyone will be enlightened. This is called
Shenxiao, from Qingwei to down, all of them are written in it. So high
The supreme god Xiao Jade Pure King, the Immortal Emperor, the despotic Jiuxiao
Thirty-six Heavens and Thirty-six Heavenly Lords,
But the great emperor commanded the Yuan Xiang, mastered Yin and Yang, and used
the rule of Thunder to govern Xianliyan "①
He has personally visited many ancestral sites in the holy places of the
Shenxiao sect, and has written lyrics praising the ancestors of the past
dynasties. like
Nanfeng Divine Turtle Gang is the burial place of Wang Wenqing. Zhang Yuchu paid
his respects and said: "
During the Chongning period of Song Dynasty,
Shichen Wang Zhenjun, who wrote about Taoism, received knowledge of Hui Temple,
sat in the evening and shed his land, and the battle of the divine turtle
Good name. Among the virtuous people in the county, there was Zou Tiebi, who was
taught by the Shangguan family. Shangguan served Chen's nephew.
also. Now I met Shi Chen again and personally taught him the secrets, and the
way was also revealed. At that time, it was known that the king of Nanfengzhou
was involved
When he was about to pledge, he tasted the iron wall of his teacher's work, and
when he was about to pay and receive, suddenly thunder shook the altar. Zou Ri:
I will save you
That’s it. The king was pleasantly surprised and devoted all his money to him.
Zou Xie said: I am a water disciple, so I use this to ridicule.
The king asked Guangmiao Lingguan to serve in the temple, so the old view was
transferred to him and replaced with a new one.
Therefore, the prayers of the residents will be answered for those who are
suffering from drought and illness.

Later, due to the war in Yuan Dynasty, this temple was deserted. Hongwu Gengwu
(1390) Zhang Yuchu worshiped
When he looked at it, he saw that it was filthy and incurable, so he ordered his
Taoist disciples to restore it and write a preface to it.
Reveal miracles. It is also said that "the ancestor of the thirtieth generation,
Zhenjun Xu Jing, enlightened Su Zhi with his spiritual power, and was attacked
by Xiqia
During the dynasty, in Chongning and Jingkang, the Hui Temple worshiped Taoism
especially, and true immortals appeared in large numbers to compete with true
The next ones will be Xu Shenweng, Wang Wenqing, and Lin Lingsu. Wherever the
evil spirits are dispelled, Pinghu
Evil, the temple is full of cypress trees, and there are often strange signs.
Now that the fate of the country is difficult, disasters are predicted to come
to me, which will lead to disasters.
Tingyangyu refers specifically to Gu Jian. His Tao and divine conduct are
sincere, which is enough to embellish the celestial dynasty and embody the
beauty of the people.

See "Teaching Dharma and Popularizing Theory" in Volume 7 of "Zangquan

Collection", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 33, pages 246 and 247.
See "Yidu Ji", Volume 2 of "Juiquan Collection", Volume 33 of "Tao Zang", page
The extension period of Shenxiao Sect is from the Yuan Dynasty to the Ming and
Qing Dynasties, ⑷



That’s it. Although hundreds of years have passed, people still admire him.”①.
Especially in the enrichment of Taoism
Zhang Yuchu made important contributions to the thunder method theory and
In the Ming Dynasty, the inheritance of Shenxiao Sect was more systematic with
Suzhou Xuanmiao Temple as its missionary
A series of strongholds. According to Gu Yuan's "
"Yuan Xuanmiao Guanzhi" records that since the beginning of the Shenxiao sect in
the Northern Song Dynasty,
Since its founding, Suzhou Xuanmiao Temple has been the center of activities for
Taoist priests of the Shenxiao Sect in past dynasties. Like a king
Wen Qing, Yuan Zongshan, Zhang Chongyi, Mo Yueding, Zhang Shanyuan, Bu Zonghao,
Yang Zhongli
etc., all of them always stay in the temple and teach their disciples. In the
Ming Dynasty, there were also Zhou Yuanzhen, Hu Daoan, Gu
Yuan Ben, Zhang Pique, Shi Daoyuan, etc., successively spread the Shenxiao
Dharma and made it
The line continued until the Qing Dynasty.
Zhou Yuanzhen, whose character is Yuanchu. Jiaxing people. "Suzhou Prefecture
Chronicle" Date: Twelve years, resigned
Zixu Guan, a member of the family, studied under Li Taiwu, a Taoist priest,
until the 20th year of Zhengwuzi (1348).
He first came to Suzhou Baoen Taoist Temple. He can summon cranes with his
talisman. Because of his name, the place he lives in is called Laihe Pavilion,
and he calls himself Crane.
Mr. Lin. "
Although Yuan Zhen lives outside the country, he serves his mother Lin Zhixiao.
He studied and received the Lingbao Sutra from
Master Cao, the God of Grains, also received the Secret Text of Five Thunders at
Buyungang and obtained the biography of Mo Yueding.
"Ming Hongwu
Gengxu (1 3 7 0) summoned him to ask about the condition of ghosts and gods, and
gave him a banquet at Guanglu Pavilion. Next year we will call for the right
Ask Thunder why it is divine. He said: "Between heaven and earth, yin and yang
move, so there are gods, and gods and
The one who combines people. Thunder is not a human being who can understand the
heaven of thunder. Human beings are not thunder and cannot understand the heaven
of human beings. Heaven and humans
Xiangfu, the same principle.
"Shang Yue, grant the spirit of optimism."
Yuan Zhen tried to build the Anli Bridge
In the thoroughfare, the successor Changshu visited the Taoist temple and
restored the Danjing. After his death, he was buried in Yueding Tomb. "

There is also Hu Daoan, whose courtesy name is Angu. Wujiang people. Sex is
crazy, and people call him crazy. for
Xuanmiao Taoist priest. "I met the right person late in the evening and taught
him the Thunder Book of Qingcheng Taiyi and the secret decree of killing Dong
Jingtai (1 4 5 0 - 1 4 5 6) There was a drought in the mid-autumn period of Wu
Dynasty. The county governor Yan Dao'an prayed, and Dao'an ascended the throne.

"Zangquan Collection" Volume 2 "Preface to the Sayings of the Thirty-generation
Celestial Master Xu Jing Zhenjun", "Tao Zang" Volume 3 3

Pages 205, 206.

Photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and Modern Books", Volume 51, Pages 6 26 8
12 6 |




/ — Taoist gods do not send relatives and thoughts

Altar, drunkenness, scolding, and rage. The clouds are gathering and
thunderstorms are coming, please be respectful.
Gu Yuanben, a native of Suzhou County, came from a poor family and became Huang
Guan, wandering around the world, "
Meet a stranger
He was given the Five Thunder Talismans, and he tested them very well. There was
a severe drought in the city. Xie Ling called to pray for rain. Yuan Benfang ate
Meat, use the juice to write talismans on the tiles, and give orders to return.
Yin was angry and threw tiles at the foot of the steps, and the sound of thunder
was heard.
Come on, it's raining heavily."
Yang Zhanran's name is Maolin, but his place of origin is unknown. If you have a
profound understanding of the Tao and practice, you don’t need talismans or
calligraphy tablets.
Paper drives away ghosts and gods. He was once summoned by Emperor Yongle and
said, "I was not accepted as an official, but I was given robes and ordered to
go on a tour."
The world. At that time, there was a severe drought in Wujiang, and Yanzhi
prayed for rain to respond. Because he stayed in Chongzhen Taoist Temple, the
abbot lived there.
As a result, supernatural phenomena appeared repeatedly in the hospital. One
day, he shed his fur and shoes and passed away, more than a hundred years old."
Zhang Pique, a native of Changsha County, was originally named Jingzhong and
later changed his name to Daoxiu. There are few differences, years
Seventeen did not want to discuss marriage, so he became a monk Hu Daoan and
learned all his skills. Pray for rain, pray for sunshine, drive away
To treat diseases caused by evil, one should immediately respond immediately.
"Yilin" also records that Zhang Pique studied under Hu Fengzi.
"Hu Fengzi's teacher was Mo Yueding. He taught the Five Thunder Dharma. He lived
in Xuanmiao Temple and had many disciples. He wanted to secretly
Teach Tao and practice. Put a book on the house, cover it with tiles, call out
to Xiu, saying: "The sky is about to rain, and it will rise to the top of the
Make up for the lost gap. Taoism is true to its word. Hu Gongri: Really? Tao Xiu
responded: Get it
That’s it. Then he got the secret to drive away wind and thunder like a god"④.
Orthodox Geng Shen (1 4 4 0) died without any illness.
In addition to the lineage with Suzhou Xuanmiao Temple as its ancestral temple,
there are also many branches and traditions with different inheritances.
The Taoist Shenxiao of the Qing Dynasty was active in the north and south of the
Yangtze River. They are described separately below.
"Quzhou Fu Zhi" says: "
Zhang Baiting, a native of Hongwu, was born in Xuanmiao Guandu Ji. Yongle
room (1 4 0 3 -

1 4 2 0 ) According to the imperial edict, the Guanbai Pavilion of the Wudang

Mountain Palace was built, and it was ordered to live in Yuxu, Yuantian.

① See "
Photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and Modern Books", Volume 51, Page 62686.
② See "
"Collection of Ancient and Modern Books" photocopy, volume 51, page 62693.
③ See "
Photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and Modern Books", Volume 51, Page 62378.
④ See "
Collection of Ancient and Modern Books" photocopy, volume 51, page 62379.
God’s name is renewed—
— Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties,



| 127

In the palace, I met a strange person. He was given a gourd, a pillar and a
staff. He tasted the medicine and was taught the secret method of Five Thunders.
He prayed.
Pray and test. Later, when he returned to the Qu, he crossed Qingniu in and out
every day. He named himself Gourd Taoist.
Contains: "Wang Yunzhong established a Taoist society during the Hongwu period
and taught for more than thirty years. He lived eighty years and was able to
Drive away thunder and cause rain. Whenever there are locust droughts and
epidemics, they are often encountered, and their reputation is known in other
counties. "
If there is firewood, use it first, and the number is only one son. During
Yongle's journey from Beijing to Wulin, there was a severe drought, and he said
he could prosper.
During a thunderstorm, the officials ordered him to set up an altar. "In a
moment, thunder and lightning came, and heavy rain fell, while the West Lake
The water has dried up. The descendants of his clan have mastered the secret
method of Five Thunders, which can dispel evil and cure diseases, and pray for
sunny weather."

"Zhenjiang Prefecture Chronicle" records: Pan Daotai was named Wuyazi and became
a Taoist priest of Wanshou Palace at the age of eight.
A true disciple of Wu De, he met a stranger who taught him the thunder method
when he was young. One day he went to the toilet to recite a mantra and
accidentally summoned Xin from the Thunder Department.
Tianjun, Tianjun was angry and burned his head with a pen of fire. His head was
rotten, and everyone called him "Pan Rotten Tou". King Tai Room
(1 4 5 0 - 1 4 5 6) There was a severe drought. Guo Ji, the governor of the
county, ordered to pray for rain. "It rained enough."

He was sick with malaria due to thunderstorms, but the medicine did not cure
him. Yan Daotai went to protect him, and Daotai stroked his back with his palm
and he was cured. dimension
When there was a drought in the city of Yang, he summoned Daotai to pray. He
ordered a large black carp to be cooked in the cauldron, and the fire healed.
The rain is pouring like a thirsty worker. If someone is sick and comes to ask
for help, he may write amulets or curse water to cure it.
Get better with it. "
Later, he was awarded the title of "Tongxuan Wulei Judge Lingji Zhenren" by

"Guangxi Tongzhi" records: There is an unknown person named Wang Zhenren, who
was banished to tame elephants during the Jingtai period.
There is a Taoist technique that can cause thunderstorms. He can draw a talisman
in the palm of a person's hand and hold it for several steps.
If he opens his hand, thunder will burst out." Praying for rain to cure demons
is very miraculous. There is also Deng
Qing, courtesy name Zizhen, orthodox (1 4 3 6 - 1 4 4 9), a Taoist priest living
in Cenxi, "practicing yoga"
I learned from a legend that one day something struck by lightning fell into a
pool of filth. I sprinkled water on it with a mantra to purify it, and the
thunder flew away.
"Fujian Tongzhi" records: Dong Bohua, a native of Jinjiang, was convinced of Qi
and refined his body.
① See "
Photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and Modern Books", Volume 51, Page 62374.
② See "
Photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and Modern Books", Volume 51, Page 62682.
③ See "
Collection of Ancient and Modern Books" photocopy, volume 51, page 62379.
④⑤ See "
"Collection of Ancient and Modern Books" photocopy, volume 51, page 62380.
1 of

Taoist Shenxiao sect's relatives and thoughts

Chenghuajian (1 4 6 5 - 1 4 8 7) often travels to Zhang and Quan. "Can call for

wind and rain to come immediately. And often
Painting thunder talisman can be sold for one penny, but the boy will sell it.
Hiding the talisman in the palm of the hand, spinning it near the ear
When it is opened, it vibrates in response to the sound, and is called the
Thunder Master.
"Book of Fujian" says: "Yu Zhenzhai, Sharen, secretly taught talismans and
mastered the Five Thunder Prayer Techniques.
At the same time, Huang Tianyuan, the abbot of Yifuguan, can also do this
technique. ”② There is Wei Leiming again,
Also involved. "Excellent in the art of thunder, a boy wants to play for fun. If
he gives him some money, Wei will get it in the boy's palm."
Make it look like a calligraphy talisman, instructing you to hold it tightly
until someone is near you, let go, and then it will disperse with a thunderous
sound. ”③
"Zhejiang Tongzhi" says: "Tang Zhi obtained the Five Thunder Methods of Brahma
and Dou Mu and prayed for rain to bless the saints.
Look, the flags are flying in the sky, the clouds are turning like wheels, and
the rain is falling suddenly. "④ "Wenzhou Prefecture Chronicles" contains:
Jia Fuzhen, also known as Jingguan, lived in Wencheng during the reign of the
Yuan Dynasty.
and astronomical and geographical secrets. When there is a severe drought in the
county, pray at the Yue Temple in time for the rain to come"⑤. He also said:
Gu Taizhen, nicknamed Xubai. Learned from Chen Jingxin in Lucheng, and met
Taoist Master Mayi, who taught me palm skills
Thunder method can refer to the rainy sun and dominate the wind and rain. In the
nineteenth year of Hongwu (1386), there was a drought in summer.
I prayed at Baosheng Temple and went up to the altar. Thunder and lightning came
and the heavy rain stopped after three days. "

"Linjiang Prefecture Chronicles" contains: New Yu Yanzhen Temple Taoist Huang
Mingxue entered the temple at the age of nineteen.
Huang Jianji’s teacher said, “When I was forty years old, I met a stranger who
taught him the innate thunder method.
Those who should not. Ming Hongwu Bingyin (1 3 8 0) If there is no rain in
spring and summer, Tao Hui Jianghu Tian recommends it to the county
Order, send a letter to summon Yan. In order to build an altar and set up a
memorial ceremony for Ming Dynasty, there were thunderstorms for three days." In
this way, prayers for rain are successively
All seven times are correct, and the world is called "Qiyu Taoist".

"Nanchang Juncheng" records: Xu Fugao was a Taoist priest of Chongxuan Temple in
Fengxin County and was proficient in magic.

① See page 62382 of volume 51 of the photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and

Modern Books".
② See page 62375 of volume 51 of the photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and
Modern Books".
③ See page 62695 of volume 51 of the photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and
Modern Books".
④ See page 62401 of volume 51 of the photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and
Modern Books".
⑤ See page 62681 of volume 51 of the photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and
Modern Books".
⑥ See page 62682 of volume 51 of the photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and
Modern Books".
⑦ See pages 62683 and 62684 of Volume 51 of the photocopy of "Collection of
Ancient and Modern Books".
And the film faction’s extension of the town period—

Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties\


In the fifteenth year of Yongle (1417), there was a drought. He went to the
provincial capital again to pray.
Sitting on the seventh-floor platform, the case
Vibrating the gold medal will cause thunder, shaking the small flag will cause
lightning. Sometimes it rains heavily, and the streets are filled with fish and
The river has dried up three feet.”①.

"Le'an County Chronicle" contains: Zhang Bizhen, a native of Longgang in the
west corner, Yongle Yiwei (1415)
When I was in Nanjing, I had a dream at night that a god gave me a divine book
and a sword. I found a thunder book in a stone box by the roadside.
In the middle, I believe in Dao Dharma. In the third month of the severe drought
in Beijing, "all the officials urged to come to the altar, and in a moment there
was thunder and lightning."
When the weather was over, the heavy rain came in torrents, and it stopped only
when it was over. When a superior heard about it, he gave him the title of
Guangming Zhenren and issued an edict to
Four bronze thunder gods returned. There are many epidemic diseases in the
county. If you apply Fu Shui, all of them will be cured immediately."
"Yunnan General Chronicle" records: Yang Yongguang, nicknamed Leigu, was from
Yuyao. "
Get five when meeting a stranger
Lei Fa, at the beginning of Yongle, used his service to Xu Yiliang, and his
prayers were always answered.
"③Also said: "Chen Taoist, Jia
Jingjian lives in the Yuhuang Pavilion in Dongshan, with a handsome air, eyes
like lightning, roaring wind and thunder, without delay.
carve. The county experienced a drought, and when the soldiers came to the city,
sweet rain followed them."
Xu Daoguang, a native of Kunming, grew up in
Jiang Rihe studied the Five Thunder Methods and became very good at them."

"Guizhou Tongzhi" records: Zhang Daoren, a county man, learned the secret
technique of praying for rain and thunder, and during the Wanli period
(1 5 7 3 - 1 6 2 0 ) Drought was brought about by Governor Guo Zizhang, and
Taoists set up altars to pray for rain, which would bring good luck for the next
five years.

The Thunder Jue, the calligraphy talisman was in the hands of the boy, "The boy
went to the county hall and opened his palms, and suddenly there was a
Before everyone arrived at the altar, a heavy rain fell."⑤.

"Le'an County Chronicles" records: Yuan Lejing, a native of Xiangfeng, was named
Understanding the origin of Xiong's family, adjusting Kanli, nourishing inner
elixirs, praying for rain to drive away epidemics, treating diseases and seeking
sunshine, all are successful.
answer. Luoshan eliminates the essence of the white horse, Zhoufang eliminates
the monsters of the camphor tree, especially the real person Sa Yuyang Lian
The law is revealed in time. Descendants set up a real society to pray for
From the many high-level deeds cited above, it can be seen that Shenxiao Taoism
still existed in the Ming Dynasty.

① ② ③ See page 62684 of the photocopied volume 51 of "Collection of Ancient

and Modern Books".
④ See page 62689 of volume 51 of the photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and
Modern Books".
⑤ See page 62692 of volume 51 of the photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and
Modern Books".
⑥ See page 62694 of volume 51 of the photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and
Modern Books".



The history and thought of Shuangxiao School of Taoism

The considerable influence can be seen both in the government and the public, as
well as in the north and south of the country.
The Taoist priests of the Shenxiao sect are still active. They still pray for
sunshine, rain, and exorcise evil spirits and cure diseases.
Shi, is famous for being good at using thunder.

Section 3 The Shenxiao Sect of the Qing Dynasty—

—Represented by Shi Daoyuan
After the Manchus entered the customs, because their nobles had no Taoist
beliefs, they respected
Follow the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism. After entering the customs, they
focused on using Neo-Confucianism to govern the world, so they were not as good
as Taoism.
Ming Dynasty attached great importance to it. None of the emperors of the Qing
Dynasty respected Taoism as much as the emperors of the Ming Dynasty. The
imperial court hired Taoist priests
Fasting and praying are rare, and the laws of the Qing Dynasty strictly prohibit
wizards and Taoists from performing rituals to drive away ghosts and confuse
People's support, and measures were formulated to target various religious
activities of Zhengyi sects. so
First, Taoism entered a stage of relative decline, and the influence of various
sects became more and more important.
Small. However, many Taoist priests are still active among the people, allowing
the true lineage of Chinese Taoism to continue.
As far as the Shenxiao sect is concerned, some Taoist priests who practice the
Shenxiao Thunder Method also come from both the government and the public,
serving as
praised by the world. For example, during the Kangxi period, there was a man who
claimed to be the Immortal Wang Wenqing, who practiced the magic of the sky.
Emperor Xi once summoned him and gave him a plaque, couplets, etc. There is also
a high Taoist named Shi Daoyuan who inherited Shenxiao Tao.
The Qionglongshan branch of the Shenxiao sect was established, thus extending
the history of the Shenxiao sect into the Qing Dynasty.
and introduced to Taiwan.
According to Min Yide's "Golden Covered Heart Lamp", Shi Daoyuan was once a
disciple of Quanzhen Longmen Sect.
Son, later converted to Tianshi Mansion and inherited the lineage of Shenxiao.

Golden lid heart lantern・Longmen authentic branch
Pai Tu" Day: Shi Liangsheng, "Tiezhu Taoist. He tasted the first true precepts
and the ultimate precepts from the king.
Kunyang lawyer, later became proficient in law, converted to Zhengyi Zhenren
Mansion, and was sent to Qionglongshan, Gusu
Pie'①. Volume 4 of "Xuanmiao Guanzhi" says: "
Shi Daoyuan, also known as Liangsheng, also known as Tie Zhudao
people. Born in Hengtang Township, Wu County. Tongzhen became a monk and became
a Taoist priest of Chaozhen Temple. He met the stranger Zhang Xinfu and taught

① See "
The Book of Foreign Taoism, Volume 31, Page 168.
Shi Xiaohai continued Xu Yi^ Ming Pu "\





With Dan Jue. In the nineteenth year, Xu Yanzhen taught the Five Thunder
Techniques from Longhu Mountain, which could drive hundreds of gods. hour
To remove evil spirits and heal people's sufferings, not to make profit. At the
beginning, he built a room on Yaofeng Peak and practiced morning and night.
He lived in Qionglong Mountain, which is the Forbidden City of Mao Zhenjun. He
renovated the halls and dormitories with dove materials to make them new. Shun
During the Reform Movement of 1898 (1658), Zhang Hongren, a real person of the
53rd generation, came to the court and was granted the Zhen Guan on his
He was also given the title of Daoyuan, Yangyuan Baoyi, a preaching and
evolution master. Therefore, we solicited invitations from all over the world to
build scenic spots.
There are more than 170 statues with 8,720 unique statues. The Xuanmiao temple
in the county is in ruins
After the ruins, Grand Tutor Jin Zhijunyan took charge of Daoyuanzhu and
restored the Sanqing and Leizun halls. Kenmira
The scale of the pavilion is huge, and it costs tens of thousands, not a penny
of which is private. Traveled to Fujian and Yue in the evening to explore the
truth and visit Taoism.
Much relief. In the Bingchen period of Kangxi (1676), Prince Yu summoned the
Lord to pay a memorial ceremony to the capital master and beg for his return. "

He died in July of the seventeenth year of Kangxi (1678) and wrote "Yu Liu Tang

The records in "Suzhou Prefecture Chronicles" are slightly different, saying "
When you are young, you will go to Chaozhen Temple, and when you are seventeen
years old, you will pay homage to the dragon and the tiger.
Shan Xukaning learned the Five Thunder Method. In the Wuzi year of Shunzhi
(1648), he built a house in Wushan to practice.
In the Gengyin year (1650), he presided over Qionglong Mountain and built more
than 20 palaces."
Junzhong Xuanmiao Temple
The main hall fell into ruins, and Lu Fang invited Dao Yuan to invite him. In
three or four years, the Sanqing Hall collapsed.
After it was completed, the Leizu Hall and the mountain gate were built. Behind
the terrace is Miluo Pavilion, which was abandoned more than 70 years ago.
That’s it. Daoyuan Fuding is built with seven rooms and two wings, standing
three stories high, reaching up to the clouds, where the Queen of Heaven is
The stars and mountains are magnificent. In his lifetime, Huanglu Zhaijiao and
other constructions cost no less than ten thousand yuan.
More than ten thousand, every penny is selfless. In the fifteenth year of
Kangxi's reign (1676), Prince Yu built a large altar.
Three plaques were given, one said "Taoist priest", the second said "Purple Qi
from the East", the third "Shanshui Qingyin" and Dharma robes.
Second attack, token, jade seal, flag sword, etc. In the seventeenth year,
Xuanmiao Temple prayed for rain for nine days and nights.
After finishing his bath, he fell down and sat down, saying a verse: "Slow and
sluggish, reaching the end of the world in a flash." Only I know it
Zong, Yishou is not peaceful. Throw a pen and pass away."

Hu Deguo, a disciple of Shi Daoyuan, was named Yunlu and was a native of Wu

① See page 467 of Volume 20 of "The Book of Foreign Taoism".

② See "
Photocopy of "Collection of Ancient and Modern Books", Volume 51, Page 6 2 6 9

/ Er Erxian Cult Temptation Horiya and Thoughts

technique. In the forty-third year of Kangxi's reign (1704), there was a severe
drought in Wuzhong, and the government invited Hu Deguo to build the altar.
Praying for rain came true, and his reputation grew from then on. Pan Yuangui, a
disciple of Hu Deguo, also named Yunzhang,
No. Wu'an, from Wujun. He became a monk in Xuanmiao Guan and was Hu Deguo's
senior disciple. He was good at the Five Thunder Dharma. virtue
After Guo's death, whenever there was a ritual ceremony in Wuzhong, Pan Yuangui
took over it, and it was always successful and famous.
Wen Jingshi. During Yongzheng's reign (1723-1735), he was summoned to the
capital to attend the Great Guangming Hall.
He is a judge on duty before the imperial court. Whenever someone prays, they
all say the edict and the reward is very generous.
Salute. After returning to the south, he still lived in Xuanmiao Temple. Pan
Yuangui passed on his disciple Hui Yuanmo, and Yuanmo passed on
Disciple Zhang Zili, their deeds can be found in "Xuanmiao Guanzhi".
Hui Yuanmo, whose courtesy name is Xuzhong and whose nickname is Danfeng, was
born in Suzhou. Young and lonely, a little older, a monk and a mysterious person
Guan, learned from Pan Yuangui. Later, he read extensively in Confucian books,
especially Taoist Canon. Thirty years old,
Awarded the Taoist Discipline Division. In the ninth year of Yongzheng's reign
(1731), he ordered the construction of the Qing Palace on Longhu Mountain and
was transferred to the throne.
Affairs of the Yuhua Academy of the Qing Palace. In the eleventh year (1733),
the Guangming Palace of the capital was completed and he was conquered to
The temple was burned and repaired. At that time, Lou Jinyuan was in charge of
the Guangming Hall, and he studied under Yuanmo and received his teachings.
Thirteen years
(1735) In February, Pan Yuangui passed away. Yuanmo heard of his obituary and
returned to the south. He arranged for his funeral and succeeded him.

The abbot's seat at Xuanmiao Temple. In the autumn of that year, Lou Jinyuan
pointed out the lack of Longhu Mountain and played the accurate report of
Let it go. In the ninth year of Qianlong's reign (1744), Lou Jinyuan was
declining, and all the people he recruited came to help him.
It will be the royal season next year. When encountering Yuyang's misfortune, he
always responds to the law. Lou Jinyuan re-edited "Dragon and Tiger"
"Mountain Chronicles", Yuanmo was responsible for proofreading and editing, and
contributed a lot. In the 36th year of Qianlong's reign (1771)
Died at the age of seventy-five. His works include "Xue Yin Manuscript".
Huiyuan Mo had a disciple named Zhang Zili, named Yizhi, named Youtong, and was
a native of Huangcun, Wuyi. 0 copies
A Confucian scholar, he left his home to pay homage to Zhen Guan in the eleventh
year of his life, and worshiped Shen Jiancang as his teacher. Addicted to
learning and untiring, followed by Confucianism
Jiayan understands the five thousand words of the Tao Te Ching, and the secret
code of talismans.
There is fulfillment. In the twelfth year of Yongzheng's reign (1734), he was
elected to the capital and lived in Guangming Hall, and then returned to
Mo accepted the law and became a judge on duty in front of the emperor. In the
fourteenth year of Qianlong's reign (1749), he returned to Suzhou and succeeded
Lou Jin.
Yuan was ordered to go to the Qing Palace on Longhu Mountain to take charge of
the affairs of the Yinghua Academy. In the forty-first year of Qianlong's reign
(1776), please
After returning to Suzhou on leave, the following year, the county gentry asked
him to preside over the abbot of Xuanmiao Temple and pray for rain to ward off
evil spirits. He was very responsive.
The continuation period of Shenxiao Sect'—Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties \ 0 ) @

3) | 133

test. In the forty-fifth year (1780), Emperor Gaozong Hongli traveled to the
south. Zhang Zili led a group of Taoists to welcome him and played a memorial
For the purpose of symmetry, he was awarded five hundred taels of platinum. In
daily life, I just burn incense and sit in meditation. In my spare time, I like
to study Han Li.
Also good at chanting. He died in the fifty-first year of Qianlong's reign
(1786) at the age of seventy-five.
In addition to Zhang Zili, Huiyuanmo also passed on Shi Shen'an. Shi Shen'an, Zi
Zhenjing, Yuanhe
people. Since childhood, he has been fond of Taoist teachings and has become a
monk in Xuanmiao. He worships Hui Yuanmo as his teacher and calls him his
son. He then received the Five Thunder Dharma from Master Shen Jiancang of
Chaozhenguan. Thirty-sixth year of Qianlong's reign
(1771), served as the abbot's prison, and sent more than 200 acres of fertile
land in Wu Yi sent by Shi Yuanmo.

Become a regular visitor and offer incense forever, and people will respect you.
In the fifty-first year of Qianlong's reign (1786), the Lord
Hold the abbot. In the third year of Jiaqing (1798), there was a drought in Su
County. I was ordered to pray for rain, and it always came true.
He died at the age of seventy-five.
Based on the above, the inheritance of the Qionglongshan faction of the Shenxiao
sect taught by Shi Daoyuan is as follows
As shown in the table: Shi Daoyuan—

Hu Deguo—

Pan Yuangui—

Hui Yuanmo—

Zhang Zi

Li and Shi Shen'an. They were active in the early and middle Qing Dynasty, and
their subsequent inheritance is unknown.
In the Zhejiang area, in addition to Shi Daoyuan's family, there are still some
people who follow the Shenxiao Thunder Method.
By. For example, Zhou Shide, whose courtesy name was Yunxiu, was a Confucian son
of Weiting in Changzhou. After losing his father when he was young, he became a
monk and paid homage to Deng
Send it to Huang Guanzi. At the age of 20, I went to Xia Bei Qu from Longhu
Mountain to learn the Five Thunder Prayer and dispel evil spirits.
Various methods of treating diseases, "
Mastering the scriptures, whenever there is a flood or drought, praying will be
responded to. Also Changying County
At the request of Shen Li Mo, Shen Shaofang and others, he lectured on "Daode"
and "Qingjing Jing" to Fuji and Sanmao.
There are thousands of people watching. Zhang Zhenren was bestowed upon his
forehead by Hong Ren, saying Ke Dian Hong Shu, and he was sixty years old.
"Second Pawn"
Li Pu, named Tianmu, was a native of Wuxian County, also known as Zizhong
The abbot of Chaozhen, devoted to the golden elixir and great medicine,
threatened those who refused to stick to the table for thirty years, and
suddenly realized the mysterious dynasty.
real. There is Bai Zi Qing Dong Yuan Dharma, which has not been passed down
since Xu Donghui. Simple Heart and God
Hui, there is no need to learn from the ancient talismans and tactics, and they
will always follow the instructions. Frequently travels between Soochow and Puli

See the photocopy of Volume 51 of "Collection of Ancient and Modern Books"

quoted from "Suzhou Prefecture Chronicles" on page 62698.
1 34




--Evolution and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

During this period, people competed to build houses to live in. In the autumn of
the ninth year of Kangxi (1670), Weihua Juncheng Ziwei'an,
He is admired by Taoists and seculars, and is honored as Mr. Chongbai. His books
include "The Purpose of Returning Dan" and "Huohou Zongyuan"
Waiting for the editor"①.
Sun Daoyuan, also known as Shanchang, was also nicknamed Fuyangzi. Kirigawa
people. I became a monk at the age of seven, and my parents
He was sent to Wushan Huode Temple to become a Taoist priest. At the age of
twenty-four, he visited the Five Mountains and learned all the wonders of the
Tao. Pass
At Longhu Mountain in Xinzhou, Zhang Zhenren taught the Five Thunder Dharma and
said: "The great road must accumulate merit.
To benefit the country and the people. If you take good care of yourself alone
and your virtue is not affected by things, even if you gain immortality, you
will still be a child.
also. Daoyuan took the relief work as a guide to refine his nature, and went to
Dadi Mountain to practice tranquility.
The study of life depends on the call of wind and rain, driving away the stars,
and stopping it. May the sun and rain please me, no matter what
Unsurprisingly, I thought the gods were serving my destiny. In the seventy-
fourth year of the year, Keqi showed his transformation, and said that
The disciple said: There will be wind and thunder after leaving, don't be
alarmed. It’s true”
In addition, there are some Shenxiao Taoist priests in other places. Shanxi
martial arts cultivator Guo Jing
In the middle, the number is returned to Yangzi. When I was young, I dreamed of
driving a dragon to make rain. As they grow older, they become weary of the
world and human ways, and desire
Traveling with An Qisheng and Huang Shigong. "Have tasted Huayin, met Liu, a
stranger, and taught him the art of golden elixir
and the Five Thunder Method. From then on, he traveled between Jin, Chu, Yan and
Zhao. He was good at praying for rain, and when there was a drought, all the
provincial officials and ministers came to visit him.
The chief officials of prefectures and counties often travel hundreds of
thousands of miles to pray for the return of the sun. It is no different when
But when you make an altar, go up to the altar and clap your hands with the
thunder seal in your palm, then thunderbolts will follow and heavy rain will
fall like rain.
Note. If there are many people who ask for it, then the first talisman will be
written to pay it. Those who hold it can enter the country, and the rain has
That’s it. "Afterwards, he passed through Tai'an Town, Shouyang, and lived in
Longquan Nunnery in Wufeng Mountain. At that time, Fu Shan took refuge in
"Learn from him as a teacher." Huanyang is well-versed in books, "especially
good at the Book of Changes, and his teachings must be the best in the world."
First-class people, such as Zhao Nanxing and Guo Zhiping, are his friends. " ③
It seems that Guo Jingzhong should be clear
A noble thinker in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, his disciple Fu Shan
was a famous thinker in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

① ② See the photocopy of Volume 51 of "Collection of Ancient and Modern Books"

quoted from "Suzhou Prefecture Chronicles" on page 62698.
③ See "
"Collection of Ancient and Modern Books" photocopied volume 51, page 62406,
quoted from "General Chronicles of Shanxi".
Cuan Xiao's version continues with one yuan plus clear version\叵


"Zhuzhen Sect General Book" says that Zhengyi, Shenxiao, Qingxiao, Qingzheng,
Traditional Fulu Taoist sects such as Lingbao and Jingming were continued until
the end of the Qing Dynasty, such as the Shenxiao sect.
The Zhisa ancestral sect was established by Hanzhong Prefecture in Shaanxi
Province on March 26, the first year of Xuantong (1909).
Deng Daoyou from Pinglang Palace in Chenggu County brought Baiyun Temple to
Beijing, and there are 40 inheritance words of this sect.
Also according to "
Volume 28 of "Fujian General Chronicle" records that Taiwan, Penghu, Xinyi and
other places
In the early Qing Dynasty, Luzu Temple, Zhenwu Temple, etc. were built. Taoism
Zhengyi Sect, Shenxiao Sect, Qing Dynasty
The Wei sect and the "Lushan Sannai sect" in the southeast were all introduced
to Taiwan.
Among the people, there are still some people who believe in Shenxiao Taoism.
For example, Yao Fu from Zhenhai, Zhejiang
Zhuang was famous for being good at painting plum blossoms. In the twenty-third
year of Daoguang's reign (1843), he lived in the north of the city due to
Yuqing Taoist Temple, retreat and rest, borrow the Taoist priest's "Nine Heavens
Ying Yuan Thunder Universal Transformation Tian Zun Yu Shu Bao"
"Sutra", I burned incense and taught it every day. It lasted for five months,
and my illness was cured. So I made reference to various companies, and
Zheng Bo cited it as a 3168-word "
"Yushu Jing" has annotations of more than 130,000 words, which is called "Yushu
"Jingpian", preceded by a preface from the 25th year of Daoguang (1845),
describing its origin. he praised
Day: "To inspire enlightenment and to be sincere in one's heart is in line with
our Confucian purpose of dedicating one's life to establishing one's destiny.
"Time in"
The method of practice is introduced in "Examples": "Recite the teachings day by
day, fast
Precepts, tidying up clothes, clearing the mind and calming the mind, tapping
one's teeth and performing music will purify the body, mouth, mind and homeland.
The earth, the pure heaven and earth, the golden light, the incense, the opening
of sutras, the mysterious yunda, and the eight mantras, silently experience it.
During the Zhou Dynasty, people then opened the sutras to praise and invite
various texts. Start sitting upright and facing east, reading the main text of
the sutra. Class finished
Afterwards, he preached praises and returned to the altar. Be careful not to be
rude and keep talking to others. Pray as you wish,
Natural induction. This scroll is for those who want to learn Taoism to help
them practice silently and internally. It may be one scroll or half a scroll.
You can read the volume or turn it several times, and you can read it at any
time, from the shallower to the deeper, but be solemn and informal.

① "Yushu Jingpian" has a collection of editions in the 25th year of Daoguang's

reign, as well as stone seals in the 8th year of the Republic of China, and cast
editions in the 11th year of the Republic of China.
This book is now included in the fourth volume of "The Book of Foreign Taoism".
Called Ling Yun)

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism


I Chapter 5 丿

Basic overview of Taoist pantheon

The above four chapters focus on the origin and development history of Shenxiao
Sect, and then focus on
It will be focused on the study of the Shenxiao sect’s divine system, its
thunder methods, and thoughts.
In the extremely large theological organization of Taoism, strictly speaking, it
can be divided into gods and
There are two categories: immortal and true. Gods are various supernatural
beings that people worship and believe in Taoism.
Images, such as Tianzun, Daojun, Laojun, Leizu, Jade Emperor, Demon King,
Tianjun, Xingjun,
Tiangang, Disha, etc.; Immortals are mostly those who have reached the holy
realm due to practicing Taoism.
Human beings are originally living mortals, such as Guangchengzi, Ningfengzi,
Pine nuts, the Eight Immortals of the Tang and Song Dynasties, etc. It is
precisely composed of various natural gods, spiritual gods, ancestors
The ancestor gods and many immortals and real people together formed a Tao with
a strict system and all gods respected each other.
The religious group. This concept is based on the Three Pure Ones and Four
Imperial Guards, the Three Realms and All Spirits, and the Immortals of the
Patriarchs of the past dynasties.
Shenzhen system, many gods are not only the spiritual idols worshiped by people,
but also the idols of their sects.
The founder of the Dharma.
It can be seen from the records of the Taoist Scriptures that even the
Yuanshitian, which is nothing mysterious and the incarnation of the Great Dao,
Zun, Taishang Daojun, Taishang Laojun and other three supreme beings of the
Three Pure Realms, they often use specific forms to
The image or the holy truth in the world appears and comes to the world to get
close to people, educate people, and save people.
them. And the prototype of Taishang Laojun——

Lao Tzu was originally a great philosopher in the pre-Qin period

Basic overview of Taoist pantheon\ ⑻


| 137

Man, the founder of Taoism. As Jia Shanxiang said in the Song Dynasty: "
And Lao's family is also
The human spirit is the one who possesses the great power of Tao. Therefore,
being able to communicate with the gods and gain insights, he is the master of
the Tao, so all spirits
The three realms belong to you. "
① In other words, as long as the mortals in the world believe in the Tao,
With persistence and practice, it is possible to be reborn and transform into an
immortal, a real person, or a god.
Even become a deity, like Laojun, the Eight Immortals, and the Celestial Master.
This kind of unity between man and god, immortality
The phenomenon of mutual transformation is quite peculiar, reflecting the
humanistic elements contained in Taoist theology.
concept, and promoted the perfection of the Taoist theology and the development
of Taoism itself.
Of course, the formation and perfection of the Taoist pantheon is a historical
process of gradual development.
The process cannot be accomplished overnight in a short period of time. From the
early days of Taoism, Laojun
Worship and belief in the three officials, from Tao Hongjing's "True Spirit
Position and Industry Map" in the Southern Dynasties, to the Northern Song
The huge group of gods in Zhang Shangying's "Positioning Map of the Three
Talents" and "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa"
The organization spans thousands of years, its hierarchical structure has been
adjusted many times, and along with many Taoist sects
The rise and fall of the Taoist theology differentiated into branch pantheons
with different structures, thus making the Taoist pantheon
It presents a colorful picture. Here, we first introduce the basics of the
Taoist pantheon
situation, and then describe the structure and characteristics of the Shenxiao
sect’s pantheon.
From a historical perspective, the Taoist pantheon has ancient origins. First,
it inherits
It reflects the nature worship, totem worship, and worship of gods that were
popular among primitive Chinese people.
Worship, secondly, it is the etiquette tradition of worshiping heaven and
worshiping ancestors pursued by the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties.
Continuation and development. In the process of its formation, it also absorbed
the ideas of Pre-Qin and Warring States periods.
Immortals, folk shamans and gods of the period, as well as the gods worshiped by
many ethnic groups in China, and even
The great men, sages, heroes and martyrs of China throughout the ages, as well
as the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Vajras of Buddhism
Dharma protector. This practice of widely absorbing hundreds of beliefs is
undoubtedly helpful for the establishment of the Taoist system.
It is very necessary, otherwise it would be difficult for Taoism to create many
new gods at once
, and cannot be worshiped. Although various kinds of worship left over from
ancient times in China

① See Jia Shanxiang's "

Preface to "The Legend of Youlong", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 18, Page 1.

@ @ @ @ /

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

They are numerous and complex, but they have one common characteristic, that is,
they all run through a line of respect for the supreme.
The main line of belief in gods. The beliefs of many different ethnic groups
throughout China
and folk beliefs are even more deeply rooted. In the process of its development
and spread, any religion
, their existence and influence cannot be ignored. As for some Bodhisattvas of
Sakyamuni and many Confucian saints and sages, such as Avalokitesvara, Manjusri,
Samantabhadra, Nagarjuna,
Moli Zhitian, King Wen of Zhou, Jiang Taigong, Confucius, etc. absorbed and
integrated into the Taoist theology.
is also a powerful way for Taoism to expand its influence.
For example, the twelve golden immortals are typical examples of the unity of
Taoism and Buddhism. Among them, there are ancient
There are legendary immortals, Taoist real people in the happy land of Xiaoyao
Cave, and people from
The three great figures of the Huayan Sect of Buddhism, namely Manjusri,
Samantabhadra, and Guanyin, could be said to be a combination of immortals and
All sects regard Yuanshi Tianzun as their leader. according to"
"The Romance of the Gods" Volume 45 "Randeng Discussion"
"Breaking the Ten Jue Formations" records that they were the twelve disciples of
Yuanshi Tianzun, and they were worshiped by Kunlun
The order of Yuanshi Tianzun from Shanyuxu Palace helped Jiang Ziya defeat
Taishi Wen's "Ten Absolute Formations":
It is said that Ran Deng controls Yuan Rong and leads the crowd.
The immortals lowered their awnings and lined up on foot, slowly and slowly
OK. I saw the red sperm facing Guangchengzi,
Master Taiyi said to Master Lingbao:
Dezhenjun is afraid of leaving his grandson, Manjusri spreads the law
Tianzun to Master Puxian, Master Cihang
To the real person Huanglong, to the real person Yuding
Xing Tianzun, the twelve generations of immortals, Qi Qi
Placed neatly in the middle, a sika deer sits on it
Ran Deng Taoist, the red sperm strikes the golden bell,
Guangchengzi struck the jade chime. "
According to "Zhuangzi·
Zaiyou" records,
Guangchengzi was an ancient immortal who lived in Qiqiu

Guangchengzi (Ming version of "The Wonderful Traces of Immortals and Buddhas")

Basic overview of Taoist pantheon\ out


I 139

He cultivates Taoism in the mountains, and his form has not deteriorated for
1,200 years. At that time, Huangdi once went to the mountain to worship him as
his teacher, and he learned a lot from it.
The "perfect way" that I have regarded for a long time. "Taishang Laojun Kaitian
Jing" states that Guangchengzi is Taishang Laojun
Incarnation: "
During the time of the Yellow Emperor, Laojun became his teacher, and his name
was Guangchengzi. The news is yin and yang,
He wrote "Tao Jie Jing" and "Tao Jing". Since the Yellow Emperor, there have
been kings, ministers and fathers, who distinguish themselves from superior and
There is a difference between high and low "① In "The Romance of the Gods",
Guang Chengzi lives in Taoyuan, Jiuxian Mountain
Hole. He wears the Bagua Immortal Clothes and has magical weapons such as the
Fan Tian Bao Seal, the Soul Falling Bell, and male and female swords.
He is the master of Yinjiao.
Red sperm is also an ancient immortal. Volume 2 of "The Legend of Yulong" states
that he is the Supreme Lord.
Ziyong: "The person who was the emperor's teacher was named Yu Huazi during the
Fuxi period, and Dachengzi during the Shennong period. I wish you the best."
During the time of Rong, he was named Guangshouzi, during the time of Huangdi,
he was named Guangchengzi, and during the time of Emperor Zhuan, he was named
Chizheng... all based on the classics.
"The art was taught to the emperor so that it could be implemented in the
With the way of loyalty and obedience." ② According to "Feng Shen Yan Yi"
records, Chi Jing lived in Taihua
Mountain Yunxiao Cave. He wears Bagua Huangshou fairy clothes, holds a Yin-Yang
mirror, has water and fire fronts, and is
Yin Hong's teacher.
Taiyi Zhenren, also known as Taiyi Zhenren, was the greatest master of Fang
Xiandao and Huanglao Dao in the Qin and Han Dynasties.
God of high heaven. "Zhuangzi Tianxia Chapter" says: "The greatest is without
externalities, it is called Taiyi", "The ancient
The essence of Taoism lies in this. Guan Yin and Lao Dan heard about it and were
pleased with it. They built it so that it would never exist.
"The main one is Taiyi". "Historical Records·Fengchanshu" states: "The noble one
in the sky is Taiyi, and Taiyi is the assistant."
The Five Emperors' "Historical Records,"
"Book of Heavenly Officials" says: "The Heavenly Pole Star in the middle palace,
one of which is bright, is Taiyi Chang.
Live in it. "Zhang Zhengyi cited "The Star Book" as annotation: "Taiyi, one
star, the next sky is one south, also
The God of the Emperor of Heaven, the master of the sixteen gods, knows wind and
rain, floods and droughts, wars, hunger, and diseases. "
The prophets of the Han Dynasty also called it the "North Pole" star. For
example, "Spring and Autumn Wen Yao Gou" said: "Zhong Pole"
The Great Emperor of the Palace has his spirit at the North Pole, and the one
with the brightest star is the first of Taiyi, which contains vitality to fight.

① See Chapter 6 of Volumes 3 and 4 of "Tao Zang"!

9 pages.
② See Chapter 1 of Volume 1 of "Tao Zang"! Page.


Liang Ge and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Taoism also regards Taiyi as the innate true spirit. The first divine level of
"True Spirit Position and Karma Map"
In the right position of Yuanshi Tianzun, there are "Jade Tiantaijun", "
The God of "Taiyi Yujun"
Bit. "Dongzhen Gaoshang Jade Emperor's Big Cave Female One Jade Inspection of
the Five Old Treasures" says: "The essence of Taiyi,
Originating from the Taiqing Dynasty, the soul was transformed, and the form and
shadow became a spirit. He controlled the hundreds of gods, restrained the three
yangs, and became the emperor.
Xuanyan, combined with the true Huichang, brings peace of mind internally,
fights disasters externally, but removes the cause of death and prolongs life
Chang, clothes, old and young, changeable and impermanent, governed by Liuhe,
going around Jiang Palace, going down to Dongmen,
Go up to Xuanxiang, mix with three or five, wander around Tianjing, call the sun
and the moon, transport the male and female, take the summons
” ① According to the records of "Fengshen Yanyi", Taiyi Zhenren lived in
Jinguang, Qianyuan Mountain.
Cave, why is the scolding teacher, there is "
Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover".
Qingxu Daodezhenjun is the god of Taoism. According to "Fengshen Yanyi", he
lived in
In Ziyang Cave in Qingfeng Mountain, he was Huang Tianhua's master. He is
stepping on a lotus boat and holding a Moxie treasure in his hand
The sword has the Hunyuan banner, "
Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan", "
This fan has fire in the air, fire in the stone, and wood
The five fires of middle fire, samadhi fire, and human fire combine into this
treasure. The fan has phoenix wings and green luan
There are roc wings, peacock wings, white crane wings, swan wings, and owl black
There are talismans on the feathers of the seven birds, and there are secrets."
Master Lingbao, Daoxingtianzun, Huanglongzhenren, and Yudingzhenren are all
Taoist disciples.
god. According to the records of "Fengshen Yanyi", they lived in Yuanyang Cave
and Cave of Qianqie Mountain respectively.
Yuwu Cave in Jinting Mountain, Magu Cave in Erxian Mountain, and Jinxia Cave in
Yuquan Mountain.
One of the seven Buddhas in the past of Buddhism, one of the six ancestors of
Sakyamuni Buddha
The fourth place, also translated as "
Detain Sun", "
"Jiulou Sun" and so on. "Chang Agama Sutra" Vol.
A year ago, fearing that Sun Buddha would be born during "this virtuous
tribulation", he held a sermon
The meeting was attended by many disciples. "Fengshen Yanyi" states that he
lived in Feiyun, Jialong Mountain
Cave, first for the Golden Immortal, "
Later generations will interpret it and become a Buddha."
Manjushri is originally a Bodhisattva in Buddhism, and his full name is
"Manjushri", which is the pronunciation of Sanskrit.
① See (
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 3 Page 393.
The basic situation of Taoist theology\




Translated. Also translated as "Manjusri". Because "Manjusri" means "wonderful"

and "Shili" means "wonderful".
"Shou", "De", "Ji" etc., so it is also translated as "Miaode", "Miaoshou",
"Auspicious". Manjusri usually serves as the left host of Sakyamuni Buddha in
the main hall of Buddhist temples.
Si "Intelligence" means "Great Wisdom", and the right side of Si "Li" represents
Samantabhadra (which means "Great Wisdom").
"Walking") are lined up on both sides of the Buddha. Manjusri's mount is a green
lion, which represents wisdom and power.
Holding a sword represents intelligence and sharpness. Buddhism often uses a
lion to describe the power of Buddhism, which can destroy
Defeat all evil spirits. Sakyamuni is said by Buddhism to be a "lion among men",
and is also said to be a "lion among men" by Buddhists.
The sound of the Dharma shook the world and was called "a lion's roar". "Chuan
Leng Lu" records: "When Sakyamuni Buddha was born,
One finger points to the sky and the other to the earth, making a roaring cloud
like a lion: Above the sky and below, I am the only one who is supreme! "
Therefore, the lion that Manjusri rides is not just an animal, but also contains
the powerful symbol of Buddhism.
meaning. The Manjushri shape of Tantric Buddhism, with five buns on the top,
represents the Great Sun Tathagata (the Dharma of Sakyamuni Buddha).
The five wisdoms of body) also represent the innocence of a child. Therefore,
some scriptures call him "Master Manjushri"
"Benefiting Boys", and attached the tops of the five main peaks of Mount Wutai
as the symbol of Manjusri's five buns.
Mount Wutai is also recognized as the Wenshu Taoist Temple. Taoism absorbs
Manjusri into the Taoist pantheon
, and through the evolution of "Feng Shen Yan Yi", Manjusri changed from a
Bodhisattva to a deity, and he lived in
He lives in Yunxiao Cave in Wulong Mountain and is the master of Jin Chi. Riding
on a green-haired lion, with lotus flowers under his feet, there are
Dunlong pile, "This pile is based on three talents, and there are three circles
above and below the pile." There are demon ropes and Pangu flags.
His Dharmakaya "has a face like indigo, red hair and a red beard. His whole body
is colorful and auspicious, and his body is filled with golden light."
support. The rolling red flames coming to conquer the demons are flying, and the
golden lotus is surrounded by rising rays of light dancing wildly."
Samantabhadra is also a Bodhisattva in Buddhism. The Mahavaima Sutra says:
“Samantabhadra is the Bodhisattva of Samantabhadra.
Universal, it is everywhere; Xian, it is the most wonderful goodness. It is said
that the vows and actions arising from bodhicitta are repeated
Everything is pure and wonderful and good, and it is equipped with many virtues,
so it is named. "The Second Bodhisattva Sutra"
Said: "Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, who has realized the poor Dharma Realm and
achieved enlightenment for a long time, assists Sakyamuni.
In life, the original trace is hidden, and the appearance of a Bodhisattva
appears. His virtue is immeasurable and inconceivable. Now let’s talk about it.
The word "Puxian" is used to show its general outline. "Thus said, Samantabhadra
wants to push away Buddhism.
"Goodness" has spread to all places. It can be said that the merits of this
great Bodhisattva are immeasurable, from his name to

/ I may think about the history of Erdaoxiang Shenxiao Sect

Functions all reflect the compassion of their wishes. Samantabhadra's life

experience may be said to be the son of all Buddhas.

The Avatamsaka Sutra says: "All Tathagatas have their eldest son, who is named
Samantabhadra." Or it's wonderful.
The second daughter of Prince Zhuang. "The Hinayana Sutra" says: "The three
daughters of King Miaozhuang, the elder Manjusri, the third daughter
Xian is the second Guanyin, and his son is Ksitigarbha. "Puxian's mount is a
six-tusked white elephant, which Buddhism calls
The white elephant was originally transformed by Bodhisattva to represent its
mighty spirit. "Pu Yao Sutra" says: "The Bodhisattva came from Tusita
A powerful spirit descended from the sky and turned into a white elephant with
six teeth in its mouth. "Puxian rides on a six-tusked white elephant,
This shows his great kindness. "Samantabhadra Contemplation Sutra" says: "
Six teeth table six degrees (
One charity, two
Perseverance, three patience, four diligence, five meditation, six
intelligence), four feet represent four wishes."
Volume 2 of "Samatha-Vipassana" states: "Those who speak of white elephants with
six tusks are Bodhisattvas who have no faults or stains. They are called
white. "Taoism absorbs Samantabhadra into the Taoist pantheon, and it was
introduced in "The Romance of the Gods"
Evolution, Samantabhadra changed from a Bodhisattva to a real person. He lives
in Baihe Cave in Jiugong Mountain, Nomu
The teacher of scolding. He rides a white elephant and has a long rainbow rope
and a Wu hook sword. Its Dharmakaya "face is like a purple date,
He was treating his teeth with a huge mouth, and in an instant red clouds hung
over his neck, and in a moment his golden body was covered with auspicious
colors. Puluo hanging beads
Hanging all over the body, lotus flowers support the auspicious clouds. Three
heads and six arms holding sharp weapons, with a demonic pestle in the hand
Guanyin is also the Bodhisattva of Buddhism. It is said in the Buddhist
scriptures that in the past, golden lions played in the Tathagata's kingdom, and
There are no women in the country. The king's name was Weide. In his samadhi in
the garden, two lotuses on his left and right transformed into two sons.
The name on the left is Baoyin, which means Guanyin, and the name on the right
is Baoshang, which means gaining great momentum. Avalokitesvara is the universal
Mountain King Tathagata has gained great power and become the universally
abiding treasure king of merit and virtue. Guanyin vows to save all suffering
It is difficult for all sentient beings to become Buddhas. "Avalokitesvara" is
the name given by the Buddha. By the Tang Dynasty,
To avoid Li Shimin's taboo, he was called Guanyin. In Buddhist scriptures or
Buddhist activities, many common names are
"Avalokitesvara" to show formality. "Avalokitesvara" is also known as
"Observe at ease", or "view at ease"
"Bodhisattva". Volume 7 of "Lotus Sutra" "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Universal
Door" Chapter 25 says: "If
There are countless hundreds of thousands of billions of sentient beings who are
suffering. When they hear the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, they chant its
name with one heart and contemplate it.
World Sound Bodhisattva immediately observed its sound and everyone was
liberated. "Taoism absorbs Guanyin into Taoism
Among the gods, and through the evolution of "Feng Shen Yan Yi", Guanyin changed
from a Bodhisattva to a Taoist
Basic overview of Taoist Shuangshi\




Man, he lives in Luojia Cave in Mount Putuo. Riding a golden hair and roaring,
there is a pure glass vase, the method is
The body "has a face like powdered powder, three heads and six arms, a golden
dragon can be seen in the flames of fire in the two eyes, and there are flowers
in the two ears."
The golden lotus blossoms are colorful. Stepping on the golden Ao, there are
thousands of misty auspicious clouds, holding the pole in the hand, towering
Purple air penetrates the green clouds, the three treasures are held in hand,
and the hair is shining brightly; the willow is behind the elbow, with
Full of energy. It is exactly: Putuo's wonderful Dharma is solemn, and it shows
kindness and navigation." There are many ways
There is a Cihang Hall in the temple dedicated to this temple, which is widely
believed by the Chinese people.
Master Yin.

Section 1 Theological Theory of Taoist Theology

The theological thought of Taoism is an issue that few people discuss. actually,
The Taoist pantheon also has its own internal organic structure and system. From
a Taoist perspective, Taoism
The Tao is the final origin of all things in the world, the universe in eternal
motion, and its
The essential attribute is to generate heaven and earth and nourish all things
and human beings, even those who enter and exit the three realms,
The carefree spirits and gods are still the masterpieces of great luck. From
The idea of "eternal life and long-term vision" can be seen in "Zhuangzi", which
states that "the upper level swims with the Creator, while the lower level swims
with the Creator".
The life attitude of "Those who have no beginning and end of life and death are
our friends"① all show the omnipotence and omnipotence of the Great Dao.
"Tao", you can obtain the transcendence and eternity of "Tao", overcome
magic. Therefore follow the example"
Accept the sense of tragedy in life caused by the opposition between life and
death, and achieve a kind of transcendence and harmony with the Tao
The realm of conformity is the immortal truth respected by Taoism.
The Taoist man covers the sky and the earth.
"Yuan Dao Xun 1" says: "
Just like "
Huainan Honglie·
The four directions, divided into eight poles, are immeasurably high and
unfathomable, enveloping the heaven and earth, giving invisible gifts.
...The mountains are high, the abyss is deep, the animals are walking on it, the
birds are flying on it, the sun and moon are on it
Ming, the star calendar travels with it, the lin travels with it, the phoenix
flies with it, the two ancient emperors obtained the handle of the Tao,

Page 1099 of the New Collection of Zhuzi.

"Collected Commentary of Zhuangzi" Volume 10, Zhonghua Book Company

爱人女女岁/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Stand in the center. God and transformation travel to caress the four
directions. This is why the destiny of heaven and earth can be stagnant, and the
wheels of rotation are endless.
Waste, the water flow does not stop, and the beginning of all things, the wind
and clouds steam, everything responds, thunder and rain
Descend, and should be infinite, ghosts appear and people are shocked, Long
Xingluan gathers "① Tang Xuanzong also pointed out: "
Earthly figures, immortals, ghosts and gods cannot live without Tao, and cannot
achieve without virtue. "

Therefore, whether it is a newly created god in Taoism or a god derived from
ancient religious folk beliefs,
The gods of Buddhism and Confucianism must all be unified in the worship of
Taoism’s theological system and its doctrines are a direct reference to
traditional Chinese culture and the Taoism
The affirmation of faith and the perfect embodiment of inheritance.
So, why are there gods, mortals and all things that are also the result of the
evolution of the great road?
What about the difference between things? In other words, the internal basis for
the distinction between heaven, earth, all things, humans and gods
What is it again?
According to the Dao Jing, as the ontology of the universe, the Dao creates the
universe and evolves it.
In the process of creation of all things, the distinction between gods and
characters appears due to the differences in their inner bodies.
Don't. "Tai Shi Jing" describes: When the two rituals are not separated, the
universe is "dense and blurred."
It is shaped like a chicken, and is called Chaos Xuanhuang. No light, no image,
no sound, no clan, no ancestors, secluded
In the netherworld, there is essence, and its essence is very real,
unparalleled, exquisite and empty, in the ethereal plain
Among them, there is a phase. ""Lingbao Sutra" said: "One phase is divided into
three parts: Xuan, Yuan and Shi.
So, let's deal with the three treasures. The three treasures are all three-
pointed gods. "
③ This Three Treasures God is Taoist
The highest god—

Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Daojun, Taishang Laojun, they are composed of Xuan,

It is formed from the three phases of Yuan and Shi. It is the first stage of the
evolution from Tao to Qi, that is, the beginning of Yuan Dynasty.
international product. In this regard, "
"Taizhenke" has a quite vivid description: "
Before, the Tao Qi had not yet appeared, and there was no image of the Heavenly
Lord in the vagueness. It was said that there was no image to be detected. back
After a calamity, there was a nameless deity, who said that he had qualities
that could be seen but could not be named. After another calamity,
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 2.
② See "
"Yunji Seven Lots" Volume 1, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 2 Page 5.
③ See "
"Yun Ji Qi Zhu" Volume 2, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 2 page 7.
Basic overview of Taoist pantheon\


The Heavenly Lord of the Origin of Origin is said to have a name and quality,
and is the beginning of all things. Zong Yuan, the supreme Taoist, is quite
Born naturally, it has a lifespan of countless millions. It has no beginning and
no end, and it lasts forever. "
① It is this person
The great god of the universe, created the world, divided the gods, raised the
characters, and built a
A world with strict hierarchies and distinct levels of three realms.
In this three realms that accommodate hundreds of ghosts, all peoples, and gods,
the thirty-six heavens are
Those are the Saints of the Sanqing Dynasty and the Heavenly Emperors of all
directions. All over the earth are hundreds of millions of people and hundreds
of insects.
things. Or a hellish place where demons live—

Beiyin Fengdu, that is, Yifengdu is the largest

The city of ghosts where the emperor is the lord. Man and all things live
between heaven and Hades. He can
You can enter the realm of human heaven, or you can fall into hell. The key lies
in what people do.

"Dongxuan Lingbao Natural Nine Heavenly God Chapter Sutra" says that the Holy
Ancestors of the Three Qing Dynasties used Xuan, Yuan, and
In the beginning, the three easts combined to give birth to Jiucha, "nine
righteousnesses are aligned, the sun, moon and stars, yin and yang and the five
elements, the people's character"
Things, and being generated. The myriad transformations of heaven and earth
cannot come into existence unless they are nurtured by the Three Elements or
guided by the Nine Bangs.
also. The three pillars are the lords of heaven and earth, and the nine pillars
are the root of all things. Therefore, the three combined virtues are the root
of heaven and earth.
Extremely. Human beings are born in twins, nurtured by three elements, and
formed by nine elements, so the Nine Moon God
Buxiong is full of sound, and its sound is a divine if you can
love its form and preserve its spirit, value it and strengthen it.
The roots will never die, and they will become immortals. Their flesh and blood
will fly together, and they will ascend to the three pure states. This is the
combination of the three fruits.
Virtue is the combination of all nine fruits."
②. This clearly indicates that humans and gods are originally on the same path.
If you are born with three blessings, you will become a god, and if you are born
with nine blessings, you will be born a human being. Human life is very
precious, so you should take refuge in it.
Follow the great road to protect the gods and noble scabs, so as to reach the
holy realm of the harmony of virtues in the three realms, and then ascend to the
immortal realm of the three pure realms.
Taste. This is the inner basis for the communication between humans and gods,
and enables people to transcend life and death, transcend
The ideological basis for transcending the boundaries between immortality and
mortal life.
The coexistence of humans and gods in Taoist theology stems from the thought of
Tao, which is obviously the origin of
Regarding the pre-Qin Taoist school. 《
Lao Tzu said: "
When the road rushes and is used, it may not be full, and it looks like a deep

① See "
"Yun Ji Qi Zhu" Volume 2, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 2 page 8.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, Page 8 4 3.

14 6


-"The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The origin of all things. Defeat its sharpness, dissolve its confusion,
harmonize its light, and be the same as its dust, and it may seem as if it is
I don’t know whose son is the first of Emperor Xiang.
① In other words, Tao is not only the beginning of all things,
and for God (
The ancestor of Emperor Xiang. In this case, the connection between the three
realms and the communication between humans and gods
Internal grounds are not only possible but also determined a priori.
What needs to be explained is that this theological view of Taoism is based on
the reality of the world.
Based on the concept of real human ethics. Unlike some other religions in the
world, Taoism
attaches great importance to the role of the family in society and emphasizes
the importance of race and blood relations,
It is believed that blood relationship is the core of extending life and
manifesting the Tao, and family is the core of maintaining the Tao and eternity.
Maintain the foundation of orthodoxy. Therefore it is said: "
Parents of thousands of lives have good causes in their early lives; descendants
of thousands of tribulations,
It is also the harmony of the three connections, the common deeds and feelings,
and the gathering into one family.
"Three Fates" refers to the father
The three major causes and conditions of parents, mother, and children are the
combination of the three to form a family. "Then Kuhama
Together, the two rituals are assimilated, the emperor lives, the Virgin
fulfills the duties, Tao and appearance, and heaven and
Shape, yang is the soul, and yin is the soul. The limbs and five bodies are
integrated into the shape and spirit. Six armors and three
Yuan Xi was supported by the life of the fetus, and he was harmonious and
harmonious. By the end of the tenth month, for nine weeks, only the Nine Heaven
If the destiny seal is not given, then the ten thousand products will not be
able to take root in Shenao, which is great. Shocking, expensive
It's hard to win, the pottery soul casts the soul, the spirit is subtle. ”② It
can be seen from this that the family affection and connection in the world
The blood relationship of cotton is the foundation of yin and yang creation and
the emergence of spirits from all gods.
This unique concept in Taoist theology often leaves European and American
scholars at a loss.
Because it is consistent with the Christian view of one God commonly believed in
Western countries
totally different. In fact, Taoist theological theory is closely related to
China’s national conditions, people’s conditions and culture
are closely related, and its divine and true system also contains many secrets
in the formation and development of the Chinese nation.
Secret, through the huge and complex organizational structure of the Taoist
pantheon, we can see that the Chinese nation is
Some local beliefs are deep-rooted and last forever; some Taoist theology is
mysterious and bizarre.

See Volume 1 of Gu Huan's Commentary on the Tao De Zhen Jing, "

"Tao Zang" Volume 13, Page 27-9.
See Volume 27 of "Encyclopedia of Daoist Physics" and Volume 31 of "Tao Zang" on
page 821.
The legal meaning of salary^晟\



Palace, but suddenly realized that his theory is still based on the principles
of Lao and Zhuang.

Section 2 The evolution of the Taoist pantheon

The evolution of Dao into a deity worshiped by people began with the founding of
Taoism. Zhang Ling
In the Eastern Han Dynasty, he founded the Zhengyi Shidao and called himself
"Tai Qing Xuanyuan".
True biography. "The Legend of Immortals" said: "Zhang Daoling was thinking hard
and refining his will, and suddenly someone from heaven came down... or he
He was called Zhuxiashi, or Donghai Xiaotong, and was given to the mausoleum to
create a new way to rectify the power of the alliance.
A "historian under the pillar" who came from the realm of heaven is Laozi, a
pre-Qin thinker. According to historical records, Laozi tasted
It is the history of Zhou Zhu. "Laozi Xiang'er Notes" says: "
When it disperses, it forms Qi; when it gathers, it forms Taishanglao
Jun. "Explanation of Sutras in Three Days" also said: "In the netherworld, there
is a void, and in the void, there is a void."
It's too no, it's too no to change. Xuan Qi, Yuan Qi, Shi Qi, the three Qi are
chaotic, and they are transformed into each other.
The mysterious jade girl, after the jade girl, the mixed energy condensed and
transformed into Laozi. From the left armpit of the mysterious jade girl
He was born with a white head, so he was named Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu is also Laojun.
”① Such a
Later, Laozi, who was originally a philosopher, was deified by Taoism and became
the leader of Taoism.
In addition, in the early days, Zhengyi also absorbed the folk beliefs and
ethnic minorities in the Bashu area.
The tribe’s worship of the three officials. "Jie Jie within Three Days" records
the third year of Yongshou in the Eastern Han Dynasty (157) by Zhang Dao
The mausoleum is located in Shu County. "With the Han Emperor's courtiers, we
made an alliance with the blood of a white horse and an iron certificate written
in elixirs as a letter."
The three officials of heaven, earth, and water, as well as General Tai Sui,
have agreed to rectify the Dharma for three days forever."
②. also,
The sutra also contains the names of the moral father-in-law, the supreme
father-in-law, the heavenly emperor, the nine immortals, and the nine qi.
The father-in-law, the new emperor, the Five Emperors, the Queen Mother of the
West, Mrs. Shangyuan, the thousand and two hundred officials and other heavenly
Many gods who teach the way.
There is also a name in another early version of Celestial Master Taoism,
"Zhengyi Fa Wen Jing Zhang Guan Pin"
There are many divine monarchs from all over the world, such as Jiushui
Zhangren, Tianchangjun, Tiangangjun, Anqi


"Tao Zang" Volume 28, pages 413 and 414.
148 Divination comes out of the year/two

The History and Thoughts of Miao Zhuxiao School

Jun, Chisha Jun, Tianxuan Jun, Qinglong Jun, Guanxi Jun, Jiudi Jun, Siming Jun,
The female monarch, the general who breaks the city, the general who breaks the
prison, the general who resolves troubles, the Taiyin Lord, the jade girl
Lord, Lord Zhushuang, Lord Wugu, Lord Wanfu, Lord Xingchu, Lord Jincang, Lord
Zhubian, Lord Bei
Lord of the Sea, Lord of Taiping, Lord of Hundred Tongues, Star Lady, Emperor of
Heaven, Lord of Suzaku, etc., they
Each has its own chief, either to collect evil spirits, cure ghosts, cure
diseases and relieve pain, or to pray for rain, sunshine, or favorable market
Anzhai covers almost every aspect of people's daily lives. It can be seen that
The composition of the early Taoist pantheon was quite complex, but it lacked
and orderliness.
With the development of Taoism in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties,
some emerging Taoist sects such as
The Qing sect and the Lingbao sect appeared one after another, and a large
number of new Taoist gods appeared, such as Yuanshi Tian
Zun, Lingbao Tianzun, Yuanshi Yuanwang, Taiyi Yuanjun, Beidi, Tianzhen Great
God, Miao Xing
The real person, the Thirty-two Heavenly Emperors, the Five Star Lords, the Five
Heavenly Demon Lords, the Immortal Lord, and the Wuying Gong
Zi, Bai Yuanzunshen, Taiyi Siming, etc. However, the gods worshiped by each sect
are really different, and their origins are also
They are different, so they are mostly irrelevant and slightly out of order.
Such as the first god worshiped by Lingbao Sect, Yuan Shitian
Zun, that is, citing ancient myths—

Pangu created the world and transformed it into a new

god. The Book in the Pillow titled by Ge Hong says: "In the past, the two
rituals were not separated.
Formed, the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon have not yet existed, the
shape is like a chicken, chaotic, black and yellow, Pangu Zhen has been
Man, the essence of heaven and earth, has been named the King of Heaven since
the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and swims among them.
① Pangu has been included here
It evolved into the Taoist god Yuanshi Tianwang.
As for the thirty-two heavenly emperors in the Taoist pantheon, they seem to be
based on Buddhism. ancient china
The ancient times talked about the nine heavens, while Professor Tao quoted the
Buddhist "Three Realms Theory" and called it "the Four Brahmas and the Three
"Thirty-two Heavens" and the thirty-two heavenly emperors enshrined are
obviously imitated in Buddhism.
The Shangqing Sect also created many new gods and embarked on a comprehensive
reorganization of the Taoist pantheon.

① See page 269 of Volume 3 of "Tao Zang". According to the research of many
scholars, this book was not written by Ge Hong, but should be
Taoist books of the Six Dynasties.
Basic overview of Taoist pantheon


theory, thus producing the "True Spirit Position and Industry Map" known as the
Taoist Mandala. From the frontispiece of Tao
It can be seen from Hongjing's preface that the purpose of the book is to
straighten out the ranks of immortals and saints and correctly present them.
position industry,"
When you kneel down to pray, you should respect the order of status. When
dealing with truth and differences, we must consider the lightness of encounters
Heavy. Therefore, the three monarchs share their speeches first, which is
especially true if they have not learned the truth.
shield. Although they have the same name as real people, there are countless
genuine ones; both have immortals, and there are hundreds of billions of levels
of immortals.
If you don't organize your leadership carefully and have a little knowledge of
the origin of the ancestry, you will be like a wild man who goes out to the
court to see Zhu Yi and must order history.
When Gouli entered China, he called everyone to join the army. How can you
understand the nobility and inferiority of scholars and common people, and argue
about the similarities and differences between titles?"
In this divine genealogy of the Shangqing sect of the Southern Dynasty, for the
first time the many true spirits were divided into seven
This group of gods is composed of three major systems: heaven, human world, and
ghost world, including Yuqing, Shang
The seven major strata of Qing, Taiji, Taiqing, Jiugong, Dongtian, and Fengdu
each have their own main gods.
You Xianzhen, who has different departments and special duties, governs the
entire universe. For example, "The Great Emperor of Beiyin in Fengdu, Yan
Emperor Dating's clan, Ba Qingjia, the sect of ghosts and gods in the world,
governs Luo Fengshan for three thousand years.
substitute; "
Xin Xuanzi banned Yuan Zhonglang from the clouds and took over the ghosts and
gods of Wu and Yue. ① In Beiyin
There were more than fifty ghosts and gods on each side of the emperor's left
and right sides, such as Qin Shihuang, Wei Wu Emperor, Zhou
King Wen, Gongsun Du, Ma Rong, Tao Kan, Wang Yishao, Deng You, etc. were mostly
from the Wei Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms.
A military general and scholar in the Jin Dynasty. In particular, it should be
pointed out that, in addition to the 67 pure spirits listed in the first level,
In addition to the gods, most of the more than 700 gods in the remaining six
levels are Taoists.
Chinese or historical figures. This feature and phenomenon is worth noting
because it involves
The teachings of Taoism are also issues that must be considered when studying
Taoist theology and theology.
The content contained in Volumes 83 and 84 of the Taoist Book of the Northern
Zhou Dynasty, "The Supreme Secret Essentials", is the same as that of "True
The "Position Map" is quite different. It neither ranks the ranks nor lists the
gods in the divine realm and the spiritual world.
What is particularly different is the great reversal of position, that is, the
last one in the "True Spirit Position and Karma Map"
Deng You", in "
"The Supreme Secret" appears at the beginning of the volume. This is because of
the latter
From the perspective of "achieving the Tao and becoming an immortal", it is
divided into eight categories from bottom to top according to the degree of

① See pages 272 and 280 of Volume 3 of "Tao Zang".



——The history and thought of Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

level, that is, "

"Get the Ghost Official Taoist", "Get the Earth Immortal Taoist", "Get the Earth
True Taoist",
"Taoist Jiugong", "Taoist Taiqing", "
"Taiji Taoist" and even "achieved the Supreme Purity"
"Taoist", "
De Yuqing Taoist' There seems to be a difference between the two in terms of
form, one starts from top to
Down, one from bottom to top, but their purpose is the same, and the connotation
is to unify the Tao
religious theology in order to provide people with a relatively complete worship
Of course, the number of Taoist gods mentioned in the book "The Supreme Secret"
Even in terms of the introduction of miracles, its content far exceeds that of
"True Spirit Position and Industry".
"Pictures", such as those recorded in "The Promotion and Reduction of Spiritual
Officials", "The Origin of All Saints", "The Product of Body and Spirit", etc.
Most of the true spirits are not included in the "True Spirit Position and
Industry Map". Anyway, this is the second time knitting
The Shenzhen system of Taoism has very important symbolic significance in the
history of Taoism. It marks the
Aiming at the scattered situation of Taoism with numerous sects and separate
branches in the early days, Taoism began to move towards various
It is a mature stage of development with the unification of clans and the
convergence of beliefs.

Lao Tzu (
Ming version of "The Complete Biography of Immortals")
The basic situation of Taoist lotus, ⑶


By the Tang Dynasty, through the historical process of the integration of Taoist
sects in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it was indeed
It determines the status of the three pure and holy gods in Taoism, namely
Yuqingjing Yuanshi Tianzun, Shangqing
Jinglingbao Tianzun, Taiqingjing Daodetianzun (Taishang Laojun), the Taoist
pantheon has also entered the
a new pattern. They may appear as master-disciple relationships, or they may
appear as manifestations of the Great Way.
The traces constitute the trinity of the Three Pure Gods. This is another
incident in the history of the development of Taoist theology.
A milestone, because in the universe where all gods and gods are spread, there
is finally someone who can lead the immortals.
The true supreme God. The various sects and sects within Taoism, no matter where
the gods in their sects come from
No matter how complicated its composition and appearance are, they must obey the
three pure gods and worship the three gods.
Qingzun God. From then on, Taoist beliefs focused on the worship of the Three
Pure Gods, which was important for
The development and growth of Taoism has played an immeasurable role.
The Song Dynasty was the period when the Taoist theology was perfected and
finalized, and it changed continuously thereafter.
Great, and has been passed down to this day. from"
"Shangqing Lingbao Dafa", "Lingbao Lingbao Jiedu Golden Book",
Taoist books such as "Taomen Customization", "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", "Fa Hai Yi Zhu"
and other Tao books not only collect,
After sorting out the Taoist Shenzhen genealogy for nearly a thousand years, and
influenced by Buddhist Tantric Buddhism, he created
A large number of new gods have enriched the Taoist pantheon. Immortal genealogy
since the two Song dynasties
The system can be summarized as "Nine Grades and Three Vehicles". The highest
levels are Sanqing and Liuyu (
or four emperors)
And all the heavenly emperors, such as the Nine Heavens God, the Five Spirits
and Five Lao Heavenly Kings, the Thirty-two Heavenly Emperors, etc.; Chapter
The second floor is the sun, moon and stars, such as the Five Dou Xingjun, the
Twenty-Eight Constellations Stars, etc.; the third floor is the Three Stars.
Palace Emperor, Sanyuan Zhenjun, Four Saint Marshals, etc.; the fourth level is
the ancestors who have passed down scriptures and taught Dharma throughout the
Masters, such as the Great Master Xuanzhong, the Third Master Lingbao, the Great
Master Three-Day, etc.; the fifth level is the natural
Gods of mountains and rivers, such as the God of Thunder and Lightning, Feng Boy
and Rain Master, etc.; the sixth level is the God of mountains and rivers, such
as the Five Mountains
The Great Emperor, the Immortal Officials of the Ten Continents, the Dragon King
of the Seas, the Water God of the Hundred Lakes, etc.; the seventh level is the
Luo Feng Ghost
Gods, such as Emperor Fengdu, Emperor Fusang, Great God Ming Leng, Lord of Hell,
etc.; eighth level
They are various law enforcement officers, Zhifu envoys, golden boys and girls,
fragrant official servants, etc.; the ninth level
They are Cheng Huang Di, Liu Ding Liujia, Tai Sui Siming, etc. This is quite a
large but
There are so many Taoist gods in an orderly manner that it is difficult to
count. The so-called "Three Realms High"

@ @ @ @ /

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

"Holy Lord, the God of the Ten Thousand Heavens", the sage of the ten
directions, the teacher of all ages, "established education based on the
There are Dharma baskets made to save people. The nine grades and three vehicles
are interconnected; the six books and eight styles are mutually reinforcing.
bright. It is preached in the sky to show the way for all saints to return; it
is descended to the human world and inspires all living beings to improve
Gate" ①. The above is the basic situation of the Taoist Shenzhen system. Then,
in identifying
Under the fundamental belief of the Three Pure Ones, what does the Shenxiao
sect’s pantheon look like? Instead of
Compared with other Taoist sects and gods, what are the characteristics? through
the following introduction
Shao, we can understand these situations.

See Ning Quanzhen's "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa" Volume 30, "Tao Zang" Volume 3 0
Page 9 2 8
The emperors of Shenxiao and the gods of Lei tribe

: Sixth





The emperors of Shenxiao and the gods of Lei tribe

According to many Taoist scriptures, the Shenxiao sect was founded on the
principles of Sanqing,
The Three Emperors are their leader, the Shenxiao Yuqingzhen King is his deity,
and there are the Eight Emperors of Shenxiao.
Together with Jade Qingzhen King, it is called "
"Shenxiao Jiuchen". This is the main deity believed by the Shenxiao sect.
God is also revered by the sect as the ancestor of all generations.
It can be seen from what is recorded in the Jade Sutra of the Supreme Nine
Heavens Jade Qing Great Brahma Ziwei Xuandu Thunder that it was written
King Jade Qingzhen, the leader of Shenxiao sect, was the son of Fuli Yuanshi
Tianzun. The scripture says:
"Once upon a time at the beginning of the tribulation, Yuqing Goddess Yuanjun
was the queen of Fuli Yuanshi Tianzun. Her eldest son was Yuqing.
The emperor at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, his ninth son was the Supreme
God Xiao Jade Qingzhen King Changsheng Emperor, an autocratic
The Thirty-six Heavenly Lords in the Nine Heavens are the great emperors who
command the Yuan Xiang and control Yin and Yang.
The government of Thunder is strictly regulated "①
Afterwards, the gods were divided and conquered, and each returned to his true
state, such as the Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun who "returned to Daluo,
Taojun Yuchen also returned to his true state, and Taishang Laojun sought to
restore Taiqing, so the nine-day interview envoy also
Returning to Zixuan Jingyao’s Mansion, Haoting Xiaodu Tianjun, Tai Huang Zhenjun
Wanfu Zhenjun, etc.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 1, page 750.



& /


The evolution and thought of Taoist Shinto Song

Heaven, together with the dragon gods, each leads his subordinates, and rides up
to the sky to pay homage to the true king." ① Such a situation
Later, the core of the Shenxiao sect’s theological system was determined,
indicating that the sect directly inherited orthodox Taoism.

Section 1 The Holy Ancestors of the Three Purities are the foundation of Thunder
The title of Yuanshi Tianzun, seen for the first time
Ancient Lingbao Sutra from the Wei and Jin Dynasties. like
"Lingbao Immeasurable Man's Excellent Sutra"
Volume 1② says: "In the past in the beginning of the blue sky
Biluo empty song Dafuli soil, inspired by Yuanshi
The best in saving people, Yuanshi Tianzun should be
This sutra is said to be repeated every week to recall ten
” ③ To the “True Spirit Position and Industry Map”,
His first name is Yuqing Sanyuan Palace No. 1 Middle School
position, that is, "
Named Yuanshi Tianzun", thus establishing the
Yuanshi Tianzun is the highest deity in Taoism
God's status.

Sanqing Saint Ancestor

"So Wei"
"Yuanshi Tianzun" means that he was born before Taiyuan and was endowed with
natural energy.
The creator of all things in the universe. Xue Youqi from the Tang Dynasty said:
"The Yuan is the beginning. The Beginning,

① See page 750 of Volume 1 of "Tao Zang".

② Today's version of "Tao Zang"
The Lingbao Wumeiren Shangpin Miaojing, a total of sixty-one volumes, should be
dated to the Zhenghe reign of the Northern Song Dynasty.
Time editing. The only text in the first volume of "The Book of Saving People"
is one of the ancient Lingbao scriptures and was written before Lu Xiujing in
the Liu Song Dynasty. detailed
Page 3 of "Summary of Taoism" edited by Ren Jiyu, July 1991 edition of China
Social Sciences Press.
③ See page 1 of Volume 1 of "Tao Zang".
Li Fei^ ^ Liu Xiao\ Volume 0

1) 155

The first one. At the beginning of Yuanshi Tianzun's establishment of Wanhua, he

was the leader of all Taoism, ranking among the Yuqing and Yuan Dynasties.
Territory, unifying the territory of Daluo Xuandu, planting the roots of heaven
and earth, the mother of all things "① Donghai Qing
Yuan Zhenren said: "
Yuan is Xuan, Xuan is one and the same, Xuan is more mysterious, and it is a
wonderful door.
Beginning, the beginning, Yuanshi was endowed with the way of Xuanyi. At the
beginning of Yuanshi, it was innate to heaven and earth, and it was for
Miaozhizong is the beginning of birth, so it is called Yuanshi. Heaven is the
supreme fruit; Venerable One is the supreme one.
The law is extremely profound. When it is still there, it is pure and
independent, and the heaven and earth are in harmony with each other and are
Therefore, he was named Yuanshi Tianzun. ” ② Li Sicong from the Song Dynasty
also said: “
Yuanshi Tianzun, that is, Tian
The essence of the earth is the ancestral intention of the ultimate way.
Originally born in nature, disappearance is the form, breathing is the spirit.
It has no beginning and no end, and lasts forever. The upper realm is the source
of all heavens, and the middle realm is the source of all transformations.
The root, living in the lower realm, is the honor of all emperors. It has no
name to be traced, so it is called Tianzun. It is the beginning of the world and
the heaven.
It cannot be reasoned about, it cannot be described, it can be transformed into
thousands of things but not slaughtered, it can be transformed into all kinds of
things without being explained.
The most respected person is the Sun Heavenly Lord, who lives in the Qingwei
Heavenly Palace in Yuqingjing.
According to the Taoist scriptures, Yuanshi Tianzun had as many as ten names and
appeared in various incarnations.
To save people from calamity. "Tai Shang Dong Xuan Ling Bao No. 10 Gong Xing
Karma Sutra" says: "
Dao Junfu
He told Puji: My master, the great sage Yuanshi Tianzun, is the incarnation of
the wonderful way of nature and nothingness.
As the famous saying goes, after a calamity of dust and sand, it saves all
sentient beings. The supreme way of human beings has seventy-two
characteristics. Eight
Eleven is good, number ten is perfect, or the phase of coherent light, or the
phase of boundless appearance, or the phase of large body,
It may appear in a small body, or it may transform into millet, or it may open
its pores to admit the boundless world, or it may hold the palm of its hand.
In the three thousand great thousand worlds, it may rain nectar and spread heat
and annoy all living beings, or it may act as an emperor to subdue riots, or it
To be a virtuous assistant and help someone with the Way, or to have a sage like
you become a teacher, with such merits, virtues, and magical powers.
No one can sigh, but there is a number ten, and the general name is praised.
Therefore, the number ten is: the supreme way, Yuan
Beginning, Tai Chi, Gao Huang, Guangming, Jade Emperor, Dharma King, Great
Father, Immortal Master, Heaven
respect. ” and further explained: “
The number ten mentioned is the true saints, gods, humans and innocents
① See Volume 1 of "Four Annotations to the Yuanshi Imeasurable Man's Excellent
Sutra", Volume 2 of "Tao Zang", page 1 8 9.
② See "
Notes on the Miaojing of Infinite Characters in the Yuanshi Volume 1, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2, Page 2 5 2.
③ See Li Sicong's "Dongyuan Collection" Volume 1, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 3 pages
835, 8 3 6 pages 0

Lover Nü Shaluo/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Taoist Shengong Sect

The emperor opened the box of hundreds of treasures in the Jade Hall of
Heyangtian and Zhongtai, and the phoenix brocade collection, translated by Dafan
Hidden words but true words. The supreme Tao mentioned is that when the Tao of
Heavenly Lord of the Yuan Dynasty was achieved, all
All dharmas have no ancestors, no origins, no ties, but one phase is the basis
for all dharmas. for ten thousand
Dharma King is the ancestor of all forms. He is the origin of one breath.
Nothing is unpredictable. How can you know the existence of all things?
The first among all, hence the name Supreme Way. The person who spoke of the
beginning of the Yuan Dynasty lived at the source of Taoism and wrote the book
of Yaoming, so
It is said to be the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Those who practice Tai Chi
have been practicing for countless kalpas. At the moment of judgement, the
Sambhogakaya appears, and thus begins
The incarnation appeared in the blue sky, hence the name Tai Chi. Those who bear
the title of Gaohuang live in the topless sky and are free and happy.
Far above Daluo, it is called the supreme one, superior to the first of all
images, so it is called Gaohuang. What it says
The bright one refers to the true body of Dharma nature. It is as clear as
glass, and the light of merit can shine in dark places and disappear.
The obstacles of all living beings break through the mountain of troubles, so it
is called Guangming. The Jade Emperor, who lives in the Jade Palace, respects
The Emperor of the Ten Thousand Heavens, condensed in his true nature, full of
wonderful appearances, majestic and swaying, outstanding among all true beings,
The same star overlaps the moon, so he is called the Jade Emperor. The so-called
King of the Righteous Dharma expounds the Righteous Dharma and destroys evil
sects and sects.
Open the path of inaction, eliminate all suffering, illuminate the boundless
Dharma door seal, and use the three-day sutra to subdue demons.
Evil, eliminate all small views, let people follow the path of Mahayana, just
like the great doctor king's method and medicine to cure suffering, like spring
thunder shaking
It activates buds, grows and contains life, like rain of nectar, fertilizing and
nourishing all the roots, so it is called Zhengfa.
king. Great loving father, from the immeasurable and boundless kalpas, the
unfathomable kalpas of dust and sand, a great sage appeared.
The body is used to help save all living beings, escape from birth and death,
and save people from sins and suffering.
Born, more than an innocent child, he is known as a great and loving father. The
said Immortal and True Master, Tao Lord told Puji to say,
You and I, as well as the great celestial saints and all the great immortals who
have come for countless kalpas, will ascend to the supreme path and fruition.
Qie Tianzun, All True Saints, Heavenly Kings and Heavenly Emperors, Jade
Emperor, Three Flower Emperors, Five Emperors
Demons, famous mountains, caves, voids, water and land, everything containing
life, has obtained the fruit, has obtained the fruit now and has not yet
obtained it.
The results are all due to my master, Yuanshi Tianzun, who appears empty and has
no body, natural Sambhogakaya, and Yuanshi transformation.
The body is guided by various methods of true truth...the methods that transform
the temptation to the true truth are all based on enlightenment and escape from
He has come to save the suffering without getting tired, so he is called the
Immortal Master", "
The Heavenly Lord is always above the Three Pure Ones, transcending
The emperors of Shenxiao and the truths of the Lei tribe\㈤



In the world of saints, the earth and the world are humble, and they live alone
in heaven as their lords, so they are called Heavenly Lords."
① "The Sutra of Dragon Ascension"
It is also said: "In the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there were ten numbers.
One was called Nature, the second was called Wuji, the third was called Dao, and
the fourth was called Dao.
Zhizhen, the fifth is Taishang, the sixth is Laojun, the seventh is Gaohuang,
the eighth is Tianzun, and the ninth is Yu.
Emperor, His Majesty the Tenth Day "② Like other Taoist sects, the Shenxiao
sect also worships Yuanshi Tianzun as its
The highest deity is worshiped by Lingbao Tianzun and Daode Tianzun,
collectively known as the "Three Pure Ones".
In the Taoist pantheon, Lingbao Tianzun is the sub-zun of all gods, also known
as the Great Shangqing.
Emperor, Yuchen Daojun. According to the Taoist scriptures, many of the Taoist
teachings preached by Yuanshi Tianzun
It was compiled and handed down by Taojun. Xue Youqi said: "Daojun, a disciple
of Yuanshi Tianzun, Tai
He is also the teacher of the Weitian Emperor. Living in the Shangyuan Yuchen
Palace of Shangqing, that is, the realm of Shangqing, Taiqing respected
The position is also. "Cheng Xuanying said: "According to the "Ben Xing Jing" it
says: Lord Dao is from the Xinayu Kingdom.
Gai Zichen's Liufang, a descendant of the emperor, was able to honor and inherit
the spiritual treasure, and was named Yu Yue Na Lin in the Yuan Dynasty.
Chang Yutai Heavenly Emperor ascended the throne and governed Yujing, the Xuandu
capital. "The Great Cave Sutra" says: Shang Qing Gao
The Lord of the Holy Dao, No. 1 Yuchen Lord, governs the Ruizhu Jade Palace, the
Seven Yings and the Purple Room, and is responsible for the emperor's affairs.
Xuhuang is Yuanshi Tianzun. "
③ Li Sicong also said: "The Taoist king of Yuchen is the transformation of the
Body also. To say that it cannot be welcomed when it exists is to say that it
will no longer exist. It is a trance, so it does not exist.
There is, there is nothing, there is nothing, there is no image when seen, there
is no sound when heard, between wonderful existence and wonderful non-being, the
great road
Cun Yan. The Tao Lord is the foundation of the Tao, the origin of the Tao, and
the point of the Tao. He is the teacher who serves Yuanshitian.
Your Majesty, I call you a disciple of the Tao, as if you were taught by the old
gentleman. Yu Yutian lives in the realm of purity
In the middle, a three-hole immortal sutra was sent down in a golden treasure
urn, and was given to the sutra master Yu Luoqiao, who preached it to all
Yan. ”④
Just like Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Daodaojun also has vast supernatural powers
and endless changes.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 6, Page 1 3 0 7 3 2.
② See "
Quoted from Volume 2 of "Four Notes on the Excellent Quality of the Incompetent
Man in Yuanshi", Volume 2 of "Tao Zang", page 208.
③ See "
Volume 1, "Four Notes on the Excellent Quality of the Infinite Man in the
Yuanshi Dynasty"
"Tao Zang" Volume 2, page 189.
④ See Volume 1 of Li Sicong's "Dongyuan Collection", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 3 Page 83 6.

Learn⑶ 燇& / 一—

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

You should take advantage of the calamity and be open to luck. Volume 10 of
"Taishangdong Xuanling Treasure Karma Sutra" records:
"The Lord Taoist said to Puji: I created the heaven and the earth myself. As for
the Emperor, after countless kalpas, I cannot
Weighing, the teachings of the world should be transformed and established, and
they will also be countless, in the sky and the world, infinite.
Poverty, rotation and deformation, opening up according to circumstances.
"He has dozens of names, such as Taishang Tianzun,
The Wheel-turning Lord, the Compassionate Dharma King, the Supreme Dharma
Master, the Lord of the Heavens, the True Lord of the Eight Extremes, the Nine
Holy Lord, Three Thousand Transformation Lords, Five Billion Heavenly Lords,
Tianluo Cult Leader, Three Realms Teacher, Xuanzhong Dharma
Master, Yuchenhua Master, Jinque Tianzun, Dongzhen Dharma Master, Dongxuan Cult
Master, Wanfa Master,
The Most Excellent Medical King, the Holy Lord of the Dharma Realm, the Taoist
Master of Yuqing, the Immortal King of Taiqing, the Master of Santu Hua, Jiuyou
Master etc. His identity may be a heavenly king, an emperor, a Taoist priest, or
a Confucian scholar.
"Maybe he is Taiyi Tianzun in the sky, or he is the Emperor of Heaven in the
stars, or he is the Great Emperor of North Pole.
He may be a seven-star boy, or he may be a real person of the Five Emperors, or
he may be a real person named Xingguang among the stars, or he may be in the
In the middle, he is the cloud master, or in the wind, he is the wind uncle, or
he is the thunder god, or he is the rain master, or he is the thousand
An old man may be a long-lived young boy, a dragon king, or a ghost king. They
are ever-changing and ever-changing.
Countless. Ordinary or holy, male or female, big or small, long or short, or on
the body
It generates water and fire, or takes the shape of vegetation, adapts to various
changes, educates all living beings, performs scriptures, and enlightens people.
Gods and humans rotate with the tribulations, and they will always exist. Or the
deceased was transformed into a beautiful girl and was born as an emperor.
The king, concubines and ministers can explain the truth conveniently and help
all living beings”①.
The third founder of the Shenxiao sect is Hunyuan Laojun, who is the third of
the three pure gods in Taoism.
Position, also known as "Moral God", "Tai Shang Laojun", "
"Emperor Taiqing" etc. In Taoism
His statue is located on the right in the Sanqing Hall of the palace, usually
holding a Bagua fan. This Laojun’s
The prototype is the founder of Taoism in the Spring and Autumn Period. His
surname was Li Ming'er, his family was Boyang, and his posthumous title was Dan.
Chu country suffers
County people. He was appointed as the historian of the Cangzhou Chamber of
Commerce and later resigned. At the invitation of Yin Xi, the magistrate of
Hangu Pass, he wrote "Taoism".
"De Jing" Five thousand words go away, no one knows where they will end.
The person who deified the old man can be seen in the literature of the Han
Dynasty. On the occasion of Emperor Ming and Emperor Zhang (
58 -

① See page 128 of Volume 6 of "Tao Zang".

The Emperors of Shenxiao and the True People of the Thunder Tribe\


88), written by Wang Fu, the governor of Yizhou

Laozi's Holy Mother Monument" says: "Laozi is the Tao.

Born before the invisible, originating before Taichu, traveling in the element
of Taisu, floating in the six voids, emerging from
Entering the netherworld, observing the mixed and undivided, and peering into
the undivided turbidity and clearness. "Eighth year of Emperor Huan's reign
(165) Chen Xiang Bian Shao "
"Laozi Ming" says: "Laozi separates and unites with the energy of chaos, and

The three lights are the end and the beginning, watch the sky for prophecies,
speak down the fighting stars, change with the nine times of the day, follow the
news of the time, regulate
There are three lights, four spirits are by the side, the dantian of memory is
in mind, the purple room of Taiyi is, the Tao becomes the body, the cicada is
In the world, since Xi Nong, the saints in the world have been the teachers.
① This type of deification about Laozi,
It is related to the social and cultural background at that time, as Zhang
Taiyan said: "
The political affairs of the Han Dynasty
They all followed the Shinto way. Fu Zhongshu entrusted it to Confucius, while
Yu Gongchong and Zhang Daoling entrusted it to Lao
It was under this historical environment that during the Eastern Han Dynasty
(126-144), Zhang Daoling
Founded the Tao of Heavenly Masters in Heming Mountain, Bashu, with Laozi as the
leader and the Tao Te Ching as the main
The classic "Laozi Xiang'er Annotation" says: "One is Tao, the other is outside
heaven and earth, and people are here
Between heaven and earth, but coming and going between the human body and the
middle ear. When it disperses, it takes the form of Qi, and when it gathers, it
takes the form of Taishang Laojun.
Shen Kunlun may speak of nothingness, nature, or namelessness, all with the same
"this is
In Taoism, Laozi was the first to be called Taishang Laojun. The image of Laojun
in subsequent Taoist scriptures became even more
Concrete. For example, Ge Hong's "The Legend of Immortals" says that Lao Jun is
"nine feet long, yellow, and black."
The beak and nose are augmented, the eyebrows are five inches long, the ears are
seven inches long, and the forehead has three lines from top to bottom, which
are eight inches long.
Hexagram, with the divine turtle as the bed, the golden building and the jade
hall, the silver as the steps, the five-colored clouds as the clothes,
overlapping them
Crown, sharp sword, from Huang Tong to one hundred and twenty people, with
twelve green dragons on the left and twenty-six on the right
White tiger, with twenty-four red birds in front, thirty-six behind to ward off
evil spirits, thunder and lightning above, swaying
"Yu". From the Three Emperors of Shang Dynasty to the Wu Dynasty of the Three
Kingdoms, it has been transformed into sixteen "
Teacher of the Saints."
Various similar myths are widely collected in "Hunyuan Shengji", "Hunyuan
Year of the Supreme Lord

① See page 3 of Chen Yuan's "Taoist Epigraphy".

② See Zhang Taiyan's "Zhang's Series",
Tai Yan Wen Lu 2・
Refuting the Confucian Teachings".
160 | @ @ @ @ /

・The history and thought of Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

In the biographies of Laozi such as "Synopsis of the Book of Music", "A Brief
History of Laozi in Taishang Hunyuan", "The Story of Youlong" and so on.
"Book of Wei Shi Lao Zhi" says: "The origin of Taoism comes from Lao Tzu. He
said that it is innate.
The earth is born to support all kinds of things. The one in Yujing above is the
sect of the God King, and the one in Ziwei below is the Flying Immortal.
Lord. "This is a summary of Laozi's gradual evolution into Laojun and the Taoist
Taishang Laojun was originally the highest god believed in by Zhang Ling Tianshi
Dao. However, as Yuanshi Tian
The divine status of the Supreme Taoist Supreme Master was confirmed, and the
Supreme Master gradually retreated to the third place among the Three Pure Ones.
And was recognized by the entire Taoist sect. Jia Shanxiang, a native of the
Song Dynasty, said: "Therefore, Laojun and his teacher Taishang Yuchen
Daojun Yan, Daojun is the disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun. Before Tianzun was born
for hundreds of millions of kalpas, he was
The ancestor of Daosheng, so Daojun is the disciple of Tianzun and the teacher
of Laojun. Once the two saints have been established, that is
Lao Jun is the heir. And what about the old man? The old man is called the
director of the department; the king is the king of the clan.
No.: Laojun is in the sky and under the world. His history is endless. He was
born for hundreds of millions of kalpas first and will grow for billions of
kalpas later.
Tiantian Zongfeng, the emperor's teacher, so he was given the title of Taishang
Laojun. Three Saints inherit each other through the ages
Setting an example", "Laojun is the master of yin and yang, the emperor of all
gods, the parents of Yuanhong, the late king.
The master and craftsman, the gourd who tastes things, cultivates nothingness,
creates all things, carries the eight poles, carries the earth
Hanging in the sky, traveling around the sun and moon, moving the stars,
breathing Liujia, controlling the universe, pushing away the cold
Summer drives the wind and clouds, thunder and lightning, and governs the
advance and retreat of floods and droughts. The number of fixed calendar numbers
is empty and full, one
Because of this." ① Li Sicong also said: "The old monarch Hunyuan is the
ancestor of Yuansu, the world
The root of it. He has been transformed through calamities and has been a
teacher from generation to generation. Either in the Nine Heavens or traveling
around the world, you can’t
Without a teacher to teach, one cannot establish one without a master. The
teacher should serve the Taoist Lord Yuchen and be called a disciple of the Tao.
or fall
Taiwei hooked up the six stars, which were named Emperor Yao Po Treasure. When
Zhou was born, Confucius tasted
He said, "Lao Dan is my teacher." When asked if he was polite, he looked up to
him like a dragon. Since its inception,
He descended to see the world more than fifty times, crossed the quicksands of
the west, and descended to China. He became the master of the three religions
and made the track of hundreds of kings.
Fan, who has been practicing Taoism for thousands of years, has no way to change
his mind. He lives in the great red sky of Taiqing Fairyland. ”②

See Jia Shanxiang's "

Volumes 1 and 2 of "The Legend of Yulong", pages 5 and 7 of Volume 18 of "Tao
See Li Sicong's "Dongyuan Collection" Volume 1, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 3 pages 8 3
The emperors of Shenxiao and the gods of thunder and gold'



Three saints inherit each other, and the road of speech is great. Although they
are divided into three cave leaders, they are actually the same Qi phase, so
Taoism says that at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, one Qi transformed into
the three pure states. Volume 10 of "Taishangdong Xuanling Treasure Karma Sutra"
In the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, one was transformed into three ashes,
which were divided into three days. Start tea on the first day, and the sky will
be clear,
Named Yuqingjing, he was transformed by Tianbaojun and published twelve parts of
the "Dong Zhen Jing" to teach the Nine Heavens.
Holy. The second one is Yuan Mu, which was created by Yu Yutian and was named
Shangqingjing. It was transformed by Lord Lingbao and published in "Dongxuan".
The Twelve Parts of the Sutra are used to teach the Nine Truths in Heaven. Three
days of black ash is the great red sky, named Taiqing
Realm, transformed by Shen Baojun, comes out of "
"Dong Shen" twelve parts to teach the Nine Immortals in Heaven. thirty
The six parts are also called the three vehicles, one is the Mahayana, the
second is the Middle Vehicle, and the third is the Hinayana. Yue Fei Xuanzhi
Xiang, a natural chapter, with jade characters in golden script, dragon and
phoenix seal scripts, a square foot long, and an octagonal light hanging down.
Teach the heavens and circulate in the world for five kalpas, always turning the
wheel of Dharma, whether it is true or powerful, and has a wide range of
If you have a plan, you will gain enlightenment due to opportunities, and
practice with the world. Although the fate of heaven and earth will end, the
three holes will not be destroyed, and you will open up the world.
Quality guides heaven and humans, benefiting all in the three realms and ten
directions. "

Of course, this person is the one who transformed the three pure things.
"Yuanshi" is not Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, but
Fuli Yuanshi Tianzun. Volume 1 of "Lingbao Wumeiren's Miaojing" says: "The Tao
said, in the past
In the clear blue sky at the beginning of time, I sang the Great Buddha,
receiving countless high-quality blessings from the beginning of the Yuan
Dynasty. ”② Tang
Li Shaowei's note: "The first blue sky is the Jade Dragon Sky in the Northeast.
This sky is full of blue clouds and bright colors.
The divine wind is playing, the purple characters are singing in the forest, and
the song is composed by itself. The emperor of this land, Fu Li Tianzun,
descends on the tenth day.
Fang, when we meet to save people together, we can receive this sutra.
Cheng Xuanying said: "Those who have great Fuli soil are great."
It is the name of Guangyuan, and Fuli is its imperial taboo. "
③ This Fuli Tianzun, also known as "Yuan"
The founder of the universe in "Shi Shang Zhen Zhong Xian Ji" -

The First Heavenly King. "Yunji"

"Seven Lots" Volume 1. One said: "

The king of heaven at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was endowed with the
blessings of nature, and the form was not yet chaotic.
Xia, remembers the womb born from a void body, born in an empty space, when the
mysterious scene is not divided, the sky is far away,
The vast sky has accumulated for more than seven thousand kalpas. The sky is
clear and the air is clear. Two rays of light are twining around it. The dark
clouds and purple cover reflect it.
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 6, pages 1 2 7.
② See page 1 of Volume 1 of "Tao Zang".
③ See "
"Four Notes on the Miaojing of the Incomparable Man in the Yuanshi Dynasty"
Volume 1, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2, Page 1 8 9.
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The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

First of all, the electric wings of the six qi are true, they are self-
illuminating at night, the divine light in the candle chamber, the scattered and
fragrant smoke,
Living in the heart of the sky, on the shore of Lianrong Dongbo, holding the
knot of the spiritual talisman alone, resisting the evil forces
Zhang, travel east to the land of clear water and lush forests, go up
to the house with nine curves of green clouds, and enter Jinmin.
” ① Zhang Yuchu also said: “Those who are floating in the sky are within the
realm of the king of heaven.
The title was Yu Qing Zi Xu Gao Shang Yuan Huang.
When all the saints come to court, the king of heaven will celebrate.

Section 2 The Holy Saint of the Three Emperors is the Ancestor of Thunder
By Fuli Tianzun (Yuanshitian)
Wang) Xuanhua Sanqingzhizhen, the following
They are the three emperors, namely Emperor Ziwei,
The Jade Emperor and the Earth Emperor.
"Supreme Nine Heavens Jade Qing Great Brahma Zi Wei Xuan"
Du Lei Jade Sutra" says: "Three Pure Ones
Holy, so the ancestor of thunder. ten
Extremely supreme, so it is the foundation of thunder.
Haotian Jade Emperor God, so the order
Thunder also. After the earth, the emperor and the emperor were the only ones,
"③ What is here
To control thunder.
The "Ten Extremes Supreme" refers to
Emperor Ziwei.
Taoism’s reverence for Emperor Ziwei

Emperor Ziwei
Southern Song Dynasty stone carvings in Dazu Shengfu Cave (photo by Li Yuanguo)

① See pages 6 8 4 of Volume 2 2 of "Tao Zang".

② See Volume 4 of "Four Annotations to the Yuanshi Imeasurable Man's Excellent
Sutra", Volume 2 of "Tao Zang", page 328.
③ See page 752 of Volume 1 of "Tao Zang".
The Emperors of Shenxiao and Lei Shengzhen'



Worship originated from the reverence of ancient Chinese ancestors for the stars
in the heaven. "Book of Jin Astronomical Records"
Said: "The five stars of the North Pole and the six stars of Gouchen are all in
the Purple Palace. The North Pole is the most respected one in the North Star.
Yes, its New Star is the pivot of the sky. The fate of heaven is endless, the
three rays of light shine one after another, but the pole star does not move,
Therefore, it is said that if one lives in his place, all the stars will share
The North Star may be named Tianji, Tianyi, or Beiye.
Chen. "Historical Records Tianguan Shu" records: "In the middle palace, there is
the celestial pole star, one of which is bright, Tai
A permanent residence. There are three stars in the front row of the Purple
Palace. If you see them, if not, they are called Yin De or Tian.
one. "Zhang's Zhengyi" quotes the "Star Sutra" and notes: "The sky is one, one
star, outside the border,
The god of the Emperor of Heaven, who is responsible for fighting and knows the
good and bad luck of people. ""Suoyin" also quoted from "Erya" and the Han
Chenwei's family said: ""Spring and Autumn Yuan Ming Bao" says: The palace is a
statement, and the palace energy establishes the spirit as the spirit.
wall. Also in "Li Yao Gou" it is said: The Great Emperor of the Zhonggong, whose
spirit is the North Star, contains Yuan Qi Qi, and flows
Jingshengyiye. "Erya" says: The North Pole is called Beichen. Also "Pictures of
Harmony in the Spring and Autumn Period"
Cloud: Beichen, its five stars, are in the purple sky. Yang Quan's "Theory of
Physics" Cloud: North Pole, Sky
Among them, the North Pole of Yang Qi is also. The extreme south is the sun, and
the extreme north is the lunar sky. The sun, moon and five stars,
When the taiyin moves, there is no light, but when the sun moves, it can shine,
so it is the limit of dim light, cold and heat. again
"The Picture of He Cheng in the Spring and Autumn Period" says: Emperor Ziwei is
the essence of Taiyi. "
From Tianji and Tianyi to Beichen and North Pole, from Xingjing and Tianshen to
North Pole
Emperor Ziwei, this is a gradual process. By the Wei and Jin dynasties,
Confucian scholars again
The system for emperors to manage the affairs of the world was established by
Emperor Ziwei in the Ziwei Wall of Heaven.
Thinking of a Star Dynasty headed by him. There are four assistants, "Hold the
North Pole, the four stars, the sun and the four assistants,
Therefore, it is necessary to assist the North Pole and go out to govern."
Xing and Xisan are both called the Three Dukes, who are responsible for
promoting morality, regulating the seven political affairs, and coordinating the
yin and yang officials."
Prime Minister, "The auxiliary star Fuhu Kaiyang, so the success of the
auxiliary fight is the sign of the Prime Minister." Youshang
The book says, "The five stars in the southeast of the door are called Shangshu,
and the Lord gives advice and consults all night long." There is Dali,
"The two stars in the left star of the palace gate are called Dali, which means
the punishment of peace and the end of prison." There are court captains and
imperial officials,
"The space between the two stars in the middle of Nanfang is called Duanmen, the
east is called Zuo Enforcement, which is also the image of Tingwei; the west is
called Right Zhizhi

Maybe 3 people want someone to have/ —

Tao Po Shuang Xiao Sheng Yan Family and Thoughts

Law, the symbol of the imperial officials. To enforce the law, it is also
necessary to assassinate murderers." In addition, Shang
There are star officials such as Jiuqing, Twelve Houses, Neichu, Tianchu,
Zhuxiashi, left and right envoys, etc.
List of places to receive talismans, gods test festivals", "to hold the
emperor's throne between them".

With such a complete system of heavenly star gods, Taoism will expand its group
of gods.
Cleverly absorb it and incorporate it into the Taoist pantheon. Taoism believes
that the stars are formed by the sun and moon
Life also means that the essence of all things is composed of stars, and the
stars control the fate of millions of people and billions of things.
Therefore, we have special respect for the god of stars. In the pantheon
constructed by Taoism, the god of stars
Their status was quite high, and their number was huge. The one with the highest
position was Emperor Ziwei. "Seven Lots in the Cloud"
Volume 24, "Sun, Moon and Stars" says: "Xuanmen Baohai Jing" says: Yang essence
is the sun, and Yin essence is the sun.
The essence is the moon, and the essence of the sun and the moon is divided into
the stars... The North Star is the foundation of the gods. Fanxing
Each has its own master, and they are all tied to Beichen. Beichen is the
motionless star of the North Pole, and its god is sitting
Xuandan Palace is also named Taiyijun.
"The ultimate speaker is the realm. All the five realms are gathered in
The center is the most respected place. The name of the middle pole is called
Tianzhong, and the upper pole star is also the star that lives most in the sky.
among. Dongfang Shaoyang is called Dongjixing. Shaoyin in the West is called
West Pole Star. south
The sun is called Antarctica. The center is called Zhonghe, and the top is the
star, so it is the highest and most noble.
He is the lord of stars. The North Star in the sky is too constant, and its god
ascends, "Shangzong Jiu Tian,
The Central Government unifies the Five Sacred Mountains and leads the
Volume 37 of "Lingbao Wumeiren's Miaojing"
He is said to be the incarnation of Yuanshi Tianzun, "
Living under the canopy of the Purple Jade Pavilion, in the Purple Wei Wall, the
The Great Arctic Emperor, in dragon robes and mysterious robes, with a hanging
sash and a large bean, has twelve Yuanshi on the left and right, and the Thunder
Lord lives in Thunderbolt.
Next to it, thirty-six generals are guarding behind, and five commanders and
four virtues are leading them in front. Chi Ming is on top at the beginning of
the plan.
Qing Shengong, after the founding of the Emperor, became the Great Emperor of
Beiyin. He succeeded in pacifying the palace and was located in the Court of
Zhongtian Ziji.
The world in the ten directions is motionless, so he is called Chenshu."

① See "
Jin Shu,
"Astronomical Records", Zhonghua Book Company, November 1994, punctuated
edition, Volume 2, No. 289 ~ 299
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 22, pages 178 and 179.
③ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 1, page 245.
The emperors of Shenxiao and the real people of the Lei tribe) (4)


With the rise and prosperity of the Shenxiao sect of Taoism, the status of the
Arctic Emperor Ziwei became more and more important.
The higher up, the great god known as "who dominates the three realms and
controls the five thunders" ranks higher.
Among the four emperors of Taoism, he is widely worshiped by various Taoist
sects. "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa"
Volume 10 (
Ning Quan Zhenben) said: "The Great Emperor of the North Pole, then there is an
imperial throne in the Ziwei Yuan",
"As the sect master of ten thousand stars, the sub-king of the three realms,
second to Haotian, superior to Yuan Qi, he is the leader of the North
The Great Emperor Ji Ziwei governs the Ziwei Palace in Zhongtian."
① And imitating Confucian etiquette, as Ziwei
The emperor was equipped with four offices, six departments and other divine
institutions, including Tianpeng, Tianyou, Yisheng,
Zhenwu is divided into four prefectures, collectively known as the Four Saints
of the North Pole.
In this way, Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole became the dominant figure who
ruled the thunder and the stars.
God He. "The Supreme Nine Heavens Jade Qing Great Brahma Purple Micro Xuandu
Thunder Jade Sutra" says: "
arctic purple
Emperor Wei controls the three realms and controls the five thunders. "② Not
only that, Emperor Ziwei is also the
Rule Fengdu Hades. The first volume of "Tai Shang Tai Xuan Nu Qing's Three Yuan
Commandments to Away Sins" says: "Purple
Wei Dijun, examine the greater thousand worlds, the lands of the ten directions,
up to the gods and immortals
The book of surrender, the stars are shining on the record of the rise and fall
of the land, the ruler of the country, the virtuous ministers, the princes and
the princes
It is the time for all living beings to take exams, from fish and dragons to
changing and flying away, to thousands of species changing their bodies, to
rising and falling.
Month, as for within three Tu, among the nine mansions, the name of the crime is
right, the limit of years of calamity. its internal union
Those who are born as human beings should be renamed the Palace of Everlasting
Night and listed in the left palace.
Those who lust after evil spirits and demons should be restricted to the right
palace, and the names of the books should be written in a black book.
Depending on the level of their karma, they will receive different retributions
when they change their shape. "
③ Deng Yougong of the Northern Song Dynasty "Shangqing Dynasty"
The preface to "Marrow Spiritual Texts and Ghost Laws" also says: "The Ghost
Laws are from Tiancao's division of the Exorcist Academy, and from Beidi
Emperor Ziwei) takes charge of it. Those who perform jade grids and rituals will
be given special gifts by the Jade Emperor to exorcise evil spirits.
Judgment with the palm of your hand. Their main purpose is to criticize ghosts,
gods and criminals, assist in righteousness and drive away evil spirits, and
bring happiness to the people.

① See "Tao Zang", volume 30, page 730.

② See pages 7 5 6 of Volume I of "Tao Zang".
③ See pages 8 3 6 of Volume 1 of "Tao Zang".

Logic 0



/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

To protect the country from disasters. ”① It turns out that the Northern
Emperor and the Jade Emperor lived side by side and jointly governed the
Heavenly Court and the Jade Emperor.
living hell.
The Jade Emperor, also known as the Haotian Jade Emperor, is the highest god in
Chinese folk belief. just
As Pu Songling said in "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio": "There is the
Jade Emperor in the sky and the Emperor underground.
It is a symbol of China's feudal imperial power in the divine world. Since the
Yin and Zhou dynasties, China has had
The idea of the Supreme Being, One God. In pre-Qin literature, it may be called
Tian, Huangtian, or
Calling the Emperor, God, Emperor God, Haotian God all refer to this supreme
God. after
As the division of labor in society becomes more and more detailed, social
organizations and social consciousness become increasingly complex, gods and
The world has become increasingly hierarchical, with a clear division of labor,
and the image and function of God have also tended to be social.
Communicate and personify. The Western Han Dynasty had the Five Fang Emperors
and Taiyi, and the Eastern Han Dynasty had the Five Senses Emperors, both of
whom had
God's functions. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the North Star was used
as the emperor, who oversaw the five emperors of heaven and earth.
god. However, from the Xinmang period to the Tang Dynasty, the national heaven-
sacrifice ceremonies were all focused on worshiping the emperor and the heavenly
The emergence of the title "Jade Emperor" in Taoism dates back to the Southern
Dynasties. "True Spirit Position and Karma Map" No. 1
On the right side of the "Yuqingjing" level, there are "Jade Emperor Taojun",
"Jade Emperor Daojun"
"Shanghuangtiandi", "Gao Shangyu"
"Emperor", "all have to be ordered to learn the Tao, which makes the group
true"②. Liu Song and Lu Xiujing discussed the differences between Buddhism and
In the same way, there is "the Buddha is Liu Qin, the Taoist is the Jade
Emperor, these are also different paths."
③ said.
The "Liu Qin" mentioned here is also known as detaining Qin or detaining Sun.
They are the seven Buddhas of the past in Buddhism
one. Volume 10 of "Kuanfo Samwei Hai Sutra" "Reciting the Seven Buddhas" says: "
Detain Sun Fo and release him
In front of the light dweller, there is a Buddha whose body is twenty-five
leagues long and whose round light is thirty-two leagues long.
The light is fifty yojanas, and the appearance is as good as the Purple Gold
Mountain. Those who see this Buddha will always be born in a pure country, never
When the twins are about to die, the Buddhas and World-Honored Ones will come to
greet them. ” Volume 1 of "Chang Agama Sutra"
Zai, he attained enlightenment under the corpse sand tree. He once preached the
Dharma for a while and saved 40,000 disciples.
Important ones include Sani, Pilou, etc. This Buddha is the same as Vipassan
Buddha, Vipassan Buddha, and Vipassan Buddha.

"Tao Zang", Volume 6, page 908.
"Tao Zang", Volume 3, page 273.
"Three-hole Bead Bag" Volume 2, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 5, page 305.
The Emperors of Shenxiao and the True People of the Thunder Tribe\

Yu Gong (5)


Buddha, Kunagami Buddha, Kassapa Buddha, and Sakyamuni Buddha are collectively
called the past seven Buddhas.
Be nourished by the created image. Lu Xiujing compared the Jade Emperor to the
detention of Qin, which means that the Jade Emperor was
Taoist deity of the past. "Lingbao Zhaiyi" says: "In the past, the Jade Emperor
was high, and in the future
Taiji Tianzun, see (now) Yuanshi Tianzun "① Obviously, this is inspired by
Buddhist thought
The influence of Taoism led to the development of the third generation theory of
The Jade Emperor's divinity and status were not prominent and fixed in early
Taoism, but after entering
After the Sui and Tang Dynasties, its influence became increasingly significant.
"Tai Shang Tai Zhen Ke" says: "
The Virtual Emperor, the Golden Palace and the Jade Emperor, the most
The noblest and most noble, without birth or death, always abiding in the aura.
"② "Bao Xuan Sutra" says: "The number one is natural,
No. 2 Wuji, No. 3 Daodao, No. 4 Zhizhen, No. 5 Taishang, No. 6 Laojun, No. 7
Emperor Gao, Tianzun No. 8, Jade Emperor No. 9, His Majesty No. 10 "③ Here
again, the Jade Emperor and the
Laojun is confused. Among the people, belief in the Jade Emperor has become very
common. Han Yu has poems
Day: "Lead Zhang Che to Lu Tong at night, and ride on the clouds together to the
Jade Royal Palace." ④ Yuan Zhen's poem said:
"In the Ten Thousand Miles Cave, I pay homage to the Jade Emperor, and I stay
outside in the Temple of Heaven with Nine Lights."⑤ In addition, Li Bai, Du Fu,
Liu Zongyuan and others often sang about the Jade Emperor in their poems,
describing his magnificent heavenly palace and his attendants.
god. In this way, the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Weng in folk belief and the
Jade Emperor among Taoist gods
Become one. Therefore, Mr. Zhang Zhengxi said that in the minds of the Tang
people, the Jade Emperor has nothing to do with future generations.
In particular, the ceremonial, power, and functions of his palace are just like
that of a human emperor, and various scholars have described the Jade Emperor as
The costumes and attendants all had certain styles. At that time, there were
palaces, temples, and many people who made statues and wrote pictures.
That’s it.

The rulers of the Song Dynasty respected Taoism, with Zhenzong and Huizong the
most. Emperor Zhenzong's general Jade Emperor
Officially listed as an object of gift from the country, in November of the
fifth year of Dazhong Xiangfu (1012),

Quoted from "The Origin of the Sound, Meaning and Wonderful Door of All Taoist
Sutras", "Tao Zang", Volume 2, 4, Page 7, 2, 4.
See "The Origin of the Wonderful Door of Sounds and Meanings of All Taoist
Sutras" Gong I, "Tao Zang", Volume 2, 4, Page 7, 2, 3.
"The Origin of the Wonderful Door of Sounds and Meanings of All Taoist Sutras"
Gong I, "Tao Zang", Volume 2, 4, Pages 7, 2, 6.
"Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty" Volume 340 "Li Hua Two Poems Nine"
Volume 411 of "Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty" "On the Temple of Heaven".
See Zhang Zhengxi's "
"The Jade Emperor's Surname is Zhang Kao", Volume 1, Book 1 of "Responsibility
for Good".

Netizen women are old/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The Jade Emperor was enshrined in the Chaoyuan Hall. In the first month of the
seventh year (1 0 1 4), "I ordered my assistant ministers to recommend and
dedicate all the palaces.
It was renamed as Mingdao Palace and enshrined the statue of the Jade Emperor."
①. In September, "Your Majesty the Jade Emperor"
The emperor's holy title is: Taishang Kaitian Zhifu Yuli Hanzhenti Tao Jade
Emperor Great Heavenly Emperor, in the first month of the coming year
One day I bowed to apply for recommendation" ②. After that, many titles were
deleted over the years, and they were included in the Jade Emperor's Treasure
Gunfu. Extended to Huizong, in September of the sixth year of Zhenghe (1 1 1 6),
Huizong visited Yuqing and Yang
The treasure book containing the emblem of the Jade Emperor Haotian, the true
body of the Supreme God, opens the sky and holds the talisman of the royal
Bingshen, forgiving the world, ordered the Dongtian Blessed Land to build
temples and statues. November D
You, go to Jingling Palace. In the Wuxu period, we went to the Imperial
Ancestral Temple. In Jihai, worship the God Haotian in the circle mound,
Forgive the world" ③. At this point, the beliefs of the state, the people, and
Taoism have officially merged.
Thus the worship of the Jade Emperor reached its climax.
Taoism adapted to the needs of society and greatly improved the Jade Emperor's
divinity and status.
He also compiled a number of Taoist books about the Jade Emperor's miracles,
such as "The Jade Emperor's Collection of Classics" and "The Jade Emperor".
The Miao Sutra of the Emperor's Heart Seal", "The Jade Emperor's Breathing
Sutra", "The Jade Emperor's Treasured Confession", "The Jade Emperor's
Forgiveness of Sins"
"Fu Bao Confession", "The Jade Emperor's Seventeen Kindness Lights", "The Jade
Emperor's Nine Heavens Genealogy", "The Jade Emperor's Six Chens"
"Fei Gang Si Ming Da Lu" and so on. According to the "Gaoshang Jade Emperor's
Collection of Classics" volume: In the past there was a country
His name is Guang Yan Miao Le, his king is pure and virtuous, his queen is
precious Yue Guang, he has no heirs, and his queen is widely used as an
At six o'clock, I walked on the road and prayed to the true saint. It has been
half a year, and I have not retreated from my original intention. Suddenly, at
night, I treasured the Queen of Moonlight.
In the dream, Taishang Taojun held a baby in his arms. He realized that he was
pregnant for one year. On the first month of Bingwu year,
He was born in the palace at noon on the ninth day. After that, the king
suddenly died, and the prince took charge of the government.
When he was born, his heir had a Taoist mouth, so he left his country and
practiced Taoism in the Puming Xiangyan Mountain, and achieved salvation.
After this calamity, I have experienced eight hundred calamities. He always
leaves his country, for the sake of the people, and gives up his love to learn
this. After eight hundred kalpas, he used medicine to cure diseases, save
sentient beings, and make them happy forever. This calamity is over
Now, after another eight hundred kalpas, I have widely practiced expedients,
opened up all the "Tao Zang", preached spiritual chapters, and revived the

"History of the Song Dynasty" Volume 1. 4. Chapter 57.
See "Zizhi Tongjian" Volume 31 "
Song Si·Zhen Song".
"History of the Song Dynasty" Volume 21
Chapter 21 of this Era.
Shenxiao Huangdi and Yubu Zhongzhen\ ③

I 169

The orthodox religion spreads its magical power, helps the country and saves
people, and is both secretive and visible. After this, eight hundred more
In the calamity, the body and life will be lost, so as to endure humiliation and
sacrifice one's own flesh and blood. Practicing like this for three thousand two
hundred kalpas,
He first realized the Golden Immortal, who was called the Pure Natural Awakened
King Tathagata. He taught the Bodhisattvas how to suddenly realize the Mahayana.
Zong, gradually become nothingness. After practicing this way for hundreds of
millions of kalpas, I finally attained the status of Jade Emperor. "
① From now on jade
The emperor's lofty status and divinity in the Taoist pantheon were then fixed,
becoming only the third
The pure and holy god.
"Zhang Shangying (3043-1121) of the Northern Song Dynasty"
Sancai Positioning Map",

It is the earliest surviving painting

Taoist theogony chart. There is a sky painted in it
Baojun (
Yuanshi Tianzun), Lingbaojun
Lingbao Tianzun), Shenbaojun (
Shang Laojun) In addition to the three pure gods,
There are two more supreme gods. one person
It is "Holy Ancestor Shanglinggao Dao Jiutiansi"
"The great emperor who protects your life and protects your life", one is
. The former was
Haotian Jade Emperor God"
The Song Dynasty regarded him as the ancestor of the Zhao family.
The latter because of his dispatch of Yisheng Zhenjunfu
He was highly regarded for his help in the Song Dynasty. and Yu Tai

Jade Emperor
(Collection of Qing Dynasty paintings by Li Yuanguo)

Zong Dynasty built the Temple of God in Zhongnan Mountain

When the palace is completed in three years, the Zhongzheng position will be
ranked among the four main halls. In front is the Jade Emperor Tongming Hall,
Que. "
The second Ziwei Hall, the second Qiyuan Hall, and the second royal palace of

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 1, page 717.
② See "The Biography of Yi Sheng Baode Zhenjun", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 22, Page 696.

Being walked upon and lying down^/—

The history and thoughts of Daoxiang Shenxiaonong

Positioning Map of the Three Talents" In the middle, the Jade Emperor of Haotian
sits in the Tongming Hall, up, down, left and right
Accompanying the sacrifice are the thirty-two Heavenly Emperors of the East,
South, West and North. This shows that the Jade Emperor God has
He is the Lord of the Thirty-two Heavens. "The Biography of Yisheng Baode
Zhenjun" says: "God is in the Supreme Three
Heaven is the lord of all heavens, and all phenomena and immortals are subject
to it. Ever ascending to the golden palace, the palace is bright,
Shining on the emperor's body, the light of the body shines on the golden
palace, the light shines through, shining on everything, so it is
Tongming Hall. The emperors of the heavens, the bodyguards of all spirits, the
immortals, the Brahma Buddhas, all came to pay homage and looked up at him.
In the palace, I can only see God in the great light. The immortal class has
retreated, and the light shines all over the sky.
” ① The volume of "Gaoshang Jade Emperor's Collection of Classics" also says:
The emperor's body is the Tao body, which is immeasurable.
The body of merit, the body of tranquility and nature, the body of gods that are
solid and indestructible, the supreme dharma body of vacuum. "Xi
Although he was reborn in the human world, he spent many kalpas manifesting
great supernatural powers, and his body was pure.
Que, the avatar changes, it should appear according to the direction, benefit
all living beings, be promoted to the road bank, and spread the teachings.
Enlightened future generations will follow the instructions and achieve
enlightenment. This is the solemn glory of their merits and virtues.
Brightness always fills the heavens, and the wisdom is so wonderful that it
cannot be measured. The brightness of this body is all wonderful words. "②
Through the elaboration of these Taoist books, the status of the Jade Emperor
God was suddenly raised to that of the Four Imperial Gods.
First, it is adjusted and confirmed from the perspective of Taoist theological
theory. Ning Quanzhen reorganizes Taoist gods
According to the spectrum, Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and Daode Tianzun
are the first to be listed in the "Xuanqiong Lord".
The following are the four emperors: Haotian God, Suffering Heavenly Lord,
Arctic Emperor, and the Emperor of Heaven, and explain
The God of Haotian, the Emperor of the Heavens, the King of Immortals, the Lord
of the Holy Lords, holds the power of the Ten Thousand Heavens.
The power of surrender, the opportunity for Si Qun to develop, the three caves
and four assistants, the standard of the forbidden scriptures, the arrival of
the Great Brahma
Wonderful, the divine power of inaction is the true God of all gods in the three
realms. from three thoughts
Tianyin, the emperor's armor among the three treasures, is higher than the
heaven and earth. He gives birth to all things without destroying them. San
Standing, clearing high and clear, accumulating sunshine into the sky, the
source of thousands of exchanges, how should it be without a master? Therefore,
speaking with images
Speaking of it, it is called heaven; speaking of domination, it is called
emperor. Therefore, it is called Jade True Heavenly Emperor Xuan Qiong Holy Jade

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 2 Page 697.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 1, page 719.
The name Jiadi and the Thunder Tribe Zhongzhen,

warehouse) (5) 叵)


Emperor. The Sutra says: The Heavenly Emperor’s jade is true, and the state of
colorlessness is the holy life. Transformed from Xuancha
Born, living under Daluo and above Shangqing, he controls the four kinds of
people and heaven, Brahma, and is respected in the three realms.
Above, it is for the sake of God, and he has no choice but to force his name.
Governing Taiwei Yuqing Palace. Ru Taishang
The words of the Supreme Heavenly Lord Milo are the words of Taoism that return
beauty. Also, the Supreme Being opened the sky and held the talisman and the
calendar, etc.
The words are the symbol of the emperor in the Song Dynasty. ” ① From this, the
Taoist divine truth since the Song Dynasty
The system formed the three realms of Haotian headed by the Jade Emperor, the
"Four Imperial Guards" or the "Six Imperial Guards"
The system is called "Yuanshi is the head of the three religions, and the Jade
Emperor is the sect of all laws."


The second volume of the Sutra of Shangdong God Tiangong to Eliminate Demons and
Protect the Country also says: "Everything in the heaven and earth is ready, and
the Great Yuan Dynasty
Tao retreated to inaction, so he ordered the Jade Emperor to rule the three
realms and educate the common people, which was fair and selfless. Life
The mother of the earth is the queen of the earth. She is the official of
heaven, the official of Tiancao, the official of earth, the official of the
underworld, the official of water, and the official of water.
Shuifu "③ This theological structure was used by Taoism in the future and
remains unchanged to this day.
Among the gods worshiped by the Shenxiao sect, the Jade Emperor is the supreme
one who commands thunder, and the Houtu Emperor
The earth god is the great god who controls thunder. In the Taoist pantheon,
Houtu is the opposite of the Jade Emperor.
Ying, the great god who is in charge of the earth, mountains and rivers, the so-
called "Father and Mother of Heaven, Earth and Jade Emperor, Heaven and Earth"
Once established, the Three Qing Dynasties retreated from Tibet, and the Jade
Emperor accepted the mandate to rule all directions, heaven, earth, water, and
the three officials.
④. The worship of Houtu in ancient China has a very ancient origin. It is the
oldest part of primitive religion.
An important part of worship—

It evolved from the worship of the earth god.

"Book of Rites: Jiao Te Sheng" says: "The earth carries all things, and the sky
hangs like an image. We get wealth from the earth, and get laws from the earth."
sky. This is because we respect heaven and love the earth, so we teach the
people good things and repay them well. ” "The Book of Filial Piety - God-
conferring Deed" says:
"She is the chief god of the five lands. The land is so vast that it cannot be
respected everywhere, so the land is enshrined as a society and worshiped.
To repay merit. "This explanation of the reason for worshiping the earth god is
relatively simple.
In other words, ancient humans sacrificed to the earth god in order to reward it
for carrying all things and giving birth to them.
The merits of all living beings. According to Mr. Dingshan’s textual research,
there have been references to this topic as early as in inscriptions and bronze

① See Volume 10 of "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 30, Page 730.
② See Volume 1 of "Huang Jing Annotations", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 4 Page 6 3 1.
③④ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 11, pages 425 and 4 2 6.

@@@@/ ---- The history and thoughts of Dao Cai Shen Xiao Sect

Records of Houtu worship. He said: "Shennong was the god of agriculture in the
Shang Dynasty, and Houji was the god of agriculture in the Zhou Dynasty.
The god of agriculture and the god of agriculture are all self-
Earth Mother's differentiation came out. The process of development from
Look, above the god of agriculture, there should be someone
Earth Mother'god. According to my observation, hundreds of grains can be grown
The pillar of hundreds of vegetables is '
Earth Mother'alias, that is'
Houtu's province is called "Generally speaking"
It is said that in summer time, the god of earth is called the queen, and the
god of heaven is called the sky. When the king is born or is called the queen,
his death is also worthy of the earth.
During the Yin Dynasty, the gods of earth were called earth, and the gods of
heaven were called emperors. Their monarchs were called kings when they were
alive, and when they died, they might be matched with heaven.
proclaim oneself emperor. Xia Zhong, a man of great wealth, was a well-educated
person in the Zhou Dynasty. He called the God of Earth She, Houtu, and the God
of Heaven.
Said God, said Huangtian God."

Houtuhuangdi only
Southern Song Dynasty Stone Carvings in Dazu Shengfu Cave
Photography by Li Yuanguo)

See pages 30 and 196 of Ding Shan's "Research on Ancient Chinese Religion and
Mythology", Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House

Photocopy of March 1988.

The emperors of Shenxiao and the Zhenzhen of the need tribe,


Hou Tu became a national-level land god, seemingly in the Western Han Dynasty.
From the time of Emperor Wen
Xinyuanping agreed that the country should uniformly offer sacrifices to the
local god, that is, Houtu. Yuanding four years (
Before Yuan Dynasty
113), Emperor Wu Jiaoyong said: "
Today, God, I visit the countryside, and since there are no sacrifices in the
land, I will respond politely.

"①Then he set up a shrine on the ground in Fenyin, and worshiped like a god.
From then on
It was then custom-made and included in the sacrificial canons of all feudal
dynasties, becoming a symbol corresponding to the Emperor and God.
The great god. In the early Taoist pantheon, there was no order of Houtu God.
Since the Song Dynasty
The royal family believed in it and the people generally worshiped it, so Taoism
also included Houtu into its own
pantheon. "History of the Song Dynasty,"
Li Zhi (
"load: "
September, the sixth year of Huizong Zhenghe's reign (1116)
In Shuo, the earth emperor has no title. I would like to give him the title of
emblem: the Earth Emperor Earth Emperor, the Emperor of Earth, who follows the
example of De Guang from Heaven. "
During the Southern Song Dynasty, he became one of the "four emperors" of Taoist
gods. Lu Yuanyu "
Tao Mending
The last of the four emperors recorded in the second volume of "Zhi" is "the
empress dowager empress dowager empress dowager empress dowager empress dowager
earth empress dowager",
And noted: "
The back land is the land where the imperial court worships the emperor. It only
ends here. It is respected by the king. Close it.
The emperor is the father of heaven and the mother of earth. ” ② The third
volume of "Daofa Huiyuan" calls it "
Living in Chengtian Imitation Palace,
A Ruishu palace, also known as a female palace."
③. He was also in charge of the three provinces of Houtu, namely the imperial
concubine's capital,
The imperial concubine’s upper mansion and the imperial concubine’s middle
mansion. Since then, Houtu has also become one of the "seven gods" in the Taoist
One of the "treasures", it is unanimously worshiped by all Taoist sects.

Section 3 King Yuqing and Emperor Jiuchen

Under the Sanqing Saint Ancestor and the Ziwei Emperor, there is the Shenxiao
Jiuchen Emperor. Jiuchenzhi
Among them, King Shenxiao Jade Qingzhen is the main deity. "Supreme Nine Heavens
Jade Qing Great Brahma Purple Micro Xuandu"
The Thunder Jade Scripture records: “
I am the Supreme God, the Jade Pure King, the Immortal Emperor, and secondly
① See "Hanshu·
Suburban Sacrifice Chronicles 1.
② See page 6 6 9 of Volume 31 of "Tao Zang".
③ See page 683 of Volume 28 of "Tao Zang".
④ Seven treasures: namely, the seven deities of Sanqing, Jade Emperor, Ziwei,
Emperor of Heaven, and Houtu.


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Then there is the Great Qinghua Emperor of the East Pole, the Nine Heavens
Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord, the Nine Heavens
Thunder Ancestor Great Emperor,
The Taiyi Heavenly Emperor of the Purple Green Jade Palace of the Shangqing
Dynasty, the Liutian Dongyuan Emperor, the Liubo Heavenly Lord Emperor,
But Han Ke's father-in-law, the real king, interviewed the real king in Jiutian
for the sake of Shenxiao Jiuchen "① "The Emperor's Arrival"
Volume 5 of "Tao Tai Qing Jade Book" also says: "Jiuchen is called the
Changsheng Emperor, Qinghua Emperor, Pu
Huatianzun, Leizu Emperor, Taiyitian Emperor, Dongyuan Emperor, Liubo Emperor,
Jun, I am interviewing the true king, who is the nine qi of the Yuan Dynasty, so
he is called Jiuchen God. Daitian Yisi
Creation, the master of all spirits.
② These nine great gods are mostly new creations of the Shenxiao sect and are
called Shenxiao.
The deity of Pai Leifa is known as "Lei Lei Jiuchen Gaozhen".
According to the Taoist Scriptures, among the Jiuchen gods, King Yuqing has the
highest deity.
The younger brother of Yuanshi Tianzun. Laojun once told Wu Leijun and others: "
Sir, you should know that in the past
At the beginning of the tribulation, Yuqing Goddess Yuanjun was the queen of
Fuli Yuanshi Tianzun, and her eldest son was Yuqing Yuanshi.
Tianzun, whose ninth son is the high-ranking god Xiao Jade Qingzhen King
Changsheng Emperor, who tyrannizes the three gods of Jiuxiao
The Sixteenth Heaven and Thirty-six Heavenly Lords are the commanders of the
Great Emperor. The Yuan Xiang controls Yin and Yang, so that the Thunderbolt
The government was governed by Xianli Yan. "③ When King Yuqingzhen recounted
his life, he also said: "
I am Fu Liyuan
The son of Shi Tianzun, the son of Yuqing Goddess Yuanjun, the younger brother
of Yuqing Yuan Shi Tianzun, the Supreme Elder
Your uncle, your children, the sun and the moon, your family members, the stars,
your servants, the wind, your carriages and horses, the clouds and mist, there
is no one around.
Yes, the hidden saint appeared in the world, riding in the sky to ride in the
morning, flying in the air to watch the Brahma, the three officials were
cheering, and the five emperors followed.
I, Hu Weizun, dare not to act on my own, so I serve the three realms of the mind
and work hard on the five elements. "④ What is said here
The "Fuli Yuanshi Tianzun" is also known as "
"The Heavenly King of Yuanshi" first appeared in "The Pillow Book".
It is said that the Yuanshi Heavenly King and the Taiyuan Jade Girl communicated
with each other and formed the essence, and they gave birth to the Fusang
Emperor, Xiyumu and the Heavenly Mother.
Emperor, the Emperor of Heaven begets the Emperor of Earth, the Emperor of Earth
begets the Emperor of Humans, Datingshi, Fuxi, Shenlong, Zhurong,
The Wulong family and others are his descendants. Among them, Emperor Fusang is
the Qi of Yuanshi Yang, who governs the east.
Living in the blue sea, the house is 30,000 miles in size on all sides, with
Taizhen Palace and Jade City above it.
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 1, Page 7 5 2.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 6, Page 4 0 4.
③ ④ See "Ziwei Xuandu Thunder Jade Sutra", "Tao Zang" Volume 1, pages 750 and
Criticize all the emperors and all the people in the Bi Lei tribe\ ④) because



There are many trees growing in thousands of miles, and their leaves are like
mulberry trees. There is also a tree with roots, thousands of feet long, twenty
circumferences, two by two
They grow from the same root but are more dependent on each other. They are
called Fusang. The palace is like a jade capital, filled with countless
Count, abbot Xuanzhou and all the immortals who have not yet ascended to heaven
are here.
① According to this, Emperor Fusang was the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty
The son of the King of Heaven, he is the great god of the East and has nothing
to do with the King of Heavenly Heaven.
Examining the Taoist scriptures of the Six Dynasties, "Shangqing Dadong
Zhenjing", among the gods there is Gaoshang Shen Xiaoyu
King of the Qing Dynasty, this should be the first time he appears in the
classics. By the time of Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Taoist
priests of Shenxiao sent
It merged with Emperor Fuso to create a new god. "The Purple Book of the
Heavenly Sky"
The preface of "Dafa" says: "In the past, the space was not completed, the
Yuanxiang was not born, and the first king of the Yuan Dynasty was Haomang
The ancestor of Brahma concentrated his mind and formed a womb, named Chaos.
Chaos has been dismantled, and there are things inside and outside the heaven
and earth.
Wood, its name is Hunxu. The fortune-telling diagram of the Heavenly King in the
Yuan Dynasty shows that the golden face is like the sun, the jade shape is like
the sky, and the pottery shape is like the sky.
Cultivate the wonderful essence and divide the universe. Going up and down the
mountain from Yujing, I met Taixuan Yuji, the grandmother of Wanxiang.
The Xuanyu Qing Goddess in the Nine Natural Heavens of Yuanjing walks on the
path of the male and female trinity mixing in the Great Cave of the Qing
Eight children were born. Changyue is the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, also
known as Kowloon Fusang Sun Palace Emperor, also known as
The jade pure king of the heavenly sky, who has three bodies in one body, is the
holy one.
"This man wearing three
Master Yuqing concentrated on the Golden Tower, thinking about the sufferings of
all sentient beings in the world due to the three disasters and eight disasters,
and then saw
The nine secluded springs bring retribution to all sinful souls, and the passing
of life and death is like a spinning wheel, which is the first God of the Yuan
I sincerely ask the Nine Heavens Treasure Barrel to use its magical power to
save all sentient beings in the three realms. "Original God
That is to say, he ordered the Great Emperor, the Wanfu Zhenjun, to pass down
the secret method of immortality and life protection of the Supreme God Xiao
Jade Pure King.
"World". A three-volume book, "all written by Sanskrit, a book written by
Jiutian Taixuan Yunxia." Hidden in the sky
The prohibition is the law of hiding the gods for thousands of years, and it is
the way of governing people and ghosts to protect the country and the family."

The other sons of King Yuanshi all have official titles. Second son sealed
The third son was given the title of Grand Prince of Life, and was appointed as
the Emperor of Donghua; the third son was appointed as the Grand Prince of Life,
and was appointed as the Lord of Penglai Linghai; the fourth son was appointed
as the Prince of Linghai of Penglai;
The son was granted the title of Protector of Life, and was appointed the
Penglai Emperor of the Western Yuan Dynasty; the fifth son was granted the title
of Minghuang, the Emperor of Dongjing.

① See page 270 of Volume 3 of "Tao Zang".

② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 557.
Learning is also a pleasant thing for people / —— 3. The history and thoughts of
the Shenxiao School of Teaching


The sixth son was granted the title of Grand Prince of Feiqing and was appointed
as the Great Emperor of Qingdu; the seventh son was granted the title of Prince
of Antarctica.
He was appointed the Great Emperor of Qingling; the eighth son was granted the
title of Great Lord of Beitai and was appointed the Great Emperor of Zhonghuang.
The so-called "
General Brahma, do the Eight Emperors rule the heaven? They follow the decree of
the Heavenly King and the Jade Emperor to divide and rule the Nine Heavens
and thirty-six days. All the people in the Nine Heavens Realm are the
reincarnations of the Great Brahma of Yuanshi, including Shenxiao Yuqing.
Xuhuangtian, Danxiao Antarctic Yuwentian, Bixiao Taixu Zhenjitian, Yuxiao
Heaven, Taixiao Tailing Zhenyuantian, Langxiao Sulinghaoyuantian, Zixiao
Jiulingshangjitian, Jing
The sky is filled with wonderful spiritual treasures, and the sky is filled with
jade and flowers. "These nine heavens and nine heavens are all mixed with caves
and red texts.
The enlightenment brought forth the bright and wonderful Brahma, the pure beauty
and purple elixir, and the beauty of the spirit became the true writing of
Therefore, Chi cultured the Hundong, and the Hundong transformed into Miluo,
which combined the nine editions of Tianyuan's Tao, and then the Nine Causes.
The Eight Brahma True Jade Palace is also the transformation of this text.

From the "Picture of the Fruit of the Nine Lights of Hunyuan Chiwen Reborn in
the Nine Heavens", we can see that the throne of Shenxiao
It is placed in the center, and the remaining eight heavens are distributed in
all directions, which are the areas governed by the Eight Emperors of the Yuan
Dynasty. Rudong Huadi
You "Ren Qingxiao's good voice and true treasure shine to the Emperor of
Heaven", and the Emperor of the Western Yuan Dynasty "Renjoy Jingxiao to achieve
wonderful changes"
"King of Sky", Emperor Dongjing "King of Jade Sky". In short, the Yuan Dynasty
in the realm of Jiuxiao
The Eight Emperors of the First Dynasty had endless changes and many names.
Therefore, the Book of Tao says: "The seven-nine ways are as diverse as the Tao.
Hua, the Jade Emperor who is high in the heavens, all have different names from
the Eight Kings"③
Among the eight kings of the Yuan Dynasty, there were two emperors named
Jiuchen. That is, except jade qingzhenwangju
At the top of the list is Emperor Qinghua. Volume 3 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan": "
Qinghua Great Emperor, also known as Dongji Qingxuan God, seeks to save
suffering. Living in the Qinghua Palace in the east,
Also known as Dongjimiao Yantian Palace. ”④ He is the one who escapes from hell
and relieves misfortunes in the Taoist pantheon.
Taiyi, the great god of blessings, rescued the God of Kuku.
according to"
According to the "Taiyi Sutra of Saving Suffering and Protecting the Body",
there are great benevolent people in the Eastern world of Changle.

"Lingbao Wumeiren's Excellent Sutra Talismans" volume, "Tao Zang" Volume 3,
pages 6-7.
"Lingbao Wumeiren's Excellent Sutra Talismans" volume, "Tao Zang" Volume 3,
pages 6-8.
Volume 1 of "The Great Law of the Supreme God, Yu Qingzhen Wang Zishu", Volume
28 of "Tao Zang", page 563.
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, page 683.
The emperors of Shenxiao and the noses of the Lei tribe\


Taiyi saves the suffering god, and the incarnation is like eternity
The number of sands, objects respond to the sound, or live in the sky
Palace, either descending to the human world or living in hell,
Either he can capture evil spirits, or he can become a fairy boy or a beautiful
Either an emperor or a saint, or a deity
A real person, either a Vajra God King, or
Be a powerful warrior of the Demon King, or be a Celestial Master
± , either for the emperor Laojun, or for
The heavenly doctor may be a civil or military official,
Either as Marshal of Dutian or as a teacher
Zen master, or wind master and rain master, god
Infinite access, infinite merit, seeking sound
To save suffering, things should be random. "
This holy presence
Heaven calls him the Taiyi God of Blessing, and in the world he calls
For those who are great merciful people, they will be called in hell

Taiyi saves the suffering god

Qing Dynasty Paintings Li Yuanguo Collection)

The Sun Yao Emperor is called the Lion Ming King by the outsiders, and he is
called the Dongyuan Emperor by the Shui Mansion."
If all sentient beings in the three realms encounter dangers and sufferings,
such as epidemics and lingering pain;
When the waves startle, the fish and dragons are about to be injured; when the
thunder and lightning strike, the wind and rain frighten; when the six relatives
are at odds, the brothers behave
sparse; war and fire, irregular wind and rain; evil spirits, ghosts and thieves,
who come in vain to hurt; uneasy pregnancy,
It is difficult to give birth; often shackled and unjustly imprisoned; stranded
in hell and unable to be reborn, "but
When you meditate and recite the holy name, you will be liberated and escape
from prison."

Since the Song Dynasty, the worship of Taiyi to save suffering has become very
popular among Taoists.
One of the "Six Imperial Guards". "Tao"
And went deep into the people, gained the respect of the court, and thus became

① See page 182 of Volume 6 of "Tao Zang"





/ 2- The history and thoughts of Daowo Shenxiao Sect

Volume 24 of "The Complete Works of Menkefan": "The Golden Tower is nothing but
the Three Pure Gods, the Haotian and the Six Yuchen
Zun "①" means adding the Antarctic Immortal Emperor (i.e. Jade Emperor) to the
original "Four Imperial Guards".
King Qingzhen), Dongji Qinghua Taiyi saves the suffering god. The holy
appearance of the Lord of Suffering is ever-changing, or
"The feet are creeping on the lotus, the hand is holding the wishful thinking,
the round light shines, the hand is holding the willow branch to purify the
water, the nine-headed lion,
"Left and right"; or "
Transformed into a woman, wearing a fire brocade shirt, with her hair disheveled
and barefoot, creeping
Lotus flower, holding a golden sword in hand, shining with round light, nine-
headed lion spitting flames from its mouth, surrounding its body
② "Taiyi Saves Suffering Heavenly Lord Speaks of the Badu Blood Lake Treasure
Repentance" tells the story of Fengdu Luoshan
Nine Nether Prisons, twenty-four prisons, thirty-six prisons, one. The Eight
Hells, Abi Hell, and Daiyue
The miserable conditions of the Eighteen Hells and Eighty-four Thousand
Underworlds, claiming that many sinful souls and evil ghosts have been detained
In the meantime, "
The body and mind are boiled, the bones and flesh are rotten, the pain is
unbearable, and it has lasted for hundreds of millions of kalpas, without seeing
the light of day.
"Ming". At that time, the Savior God will sit on the nine-color lotus throne,
proclaim the true talisman and jade book, and issue the instructions to all the
In this realm, the majestic light fills the ten directions, the light shines on
all hells, forgives sinful souls, and makes all products
The sinful souls in the lake of misfortune and blood are freed from suffering
and can see the sunshine. "Already born but not yet born, everything is born
Happiness; former transformation and later transformation, all cultivated by
profound benevolence.
③ It can be seen from this that Taiyi saves
Kutianzun's merits in saving the souls of the dead and saving all sentient
beings are great. His status and influence are relatively important.
It is equivalent to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in Buddhism.
The third person in Shenxiao Jiuchen is Jiutian Yingyuan, whose thunderous sound
universalizes Tianzun. His divine power is also
Heavy. "Jiu Tian Ying Yuan Thunder Universal Transformation Tianzun Yushu Bao
Jing" states that he is in charge of Yuxiao Mansion, "
The thirty-sixth inner courtyard of the Tong Dynasty, the Xuanguan Miao Pavilion
of the East and West Huatai of the Central Division, the six courtyards of the
four prefectures and all other
Each department is divided into Cao bureaus, so the general department of Wu Lei
is the one who visits the three realms from heaven."
④. Universal Heavenly Lord
Also known as the Nine Heavens Zhenming Great Sage, Taoism says that he is the
incarnation of the True King Yuqing, who "transforms into a full form"
In the ten directions, they talk about Taoism and ride on nine phoenixes; in the
thirty-sixth sky, they read treasure books and examine Qiong's books; a thousand
and five

See "Tao Zang" Volume 3 1 Page 8 1 2.

See "Tao Zang" Volume 6, page 1 8 2.
See pages 892 and 893 of Volume 9 of "Tao Zang".
See "Tao Zang" Volume 1, pages 7 5 8.
The emperors of Shenxiao and the gods of Lei tribe

\@ @ @


Before a hundred catastrophes, the position will be true and the power will be
great. Holding up the golden light in his hand, he proclaimed the "Yu Shu Bao"
through". Disobedience turns into fine dust, and the whistle is as fast as wind
and fire. With a pure mind and great aspirations,
With wisdom and power, he subdues all demons, is the chief commander of the five
thunders, controls the three realms of the mind, is the father of all beings,
and is the master of all spirits."
Benefit from the ten directions, virtue spread to thousands of places, rule the
thirty-six heavens, and have the power to dominate every day; through calamities
One thousand and five hundred, calamity and compassion. If you are lucky enough
to recite it sincerely, it will make all your wishes overcome.
from. Whatever you wish for, feel it.

The sound of thunder transforms the Heavenly Lord

Qing Dynasty Paintings Li Yuanguo Collection)

Bai Yuchan explained: Jiutian is the commander-in-chief of the thirty-six

heavens, and he is leaving the Thunder Gate.
With the command of thirty-six thunders in hand, he received the seals of
various ministers, ministers, ministers, ministers, and ministers, and assigned
them to different positions.
"Mastering the disasters and blessings of heaven, holding the balance of things,
controlling things and people, directing life and killing, guarding, opening and

① See "Nine Heavens Ying Yuan's Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord
Yushu Treasure Confession", "Tao Zang" Volume 3, page 5 5 0.
② See "Thunder Jade Ji Dharma Repentance for Sins", "Tao Zang", Volume 3, page
5 5 2.




The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The Guankey is generated from the emperor above and from the emperor below.
Without thunder, it cannot carry out its orders; it is born from greatness.
Death is small but prosperous and withered, and no one but thunder can dominate
its government. Thunder government decrees are subject to them.
Therefore, it is said that the nine heavens respond to the sound of thunder and
universalize the deity. "Since the beginning of Fuli Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun gave
birth to nine sons, and Yuqing
The True King transforms into the Heavenly Lord with the sound of thunder, and
the Heavenly Lord responds to the tribulations and signals at any time.
The Ancestral Tribulation has no distinction to be true, it is the ruler of
Yuqing True King Jiuxiao, who monitors the sky at four o'clock in the first
Floating in the three realms, nine continents and all the countries, rewarding
good deeds and recording mistakes is for universalization, which is the greatest
and most noble thing. "

Among Chinese people, the belief that the sound of thunder transforms the God of
Heaven is very common. "The Immortals of the Past Dynasties"
Volume 4 of "Tongjian" states that after the Yellow Emperor attained
enlightenment and ascended to heaven, he was granted the title of True King of
Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunderous Universal Transformation.
Living in Lei City, "
The Leicheng City is eighty-one feet high. On the left is the Yushu Five Thunder
Envoy Courtyard, and on the right is the Yushu Palace.
In the Five Thunder Envoys' Courtyard of the Mansion, there are thirty-six
thunder drums in front of the True King, and thirty-six gods preside over them.
Wherever you go
When there is a thunder, the true king himself strikes the thunder drum of his
headquarters, and the thunder master of the Lei Gong makes the sound of thunder
at the same time."
"The Romance of the Gods" records: The righteous god of Leibu is Wen Zhongye.
Because he has cultivated the great path, he is chaste and fierce.
It's a pity that Yuanshi Tianzun specially appointed him as the Nine Heavens
Yingyuan Thunder Universalizing Tianzun, leading the thunder.
The twenty-four heavenly kings who protect the Dharma. In "Journey to the West",
there is also a sound of thunder that transforms the Heavenly Lord into
responding to Sun Wukong.
At the request of the great sage, he sent masters Deng, Xin, Zhang and Tao to
lead the Lei tribe to follow the great sage down to earth to perform charity
Law. After the exaggeration of these literary and artistic novels, the people's
worship of the God of Thunder Universalization has become even more intense.
Be more deeply rooted in people's hearts.
There are still a few among Jiuchen, such as Jiutian Leizu Emperor who lives in
Jiutian Thunder Palace, Tai
The Great Heavenly Emperor lived in the Ziwei Jasper Palace, and the Sixth
Heavenly Emperor Dongyuan lived in the Dongyuan Middle Palace. But Han Si Zhang
The real person is Zhu Ling, the father-in-law of Qingcheng, who lives in Kehan
Palace in Qingcheng. He is the interviewer of Jiutian.
Ying Yuan Baoyun Miaohua Zhenjun lived in Jiutian Baoyun Palace, also known as
Zixuan Jingyao Palace. Each of them has
The god is responsible for the administration. Like the messenger of the Nine
Heavens, he is endowed with the energy of nature, supervises all spirits, and
Observe the three realms, reward good and punish evil, "
Pei Jiutian interviews Nanshang Zhenjun’s envoys Jin Ce and Jiu Yuanzhi

① See "
Volume 1, "Collected Commentary on the Jade Supreme Treasure Sutra of the Nine
Heavens Ying Yuan's Thunder Universal Transformation", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 Chapter 569,
570 pages.
The Emperors of Shenxiao and the True People of the Thunder Tribe\

① ) ㊀


Sword, the seal of the Jade Emperor for subduing demons, the seal of the Nine
Heavenly Kings, the seal of interviewing the power of spirits to ward off evil
spirits, awarded to the North
The seals of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, the Five Spiritual Gods, the
officials and soldiers, the Five Hundred Spirits Palace, the Five Emperors, the
Three Officials, and the Three
The four seas of rivers, the five mountains and four lakes, the five lakes of
Jiujiang, the sources of the twelve rivers, and the seals of female officials
and soldiers of streams are white.
Cranes and lions support the emperor, green dragons and white tigers guard, six
dings and six armors are waiting on the left and right, and ten fairies from the
Nine Heavens
Erxi Zhenchen plays the music club, and Emperor Fusang, King Yanggu, and Zhenren
Taiji serve as subordinates."
The power of virtue prepares the method of the Three Pure Ones, respects the
position of the Yatian Emperor, and the power of interview is inspired by
Everything you hear and see can be tested. Then you know that the true king is
the noble god in the sky, so he divides the spirit of the true house and goes to
the town
In the blessed land of cave heaven, benefiting the country, the emperor with a
weak body showed his kindness, and showed transformation on behalf of Haotian.
"Feng, Jin gentry believes in etiquette, scholars and common people admire them,
and their souls are clear" 0①

Section 4: Nine Divisions, Three Provinces and Four Saints of the Arctic
Under Jiuchen, there are nine divisions, three provinces, and four prefectures,
which are like a well-organized central government.
central government agencies. The chief gods of the Nine Divisions are the True
Monarch of the Yufu Prefecture, the Left and Right Officers of the Yufu Palace,
and the
The left and right servants of the mansion are Xie, the prime minister of
Tianlei, the envoy of Yushu, the prime minister of Dou Shu, and the minister of
Shangqing Yufu.
You Qing, the envoy of Wuleiyuan, and the true Lord of Yuanming, the chief of
Leitingdu. "These are the hubs of thunder,
Therefore, it is called Jiu Si, and Shen is used together. There are also five
thunder kings and five thunder emperors, who are also Shen
"②There are three more provinces, namely, Thunder Tai Province, Thunder Xuan
Province, and Thunder Capital Province, all of which have
The god is in charge of his affairs and performs the thunder method of the
divine sky. As the "Ziwei Xuandu Thunder Jade Scripture" says:
"The Sun Emperor of the Sun Palace, the thunder relies on its power. The Taiyin
Emperor of the Moon Palace, the thunder relies on the god.
The True Lord of the Nine Emperors of the Big Dipper, the Thunder relies on to
govern. In the ancient Yuan Dynasty, Emperor Tianzun ordered Taiqing to supreme
Yuan Dynasty.
Your Majesty, please order Gaoming, the ambassador of Taishi, the capital of
Jiuzhou, to sentence Lei Tingtai to save trouble; Taishang Yujing left palace
Immortal Weng, it will be easy to sentence Lei Xuan; for three days to support
and teach the great master of Fuyuan, it will be easy to sentence Lei Tingdu.

① See "
Interview with the True King Shibao at the Taiping Xingguo Palace in Lushan,
Volume 1, Tao Zang, Volume 3 2, Page 6 6 2.
② See page 7 5 2 of Volume 1 of "Tao Zang".

How can this person be old enough/Evolution and thought of the Shenxiao sect of

Again, the Great Immortal Qian of Fuqiu serves the Three Thunders to save
trouble. Since then, the officials and Cao officials have combined to rule, or
It is called the concurrent division, or it is called the branch division. The
place where it governs or inspects official affairs is called the line division.
four officials
Que members should all be selected. They have been selected and moved in the
past tribulations. It is these four officials who will come to the world again
and lead them.
Transform households into people, and return to the rule after success "①
The nine divisions and three provinces are in charge of the government affairs
of Shenxiao Mansion, and the other four governments are responsible for
dispatching troops.
The general controls evil, breaks prisons, and subdues demons. His functions are
equivalent to the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Punishment. "Ziwei
Xuandu Thunder Jade Scripture says: "
The Arctic Emperor Ziwei governs the three realms, controls the five thunders,
and the sky.
Pengjun, Tianyoujun, Yishengjun, and Xuanwujun were in charge of governance,
while Tiangang God and Hekui God were in charge.
This is the general who summons thunder and thunder, the Nine Heavenly Flowing
Golden Fire Bell General, the Heavenly Ding Lishi, and the Liuding Yu
Female, General Liujia, is the envoy of Jiedu Thunder. Nine Heavens Roaring Wind
and Thunder Messenger, Thunder Order
Messenger, Fire Ling Great Immortal Huo Bo, Wind Ling Huo Ling Feng Bo, Four-
Eyed Haoweng, Cangya Thunderbolt
Immortal is the god who governs thunder. Fire Lord Feng Ting Lord, Feng Huo Yuan
Ming Lord, Lei Guang Yuan Sheng
Jun, Mr. Yu’s father-in-law, the Immortal Jun, is the lord of thunder, wind and
rain, among whom there are three or five Shaoyang Lei Gonghuo.
Among them are the gods with chariots and iron faces, the fierce officials with
negative winds, the dazzling silver-toothed gods with blazing fire, and the
fierce officials with wolf-tooths.
The Great Judge, the swift messenger of the Five Thunders, the General of
Thunder from all directions, the General of Clouds and Thunder from all
directions, the Five Directions
The Barbarian Thunder Messenger, the Barbarian Thunder Messenger of the Three
Realms, the Barbarian Thunder Messenger of the Nine Society, actually command
their orders and praise them for their use.
Quan "② This account is very important because it includes almost all the
leaders of the Shenxiao Lei Department.
Want God to be true.
The coaches of Shenxiao Thunder are the four marshals Tianpeng, Tianyou, Yisheng
and Xuanwu.
Together they are called the Four Saints of the Arctic. "Dao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume
169: "
Husband, the four sage marshals, wonderful
His virtues permeate the three realms, and his mighty spirit can be found in the
eight dragons. He is the commander of Dou Gang and the heroic god of the
Northern Emperor.
The Ministry has jurisdiction over the Four Heavenly Dings, who test and summon
all the devils.
" ③ "The Four Sacred Scriptures of Taishang Jiutian, Yanxiang and Elimination
of Disasters"
Said: "The four sage marshals, His Highness the Jade Emperor of Yongzhen,
control the evil spirits of the three realms, and they often descend every year.
① See page 7 5 2 of Volume 1 of "Tao Zang".
② See pages 7 5 6 of Volume 1 of "Tao Zang".
③ See page 85 of Volume 30 of "Tao Zang".
The emperors of Shenxiao and the gods of Lei tribe

\@ @ @


In the human world, he observes people's good deeds, bestows them with good
fortune, maintains the emperor's status, clears away all the delusions of the
underworld, and puts an end to evil.
Roots, increase wealth and longevity." His "Qing Qing Mantra" says: "
Respect the four marshals of the north and liberate the group
The Great Demon Lord. It is described as "Beitouzhang Jianwei", and millions of
heavenly soldiers always support him. Canopy and Tianyou eliminate evil
Evil, Yisheng Zhenwu bestows good luck. I am now willing to descend to the
spiritual altar, and all disasters will disappear. "
and described their respective images.
The first is the Arctic Canopy Generalissimo, who "
Showing the majestic appearance of three heads and six arms, carrying out seven
political affairs
With the flood of eight spirits, the emperor's bell rang, and all saints came
together; with a light wave of the ax and ax, the demons were destroyed, and the
With great brilliance, he always saves all living beings; with majestic true
nature, he vows to prosper on the right path forever."①. "The Law of Tao"
Volume 171 of "Huiyuan": "The Grand Marshal Tianpeng is the minister of the
foreign affairs of the Sijiao, and he has a special plan.
There is a director of Yin Zhi, called the North Pole Exorcist Academy, who is
like the commander of the palace in the world, and the military palace. in
They are all rulers of Yin, and they are the judges of the realm. is the
duty of raising immortal officials to make
Save the evil spirits, forbid all killings, protect Yang and Xuanhua, protect
the mountains and rivers of Ning, give birth to thousands of people, all of them
are rich.
② The same book volume 217 says: "
Marshal Tianpeng has three heads and six arms, with red hair and scarlet hair.
Clothes, red armor, barefoot; the left hand is in the canopy seal, the right
hand is shaking the imperial bell; the left hand is
Holding an ax and ax, the right hand holds the seven stars in a seal; the left
hand holds a rope, and the right hand holds a sword to lead the troops.
There are 360,000 horsemen, thunder and lightning, wind and rain masters, fairy
boys and beautiful girls, illustrious feathers and robes.
Each holds a golden sword and rides on the black spot of Taixuan Sharan in the
north. There are five colors in the fruit, and they descend from the air.
③ "Tai Shang Bei Ji Fu Demon God's Curse to Kill Ghost Record" also describes
the heroic appearance of Tianpeng: "Three
The six arms on the head hold an axe, bow and arrow, sword, blade, halberd, and
rope. The body is fifty feet long.
Dressed in black, wearing a black crown and golden armor, he leads 360,000
divine soldiers "④
The name "Tianpeng" is originally called the god of stars. "Tao Fa Hui Yuan"
Volume 17
Two said: "
The Beidou Jiuchen should be transformed into essence and become the Nine Gods.
Nine gods, canopy,

① See pages 808 and 8 1 1 of Volume 1 of "Tao Zang".

② See page 101 of Volume 30 of "Tao Zang".
③ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 30, Page 345.
④ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 525.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Tianren, Tianheng, Tianfu, Tianying,

Within, Tianzhu, Tianxin, Tianqin
also. It is called Shun Zhi Chen, which always controls Yin and Yang.
In harmony with heaven and earth, advocating creation, taking advantage of
Sanming corresponds to the four seasons, and is built with the moon.
When the eight festivals are set, the nine calendar palaces also advance and
retreat. ”①
That is to say, the canopy is used as the Beidou Jiuchen.
The first assistant, in charge of the four o’clock and eight festivals, yin and
The government of creation.
The person who first recorded the canopy in the Taoist book was
"Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing" Volume 2, Dan
But it is the body and spirit of Taoism. arts
Chinese and Japanese: "Cisi Chicha Congzhaoniwan"
Entering the middle, the sign is to inhale the divine cloud through the mouth
and swallow
After three passes, they become three gods and one god.

Marshal Tianjian
Southern Song Dynasty stone carvings in Dazu Shengfu Cave (photo by Li Yuanguo))

He is like a canopy general, and two gods are waiting to stand. ” ② Attached is
the Cunsi picture, which shows the two canopy generals.
He holds his hands on his chest, wears golden armor, and has a handsome face.
His image is kind and approachable, and he is the human body.
The incarnation of Mr. Brain Niwan. Volume 171 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan" says:
"Beidou Nine Mornings, one
Nine stars on the sun. There is an emperor's seat in the nine palaces of Niwan,
with souls and souls, dividing the ranks, and the hidden name is Tian
Peng, too little god. See "Shangdao Forbidden Sutra", "Sanzadou Neiwen" and
The Secret Edict of the Great Cave Heavenly Book. "Anyone who wants to practice
Tianpeng Dafa, "must go to the house to practice on the first day of the week.
Before leaving the house, take a bell with pure water, place the ruler on top of
the water bell, and place a canopy marshal on top.
Before true form. Then install the Nine Heavens Treasure Seal under the water
clock. Then tie the marshal's seal with your second hand and save it.

① See page 108 of Volume 30 of "Tao Zang".

② See page 520 of Volume 1 of "Tao Zang".
The gods limit the capitals and the Lei tribe\

Even) (Xi)



The five internal organs are clearly distinguishable, and the six armors and six
Ding are waiting to be defended. The next time, Jiuchen came from the mysterious
void in the north to cover the top of the sign.
Purple hernia comes from the back of Niwan. Covered in the mud ball, there is a
canopy of great marshal, nine feet long.
It was clear for a long time. First, tap your teeth and recite the mantra to
purify the heaven and earth. He also tapped his teeth on the five elements and
thought of Tianpeng.
Calming mantra, five passes of swallowing fluid. After that, tap the left tooth
again, and it will hit the sky bell; then tap the right tooth, and the sky will
Qing; knock the two middle teeth next, and hit the heavenly drum, each with
seven teeth. Then curse it slightly to make sure there are more
If the limit is established ten thousand times and the merits are fulfilled, the
evil spirits, evil spirits and monsters will go away if they become famous.
All diseases and disasters are said to be cured instantly, flowers can grow on
dead trees, springs can spring up after drying up, and the five ghost plagues
can be overcome

Warts, the old energy of six days descends, half a day of Wuyou, the mountain
shines on the demon fox, follow the curse to eliminate its influence. use
Seal the ghost cave, kill the dragons, understand the poems, insult without
restraint, swallow the town of Peitie,
It has the power to raise the dead”
①. From this point of view, this canopy marshal can not only nourish the body
and mind, but also
He is also a fierce general who can ward off ghosts and exorcise evil spirits,
so he evolved from the Beidou Star God and the Niwan Shen God into Taoism.
As the first protector in the religious system, his influence becomes even
greater. His Canopy Curse, Canopy Talisman, and Canopy Talisman
The Peng Seal, the Tianpeng Emperor Bell, the Tianpeng Divine Ruler, and the
Tianpeng Dafa have been passed down for thousands of years and are very
The Canopy Curse contained in Tao Hongjing's "Zhengao" of the Southern Dynasty
was recorded in ten volumes. This curse belongs to the evil spirits of the
Northern Emperor.
The name of the ghosts and gods in the Sixth Palace of Fengdu is hidden inside.
"There are three ghosts who are cursed by this curse, and their eyes will die of
their own accord."
The body is about to die. This divine curse is the name of the master who kills
ghosts, and the Northern Emperor secretly knows his way. If the world gets
If you can always practice this method, it is the way to immortality. It can be
used by both men and women, big or small. This is the so-called north
The emperor's divine curse is a good way to destroy ghosts. If three ghosts are
caught by this method, they will all die."
②. Big canopy
Since the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Dharma has been mainly transmitted secretly
among the Shangqing sect of Taoism. Following Yang Xi, Zheng Siyuan,
After Tao Hongjing, Dong Daxian and Beihua Immortal, Deng Ziyang was proficient
in this method in the early Tang Dynasty.
He also founded the Beidi sect of Taoism, and Tianpeng's divinity and status
were greatly improved, becoming a powerful figure.
The chief assistant of the Four Saints of the North Pole during the Tang and
Song Dynasties. Volume 171 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan" says: "
The divine mantra comes from the "Northern Emperor Xuanbian Sutra". In ancient
and modern practice, all people who practice the Tao must first teach it and
practice it.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 30, pages 104 and 105.
② See "
"Tao Tan" Volume 20, page 548.




/ The history and thoughts of the Shenxiao sect of Taoism

The method of exorcising and subduing demons, the path to immortality. The true
king who is also a marshal has Dong Da under his command.
Immortals, who specialize in this way to become high immortals, use the five
generals of Zhiyue to write the spirit medals of worshiping eagles and dogs to
help them.
Yiwei Shen, kill the clown. Master Deng Tianshi of Ziyang has the method of
reverse holding, a seven-character secret language, jade
The seal of the ruler has been spread throughout the world, and its
effectiveness is endless, and it can cure everything. "

With the rise of the Shenxiao sect, Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole (
Beidi) for the people of the Lord
Many gods are included in the Shenxiao sect’s pantheon. Marshal Tianpeng also
became the chief commander of the Lei Department and appeared in
Various forms of mighty wrath appeared. Volume 156 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan" says: "
Patriarch Nine
Tianshangfu, the commander-in-chief of the five directions, Arctic General
Zuoyuan, the commander-in-chief, Tianpeng Zhenjun, whose surname is Bian Ming
village. Three heads and six hands, holding an axe, a rope, a bow and arrow, a
sword, and a halberd. He is dressed in black and has a black crown.
The 300,000 soldiers are the incarnation of Beidou Pojun Star and the successor
of Jinmei Laojun. born in
During the Zhou Dynasty, Confucius called Bian Zhuangzi, that is, his god. The
marshal is mighty and subdues demons. Wherever you go
Thunder method, no canopy can not defeat the thunder god. The method of thunder
alone cannot be demonstrated without a canopy.
On the side of the marshal are servants, or riding Kui dragons, and their
subordinates are led by a general who controls the capital, the fifth general in
the straight month,
The two messengers of flying eagles and dogs, the God King of Wuyi, the God King
of Mighty Sword, the God King of War and Defeat, the deaf soldiers and dumb
Black Kill Dongyuan, 300,000 soldiers, 36 great heavenly generals, Wu Yang
immortal soldiers, and in Huang
Among the bright purple clouds and flames, "② there may be four heads and eight
arms, or a big wrathful image:"
Thousand feet long
The teeth are square, and the four heads and eight arms show divine light. He
holds a golden ruler and shakes the imperial bell, and his bronze teeth and iron
claws extinguish evil spirits.
Holding a thunderbolt in his hand to kill the soup, thunder and lightning send
out the light of the sky. The vegetation is scorched and withered, and the
mountains are exhausted
Stone breaks the bridge. Overturning rivers and seas, turning heaven and earth
upside down, capturing hundreds of ghosts and commanding the mighty. Catch them
and cut them off to eliminate the disaster
Woe, who dares to use my divine sword?
"③He has become the most powerful person in the Lei Department.
There are a large number of fierce generals under the command of Marshal
Tianpeng, the most important of which is the Great Sage Tiangang:
He is a hundred feet long, dressed in plain clothes, with his hair loose, his
left hand holding a hand on his waist, his right hand holding a sword, and his
feet barefoot.
Ding Li, with purple face and three eyes. The middle eye shines brightly on the
heaven and earth. There are two fruits in the top.

See pages 104 and 105 of Volume 30 of "Tao Zang".

"Tao Zang", volume 29, page 825.
"Dao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 157, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 847.
The Emperors of Shenxiao and the True People of the Thunder Tribe\

| 187

Green and white, green and red appear again in the blue and white, covering the
heaven and earth like silk. "There is a commander-in-chief.
Wang Yu, the general of the tea capital of the Yuan Dynasty, said: "He has a
crown that reaches the sky, a soap hat, gold armor, a soap coat, and a hand
Bows and arrows, halberds. "An old man with four eyes in charge of the army
killed the general Tao Marshal with thunder and said: "Old Prime Minister,
Four eyes, holding a stick. On the left is Judge Huang, wearing purple clothes
and gold flowers, with an evil look and holding a sword. There is on the right
The messenger of thunder wears yellow clothes, yellow scarf, green boots and
jade belt. "There are also thirty-six generals, such as nine
General Tian Sha Tong said: "The eighth star of the Big Dipper is Qingwei Tian,
Yu Yutian, and Dachi Tian.
The great god of heaven, dressed in blue, with big sleeves and a crown, holding
a halberd, leads thousands of troops, and controls all kinds of strange evils.
ghost. "God general Gao Diao Bei Weng said: "That is the Three Yuan God King in
Sandong Tianzhong and the Great God of Three Killers in Beidu.
His head is wrapped in black cloth, and he wears a soap coat with big sleeves.
He holds a golden bell on his left and a jade hammer on his right, leading the
troops and controlling them.
Five plague wart ghosts. "The long-headed giant beast general: "That is, the
King of the Four Heavenly Gates and the Dragon King of the Four Seas.
Forty thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, with human faces and bird clover
heads, a tiger horn on their heads, bells in their hands, and dragon feet,
leading the troops.
The multitudes gathered together the evil spirits of the mountains, and subdued
the ghosts of snakes and venomous insects. ” General Mighty Sword God King:
"That is, the Great God of the Eight Winds, the Master of Feng Boyu, the King of
the Four Sacrificial Gods of the Five Mountains, the Dragon King of the Four
Seas, and the God of Thunder God.
The Eight Thousand Thunder Soldiers of the Ba Zheng, traveling in the clouds and
heaven to ask for rain, kept them for service. They wore green clothes, big
sleeves, and crowns, and vomited at the mouth.
Qingsu, holding a sword on the left and a card on the right, leads the troops
and restrains the imperial guests to die in the wilderness, clinging to the
grass and trees and surrounded by all kinds of monsters.
ghost. ” ① Under him are Jiuyuan Shatong, Wuding Dusi, Qizheng Baling, General
Twelve straight talismans formed a huge team of gods headed by Marshal Tianpeng.
Wu, to carry out the orders of Emperor Ziwei and True King Shenxiao.
The second among the Four Saints of the North Pole is Marshal Tianyou. "The Four
Saints of Taishang Jiutian Yanxiang and Purifier of Disasters"
The Miao Sutra says that he is among the "
On the right side of the Tongming Hall in Miaoyou Tianzhong, the second
commander in charge of Tiangang is listed below.
"The princes", "Assist the Northern Emperor at the top, and border the Jiuzhou
at the bottom. They have four arms on their shoulders, three heads on their
necks, and a robe on their body.
Golden armor, holding a spear in hand, clouds are rising with each step, sea is
flowing with the body, red light is disappearing, purple air is lingering
Long, the majestic wind is blowing, the fog is blowing, the true energy is
flowing, the stars are returning, and thousands of gods are coming.
Touring the five mountains, the golden boy preaches, the jade girl sings, the
name is the golden palace, the town is Fengyou, the wild birds
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 824 and 825.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Lions, giant sea dragons, and 300,000 soldiers follow me around, slaying every
monster they encounter, and all ghosts they encounter.
① "Tao Dharma Assembly"
"Collection, people's experiences are particularly good, evil encounters are
endless, blessings come, and they are washed away without worries."
Volume 174 of Yuan Dynasty states that he was in charge of Jingdan Tianfu in
Yuan Dynasty and led thousands of officials at Jiaolong Jinlong Post in Xuandu.
Thousands, holding seals and giving talismans to save all peoples, "those who
point out the turbidity use seals, and those who disperse the spirit use
talismans to help
It can also suppress the mountains, rivers, and swamps where demons gather."②.
"The Divine Curse of the Three Caves of Taishang" Volume 5
On the same day: "Zi Wei's edict, moving spiritual text, descends to heaven and
earth, the emperor's ministers canopy, Zi Wei's great
Shuai, the ancestor of all gods, the deputy commander of Tianyou, parades in
space. The black evil sage, Yao fire kills the evil 0

A true warrior general, begging for water and a rich harvest. "
The third of the Four Saints is Yi Shengyuan
Shuai, also known as the Black Killing Marshal. "The Supreme Being"
"The Four Wonderful Sutras of Jiutian Yanxiang Purging Disasters"
Jiyi Shenghei killed the general marshal, "Heavenly Court
Ranking, the total three holes and five thunder orders,
Master the balance between the eight heavens and nine earths, and bewilder the
The cardinals, the generals of Zhenxian, no
If you don't kill the evil, why would you dare to do it? Photographed by Dali
The demon, the light monster chasing the meteor, the light
The sun and the moon are shining brightly, shaking the world."
"Black Killing Curse" Day: "The Black Emperor of the North,
Taiwei Liujia, the Five Emperors Spiritual Lord, Guanghua
Sun and moon. Powerful, world-shaking, walking talisman
The urn can cut off the gate of ghosts and spread the energy of gods.

Marshal Tianyou
Southern Song Dynasty stone carvings in Dazu Shengfu Cave (photo by Li Yuanguo)

"Tao Zang" Volume 1, pages 808 ~ 810.

① See "
② See page 120 of Volume 30 of "Tao Zang".
③ See page 83 of Volume 2 of "Tao Zang".
The emperors of Shenxiao and the real people of Lei tribe\ Tian ⑦ ⑦ [


To eliminate the five plagues, the officers and soldiers on the left and right,
the three and five generals, and the Thunder Lord thunderbolt. Electricity stirs
the wind and rushes, swords
Like rain, the troops are like clouds, holding the imperial bell in their hands.
Wearing Kunlun on his head, he travels around the world searching for ghosts
God, Jiuzhou Order. Blood-fed soldiers are not allowed to resist, dare to spread
their scales, suppress the stars and bind them
"Hand" ① Volume 175 of "Daofa Huiyuan" states that Master Yi Shengyuan is in
charge of Yuanzhao Lingxu Mansion.
The Yuanzhao Lingxu Mansion Seal, the Dingjia Contract Seal, the Six Dingliujia
Talisman, and the Three Days and Five Fights Talisman are handed down from
generation to generation.

The volume of "Shangqing Tianshu Yuan Hui Che Bidao Zhengfa" contains the
Shangqing Black Killing Talisman and says:
If the Black Killer True Lord hears that the dragon mirage touches the talisman,
he will personally ambush it. If he crosses the river and sea, he will wear a
paper pendant
It is not affected by water disasters and can ward off water monsters. It can
also control the house and eliminate disasters and monsters. "②
Marshal Yisheng was highly praised by the royal family of the Northern Song
Dynasty and became a protector as early as the early Song Dynasty.
The great god of the Song Dynasty. According to Wang Qinruo's "Biography of
Yisheng Baode", in the early years of Jianlong (960)
Emperor Taizong ordered the Taiping Palace of the Qing Dynasty to be built in
Zhongnan Mountain. Every year during the Three Yuan Dynasty and every Christmas,
a memorial ceremony was held.
Worship the gods. Therefore, True Lord Yi Sheng often came to help people expel
evil spirits, and his efficacious effects were invincible.
discipline. Therefore, officials and people travel thousands of miles, "
Either pray sincerely from a distance, or worship in a fast and pure state to
Really, I hear it from time to time. Most of them follow their nature and habits
and train them. People and ministers rely on loyalty,
The Son of Man adheres to filial piety, and the pure and honest man shows the
motto; the greedy and cruel man warns the important road, and the words are very
. As Jiang said: "
Do your best to serve the king as a loyal minister, don't care about your
wealth, do evil things
"Poye phonology"
Don't listen to it, clean up the snow in the prison, rescue the people, act in
harmony with the king, and eventually become a good person. accumulated guilt
If you take the blame, you will surely perish. The nature of all living beings
is formless, and they are equipped with form bodies. Since the great eons, they
have never
Able to self-enlighten, there is a land of endless worlds that never sleeps,
mixed with Taixu, Yao Ming is the same. "

All such speeches cover a wide range of topics, including cultivating the mind
and contemplating emptiness, refining qi and maintaining health, etc.
There are people who advise the king, his ministers and the people to be kind,
which fully demonstrates Taoism's consistent style of saving people and
benefiting the world, so it is very
Gain the faith and rituals of both the government and the public.
The last of the Four Saints of the North Pole is Marshal Zhenwu. "Tai Shang Jiu
Tian Yan Xiang and Purging Disaster Four"
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 1, pages 808 and 810.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 10, Page 4 7 8.
③ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 32, pages 656 and 657.












The Holy Miao Sutra says that he is "a person of empty and dangerous places, a
pregnant spirit of Ren and Gui.
Incarnated from the golden palace, he occupies a very mysterious position.
The most wonderful thing is that ridicule stops at assisting righteousness and
eliminating evil; righteousness is born,
Not only to eliminate demons and protect the country. Protect the end of
calamity and control the beginning of calamity, protect
He is a master of all kinds of immortals, brave and versatile, powerful and
His "Zhenwu Mantra" says: "There were generals in the Qianyuan Dynasty who wore
On the platform, there is a round elephant with loose hair, a true martial
artist. Help me on the road,
Turtles and snakes take a group photo, the body is like a mountain, and the
atmosphere is clear and clear. golden light
He is impressive, his eyes are bright, his teeth are like sword trees, and he
holds seven stars in his hand.
Heavenly demons, heretics, ghosts and goblins, seeing me as blood, turned into
Purple dust. Kuigang's righteousness is my own self, and the heavenly talisman
Great protection of heaven and earth. Rivers and Huaiji, God of the Five
Mountains, City God
Society orders, obey my orders. Command the rules and regulations, dare to take
pictures and stop,

Black evil talisman

"Tian San Yu Tang Dharma")

God has a decree to save all living beings. ” ① With the increasing popularity
of worship of Zhenwu among the people and the
With the popularity rising, Marshal Zhenwu was later promoted to Emperor Xuanwu
and God Xuantian, and became the same as Zi
A great god of the same caliber as Wei Da Di.
There are many works recording the miracles and Taoism of Emperor Ziwei and the
Four Saints of the North Pole, such as

Bei Di Shuo Huo Luo Qi Yuan Sutra", "Tai Shang Zi Wei Zhong Tian Qi Yuan Sutra",
"Bei Di Qi Yuan Sutra"
The Secret of Purple Court to Prolong Life", "The Northern Emperor Ziwei Divine
Mantra Miao Sutra", "Shangqing Beibei Tianxin Zhengfa",
"The Supreme Master's Secret Key to Helping the Country and Saving the People",
"The Great Sage Xuantian Zhenwu's Divine Mantra",

"Northern Zhenwu Miaojing", "Xuantian God's Enlightenment Record", "The Ming
Dynasty Xuantian God's Auspicious Response Picture"

Ju et al. "Tai Shang Three Cave Divine Curse" Volume 5 "Zi Wei's Imperial Curse"
says: "Zi Wei has
According to the edict, the demon of destiny summons evil, shaking the heaven
and earth, and shaking the void. Marshal Qiongkui, the mighty sky canopy,
Wei Ling Yan Yan, the ancestor of all gods. The deputy commander-in-chief of the
Ming Dynasty, the great god of heaven, calls himself He Yi, and all the heavens

See "Tao Zang", Volume 1, p. 810

The Emperors of Shenxiao and the True People of the Thunder Tribe\

@ )0


Qi Gong. The great god Yisheng, the heavenly spirit is too strong, the inner
taboo is flamboyant, and the evil spirits are wiped out. Zhenwu University
Saint, Tianwu Tiantong, whose internal name is Xuanwu, Yan Shebei Feng. The Four
Saints of the Arctic appear majestic,
Downstream to the world, up to Yulong "①
Among the Taoist stone carvings preserved in the Dazu area of Chongqing today,
Cave No. 3 of Shuchengyan is purple.
The Wei Dadi Grottoes were built during the Shaoxing period of the Southern Song
Dynasty (
1 1 31-1 163)
. Engraved on the main wall of the cave
The Great Emperor, facing west, sits on a double-headed dragon chair. He is 1.30
meters tall and his shoulders are wide.
0.40 meters, he wears a flat-top crown, sachets hanging on both sides of his
head to protect his ears, and a round collar.

Wearing a wide-sleeved robe, a square heart-shaped collar is worn under the

neck, and a jade guide is held in front of the chest with both hands.
Wearing cloud-head boots and resting on a square footrest, with a beardless face
and a kind face, this is Emperor Ziwei. In the main
On the left and right sides of the statue, there is a Dharma-protecting general,
1.45 meters tall, wearing a hair tie.
He has a golden crown with a rope tied around his neck. He is wearing armor and
has angry eyes. The left god will have three heads and six heads
Arm, with a ferocious face, its upper left hand holds an imperial bell, and its
upper right hand holds a weapon (
disabled); middle
Hold a Dharma seal in front of your chest with both hands; place your lower left
hand on the two corners of a dragon head, and place your lower right hand on the
two corners of a dragon head.
Holding a celestial halberd with a red tassel hanging down from the tip. The god
on the right will have one head and four arms, with a face as dark as
Charcoal, his upper left hand holds a Dharma seal, his upper right hand holds a
yue; his lower left hand holds a piece of silk, his lower right hand
He holds a sword diagonally in his hand, and there is a dragon crouching beside
his right foot. This is Tian among the four sage marshals
Left), Tianyou (
Right) Yuan Fan
In the Sanhuang Cave No. 10 of Shimen Mountain (
Formerly known as Shengfu Cave), it is also a stone carving of the Southern Song
There are three main statues, facing south and sitting on a chair with double
dragon heads. The central god has a flat top on his head.
The crown reaches the sky, with sachets on the side to protect the ears, a round
mouth ruffled middle piece inside, and wide sleeves on the outside.
Robe, tied with a square heart-shaped collar at the neck, wearing boots,
standing on a square table, with hands on the chest
Holding Jade Gui. His appearance is young and handsome, and his style and
clothing are very similar to the statue of Emperor Ziwei of Shu Chengyan.
Very similar, this should be Emperor Ziwei. On the right side of Emperor Ziwei
is the Jade Emperor.
His face is rectangular in shape, with a beard under his chin. On the left side
is the back earth, which also shows a solemn appearance.

① See page 83 of Volume 2 of "Tao Zang".


@@@@/ ~— The history and thought of the Shenxiao School of Taoism

On the rock wall above Emperor Ziwei's head, there are three small circular
niches arranged in a row.
Each one has a seated statue, which is the highest deity in Taoism -

The ancestor of Sanqing Taoism. host

In front of the left and right walls on both sides of the statue, there is a
guardian general standing 1.94 meters tall. two gods
He has a ferocious face, wears a hair crown, a breastplate, combat boots, and a
silk veil around his body.
hang down. The left image has three sides and six arms, with the upper left hand
holding a Dharma seal and the upper right hand holding an imperial bell; in the
middle left
The hand is holding the bow by the side, and the middle right hand holds two
arrows in front of the chest; the lower left hand grasps the left horn of a
The lower right hand holds the Xuanhua ax at the side of the body. The right
image has three sides and four arms, with its upper left hand holding
Object (remnant), holding the sword in front of the abdomen with the upper right
hand (
disabled); the lower left hand holds a spear, the lower right hand
He made a fist and hit Yilong on the head. There is no doubt that they are
Marshal Tianpeng and Tianyou.
In addition, there are six standing statues on the left wall, among which the
fifth statue has its eyes wide open and its forehead tied with an imperial
He is wearing a hairband, with a pair of silk silk brushed behind his head, and
is wearing armor. His left hand holds the right sleeve of his robe, and his
right hand is on
Holding a sword in front of his belly, his bare feet stand on the back of a
Above, there is a coiled snake on the left side of the turtle, ten
It is obvious that this is the true martial arts among the four saints.
marshal. The remaining five statues are all
Official robes and court uniforms are used to describe dignified and solemn
If you are facing the Holy Spirit, it should be five
Douzhenjun. I regret that the statue on the right wall is nothing
Destroyed, but it can also be speculated that it is Yi Shengyuan
Shuai and the Five-Star True Monarch, and the people on the left wall
God matches. On the upper level of the left wall, there are also
There are twenty-eight smaller statues, one
The arrangement of words is regarded as the twenty-eight constellations.
Gods also belong to the gods of the Thunder Department. "The Supreme Being"
The third volume of "Three Cave Divine Curse" says: "Yang Qi
Take the command of General Tianpeng and destroy all the demons with great power

Marshal Zhenwu
Southern Song Dynasty stone carvings in Dazu Shengfu Cave (photo by Li Yuanguo)
The emperors of Shenxiao and all the truths of Bixiao tribe\


God, the stern dragon descended to the dojo, and his majestic light moved the
heaven and earth. Twenty-eight star masters, three
Sixteen Great God Kings. Holding a golden sword to slay goblins, holding a
treasure seal to eliminate evil spirits. The imperial bell rings
Zhentian Palace is filled with thunder and lightning.
① These groups of Taoist statues in Dazu Rock Carvings,
It has a history of more than 860 years, with rich themes, exquisite sculptures
and systematic
It is complete, the divine system is clear, and it is consistent with what is
recorded in many Taoist scriptures. It is very precious. especially
It is the statue of the Three Emperors Ziwei and the Four Saints of the North
Pole. It is the same statue we have seen so far.
The oldest of similar themes, it can also be said to be the sacred Taoist temple
of thunder. Anyone who studies and practices
All those who practice thunder should worship and pay homage to him.

Section 5: Five Lei Dusi and Thunder Commanders

The Shenxiao sect is affiliated with various Taoist spells, especially the Five
Thunder Dharma 0 "Tao Dharma Conference"
Wang Zhenjun said in Volume 56 of Yuan Dynasty: In the past, heaven and earth
were divided, all things were cultivated, and the jade pure king condensed
God Jinque, "I have mercy on all sentient beings who have drowned in the sea of
misery, wandered in life and death, and have been wronged and evil for countless
The demon defeated the harm, and the true king then politely asked the original
God, and learned the "way of mixing the three lights, purple and text".
"The secret of the five thunders to ward off evil and slay demons", so the true
king retired from the mortal world and performed the five thunders,

The divine institution of Wulei Dusi also came into being accordingly.
According to the Thunder Code of the Shenxiao Sect, the Shenxiao Thunder Method
is based on the Five Thunder Methods and includes ten
Thunder, thirty-six thunder methods. In this regard, Bai Yuchan pointed out:
There are thirty-six days in heaven, and each day
Everywhere in the world has thunder. Thunder is formed by the combination of Yin
and Yang. "Since there is thunder, then
According to the branch, Jiutian Lei Zu analyzed it into five attributes, and
used it to kill Yu San
” and introduced the names of various thunders in detail: “The five thunders are
sky thunder, earth mine, and water thunder.
Thunder, dragon thunder, and social thunder. There are ten more thunders, one is
the Yushu thunder, the other is the Shenxiao thunder, and the third is the Yushu

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2, Page 6-5.
② See page 135 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".
1 9 4 learn

The history and thoughts of Tao Wo Shen Xiao Yong

It is called Da Dong Lei, the fourth day is Xiandu Lei, the fifth day is Jiji
Lei, the sixth day is Taiyi Lei, and the seventh day is Zifu Lei.
Thunder, the eighth day is Yuchen Lei, the ninth day is Taixiao Lei, and the
tenth day is Taiji Lei. There were thirty-six more thunders,
One is called Yushu Lei, the second is called Yufu Lei, the third is called
Yuzhu Lei, the fourth is called Shangqing Big Cave Thunder, and the fifth is
called Yuzhu Lei.
It is called Huolun Lei, the sixth day is Guandou Lei, the seventh day is Wind
Fire Thunder, the eighth day is Feijie Lei, and the ninth day is North Pole.
Thunder, Ziweixuanshu thunder on the tenth day, Shenxiao thunder on the eleventh
day, Xiandu thunder on the twelfth day, and on the thirteenth day
Taiyi strikes the sky with thunder, the fourteenth day is called Zifu Thunder,
the fifteenth day is called Iron Armor Thunder, the sixteenth day is called
Shaoyang Thunder,
The seventeenth day is called the nunnery fire and thunder, the eighteenth day
is the barbarous thunder of the community order, the nineteenth day is the
thunder of the earth, and the twentieth day is three.
For boundary thunder, the twenty-first day is called Kuang Kuang Lei, the
twenty-second day is called Great Power Thunder, and the twenty-third day is
called Six Waves of Thunder.
The twenty-fourth is Green Grass Thunder, the twenty-fifth is Bagua Thunder, the
twenty-sixth is Hunyuan Eagle Dog Thunder, and the second is Hunyuan Eagle Dog
On the 17th, there were roaring winds and thunders, on the 28th there were fire
clouds and thunders, and on the 29th, Yubu Datong took thunders.
Tai Chi Thunder on the 30th day, Sword Fire Thunder on the 31st day, Lei Jian
within the 32nd day, Thunder on the 33rd day
External Jian Lei, the thirty-fourth day of the Divine Palace Tianshu Lei, the
thirty-fifth day of the Great Brahma Dou Shu Lei, the thirty-sixth day
It is said that Jade Morning Thunder has thirty-six gods. It was tasted and
presented before the Supreme Being.
All the thunders mentioned above are all under the control of Wulei Dusi. Their
owners are different and their departments are also different.
In addition, disciples who follow the Tao should know how to govern the
government, so that they can submit ultimatums, pray, and use thunder to cast
spells. so-called
"Now that the five thunders are clear, you should know the location of Lei
Mansion. Now that you know the location, you should respond immediately if you
ask for it."
Qie Wu Lei
The envoy is the special commander of Leicheng, taking charge of the Five
Thunders, and the Guan Shen Division. Whenever there is wind and rain, Kangyang
is the
Abuse, reckless warfare, starvation, all are caused by asking the emperor for
orders, and all are made by the Yushu.
Divide the territory and lead the generals of the three divisions, judge the
merits and demerits of ghosts and gods in the three realms, and benefit the
common people."

The Five Lei Dusi is located in the Lei City in the blue sky of Yuqingzhen
The place where the true king rules. Among them, ministers, ministers, and
ministers are assigned duties and divisions. They are responsible for the birth
of all things and the advancement of affairs.
At four o'clock, yin and yang rise and fall, recording good and punishing evil.
Like thunder from the sky, there are hundreds of officials and thousands of
generals, "Shangfu
The Jade Emperor, who controls Yin and Yang, has great power and virtue. At the
time of calamity, God issued this thundering order to descend upon mankind

Volume 1, "Collected Commentary on the Jade Supreme Treasure Sutra of the Nine
Heavens Ying Yuan's Thunder Universal Transformation", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 No. 569,

570 pages.

See pages 135 and 136 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".

The Emperors of Shenxiao and the True People of the Thunder Tribe\

I 麺

In the meantime, the earth is turned upside down, the heaven and earth are
shaken by drums, the sun and the moon are rising, and I can't express my
dignity. If the country
There has been severe drought for many years and there is famine in the world.
It is time for the king to send a speech and report it to the court of heaven
and other ministers.
Send this thunder to save the world."
In addition, heavenly thunder also punishes sins. Anyone who violates the laws
of heaven will be struck by lightning.
If you die, you will fall into the realm of hungry ghosts and animals forever.

The Supreme Being said: "Looking up to the sky to thank thunder", it says:
Those who have twelve points of thunder are disloyal to the monarch, unfilial to
their parents, disrespectful of the Three Treasures, throwing away grains, etc.
The wind curses the rain, exposes the three lights, promotes evil to cover up
good, does not follow the right path, is ignorant of heaven and earth, believes
in witches and hates
If you wish to destroy people's blessings, destroy scriptures and teachings, and
violate this rule of heaven, you will be punished by thunder from heaven.
"Tianlei Department
It belongs to the Twelve Thunder Gods, including Shenxiao Thunder God, Five
Directions Thunder God, Xingyu Thunder God, and Xingfeng Lei Gong.
Thunder Lord, Thunder Lord of Xingyun, Thunder Lord of Buze, Thunder Lord of
Xingxue, Ice Thunder Lord, Flying Sand Thunder Lord,
The Thunder God that eats evil spirits, the Thunder God that swallows ghosts,
and the Thunder God that subdues demons. "These twelve Thunder Lords are born
from natural talent.
If you violate Heaven's order, these twelve princes will be caught, so as not to
be punished0"②
The second is mines, also known as divine mines. "There are also hundreds of
officials and thousands of generals living in the three realms.
Stay stationed at any time and act on behalf of Heaven. During the four seasons
of the year, orders are issued and rain is distributed.
If the person below is unfaithful, unfilial, unkind, unjust, poisonous and
harmful in the past and present lives, and full of grievances,
The three officials reported that the name of the book was evil, and God
immediately ordered the god to attack it with thunder. It may be stormy and
rainy today
At that time, it shook with thunderbolts and killed people. "
③ "The Supreme Being Says the Sutra of Thanking Thunder to the Heaven"
Also said: "
Those with twelve landmines, filthy sewage and slurry, will flood the rivers,
insult and curse their elders, and doubt
If you really don’t believe it, you will neglect your master, forget your roots,
expose your obscene clothes, and seduce other people’s wives and daughters. This
will only increase your evil deeds and destroy the saints.
Wishful thinking, resentment towards one's relatives, failure to provide relief
to the poor, and lying to God are all twelve things governed by mines. "
Mines are subordinate to the Twelve Thunder Gods, namely the Thunder God who
corrects the good, the Thunder God who punishes the bad, the Thunder God who
orders the society, and the Thunder God who distributes rice.
Lei Gong, Four Seasons Lei Gong, Disaster Disaster Lei Gong, Poisonous Lei Gong,
Rescue Sick Lei Gong, and Help Danger Lei Gong.
Gong, Taisheng Lei Gong, Xuntian Lei Gong, Chadi Lei Gong. "These twelve
thunders belong to the earth.
① ③ See page 139 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".
② See page 7 6 2 of Volume 1 of "Tao Zang".

Suitable for women and people walking together/—

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

If anyone commits a landmine violation, he or she will burn incense and pray to
heaven to avoid causing the disaster.”①
The third one is the water mine, which is under the command of the water officer
of Xiayuan. "God gave the order to kill the water monster,
Rewarding meritorious deeds, he is ranked among the gods. He is also responsible
for relieving droughts in a country. Officials and generals work together with
the dragon palace. like

When dispatching people, they must apply to all departments and the Ministry of
Water Resources, and then report and hear about it, so as to respond
accordingly. "
Volume 47 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" states that the main god of land mines is Emperor
Fengdu, and the main god of water thunders is Shuifu.
Emperor Fuso.
The fourth is dragon thunder, "
Dragon Thunder, God gave the Dragon Palace, with thousands of generals and
thousands of soldiers, to
Zuo Longjun’s mighty virtue protects the Immortal Sutra. Wherever there are
thousands of volumes of immortal scriptures hidden in the Dragon Palace, there
are endless rare treasures.
It is a gift from the Emperor of Heaven. This thunder protects it and can save a
person from drought. If you want to move this thunder, fly to Shen Zhu
Si, those who have heard from God and issued an ultimatum to the Lord of Dragon
and Thunder, rush to rescue, no one will respond, and the wind will go smoothly.
And harmony means that the rain is thin and broad.”
The fifth one is She Ling Lei. Because he does not follow the emperor's orders,
he is also called Yao Lei. "
One county and one town
Among them, there are those who are loyal and loyal to the country, those who
are filial and brave, those who report their defeat to the emperor, and those
who are angry at home.
Death, the nature of heroic spirits, gathers in this thunder. Ability to catch
mirages, strong winds and heavy rain at unexpected times, uprooting trees
Broken wood, seeking blood for food, can also bring disaster and blessing. If
the people offer sacrifices in time, the weather will be smooth;
If the sacrifice is not made, there will be heavy rain, strong winds, thunder
and lightning, and continuous floods, damaging people's crops and crops.
Harm people's lives. In today's world, people may have temples in each state or
land to pray for inspiration, so they worship
This is the case. In the past, Zhao Luanfeng carried an ax and fought with such
ears. Learn the truth and follow the Tao
±, if you get this formula, you can move this thunder to save a hundred miles of
drought and a city of disaster. Fan drive
When the society orders a thunder, the city god must be punished and the temple
can be ordered. The city god must supervise the thunder, and then set up an
altar to offer sacrifices.

However, it can save drought and provide water, so don't make unreasonable
Under the Five Lei Dusi, each has a large number of divine soldiers and
generals, such as the four great gods, the five
General Fang Lei, Dragon King of Five Directions, Seven Generals of Chief
Photographer, Twelve Merit Cao, etc. "Tao Fa Hui Yuan"

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 1, Page 7 6 2.
②③④See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 139.
The Emperors of Shenxiao and the True People of the Thunder Tribe\



Volume 61 contains the words of the Five Thunder Generals: "Jiang Ganglun, the
great general of the Eastern A and B Wind and Thunder, whose courtesy name is
Green face, red hair, yellow scarf, green robe, golden armor, yellow inner robe,
green boots, holding sword and wind bag. south
Bingding, the great god of fire and thunder, is seen on the wall, with elegant
writing, red face, powerful appearance, black hair, and a golden scarf.
Armor, red robe, green breast, green boots, holding fire beads. Western Gengxin
Mountain Thunder God Chinese
Tong, courtesy name Zian, with red face, black hair, yellow scarf and golden
armor, white robe, red inner robe, Qing Le
Chest, green boots, holding an axe. Lei Ya, the great god of water and thunder
in Rengui in the north, whose courtesy name is Cheng Qi, has a dark face and
looks like a ghost.
Shape, with loose hair, barefoot, capable of stepping on three legs, soap robe,
golden armor, holding a water wheel. Central Wusi
Chen Shi, the great god of Wang Lei, has a name of zero, has a face like a
finned fish, has black hair, wears a crown, and wears a zodiac robe.
Get up, green boots, holding two swords.

However, among the many Lei tribe gods, the most famous ones are Deng Bowen and
Xin Han
Chen and Zhang Yuanbo are called the Three Commanders of Thunder in Taoism.
According to Bai Yuchan, the Three Commanders' Yuan
The origin is from Jinyou, after the ancient emperors Fuxi and Huangdi. Fuxi had
two sons, the eldest son Zhurong
He was the Nan Dou Fire Officer, and his second son Yu Guang was Deng Bowen, the
great forest fire god. The Yellow Emperor was originally the God of Thunder
Son, "The mother said Fu Bao, and the electric light was born around the
Douxin". Therefore, the book of Taoism says "
Xuanyuan is Ziwei
The Emperor of Yandu is also the ancestor of the Thunderbolt Emperor." Today's
Xin Hanchen and Zhang Yuanbo
It is the descendant of the Yellow Emperor, "
It is also the duty of the master of the thunder talisman."
②. These three commanders were originally emperors
The descendant is also in charge of the three tribes of Thunder, so he came to
the world at the right time and has great power.
Volume 56 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan": "There is a great god of fire in the Lei
Department. His surname is Deng and his given name is Bo.
temperature. In the past, Huangdi defeated Chiyou and was granted the title of
General of Henan. When the great god saw the Yellow Emperor ascending to heaven,
he abandoned
He is a man from Wudang Mountain who has been practicing for hundreds of years
and can rise and fall at will. Seeing that people in the world are not loyal and
filial, they kill
Harming, invading and bullying, using the strong to bully the weak, the king
assists the emperor and cannot control it. So day and night I made a great wish
As a divine thunder, I will punish this evil rebel on behalf of heaven. I keep
thinking about it, my anger rises to the sky, and suddenly it turns into a
His name is Yinya, he has red hair and a blue body. He holds a thunder drill in
his left hand and a thunder hammer in his right hand. He is a hundred feet long
and has two

① See "Tao Zang", Volume 29, Pages 166, 1673

② See "Three Commanders of Thunder" in Volume 82 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 329.

@@@@/ — The evolution and thought of Taoist god Xiaozao

Wings grow in the armpits, spread out over hundreds of miles

Dark, two eyes let out two rays of fire, illuminating
Flying a hundred miles, all hands and feet are dragon claws, flying
Wander Taixu, swallow monsters, and cut them down
Demonic dragon. Named the Great Lawmaker by God
God, subordinate to Shen Lei. ”① Same book
Wuqi also describes his life,
The deeds are roughly the same, which is called deformation.
Like a ghost, shaped like a bat, "May
At noon on the fifth day, he ascended to Nangong Huo Lingzhi
The house is the most powerful and can be destroyed.
At that time, he used his two wings to stir up the four waves.
The water flooded the Kunlun hills and collapsed

Deng Bowen
(Collection of Qing Dynasty paintings by Li Yuanguo)

Mountains, rivers and land. Anyone who practices Dharma should offer sacrifices
on the fifth day of the fifth month, as it can drive away evil spirits and shake
The mountains are plagued by plague ghosts and poisonous mountain monsters.
Everyone is frightened when they hear the name of this god. This god likes to
Goose blood should be drawn according to its shape, offered and prayed for, and
it will be effective at will, which cannot be measured. No goose blood
Replace with sheep blood. There is also a fire talisman, which can ward off
sneaky spirits, cure all kinds of diseases, and get rid of plagues.
Hanging on the door of the hall, it can control the house, eliminate disasters,
and get rid of all evils."②.
The other coach is Xin Hanchen, a fierce official in the negative wind, also
known as "Three Days of Thunder"
"He oversees the Qing Emperor and the Heavenly Lord". Volume 81 of "Tao Fa Hui
Yuan" records his image as: "
Wearing cow ears and plain head,
Red hair, iron face, silver teeth like swords, clad in green cloud fur, soap
boots, holding a book in his left hand and a book in his right hand.
The thunder pen has fire on it.
" His subordinates include Ma Yulin, the messenger of the Eastern Barbarian
Thunder, and the Southern Barbarian Thunder
Messenger Guo Yuanjing, Western Barbarian Thunder Messenger Fang Zhonggao,
Northern Barbarian Thunder Messenger Deng Gongchen, Zhong

See "Tao Zang", Volume 29, Page 139.

See pages 153 and 154 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".
Shenxiao Fanlei tribe Zhongzhen\

| 199

Tian Yuanzong, the messenger of Yang Man Lei. In addition, Marshal Xin also had
many transformations to show his divine power.
worldly people. From Xin Tianjun's "Affidavit", we can see his heroic and
magical power: "Thunder
The fierce official god, powerful in the nine heavens. When entering and exiting
the three realms, he is loyal and diligent in assisting the emperor. Thousands
of people
Zhang, his name is Lei Bu Zun, he is the commander-in-chief of all Lei tribes,
and he is the god of wind and rain. Thunderbolt mother of lightning, big
Force Yaksha group. The left and right inherit the destiny, and assist the Five
Thunder Lords. I follow the Jade Emperor’s command and can save the world
people. If anyone accepts it, I will appear immediately. Please go to heaven and
report to the emperors. please
I entered the underworld and reached the palace of seclusion. Please enter the
water house, and the waves will roll around. Please ask me Zuoyang
Realm, immediately save all sentient beings. Please save me from the severe
drought and the heavy rain. Please let me catch the monsters and destroy them
Destroy all the ghost camps. Please save me for giving birth, so that mother and
child can leave as soon as possible. Be with me from beginning to end, and
together we will be the Jade Emperor
① It can be seen that he can enter and exit the three realms, act on behalf of
heaven, and save all people.
Taiyi Swiftness Straight Talisman
The third coach is Thunder Flying Envoy Zhang Yuanbo, also known as "
"Fresh", "Thunder Liu has always been the messenger of retribution". His image
changes with time.
Quite magical. For example: "Zhu hair, loose chrysanthemum crown, green face,
three eyes, fire, scarlet robe,
Green flying belt, golden armor, hand holding a fire halberd, ghost shape,
standing on the side to heal teeth, barefoot, wielding fire
② It may show other signs: "horns, red hair, green face, double eyes, eagle's
Green body, double fleshy wings, dragon claw hands and feet, red skirt and
flying fairy belt. Like summoning the god of thunder, carrying out the summons
The God of Thunder, with a soap flag, a giant ax hanging from his waist, shaking
the flag. Just like when Lei was summoned back to the altar for a short time, he
Put a flag on your waist, wield a long-handled giant ax with both hands, open a
path for thunder, and strike with all your strength.
The momentum led thousands of thunder gods to arrive with a roar like clouds. If
you are summoned to send a memorial, you will be handed over to the foot
Head, red forehead, red face and round eyes, red robe and green boots, holding
an inscription on the left and an ax on the right.
In the shape of a talisman, there are gods such as Po Gang Feng, Liu Jin Huo
Bell, and Kai Tianmen, all of whom follow it. "③ Its parts
There are six messengers of the zodiac, and they look like ghosts, "a pig with a
pig nose, fleshy wings, purple hair and golden eyes, naked
The body is red, with gold bracelets on the hands, feet and wrists, a golden
flower on the forehead, horns, white parietal bones, scarlet

See page 315 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 4 0 6.
See Volume 96 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
See Volume 98 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 29 of "Tao Zang", page 42-3.

The History and Thoughts of the Dao Wang Shenxiao Sect

Windbreaker, green flying belt, holding an official document in his left hand,
and a soap flag in his right hand, with gold characters on it to summon thunder.
"God, the flag foot is flying and pointing to Sunda, riding on the golden
thunder and lightning sparks from Sunda, flying down for a long time"
Led by the Three Thunder Commanders, plus Tao, Pang, Liu, Gou, Bi, Qin, Zhao,
Dong, Yuan, Li, Sun, Bai, Wang, Yao, Zhang, Huang, Jin, Ji, Yu and other
Tianjuns and

Gou Zhang (
Qing Dynasty woodcut prints)

Bi Huan (
Qing Dynasty woodcut prints)

See Volume 40 of Fahai Yi Zhu, Volume 26 of Dao Zang, page 948.

The Emperors of Shenxiao and the Thunder Tribe\④

(5) return


The god of lightning, the god of wind, and a total of twenty-four heavenly kings
who urge clouds, help rain, and protect the law are collectively called the
Ministry of Thunder.
For twenty-four days, you will be righteous. In Volume 99 of "Fengshen Yanyi",
its name is taboo: "Deng Tianjun taboo"
Loyal. Xin Tianjun taboos the ring, Zhang Tianjun taboos the festival, Tao
Tianjun taboos the honor, Pang Tianjun taboos the Hong, Liu
Tianjun taboos the official name, Yan Tianjun taboos the seal, Bi Tianjun taboos
the ring, Qin Tianjun taboos the ends, Yue Tianjun taboos
Jiang, Dong Tianjun taboos Quan, Yuan Tianjun taboos Jiao, Li Tianjun taboos De
Wanxian died in battle), Sun
Tianjun taboos good things, Bai Tianjun taboos etiquette, Wang Tianjun taboos
changes, Yao Tianjun taboos guests, Zhang Tianjun taboos
Shao, Huang Tianjun taboo Geng (ten thousand immortals died in battle), Jin
Tianjun taboo Su (
Ten thousand immortals died in battle), auspicious day
The king is standing, and the king of Yu Tian is celebrating. The lightning god
is the golden goddess, and the wind god is the mushroom fairy.
According to the records in "Changshu Private Records" by Yao Zongyi of the Ming
Dynasty, his county had the Lei Zun Hall of Zhi Taoist Temple.
In honor of the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly
Lord, the Nine Heavens Thunder Ancestor Great Emperor, and the Great God of Laws
and Orders Deng in the front hall.
Marshal, Silver Teeth Dazzling Xin Tianjun, Flying Retribution Envoy Zhang,
Zuofu Demon Envoy Marshal Gou,
Marshal Bi, the Demon Envoy of the Right Attack, Zhu Tianjun of the Fire
Rhinoceros and Thunder Mansion, Wang Tianjun, the Spiritual Officer of the
Jiefang, and Da Heihu
Marshal Liu, Marshal Ma, Marshal Langling, and Jiang He, the envoy of Thunder
Xiu Wenying, the envoy of Chong and Lightning Mother, this should be the basic
concept of the gods of Lei Department in Taoist temples since the Song and Yuan
layout. ①

Section 6: The Nine-Heaven Supervisor and the Pregnancy Gods

Taoism attaches great importance to human beings and their lives. The Book of
Saving People says at the beginning of the book, Immortal Taoism values life and
it is immeasurable.
people. It is said that Yuanshi Tianzun sang the great Buddha in the blue sky at
the beginning of the blue sky, and delivered a speech "Protecting the Pregnancy
and Protecting the Pregnancy".
Life Product", the great god of innocence in the ten directions, supervising
birth in the nine heavens, protecting the fetus and protecting life, and the
great god of Sanyuan Liujia
There are countless people without martingale, riding on the clouds and coming
across the sky. "Yuanshi Tianzunxuan sat in the air and floated in the twelve
hundred heavenly palace
Ten Thousand Dragon Poles revealed the stamens on the great jeweled throne,
preached the sutra once, and all the Holy Mothers in the heavens simultaneously
Good, at that time, a country's fairy concubines and goddesses recalled the
past, saw the origin of the Tao and believed in it, and knew that the heaven and
the earth were not born.

① See page 572 of Volume 18 of "The Book of Foreign Taoism".

20 2




/ 12 The history and thoughts of the Shenxiao sect

The vitality begins, the spirit essence is absorbed, the yin and yang are
determined, for nine billion kalpas, the three qi are mixed; at ninety
During the great calamity, the three flowers begin to separate, the five elders
protect the fetus, the three yuan nourishes the soul, the seven orifices open,
and a large piece of
After complaining, Eryi was born and Huanhai was built. After reciting the sutra
twice, the fetus will be born with moisture and the hair scales will be
Everything is ready. Recite the sutra three times, and the beak sounds in the
spoken language, echoing and harmonizing, which is truly in harmony with the
laws of heaven. preaching
Four times, the skin will be firm and the leather will be firm, the gold will be
scattered, and the strong wind will turn. Preach the sutra five times, and the
words will come out in English
Wonderful, talented and charming. Recite the sutra six times, until it is
skillfully accomplished and the tune is filled with heavenly virtues. Preach the
sutra seven times,
Nurturing the baby well, nourishing the body with kindness and wisdom. The sutra
was recited eight times. The woman was pregnant, and the birds and beasts had
their fetuses.
Everything that is not yet born must be born. Recite the sutra nine times, the
fetal treasure will be released, and the inner treasure will be revealed. Ten
All over, Tao uses deification, and people naturally become adults. It is a
country at this time, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, everyone is
attracted to it.
Protect the fetus and life, and gain immortality "① Here, life is most
beautifully praised
and praise, from the birth of heaven and earth to the gestation of all things,
it has gone through hundreds of millions of years of evolution.
It shows how precious life is.
Take human beings as an example. They are born in twins and have the endowments
of all things in the world. Therefore, they are the most
Spiritual and unique, the entire process from conception to birth is very solemn
and sacred.
Volume 1 of "The Interpretation of Dongxuan Lingbao Natural Nine Heavenly Divine
Chapters" says: "
Human beings are born from twins
Among them, the three elements are nurtured and the nine mats are formed, so the
nine-month divine cloth is full of sound, and the sound is high.
With the nine days of celebration, Taiyi holds the talisman, the emperor
determines the fate, the master records the records, and the secretary
determines the fate.
The Five Emperors supervise the students, the Holy Mother guards the room, the
gods and the earth guard the three realms, and the Nine Heavens Sima is in the
Recite the "Nine Heavenly Gods Treasure Chapter" nine times to the east. For
men, all the gods will sing in worship, and for women, all the gods will sing.
Feng, men obey orders and respect promises, and women obey orders and respect
obedience, so they were born. Jiutian Si's orders are not enough
According to the destiny chapter, if all the gods do not sing their praises,
they will never be born again. Madam, she must be reborn as a human being.
Yang is astonishing to the heavens and the earth, and it is hard to beat. The
innocent and earthly spirit is present in all three realms, and it is not light
When you are alive, you are not humble. "
② It is precisely when all the gods sing their praises, innocence guards, and

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 1, pages 286 and 287.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 6, Page 395.
Emperor Shenxiao Yin and Lei Quanzhen\


In the solemn and sacred moment of heaven and earth, new lives were born one
after another. Table
From a superficial perspective, this sentence describing the birth process of
life seems to be full of mystery.
color. However, it is precisely because of these words full of deep emotions
that people
Be full of reverence and holiness for life, so that you know how to cherish life
and protect life.
Life, attaching importance to the value of all life existence.
' This concept of loving life is integrated into various schools of Taoism and
has become the
a core of thought. The Shenxiao sect also has the missionary purpose of helping
the world and saving people, and will protect
Life, birth supervision and fetal protection are an important mission, so the
Jiutian Supervision Department was established.
This spiritual institution is responsible for the preservation of pregnancy and
childbirth. "Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Tianzun"
Volume 2 of "Collected Commentary on Yushu Bao Sutra" says: "
When couples in the world are getting married, they may violate Xianchi, or
Offending the Tengu will result in three punishments and six harms, separated by
corners, lonely and desolate, and a trap of heaven and earth, making it
difficult for heirs.
Rest, mostly lonely. If you want a man, just recite this sutra, and a great god
from the Nine Heavens will summon you.
God captured the wind and gave birth to a wise son. When she was giving birth,
Taiyi was at the door and Si Ming was at the court. or
If there are grievances, ghosts, taboos, or misfortunes that make labor
difficult, please recite this
After reading the scriptures, you can obtain the Holy Mother of the Nine Heavens
Guard House, silently hugging her, so you can celebrate your childbirth and sit
on the grass without any worries.
Yu. Whenever a baby is in his infancy, he will be troubled by the fifteen kinds
of ghosts under the throne of Meitan God.
If there is harm, it is advisable to recite this sutra because of many frights
and chronic illnesses.
Zhang Tianjun, the messenger of the Five Thunders, explained:
This chapter is
The heirs of human marriage are tied to the deity. Betrothal and raising of
heirs are no small matter.
The main gods of Jiutian Supervision and Health Division include Jiutian
Emperor, Taiyi, Emperor, Zhulu, Siming,
The Five Emperors, the Holy Mother, the Great God Sima, the Lord who prolongs
life and benefits, the Lord who returns from the dead and raises the dead, the
Lord who stores blessings and determines destiny.
You, the Great God of Supervision of Births, the Boy Who Delivers Births, the
Liujia Pregnant Talisman Official, and all the True Prime Ministers of Nine
Heavens, etc.
They are all listed in the Shenxiao sect’s pantheon. "The Complete Works of
Daomen Kefan" Volume 27
In the "Grand Jiao Ceremony of Praying for Successors", please call the Dharma
position in the Three Pure Ones, Four Royals, Nine Emperors, Five Elders, Five

See "Tao Zang" Volume 2, page 579.





The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

After the saints and true kings such as Sanyuan, Sansheng, Sisheng, and Jiusi,
they are "
Sheng Zhenjun, Jiutian Silu Zitong Zhenjun, Jiutian Weifang Shen Yuanjun" and "
"They are all mighty saints". He also said: "
Life and death are all related to water and fire, and form is given to the
Inside, it is always entrusted to the fairyland. Only Liuxu in Nandou is the
capital of Taiwei, leading Tianshu,
In the two provinces of Tianji, there are the gods of Si Ming and Si Lu.
Prolonging life and benefiting from calculation will save you from misfortune
and lead to longevity
Jun, if you return to your body after death, it will be recorded in Sima, Jun of
Han. Xianzhang Pinwu, named Nanchang Shanggong. economy
Pull out the three coatings and install Zhuling's Fire Mansion. Suan transcends
the realm of the underworld, first bathes in the Tianchi, and hears the eight
The voice of the hidden language in the sky receives the energy of Fei Xuan from
the three caves, refines the quality of the jade eyes, changes the shape of the
yellow flowers, and then returns to the human body.
World, everyone is rectifying his life. ”①
According to the Taoist Scriptures, women face far greater pressure and
suffering than men.
Sexuality, especially in terms of marriage and childbirth, they often face
various threats.
Threatened or even killed, the main responsibility of the Department of
Supervision and Health Care is to help those who are weak and helpless.
Helping women. Ning Quanzhen "
Volume 55 of "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa" says: "
Fu Pu celebrates the Great Fast,
In Guangji's soul, if there is a surviving pregnancy, the twins are not
separated, the mother and the child are not separated, or the child is alive
And if the mother dies, or both the child and the mother die, how can a person
like this be liberated? Let me first tell you about Jiutiansheng
The Great God, Shenwen Jiutian Supervisor Si Xianzai. On the day of Zhengzhai,
the supervisory department was established to signify a good fortune.
The Secretary invites you to summon him, and he gives the blessings. When he is
summoned to go to the curtain, please go to the Holy Supervisor, and he can come
to the altar to receive the blessing.
After the death, An Jian wrote the true text on the case, so that the deceased
could see it, and the corpses would naturally shine, and the corpses would be
thrown away.
The light of filth.
” ② Volume 42 of the same book also says: “
Whenever you build a large fast, you must focus on breadth, lest it
There was a woman in Youshuang who died in childbirth, the twins were stagnant,
and the mother and son could not be separated. Therefore, the Supreme Being
mourned and set up a prison.
A department was created to deal with the issue of female souls, and he devised
various talismans to relieve them, and his achievements were extremely
successful. "

All these actions show how Taoism affects the lives of women at the bottom of
feudal society.
Deeply concerned about the situation, they hope to use the love of the Tao and
the power of the Tao to awaken

"Tao Zang" Volume 31, pages 820 and 821.
"Tao Zang" Volume 31, Page 217.
"Tao Zang" Volume 31, pages 77 and 78.
The emperors of Shenxiao and the gods of Lei tribe,



I 205

Arouse the concern and sympathy of society and people, and help those who are
struggling with suffering and death
women and children.
It is precisely because of this that the gods of the Jiutian Supervisory
Division can not only transcend those
The souls of the dead trapped in the Hell of Blood Lake can also guide these
souls to transform into human beings and give birth smoothly.
Anping, just as Ning Quanzhen said in Volume 42 of "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa": "I
would like to invite Jiutian
The Great God of Supervising Births, the Holy Mother of Guards, the Heavenly
Doctor who heals the sick, and many others, have only passed through the lake of
blood without giving birth.
The screens of the souls and other people are produced, and then divided into
parts to hold them together, and support the transformation of people and
heaven. ”① Once the birth goes smoothly, mother and child
Ping An, these gods who supervise births and protect the fetus have turned into
gods of the body and protected the newborns all their lives.
generation. Therefore, relying on the solemn blood relationship and the eternal
spirit of divine destiny, China
The descendants of the nation can be reproduced from generation to generation,
and the true line of the Chinese Way can be maintained for generations to come.
Spread from life to life until now, in the future, and forever.
In this regard, Dong Sijing, an eminent Taoist of the Song Dynasty, explained:
"Those who are celebrated in the nine heavens are able to cover the sky with
Things are the heart, so the Emperor of the Nine Heavens praises and rejoices
that he has become a man because of his smooth drinking.
also. Taiyi holds the talisman, "
"Tai Dan Yin Shu" says: Taiyi, Gongzi, Bai Yuan, Siming,
The five gods of Taokang are in the master's purple room, each with a green
jade. There are five talismans on the case, and they are presented to the
emperor. this
It is said that Taiyi holds the talisman, and Taiyi is the leader of the five
gods. Therefore "
The Great Cave Jade Scripture says: Tai
A divine master holds a fortune teller on his left. Gai Taiyi is the god who
returned to his womb and took his first form. His name is Wuyu.
receive. When a human being is first born, he holds the talisman and mixes it
with all the gods. As soon as he is born, he will be kept in the mud under the
jade pillow.
Marugoto. The person whose life is recorded by the emperor is Lingfan, one of
whom is Seven Spirits, and one of whom is Lingfan.
God's father-in-law is determined by his character and fate. When a person is
born, he should stay outside the purple door between his eyebrows
palace. The main record is the silujun, and the record is called the record of
his life. Those who are in charge of fortune-telling will win the prize.
If the central minister ordered his father-in-law to be named Li in the early
Ming Dynasty, he would determine his calculations. After the birth of his body,
he would guard Jiang Palace.
The atrium is home to the blood hole. The one who supervises the birth of the
five emperors is the emperor of the five directions. Qingdi carved beams
On this occasion, the Red Emperor came to sleep, the White Emperor Peng Anxing,
the Black Emperor Bao Chengchang, and the Yellow Emperor Lin Xufu, together

See pages 77 and 78 of Volume 31 of "Tao Zang".

2 0 6



The evolution of Taoism’s Shenxiao sect’s thoughts

The life of a prisoner. The one who guards the room of the Holy Mother is the
Holy Mother of Nine Heavens. She is responsible for her birth, so she guards her
Room also. The gods of heaven and earth guard the three realms, and the gods of
heaven and sun are unpredictable because of their yin and yang;
The sun is shining brightly on the earth, so it shows its spout to others. The
three realms are the upper, middle and lower realms, heaven, earth and water.
God, we are all on guard, so everyone respects and protects us. Jiutian Sima,
that is, the Chief Immortal Great Sima Changsheng
Master Bai Chengsuo was born.

Another Taoist king, Xichao, said: "
Taiyi is the Lord of immortality. In the Church
There is Taiyi Emperor, Taiyi Zhenjun, Taiyi Yuanjun, Taiyi Zhenren, and Taiyi
Taiyi is not an external god, but the Taiyi of Shangqing and Dadong. Shaped like
the original
Male, without clothes, four inches long, the so-called god who reborn from a big
hole and takes on his own shape, his name is still
Collect it, keep it under the jade pillow. When a human being is first born, he
holds the talisman and mixes it with all the gods. Emperor
The person is a seven-spirited person, also known as the divine father-in-law,
who always stands above a person's eyebrows. Those who value fate will determine
High or low. Si Ming is the central father-in-law, who guards people's hearts
and determines their longevity. five
The emperor is the Eastern Green Emperor Diaoliangji, the Red Emperor
Changlaijue, the White Emperor Peng Anxing, and the Black Emperor Baocheng.
Chang, the Yellow Emperor has light and dew, and oversees people's lives. The
Holy Mother is the Holy Mother of the Nine Heavens.
Life cannot be achieved by Yin alone. The Holy Mother is the Lord of Yin. She is
happy with the birth, guards its chambers, and removes
It's also ominous "②
The Taoist stone carvings in Cave No. 4 of Nanshan Mountain in Dazu, Chongqing
today were carved in the 20th century of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty.
Four years ago (1154). The main statue of the Three Virgins is carved on the
main wall of the niche, which is generally in the form of a round sculpture.
The middle statue is 1.09 meters high. The Virgin sits facing southwest on a
backrest decorated with four dragon heads.
On the throne, wearing a phoenix crown and palace makeup, with his hands cupped
in front of his chest to hold something (already disabled),
There is a treasure cover hanging above his head, and there is a plaque on the
front of the cover, with the six words "Our Lady of the Rebirth of Houtu"
engraved on it.
Character. There is a Virgin carved on the left and right sides of the central
image, wearing a Zhai crown and palace makeup.
The hands are arched in front of the chest to hold something, and there is an
octagonal treasure cover above the head (remnant)
. Three main statues
① See page 395 of Volume 6 of "Tao Zang".
② See "Explanation of the Dongxuan Lingbao Natural Nine Divine Jade Chapters",
Volume 6, Chapters 429 and 430 of "Tao Zang"
The Emperors of Shenxiao and the True People of the Thunder Tribe\



On both sides, there is a waiter standing on each side, holding a whisk in both
hands. A statue of a god is carved on the lower inner side of the left wall of
the cave.
Standing posture, 1 meter tall, wearing armor, holding weapons in both hands
(disabled), on the upper left
On the side wall are engraved the words "Jiutian Supervisor of Life". There is a
female statue carved under the right wall of the cave.
Standing, 1.06 meters tall, wearing a gold hairpin, Chu skirt, Xia Po on both
shoulders, Zhou
Wearing silk with fluttering silk, the six characters "Mrs. Jiutian Sending
Life" are inscribed on the upper right side wall. This is
It is the earliest existing statue of the gods of Jiutian Supervisory Division.
Song Lin Lingzhen's "Lingbao"
The Golden Book of Lingjiao Jidu, Volume 5
The gods of the Seven Years Supervision Department are:
"The Great God of Nine Heavens Supervising Life, Nine
Our Lady of Tianweifang, Nine Heavens
The great god of birth, the great influence of nine heavens
God, the Great God of Pregnancy in the Nine Heavens,
Jiutian, the great god of fetal change, Jiutian
Zhushengjun, Jiutian Shunsheng
Jun, Jiutian Sushengjun, Jiu
Tianquanshengjun, Liujia Talisman
Official, promote the birth of a child, protect the fetus
boy, quick-born boy, south
Cao of Changfenfei, Lord of Nanchang
Cao was born with merit, and Nanchang was the master of death.

Our Lady of Rebirth

Southern Song Dynasty Stone Carvings in Cave No. 4, Nanshan, Dazu (Photo by Li

Cao Cao, Cao Cao who rose to death in Nanchang. "A total of eighteen gods, the
most important of which is Jiutianwei
Madonna of the House.

"The Lotus of the Holy Mother Yuanjun Ling Ying of the Nine Heavens Guard House"
says: "The Great Kindness May Live in the Nine Heavens"

"Tao Zang" Volume 7, page 280.

① See "

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The Holy Mother Yuanjun of Tianweifang, who is high in the nine heavens
Above, among the three realms of the General Staff, the Supreme Master Xuan is
the best
The holy virtue of life gives the order for the creation of yin and yang,
From the concubines to the common women, they all received the imperial edict.
Determine the birth of characters, record the good and evil in the world,
Observe the chastity of women. The virtuous man reports Wen Yu
Beijing, the gods protect and protect it, the book is called an immortal book,
The benefit is calculated to prolong life. Anyone who has done something wrong
will report it to the three officials.
Pay five thunders to kill the surveyor, follow the jade law,
The executioner suffered hardships and dangers, and his soul was tied to Fengdu.
Often sinking into a sea of misery" especially women who are pregnant,
When giving birth, everyone must respectfully invite the Holy Mother and all
God bless.
①In the Cave of Our Lady of Nanshan Mountain in Dazu
The main image immediately controls the nine days of human fertility.
Our Lady of the Bathroom, the so-called "injection of life" means
It is "the main student". There are two Virgins on the left and right,
Be the Virgin Protector and Preserver of the Pregnant Mother.

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 21 contains the prison
There are as many as hundreds of gods in Shengsi, among which there are
Jiutianweifang Thirty-Six Holy Mothers, Injection of Life

Marshal Supervisor (
Qing Dynasty woodcut prints)

Lord, Lord of birth, Lord of wet nurse, Lord of guidance of birth,

The biological mother, the three-day ban Si Mingjun, Weifang Lingfei, Tianmen
Zihu Sushengjun, Weifang
Madam, life-saving beauty, escorting and escorting fairy to the bathroom, etc.
②The guardian commander is Jiutian

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2 Page 8 0 6.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 795.
The Emperors of Shenxiao and the True People of the Thunder Tribe\⑷


The great god of supervision. Volume 2 of "Tai Shang Cave Xuan Ling Bao Wu
Measurable Human High-grade Sutra" says: "Jiansheng
The great god is the real person who saves lives. His courtesy name is Fuyi. ①
Description of the third volume of "Shangqing Tianxin Zhengfa"
Its image says: "Wearing a warrior's crown, golden armor, all covered with soap
shoes, and standing with a sword." ② This is similar to
The image of the Supervising God on the left wall of the Notre Dame Cave in
Nanshan Mountain in Dazu is very consistent.
To sum up the above, it can be seen that the divine group system of Shenxiao
Sect is a very large and complex system.
complex structure. It corresponds one-to-one with the organizational structure
of human society and almost includes
in all areas of people's lives. Of course, when applying Taoism specifically, it
depends on
According to different purposes and specific objects, the gods worshiped in
dojos or dharma ceremonies are offered to you.
There are also differences, which needs to be noted. Such as the "Innate Thunder
Crystal Hidden Script" Dafa, the main
Fa is King Shenxiao Yuqingzhen and Doumu Ziguang Tianhou, and the masters are
Qinghua Emperor Li Ya and Lei
Tingqi teaches fire master Wang Shouzhen, Jinque Shichen, Tongmiaozhenjun, Wang
Wenqing, Gaomingjun, Dongmingzhen
Bai Yuchan is a human being, Jin Zhida, a disciple of Sanxian in Yunzhong, who
practices the Song Tao, and Chen Zhong, a disciple of the Immortal Boy Fangzhou
Ji, Yinchuang Yulong, Mr. Zhao Ziyin, Tiexin Taoist Min Ziwen, and the generals
have Yandi Tian
Jun Deng Yi, Qingdi Tianjun Xinli, Yanggu Divine Jun Zhang Jue, Wind and Thunder
Divine Jun Zhang Yun, Tiejia
Divine Lord Zhang Ya, as well as the five ambassadors of Yang Lei, the five
ambassadors of Yin Lei, the Thunder God, and the Lightning Mother,
Feng Bo, Rain Master, Yun Li, etc. ③ "Three Essentials of Thunder, One Gray
Fire and Thunder Messenger Method", the main method is
The Supreme Jade Emperor of Haotian, the generals include the great sage Lord
Tiangang, Lei Zhenjun Ma Zinu, Hekui Da
Dong Wanchun, the Holy Lord of the Holy Festival, Deng Yi, the great god of Lei
Lianhuo Law Order, and Xin, the commander of Thunder and Fierce Officials
Zhongyi and Lei Gong, Dian Mu, Feng Bo, Yu Shi, and the Five Directions
Barbarian Thunder Messengers ④, "Xiantian Yi"
"The messenger of Jia Huo Lei Zhang prays for the Dafa", the main dharma is the
Lord of the South Pole Star Gouchen Shanggong Emperor,
The generals’ squad includes the Fire and Thunder Flying Envoys, the Five
Directions Heavenly Thunder Envoys, the Five Directions Wild Thunder Envoys, and
the Five Directions of Prison Palace.
Thunder Messenger et al. ⑤ "
"Nine Heavens Bitan Thunder Prayer for Rain", the main method is Fuli Yuanshi
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2, Page 4 8 6.
② See page 6 2 4 of volume 10 of "Tao Zang".
③ See "
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 82, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 330.
④ See "
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 93, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, Page 3 9 0.
⑤ See Volume 82 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 29 of "Tao Zang", page 3 2 0.


Humans are like humans--The evolution and thought of the Shenxiao School of

The Jade Emperor of Wu Tian, the Emperor of Houtu and Earth, the Great Emperor
of Nine Heavens Leizu, and the Universal Heavenly Lord with the sound of
The gods will include the God of Thunder and Flying Fire Palm Command, the God
of Thunder and Fire Law Command, and the Thunder and Fierce Official Judge.
Officials, messengers of thunder and swiftness and the god of thunder, dragon
thunder, water thunder, social thunder, fire
Thunder God, Twenty-Four Air Gods, Seventy-two Lord Gods, etc.
① "Gaoshang Jingxiao Three-Five Mixed City"
"Tianda Leilang Calligraphy", the main calligraphers are Yuanshi Dharma King,
Yuqing Zhenwang, Biankong Tianzun, Lei
Emperor Ting, Tianzun of Wulei Prefecture, Lord Yi Zhenxing, Jingxiao Wuxi real
person Ge Tianshu,
Taiyi Zuoxuan Zhenren Pan Shen, Taiyi Youxuan Zhenren Pan Ying, Thunder Fire
Master Wang Kangmin, Lei
Tingdudu Xin Zhongyi, Cuixu Zhenren Chen Nan, Haiqiong Zhenren Bai Yuchan, the
gods will have their way
Mine, mine, water mine, divine thunder, social thunder, Nian God, Moon God, etc.

It should also be pointed out that with Sanqing, Sandi, Jiuchen and Leibu
Shenzhen, Sanjie Wan
The Shenzhen system composed of spirits is not only the god worshiped by Taoists
of Shenxiao Sect, but also the god of its sect.
The ancestors, masters, and true masters of the past dynasties. Because in these
divine truths, there are physical manifestations
Holy spirits such as the Heavenly Lord, Dao Lord, and Heavenly Emperor in the
spiritual world also have a history of creating great religions.
Characters such as Zhang Ling, Ge Xuan, Xu Xun, Wang Wenqing, Bai Yuchan and
other high-minded people. This kind of
The phenomenon of the unity of man and God and the mutual interaction is quite
peculiar. It reflects the inclusion in Taoist theology.
Contains the concept of humanism. From the perspective of Taoism, the Yuan
Dynasty is the embodiment of nothingness and mystery.
Shi Tianzun, Taishang Daojun, Taishang Laojun, True King Shenxiao, the gods of
Leibu, etc., they
Although I live in the Holy Land of Three Purities and the Blessed Land of
Heaven, I often use concrete images or worldly things to express my feelings.
The faces of saints appear in the world to save people. But as long as people in
the world believe in the Dao,
If you convert to Taoism and practice it with determination, it is possible to
transform from a mortal into a saint, immortal, or god.
People, real people and even gods. As the Five Thunder Messenger Zhang Tianjun
said: "
Selfless sun and moon
It is clear that all virtuous people are born in Heaven. Therefore, I, Heaven,
act on behalf of Heaven, practice morality, and benefit the three realms.
Make the pure ones holy, the turbid ones virtuous, and all the sentient and
tangible ones to become immortals and form a clan together."

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 98, "
"Daozhen" Volume 29, Page 4 2 3.
See Volume 1 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan". 4. "Tao Zang", Volume 29, Page 452.
The Emperors of Shenxiao and Lei Jinzheng④



God wants everyone to be a God, why should he cherish the second place and
follow the wonderful way of his original nature?
① Therefore, among the many gods and truths, there are many founders and Taoist
practitioners who founded the religion.
Profound Taoism, saints, martyrs, and historical figures are a major part of
Taoist theology and theology.
feature. It is also this theological system of the unity of man and God that
promotes the Shenxiao sect and even the entire
The development of Taoism. Because on the one hand, it integrates God’s
spirituality into secular life;
On the other hand, it sublimates the human heart to a sacred realm. When people
return to their true nature,
When the true and kind heart is revealed, isn't it what Laozi calls a baby, an
innocent child, or a child?
Are the gods mentioned in the scriptures true and heavenly?

① See "The Nine Heavens Ying Yuan's Thunder Universal Transformation Tianzun
Yushu Bao Sutra" volume 1, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 No. 570,
571 pages.

@ ( ^ ) ( ^ ) @ / —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Chapter 27"
Two 3/

The Origin and Characteristics of Shenxiao Thunder Method

The worship of Lei Fa and Lei Zu is an important magic and belief in Taoism. its
Since China’s oldest primitive religion and nature worship, it has included the
most profound aspects of human civilization.
The primitive and most essential worship of natural spirits also preserves human
beings’ attempts to control creation.
The courage and efforts to transform and dominate the world have formed a very
unique culture.
Phenomenon. In Taoism, belief in nature spirits such as thunder gods has a long
history and is very
Very extensive. Especially since the Tang and Song Dynasties, due to the
advocacy of many Taoist sects to deal with Lei
The thunder method with divine belief as its core is popular all over the world.
It once topped the list and became a Taoist method.
The highest representative of the Communist Party of China has attracted
widespread attention from the world and has a great influence, which is still
felt today. this
Focusing on the Shenxiao sect, this paper explores the origin and
characteristics of Taoist Leifa, in order to further reveal the
The Mystery of Sherephath.

Section 1 The Historical Origins of Thor Worship

The Shenxiao Taoist sect is based on Neidan Kung Fu, and its Taoist skills focus
primarily on thunder. The so-called "internal
By doing it, you can cultivate and heal your body; by using it externally, you
can bring peace to the people and the country, pray for rain and sunshine, and
eliminate disasters.
Misfortunes drive evil dragons and snakes from the rivers and lakes, create
mirages that hurt people in rivers and lakes, and save life-saving souls from
severe disasters.
The origin and characteristics of Shen Du Ying


1) 213

The group recognizes the dark soul, cuts down temples to eliminate evil spirits,
slays monsters and cures diseases, transports thunder in the palm of the hand,
and causes wind and rain.
At present, the sins of the Seven Ancestors of the Nine Mysteries are especially
great, and the quarrels of hundreds of calamities and thousands of lifetimes
have been eliminated. Secret Book of Spiritual Texts,
The cover edge connects things and benefits life. Wonderful edict and divine
prescription, universally rescuing chronic and infiltrating diseases. Those who
get it stick to it, and those who meet it
If you are destined, if you practice the precepts and uphold the precepts, you
will be able to rise to great heights."①. Thunder method is widely used,
to all areas of people's lives. So, what is the origin and evolution of Leifa?
What about such a historical process?
It can be seen from the Taoist scriptures that there are many types of thunder
methods. Bai Yuchan said: "There are seven thunder methods.
At the twelfth level, heaven and earth reward good and punish evil, and
everything that happens is thunder.
”② Its spiritual truth and inner
The content presents a rich and colorful scene. But the core belief is all about
the God of Thunder.
worship. The worship of the God of Thunder has a very ancient origin and had
considerable influence as early as the Yin and Shang Dynasties.
ring. The formation of its psychological model can even be traced back to the
distant emergence of human beings.
Human beings live in the natural environment, and the nature is diverse and
Poverty has profoundly affected human life and psychology. Especially lightning
and thunder,
Violent changes such as violent winds and rains shocked the hearts of primitive
ancestors with their superhuman power.
spirit, thus producing a strong and widespread fear. "poetry·
"Jiao" said: "
Explosions, explosions, and electric shocks are unsettling. Hundreds of rivers
boiled, and mountains and tombs collapsed. Gaoan
It is a valley, and the deep valley is a mausoleum. ""Yi Zhuan·
"Yi" said: "There is thunder at the foot of the mountain, a gentleman should be
careful when speaking
Language, diet and diet.
"The Analects of Confucius·
"Xiangdang" also said: "
Thunder and wind will change.
"Xing Shu:
This yin and yang energy is aroused, which is the anger of heaven, so Confucius
must change his appearance to respect it. "To this day
Oh my God, there is still a saying among the Chinese people: "Besides Lei Gong,
I am not afraid of anyone."
All these show people's piety in believing in the God of Thunder, and also show
that people generally fear the God of Thunder.
Ubiquitous and profound.


See Volume 56 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 135.
"The Nine Heavens Ying Yuan's Thunder Universalizes the Heavenly Lord Yushu Bao
Sutra" Volume 1, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 No. 570


Witch Que'er

I Pretending to kill is related to the army and ideology

Thor was one of the earliest nature gods. In the concept of the Supreme God—

God produced

In ancient times, the god of thunder occupied a prominent position in

agricultural and pastoral areas, and many ethnic groups even regarded him as the
most powerful god.
Great God. For example, after the Hittites established a unified country, they
worshiped the god of thunder "
Tishub" is one
The Lord God of the country.
①The ancient Germanic people believed that Thor, the god of thunder, ruled the
space and was responsible for thunder and lightning.
Wind and rain and grain grow. Slavs"
Believe that there is only one god, the god of thunder and lightning,
He is the king of all things, and to him cattle and all kinds of sacrifices are
sacrificed." Lord of the Lithuanians
The gods are also the gods of thunder and lightning. Whenever there is a
drought, they always go deep into the woods to pray for rain.
Thor's sacrificial sacrifice.
②Among the nature gods of the Seman people in the Malay Peninsula, "high above
all others"
Above the gods and of special importance is Cray, the god of thunder."
"Cray is invisible, huge, omnipotent, omniscient. It creates
Created humans, gave them souls, and knew every crime they committed. despite it
Sometimes kind and kind. But when people do something wrong, it gets angry,
and warn or kill them with thunder and lightning.”
③ This shows the awe and worship of the God of Thunder,
It has been a belief throughout the world since ancient times. As Feuerbach
Like this: “Even among civilized peoples, the highest gods are capable of
inspiring the greatest fears.
The personification of the feared natural phenomenon is the god of thunder and
lightning. Some ethnic groups except
Apart from the word 'thunder', there is no other word for God. ...Even the
genius of Greece
People also simply call the Supreme God the God of Thunder. That mouth 1 8 or
anti hachimachi thunder
God, among the ancient Germans, at least the northern Germans, as well as the
Finns and Ledos
Among the Nepali people, he is also the oldest, most respected, and most
universally worshiped god. "

The God of Thunder was universally worshiped by many ethnic groups in early
mankind and was sacrificed to the gods.
Religions in the History of Peoples in the World" page 364, Chinese Social
① See Bu. Tollev's "
Xue Press 1985 Chinese edition,

See Fraser's
"Golden Boughs" Volume 1, page 242, Chinese version published by China Folk
Literature and Art Publishing House in 1987.
③ Meet George・
Cheng Dake "
Our Contemporary Primitive Ethnic Groups" Page 7 0, Sichuan Institute of
Chinese version published in 1980

See Feuerbach
Lectures on the Nature of Religion, page 30, Chinese version of The Commercial
Press, 1989.
The Origin and Characteristics of Shenbu Lei Gong\ Tuan


| 215

The highest god on earth is obviously related to the living environment of

primitive humans and early agricultural and animal husbandry production.
production is closely related. First of all, the concept of Thor is based on the
concept of animism.
of. Strong lightning pierced the sky, which was frightening, and then deafening.
of thunder. When lightning strikes the ground, it breaks down trees, ignites
forests, destroys houses, and kills
Humans and animals, these all create great fear in people, making people think
that Thor has mastery
The power of life and death. This concept is widespread among various ethnic
groups in ancient China, and even
It continues to be preserved in the beliefs of some ethnic minorities in modern
For example, the Dong people generally worship the God of Thunder and believe
that the God of Thunder represents the will of heaven.
Gu and Bei Nie were punished. In terms of farming, if there is no rain for a
long time, people have to set up altars to pray for rain.
When it rains, pigs and cows are killed to worship the God of Thunder. There are
many taboos about the God of Thunder among the Dong people.
Do not work in the fields on this day. No big trees struck by lightning can be
cut down;
It is the most unlucky thing for a house to be struck by lightning, and a person
who is killed by lightning is considered to have committed a serious crime.
Relatives and friends of those who were "executed by heaven" for their extreme
evil will not mourn them. From this, it can be seen that Dong
The tribesmen feared the God of Thunder very much. In some villages of the Dong
people in Hunan, there are Leigong temples built four times a year.
During the season, the lights remain on to worship the God of Thunder. Villagers
at the head of the village offer incense in the morning and evening to celebrate
the New Year and festivals.
In case of disaster, people kill pigs and sheep, kowtow to worship, and when
they hear thunder and lightning, they think it is thunder.
God appears and kills the sinners. Therefore, children are often warned not to
waste food casually.
If you waste food and do many evil things, you will be struck by thunder.
The Hani people believe that thunder is the sound of the god of thunder blowing
the horn, and it is also a kind of divine sound.
Weapon, if a person or animal on earth disobeys God's will, the God of Thunder
will strike him from the sky.
hit. In fact, the Hani people's worship of the God of Thunder is closely related
to agricultural production, and their belief in spring
Lei's concerns were directly related to the arrangements for farming. But at the
same time, Chun Lei showed something different
Understand that if you hear the first spring thunder on your birthday, it is
considered to be the most
A great misfortune will befall you; in the early spring, it is common to call
the ghosts of your children once.
Eliminate the disaster caused by the first spring thunder that he may hear on
his birthday.
Difficulty is to nip problems in the bud.

啰⑷ ^ ^ / The history and thoughts of the Erta Suxiao School

The Li people call the God of Thunder "Thunder God", and he is the largest god
in the heavens in the Li people's mythology. Therefore
There is a saying that "the sky is afraid of Thunder God, and the world is
afraid of Jin God". Thunder God is also the birth of Li Mu
He is the spiritual god who kills the crab spirits to save the people,
perpetuates the human race, and creates the Li people. according to
The volume of "Maoxi Xianzhi" written by Lu Ci of the Qing Dynasty says: "It is
said that in ancient times, a thunder shot an egg to the mountain.
In the middle, a daughter was born. As time went by, there were some Jiaozhi
barbarians who crossed the sea to collect incense. They got along with him, and
they were born.
Children are the gods of the Li people, so the mountain is called Li Mu
Mountain. Li Mu Mountain is located in present-day Hainan.
Located in Qiongzhong County of the province, its name is related to the myths
and legends of the Li ethnic group. In the Song Dynasty, Chen Nan and Bai
Yu Chan and others all practiced Taoism in this mountain and obtained the Book
of Thunder. This should be consistent with the religious beliefs of the Li
The Mongols believe that everything in nature has gods, and the God of Thunder
is the most important one.
Worship object. "A Brief Story of Black Shoes" says: "
Ting sees that every time the enemy hears the thunder, he will cover his ears
and bow to the ground.
To the ground, as if hiding. "According to relevant experts' investigation, this
ancient belief has become more popular in modern science.
There are still remnants of Erqin's thunder worship activities. In some areas of
Horqin, people and animals were struck by lightning
Or a yurt, please ask a wizard to remove it. When he arrived at the lightning
strike, the wizard took out a blue flag as an offering
Then recite a mantra and sacrifice the flag to make the place "clean". Local
people believe that
Once the wizard chants sutras to worship thunder, he will be protected from
lightning strikes.

The Miao people also regard the God of Thunder as one of their most revered
gods. Anyone who suffers from serious illness or drought will
If it rains, or if the rain causes disaster for a long time, you can worship the
God of Thunder. When the first spring thunder rang, the Miao people
I was both happy and worried. I was deeply afraid of the spread of poisonous
weeds and the emergence of poisonous insects, so I knocked on the walls and
pounded the walls with hammers.
Drums are used to suppress evil spirits. The Miao people are afraid of offending
Thunder God, so they warn all harms and avoid them at the same time.
Thunder Lord. Within three days after the first spring thunder, do not go to the
fields, move the soil, or dig out manure.
Don't go up the mountains to hunt birds, don't go into the water to fish.
Otherwise, he will be discovered by the God of Thunder and be punished.
The animals are restless and the grains are not harvested.
The She people regard the God of Thunder as the supreme being, punishing evil
and promoting good, and presiding over justice among people. vulgar

See page 36 of Wu Bing'an's "The Mysterious World of Shamans", Shanghai Joint

Publishing Company, June 1989 edition.
The Origin and Transformation of Shenxiao Thunder Method\



The saying goes: "There is a Thunder God in the sky, and an uncle on the earth."
It means that the Thunder God is the most powerful among the gods in the heaven.
big. The She nationality folk song "The Map of the World" says that Lei Gong has
five brothers. The big thunder governs the sky and is called the sky.
Thunder; two detonators for ground are called mines; three detonators for water
are called water mines; four detonators for fire are called fire
Thunder; the god of five thunders is called Shen Lei. They look ugly, with
dragon heads, human bodies, and tiger claws,
But he is kind-hearted, holding a sky chisel in his left hand, a sky drum in his
right hand, and a pair of protruding big eyes.
Eyes can clearly see the good and evil in the world. Good people are blessed by
the God of Thunder, and bad people are protected by the God of Thunder.
Cutting away the bones and pounding the marrow without mercy.
The Zhuang people worship Lei Zu and believe that he is the ancestor of Lei Gong
and Lei Po. Its function is Xingyun
It spreads rain so that all things can grow and thrive, and it can also punish
evil and eliminate evil, and distinguish between good and evil.
host. Its god sings the lyrics: "
I give orders from the heavenly court in the upper realm to spread rain and
raise clouds to help bring peace and nourish people.
All things educate the masses, punish evil and bring peace to the people. "At
the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was a statue outside the north gate of Guilin
The Lei Ancestral Temple covers an area of about three acres. It is the
ancestral temple for praying for rain. The god’s face is full of deep blue.
There is a white horn on the head, which looks like lightning and shines. A
tooth is exposed at the left corner of the mouth, and the eyes are round and
Stare, full of fierceness. For example, during the dance, Lei Zu held a wide-
mouthed ax in each hand and made a flying cloud.
The movements of riding the fog, soaring through space, and slashing the clouds
with an axe. The Zhuang people also made bronze drums with
The main decoration is cloud and thunder pattern, which is called "
"Thunder drum". "Guangdong News" said: "Thunder people often
Hit it with the name of Thunder God, also known as Thunder Drum Cloud. Thunder
is also a celestial drum...the drum resembles it
The sound is made of golden hair, so the bronze drum is used as the thunder
"In the areas where the Zhuang and Li people live,
District, there are many Leizu and Lei temples. There are many bronze drums
hidden in temples, which are regarded as sacred tools and are used to
Knocked when worshiping the God of Thunder.
In Tibetan myths and legends, Thunder God is called "Dragon God Thunder God",
"Thunder God" and "Thunder God".
Long Shenxun
, "The Angry Lord of the Dragon God" and so on. According to "The Biography of
King Gesar", it wore thousands of human skins
The made-up shirt has three colors on its face: blue, green, and black, and
three red eyes.
Fiery flames flashed in his mouth, and when he opened his mouth, flashes of
light spewed out, tearing the sky apart, and his hands
Holding a plate filled with molten iron and iron sand storm pills in the middle,
he rode on a blue dragon and led a hundred thousand
Once the demonic soldiers go into battle, they will explode with thunder, shake
the mountains, and cause heavy rain to cover the ground, causing the enemies to


The evolution and "thoughts" of the Jiaocunxiao School

The flow forms a lake, and the bones accumulate like mountains. Therefore, it is
regarded as the god of war by Tibetans.
The Kirgiz people also have the custom of praying to the God of Thunder. Every
year in late spring, there is thunder for the first time.
At this time, people always shout loudly, "The earth is split and the grass is
blooming, and the breasts are split and the milk is grown!"
Ask the God of Thunder for help. In order to pray for lush pastures, prosperous
livestock, and abundant milk, I am still praying for
While reporting, they bang pots, pans and other utensils and run around the
yurt. In addition, Thor
There is also the power to slay demons. When the rain is pouring, thunder and
lightning flash, it is the God of Thunder.
Waving the sword of golden light, he released a beam of light, directly hitting
the demons in the world. struck by lightning
Where the trees are destroyed and the mountains collapse, it is where the demons
From the beliefs and customs of many ethnic minorities mentioned above, it can
be seen that the worship of the God of Thunder is
An ancient and common cultural phenomenon. The God of Thunder is regarded as the
highest god because of his connection with agriculture and animal husbandry.
Production is inseparable. People in primitive societies and agricultural and
pastoral societies mainly relied on agriculture and animal husbandry
He lives by doing business, so he is very concerned about weather changes and
the germination of crops and pastures.
Growth, fruiting, etc. When they discovered that after the spring thunder,
everything revived, they mistook
Wei Lei has the function of giving birth to all things. 《
"Shuowen" said: "
Ting, the sound of thunder, where the bells are
To bring out all things" "Book of Changes·
"Shu Gua" said: "Those who move all things must not be as quick as thunder."
The period from the spring equinox to the autumnal equinox is the time when
thunder and lightning activity is active, and it is also the time when all
A stage of rapid growth and mature results. After the autumnal equinox, the
weather becomes cooler and generally less
There will be thunder and lightning again, so the ancients said: "
On the day of the autumnal equinox, Lei Nai stopped saying "①At this time
everything is
Things gradually withered and declined. The ancients observed this keenly. They
"Thunder is the eldest son of heaven and earth, and it leads all things to come
and go with him. Thunder comes out of the earth for one hundred and eighty
After three days of re-entering, people and all things will enter. After
entering the earth for one hundred and eighty-three days, he came back and
revealed all things.
It also comes out, and this is what happens often.
”② This phenomenon naturally led the ancients to believe that all things grow,
There is a certain relationship between the appearance of yellow and thunder.
Secondly, thunder and lightning are often associated with heavy rain.
① See "
Volume 13 of "Taiping Yulan" quotes "Book of Rites".
② See "Shu·Hong Fan" cited in Volume 13 of "Taiping Yulan".
The origin and characteristics of Shenxiao's thunder method'



Companion, the ancients did not understand the relationship between them and
mistakenly believed that rain was caused by thunder and lightning.
Therefore, it is inferred that the God of Thunder is the god of rain and
drought. Rainwater is the lifeblood of agricultural and animal husbandry
People who hope for abundant harvests and prosperous livestock will naturally
pray to control growth and command the wind.
The rain is blessed by the thunder god.
In Chinese history, before the concept of God was formed, Lei seemed to be the
God of high. "The Classic of Mountains and Seas - Hai Nei Dong Jing" contains:
"There is a god of thunder in Lei Ze, with the body of a dragon and a human
Head, bulging belly. In Wuxi. "Huainanzi Terrain Training" said: "
Lei Ze has gods and dragons
The body is a human head, and its belly is bulging and prosperous. ” Some
personal gods in ancient times are also considered to be
The god of thunder or the son of thunder. For example, Fuxi is the son of the
God of Thunder mentioned in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

"Poetry Contains Shen Wu" says: "When great deeds come out of Lei Ze, Hua Xu
walks on them, and Fuxi is born." ① Another example
Huang Di, "Century of Emperors" said that his mother was born after "seeing a
big lightning flashing around the Beidou" in Fushi, so
He is also the son of thunder and lightning. "The Classic of Mountains and Seas
- Hai Nei Jing" says: "The Yellow Emperor's wife Lei Zu was born prosperous.
Meaning: "He Tu Di Ji Tong" says: "The Yellow Emperor rises with thunder spirit.
② Also known as Huangdi
Yuan, "Spring and Autumn Hecheng Tu" said: "Xuanyuan, the god of thunder and
rain." ③ "Historical Records,"
Book" annotation quoted from "Justice": "
Regulus Seventeen Stars, in the north of the Seven Stars, the body of the yellow
The god of thunder and rain, the symbol of the harem. Yin and Yang interact,
thunder becomes electricity, harmony becomes rain, and anger becomes
It becomes wind, chaos becomes fog, condenses into frost, disperses into dew,
gathers into clouds, and stands up into rainbow... 2
The fourteen changes were all attributed to Xuanyuan." These all show that in
the eras of Fuxi and Huangdi, Lei
God is the highest god most worshiped by people. Later, with the establishment
of slave society and the
With the formation of the concept of emperor, the thunder god was gradually
reduced to a secondary god. But in many ethnic minorities
, but it is always the supreme god in heaven.

Quotes from Volume 7 and 8 of "Taiping Yulan".
See the second quote of "Yi Wen Lei Ju".
See Volume 5 of "Taiping Yulan".




/ —

The history and thought of Daojiu Shenxiao Sect

Section 2 The evolution and development of the image of Thor

In earlier mythology, as a natural god, the image of the thunder god was mostly
that of beasts.
Shape, according to "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", the earliest thunder
god was a dragon with a human head. Dragon is imaginary
What is the prototype of the divine object? In the consciousness of ancient
people, thunder and lightning are dragons.
In other words, the dragon is the incarnation of thunder and lightning. In
Oracle, the word thunder is % and the word electric is
Lin, depicts a picture of the zigzag of electric light; the word "dragon" means
"package". Comparing the three,
The character dragon can be seen as a deformation of thunder and lightning. It
retains the curved shape of lightning and makes the surface
The symbol "Tian" that indicates thunder is simplified to "口" and moved to the
top to represent the dragon's mouth. Longkou
Opening wide downward means heavy rain pouring down from the dragon's mouth. In
this way, from the two words thunder and lightning
The meanings contained in the word "dragon" are combined into one, becoming a
dragon that drives wind and rain. Zhu Tian
/Mr. Yan pointed out: "The opportunity or starting point for the fantasy dragon
may not be because of
The ancients saw animals similar to dragons, but instead saw lightning in the
Started. ”①
"Shuowen" says: "Dragon is as long as a scale insect. It can be dark or bright,
it can be thin or huge, it can be short."
Can grow. It ascends to the sky at the spring equinox, and dives into the abyss
at the autumnal equinox. "From this exegesis, we can still get a glimpse of
To the shadow of thunder and lightning. The so-called "can be quiet and bright,
can be thin and big, can be short and long", exactly
It is an image depiction of the unpredictable and fleeting nature of lightning,
while "it ascends to the sky on the spring equinox, and on the autumn equinox it
ascends to the sky.
"divide into the abyss", which illustrates the beginning and end of the seasons
when thunder and lightning appear and cease. Ancient people
Legend has it that the dragon, snake, and thunder are the same. Wang Chong's
"Lunheng·Longxu Chapter" states:
"In midsummer, thunder and lightning strike down trees and damage houses. It is
said that the sky captures the dragon. It is called the dragon hidden in the
Among the trees, hidden among the houses. If lightning strikes down trees and
damages houses, then
"The dragon is seen outside, and the dragon sees the thunder and takes it to
ascend to the sky." "In reality, the thunder dragon is the same kind, and its
sense of energy is consistent.

See page 51 of Zhu Tianshun's "A Preliminary Study of Ancient Chinese Religion",
Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1982 edition
The Origin and Characteristics of Shenxiao’s Thunder Method\ ⑷

II 221

According to "Historical Records and Fengchan Book", "There is a dragon hanging

its beard, coming down to welcome the Yellow Emperor". The "dragon" here
"Beard" can be regarded as the countless tentacle-like mutant forms of
lightning. Because it is believed that dragons and snakes are related to
Thunder and lightning are of the same kind, so most of the thunder gods
described by the ancients were "
Dragon body and human head
Among China's ethnic minorities, there are also many people who regard thunder
as the incarnation of the dragon.
For example, the ancient Mongolians believed: “Lightning comes from some kind of
dragon-like animal, and in his
In our area, the residents (as if) saw with their own eyes how it fell from the
sky to the earth,
It hits the ground with its tail, moves in a meandering way, and spits out
flames from its mouth. "① The Ewenki people also believe that
Because, the original image of the God of Thunder was a dragon, with countless
scales on its body, and each scale
The scales hold a hundred loads of water, and when it rains, the water droplets
are sprinkled by the dragon's scales. No unique
Occasionally, North American Indians also regard snakes as a symbol of thunder
and lightning, because of their rapid winding and sudden onset.
The sudden movements are very similar. The Algonquins also believed that
lightning was the creator of Manitooth
( ^ 1 1 0 ) spit out snake. The Pawnee people say that lightning is the tongue
of a snake. Mexico
The original meaning of Guicha Gotu, the great god of Brother, is "
Feathered snake", this god originated from the Mayans
Believe in the god of thunder.
② Among the Ewenki people of Heilongjiang, thunder is described as a giant
In the image of a bird, the sound of thunder is the sound of the thunderbird's
wings flapping when it flies. "This kind of
The huge thunderbird, which rains down rain whenever he sneezes, sounds.
Thunder. In the beliefs of the Oroqen people, there is a bird that is the patron
saint of all shamans, called
Make Tamnidela, the bird that is the god of thunder and lightning. "

There is a bird shape on the ancient bronze drum, which some people think is the
image of the God of Thunder. Xu Songshi pointed out:
Some of the peacock patterns on the bronze drums resemble eagles, and some
resemble pheasants.
Reality is the roc", and
These bird patterns are exactly the same as the thunderbirds painted by the
④ He also said: “Now
"There are indeed many bird beak images on the surface of the bronze drum." This
image of bird heads is closely related to the image worshiped by the Zhuang
people in Nanhai County.
① See "
Historical Collection, Volume 1, Part 1, Page 2 5 6, Commercial Press, 1983
② See "
Lin Huixiang's Anthropological Treatise, page 113, Fujian People's Publishing
House, 1981 edition 0
③ See page 30 of Wu Bing'an's "The Mysterious World of Shamans".
④ See Xu Songshi's "
Examination of the Chinese Discovery of America" Volume 1, pages 1 1 4,
published by the Hong Kong Institute of East Asian Studies in 1981

2. The History and Thoughts of the Jiao Bu Shu School

The bronze thunder god statue is very similar.

①Another scholar Luo Xianglin also believes that the bronze drum
cast "
Half like a bird and half like a figure, each figure is holding an ax and a
I doubt it
Originally made to symbolize the descendants of the God of Thunder, it is now
located in the Gao, Lei, Qin and Lian areas of Guangdong. Still have
There is a legend about marrying a daughter to Thunder God and giving birth to a
son like a rooster. However, in the Zhangquan area of Fujian, it is still
popular among the people today.
Lei Gong is still in the form of a chicken-headed body, with two arms and two
temples, holding a golden hammer in both hands, and a half-human figure.
The shape of half a bird is exactly the same."
② There is a Thunder Temple in Nanhai, Guangdong, which portrays the image of
Thunder God.
For the bird's beak and the pheasant's wings. "The bronze drum collected by
Japan's Sumitomo and the newly discovered Chongyang bronze drum. Covered.
The statues of Thunder God with bird's beak and pheasant wings are cast on the
buttons. Legend has it that Thunder Company rains, worshiping Thunder Lord,
The intention is to pray to them for rain "③
According to Tang Daifu's "
"Guang Yi Ji" records: "At the end of the Kaiyuan Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty,
there were Lei Gong and Whale in Leizhou.
fight. The whale emerged from the water, and dozens of thundergoons were flying
up and down in the air, either setting fire to it or attacking it.
Stop in seven days.
④ Xiao Bing believes: “
Combined with the fact that the fire thunder in Leizhou is in the shape of a
Dozens of these flying in the sky
Thunder Lord'
, which is probably the so-called thunder bird "⑤
Some foreign ethnic groups or tribes also use birds as the image of thunder
gods, such as the indigenous people of China and America.
It is said that there is a kind of thing called "
Hawk" bird, it is the messenger of the storm god. Zulu in Africa
People say there is a "
"Thunderbird" sometimes appears and is beaten to death. It has a red beak and a
red beak.
feet and short red tail.
⑥ When introducing the American Indian Thunderbird, Kirkland said that he
They "believed that the thunder was caused by a huge bird whose wings spread out
and darkened the sky.
Dark." He also said: "
Many philosophers of savage peoples have a flying thunder that flaps its wings.

① See Xu Songshi's "

"People's History of the Zhuanjiang River Basin" page 2 1 6, Hong Kong World
Book Company 1963 edition.
② See Luo Xianglin's "
The Origin and Culture of Baiyue" pages 143 and 162, Taiwan National Compilation
and Translation Center "Chinese Series"
"Book" was published by the editorial board in 1978.
③See Shi Zhongjian's "
Are there any ships crossing the sea among the Bronze Drum and Ship Patterns?
"Paper of the Academic Symposium on Ancient Chinese Bronze Drums"
Collection" page 184, Cultural Relics Publishing House 1982 edition.
④ See "
Quoted from Volume 393 of "Taiping Guangji".
⑤ See page 177 of Xiao Bing's "The Elite of Chinese Culture", Shanghai
Literature and Art Publishing House, 1990 edition.
⑥ See "
Lin Huixiang's Anthropological Treatise, pages 1 1 2, Fujian People's Publishing
House, 1981 edition.
The origin and characteristics of Shenji minework\ ⑻



Bird concept.
① In addition, the Khalilbo people in South America, the Brazilians, and the
Kalyan people in Myanmar
People and the Bechuanaland and Basotho people in Africa all have myths about
thunderbirds. South Africa class
The Tu people think of lightning as a big bird, the Vandar people think of
thunder and lightning as an eagle, and the Drans of northwest Africa
Others thought it was a flamingo.

In addition to the above two types of thunder gods, there are also some beast-
like thunder gods. legend yellow
When the emperor was fighting Chiyou, he obtained Kui Niu from Liubo Mountain in
the East China Sea. He used its skin as a drum and used thunder to shout.
The bones of beasts can be heard for five hundred miles. To prestige the world"
③. Guo Pu notes: "Thunder Beast, the God of Thunder
also. "It can be seen that Kui Niu is a thunder beast from the Yellow Emperor's
era. Another image of a thunder beast is the He monkey.
"Sou Shen Ji" says: "Thunder God"
Lips are like pills, eyes are like mirrors, hair horns are more than three feet
long, and the shape is like
The six animals have heads like monkeys.
④ In addition, some documents describe the thunder god as having the head of a
pig and the body of scales.
"Touhuang Zalu" records: "There were thunder people. Due to the heavy
thunderstorm, there were things in the sky, like pig scales.
The body was in a very different shape, and the people slashed it with their
swords. The thing fell to the ground, and blood flowed in the path, and it was
shaken by thunder.
Li. His father flew away. Since then, residential buildings have been frequently
damaged by sky fires. ……thunder
The people who use mines to offer sacrifices all have pig heads and scales on
their bodies. "
⑤ Duan Chengshi of the Tang Dynasty, "Youyang Zazu" - front
Volume 8 of "Collection": "
In the first year of Tang Zhen's reign, there was a severe thunderstorm in
Xuanzhou, and something fell to the ground, a pig's head.
With two fingers on each hand and foot, he holds a red snake and bites it. "
⑥ "Lu Yi Ji" also says: "Thunder God"
Shen Er
More than ten feet, black, with a face like a pig's head, five or six feet of
horns, more than ten feet of fleshy wings, and half a leopard's tail.
Wearing Jiang Fu, leopard skin wrapped around his waist, hands and feet with
golden claws, holding a red snake, stepping on it, staring.
When he wants to eat, his voice is like thunder,
With the development of society and the enrichment of culture, the half-human,
half-animal Thor became humanoid.
The image gradually replaced the insect-like, snake-like and animal-like thunder
god. "Lun Heng Lei Xu Chapter" says:
"The work of drawing is like drawing thunder, which is like a continuous drum.
And drawing a person is like a strong man.
① See pages 242 and 243 of Kirk's "A Brief Introduction to Folklore",
Commercial Press, 1993 edition.
② Meet Tomoe・
"The Rediscovery of Ancient Africa" page 4 3 3, Sanlian Bookstore 1973 edition.
③ See "The Classic of Mountains and Seas",
"Great Wilderness East Classic".
④⑥⑦ See "
Quoted from Volume 393 of "Taiping Guangji".
⑤ See "
Quoted from Volume 394 of "Taiping Guangji".
224 1 suffered

^ ) / — History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Call him Thunder God, and make him lead the drum with his left hand, and push
the vertebrae with his right hand, as if he were striking. That
It means that the thunder is rumbling, and the drums are beating together.
"Huang Feimo's "Collection and Interpretation of Truth"
Said: "The thunder god sculpted by today's customs looks like a strong man, with
his belly exposed, two wings on his back, and a forehead
Three eyes, face as red as a monkey, lower collar long and sharp, feet trembling
like an eagle, and claws even sharper, holding the left hand
Wedge, holding a mallet in the right hand, as if ready to strike. "
There are similar images in ethnographic survey data. As the Hezhe people
Thunder God is an old man. He has a big hammer and an anvil. Thunder God is used
to strike thunder.
His hammer struck his felt roof, and the thunderbolt was to release the anvil to
strike down demons and monsters.
The Lao people's villages in Guangxi generally have a Thunder King temple. The
image of the Thunder King is long wings and a big drum.
Eyes, a strongman with an axe. The image of Thunder God among the Zhuang people
in Guangxi is: “Blue face,
It has eyes that can emit lightning, a bird's beak, wings on its back, and
bird's feet, but its entire body is
Humanoid. ”①
The above types of images of Thor are all relatively ancient. Later, with
The rise of Taoism and the prosperity of Leifa are caused by a single God of
Thunder -

The evolution of Thunder God and Thunder Master

Become the Gods of Thunder, composed of gods, some ancient emperors, heroes,
heroes, high
After his death, he was worshiped as a god of thunder, such as Fuxi, Huangdi,
② Xin Hanchen, Zhang Yuan
Bo, Deng Bowen, Wu Hui, Wen Zhong, Yan Zhenqing, Liu Jingwen, Chen Wenyu, Xin
Pang Qiao, Liu Hou, Bi Hua, Ge Tianjun, Shi Shenyu, Lu Yu, Xie Leixing, Yuan
Li, Bai Yuchan, Wen Qiong, Guan Yu, etc., thus expanding the scope of Thor and
enriching the
It perfected the ancient Chinese belief in the god of thunder and made it a huge
system of gods and true beings.
It is an inevitable trend of historical development to play a greater role in
China's development.

See pages 7-8 of Liang Tingwang's "Zhuang Customs", published by the Central
University for Nationalities Press in 1987.
See "Records of the Hearts of Three Thunder Commanders", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 329.
The origin and characteristics of Shenxiao Thunder Method\



Section 3 The cultural heritage of Thor worship

History and culture are a pair of twins. In the long history of the evolution
and development of Thor worship
In history, this oldest belief of mankind contains more and more cultural
Thus forming a rich cultural gene bank, which involves religion, philosophy
studies, language, writing, art and other fields, and has widely and profoundly
influenced the Chinese
many aspects of national culture.
As we all know, nature worship is the main factor in the origin of religion. Any
primitive people
All tribes have this common custom. In primitive societies, people generally
believed that some natural
Objects and natural phenomena have life, will, spirituality and magical
abilities and can influence
It is the destiny of mankind, so it is regarded as an object of worship, showing
awe to it and praying for its
Protection and blessing. Each primitive tribe has different natures due to
differences in their living environment.
An object of worship. For example, if you are near a mountain, you worship the
mountain god; if you are near a river or ocean, you worship the water god.
In windy areas, the god of wind is worshiped; in rainy areas, the god of thunder
and rain is worshiped, and the god of rain is worshiped.
With living land, water, fire, sun and moon, etc.
According to the history of religious evolution, it can be roughly divided into
primitive religion, ancient religion,
Several stages such as history and religion. The so-called "
Primitive religion", which began to appear in AD
The Mesolithic Age from 30,000 BC to 10,000 BC. Archaeological excavations and
Investigations into primitive societies have shown that belief in and worship of
supernatural beings began at this time.
Just appeared. As society has developed into a primitive clan society, people
have crossed
From the stage where simple gathering and hunting were the means of survival, it
entered the stage of farming and animal husbandry.
During this period, concern for the results of farming and animal husbandry
prompted the content of primitive religion to become increasingly complex.
In addition to the animals and plants in nature, miscellaneous things such as
mountains, rivers, wind and rain, climate, sun and moon
Celestial phenomena, etc., are also of concern to people. In addition, due to
the development of animal husbandry, many
In addition to posing a threat to humans, natural objects have also become
something that farmers and herdsmen rely on.



The History and Thoughts of the Shenfu Sect of Taoism

"Friends" or "relatives". In this way, worshiping various natural objects

Nature worship is very popular in primitive religions.
The development of Chinese religion is roughly the same. Its worship of nature
began in the Neolithic period.
era, extending to this day in the 21st century, has existed in various religious
forms throughout history.
The longest. It has the widest coverage, covering almost every ethnic group and
every region
Nature worship existed in all. It has the most admirers, and most people in
history worship it
Naturally, it is believed that they dominate all things and influence the good
and bad fortune of the world. Thousands
Over the years, everyone from emperors to common people have bowed before the
powerful force of nature.
O minister, bow down before heaven, earth, sun, moon, thunder, rain, wind,
clouds, water, fire, mountains,
Stone and other nature gods at the feet. "Book of Rites・"
"Moon Order" records that in all four seasons of the year, it is necessary to
offer sacrifices to "Mountain"
"Sichuan Baiyuan", "the god of famous mountains, rivers, and the four
directions, using the spirit of the ancestral temples and the country to serve
the people."
"Pray for blessings". That is to say, in the form of decrees, the worship of
nature has been fixed as a universal part of society.
behavior, and has always been followed by feudal dynasties of all ages.
Thor worship is an important part of nature worship. People fear and observe the
God of Thunder.
While observing and thinking about thunder and lightning phenomena, reality,
illusion and experience are often confused.
Humanize these natural phenomena and instinctively feel that they are as alive
as themselves
of. For objects with a lot of activity like climate change, such as dazzling and
deafening thunder,
Lightning, floating clouds, wind and rain give a particularly strong sense of
life. Therefore, they
In the daily life of slash-and-burn farming and domesticated livestock, we
strive to understand the occurrence of thunder, lightning, wind and rain.
There is no pattern to find out the temper of the target and please them, and
even feel that you are negotiating with them.
Take it into consideration. The corresponding activities carried out by
primitive religions at various specific moments and occasions,
As well as various seasonal sacrifices, etc., the essence is the same. However,
in primitive religions
The relationship between gods and humans is quite equal and friendly. Worship
and supplication to the gods, and also
It is similar to an appeal to elders, relatives and friends, without the sense
of a slave begging his master. Such people,
The inner meaning of the relationship between gods can also be clearly seen in
the ancient thunder ceremony.
The Thunder Sacrifice Ceremony is a manifestation of the belief in the God of
Thunder in people's behavior and life. Because of ancient
The Origin and Characteristics of Shenxiao Thunder Method

\ but


People believe that the God of Thunder gives birth to all things and controls
rain. Therefore, worship of Thunder was popular as early as the Yin and Shang
ceremony. From the inscriptions, we can know that burnt sacrifices were popular
among the Yin people, and burnt sacrifices are very ancient.
Chun Guan·Dazong Bo" said: "I use it to worship God Haotian, and I use it to
worship God.
Witchcraft rituals. "Zhou Li·
Firewood was used to worship the sun, moon and stars, and olive oil was used to
worship Si Zhongsiming, Biaoshi and Yushi. "In fact, the three
Both are burnt sacrifices, "Lisi" refers to the smoke rising up during the burnt
sacrifice, and "Solid Sacrifice" refers to the firewood.
After burning, sacrifice is performed. "Lan" means that wine is sprinkled on top
to assist the burning. "Book of Rites・"
"Ji Li" said: "Sacrifice to the sky and burn firewood." In short, the object of
the burnt sacrifice is the God of Heaven. Divination
The main purpose of the burning sacrifice is to pray for rain. The Burnt
Offering is related to rain, which is what Fraser
There are a lot of records in the book "The Golden Bough". The primitive
ancestors may have used burning firewood to drive
To stop the rain, or to pray for rain with the smoke of burning sacrifice.
Although these methods are different, they
Based on the principles of sympathetic witchcraft, the object of witchcraft
rituals is directed at those who control wind and rain.
God of thunder and lightning.
According to Mr. Xu Shan’s research, the words “god”, “spirit”, “dragon”,
Important concepts such as "Emperor" and "King" are all related to the worship
of the God of Thunder. They are derived from the worship of the God of Thunder.
These ideas arose. And came to the following conclusions:
(1) Fear is the root of thunder and lightning worship. First of all, the
physiological characteristics of human beings themselves
point, causing external stimuli such as thunder and lightning to cause
psychological imbalance. This kind of psychological life
Movement is at the direct sensory level, closer to biological psychology in the
original sense.
(2) Thunder and lightning show the incredible power of human beings and directly
ringing in human life. It is the direct source of fire and the giver of rain, so
A certain dependence on thunder and lightning was added to the primitive fear.
And to thunder and lightning
The understanding of value marks the beginning of human meaningful culture.
(3) Between the human subject on one side and the natural object in all things
on the other
In the interactive relationship between the two sides, the focus of the
spiritual culture of primitive ancestors lies in the relationship between heaven
and man.
The essence of the relationship between heaven and man is the relationship
between thunder and lightning and humans. The word "god" in oracles

How can people enter Nüshu/The history and thoughts of the Shenxiao sect of

It is often seen in Chinese mythology, and its prototype is the god of thunder
living in heaven.

The Yin and Shang dynasties used burnt sacrifice as the main ceremony to worship
thunder, but different regions and different people
Among the tribes, the rituals of worshiping thunder also have their own
characteristics. For example, the Miao people in western Hunan worship the God
of Thunder as "
Hope to send you",
Whenever there is a drought without rain, a long rain without clearing, or a
serious illness, it is necessary to offer sacrifices. Oxen are used for big
sacrifices and small sacrifices.
If you use pigs, please ask a wizard to do it. The cow is killed with a knife,
and the pig is beaten to death with a stick. 0 The meat is boiled in the pot,
Avoid putting salt in the meat. If it smells like salt, you may be struck by
lightning. Those who are present and watching, especially avoid idleness
Don't talk about salt and chicken, because salt and chicken are disgusting to
the God of Thunder. Sacrifice fashion beard
Cut two large bundles of white paper, use a table, place 7 wine, meat and rice
bowls each, and knock the tube and ring the bell, as in
The law is followed.

When the Blang people of Yunnan offer sacrifices to their gods, they must
sacrifice a white rooster and rice.
Bowls, half a catty of wine, etc. are offered as sacrifices. The ceremony is
presided over by a wizard, and the sacrificial location is in the village next
to the village.
forward. First, a live chicken is sacrificed, and then a cooked chicken is
sacrificed, and the wizard prays. and cooked under the tree
Eat chicken and porridge, burn the money paper or stick it on the tree with
chicken blood.

The Zhuang people in Guangxi attach great importance to worshiping thunder. Six
animals must be carried during the ceremony, and the number of villagers there
is over a hundred. head
There are small sacrifices in the first year, mid-year sacrifices in the second
year, and big sacrifices in the last year. They are very grand. In some places,
on New Year's Day
When killing chickens, the feathers must be properly preserved in case of hot
weather or thunderstorms.
At that time, the chicken feathers were about to be burned, saying that the God
of Thunder was afraid of the smell of burnt chicken feathers, so he would not
dare to bring disaster.

There is also a custom of worshiping thunder in Leizhou, Guangdong, and a
thunder drum cart must be presented during the sacrifice. 《
"Jiahe Zhi"
Said: "There is Leigong Temple in the west of Leizhou, and the people carry
thunder drums and carts every year. People eat yellow croaker and pork.
While eating together, they were immediately struck by thunder. Every time there
is a big thunder, there are many people digging in the fields and they dig out
the rocks, which they call Lei Gongmo.

① See page 16 of Xu Shan's "Cult of the God of Thunder", Shanghai Joint

Publishing Company, June 1992 edition.
② See page 480 of Shi Qigui's "Field Survey Report on the Miao Nationality in
Western Hunan", Hunan People's Publishing House, 1986
③ See "Survey on the Social History of the Brown Nationality" (
1) Page 77, Yunnan People's Publishing House, 1981 edition.
④ See Gu Youshi's "The Feudalization of the Primitive Religion of the Zhuang
Nationality", in "The Preliminary Collection of Religions of China's Ethnic
Minorities", cloud
Southern People's Publishing House 1985 edition.
God's Thunder Senyuan"





Shining like paint. "Hong Mai"

Volume A of Volume 5 of "Yijian Zhizhi" also says that if there is no rain for a
month, it will also
Go to Leiwang Temple to offer sacrifices and ask, "When will it rain?"
In modern times, people in Luochuan, Shaanxi Province worship thunder on the
fourth day of April, and each township has a thunder god statue.
Pigs are slaughtered as sacrifices, incense sticks are burned, gongs and drums
are played, and firecrackers are set off. After the sacrifice, the pig's head
was buried on the outskirts of the village.
In the northwest soil, it is said that hail disaster can be avoided. Pork is
eaten by households.

It can be seen from these folk customs and historical materials that the thunder
god is closely related to human beings to a considerable extent.
Same, it has emotions, likes and dislikes, and people often use their familiar
Use objects to sacrifice to the God of Thunder and please the God of Thunder, in
order to pray for its kindness and protection. With the order
With the emergence of classes and countries, primitive religion also evolved
into ancient religion. in
In China, the religious canons of the Shang and Zhou dynasties had been
established, thus entering the stage of ancient religion.
part. Ancient religions generally still focused on the heaven, earth, sun and
moon, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, mountains, rivers and lakes, animals
and plants.
We respect all things, but most of them no longer stop at directly respecting
the natural objects themselves.
worship objects of nature, but believe that each natural body and natural force
has its own specific nature
But God controls it. Later, more and more social organizations in charge of
social tasks appeared.
Gods such as war, love, destiny, agriculture, animal husbandry and various
Etc.; many natural gods have also been added with some social tasks. In
addition, for ancestors
Worship was also formed, and many ethnic groups and city-states successively
appeared with their own national gods and city-states.
Patronus. After the emergence of the kingdom, the concept of the main god was
formed among the gods. and land
The upper kingdom corresponds, and the concept of the heavenly hierarchy system
emerges. Small and large gods with different responsibilities
Spirits all form hierarchies under one main god.
As a result, many ethnic ancestors, political leaders, and heroes were later
The descendants of the world respected them as gods, so humans and gods were
mixed together. The legend has a long history. It is early in the pre-Qin
historical materials.
It is no longer clear. It is under such a cultural background that the
personification of Thor becomes more
As a result, gods such as Fuxi and Huangdi were transformed into thunder gods.

① See "Luochuan County Chronicle", printed version in 1994.

230 | suffered



/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The unity of man and God is a major feature of traditional Chinese religion.
This feature is profound and
It has widely influenced Chinese culture, such as the concept of harmony between
man and nature as described in Chinese philosophy,
That is, it originated from primitive religious beliefs. Of course, the two are
not equivalent. They are both
There are connections but differences. The original religious beliefs are "
Unconscious religious activities”, and
Philosophical consciousness is "the intelligent activity of self-consciousness".
① In various primitive beliefs, nature
Worship is most closely related to philosophical concepts, and many
philosophical concepts are directly derived from
Natural faith. The so-called relationship between man and nature refers to the
relationship between man and nature and the supernatural.
Nature refers to the mountains, rivers, forests, earth, sky and other living
environments that people rely on to survive.
Nature refers to the spiritual beings that govern the growth and development of
all things in the universe. It consists of the material world and the spiritual
The spiritual world constitutes what ancient Chinese culture calls "the two
heavens where people survive and develop."
The core issue is to find the relationship between this "material" and
"Heaven" principle
To find a point of convergence, only by reaching the realm of harmony between
man and nature can the healthy development of human society and
Only reasonable protection of the natural environment is possible.
Here, in the unpredictable changes of celestial phenomena in nature, thunder and
lightning can cause human beings to
The universal fear also inspired the exploration spirit of our ancestors.
Finally, people
Discovered that thunder and lightning itself has a primitive dualistic nature,
it provides water and fire, in darkness
There were flashes of light in the sky, and with the rumble of thunder, heavy
rain poured down; then
And, perhaps after a flash of lightning, a lightning strike causes a forest fire
immediately in the storm
It's burning, so water and fire come together. What a breathtaking and
magnificent scene it is.
elephant. Perhaps, after experiencing such incalculable scenes, the ancestors
Yu understood the law of mutual generation and restraint between water and fire,
and summarized it as the theory of yin and yang. this
In addition, Thor can alleviate drought and bring rain, but it can also cause
floods and destroy
Farmland and pasture; it can promote the growth of all things and destroy
poisonous insects, but it can also cause all things to wither and decline;

①See Tang Junyi's "

On the relationship between China's primitive religious beliefs and the
Confucian view of heaven and earth and explaining the origin of Chinese
"Ideal History and Culture"
Issue 1 of the year.
The Origin and Expansion of Shenxiao Thunder Method\




It can bless the kind, but severely punish the evil and sinners. In short, the
collection of Thor beliefs
Dualities such as creation and destruction, life and death, good and evil, water
and fire, yin and yang, etc.
Substances are integrated into one body, containing inseparable opposite
meanings, just like the secret of Tai Chi Diagram.
In this way, it vividly embodies the traditional Chinese Yin and Yang theory.
Regarding the relationship between the worship of the God of Thunder and Chinese
philosophy, Mr. Xu Shan has a rather precise passage.
Cai’s discussion: “The essence of the relationship between heaven and man in
ancient Chinese philosophy is that of man and thunder.
God's relationship. In this relationship, people first experience the power
beyond themselves and
and the inevitability of fear, while experiencing the differences between good
and evil caused by human existence.
Dual nature. From the initial mentality of man being at an absolute disadvantage
in the relationship between heaven and man, to the
Understand man’s pursuit of harmony in communicating with God after the burning
sacrifice, and then man’s determination to conquer heaven.
spiritual growth (
Such as text forms and myths expressing flood motifs), we see
is on the scale composed of heaven and man, '
One end of the sky gradually lowers, '
A historical picture of gradually rising from one end to the other
In addition, the worship of the God of Thunder also widely influenced ancient
Chinese literature and art. exist
In ancient Chinese mythology, nature worship inspired people's endless
inspiration and created abundant
Rich and colorful myths and legends about nature, such as Nu Juan patching up
the sky, Dayu controlling floods, Gonggong
Zhenhong, Nine Heroes, etc. are mostly related to the belief in the God of
Thunder. These vast seas, thousands of shapes
Various myths and legends are an important part of ancient Chinese myths and
Later, the establishment and improvement of the Taoist pantheon provided rich
materials. In addition, natural information
Admiration has also been of great help to the literary creation of ancient
writers. Many literati and bachelors in history have
Beautiful and moving chapters praising various natural gods, such as Qu Yuan's
"Chu Ci",
Ban Gu's "Dongdu Fu" and Sima Xiangru, Liu Xiang, Yang Xiong, Cao Zhi, Ying Xiu,
Poems and essays by Pu, Li Bai, Han Yu, Zhang Jiuling, Bai Juyi, Su Shi, Liu
Kezhuang, etc.
There are a large number of sentences specifically describing the god of thunder
and lightning.

① See Xu Shan's "

Worship of the God of Thunder" pages 125, 1 2 6.


Right now

/ Gudao-The evolution and thoughts of Xiaosong, the god of religion

Nature worship is also reflected in ancient art, especially activities such as

thunder god worship.
It provides a rich and colorful performance stage for the development of various
arts, from the development of Chinese characters to
"Song", "Dance", "Cang" (
It can be seen from the original meaning of glyphs such as "乐" that these
artistic forms
The origin is mostly related to the ceremony of Thunder God Ceremony. In the
original burning sacrifice activity, it was
A very religious ceremony, and when it reaches its climax, it is a very frenetic
Shouting songs, enthusiastic dances, and music that sings to the sky, these
bursts of life
Impulsive primitive art has been fused with divine blood from the very
beginning. "Beginner's Notes" Volume 1
Quote from "Baopuzi": "Thunder is also the drum of the sky." This is due to the
rumble of the drum and the sound of thunder.
Very similar association results. "Zhou Li·
The local official and the drummer said: "Use thunder and drums to drum."
Sacrifice to gods. "Zheng Xuan's note: "Thunder drum is also an eight-sided
drum. Sacrifice to gods means offering sacrifices to gods. ” That is to say
Thunder drums are used to worship the God of Thunder. "poetry,
"Futian" says: "The harp, the harp, and the drums are used to control the
ancestors of Tian.
"To pray for sweet rain" means to please the God of Thunder by beating drums,
singing and dancing, and pray for sweet rain. "Spring and Autumn Fan"
"Lu Zhiyu" said: "It rains too much... drums and no songs, and it stops when it
stops." It is used to drum.
The sound comes to stop the long rain and pray for a good harvest.
The Dongba Sutra of the Naxi people records that dance was taught to people by
frogs, believing that "
The frog represents the creation of mankind, and its dance symbolizes the origin
of human dance." Guangxi Zhuang
The tribe dances a kind of frog dance, that is, squatting with legs bent and
arms raised, like a frog. This is similar to the left
The image of the frog dance danced by the wizard in the original rock paintings
in Jiang is the same, which shows its ancient history.
According to the investigation, the Zhuang people believe that the frog is the
son of King Lei and the envoy sent by King Lei to the world.
He can go up and down the heaven and earth, and has the ability to communicate
between people and gods, so people need rain
Water, wizards often imitate the movements of frogs when asking gods, so that
they can get to the ground as quickly as possible.
God, please bless the God of Thunder, so the frog dance has become the most
common dance form of the Zhuang people.
And formed the ancient religious program of the Zhuang people -

Frog Festival.

① Page 3 5 8 of "Original Religious Materials Series" edited by Jian He Zhiwu
and others, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1993
October edition.
The origin and characteristics of Shenxiao Thunder Method\ ⑻


Since the worship of the God of Thunder played a very important role in
primitive culture, it
The influence of Chinese painting art is also very obvious. Primitive paintings
can be roughly divided into two major
Category: Decorative paintings and rock paintings. Decorative painting refers to
painting on production tools, weapons and living utensils
paintings on, such as pottery and bronze. Hongshan culture and small rivers in
the Liaohe River Basin
In Yan culture, Xiajiadian culture, and Majiayao culture in Gansu and Qinghai
Various patterns related to the worship of the God of Thunder have emerged. Mr.
Ma Chengyuan pointed out:
"The crochet pattern of Machang style painted pottery. The pattern of this
pattern is made from three or five strands
Composed of unequal lines'
Belts, the belts form a zigzag shape, hooked to each other, and some form loops.
The text shape is very similar to the hooked thunder patterns on bronze vessels.
① Wang Dayou and others believe that Majiayao
The "earth" and "swastika" in the cultural horse factory-shaped painted pottery
cloud and thunder pattern are represented by double 5 spirals.
"Yang sense produces intercourse lines", "the Ke and Yan should obviously be
thunder, cloud or cloud and thunder",
"In addition to the three-feathered bird and the sun as the main decorations in
the painted pottery of the Majiayao culture, another
There are a large number of water swirl patterns and various frog patterns and
butterfly patterns, which prove that Ji's surname is Tianlong.
The family lives near the water, chasing water and grass, so there will be many
thunderstorms here. '
Lei Jing'actually
It's the Thunder Cloud Totem. '
The reason for feeling thunder is that she had sex with a man named Frog Chang
on a thunderstorm day and she became pregnant.
Give birth to children. The word "Guyun", "Thunder" and "Lei" are the same, so '
Can', '
. Therefore, the Yellow Emperor inherited the ancestral system
Use clouds to discipline officials and make clouds and thunder signs, and there
is '

By the end of the Neolithic Age, pottery decorative patterns had evolved from
realistic to geometric
shape, and finally transformed into a mysterious symbol. Longshan culture
unearthed in two towns in Rizhao, Shandong
The animal face patterns on the stone are ferocious and terrifying, similar to
the gluttonous patterns on bronzes from the Shang Dynasty. River
The jade animal-faced cong unearthed from Caoxie Mountain in Suwu County from
the Liangzhu Cultural Site has cloud and thunder patterns.
The mythical beast in the center has round eyes and is so powerful that it seems
to be a thunder that dominates the world.
god. In addition, a number of cultural relics were discovered in the Fanshan and
Yaoshan Liangzhu cultural sites in Yuhang, Zhejiang.
① See Ma Chengyuan's "
Painted Pottery of Yangshao Culture" page 111, Shanghai People's Publishing
House, 1957 edition.
② See pages 95 and % of Wang Dayou and Wang Shuangyou's "Tai Chi Universe in
Pictures", People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 1998
May edition.

@@@@/ ---- The evolution and thought of the Shenxiao School of Taoism

The jade articles with patterns of gods, humans and animals should all be
reflections of the image of the God of Thunder in ancient art.
In the bronze decorations of the Shang Dynasty, the themes are cloud and thunder
patterns, dragon patterns, Kui patterns and
Gluttonous lines, it can be said that they are all variations of thunder lines.
A woman from the Yin Ruins in Anyang, Henan
Many jade frogs, jade turtles, jade dragons, jade turtles and strange birds
unearthed from Hao Tomb are also worshiped with the God of Thunder.
Thanks for that. By the Western Zhou Dynasty, bronze wares were still decorated
with thunder patterns, Kui patterns, and gluttonous meal patterns.
The main body, and many images of "thunderbirds" appeared. In addition, the
Fenghao site in Yangxi discovered
The earthen jade ornaments with animal faces from the Western Zhou Dynasty all
have the image of a man staring at his teeth, and the description is ferocious,
as if he were a
Thor. These can be found in a large number of historical materials contained in
Zhang Daoyi's "Chinese Pattern Series".
Explain the various decorations and shapes of bronzes that represent the
artistic level of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Many
They all revolve around the theme of Thor worship0
In another category of rock paintings that are primitive paintings,
Many beliefs closely related to the God of Thunder have also been discovered.
related themes. Such as offering sacrifices in the rock paintings of Zuojiang,
Bronze drum pictures, prayer pictures, group dance pictures, etc., among which
The wizards in it have feathers on their heads and swords on their waists.
There is a thunder drum under the crotch or on the head, making a frog dance.
Apparently it was worshiping the God of Thunder. Yunnan Cangyuan Rock
The painting contains a large number of gods, scenes of praying for rain,
Imitation of witchcraft, etc., indicating that it is also related to the worship
of Thor
Related. Especially in the Yuanjiang cliff paintings in Yunnan,
There is a group of "
"Frogman" prays during sacrifices,

Cliff paintings in Yuanjiang, Yunnan

Zhang Daoyi "Chinese Pattern Series")

The scenes of cheering and dancing vividly reflect the descendants of Thor -

frogman set

The state of worshiping ancestors with singing and dancing. In addition, 27

kinds of "rock paintings" in Helan Mountain, Ningxia
human face
Patterns", "Pictures of Gods" in Inner Mongolia Langshan Rock Paintings, and
"Pictures of Humans" in Ulanqab Rock Paintings
"Face pattern" and the images of gods and dancing figures, the dancing pictures
and figures in Baichahe rock paintings
The source and special base of Shenxiao Thunder Method\


The head portrait may have the image of the God of Thunder, or it may be related
to the Thunder Sacrifice Ceremony.

These various primitive rock paintings distributed across the vast deserts of
China all have something in common.
specialty. The first is its huge size and grand scene. The second is that
certain details stand out.
For example, highlighting male genitals and exaggerating women's physical
characteristics are all related to praying for birth.
It is related to witchcraft about breeding and reproducing the population. The
third is the strong religious color, and the gods on the rock paintings
Statues, shamans, sacrifices, dances, etc. are all products of primitive
religion. The fourth is to have
Very contagious, as Santayana said: "
The characteristics of barbaric art are
Yes: huge volume, prominence of certain details, and complex patterns. Only
these characteristics
This creates a mysterious miracle that attracts people from generation to
generation. brutal
Art is half voodoo magic.

It can be seen from the above that the worship of the God of Thunder is closely
related to the art of painting.
relationship, especially in prehistoric times and primitive societies. The main
themes of painting at that time were popular
God statues, sacrifices, witchcraft and witchcraft are exactly the devout
primitive religious beliefs, combined with human
With their pursuit of a better life, people created that
Works of art unique to the era. Many of these paintings have been handed down to
this day and are still
Shining with alluring brilliance, it has become a fine product in the treasure
house of human culture.

Section 4: Ancient Wind and Rain Techniques and Taoist Thunder Techniques
It originated from the worship of the God of Thunder in primitive religion and
was improved by ancient religions.
and enriched, to the founding of Taoism in the Eastern Han Dynasty, this nature
worship with ancient origins finally
It was also absorbed by historical religions and became an important part of
Taoist magic. then,

① See "Chinese Pattern Series" edited by Zhang Daoyi (1), Shandong Fine Arts
Publishing House, July 1993 edition.
② See Santayana's "The Measure of Aesthetic Taste", "
"Aesthetic Translation" Volume 1 (1980 edition).


Bad ⑶ (

/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Various witchcraft techniques for praying for sunshine and rain that existed in
ancient times began to merge into a set of unique techniques.
It has theories, exercises, rituals, and systematic wind and rain techniques,
and is mainly known by Taoist priests.
Master and use it to benefit the world and the people. As it is said in "Yuyang
Climate Proposal": "Luck
Thunder is in the palm of the hand, calling for wind and rain in the present,
propagating change from heaven, benefiting materials and benefiting people, and
will be the body forever.
precious. "

The Taoist wind and rain technique with Lei Fa as its core is directly derived
from the rituals of ancient Chinese society.
The witchcraft of thunder and rain has evolved from the "Liao method", "Dancing
method" and "Jiao method" in the Yin and Shang Dynasties to Zhou Dynasty.
The ancient "Snow Festival", "Imperial Dance" and various witchcraft to pray for
rain and sunshine are very popular. Ru Yin
There is a saying in the Shang Divination: "It rains today. It rains from the
west! It rains from the east! It rains from the north."
rain! The record "Rain comes from the south" can be regarded as the earliest
rain-praying mantra.
The famous soup prayer story is even more proof. According to "Huainanzi"
records, there was a severe drought during the Shang Dynasty
For seven years, So Tang cut off his hair and claws, sacrificed his body, and
prayed in the mulberry forest. Finally, he was moved by the emperor.
Emperor, "clouds gather from all over the world and rain from thousands of miles
comes", so the people are protected from anxiety.
The wind and rain technique in ancient China originated from two major systems.
One is the "dance" style that originated from the Shang Dynasty.
"Fa" and the "Snow Festival" of the Zhou Dynasty. After the Han Dynasty, it
developed into a system based on the theory of yin and yang.
It is a comprehensive witchcraft activity that uses sacrifices to dragons and
snakes to induce wind and rain. One is
"Jiaofa" from the Shang Dynasty and the "Jiaofa" related to it
"Liaofa", the main form is burning,
Suppress sinners and various monsters that cause droughts and floods. The self-
immolation requests of ancient emperors and ministers
Rain, punishing wizards with burning and exposure, and various activities of
burning drought and culprits are all
This kind of witchcraft. Although these two types of rain-seeking techniques
have their own characteristics, they often interact with each other in practice.
Penetration, mixture and entanglement, especially after being absorbed and fused
by Taoism, the relationship between them
The differences are getting smaller and smaller, and they are often used
flexibly according to the needs of the time. People no longer distinguish
between them.
The origins and differences of.
The myths and legends about Yinglong and Hanyue circulated in the pre-Qin period
fall into the above two categories.

① See page 602 of Volume 32 of "Tao Zang".

The origin and characteristics of Shenxiao Thunder Method\




Rain magic provides the conceptual basis. According to "The Classic of Mountains
and Seas and the Great Wilderness East Classic", Yinglong
It has the divine nature to call for wind and rain. It was driven by the Yellow
Emperor and descended from the sky to kill Chi You and others.
Kuafu, he will not be able to return to heaven from now on. The sky is missing
this Yinglong who stirs up clouds and sows rain.
The lower realm suffers from frequent droughts. Therefore, later generations
made earthen dragons to pray for rain, or danced and raised dragons for
"Dunjia Kaishan Tu" says: "
There is a stone mountain in the north of Jiangxi, and a divine dragon pond in
the mountain. During the time of the Yellow Emperor, clouds
Mr. Yang raised dragons here, which has been the place where dragons have been
raised throughout the ages. When floods and droughts occur from time to time,
the state-owned enterprises will offer sacrifices in the temple
"This refers to specially sending people to raise dragons and snakes to prepare
for natural disasters, and to sacrifice dragons to pray for rain.
"Shen Nong's Book of Praying for Rain" says: "On rainy days in spring and
summer, if there is no rain, A and B's destiny is Qinglong, and they are fire.
The dragon is danced by children in the East; it does not rain in Bingding, and
its destiny is the red dragon; it is danced by the strong men in the South; Wu
If there is no rain, the destiny is a yellow dragon, and the strong man dances
with it; if there is no rain, the destiny is a white dragon, and it is fire.
"This is because the wind and rain in the four seasons are irregular, and the
dragons dancing in the five directions are praying.
Dragon, danced by old people in the West.
rain. "Huainanzi,"
"Topography" says: "The earth dragon causes rain." Gao Ying's note: "The soup is
affected by drought.
""Book of the Later Han·Li Zhong" also says:
Make an earth dragon to resemble a dragon. The clouds follow the dragon, so they
cause rain.
When there is a drought, the ministers and officials perform snow rituals to
pray for rain. Shut down all the suns, make clothes and soap, and revive the
"As mentioned before, the dragon and snake are the original images of the God of
Thunder. The worship of dragons has long been
It has been popular since the Neolithic Age. Mr. Qiu Xigui based on "Rain in the
Dragon Field" and other dragon,
The oracles related to rain are related to relevant social customs, and it is
believed that dragons were created to pray for rain in the Shang Dynasty.
① Combining documentary records and archaeological discoveries, it can be
proved that the origin of witchcraft using dragons to pray for rain
The origin is very ancient.
"The Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Great Wilderness Northern Classic" also
mentions the legend of the female leader: when the Yellow Emperor fought against
You, ordered Yinglong to attack Chiyou in Jizhou, and Chiyou invited the Feng
Boyu Master to unleash the storm.
"Yue" Zhiyu helped in the battle, and then Chi You was killed. But the girl Yue
rain. Huangdi again invited the goddess "
This person cannot return to heaven. There is no rain all year round where he
lives, and there will be drought wherever he goes. want
① See Qiu Xigui's "The Burning Witch Court and the Making of Tulong" by Qiu
Xigui, "Oracle Bone Inscriptions and the History of Yin and Shang", Shanghai
Ji Press 1983 edition.



The History and Thoughts of Tao Wu Shen Xiao Sect

If you want to expel the Nuyue, you must first dig waterways and dredge ditches,
and then shout "
"God travels northward", just
If you can drive the thief back to his original place, you can get the rain.
This legend appeared very early, in the Western Zhou Dynasty
According to the saying "Han'e is a thief", Han Yue is a female thief. The
second type of rain-seeking method is mainly
Implemented in response to drought. This kind of witchcraft may involve violent
witchcraft and burning witchcraft, or burning Hanyue, or burning
Chai Fenshan has the dual meaning of punishing witches and breaking the
The so-called witchcraft is to expose the witches to the hot sun, and the witch
burning is to burn them with firewood.
Wizards, this was called "fanfa" in the Shang Dynasty. There are many records
about cunning techniques in the oracles.
Chen Mengjia analyzed dozens of films about "
The oracle of "Fanfa" indicates: "
Jiaofa and rain
Obviously there is a direct relationship, so there is no problem in praying for
Because it is based on people standing on fire to pray for rain, it is different
from the "violent witchcraft" and "violent witchcraft" recorded in the
Burn the witch'
The same thing ① There are many records in ancient books about violent witches
or burning witches to pray for rain. "Left
"The Twenty-First Year of Duke Xi" says: "There was a severe drought in the
summer, and the Duke wanted to burn down the witch court." In the early Warring
States period,
Duke Mu of Lu wanted to use the method of exposing witches to pray for rain, but
he gave up because of the opposition of the minister Xianzi.

Volume 10 of "Taiping Yulan" states that there was a severe drought for three
years during the reign of Duke Jinggong of the Song Dynasty.
On the first day of the ceremony: The person I pray for rain is a human being.
It is not allowed to kill people now, you will be punished by yourself.
Before he died, it rained heavily and traveled thousands of miles." Liu Xiang's
"Shuo Yuan" Volume 18 "
It is recorded in "Distinguishing Things" that
When there was a severe drought in Qi, "Yanzi said: You sincerely avoid the
exposure of your palace and share your worries with Lingshan Hebo.
Is it lucky that it rains? So Jinggong went out to expose himself, and it rained
heavily for three days." These examples
They are all the evolution of the Yin and Zhou dynasties, but with the
development of society and the awareness of human nature, traditional
Some moral concepts were also incorporated into the art of praying for rain, and
people began to pray with benevolence.
Move the gods in order to obtain God's forgiveness and sympathy, send heavy
rain, and save all things.
In the Han Dynasty, the great scholar Dong Zhongshu brought together many
traditional witchcrafts and based them on
According to the theory of yin and yang and the five elements, the art of
praying for rain becomes an orderly, complex and

Meet Chen Mengjia (

15. A Review of Ruins' Oracles, page 602, Zhonghua Book Company, 1988 edition.
The origin and characteristics of Shenxiao Thunder Method\

] Nong

A chaotic, witchcraft ritual that resembles modern large-scale group gymnastics.

First of all, Dong Zhongshu will first
Various independent witchcraft such as Fanfa, Dance, and Snow Festival before
the Qin Dynasty were rearranged and combined into
As a whole, he arranged the violent witchcraft ceremony before building altars,
setting up dragons, dancing, etc., thus making
Jiao Fa is fixed as the prelude to Wu Ling, which can be regarded as Dong
Zhongshu's innovation. Secondly he
Based on the basic principles of "opening Yin and closing Yang" and "destroying
Yang and benefiting Yin", it is believed that heaven and man
can sense each other, just as changes in weather can affect human emotions.
Human actions can also cause God to respond. The cause of drought is excessive
Yang Qi, so it is necessary to seek
The key to rain is to subside excessive Yang Qi and consciously strengthen Yin
Qi. He said:
"If you want to cause rain, move the yin to raise the yin; if you want to stop
the rain, move the yang to raise the yang. Therefore, causing rain is not
God is also doubtful (
The reason is subtle. " ① So how to open Yin and close Yang?
The north belongs to yin; fire is yang and water is yin. Therefore, when praying
for rain, you must close the south door and open it.
North Gate: It is forbidden to raise fire and sprinkle water everywhere. Another
example is that women belong to yin and men belong to yang, so they seek
When it rains, men must temporarily suffer. For example, they are not allowed to
enter the market, gatherings and drinking are prohibited, and officials
When an official sees his wife, he must treat his wife with respect and treat
her as a guest. These practices should be carried out at the same time until the
heavy rain falls.

In "Qiu Yu", Volume 16 of "Chun Qiu Fan Lu", Dong Zhongshu comprehensively and
systematically discussed
It describes the five rain-seeking rituals he designed in spring, summer,
seasonal summer, autumn and winter. these rituals
This includes worshiping the gods of this season, building rain altars, placing
earth dragons, dancing, and chiseling.
There are various aspects such as placing toads in the pond and implementing
various measures to open Yin and close Yang. In each link,
The rituals must comply with the requirements of the Five Elements Theory. In
these ceremonies, three-year-old males are chosen
Chickens and three-year-old boars were "burned in the Sitong Divine Universe."
When they heard the sound of drums, they all burned pig tails.
"Taking the bones of the dead and burying them, digging mountains and deep
abyss, accumulating salary and burning them", and exposing wizards to the sun
are all examples of this.
It inherited the ritual method of burning sacrifice. In addition, an altar is
built at the selected location to worship the gods.

See Dong Zhongshu's "

"Spring and Autumn Fanlu" Volume 13 "Like Moves Together".
"Biography of Dong Zhongshu" Yan Shigu Annotation, "
Book of the Later Han Dynasty,
"Book of Etiquette" cited by Liu Zhao.

@ ) ( ^ ) ( ^ ) @ /

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Spirits, placing earth dragons, releasing toads, fasting blessings, dancing to

distract the gods, and smoothing the road
Building roads, building bridges, clearing ditches, burying bones, etc. are the
origins of ancient snow rituals.
exhibition. In this way, Dong Zhongshu’s new snow ceremony has become a great
combination of traditional rain-seeking witchcraft.
into 0
Dong Zhongshu's theory of opening yin and closing yang and rain-seeking
instrument have had a profound impact on future generations.
ring. In the summer of the sixth year of Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty (81
BC), the government held a heavy snowfall and issued an order "No
Gotta lift the fire.”
The Continuation of the Book of Han·Li Zhi also says that whenever there was a
severe drought during the Eastern Han Dynasty, "
The officials performed the snow ceremony to pray for rain: shut down the sun,
dress soap, raise the earth dragon, set up the earth people, dance
"Tong Erling changes like a story in seven days." These are all Dong's theories
used by the Han Dynasty court.
Clear evidence. Later feudal dynasties also frequently used this method, such as
the Emperor Xiaojing of the Eastern Wei Dynasty in the second year of Tianping
(5 3 5) A severe drought occurred in May, and the government ordered "
City gates, palace gates, provinces, prefectures,

"Dousing people at the gates of temples and offices", even princes and ministers
are not exempt from this, and
There is no time limit for watering people, "
The rain will stop."
② Until the Ming Dynasty, some officials still followed Dong’s
Zhongshu's ritual of "closing the south gate of the city and placing water
outside it" prays for rain.

Dong Zhongshu used the earth dragon to pray for rain, which caused a stir in the
academic circles of the Han Dynasty.
Great debate. Thinkers represented by Yang Xiong and Huan Tan clearly refute
similar induction
It is said that it is unreasonable to use earth dragons to pray for rain, and it
is untrue and difficult to prove. But Liu Xin firmly believed that he did not
Doubtful, he "
He is equipped with tools for making earthen dragons, playing music, and all
kinds of magic arts."
④. Later the king
Chong also listed fifteen examples of objects with similar shapes being able to
sense, to refute Yang, Huan and others.
people; and explain from four aspects that the earth dragon's request for rain
is consistent with "
It means "propriety". He said: "Husband
There are fifteen meanings in the category of elephants, there are four meanings
in gestures with courtesy, Zhongshu can see the deep Hong, and he can't do
Wrong, imagine the image of an earth dragon, the fruit has a shape. The dragon's
will produces water, clouds and rain, and even "⑤"
① See "
Chronicles of Emperor Zhao".
② See "
Wei Shu,
"The Book of Filial Piety".
③ See Volume 2 of Chen Maoren's "Quannan Magazine".
④ See "
"Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Chronicles of Etiquette" quoted by Liu Zhao
"New Theory".
⑤ See "
On balance
"Chaos Dragon Chapter".
The Origin and Characteristics of Shenxiao Thunder Method





It has existed since ancient times, so "Li" says: Snow sacrifice is also a
sacrifice for floods and droughts. Therefore, there is zero ceremony. Therefore
Don't ridicule, but express your gratitude.
” and further revealed the inner meaning of rituals such as snow ceremony.
Righteousness lies in changing disasters and calming people's hearts. He said: "
There are probably two kinds of disasters, one is
Political disasters can change without warning. Political disasters must be
sought patiently; even if one cannot bear to seek them
Yes, the thought of mercy and compassion is the last resort. A loving father is
to his son, a filial son is to
My dear, I know that there is no sacrifice to the gods when I am sick, and no
medicine for the pain. I also know that the disease must be incurable, and there
is no way to cure it.
Benefit, but in the end he refused to sit still and wait for death. He still
prayed for evil spirits and called for doctors and medicine.
Diligence, hope to have experience. Now that the life force is gone, nothing can
be done. If the house is in danger, use your clothes to fight back.
Sadness is limited to longing, and hope for enlightenment. The intention of the
snow sacrificer is the same as that of a loving father and a filial son. none
The disaster caused by delusion, which the people do not know, will return to
the Lord. As politicians, they hope to comfort the people, so they must
Snow" ① The so-called "
"Unexpected disasters" refers to droughts, floods, earthquakes, landslides, etc.
natural disaster.
In the vast land of ancient China, people relied on the sky for food, and the
wind and rain weather
and change are directly related to people's survival, so Fengyu technique is
ubiquitous and widely popular.
OK. After the establishment of Taoism, traditional wind and rain techniques were
incorporated into its magic system and
It was perfected and developed, and finally formed the thunderstorm with the
purpose of controlling thunderstorms and suppressing evil.
With this method, the ancient art of praying for wind and rain has also entered
a new stage.

① See "
On balance
"Ming Xue Chapter".

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

' V
:Chapter 8 丿

The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method

Shenxiao thunder method is the most important part of Taoist thunder method in
Tang and Song Dynasties. According to Qing
Huadong Xuanzi Chen Xiangzhenyan, Taoist thunder method is divided into three
services. "
The three fruits are the so-called holes
True, Dongxuan, and Dongshen are also. It is also called Xuan, Yuan and Shi tea.
These three days are right
The result is called Thunder. Since the beginning of chaos, Guangdong has been
peaceful and perfect, possessing my Dharma body. At the beginning of Hunyuan
Judgment, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Haotian was ordered to open the
sky and establish the earth. At that time, the sun and the moon would eclipse
each other, and the stars would flow and compete with each other.
In the wild, devils roam freely, different species live in the same place, Feng
Shui and fire arise from the ground. So Hao Tianning
God's reverie, tacitly united with Taiwu, refining Yuanshi's wisdom and
ancestral troubles, transforming into the God of Thunder, the high sky has
billions of thoughts
Zhang, then use the Yuanshi Brahma lamb to make a seal, use the Yuanshi jade
sound to secretly mix the mantra, and call for thunder.
Gods can eclipse the sun and moon, swallow monster stars, lift mountains, block
rivers and seas, or breathe out fierce fire throughout the universe.
Cosmos, or swallow the sea water and drain it, and rain down all kinds of
demons, and then they will be released in a short time. Then he ordered Emperor
Taiyi to
Divide the heavens and constellations, make the sun, moon and stars have their
respective longitudes and latitudes, and all things gather together according to
their kind. This is a great achievement.
毬^0 ”①
This three-grey thunder is the cardinal of creation. "The commander has 26
divisions and more than 90,000 villages.
Zuo Gan Gang, descending to the base of Kun, is powerful in the world, his voice
shakes the heavens, nourishes the souls, and cuts off evil spirits.

See Volume 65 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 198.
Jingyi's view is the perfect meal in the UK





Evil, protecting the country and calling people to heaven.”

. Can be divided into twenty-one categories, including three hundred and thirty-
Kind of thunder method.
① Huang Yingyan said: "How complicated the thunder method is! The gods use

Bai Yuchan also pointed out: "Although the yin and yang are stimulated, it is
also driven by the gods and men, and thunder causes rain.
Come down. The sound is the sound of the benevolence of heaven and earth. On the
fifth day of the spring equinox, Lei Nai made a sound that could be heard
hundreds of times.
Here, it shakes the nine heavens and shakes the nine earths, frightens the whole
world and turns the four seas upside down.
” ③ There are ten thunders and thirty thunders
There are six thunders, but the master of them all is King Shenxiao Jade
Qingzhen. Even the thunder methods of other Taoist sects,
For example, the main god worshiped by Qingwei sect Leifa is the Three Pure Ones
and Four Royals, and the gods Chen and Jiuchen. It can be seen from this that
The Taoist thunder method of the Tang and Song dynasties took Shenxiao thunder
method as its core, and hundreds of schools of thunder methods may have
developed based on it.
Changes may be greatly influenced by its principles. It can be seen that the
study of Shenxiao Thunder Method can not only
In order to further comprehensively understand Shenxiao Sect, it will also help
to understand other Taoist sects.

Section 1 The unity of man and nature and independent life

First of all, it must be explained that if any Taoism lacks ideological support
and theoretical basis,
foundation, its system is incomplete, its life is weak and short, its
The impact is pale and superficial. Therefore, when constructing their thunder
method, the masters of Shenxiao Sect pay special attention to
He often attaches great importance to the construction of theoretical aspects,
and from the very beginning he has regarded this kind of practice as having
ancient origins and unique skills.
The unique Leifa architecture is based on the theory of vitality, yin and yang
theory, and the unity of nature and man in traditional Chinese philosophy.
On the basis of observation, it provides a profound and reasonable explanation
for the practice and application of thunder method.
Shenxiao Leifa takes the theory of vitality as the core of its thinking, which
is obviously based on the Qin and Han dynasties.
Come to the popular theory of vitality. "Zhuangzi Zhibeiyou" said: "
The life of a person is the gathering of Qi.
When it gathers, it leads to life, when it disperses, it leads to death...
Therefore, it is called the Qi Er that connects the world.
"This kind of simple only

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 66, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 205.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 66, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 208.
See page 570 of Volume 2 of Tao Zang.

@ ) ( ^ ) ( ^ ) ^ ) / ^^The history and thoughts of the Shenxiao sect of Taoism

The understanding of materialism later became an important thought among doctors

and Taoists. Such as "Difficult Sutra"
"Eight Difficulties" said: "Qi is the foundation of human beings." That is to
say, Qi is the most basic component of the human body.
matter, and uses the movement and changes of qi to explain human life
activities. "The root will be eliminated and the stem will be
"The leaves will wither", and when Qi is exhausted, people will die. From the
beginning of its establishment, Taoism advocated this theory and pointed out
All things in heaven and earth are produced by and composed of vitality. 《
The Taiping Jing says: "Husband's Qi
That is why it connects the destiny of all things in heaven and earth. Heaven
and earth are the destiny of all things transformed by Qi and wind.
also. ” ① "Baopuzi Nei Chapter・"
Zhili" said: "People are in Qi, Qi is in people, and they come from heaven.
As for the earth and all things, there is nothing that does not need Qi to be
alive. "
② "The Theory of Vitality" states that there are hundreds of fishermen and
Searching for eternity, "prepare the vitality, describe the root, commit to
nature, return to the great road, and seek
Zhu Jingyi believes that Yuan Qi is originally one, "One contains the five Qi,
which are the same package; one transforms all things,
It's called heterogeneous. Since it is divided into three and becomes ten
thousand, it cannot be separated from one breath temporarily. Those with five qi
follow their orders
The nature changes according to objects and ideas, and is influenced by wind and
customs, so the changes are endless, not just tens of thousands." "Qi"
Feeling comes from nothingness, and can control all things. As for the heaven,
earth, sun, moon, stars, clouds and thunder, it depends on Qi
It is transported so that it does not fall. Wei Weihu! Dangdanghu! No end, stay
To move and enjoy the stillness is to say that Tao Qi is natural."
③ In this way, the vitality becomes the universe
The origin of the universe and the basis for the survival and change of all
things in the world.
The same is true for Shenxiao Thunder Method, which is based on vitality and
uses the five qi. "High God Xiao Jade Pivot"
"The Great Method of Cutting and Examining the Five Thunders" says: "The five
thunders are all transformed from the hernia of the founder of the Yuan Dynasty.
As soon as it starts, Tai Chi stands. Therefore, the first element of heaven is
water, which is located near the ridge; the second element of earth is fire,
which is located near Li.
The third day of the sky is wood, which is located near Zhen; the fourth place
of earth is metal, which is located near Dui; the fifth day is earth, which is
located near the center.
Then there are the names of Five Dou, Five Stars and Five Mountains, which are
actually transformed from five points. The five qi are in harmony with the
cloth, four
As time goes by, all things come into being and their transformations are
” ④ Chen Xiangzhen said: “Those who are thunderous are

① See Wang Ming's "

"Taiping Jinghe" and other 317 pages, published by Zhonghua Book Company in
December 1979.
② See page 190 of Volume 28 of "Tao Zang".
③ See "Yunji Qizhuan" Volume 56, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 2 pages 383 and 39 1.
④ See Volume 61 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 2 9 of "Tao Zang", page 165.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method, ⑷

I 245

The deification of the ancestral fruit, the Qiongwen of the three caves was
ordered to be the subordinate of the three grays.
Although there is no way to cut off the demons, they are actually a bear in
nature. "
① "Wind flow, thunderstorm
It is majestic, its presence is obvious, and its absence is unknown. Gather it
into a tea, scatter it into five thunders, and roll it up.
However, it is still and formless. It is relaxed and suddenly there is an image.
The Tao travels in the Dharma Realm. The wonder is in the spiritual platform.
Know the method of thunder
It’s not about speculation, it’s actually the same thing. ”② Wang Wenqing’s
“Eight Sections of Prayers by Wang Shichen”
He also said: "It doesn't move until a little bit, wind, thunder, clouds and
rain all come, animals and mountains and trees all come into being. Therefore,
the Dharma in the Tao
In every word, it means that heaven and earth have achieved this result, and it
is ever-changing; man is the creator of all things.
The spirit can move like this. It can feel the heaven and earth, move ghosts and
gods, breathe wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and can do anything.
Not enough. ” ③ Wang Weiyi’s "Tao Fa Xin Zhuan" also pointed out: "Hernia is a
congenital disease.
Hernia, Yuan hernia, is the origin of all things. Virtual and unyielding, moving
and out. Confucius's "Department"
"Ci" said: The heaven and earth are dense, and all things are mellow. "The
original appearance of human beings is similar to the appearance of heaven and
With one breath, the sky descends; with one breath, the heat of the earth rises;
with every breath, metal is transformed into
Liquid and silver have wonderful shapes and spirits, and are in harmony with the
Tao. "The Jade Emperor's Heart Seal Sutra" says: Everyone has his own tea.
The combination of tea and true nature cannot be maintained as it is just a
strong name. "Zhuangzi" said: The breath of mortals is
Throat, the real breath is in the heel. "Su Wen" says: Qingxu, tranquility, and
truth follow it. People can
Know the white and guard the black, be on a diet and speak carefully, and always
blow the Xun wind. If you are in the Yuanhai, you will experience infinite
use. Therefore, Mencius' cock crows and breeds in goodness to nourish the vast
tea. "Bao Yi Zhenren
It is said: The person who understands the three talents has one plus ear, the
sky moves with the phase, the earth takes place with the trap, and the yin and
yang move with the
Tea makes people feel comfortable, and wind and thunder are born from tea. ”④
From what has been said above, it can be seen that Xiantian Yuancha is Yu
The foundation of creation in the universe is also the source of thunder.
According to the Taoist theory of cosmogenesis, Yin and Yang are produced from
one Qi, and the news of Yin and Yang
Luck and transformation are the origin of all things, and the heaven and earth
are embodied. Yin and Yang are the three talents, five elements, eight trigrams,

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 65, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 198.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 66, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 205 and 206.
See Volume 69 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 226.
See "Tao Zang", volume 3 2, page 4 2 1.

It’s also true that people pierce people and measure people’s shapes/The history
and thought of the Shenxiao sect of Erdaoism

Manifest power for action. Chen Xiangzhen's "Thunder Gangmu Theory" said: "Tao
comes from Wuji and Tai.
Extremely, its body is completely reduced to one fruit, with movement and
stillness divided into yin and yang. The yin and yang move and the sun and moon
are beautiful. day for
Yang governs the sky, and the moon governs the earth as Yin. Douchi is the
middle pole, mediates Yin and Yang, governs people, and combines three.
The sun and the moon move together in unison, the yin and yang close together
and the thunder trembles.
” ① Zhang Shanyuan’s "Thunder Mystery"
Point out: Yin and Yang are like thunder, giving birth to all things, and are
the cardinals of heaven and earth. But there are both
Another I)
, thunder is yang, thunder is yin, thunder is good for life, thunder is evil for
killing. "The yin and yang are stimulated and peeled off, and the
It is thunder, and it is thunder. The combination of yin and yang creates
thunder, and swiftness creates thunder. Yin and Yang two teas, inside
They spread out and turn around, attacking each other, and they are quick and
thunderous. Just gather together to take care of the opportunity of life and
Therefore, it can hit objects "②
Wang Wenqing's "Thunder Theory" summarizes: "Those who thunder are the cardinals
of heaven and earth.
The machine is named Cardinal. The two stations are located in the east and
west, and the total photography department is Thunder Seventy-Two. Yang thunder
and Yin thunder,
Pivotal yin and yang, thunder is good and thunders evil, thunder is good and
angry, thunders evil and murderous, angry and murderous, two qi
There will always be severe stimulation. The wonderful ones of thunder are three
in the east and two in the south, one in the north and four in the west, and
five in the middle.
Having returned to Zhong, the ancestor of Tarsus, Lei belongs to Kun Earth, and
sits in the Zhong Palace. Thunder is God's command
He is endowed with Qi in heaven and earth, so he specializes in killing evil and
evil. There are thunder one, thunder two, thunder
3. Lei Si and Lei Wu govern the four poles, and the four poles are in the
middle. Therefore, thunder is the order of heaven.
He has the greatest authority, and everything in the Three Realms and Nine Lands
belongs to Chief Lei Si. ”③
Broadly speaking, not only the thunder is the result of the stimulation of yin
and yang, but also the migration of the four seasons,
Weather changes and the birth and death of all things are caused by the movement
of yin and yang. Just as yin takes yang and becomes wind,
Yang becomes yin and becomes rain, hardness becomes softness and becomes clouds,
softness becomes hardness and becomes thunder. Zhang Shanyuan's "Thunderbolt
"Lun" said: "Wind and rain are caused by the combination of yin and yang, so it
can adjust the peace. Strong wind and rain, yin and yang change
"The so-called "wind two" is made from six virtual points, "it turns into wind
and turns with the sky."
The axis of the earth is rising, so the households in the Xunda area are called
wind gates. The empty valley generates wind, and when the conditions are met,
the five phases are harmonious

See Volume 66 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Cai" Volume 29, Page 205.
See "Tao Zang", volume 29, page 210.
See Volume 67 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 215.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method \ advance) (5

叵) | 247

If it is flat, if it is contrary to the conditions, the five elements will be

erroneous. When there is wind and rain, it is extremely hot; when the south is
warm and the north is cold, the weather is extremely hot.
Often. Or the rotation of southeast, northwest, sunny and rainy, and the changes
of heaven and earth due to one fruit.
The wonder of union and division." The clouds and mist are the spirit of heaven
and earth. The yang spirit is condensed by the yin essence to become the sky.
The yin spirit is the spirit of heaven and earth.
The essence is combined with the yang spirit to form the earth. "The yin essence
descends and the earth responds, and the mountains and rivers emerge from the
clouds; the yang spirit rises and
The sky does not respond, and the caves become foggy. If it is not the rise and
fall of yin and yang, it will be the miasma of the mountains." In addition,
Thunder, lightning, rain, dew, etc. are all caused by the two qi of yin and
yang. "In thunder, yin is outside and yang is outside."
Inside, it is peeled off and turned into thunder, which has sound but no
quality. Electricity has yin inside and yang outside.
Vent and become electricity, there is light and no sound. When it rains, the sky
falls, the earth rises, the yin and yang are harmonious,
Sweet and turbid. Frost, dew, snow, hail, and sleet are caused by the rise and
fall of yin and yang, indicating the chill of autumn and winter.
The ashes are frost, the fertility peaks in spring and summer are dew, and the
lambs in the four seasons are snow.
The time is also good and permeable. When yin and yang meet but do not
harmonize, yin threatens yang, yang disease does not interfere with each other
and causes irritation.
hail. Yin hernia is stagnant, but the Yang heat is subtle, and the Yin energy
does not penetrate into each other and disperses into slug. Xia person,
When the sun rises and sets, the fruits of Kunlun Chishui are reflected. The
reason is that when the sun shines on the clouds, they become
Colorful too. It will rain in the morning and clear in the evening. The rainbow
looks to the west and twilight to the east, the sun shines on the water, the sky
and the earth
Intoxication refers to the excessive Qi, red refers to the fruits of the earth,
and green refers to the essence of the sky. Husband, Yin and Yang are at peace,
Times and seasons are prosperous; yin and yang intersect, the sun and moon
eclipse, this is the normal state of heaven and earth." In other words,
When yin and yang are in balance, the weather will be smooth and everything will
be in good condition; when yin and yang are out of balance, it will lead to
"droughts and floods."

Wang Weiyi's "Tao Fa Xin Zhuan" also says: "
Husband, there are clear and turbid movements in movement, and the clear rises
to yang.
Turbidity descends into yin, yin and yang change, and their principles are
different. Therefore, yin and yang rise and fall to form rain, and yin and yang
Fighting makes thunder, yin and yang condense into electricity, yin and yang are
harmonious and become snow, yin is weak and yang is strong, and it becomes snow.
Wind, when yin is strong and yang is weak, it becomes clouds; when yin is strong
and yang is weak, it becomes dew; when yin is weak and yang condenses, it
becomes frost.
If the yang is not flowing smoothly, it will be hail, if it cannot rise or fall,
it will be fog, if it cannot kill rice, it will be plague, if it is not good, it
will be wrong.
For the sake of killing, the lustful water turns into neon, and the lustful fire
turns into exhaustion. Those who carry out thunder must not understand this.

See page 210 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Shenxiao Thunder Method is based on vitality and uses yin and yang. Taking
vitality as the foundation of everything in the world
Based on the concept of origin, it is believed that human beings are a small
world and are of the same origin as the big world of the universe.
body, the same operating rules, and the same generation program, thus
establishing the theoretical foundation of Lei method.
Based on the human life philosophy of simulated cosmology. This unique
philosophy of life
Learning can be summarized by the term "human body and small world" commonly
used in Taoist scriptures. "Yellow Emperor"
"Yin Fu Jing" says: "The universe depends on the hand, and all transformations
come from the body." Xia Zongyu's note: "
of people
One body, one day and one earth. There are yin and yang rising and falling,
black rabbits coming and going, tides coming and going, and
The wind and rain are bright and dark, there are thunder and lightning, there
are puffing clouds, there are mountains and rivers, and there are lush
Dry, moving, still, silent, and changing, all are similar to the sky. "
② Wang Wenqing also said:
At the beginning of the Kuoran fruit, I feel refreshed and refreshed, with no
external desires. This body is in harmony with heaven and earth.
Externally and internally, everything is in my hands.

On the basis of the theory of the unity of heaven and man, the mutual
interaction between man and heaven and earth is a natural
The result is natural. In this regard, Wang Wenqing pointed out that human
beings are the spirit of all things in the world, and they are both internal and
Connected with the creation of the universe. He said:"
Human beings are endowed with the solemnity of heaven and earth to live, and
heaven and earth are upright and selfless.
Human beings can take over the creation of heaven and earth. The three talents
of Heaven, Earth and Man are so connected, and holding your breath for ten
thousand fates, you will be with
The sky and the earth are both exterior and interior, so how can there be wind,
rain, thunder and lightning? The sky is covered with sun, moon and stars, and
the light can be
Illuminating the world. Humans have eyes, ears, and nose, and they can hear and
see everything in the world. There are three lands
The rivers and lakes, the four seas and the five mountains, the four limbs are
all things. This body is the earth, mountains and rivers.
Nothing is prepared. If I can calm down the conditions and adjust my Qi, I can
restrain the response in my body and combine the secrets of heaven and earth,
If I use my true intention and pay attention to what I do, then the heaven and
earth will really follow my will, and my opinions will be firm.
Yes, this is a sure thing.
④ The core of Leifa Nei Kung Fu training is to concentrate on

"Tao Zang" Volume 32, Page 423.
"Yellow Emperor's Yinfu Jing Lecture Notes" Volume 1, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2, page 723.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 69, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, page 226.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 69, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, page 233.
The inner meaning and influence of Shenxiaoxi Dharma,


In a state of tranquility, you can truly and deeply feel the impact of weather
changes on the inside of your body.
ring. Wang Wenqing said: "You should use your breathing skills to calm down, and
then you will receive retribution. Yun Zhichu
Yes, the qi is steaming; when the rain comes, it causes drowning; when the rain
does not come, the qi becomes inflamed and the bladder
His breath is urgent; his eyes are itchy and his eyes suddenly flicker due to
the movement of electricity; his eyes are suddenly flickering due to the
movement of thunder;
There is a sound of dripping and dripping, and the five internal organs buzz
suddenly. Those who practice it should be anxious to arouse the fire in their
hearts and surge up.
To flush it with kidney water, first close five households and examine the five
elements internally. This is the trick: ① This way of treating people
The internal power of thunder, which is comparable to that of heaven and earth
and interacts with heaven and man, seems to have a mystical color.
Colorful, but its appearance must be related to the special experience and
special skills produced in the inner practice of alchemy.
Can be related. In fact, some accomplished practitioners can actually perceive
various aspects of nature.
changes, predicting the climate in the coming days. They think it will be sunny,
rainy, or rising
Wind, thunder, cold and heat, and coolness can all be predicted using internal
energy. As predicted day
Qingfa: "The experience in the body is extremely tight. It should be circulated
from Wusi to make the vitality unified."
Zhou, after twilight, calm down, how about internal refining? If you wake up
like this and get rewarded, your heart will be on fire.
Inflammation, bile dripping down, irritability and steaming all over the body,
slight itching in the throat, then the way of heaven will clear up. "

Bai Yuchan had a very subtle understanding. He said: "Wind is the sundae, fire
is the
Heart. Thunder is caused by gallbladder hernia. Electricity is also fire, and
rain is kidney water. Exercise yourself Yinhai
The lamb fills the sky and the earth, and there is rain. Those who are sunny
have a burning heart. Thinking about the scorching heat all over the world
Fire burns its own ashes, and the sky is clear. Snow and hail, use all the Yin
to reverse, save the Yang first
When it rises and the yin descends, you will know it is true. "For example, when
praying for rain and casting a spell, "Cold sweat wets your left arm first.
It rains from the east; wet your right arm first, then it rains from the west;
wet your head, then it rains from the south; wet your head
Kidney, rain starts in the north." ③ Of course, these realizations of Wang
Wenqing, Bai Yuchan and others,
It is difficult for ordinary people to verify. But in fact, what we are talking
about is the work of Qi and energy in the human body.
It involves the relationship between external Qi and nature, as well as certain
skills produced during internal practice.

See "The Family Words of Mr. Wang, Chongxu Tongmiaoshichen", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2, Page 3 9 2.
See "The Family Sayings of Mr. Wang Chongxu Tongmiaoshichen", "Tao Zang", Volume
3 2, Page 3%.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 70
Notes on "Xuanzhu Song", Volume 29 of "Tao Zang", pages 235 and 238.



The history and thoughts of Yierhuanjiaoshenshi sect

Can be related.
To sum up, man, heaven and earth are three talents. They are both born from the
vitality and yin and yang.
Transformation, so the inside and outside correspond, and heaven and man
complement each other. Yuan Yuyan's "The Development of Zhou Yi Shen Tong Qi"
Volume 5
Said: "The head stem and belly kun of a human body are like heaven and earth,
and the two qi rise and fall like heaven and earth."
land. "Secrets of Inner Fingering to Tongxuan" says: The sun and moon always
travel along the yellow equator, and all the people who have learned this method
have returned the elixir.
Its method is no different from that of heaven and earth. ”① In this way, it
greatly exalts the creation of man in heaven and earth.
The subjective initiative in transformation, because the human body is already
filled with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.
Through acquired hard work and concentrated inner training, people can
completely control the thunder and master their own power.
own destiny. Yufeng said: "Thunder, lightning, wind, rain, and hail are all in
my body and two kidneys.
It is the fruit of heaven and earth. Because heaven and earth are upright and
selfless, people can take over the creation of heaven and earth. The universe
cares about it.
Hands, all transformations come into being in the body. ” ② Wang Wenqing also
pointed out: “Tao as the body and law as the use.
Cultivate it from within, kill corpses and ghosts, explore mysteries, gather the
five elements, combine the four images, water and fire
After Ji Ji, metal and wood merged together, refined by the sun and cooked by
the moon, the womb was transformed into a god, and he became a high-level
immortal. For external use
Then, kill the evildoers, combine the thunder, breathe the essence of five
points, and mix the generals of the five thunders,
The so-called five fruits of Zhongli, mixed with hundreds of gods, use the god
of my life to summon the god of nothingness.
What I do is combined with that of nothingness. In addition, with the help of
Bugang Juemu and secret mantras,
The transformation machine, if it complies with the contract, carries the
thunder in the palm, wraps the heaven and earth in the body, and says Yang Er
It rains when it rains, so the response is as fast as the influence. ”③
This idea of harnessing thunder and mastering nature fully demonstrates the
positive and effective nature of Taoism.
The fighting spirit for. Here, the relationship between heaven and man in
Chinese philosophy is embodied in the human
Relationship with Thunder. In this relationship, people first experience
something beyond themselves
power and the inevitability of fear, while experiencing the impact of thunder
and lightning on human survival.
The dual nature of good and evil, life and death. From the initial relationship
between heaven and man, man was in

① See "Tao Zang", volume 20, page 225.

② See Volume 69 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 2 9 of "Tao Zang", page 2 3 3.
③ See "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 61, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, page 165.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\




The mentality of absolute inferiority, to the point that after inventing various
spells, people face difficulties in communicating with gods.
From the pursuit of harmony between man and nature to the ideal of grasping
nature and using thunder to conquer heaven, we
What is seen is on the scale composed of heaven and man. One end of "sky"
gradually lowers,
The historical picture of the gradual rise of one end of "human beings". Volume
5 of "Xisheng Jing": "My destiny
To me, I do not belong to heaven and earth. I don't see or hear, I don't know,
the spirit doesn't leave the body, and it lasts with the Tao. I
It is governed by the same breath as the heaven and earth, and it maintains its
” ① "Baopu Zi Nei Chapter - Huang Bai" said:
"The "Turtle Shell" says: My life depends on me but not in heaven, and it will
take hundreds of millions of years to turn the elixir into gold." ② These
The slogans of enlightenment and self-determination of destiny appear repeatedly
in various Taoist books, which are clear
It reflects one of the characteristics of Taoist thunder method and alchemy
skill: that is, giving full play to people’s subjective abilities.
Motivational, explore the world with an enterprising spirit and an insatiable
thirst for knowledge.
explore the mysteries of matter and the universe, search for the laws governing
the healthy development of human society, and gain control over our own
The path to freedom of one's own destiny, so as to achieve the ideal of harmony
between nature and man and common prosperity of all things.

Section 2 The inner alchemy is the basis and the talisman is used
As mentioned before, Shenxiao Thunder Method is a kind of talisman, incantation,
and pointing method that integrates Taoist tradition.
It is a new Tao method that integrates Jue, Yubu, Qigong, Shen Shen and Neidan,
and adopts the method of absorbing
It has incorporated the practice methods, mantras and mantras of Confucianism,
Zen and Esoteric Buddhism, and can be said to be inclusive of hundreds of
schools of thought.
The essence of all arts. But at its root, the thunder method is directly derived
from the talisman series and is one of the talismans.
The art is a product based on the art of teaching inner alchemy under new
historical conditions. In other words
In short, the talisman and the inner elixir are the two pillars of the thunder
method system. The inner elixir is the foundation, and the talisman is the
The organic integration of the two finally pushed this new type of Taoism to the
forefront of history.
front desk.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 1 4 Page 5%.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 233.

be treated by others



/ one


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect

Due to different Taoist teachings and cultural backgrounds, Alchemy and Leifa
are originally unrelated.
There are two major techniques involved. Historically, alchemy and ancient
magic, qi, and guidance have
Gongyi, Fangzhong, Waidan, Fuyi and other immortal alchemy techniques come from
the same origin.
His body and pursuit of immortality are his ideals. However, thunder method
originated from ancient witchcraft and folk magic.
Faith, together with talismans, incantations, prayers, exorcisms, subduing
demons, curing diseases, relieving misfortune, praying
Alchemy techniques such as clearing the sky and praying for rain are closely
related to caring about the sufferings of the people and paying attention to
social welfare.
Great compassion. Objectively speaking, in terms of their impact on society,
spells, thunder spells, etc.
The Taoism of Taoism is obviously greater than the Taoism of Qi Technique and
Alchemy Taoism, just like the Taoism of Fulu Sect.
The influence is the same as that of the Danding Sect. Under the new historical
conditions, Taoist inner elixir
The science of Taoism needs to be developed in a broader scope, and Taoist
talismanology urgently requires
Until the theory is perfected, otherwise the inner elixir and the talisman will
be in trouble, making it difficult to survive and
develop. It is out of this cultural background that Taoist Alchemy and Leifa
began to merge.
Nanzong, the main sect of alchemy, and Shenxiao sect, the important sect of Fulu
sect, spread their influence from each other.
Sharing the mantle. So, what do Alchemy and Leifa have in common? What's not to
Similarities? This is discussed below.
First of all, the basic theory of Taoist thunder method, like inner alchemy, is
still "
The concept of "human unity". From the perspective of human body as a small
world, in Taoism, human beings believe that
Because, the gods of the Thunder Department summoned by the Thunder Method are
essentially one with their own energy and spirit. advocate
Based on one's own internal refining skills, the essence, energy and spirit
return to the innate world, and only the soul (
A little bit of spirit
Only by using light can one be able to communicate with the gods and achieve
goals that cannot be achieved by human power. as
"Qingwei Dan Jue" says: "
Righteousness of oneself and sincerity harmonizes the mind, so the Tao is the
Dharma, and the Dharma
That is Tao. Heaven will keep the law, earth will guard the gate, Yuan Chen will
do things, the aura will always exist, and it can drive away
Evil can cure diseases, reach emperors, scream wind and thunder, and mediate
fortune. early
There is no need for many branches and vines, just one word, it reaches
"It also goes: "The most important thing in the Dharma is the law.
The important thing is not to specialize in talismans, not to stick to spells,
but to use my correctness first and combine the spirit of the general. system of
It depends on Dou. Dou is unified and participates in Zhenggang. It is the
achievement of the four righteousnesses and is called the Zhongzheng. solemn
The essence and influence of Shenxiaoxiao's method'



The Gang is the evil spirit of fighting. The sky fights and turns around, and
the Gang is the same. But my fight,
Where does my strength lie? It must be understood that in my fight, all three
can be used together, and everything can be tested and understood.
also. When it condenses, the wonders of the orifice can be seen; when it moves,
it can be understood silently; the divine fruit is clear and bright, as bright
as the autumn moon; and when it is still,
The wonder in the law, the mystery in the law, can be understood silently. How
can it be combined with the original residence in heaven? But second place
In the midst of the fight, within the fixed light, I will use the spirit to
connect each other, and when they join together, they will become generals, and
then all diseases will disappear.
All evil is lurking. Therefore, virtue is the talisman of Tao, and sincerity is
the foundation of law. Tao without virtue is not enough to be Tao, and law is
the foundation of law.
There are no words to express sincerity. "
① That is to say, it is repeatedly emphasized that human spirit and moral
cultivation are in Lei Fa
important role in.
In this way, the thunder method itself must rely on the internal refining method
as its foundation. Wang Wenqing
It is pointed out that the practice of inner alchemy starts with calmness and
concentration, and the second thought is to think about the intercourse of water
and fire, and to think about metal.
Light circulates, and God summons generals. "
After walking for a long time, over time and over time, the spirit, energy and
essence will naturally condense.
On the one hand, it can shed its shell and pay homage to the Yuan Dynasty, on
the other hand, it can live forever, and on the other hand, it can stir up
clouds and cause rain, and use electricity to control electricity.
Whip Ting can help people and material things, so why not?" The so-called gods
of the Lei Department are all gods of their own bodies.
Transformed by Qi. Like the five generals envoys from the Ministry of Thunder, "
The messenger is the Yuan Shen, and Cheng Yong is the Yuan Shen Yuan Jing.
"Yes, the fruits of the five internal organs are the five generals"②. As soon
as the true intention of the Yuan Shen moved, the gods of the Lei Department
came to the altar.
When it falls, it can stir up thunder and create strong winds.
Second, the practice of alchemy and thunder methods all use the three treasures
of essence, energy and spirit. Zhang Boduan
The way of Fujindan is more precious than medicine, and medicine depends on
essence, energy, and spirit. Shen starts with divine light.
Jing begins with essence, and qi begins with vitality. "
③ Bai Yuchan also said: "There are only three things in the human body.
Materials, spirits and tea are always preserved. The essence is not about
friendship, but about the birth of the Jade Emperor. That
It turned out that it was not a respiratory disease, but it turned out to be Tai
Su Yan. Its god is not the god of thinking, but can be compared with Yuanshi
Compared to the shoulder. "
④ They all advocate refining the essence and spirit internally to form a golden
elixir. As Chen Zhixu said:
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 4, pages 963 and 964.
② See "The Family Words of Mr. Wang, the Miao Shi Chen of Chongxu Tong", pages
393 and 391 of Volume 32 of "Tao Zang".
③ See Zhang Boduan's Volume 2 of "Jade Purple Bamboo Shoots and Green Flower
Secret Inscriptions on the Golden Indoor Alchemy Secret", Volume 4 of "Tao Zang"
375 pages.
④ See "
Ten Books on Cultivation,
Volume 39 of "Shangqing Collection", Volume 4 of "Tao Zang", page 7 8 3.
254 |

Xueye is from Yong, Liu/—

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Its use brings out the essence, energy and spirit, and its name refers to the
golden elixir. ” ① The practice and application of thunder method are also
based on
Jingqi Shen is the fundamental spiritual power. Zhu Zhizhong pointed out that
the medicines collected are refined with heat and combined with
Cheng Dan, transcending the ordinary and becoming a saint, can help the world
and bring peace to the people. "The key to its use is the movement of movement,
which comes from
Not moving; doing something comes from inaction. Just refine it into ashes,
refine it and become a god, refine it into a god
It’s just the way to go. If it works, it seems to have no effect. It returns to
tranquility, like a dragon raising pearls, like a chicken
When you hold an egg, you can have no experience, but you can't ask for it with
your heart; you can guard it with your heart, but you can't have it with your
for. ” ② Tianshi Zhang Xujing believes that people have essence, energy, and
spirit. This “human body”
"Three Treasures" are all formed by one innate Qi. He said: "There is no truth
outside of one truth, and ancestor tea can channel spirits."
Have this body. The magic effect of Tao in one life and three lives, Yuanjing
Yuanzhao and Yuanshen", "
Resnaisian weatherization
It’s done, all the sages in the heavens are united in truth. We are of the same
body, and we share the same ancestors and the same clan.”③
Make your body and the immortals have the same energy, and your heart can be in
harmony with the gods. The heart is the Dharma, and the gods can reach the sky,
that is,
It can activate thunder machines, command the thunder god, summon soldiers and
generals, and control the wind and rain. Bai Yuchan also recognizes it
Because the basis of alchemy and thunder method is the same, that is the essence
and spirit of the human body. he
Said: "Collect tea to preserve the spirit, cherish the essence and love
yourself, refine the elixir internally, and use it externally to create the
method." What is said here
The second method refers to the thunder method. He also cited the teachings of
"Laozi" to prove the method of thunder and elixir.
The unity of the Tao: "The sky will be pure, the earth will be peaceful, and the
gods will be spiritual. One,
Hernia also. The heaven and the earth rise and fall according to the image, and
the human body breathes according to the image. You can know the way to keep
oneness and be still.
It is a golden elixir, and when it moves, it is a thunderbolt. ” ④ It can be
seen that thunder method and alchemy method are originally from the same source.
When nourished internally, it becomes a golden elixir; when used externally, it
becomes a thunderbolt. The two complement each other and are harmonious.
Bai Yuchan said that the effectiveness of the thunder spell mainly depends on
the internal practice of the practitioner.
Husband, internal training relies entirely on one mind to work. He said: "The
ultimate way lies in the heart, that is, the heart

See the preface to "Three Notes on Ziyang Zhenren's Enlightenment Chapter", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2, Page 9 7 1.
See Volume 76 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 2 9 of "Tao Zang", page 2 6 3.
See Volume 71 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 2 9 of "Tao Zang", page 2 3 9.
See the notes to "Xuanzhu Ge" in Volume 70 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", pages 234 and
235 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\


It is the Tao. Inside and outside the six sense organs, the scenery is ordinary,
the internal things are transferred, and eventually there is old age and death,
Yuan Hemo
With good luck, you can live forever. ... The key to the Tao is to be extremely
still to concentrate one's mind, and to think deeply to understand it
Feelings, fasting to be true, being kind to achieve success, being humble to
preserve sincerity, and having a clear mind
When you think, your thoughts will not go away unexpectedly, your heart will
always be unified, your thoughts will be free, your mind will be peaceful, and
the four elements will be clear.
Sui "① systematically describes all aspects of inner refining life, and always
grasps the importance of keeping
The key to a clear mind. He said: "All dharmas arise from the heart. The heart
is the dharma. Silence and movement
Stillness is caused by the law. There is no doubt that it is sincerity, and
abiding by one is the righteous way. Keep the same without doubt, the law
Laws are all laws of the mind. The law is the minister of the heart, and the
heart is the master of the law. 0 There is no doubt that the heart is right, and
the heart is the law.
spirit. If you stick to one thing and concentrate on it, you will be able to
practice the law with concentration. The efficacious effect of illegality covers
your heart. "

Therefore, if your mind is in harmony with the Tao, if you keep a spiritual
channel, you will be able to do the magic and inspire the gods, and there will
be no response.
When answering his disciple Liu Yuanchang's question about the gods of the Lei
Department, Bai Yuchan even considered the true nature of the gods.
Goddess are said to be transformed by essence and spirit. He said: "Madam has
three inner treasures in her body, the sun essence
Qi Shen is also. God is the Lord, and spirit is the guest; I am the Lord, and
the golden boy and beautiful girl are the guest. said
There are three thousand six hundred goddesses and thirty-six thousand gods, all
of which are transformed by essence. Today's people are confused
A horse can travel a thousand miles in a day, and its energy is weakened by
sexual desire, and its energy is exhausted by anger. Moreover, its eyes turn
with the energy, and its ears turn with the energy.
Being concealed will benefit you greatly, but what you will lose is
indescribable. I never knew the light of God
The energy is scattered outwards, and the energy is flowing in all directions.
Since the essence and energy are not preserved, how can you wish for the golden
boy and beautiful girl to be by your side? Ten thousand
God is one spirit, all qi are one qi, one gives birth to all things, takes all
things and brings them back to one, they are all under my control.
” ③ Even Lei Zu, who controls fortune and transformation, was transformed by
his own soul. He said:
The God of Thunder is also the incarnation of the Yuan Shen. When a person knows
movement and stillness, it reaches the heaven and the earth, calling the wind
and thunder,
Kill evil demons, drive away ghosts and gods, and do anything. That is to say,
you will use your own soul.
also. "
④ Wang Wenqing also said: "General, one plus. Bring out my dragon to join the

① See Volume 3 of "Quotations of Master Hai Qiongbai", Volume 33 of "Tao Zang",

page 130.
② See Volume 4 of "Quotes of Master Hai Qiongbai", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 33, Page 135.
③ See Volume 1 of "Quotations of Master Hai Qiongbai", Volume 33 of "Tao Zang",
page 111.
④ See Volume 70 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan"
"Xuanzhu Song" note, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 235.



涔)/Evolution and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Erer Taoism

As a result, all behaviors arise from one phase, covering all the turbidity in
the human body, absorbing the pure essence in the sky, and mixing it with
After that, it must be refined. The purpose of refining the fruit is to use the
five water and five fire skills to build thunder.
If he cannot be refined, he is not a god. ”①
In Bai Yuchan's opinion, the practice of thunder method is essentially the same
as the practice of inner alchemy.
Same, especially in the primary and intermediate Kung Fu stages. For example, he
sat down and practiced Kung Fu in four stages:
The first stage:"
Concentrate your mind and keep your breath, your tongue will stick to your
palate, your mind will focus inwardly, and when you look down at the Dantian,
In front of Cunzu Xiong Yin, there is an endless stream, that is, there is a
little light between the two kidneys. This is called "breaking the ground."
"Calling Thunder Method". The second stage: "When Yiyang first moves, Cunzu's
hernia starts from the lower Dantian and passes through the tail.
Lu, the slightly protruding chest and spine, is used to open the lower pass. I
feel that I am walking up from the spine, and the movement of the wheel is quiet
and slight.
Slightly extended, it is open and closed. But with his shoulders raised and his
head raised, he felt that he had passed the jade capital and was a human clay
close. The master said: Jiaji doubles as a double-closed door, and this is the
only root of practice. This name is Kaitianmen
"Following the three passes and the opening of the heavenly gate, the third
phase of Kungfu follows: "When your mouth is filled with the Law Liquid,
Close your breath and teeth, swallow slightly, and feel like a stone falling
from the Dantian. Master said: Huachi’s jade liquid is swallowed frequently
pharynx. That is, the five teas of Zhongli, mixed with a hundred gods, ten
reincarnations of spirits, ten thousand hernias and immortals, Dao Gui Li
The work of grinding and closing is all here. "Obviously, the above three stages
of kung fu are all passed down by Nan Zong.
Tongdanfa, quoted by "
"Shiyun" is what Chen Nan said, and it is all found in "Cui Xu Pian".
However, the fourth stage of Kung Fu is different from the Nanzong tradition
because it contains the secret of Thunder Technique:
The ancestral treasure is restored in the Zhonghuang Spleen Palace, forming a
ball of golden light. There is a secret word inside, which makes you feel like a
The baby is still in the state of having a fetus, the throat liquid remains and
the golden light gathers together, forgetting the opportunity and thinking, and
then remove it.
At the tail end, the body rushes straight up from the jiaji. The master said:
Yuanjun Zifu ran straight up. mind
Injection, the chest bursts, the bright hall opens from the eyebrows, looking up
at Taixu, the golden light secret words are separated
If the light fills the universe, then the messenger in the flames will see "②"
the golden light mentioned twice here
"Secret word", there is no such saying in traditional inner alchemy. This is a
unique feature in the practice of Lei method.

See "The Family Sayings of Mr. Wang Chongxu Tongmiaoshichen", "Tao Zang", Volume
3 2, Page 3 9 2.
See the note on "Sitting and Refining Kung Fu" in Volume 77 of "Tao Fa Hui
Yuan", pages 276 and 277 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method, (iii)


The root of it is taken from the "cultivation of seed characters" method of

Tantric Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty. As for "make
"" is the true spirit that drives the gods of the Thunder Department, and it is
also absent in the way of alchemy.
Different from the predecessors of the Neidan Sect, Bai Yuchan, with his grand
demeanor, can also use spells,
The art of external elixirs helps the people by benefiting things. Of course,
when applying these traditional Taoist techniques,
Bai Yuchan also transformed and transformed it with new ideas. Like traditional
spells, it’s messy
Disorganized, lacking internal basis, and unconvincing. Bai Yuchan is based on
Dan Dao
It reinterprets the ancient magic of spells and builds the magic of spells on
the basis of vitality theory.
on top of that. He said: "Now I only wear one basket, hold one position,
practice one law, and judge
A division of writing, in front of a division of generals, specializes in one
talisman and one water, but it is just the heart and mind
"If you know how to use it, your ears will be smart." "The meaning of the mantra
is more important than having a thought in your heart, then calling on the
① Point out that the effectiveness of a spell does not depend on its shape.
As the gods said before."
Keep your mind in mind"
shape, pronunciation, traditional and simple, depth, but value the "meeting of
heart and spirit", "
That is, the function of human body’s energy and spirit. Just as Shangguan
Zhenren said in his poem: "A stroke is clear and has no beginning or end.
This is the mysterious principle of thunder. If you can never forget me, all the
gods of the three realms will pay homage to you. " Bai Yu
The Toad Commentary says: "Whenever you practice, you must prepare an incense
case, face south, burn incense, sit down, breathe calmly and concentrate.
Hold the two hand mines firmly, close your eyes and focus, but look down at the
two kidneys with your tongue on the roof of your mouth.
When I am calm and calm, my soul is at peace, my heart is like the sun, as big
as a wheel, and its red light is brilliant.
Yi, nine rays of light shoot across each other, suddenly there is something. . .
Three words, golden light shines brightly, as soon as it is breathed into the
heart palace,
Seeing that the heart is like a lotus, the three characters are in the lotus of
the sun, and I feel the jade liquid water a little, and I swallow the bet.
The palace of the human heart is naturally like crystal jade dew, emerging from
the lotus, descending and dripping into the Xuanfu, like the sun.
The light of the moon shines through the five inner beings. Real water is
dripping, rustling, water and fire are peeling off, naturally
The fire is raging in the wind, but it is transported from the three passes,
rises into the flames, and enters the root of the ancestral fruit in the middle
palace. Right now
With the intention of mentioning it, he penetrated the twelve layers of the Jade
Tower, passed the strong wind and powerful fruits, and reached the eighth
At the Wonderful Gate, the sun and the moon reflect each other, the body is
fiery, the golden light shines brightly, and the rays of light burst out in all
directions. This is the golden door.

See Volume 1 of "Quotations of Master Hai Qiongbai", Volume 33 of "Tao Zang",

pages 113 and 114.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Projectiles too. Then it is transported into the middle palace, accepted with a
slight throat rhythm, stored in the ancestral ashes, and filled
In the middle palace, there is the Huangting of Yongzhen, where the golden light
shines brightly and the inside and outside are clear. Every day at the time of
Ziwu and Maoyou
If you practice once and practice in this way, you will get enlightenment from a
wise master, and the mystery will gradually become a reality.
① Here
It can be seen that the inner secret of Shufu lies entirely in internal
practice. Only by persisting in internal practice at ordinary times can there be
What you have achieved is filled with ancestral energy and shining golden light.
Only then can you be in harmony with the Tao and inspire the true spirit.
Third, both alchemy and thunder methods take dual cultivation of life and life
as the basic principle of practice. Cong Zhong
Beginning with Li Quan, Lu Dongbin, Chen Nao, Zhang Boduan, etc., no matter
which sect of the Taoist inner alchemy sect
Nature, innate to God, one
No matter what sect, they all advocate the cultivation of both life and life.
For example, Li Daochun of Yuan Dynasty said: "
It is also called spirit. Fate is the innate essence, which is called one Qi,
and is the root of essence and life.
The creation of nature depends on the heart, and the creation of fate depends on
the body. the word "body and mind", spirit
The spirit of abandonment is the foundation of life. Nature cannot be
established without life, life cannot exist without nature, and its name is
Although there are two, the principle is one. "
② It can be seen that Xing and Ming have different names and the same reason,
but they are human life.
The two most basic functions of the ontology are the so-called "
The original is one and the use is two." This kind of
The method of understanding human life phenomena from the perspective of life
and life is an important feature of Taoist philosophy.
The practice of thunder method also requires the practice of both life and life
in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment. "Innate Thunder Crystal"
hidden book・
Xiantian Yijia Lun" says: "
Life is the foundation of one fruit, as mentioned in the first chapter. Someday
The nature of the earth has the nature of temperament, and the life of a person
exists in one body. Therefore, the root of nature and vitality,
It’s about nature and nurture. The sex system is the birth gate and resides in
the heart. The way of nature is innate.
Life is related to the kidney, and the body is in the spleen, which is the day
after tomorrow. For those who are born, the child’s forehead is not closed, so
By department. Therefore, in the first, second, and third months of pregnancy,
the hernia of the soul-destined leader, the spiritual being, and the immortal is
still there.
Innate; in April, the result of the Soul Ming Yuanyang Corpse Ming Yan is the
day after tomorrow. One person added to another, by
Parents are in sympathy with each other. When they were not born, they were held
by the dragon of heaven and earth. In the mother's womb, the child's abdominal
belt was connected to the mother's umbilical cord.
Connected, the mother also breathes out when she breathes out, and the mother
breathes in when she breathes in. When you are alive, cut the umbilical cord and
let each of you breathe

See Volume 77 of "Daofa Huiyuan" "Inner Secrets of Shufu", Volume 29 of "Daoqi",
page 277.
See Volume 4 of Li Daochun's "Zhonghe Collection"
"The Theory of Life and Life", "Tao Zang", Volume 4, Page 503.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\ Out


II 259

Inhale, in one breath, it is tied to an inch and a half of the ancestral part of
the root of the nature, it is as hard as iron, and it is as soft as
Like cotton, it faces the navel in front and the kidneys in the back. It is
surrounded by Liuhe and Liuqiao, with two holes on the top and bottom to deal
with dryness.
Kun, so Qian and Kun gave birth to six sons. With this thought, they control all
dharmas. It is called the innate mother
No, the upper part is connected to the mud pill, the lower part is connected to
the gushing spring, and the 84,000 hairs, muscles and bones are dispersed and
cannot be reached.
Call! People cannot respect their Qi, value their tea, treasure their lives,
love their gods, and will bring about their own death.
away from its true ear. The Alchemy Sutra says: There is a time when the spirit
is born, and when the time comes, the spirit comes. During a hundred moments, be
careful not to
coma. When the mother of heaven and earth is born, the clothing of the human
body is like the sense of the like, and it also springs from the spring.
Life, ascending Dantian, silently transforming tea to create the human body.
Therefore, it is said: The shape is a house of ashes.
Also, God is the Lord of physical hernia. The form and Qi are not gods, just one
thing, no spirit? God has no form
Qi, boundless and without a destination, it seems that it has nothing to do with
the gods?" Zhang Boduan was also quoted as saying, emphasizing the dual
cultivation of life and life.
As for life and life, the two cannot be neglected. Cultivation of one’s nature
without cultivating one’s life, Ziyang’s so-called
The spirit belongs to Yin, and it is difficult to stabilize the house, so it is
inevitable to move. Cultivation of life without cultivating nature, explanation
As the saying goes, the essence of refining Qi can live for tens of thousands of
years. If you don’t know the perfect enlightenment of Samadhi, your retribution
will be exhausted and you will be scattered.
People's interests. Therefore, when Confucianism and Wei Dynasty discussed
nature, they did not care about qi, but qi was not prepared; when they discussed
qi, they did not care about nature, but nature was not prepared.
bright. Moreover, Pangmen Mo Xue did not study this theory, so the box was full
of seals, titles and positions were completed, and the clay was stuck on the
The pen is troubled by talismans, picking out buckets and steps, thinking from
left to right, superfluous with blessings and praises, and using sounds in vain.
Arrogating to Chi Zha, taking the natural way of one fruit as a guideline, and
using the use of twigs as a refinement, this is different from
The Tao has no predestined relationship, and blind learning is nothing more than
a fool's ear. It's a shame to be able to teach! sigh
Husband, if there is a scab like this, then thunder, clear rain, birth, death,
death, etc. will change, just by my ear. ”① Yes
See, the foundation of thunder magic spell lies in the dual cultivation of life
and life. Only those who achieve the unity of spirit and form can
Only in this realm can we use "my thoughts" to serve the gods and direct the
wind and rain. This kind of spiritual power is so great
"Thinking" is the soul and true meaning.
Fourth, both Alchemy and Leifa attach great importance to the role of true
meaning in practice and exercise.
use. According to Zhang Boduan's view, it refers to the activities of thoughts,
which are initiated by God and are controlled by thoughts.

See Volume 85 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 347 and 348.





/ —

The history and thought of Shenxiao School of Taoism

The combination of the three treasures that control essence and energy can act
as an intermediary, so it is called "medium."
"Huang Po", he said: "I am not just a matchmaker, the way of golden elixir is
from beginning to end.
The function is inseparable. ”① The role of thoughts runs through the entire
alchemy process, such as collecting herbs,
Adding water, adding fire, warming, bathing, etc. must all be done with true
intention to harmonize the three treasures.
The Alchemy Classic also calls this true meaning "True Earth", and the "Wuzhen
Chapter" says: "If there is no Wusi before leaving Kan,
Even though it contains the four images, it cannot become an elixir. Just
because each other cherishes the true earth, the golden elixir exchanges and
returns. ”② gold
Liu Zhiyuan explained: "Gaiming Earth is the master of the three fires among the
five elements, governing all directions.
Nine qi means vacuum. Empty, earth. It is a big cauldron of medicine that
produces Baoyuan Palace and harvests without shadow.
Light, containing the liquid of the Eight Waters, the land of pure sleep, the
land of eternal light and never sleep, the sun and moon cauldron above, and the
sun and moon tripod below.
Take the dragon and tiger furnace, steal the wood of heaven and earth, and
generate the essence of Likan. This palace receives the law, and everything is
up to it.
Yu Tianxian. … The yellow buds and jade buds grow, and the true cultivation is
done by those who use the soil.
It is the true God, meaning. Gathering three yuan, the merit will return seven
times. Without the chance of Yang Shen, nothing can be accomplished.
change. If the spirit comes here, the Qi will respond, and if the Qi comes here,
the spirit will appear, and the spirit will appear in form.
Fang, random and quiet, the god of surface soil can use it very well. In the
past, a true man from Changchun once said that even an inch of his heart is
straight down.
If you can maintain your physical fitness, you will be admitted to Daluo for the
rest of your life. It is the use of the true soil "③
"Messenger" emphasizes that the true meaning cannot be used in internal refining
and application.
Lei Fa calls the true meaning "
You may leave in a moment. Wang Wenqing said: "What I gave birth to is the mind.
Good and evil all come from the mind.
out. ” ④ Zhang Xujing’s poem said: “The true heartbeat is combined with the
thunder machine, the spirit is combined with the spirit, and it is even more
There is no difference in this, just like the magnetic attraction of iron. ”⑤
The reason why this true meaning is important is
It is because it is transformed by the soul. If the true meaning is the
messenger of Lei, then the soul is Lei
god. Wang Wenqing's "Xuanzhu Song" said: "The Xuanmenmen are the ancestors of
Wujia. Niwan Tianmen,
Gallbladder is in the liver, inside
The house of the gods. The element of courage is thunder, which means the
messenger. "Bai Yuchan's note:"

"Tao Zang" Volume 4, Page 3 6 5.

See Volume 1 of "The Secret Text of the Jade Purple Gold and the Green Flower in
the Golden Treasure Internal Alchemy", "
Volume 4 of Ziyang Zhenren’s Commentary on Enlightenment, Volume 2 of Taoist
Canon, page 9 3 3.
Qizhenji" Volume 2, "Tao Zang" Volume 4, page 4 7 8.
See Liu Zhiyuan's "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 233.
See Volume 69 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 240.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 71, "
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\


There is Qingmi. The red chamber of gallbladder and anger gathers together, and
the five editions are transported into the gallbladder palace. Water and fire
compete with each other, and thunder is heard.
The brave man's liver is angry, and his anger turns into thunder. The sky is
angry and screams, and the thunder is thunderous. The messenger belongs to earth
and lives in yellow
In the court. A messenger is a messenger. He can be used as he pleases. His
mouth is a messenger. He must keep his mind clear and focused.
The mouth speaks and the mind acts, this is a congenital hernia. " "Xuanzhu
Song" said again: "One table circulates, Hun
Be reduced to a thin body, scattered into everything, gathered into a child,
turned into a god of thunder, turned into myself "white jade"

: "Chizi, the real person in my body. The cultivation of human beings requires
the spirit to be mixed and refined internally.

Dan, then the Holy Fetus will condense. ... Oneself is the true nature. Still
and still. Build a place
It is said that if it is rolled up, it will be hidden in the secret. If it is
rolled out, it will fill the world. It is ever-changing. What is wrong with it?
” ① The above remarks all unanimously affirm the importance of the soul and
true meaning in Lei Fa.
Fifth, the Xuan Guan (Xuan female) aperture is regarded as the most important by
all inner alchemy sects. Zhang Boduan
"Wu Zhen Chapter" said: "Xuan Ni's sect is rarely known in the world, and it
only uses the mouth and nose to do anything. Rao Jun will admit it.
After thousands of years, we have fought for the golden crow and the rabbit. ”
② Yuan Chen Xubai’s "Guide to the Rules" also said:
There is an orifice in the husband's body, called Xuanfei, which can be received
or given birth to. It is actually the palace of the gods, where the three
elements gather.
There is no difference. The spirit and soul will meet in this point, which is
the root of the return of the golden elixir, and the condensation of the gods.
The land of the Holy Fetus. The ancients called it the pedicle of Tai Chi, the
innate handle, the sect of nothingness, and chaos.
The root, the valley of Taixu, the source of creation, Guigenqiao, Fumingguan,
Wusimen, Gengxin
Room, Household A and Yi, Southwest Township, Zhenyi place, Zhonghuangfang,
Danyuan Mansion, guarding an altar, Yan
Moon stove, cinnabar cauldron, dragon and tiger den, Huangpo house, lead stove
and earthen cauldron, sacred water pool, Emperor Yi
The divine chamber and Lingtai Jianggong are all in one place. ... Cui Gong
called it Guanweilu and Tongniwan.
Chunyang said that the poor body is the beginning of the body. Ping Shu said to
advise you to live in the body. This is the essence of the fruit.
The source of birth is the source of true breath, so Yu Chan also calls it the
place where thoughts move. Those who cultivate alchemy
If you don't understand this orifice, your true breath will not be able to
remain, and the gods will have no foundation.

See the notes to "Xuanzhu Ge" in Volume 70 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", pages 236 and
23 5 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".
See "Commentaries on Ziyang Zhenren's Enlightenment Chapter" Volume 5, "Tao
Zang" Volume 2, pages 9 4 6.
See pages 387 and 388 of Volume 4 of "Tao Zang".
262 | Reply



poisonous snake

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Lei Fa also attaches great importance to the function of the entrance, which is
called "Thunder Aperture". Zhang Shanyuan
"Thunder Mystery" says: "
The ancient sages searched for the source of creation, explored the mysteries of
Hongmeng, and consulted the mysticism.
The gate of the female is the root of heaven and earth, so it is called the Xuan
Guan orifice. The person who has one orifice at the entrance is concerned with
the ears, eyes and mouth
Nose and tongue, liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys, umbilicus, tail,
bladder, valley, points between the two kidneys,
Three inches below the navel, Mingtang, Niwan, Guanyuan, and Qihai are all non-
existent. This orifice is boundless
There is no inside or outside, no front or back, no length, no width, no depth,
no big or small, no side.
There is no distinction between east, west, north and south, no difference
between blue, red, black and white, no objects, no clay images, no increase or
Nothing new, nothing old, nothing owed and nothing left. In my body, it is the
root of divine energy, the void
The valley is the sun-mysterious female, which is the pedicle where yin and yang
mix between the boundary between heaven and earth. The poem says: This
The orifice is not a mysterious orifice, it is the middle of the middle and the
middle of the middle. All the gods came out from here and reached heaven. People
can understand this
With one orifice, all the orifices are connected; if one god is moved, all the
gods will be moved. This is the orifice of true thunder. expensive
With a true heart and sincerity, the essence will be mixed and spread, the
meaning will be lingering and lingering, and the spirit will be mixed and mixed.
Together, the heart is abyss and clear, and the real person appears naturally,
just like a fish living in the abyss, floating and observing the rules.
It is also. Such a wonderful use has profound meaning. The master said: One plus
Hongmeng, no light and no image, five
Great changes can be described and named. From the beginning of the Yuan
Dynasty, the Dharma King of Guangdong hung a pearl at the beginning of Fuli.
This means
This principle also has wonderful effects. Later, the master must concentrate
his energy before writing talisman and seal script.
When I was in a trance, I had a little bright spirit from my innate mind, which
rose up with my thoughts and formed three flowers on the top of my head.
On the top, gather two rays between the eyebrows, inject clear and bright light,
and make a round image. This great road is innately one.
Xi also. Including heaven and earth, including all spirits, the so-called four
sets of golden light mean that they dare not come
also. Or if the talisman is written on paper, the stem will start and reverse,
return to the stem and stop, and then it will turn into a round image.
In the middle, do a little more, the wonderful thing is in it. This Yang essence
is also Yuan Chen. Akira Yao Wu
Fill the universe with the edge, and then write talismans on it at will, and
people will make arrangements and issue orders.
Not well prepared. It is known that within the complete image, there is nothing
that can be understood and nothing can be done. Husband created this way
If you cultivate it internally, you will gather your soul into a treasure and
become a transcendent saint. Applying it to the outside will regulate Yin and Yi
Yang, benefits people and goods. As for driving thunder and lightning and
subduing ghosts and gods, it is easy to suppress them.
Call! The thought has not yet moved, the body is clear and clear, and the mind
is budding. God is the master, and there are thousands of Dharma and thousands
of sutras.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\




Nothing more than this.

① The so-called "round image" is the Lei Qiao, which is the same as the Xuan
Xiang mentioned by the inner alchemists.
The female and entrance halls are the same. Zhang Xixian's "Thunder's One
Aperture Picture" says: "Knowing this one aperture, the winter
Arrival, medicine, heat, bathing, rebirth, and formation are all here. This
orifice is thunderous
If you get it, you don't have to look for it from outside. The best people use
this, so they rush "②
The five aspects mentioned above are the points where Alchemy and Lei Fa are
consistent. Obviously, Lei Fa
In the process of its formation, it absorbed a large amount of the essence of
inner alchemy, the theory and practice of inner alchemy.
The skills have long been integrated into the thunder method and become an
integral part of the thunder method. So, Ray
Compared with the inner elixir, what is the unique thing about the Dharma that
makes it different from the inner elixir? under
Also talk about three points.
First, Lei Fa inherited the traditional Taoist spell technique and made
reasonable changes.
Creation, this is something that inner alchemy does not have. The traditional
Taoist spell technique lacks a system and is miscellaneous.
Chaos and disorder, as Ge Hong pointed out: "The talismans are all given by the
gods. Today, people use them
Those who have rarely experienced it may have misled people because of its long
history. And lack of confidence, use
That doesn’t work either. Another example is when it comes to calligraphy. If
the symbols are incorrect, not only will it be useless, but they may also cause
Also 0"③ This kind of messy and error-prone situation is common, coupled with
the lack of spell skills
The internal basis only emphasizes the role of superstition, so it is
unconvincing. Emerging
From the very beginning, Lei Fa has based the art of spells on the practice of
inner alchemy and requires
The practitioner must have superb internal skills, be compassionate, and
concentrate on gathering Qi before he can write the talisman.
For example, Mo Yueding's "Book Talisman Formula" says: "Every big prayer to
calligraphy and talismans must be done three to two days ago."
Before, practice meditation. On the day when I finished writing the talisman, I
went into my room to meditate, meditated on my luck, recited mantras and added
Hold on to get the wonderful retribution. It only works in this one talisman and
cannot be simplified. If it's an ordinary calligraphy charm, it's
All you need to do is to concentrate and keep your breath, recite the Golden
Light Mantra and the Sound-Character Mantra, and fill the room with golden
light, filled with thousands of gods.
For one week, the light of luck shines on the paper, forming the shape of a god
of thunder, and the left hand picks up the thunder curse knot.
① See Volume 67 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 210 and 211.
② See the second volume of "The Diagram and Meaning of the Purpose of Taoism",
Volume 3 2 of "Tao Zang", page 6 1 4.
③ See "
Baopuzi Neipian·Ya Lan".

How can people be so kind/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

In the game, the right hand holds the pen, and with all his strength, he quickly
sweeps the pen into its shape. Speed is the best, and there is no
The scattered shapes and spells have just the right brushwork. After finishing
the book, I saw in a trance that the God of Thunder was about to fly away, with
golden light.
Full of paper, put your tongue on the roof of your mouth, close the air inside
and outside your body, suppress Taixuanzu's air, and close your body.
When he feels that the energy in his body is depressed and unforgiving, he makes
chirping sounds, mentions the pronunciation of words, and uses the double game
to harmonize with his eyes.
Hit the divine light and break it into the talisman. The God of Thunder is
flying in the golden light, and is not waiting for Fen Liao. by
The spirit of divine luck combines the spirit with the form, and the response
only takes a moment. ...the talisman must be heroic and concentrated
When he understands the spirit, he writes with great energy. His body is like a
bat, his wings are divided into eight characters, and his writing force is
strong and powerful.
If the strength is weak, the magic power is weak 0. As fast as a flying bird, it
can be accomplished with one stroke. Morning and evening, writing and studying
I imitate the shape, open my eyes and it seems to be alive, silently meditate on
the spirit, and naturally appear to be around, not to mention
Shootability. A stroke of writing cannot be re-filled, it is boring and dark, it
must be inspired by a moment of energy.
Move, with majestic momentum, without any distracting thoughts or interruptions.
My heart and my pen are both
Luck, my energy and the curse are turning. In a trance, I feel like I see the
God of Thunder running through the clouds and mists, commanding the wind.
Ting, all the gods listen to orders and use them like this, without fail. If you
don't do it better, you won't be able to gather good reasons.
Being attentive and understanding is the wonderful thing. Cursing Qi Gang Jue to
suppress its end, how can it be true! Law
Isn’t it true!” ① Obviously, this kind of talisman that focuses on
concentration and the induction of heaven and humans is
The art of cursing is fundamentally different from the traditional spells of the
Han and Tang Dynasties, because it combines spells with elixirs.
The combination of Dao and Lei methods emphasizes the role of human body's
essence, energy and spirit.
Second, the Taoist Thunder Method absorbed a large amount of the cultivation
methods of Tantric Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty.
Dharma, which is also something that the inner alchemy of the Song and Yuan
Dynasties does not have. Tantra is an important part of Chinese Buddhism
The sect, which formally formed a sect, actually began with Shan Wuwei and Vajra
in the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty.
Zhi, Bu Kong, etc., are known in history as “the three major Shigong Tantric
Sects of Kaiyuan Dynasty”.
The thoughts of the Yogacara and Yogacara schools are its theoretical premise,
and in practice, they are highly organized
It is characterized by unique spells, etiquette, belief and worship of the
deity, etc. Promote chanting of mantras
secret code)
, hand-knotted seal (
hand or body posture—

body secrets) and mind meditation

① See "
Daofa Huiyuan) Volume 77, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 277 and 278.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method

Read ⑷ ⑴ 265

The secret of mind), the correspondence between the three secrets can lead to
instant Buddhahood. The Taoist thunder method sects, especially the gods
The Xiao sect adopted the "Tang Dynasty Tantra"
"Three Secrets" practice methods, thereby enriching
Taoist traditional inner training.
In absorbing Tantra"
In terms of "cryptographic language", the Shenxiao sect of Taoism has adopted a
large number of Tantric
Mantras and mantras for cultivating spiritual attainments. For example,
"Xiantian Lei Jing Yin Shu" contains true
There are more than twenty kinds of secret mantras, among which the most
important "Heavenly Mother's Mantra" is written word for word.
Taken from the Tantra "
"Moli Zhizhenyan". Its main Dharma god is Xiaoyu, the high god.
The Qingzhen King Changsheng the Great, the other the Doumu Moli Zhitian the
Great Sage, the former the Taoist god,
The latter is the god of Tantric Buddhism. From the main god and incantations to
practice and practice, he always implements
The principle of dual cultivation of Taoism and Tantra can be seen here in the
fusion of Taoism and Tantra.
In terms of “body secrets”, Taoism in the Han and Tang dynasties attached great
importance to the role of walking and included walking
Gangbu Dou is the most important spell in Taoist spellcasting, but it ignores
the function of handprints.
There are very few moves in "Hand Techniques". Due to the prosperity of Reifa
and the use of Tantric handprints for reference,
Taoism, the secrets of Taoism are becoming increasingly rich, and together with
Bugang, they have become the center of Taoism practice.
The most important physical movement. Volume 16 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan". say:"
If the husband steps forward, he will take advantage of it.
Use the right aspect to control things. The secret eye is born from the divine
machine and transformed. Cultivation of immortality and truth, subjugation of
Evil, it’s all based on this. "
① Each tactic has its own name, most of them are called so-and-so tactic, as
shown in this article
Shi Jue, Shangqing Jue, Five Thunder Jue, Lingguan Jue, etc.; they are also
called Hands using Tantric words.
Seal or seal, such as Yuanshi Seal, Fire Bell Seal, Tianmu Seal, Fumo Seal,
Ziwei Seal, etc.; less
Numbers are called bureaus, like thunder bureaus. Each trick has a corresponding
symbolic meaning, such as the symbol of thunder
The image of the fire bell symbolizes the golden bell of flowing fire, and the
image of Ziwei symbolizes Emperor Ziwei.
Qingjue represents Lingbao Tianzun, Yuqingjue represents Yuanshi Tianzun, and
Taiqingjue represents
Taishang Laojun. Because of its specific image, pinching must be combined with
the specific content of practicing rituals.
content, and often combined with the corresponding charms, Yubu, Cunxiang, and
Buqi, so in Taoist books

① See page 1 of Volume 30 of "Tao Zang".




The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

He also connected the secrets with the activation of Qi in the body. Zheng
Suonan said: "The trick is the key.
"Huang Ting Jing" says: The son is the gatekeeper of the prosperity and decline
of others. Then the hand can hold the entire creation of the body. pinch
If the water in the kidneys is strong, the fire in the heart will be strong.
” ① In this way, pinching techniques and qigong are combined
Internally combined. Taoist priests chant sutras, call talismans, recite
incantations, step gang, build altars, and call
General, transporting thunder, calling wind, summoning rain, collecting evil
spirits, restraining Qi, curing diseases, practicing exercises, praying for
blessings, etc.
Corresponding secrets must be drawn in all aspects, making secrets an important
component of Taoist magic.
In terms of "intentional secrets", the Taoist Leifa sects mainly absorbed the
"revision of the original" of Tantric Buddhism.
"Respect the Dharma" and "Zhongzi Dharma". As mentioned earlier in this article,
the practice "
The secret word of golden light" is
The evolution of Tantric "Zhongzi method" in Taoist internal refining method. A
similar practice is found in Lei Fawen
It is often seen in offerings, which proves that this method is also generally
accepted by the Taoist Fulu Sect. Tantra
The method of cultivating the deity evolved into the method of "transforming
gods" in Taoism. The so-called "becoming a god" means
It means that when doing internal exercises or casting spells, Taoists must
enter a special mental state.
That is to say, the existence of self is eliminated, transformed into the true
God, and man and God become one.” At this point,
All worries are silent, Yuanshi is me, I am Yuanshi, the golden light is
brilliant, shaking the world
"Fang"②. It is also said that the Taoist is Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun,
that is,
The god he worshiped. Therefore, everything he does is to do justice for heaven
and bring luck to the gods.
"The True Text of the Five Thunders of Yushu of the Shangqing Dynasty"
"Transforming Gods" said: "Anyone who practices thunder magic will always
When summoned by the servants, he pinched the secret of transforming the gods,
tapped his teeth and made five passes, and placed himself in a nine-beam crown
and red robe.
Walking on the red shoes, there are an immortal holding a banner, a boy holding
a banner, and two immortal boys holding seals and swords on the left and right.
Wipe the four mountains at the same time, tick with the left hand, with the Yang
Dou forward and the Yin Dou backward. The left hand holds the seal of the
Exorcist Academy,
Holding the three-flavored fire essence sword in his right hand, the cigarette
smoke turned into clouds, thunder and lightning shook, and stars flashed.

Tai Chi Sacrifice and Refining Internal Dharma" Volume 2, "Tao Zang" Volume 10,
Page #2.
See "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 84, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, page 344.
Leak Xiao Lei Dharma and Neo and Shadow Disaster\ Country

9) (iii)


Six dings and six armors, five thunders and five dragons, all the generals and
generals of the various departments, spread out in front and behind, and fight
against each other with three platforms and a northern dipper.
On the head, point the handle of the bucket in front of you, do not cover your
eyes, and silently curse: "The emperor thinks of the emperor, and the members of
the family will meet their grandchildren."
The Jade Emperor is so true, protect my body and life. Eliminate diseases and
eliminate evil spirits, so that I can follow the teachings and preserve this
life forever. Urgently
Like the law. After the curse is over, hold on to whatever you want.
① It is very obvious that this way of "becoming a god"
The merit is unknown in Taoism of Han and Tang dynasties. In traditional Taoism,
there are "
"Chen Shen" means to meditate
The God of the body and the God of heaven and earth, but not merged into one.
The word "change" reveals
Taoism absorbs the secrets of Tantric practice and fundamentally changes the
traditional Taoist spirit.
method, thus adding new vitality to Taoist internal refining.
Third, the purpose of Leifa is different from that of Neidan. Nei alchemy
inherits the tradition of immortality,
Pursue the eternity and perfection of individual life. As Ge Hong said, "My fate
depends on me but not on heaven.
It will take hundreds of millions of years to return the elixir to gold.”
② best summarizes the purpose of inner alchemy. Lei Fa is directly related to
Tianshi Dao
The main line is that he advocates benefiting the world and benefiting the
people, and takes it as his own responsibility to secure the country, protect
the country, and bring salvation to all living beings. right
In this regard, Wang Wenqing pointed out: "
Those who seek immortality and learn the Tao and wish to achieve quick results
should not go out of their way to kill evil and eliminate harm.
Amulet water can help people and things, accumulate yin virtues, be diligent and
incense, think about saving things when encountering them, be upright and
without mercy.
Evil, it will always be the same as before, so why worry about not getting a
light lift.
③ "Anyone who seeks immortality and Taoism will not
If you refine the inner elixir, the external form will disappear; if you don't
apply the talisman water, it won't last for three days; if you don't accumulate
Yin Kung, the Tao and Fruit will be difficult.
④ Zhu Zhizhong also said: "Inside it transcends the three realms, and outside
it helps all souls and prays for rain.
Yang, eliminates disasters, controls mirages, saves people from danger, kills
monsters, causes wind and rain in the present, and brings good luck.
Thunder in the palm of your hand can resolve the sins of the Nine Mysteries and
Seven Ancestors, eliminate the guilt of thousands of lives and tribulations, and
those who obtain it will be
Keep in mind, if you meet someone who has a long-term destiny, if you can
observe the precepts and practice them, the ghosts and gods of the three realms
will surrender and obey your orders.

It should be noted that the special features of thunder method mentioned above
have also been used since the Yuan Dynasty
Some inner alchemy schools have been absorbed, such as the Quanzhen Northern
Sect, which both emphasizes the cultivation of inner alchemy.

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 57, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, page 153.

The inner chapter of Baopuzi,
Huang Baijiu
③ See "

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 56, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 135.


"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 61, "
"Tao Zang" Chapter
2 Volume 9, page 166.

Volume 76 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 29 of "Tao Zang", pages 274 and 275.
foil 8

( ^ )( ^ )@

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

He also cares deeply about the suffering of the people and the safety of
society. Qiu Chuji traveled thousands of miles to pay homage to Yuantai
Save billions of trillions from the swords and saws of the tripod”①, which
fully embodies the essence of the Taoist Mahayana.
God, thereby changing the traditional inner alchemy family's self-contained
style. Many inner alchemy masters also
They used spells one after another to benefit the people. For example, Wang
Chongyang treated Ma Danyang for headaches.
If you drink the cursed water, you will be healed"②. Ma Danyang also mastered
the charm and once cursed the bitter water to become sweet.
The spring, the dead tree sprouts again, "The poor man in Zhiyang has lost both
legs, and he is crying loudly. The gentleman curses the water
After drinking it, it moves like flying. Luan Wugong practitioner has been
suffering from wind paralysis for a long time. Hundreds of medicines have no
effect. Mr. Curse
If you take it, you will recover in one day"③. Within the Dan family, the
method of talismans is also taught. Like Wang
The Double Ninth Festival is passed down by Sun Buer, "
Teach the secrets of heavenly talismans and cloud seal scripts"
④. As for the truth used in thunder method
Yanhe's method of transforming gods has also been adopted by some sects. The
most typical one is Min Xiaogen in the Qing Dynasty.
Xizhu Xin Sect is represented by the Xizhu Sect, whose works contain a large
number of mantras and mantras, including
The practice of refining is full of the color of Tantric culture. These are all
manifestations of Lei Fa’s influence on inner alchemy.

Section 3: The Seventy-Two Levels and the Five Thunder Method

There are quite a lot of types of Shenxiao Thunder Techniques. According to Bai
Yuchan, there are seventy-two levels.
It is divided into five thunders, ten thunders and thirty-six thunders. Due to
differences in traditions and tribes, the
The secrets and secrets of family thunder methods also have their own
characteristics. For example, the name is the same as Five Thunders, but its
content is different.
Big difference. "Yushu Lei Shu" calls it Tianlei, Shenxiao Lei, Shuiguan Lei,
Long Lei, Shen Lei and Shen Xiao Lei.
Thunder, "The Book of Thunder in the Big Hole" is said to be the powerful spirit
of the Holy Spirit that shakes thunder, shakes lightning, roars, and thunders.
The eight spirits and eight rampant Shaoyang thunders, the rolling water
thunders, the upright thunderbolts and the big hole thunders, "Zifu Lei"

See the preface to the volume of "Jin Lian Zheng Zong Ji", Volume 3 of "Tao
Zang", page 344.
"Jin Lian Zheng Zong Ji" Volume 3, "Tao Zang" Volume 3, page 354.
"Jin Lian Zheng Zong Ji" Volume 3, "Tao Zang" Volume 3, page 355.
"Jin Jian Zheng Zong Ji" Volume 5, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3, page 364.
Criticism of Leifaneo and influence,



Book" calls them Chun Lei, Xia Lei, Qiu Lei, Dong Lei and Xuanyuan Lei. In
addition, "Shen Xiao Lei"
"Book", "Xiandu Thunder Book", "North Pole Thunder Book", "Taiyi Thunder Book",
"Yuchen Thunder Book",
"Tai Xiao Lei Shu" and "Tai Chi Lei Shu" also say different things, but they are
all called five thunders, "Zhe Lei"
There are so many Dharmas!”①
However, no matter which sect or sect it comes from, its main functions are
twofold: one is to use
It is used to pray for rain and sunshine, and to deal with various natural
disasters; first, it is used to capture evil spirits and suppress demons.
To drive away the vicious gods and evil ghosts in the underworld and heaven, and
thus stick to the orthodox Taoism to save the world and save people.
Purpose and Effectiveness. As Japanese scholar Matsumoto Koichi said: “In most
Diseases were believed to be the result of evil spirits and evil spirits. But
when an evil spirit causes trouble, it is legitimate
For reasons, Taoism believes that it is necessary to hold fasting rituals to
repent of one’s sins and redeem grievances.
Only the soul can dispel evil spirits. But when evil spirits harbor unreasonable
malice and ignore God,
When Tao causes illegal disasters and brings diseases and other disasters, you
can rely on spells to prevent them.
Prepare and fight off evil spirits. Among the spells used by orthodox religious
orders, the most common ones are the Justice of Heaven.
In the name of evil spirits, we use punishment to repel and suppress such evil
spirits. China since
It has been widely believed in ancient times that Lei is the executor of
heavenly punishment. This belief can be seen in "Book of Rites" and "Book of
Sutra of Hanging. There are also many records in novels such as "Taiping
Guangji" and "Yi Jian Zhi"
Stories about those whose parents suffered misfortune and those who wasted grain
were punished by lightning strikes. Think that Leifa is right
It has special power in defeating and suppressing evil spirits and evil gods,
which is greatly related to the existence of this belief.
It’s probably also related 「②
According to Taoism, all spiritual altars and historic sites are haunted by
ghosts and gods, and there are evil spirits among them; rich
Most of the rooms and gardens are used by dignitaries, and there are many evil
spirits among them. How can criminals be prosecuted and punished?
Of? Therefore, thunder is needed to punish evil and promote good. The function
of thunder is to demonstrate the power of God. white jade
Toad said: "The reason why Huangtian built a thunder city, set up thunder
prisons, established thunder officers, divided thunder to rule, and mined mines.

① See "Ten Books on Cultivation",

Wuyi Collection" Volume 47, "Tao Zang" Volume 4, page 809.
② Pages 187 and 188 of the first volume of "Dao Zang" supervised by Yasujun
Fukui and others, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House
Chinese version in June 1990.




Taoism, the history and thought of the Shenxiao sect

Showing thunder punishments, serving the God of Thunder, commanding thunder

soldiers, showing thunder power, and transporting thunder weapons are all ways
to mediate rewards and punishments.
Handle, the power to kill and kill. Use it in the underworld to seal mountains
and break holes, kill monsters and poison them;
For the Yang Dao, it can eliminate evil and punish rebellion, attack rape and
abuse, and is suitable for promoting Dao and manifesting the power of heaven.
also. " "
Therefore, those who are tangible and have thoughts are humans, and those who
are invisible and have thoughts are ghosts. People are in Yang, and ghosts are
Being in Yin, it enters and exits the four lives and circulates in the six
paths. If there is no thunder in the sky, how can it be
Showing the punishment constitution and prescribing the punishment to belittle
the stubborn and stupid!”
① Regarding the distinction between humans and ghosts, whether they are demons
or evil, Taoism
Then he used different thunder methods to suppress and subjugate them to show
the constitution of heaven. Here we focus on some features
method to see its overview.
Among the various thunder methods, the five thunder methods of Shangqing Yufu
are especially important, which is recorded in "Tao Method".
Huiyuan" Volumes 56 to 60. Wang Wenqing calls this Dharma system Yuqing Zhenwang
and Fire Master Wang Zhenjun
Personally, "In the world, there are winds and rains from time to time, the sun
is strong, droughts and locusts are doing evil, and wars are carried out
"Hungry boy recommends perfection", all can use Dharma service thunder to calm
them down. The Dharma places great emphasis on one's own internal strength.
As for cultivation, there are secret methods of cultivation such as subduing
thunder energy, transforming into gods, and fighting in court. Its method of
taking thunder qi is divided into taking qi
There are two levels of internal refining. The person who received the Dharma
autobiography said that after receiving the ordination and formally converting
to Shenxiao Sect, he took
One year before and after the Jingzhe Festival, when I suddenly hear the sound
of thunder, I prepare an incense table and face it toward the east or southeast.
I receive the Five Thunder Codes
"Hold the thunder board" with your hand, close your eyes slightly, touch your
tongue to the roof of your mouth, and secretly curse in your heart: "
Dharma, the mighty sound of thunder. If you take it in, you will heal your body
and save your life; if you spit it out, it will bind ghosts and kill evil
spirits. The divine bear is ten thousand feet long, filling
I have a stomachache. The emperor's laws and orders are fierce, and the silver
teeth are fierce. Urgency is like a law. "After the curse, wait for the
When there is a loud thunder, look directly at the direction, absorb the thunder
energy, swallow it twenty-five times, and keep your thoughts clearly
The light falls and covers the whole body, immediately swallowing the lightning
and thunder energy.
②This is the first step to conquer thunder energy
On top of the basic foundation, you can continue to practice internal kung fu.
Fire Master Wang Zhenjun said:
"When encountering this mystery, internally practice self-returning elixirs,
externally practice treating evil spirits, and ghosts and gods will run away
after hearing this.

① See "
"Ten Books on Cultivation: Wuyi Collection" Volume 47, "Tao Zang" Volume 4, Page
8 0 9.
② See pages 135 and 140 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Star\

Lun 5)Heng) 271

After walking a thousand miles, the God of Thunder appears in the blink of an
eye and obeys orders. Before the awakening of insects, change clothes
In the clean room, sit and lie down with a bucket, wait for the sound of thunder
and lightning, immediately perform the method, flash your eyes, recite the
mantra, and take the
Lei Xina was accepted into Yuan Palace. Recite the Thunder Mantra: I am struck
by five thunders, and the sound of thunder is majestic. Naze
Treating the body and preserving life, vomiting cures diseases and removes evil
spirits. God has many ways and fills my stomach with beauty. Supreme Law and
Fierce official silver teeth. Urgency is like a law. Another curse: I receive
the appearance of the Thunder God and the power of the Lightning Mother, and I
will be eliminated.
All the poisons in the body have come alive and are at my disposal. The generals
of the five elements and the soldiers of Liujia will be killed.
All diseases drive out all kinds of essence. Urgency is like a law. The first
sonar is in the gallbladder, the second sonar is in the liver, and the third
sonar is in the liver.
The sonar is in the lungs, the fourth sonar is in the heart, the fifth sonar is
in the spleen, the sixth sonar is in the Dantian, and the electric light
Collect it in your eyes. Use both hands to pinch the Five Thunder Bureau, facing
Xunfang (
Southeast) Sit down and inhale green tea with your nose
Take a sip of the fruit, vomit the turbidity in a sip, and once again calm your
mind. After taking nine breaths, you can hold the thunderbolt with both hands.
Guandong, thinking about thunder and a bear like fire, turns ninety-nine and
eighty-one times in one's Dantian. shrink tail
At the Lu point, the kidneys go up to Kunlun, and the two red mats of light move
toward the Niwan Palace and return to the Dantian.
Stay and don't speak. Each time, use both hands to rub the movement from the
Shen Hall like fire, and stop by counting five to five. think
The real thing went up to the Dantian on Yujing Mountain, carried it down to the
Thunder Pond, drove up the fire dragon to bring rain, went down to the Divine
Chamber, and brought down the
Yuanyang Palace, the ascending and descending stops here, and returns to the
divine room to live. ”①
Transforming into a god is another key to the thunder method. The key lies in
using the power of consciousness.
Imagine yourself transforming into a god, no different from humans and gods,
reaching a very lofty and sacred state.
realm. In other words, it is to rise from the level of mortals to the level of
gods, thus progressing
Enter a special mental state that changes from generation to generation. 《
Volume 1 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan" says: "
or ask
How about becoming a god? The master said: Yuanshi ancestral calamity, a little
bit of truth, I am Yuanshi, Yuanshi
That is me, this is called becoming a god.”② In this state, the spirit has
completely entered the
The believer resides in his body and soul, or integrates him into the god's own
In the holy nature, mixed with his spirit. Therefore, the Taoists have
transcended the human

① See "Tao Zang", volume 29, page 561.

② See page 675 of Volume 28 of "Tao Zang".


lie down




Teaching Use Hao Pai Wangge and Thoughts

The boundary between the divine completes a fundamental transformation that

unites the individual with the divine entity
Come, so that you can inspire all gods in the name of gods and help the world
and save people.
Whenever a warrior of the Lei Dharma is called upon to serve, he should pinch
the "Two Divine Transformation Techniques" and tap his teeth and five fingers.
Imagine yourself becoming the God of Thunder, "
Do whatever you want. When the work is over, I will return to God after making
my farewells, and return to the general with silent thoughts.
"Official Curse"
①. There are many similar methods of transforming into gods, which are also
called transfiguration, disguise, and transformation into gods.
The basic techniques are roughly the same, but they differ depending on the gods
invited. Like thunder and fire
Master Zhang used his secret method to imagine that he was standing in Gang Nei,
"I want to become Emperor Lei Zu, and the heaven
The crown, with a red face, looks like a god of heaven, with thunder gods
standing on the left and right."
②. Taitian Zhangyang
Thunderbolt Dharma, the master imagined to be the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Zhenjun,
"three eyes, red hair, seven stars"
Crown, golden armor, red robe, holding a sword, fire coming out of the eyes. If
in a mountain stream, the eyes will turn white.
③. Dongxuan Yushu's Thunder Technique, when the mage was suing for the battle,
he "changed himself into Yuan Ming"
Real person, golden dharma crown, red cassock, Zhu Lugui"
④. In the Shangqing Tianpeng Demon Subduing Technique
The art of establishing a prison and transforming into a god, mage "
In the heart, a baby gradually grew bigger and emerged in Dantian. Zu Dong sent
it to him.
When I went out from the top door, I saw one head on the forehead, one on the
left and one on the left, a total of four heads and eight arms, clearly
However, there is a Yuan Ban on the Cuntian Gate, who appears to be subduing
demons. His four heads are radiating straight upward, and they are all red.
Crown of heaven. With eight arms, the left hand holds the Big Dipper, the right
hand holds the imperial bell; the left hand holds an axe, the right hand holds a
The seal for subduing demons, the right hand holds the golden sword; the left
hand holds the rope, and the right hand holds the Kui dragon horn. The dragon's
golden body has four eyes, two
Horns, red breath emanating from the mouth, fire shining from the eyes."
⑤. In other words, he transformed into the Grand Marshal of the Canopy. when
However, the basis of the magic method is profound virtue and internal strength.
If you don't practice morality
If you practice discipline and do not accumulate calm and concentration, "If you
want to transform into a god like the Jade Emperor, the Northern Emperor, the
Supreme Truth, or the Heavenly Master,
Don’t hide your soul and collect your soul, don’t try to fight against the
enemy, don’t combine gods with gods, don’t combine qi with qi, don’t pretend to
be God

See Volume 57 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 153.
See Volume 94 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 395.
See Volume 137 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 2 9 of "Tao Zang", page 6 8 6.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 150, "Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 7 8 5.
See Volume 167 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 30, Page 73.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\

) ⑵

| 273

It is difficult to seize the righteousness of Tiangang without relying on the

power of innocence.”①.
What's more, he has to use the God of Thunder to understand the truth and reach
the spirit.
The Wu Lei Chao Dou Technique is a popular exercise that can be practiced by
ordinary Taoists.

"Five Thunder Sutra" says: "Men and women in the world who can often recite the
fighting mantra can prolong their lifespan and write talisman mantras."
Water, cures diseases and expels evil spirits. When encountering a fight, look
at the north end, wearing simple clothes, walking in the seven-star gangway, and
bow to forty
Nine prayers. After finishing, save seven yuan of Santai, Huagai and Beidou,
think about your left, right, front and back again, and make
Covered with fried clouds of five colors. At the first watch, the court ceremony
will be held, and at the third watch, the court service will be completed at
three o'clock. Bow again and enter the purification realm next time
In the room, in front of the statue of the Big Dipper, a lamp burns and the
sound is heard, and a mantra is recited: The Seven Stars of the Big Dipper are
the stars of all spirits.
Refined. There are two phases of Fubi and three bright images. Liuding Jade
Girl, Ziwei Four Seasons, Tiangang Tianyuan,
The Eight Mysteries of Kanshui. The four-eyed god is said to be a golden boy.
Recite it a hundred times, and the seven truths will appear. Extend life
Drive away danger, cut poison and destroy demons. Pray for freedom, wealth and
prosperity. Own light, Yuan Hengzhen
profit. Urgency is like Beidou Taixuan's order. If you can recite it hundreds of
times, it will be very effective."②
In addition, the Five Thunder Methods of Yufu in the Shangqing Dynasty also
include the method of sacrificing laws and orders to the great gods and writing
amulets to cure diseases.
The method of raising a dragon and making rain, the method of curing evil and
building a prison, praying for rain in the altar, praying for sunshine in the
altar, and swallowing incense.
Dharma, the method of cutting down temples and removing ghosts, the method of
killing mirages and water monsters, the Bu Gang method, the method of wild
sacrifice to gods, and the method of inviting soldiers
Dharma, sacrificial war method, thunder summoning method, water curse method,
prison establishment method to collect evil spirits, ordering the sick body
method, etc.
Mostly used when using thunder method. Those who are interested in studying can
read it in detail, which is omitted here.
Another important method of the Shenxiao sect is the method of Yushu slashing
and surveying the five thunders, which is recorded in "Tao Dharma Conference".
Yuan" Volume 62 to Volume 64. The so-called "
"Zhankan" means to kill evil spirits and to unite the great
road. Wang Wenqing said: "
However, those who use the Five Thunder Methods of Cutting and Kanning take Tao
as their body and Dharma as their use. "

That is to say, it is clearly pointed out that this is a kind of thunder method
that integrates inner alchemy skills and talismans.
The method includes transforming gods, driving water, praying for sunshine,
praying for rain, fighting thunder, entering a house, altar, and luck.
Thunder, Qing Qing, Urging Thunder, Xing Gang, Refining General Mysterious
Technique, Making Thunder and Burying Sacrifice Technique, Hongchi Shou

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 77, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, Page 28 2.
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 157.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 61, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 165.
274 1 color


X to/》

Daoxiang Shenjin sect is always consistent with the idea

Water method, method of moving thunder to cure diseases, method of commanding

water to purify the altar, method of generating thunder, lightning and wind and
cloud, and method of collecting wind, cloud and thunderstorm
Electrical methods, etc., include both internal self-cultivation and the secret
of external creation. like inspiration
God of Thunder, turn your inner strength into a channel to guide the God of
Thunder, and the mage should calmly preserve the God, "to
Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth, and go down to the kidney palace with
your heart to make the two lambs interact with each other, and move the thunder
chariot two
The lamb, coiled straight up, turned into a thunder path from the mouth,
directly to the Xun Palace. Whoever summons the god of thunder,
They all descended from this road to the front, listened to the master's
command, and returned to their original positions after completing their
In addition, the Shenxiao Sect has many other techniques, some of which will be
introduced here. There is thunder
The three secrets of prayer include the method of stimulating thunder, the
method of meditation, the method of keeping still and moving, and the method of
The method of moving the thunder city, the method of steaming the mountains and
boiling the sea, the method of shaking the mountains, the method of bearing the
four divisions, and the method of acting in the south
Dharma, the Dharma of the Tiangang, the Dharma of the River Kui, the Dharma of
the Light and Candle Jinxiang, the Dharma of the Heaven and Earth’s Orders, Dye
Golden Crow Method, Jade Dip Method, Rainbow Appearance Method, God's Wrath
Cloud Sign Method, Tornado Water Driving Method,
The cloud-replenishing and rain-repairing method, the six-talisman-to-secret
method, the emperor-strategizing method, the thunder-gate-blocking rain method,
and the dynamic method
The method of becoming clear and pure, the method of filling the room with red
light, the method of ventilating the mountains and rivers, the method of
tranquilizing the body of the three and three, and the method of calming and
responding to the Taoist body
Dharma, praying for snow, turbulent Yuhu method, three commanders walking
method, praying for rain and burning talisman method, praying for clear sky
wait. Such as the emperor's law, "
If you pray for rain for one or two days, but there is no rain, the emperor will
have the head of a human and the body of a snake.
I am surging up, with the water wheel above my head, and stepping on the water
wheel, I am also surging up, furious. Cuntian
When the ground is dark, turn around quickly, strike with a command, and
silently recite the word "wailing" in your mouth. This is called
"He serves the Emperor" ②. That is, he becomes the incarnation of a god,
becomes one with the Emperor, and inspires thunderstorms, which is very useful.
The Law of Intestinal Fire ordered Deng Tianjun to teach Yang Gengyun. Deng
Bowen and Wen Tianjun in Dharma
For the commander, including the secret method of summoning, the secret of
writing talismans, the secret of sealing mountains and breaking caves to dispel
evil, and the five
Thunder Gang Method, Fire True Shape Talisman, Thunderbolt Smoke Talisman,
Thunderbolt Broken Rainbow Talisman, Exorcise Plague and Cure Evil
Usage, Demon-Conquering Curse, Demon-Controlling God's Curse, Five-Thunder-All-
Gathering Curse, Five-Thunder-Powerful God's Curse, Wei Ming

See "Tao Zang" Volume 29, page 189,

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 68, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, page 223.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao’s investigation\



Divine Curse, Thunderbolt Divine Curse, Five Thunder Gang Curse, Save
Maternity Spell, Secret of Thunder, Variety of Thunder Talisman, Chisha
Thunder Talisman, Five Star Thunderbolt Talisman, Great Evil Curse, Dragon
The breaking talisman, the fire slaying evil talisman, etc. It is as wonderful
as expelling plague and curing evil
In order to use it, the mage should perform the magical power first, "the divine
light from his two eyes shoots out"
When I opened the Sunda House, I saw Emperor Lei Zu in the Brahma form, with a
lock on his left eye.
The word "Jin" in the right eye, first attracts the word "Pu" and returns to the
heart, then attracts the word "Price"
The word returns to the liver; it comes out of the heart and becomes a fire in
the sky.
Pearl; then the lock character appears in the liver, forming a dragon to take
the pearl. Sign in
Move the thunder bureau, break the fire beads, the fire light disperses, there
is a element in the middle
The handsome man came out riding a dragon, inhaling the incense and wishing
everything went well.

One Jicai

The Dharma of the fierce official Xin Tianjun was passed down by Pan Songnian
Grant. This method takes Xin Hanchen Tianjun as the main god, including this

---Yinghuo True Shape Talisman

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan")

Handsome Train Talisman, Fire Spell, Dashuai Talisman, Xin Shuaixin

Talisman, Shenxiao Great Golden Light Spell, Changing Talisman, Iron Hat
Talisman, Xin character, Please light and wish water to cure diseases
Curse, bird yang talisman, water summoning talisman, fire wheel talisman,
vitality talisman to cure all diseases, etc. Use in spells
When you are in trouble, you should always keep your spirit and energy in mind.
First recite the mantra to purify the mouth, purify the body, and purify the
heaven and earth. Finished, concentrate
Sit quietly and meditate. Xin Tianjun, the main altar of thunder, leads all the
thunder gods in the middle palace, but he mentions that he is from heaven.
In the eyes, it comes from cigarettes. The second curse pen and the square
calligraphy talisman can be used to ask for help when you are sick.
Mainly sincerity, natural induction"②
The congenital fire and thunder envoys pray to the great law. This method uses
the Antarctic to draw the emperor of the upper palace.
The emperor is the main dharma. Including sitting exercises, prayer practices,
summoning methods, secrets of making talismans,

① See Volume 8 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan". , "

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 304.
② See "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 81, "Tao Zang" Volume 29, page 318.

The History and Thoughts of Daowo Shenxiao Sect

The Emperor Talisman, the method of cooking mountains and seas, the method of
pouring the Yellow River backwards, the method of stopping thunder and raising
thunder, and the method of whipping dragon and causing electricity.
Method, wind-rising method, wind-stopping method, rainbow-cutting method, rain-
inducing method, Emperor Talisman, Taiyi Thunder Diamond
Talisman, Tiangang Talisman, closely use the dumping Siming method, the temple
sealing talisman, Xin Lei Gang, etc. some exercises
It is quite miraculous to use changes in the body to predict and inspire
thunderstorms. Like cooking mountains and seas,
Take the heart as the mountain and Dantian Yuanhai as the sea. "Every action
must be calm and steady, and wait for the news to arrive."
If the valley of the valley shrinks, clenching the teeth, closing the hernia,
use the nose to induce the heat to return to the heart, if it cannot come out,
The heart is shaking by itself; like a blockage, when it reaches the top, the
electric light also enters the bucket. Rumble in belly
It's thunder. When thunder and lightning strike, rain also falls.”














Mian Erzu
as well as
Goods in stock
melt me
Fan Ke
〃 hit eight


Emperor Talisman (
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan")

The innate thunder crystal method was passed down by Bai Yuchan and Min Ziwen,
and was recorded in "Tao Dharma Conference"
Yuan" Volume 83 to Volume 89. Including summoning mysterious methods, refining
methods, calligraphy formulas, and other
Master's secret, Taoist secret, Jade Emperor's Heart Seal, One Qi; Thunder
Machine Technique, Master's Slogan, Thunder

See Volume 82 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 325.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method, ⑦

1 277

Physical use, Six Things of Leifu, Sitting Internal Movement, Internal Secret
Usage, Dazao Secrets, Praying for Rain Techniques
Dharma, moving the thunder in the palm, praying and practicing, the function of
the nine palaces, Bugang magic spell, Dutian Lei Gong
Curse, Mulang Curse, Gang Jue, Little Golden Light Curse, Mystery of Wind, Cloud
and Thunderstorm, Internal Movement Kung Fu
etc. Very rich. The biggest feature is that it combines the Buddhist Tantric
exercises with the Shenxiao Thunder Method.
Combined with the machine, it absorbs a large amount of Tantric mantras and is
widely used in internal refining and application.
The Xiantian Yi Gu Lei method was passed down by Wang Wenqing and Mo Yueding.
The law retaliates with flying speed
The messenger Zhang Jue is the main general, including internal kung fu, the
messenger's own talisman, the rainbow cutting method, and the covering of the
Dharma, moving thunderstorm method, praying for rain heart chapter style,
thunder ax talisman, Yijia Shen Tong Xuan Miao, Shi Chen
Xuanzhu Song, The Moon Cauldron's Little Wonderful River Red, Shi Chen's Poems,
Yuquan's Poems, and the Oath of Sacrifice to Thunder
chapter, the method of moving thunder, the method of raising clouds, the method
of stopping wind, the method of covering the moon, the method of covering the
sun, the method of praying for rain, the method of praying for rain.
Qing method, Sha cutting method, etc. Most of these exercises are practical and
highly operable. Like thunder
The law depends on integrity and sincerity, "
The mind is too empty and the mind is empty,
All worries are forgotten, all nine orifices are gone, and in the stillness,
waiting for the mysterious and mysterious things under the nine earths.
The essence, soaring up, joins and leaves the palace. Gradually rise and fall
over three fields, flowing around and narrowing
Narrow, filling the universe, when the season comes, when it moves, the five
phases will be violent, thunder and lightning will occur.
That’s it. Therefore, the opportunity for inspiration is here, not there.”
The Great Dharma of the Thundering Six-Yi Tianxi messenger was taught by Wang
Jiling. Main content
There are the functions of ascending the altar, the Daxing Thunder Mantra, the
magical functions of calligraphy talismans, the nine-character spiritual seal,
and the changing functions of Dharma.
Poems about internal movement, praying for rain and killing enemies, summoning
thunder and rain, the secret of returning wind, the secret of summoning
Trick, thunder spell, thunder summoning spell, general swearing spell,
dispatching spell, secret key of book talisman, messenger talisman,
Changing Talisman, Cheap Killing Talisman, Gou Lei Talisman, Five Thunder
Talisman, Shangbi Ershuai's Evil Control Talisman,
Gou Shuai Train Talisman, Bi Shuai Train Talisman, Emperor Thunder Talisman,
Emperor Talisman, Snow Praying Mantra, Qing Qing Mantra
wait. The method of using thunder and praying for rain not only requires the
master to be proficient in internal skills, but also has to be good at
Celestial phenomena: "
Even more quietly at night, I went out to watch the Big Dipper. There were
clouds and mists between the stars, or they were passing through the mouth of
the Big Dipper.

See Volume 90 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 29 of "Tao Zang", page 377.
278 | Learning ⑷ is also a human being” / —

Tao/Shenxiao Sect History and Thoughts

Maybe there is a flash of lightning, it’s my work that works together to create
creation, and there will be great retribution in the future. Like a fighting
If you don't move, look at the twelfth yin again, there may be clouds and mist,
and there will be heavy thunder and light rain in the coming day. If Taiyin does
Move, then work on meditating, and watch the sun rise in the east the next
morning. If there are dark clouds covering it, the sun will rise in the east.
Small thunder and heavy rain are the retribution. Gaiyang is thunder, which
corresponds to the left kidney, and Deng Jun is also; Taiyin is thunder, which
corresponds to Ting.
The right kidney is Xinjun; the Beidou is the water division, and it is
Zhangjun, which is very. Together with the sun, moon and stars,
When it is collected all over the body, it is the golden elixir when it is
still, and it is the thunderbolt when it moves. Therefore, when you hold your
breath, clouds and rain will form.
Live. ”①
The three essentials of thunder are the fire and thunder messenger method, which
is based on the Jade Emperor God. include
Summoning methods, usage, offering sacrifices to Tiangang Hekui, examples of the
Three Keys of Thunder, etc. All kinds of skills are within the scope.
Refining thoughts is the basis. like: "
When the wind blows, this word will flow out from the Dantian and pass through
the liver.
Lung, when the Xun Fang is swallowed, it is white tiger. Think of Feng Bo
holding the wind bag in his hand, and the white tiger bites the wind bag.
A strong wind rises, flying sand and moving rocks. The second deposit is
Oriental Green Fruit and Liver Tea, forming this faded character. The wind
Get up immediately "②
The secret method of the messenger of thunder and fire, including the mantra to
purify the mouth, the mantra to purify the body, the mantra to purify the heaven
and the earth,
Zhongshan Divine Mantra, Divine Transformation Technique, Summoning and Sitting
Kung Fu, Collecting Talismans and Acting, Nine-Character Magical Uses of
Breaking and Falling Fighting,
Nine-day flying fire talisman, thunder talisman, wind talisman, sunny talisman,
rain praying talisman, thunder talisman, rising talisman
Cloud talisman, electrifying talisman, temple-breaking talisman, cloud-
dispelling talisman, wind-stopping talisman, ghost-praying talisman, plague-
repelling talisman,
Locust-repelling talisman, fire talisman, rainbow-cutting talisman, thunder
hidden mantra, messenger of good fortune, and wonderful prayer
Jue, the secret taboo of the Emperor of Heaven, the curse to summon Tao Wushuai,
the secret curse to cover up the sun, the spell to light water, the great power
and virtue fire
Car spell, small fire cover spell, etc. This method mainly uses talismans,
emphasizing the importance of internal strength in talismans.
Important, his writings and actions say: "
Every writing talisman first stores sunlight on a cigarette, and secretly
summons thunder.
God's generals and officials, all the generals have gathered together to express
their sincere wishes. If killing evil spirits is used to cure evil spirits, add
the word evil, and take

Shahei blows in and adds a left hand. If you are praying, hold a lightning
needle in your left hand and an ax in your right hand "③

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 91, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, page 382.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 93, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, page 391.
See "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 94, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, page 396.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method'


In addition, there are also the Thunder Flying Envoy Dafa, Taiyi Swift Envoy
Dafa, and Shangqing
Feijie Five Thunder Prayer Dafa, Jiutian Bitan Prayer Rain Dafa, Haotian Golden
Tower Five Thunder Dafa,
The method of summoning dragons to cause rain with thunder and iron talons, the
secret method of praying with five thunders, the method of praying with five
thunders, high
Shang Jingxiao Dutian’s Great Thunder Method, Chaos Xuan Calligraphy, Emperor’s
Orb Five Thunder Prayer Method, Tai
Jidu Leiyin calligraphy, Nangong Huofu Wuyang Lei master’s secret method,
Shaoyang waterwheel five thunder method,
Thunder Train Five Thunder Dafa, Kyushu Sheling Manlei Dafa, Kyushu Sheling
Yanglei Dafa,
Beizhen Water Department's method of flying fire and thunder, the stone box
water house causing storms and causing rain, Taiyi Tianzhang's thunder method
Li Dafa, Zhengyi Zhongxiao Bai Zhuo Wulei Dafa, Dongxuan Yushu Thunder Dafa,
Hunyuan Liu
The Great Dharma of Heavenly Ruyi, the Great Dharma of Divine Sky Golden Fire
and Heavenly Ding’s Announcement to Refine the Savior, the Great Dharma of
Divine Sky Cutting Off Plague, the Great Dharma of Divine Sky
Xiao's formula for treating diseases, Shenxiao's Cross Heaven Scripture,
Dongxuan's secret decree, Three Palaces' inner decree, Tai
The secret method of extreme thunder, the method of ascending to the divine sky,
the mysterious method of thunder machine, the mixing method of zouchuan, and the
method of thunder and lightning.
Shuai Mi Yao Dharma, Nanyue Fire Hell Dharma, Jiutian Kuigang Cloud Road Chasing
Three Arrays Dharma, Jiutian
Kuigang Huanglong's life-killing secret method, mixed five thunder internal
cultivation methods, five thunder general photography methods, Deng Shuai's
Nine Transformations of Fire Talismans, Great Hole Flying and Five Thunders,
Five Thunders of Dual Luck, and the Order of the Social Service
Mysterious method, the secret of summoning all spirits, Shangyuan Chongming Nine
Dou Yangmang Fire Bell Talisman, Tai Sui secret
Fa, Nine Yang General Liu Tianjun’s Secret Technique, Purple Jade Sound
Summoning Thunder Dharma, Tai Sui Wu Chun Lei
Dharma, Doukou Kui’s secret method of the spiritual official, the seventeen-
character spiritual official’s secret method, and the law enforcement of
Shenxiao Governor Jinlun
Marshal Zhao's talisman, three days of wind, fire and thunder, the secret method
of thunder and lightning, and the five guardian laws of Zixiao
Lei Heihu, Liu Dashenfa, and Qingxuan Mine Master ordered Marshal Wen to use
secret methods to kill Feijiehuo.
Thunder Messenger Dafa, Thunder Xin Governor Secret Technique, Liuyi Feijie
Secret Technique, etc. These are inclusive
The various divine thunder methods of Duandao Spells are mainly collected in "
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan", "Fa Hai"
"The Lost Bead" has become the basic document for our study and practice of
thunder method today.

Section 4: Thunder Seal and Finger Technique Dougang

As can be seen from the above exploration, Leifa is a new type of Taoism with
quite rich connotations.
/ The history and thought of Shenxiao Sect of Erdaoism


Dharma, it not only perfected and developed the two great skills of Talisman and
Neidan, but also integrated Taoism into
Many other spells such as dharma seals, finger tactics, step gangs,
incantations, fortune telling, visualization, etc.
It has developed precisely because of the broad minds and open attitudes of the
masters of the Shenxiao sect.
This makes Leifa a cornucopia of Taoist magic and rituals.
As far as Taoist talismans are concerned, there is not only a theoretical system
based on the theory of vitality and yin and yang.
The core explanation has also developed in form, and many explanations related
to Leifa have appeared.
Directly related to the Heavenly Book Yunzhuan, it is called "Lei Wen Tianzhuan"
and "Leiwen Tianzhen" in Taoism.
Text ". Tang Tianshi Zheng Siyuan said: "
Being unfaithful and unfilial in the world, betraying destiny and creating
karma, full of evil
If there is excess, and the Yang method cannot reach it, the three officials
will use drums and pens, and the social order will report the guilt, and the
five thunders will be used to cut them off.
Secretary, to attack it. Maybe you did evil in the previous life and deserved to
be punished by thunder, so you are still punished as a beast as retribution.
compensation. There may be monsters hiding in palaces, temples, or trees and
utensils with poisonous insects underneath.
Invisible; or obscene and blasphemous, so that it shocks the place, there must
be a book from heaven to show the blame. or
What appears on the bottom of a pot, or is written on the wall of a house, or is
written on its shape, are all not the same glyphs that would be found in later
In fact, it is a seal script written in heavenly script, or similar to the
ancient text "Tadpole Bird Traces" written by Zhen Wen.

Volumes 73 and 74 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" contain a large number of Lei Wentian
seal scripts and Lei Hantian seal scripts.
Books and thunder seal scripts are special characters that appear after being
struck by thunder. Which says:
If a person is struck by thunder and dies on his side, the inscription is on his
side; if he falls to the ground and dies, the inscription is on the back;
Die on your back on the ground with the inscription on the chest; or be buried
upside down in the soil with the inscription on the legs; die sitting down with
the inscription on the belly.
± 0 I want to distinguish the words "Heaven's anger" and "evil". Use peach and
willow soup to cook it, then wrap it with scarlet silk and use
Iron it with incense, recite the water mantra for a second time, sprinkle it and
wash it off, and you will naturally see red and blue marks on the meat.
Check it in detail and still prove it with Lei Wen.
"② This is the execution of thunder on behalf of heaven to severely punish the
People, educate the people.
This kind of Lei Wen seal script is also engraved on animals and plants, palace
pillars, and ground stone monuments.

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 73, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, Page 2 4 5.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 73, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, Page 2 4 7.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\

Ten thousand

















Yu rate










Wei Shi








Lei Zhuan Zhenwen (

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan")

It is a warning to people to change their evil ways, do good things, and repent.
For example, "Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty Zhenzhuang"
"Tai, the four characters of Tianshu Kingdom's retreat from treacherous
ministers", "
During the Song Dynasty, the walls of ancient Buddhist temples were filled with
anger, and Lei Shu wrote to the deserted people next year.
"Six Characters for the Great Epidemic", "
During the reign of Emperor Wen of Wei, there was thunder in the palace. On the
ground of the Book of Heaven, the sun and moon lost their light.
"Heaven and Earth are dark". The Taoist explained that these were used by the
Emperor of Heaven to condemn the feudal emperors.
The king's misfortunes warned them to reform the government and protect their
subjects. Another example is "
People from Guangwu period of Han Dynasty
Being angry, there are four words in the book of heaven for being unfilial to
parents", "
During the reign of Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty, a minister was angered by
thunder, and a secret was written in heaven.
"The Four Characters of Chaotic Monarch", "On the stone tablet of the tomb of
Aiyi in Beimang Mountain, Luoyang in the year of Wu Chiwu, hidden under the Book
of Heaven"
"Four words for poison".
① It is a notice to suppress the rebellious ministers and poisonous evil
They are all designed to make the world fearful, practice self-reflection, move
on when you see good things, correct mistakes when they are wrong, so that you
can go up to heaven.
Good kindness and love to the people.
In addition to Leiwen Tianzhuan, there are also some artifacts that show the
power of Leibu, such as thunder anvils,
Thunder axe, thunder hammer, thunder drill, thunder ring, thunder ink, etc. The
so-called "Thunder Anvil", also known as "Thunder Anvil"
wedge'. "When you are angry at others, your soul will be scattered, and when you
hit an object, your body will be shattered. After being angry, the menstruation
will not stop after being tired of it.

See Volume 73 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang", Volume 29, Pages 245 ~ 251.
282 |



? ^ ^ / ~—The history and thought of the Shenxiao sect of Taoism

Therefore, when it falls into the human world, it looks like iron but not iron,
like stone but not stone. If you take grinding water with asafoetida, it can
bring out barren insects.
also. The thunder ax is also called a 鉱. The ax looks like a mixture of copper
and iron. It is extremely strong and heavy and has a sharp blade.
Jian, hit the mountain and shake it to the right. After cutting it, the divine
power is the strongest. It will no longer be used, so it will be left behind.
between. The thunder hammer, also known as the Immortal Spirit Hammer, is used
whenever thunder drums are sounded. Its shape is like copper and iron color,
Severe abnormality. In the past, Su Zhao once collected this mallet and its
handle. They were both like iron. It was as big as a fist and heavy.
Nine pounds. "This kind of artifacts are like meteorites falling from the sky
during a storm, or being struck by thunder.
The ore formed by electric shock is regarded as a sacred tool by people and
people in Taoism, and it possesses psychic powers.
The power of the spirit. The Taoist Scripture says: "
Wedge is produced from Penglai Mountain in the East China Sea. It is also called
Shizhi. Today it is Lei
There are many people in the state who have harvested it. They can grind it and
feed it to children to stop panic and eliminate evil spirits. Many doctors don’t
The source of wedge out. People in Leizhou said: There was a strong thunder and
wind, and some fell from time to time, but the size was small and large.
Different, as hard as gold and stone, polished to a bright luster, dark and dark
to the most heavy", "
During the reign of Emperor Ming of the former Han Dynasty, he once entered
The thunder drums and hammer drills belong to the temple. One night when there
was a storm, they were taken away by the sacred objects. It can be seen that
their spirits are
Feeling grateful."
① Doctors also attach great importance to the clinical role of such
instruments. Li Shi
There are some prescriptions in the "Compendium of Materia Medica".
On the other hand, the Shenxiao sect attaches great importance to the magical
effect of Taoist seals and respects Lei Wenbao.
Seal, it is believed that the treasure seal is the secret of the Three Qing
Dynasties and the Nine Emperors, and it is the secret of the Dharma Service Lei
passed down by the ancestors of the past dynasties.
Keepsake. 《
"Dao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 56: "
There are six talisman seals in the Lei Department, which started from the
beginning of the Yuan Dynasty
The emperor gave it to the emperor, and then he was the father-in-law of the
five kings of the Five Mountains. The seals are all made of jade, or they are
called Yushu. since then
The Yellow Emperor, Lei Gong, Feng Hou, etc., carried their seals with them to
heaven. In the past, Xu Junxun got these five
No. I took a fierce shot with Wu Jun to kill the poisonous dragon. The poisonous
dragon did not subdue. I used a seal to illuminate it. The dragon's eyes were
The blood must not be turned before the execution begins. ...with six seals, the
inner five thunder seals are not the first of Shangyuan
Pinxianguan cannot use it. The second is the Seal of Purple Light Dantian. Those
who get this seal are admired for their age.
He summons the God of Thunder by sitting down, moving mountains and draining
seas, driving dragons to make rain, making the cover invisible, and making
everything fly and walk on the ground.
Fierce and evil ghosts and gods, if they stick this seal to their place, they
will be destroyed naturally. If there is a dragon and rain, use the seal to

See Volume 73 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 29 of "Tao Zang", pages 251 and 247.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method'


|! 283

The seal is a talisman, but it cannot be used indiscriminately. God has the
seal. The next day, the seal of thunder, light and fire was encountered.
Those with this seal can use the five thunders to kill evildoers, stir up clouds
and cause rain, and subdue water monsters.
Those who practice alchemy can encounter this seal and install it in the altar.
Ghosts and ghosts will see it, and it will be filled with red light and fire.
The flames are in the sky and cannot be stolen. They are worn in military
formations. The white blade cannot damage the body. This seal is also used on
Seal it. It was worn by Lord Mao in the past, and he rose to the rank of
Shangqing of Dongyue. After ascending to heaven, he left behind seals and
The second one is called Yuchen Cave Spirit Seal, also known as Doukui Seal,
which Lord Mao once wore. Have to meet this treasure
The seal can be used to slay mirages, demonic dragons, and summon thunder to
cause rain. The seals are in accordance with the time and are all verified.
Use this seal to pray for snow to fall, to pass on blessings, or to send out
petitions and talismans.
The ultimatum will be delivered immediately. Anyone who wears this seal and
passes through the prefectures and counties will be greeted by the city god's
temple. "①
What is said here is "
"Six Talisman Seals", including Purple Light Pill Heavenly Seal, Thunder Light
Fire Seal, Jade Seal
Morning Cave Spirit Seal, Five Thunder Envoy Seal, Thunder Dusi Seal, Arctic
Exorcism Seal. before which
The three types of seals are also called the "Thunder Technique" of Taoism.
"Three Treasures Divine Seal". Here is a selection of them.
Purple Light Dantian Seal
Ziguangdan astronomical seal, this seal contains the fifth volume of "Tao Fa Hui
Yuan". Through China and Japan,
This seal was passed down from the pre-Qin period by the father-in-law of
Jiutian and the True Lord of the Five Mountains. It is so magical that it is
Categories include Mao Jun, Siming Jun, Fuqiu Laoren, Fei Changfang, Wu Meng,
Wang Zhen
Jun, Wang Wenqing and others got it, "
Those who receive it can dispel evil spirits, slay dragons, kill monsters, and
cause thunder.
Thunder, rain, and hail can cure all kinds of diseases, dangers, and hardships.
They can illuminate ghosts and gods in the source of rivers, ponds, and caves
and valleys.
All kinds of strange things can be seen, subjugating demons and poisonous
beasts." This seal "can be used as a tribute to God, and all the immortal
magazines are tied to the elbow.
The girl on the left, on the right, removes the poison from the body and makes
people smart. It can be seen that the king and ministers will be happy after
getting it.
Wear medicines, seek immortality and learn Taoism, protect life and body, and
avoid all dangers.
The name is from an immortal book. Ruoyin
The talisman is extremely magical and is not a mundane seal. It is a seal made
from the Five Heavenly Inscriptions. Wear the seal
The principles of things are in the heart of heaven. This talisman was given to
Mao Jun by God, and he wore it and ascended to heaven. Later, he passed on his
disciples due to imitation

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, page 138.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Si Mingjun, the name of the three seals is

Know the supernatural. People in the world get it, but cherish the secret
So, don't show yourself as a non-human being. Diyang cloud: purple
The text of Guangdantian can be printed on talismans and ultimatums
Shape, can also be worn, destroy the temple to drive away
Its printing method: "It is better to use solid
Peach trees, those facing east are the best, thunder strikes jujube
Second, Changzaomu comes second. If you've got
The peach trees in the tomb are particularly magical. More capable
According to the law, choose an auspicious day and order the craftsman to live a
clean life.
Body and mind, with sincerity and sincerity, still don't let the monks
Meet Nepalese children, women and domestic animals, cats and dogs

Purple Light Dantian Seal

Of. After publishing, there are incense candles, plain cakes and wine
As a result, I sincerely informed the ancestor Thunder God and offered my
blessings. Put it in a wooden box outside, and pause in the tranquility of
If applied, it is extremely effective. "
The sacrificial seal method says: "Take Liu Bing, it is the day of Lei Hui, or
Geng Shen Ding Mao, the spring equinox and winter
On the second solstice of summer, in the open air at night, looking at the sky,
there are rows of Dou Shu, Zhong Xiang, Tong Shi She Ren, and Du Shui.
Messenger, Purple Light Boy, Yuguang Boy, Wu Lei Xia Shi Zhi Fu, Zhi Sun Gong
Cao, Kai
Seal the Immortal Lord with the true text and jade seal, use the pure fruit tea,
make money and horses look like sparse, burn green wood incense, and give my
best wishes.
The gods mentioned above may grant me mercy and receive oil as offerings. A
certain person came yesterday to teach and receive the Five Thunder Dharma.
Treasure Seal, don't dare to use it on your own. Today we are offering special
sacrifices. General Fuqi and his gods are focused on the true light and
However, when entering the seals, the common people will move and envoys are all
alive, and the ghosts and gods will have their wings. Offer incense and then
worship, three offerings
After drinking, he pinched Chen with his left hand and said silently: "Tianfu
Bingmu, the spiritual light is transformed." The spirit descends from the

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 149.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method


Seal the Eight Diagrams. Sacrifice to the gods and collect evil spirits. It
shook the five mountains and shocked all the nine states. Ministry of Water
With his head tied up, the fire monster disappears. I hope that wonderful things
will come down and spread throughout the world. Urgency is like a law. The curse
is over,
Each of the gods descended the red and yellow true hernias, and condensed them
into the seal. Turn money into a horse-like shape to send gifts to gods. Receive
the seal,
In a clean room, do not let women see chickens or dogs. After twelve sacrifices,
it is extremely effective. If only
It's okay to sacrifice it three times. When a hundred sacrifices can be made,
the boy in the seal appears and pays the omen with golden elixir and jade seal.
The fruit that makes people feel like gods. Not to mention the use of
calligraphy, only seals, photos or seals, all evils are established.
Execute, the magical power is wonderful. ”①
Thunder light fire text seal
Seal of thunder, light and fire, this seal contains
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 57. "Tao Fa"
Huiyuan" Volume 56: Fire Master Wang Zhenjun
It is said that this seal has been given by God since the beginning of the Yuan
He was successively the father-in-law of the Five Lords of the Five Mountains,
Emperor, Lei Gong, Feng Hou, Mao Jun, Xu
What Xun and Wu Meng obtained was extremely miraculous.
Discussion of "The True Text of Five Thunders in Yushu of the Shangqing Dynasty"
Day: "The book of thunder, light and fire can be printed
The ultimatum, the order of Wuyue City God Society, and
Wear a sticker on the portal. People who practice law should protect themselves
The alliance was passed on, and the God and the Penglai capital were watered
Messenger, Yuedu Famous Mountain, Douxia Thunder God

Thunder light fire text seal

It will be used as soon as it is sensed.

Ear. Diyang Yun: The book written by thunder, light and fire can be printed on a
talisman and thrown into the source of rivers and ponds, and it will rise.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 151, 152.

The History and Thoughts of Daowo Shenxiao Sect

Dragon hair storm. Seal the ultimatum to invite the wind, which can make the
boat sail quickly. Thunder and lightning, please let the weather shine, rain or
snow, please
Hundreds and thousands of disasters are coming. Wearing it into the forest,
tigers and wolves run away, it's so magical. The one who got this article is God
Able to sense inspiration and become a true immortal. ”①
Yuchen Cave Spirit Seal
Yuchen Cave Spirit Seal, this seal is collected
Contained in "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 57.
Discussion of "The True Text of Five Thunders in Yushu of the Shangqing Dynasty"
Day: "The seal of the Jade God Cave Spirit can be printed
Talisman, remove three corpses and nine insects, sacrifice and wear it
Then, he becomes a god. But the rune ultimatum
Like, pray for rain and sunshine, move the gods of heaven and earth
Ming, this seal script is the most effective and can cause wind and thunder.
god. If a person who practices alchemy has this seal
The hundred ghosts dare not look at it, the poisonous dragon dare not
seize. It can also be used to stamp talismans and affix them to ancient wooden
Tombs, ghosts and spirits travel thousands of miles. If you get this
Seal script can destroy a hundred ghosts and can be refined

Yuchen Cave Spirit Seal

Dan. Di Yangyun said: Xi Maojun accepted this

Seal, the immortal arrives at the command of the minister, and the real official
ascends to heaven with his merits fulfilled. Although people in the world have
no magical powers, if they could
When this happens, sacrifice the person behind the elbow, or give someone a red
seal to wear it, so as to eliminate disasters in the court year. Ruojiu
Being invaded by evil ghosts, sealing the door, destroying the good fortune, and
being bound by hundreds of ghosts. "②

See "Tao Zang", Volume 29, Page 149.

See "Tao Zang", volume 29, page 151.

The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method

Seal of the Five Thunder Envoys

The seal of the Five Thunder Envoys, this seal contains
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 57. in the scriptures

"Guanda rune, use it to establish

Should "① According to the same book, Volume 56, the fire starter
Wang Zhenjun said: This seal is "not the first one of Shangyuan Dynasty".
It is impossible to use it as a heavenly official". Because
Among the five divisions of Lei Mansion, "the only five Lei Academy"
Autocratic power is also subject to control, and each department has its own
There are fierce generals and soldiers who control the four courtyards and are
Ling Haobo, how can he learn from the soldiers of other tribes?

Seal of the Five Thunder Envoys

Those who really follow the Dharma all invite soldiers to work here② The same
book volume 249 says: "The fourth division, Yufu
Among the Five Thunder Envoys, there is the True Lord of the Yufu Five Thunder
Envoys, who is the chief executive of Leicheng.
To make the truth come true, the chief of the Northern Emperor's Thunder City
Department will carry out punishments and rewards, and the Penglai City
Department of Water Resources will be responsible for water translation.
The three divisions are all in charge of the Wu Lei Envoy Courtyard in Yufu, and
all the officials are sent to prison. Don't get arrogant and messy in the Jiefu.
Yu Leidusi. "

Seal of Thunder Capital
The seal of Thunder Capital is sometimes called "Shaoyang Lei Gong Dharma Seal"
or "Thunder Thunder Seal" in Taoist books.
"Dusi Fuxi", "
"Lei Bu Tong Zhen Da Ling Jin Jade Seal". Most of its seals are in the form of
form. "Tao Zang" contains several kinds of seals, and there are also many
physical objects handed down from ancient times, such as wood, copper,
All are made of stone. As stated in this book, it is the seal of the Ming
Dynasty bronze Thunder Capital.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 138.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 136.
③ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 30, Page 529.

@ @ @ @ /

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

"Shangqing Yufu Five Thunder Dharma Jade Shuling"

"Wen" contains what Wang Zhenjun said: "Five thunders
Now that it is clear, you should know the headquarters of Lei Mansion. Already
The department will respond immediately if requested. And Leicheng is here
In the jade qingzhen palace, in the Buddhist light above the blue sky,
It's 2,300 miles away from the mansion, and the city is eighty high.
One Zhang is the place where King Yuqing ruled.
The ministers and envoys of the Qing Dynasty are divided into different
positions, and the main thing is to take action.
All things drive the sea and mountains, pushing the four
At this time, yin and yang rise and fall, recording good and punishing evil.

Seal of Thunder Capital

There are five thunder masters among them, and they can issue orders at the
right time to assist in the transformation of the true king. And the Five
Thunder Envoys are from the Thunder City
Specially in charge of taking charge of Wu Lei, Guan Shen is in charge of
division. Whenever wind and rain come from time to time, strong Yang will lead
to violence and war will be reckless.
Moving, hungry and only recommending Zhen, they all come from the Emperor Zhen,
and they are all divided by Yushu, and they also lead
The generals of the three divisions judged the merits and demerits of the ghosts
and gods in the three realms, and Kang Li and his concubines... The Thunder City
Division was in the north.
The place where the emperor specializes is divided into officials and
responsibilities, and the government is supported by Yuji. In this world where
there are floods and droughts, please be kind to me.
The Yushu Court heard and implemented it. As for the thunder, ax and axe, the
rewards and punishments are all in an orderly manner.
Si Cun, there is thunder in the heart of the sky, but not in the ear. "
① Volume 123 of the same book also says: "
Yuan Shi Shang
The emperor granted him three cave flying immortals and five mountain father-in-
laws, whose talisman and seals were all made of jade. Huangdi got it and admired
Seal to the sky. After Lei Gongfeng, the two kings got it and passed away one
after another. Xu Duxian got it and went with Wu
Meng and Ding Yi commanded Shaoyang Lei Gong.
"The Patriarch said:"
This seal is specially designed for the application of memorials. It is a
heavenly seal.
The gate and thunder gate recognize the secret. Each of its seals has its own
rules in terms of its radius and radius, and the seals are written by the
Thunder Chief.
Seal, each inch is one minute for the square, the circle, the thickness and the
width. All the generals and officials of the Lei Department and Shaoyang Lei
Gong were summoned with this method.
Seal the talisman, which is called a secret code, and it will bring great
retribution. In the past, General Shaoyang had to meet Liubo Tianjun.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 135 and 136.
Every time the inner gold of Shenxiao's thunder method rings,



After giving this seal, Xin Tianjun of the Thunder Department conferred the
title of Master Chen Niwan in Hainan, and it has been passed down to this day
Arctic Exorcism Academy Seal
Arctic Exorcist Seal, also known as
Dutiantong takes the seal of the ghosts and gods of the three realms."
Due to differences in teachings and schools, it is widely used
There are more than ten kinds of printed texts. here
What is included is a bronze seal from the Ming Dynasty.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 265 says:
"Emperor Ziwei Arctic Yuxu, Supreme Commander
The stars control all laws in the middle and govern abundance in the lower part.
Capital is the lord of all the stars in the sky. North
Jiexuixiyuan is its main palm.

Arctic Exorcism Academy Seal

It is called "Zhengzhang", which means that Emperor Ziwei is the main god of the
Arctic Exorcist Academy. He is in charge
In the courtyard, the ghosts and gods of the three realms are summoned, "Living
in the purple wall, he is the master of all phenomena, and is arched by all the
As the emperor of Wanfa Jinxian, he went to Jinque and led Fengdu. He started in
the first year of Longhan.
The ghost soldiers, gods and devils in the six caves of Fengdu, Beiyin, parade
around the world and kill living beings. No one can control them.
Yu, the Jade Emperor summoned the Northern Emperor to lead the divine generals
and soldiers, perform the black law of the great demon, and conduct orders from
Jiuquan in Fengdu.
Talisman, inspect the seals of ghosts and gods in the three realms, subdue the
demons, drive away the evil atmosphere, rescue the common people, and succeed.
At the end of the journey, he ascended to the position of the Great Emperor
Ziwei in the North Pole."

The "black law" mentioned here is also called "ghost law". "Shangqing Bone
Marrow Lingwen Ghost Rhythm"

Said: "Ghost Lawman, Tiancao was sentenced to the Exorcism Courtyard, and the
Northern Emperor went there, and the jade grid

For those who perform rituals in parallel, the Jade Emperor specially gave the
Exorcism Court to judge. The main reason is to criticize ghosts

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 594.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 30, Page 624, 6250

My daughter is the next year old/—

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

He is a criminal who assists in righteousness and exorcism, brings blessings to

the people, and prevents disasters for the country. "
① It can be seen from this
The North Pole Exorcist Academy is controlled by Emperor Ziwei. It has great
power and is deeply respected by Taoist sects.
Yuan Miaozong "
Volume 2 of "The Supreme Master's Secret Key to Helping the Country and Saving
the People" contains "Sacrifice-making Dharma Seal Style" narrated
Its origin, production, specifications and usage can be made of thunder zhen
jujube wood, or gold and jade.
One inch and eight minutes square, "Call the envoys of Liuding and Liujia to
form a barrier to protect them, and place them with Zhu Fu's seal on the face."
Go up, first hear the report to heaven, and then send it to Dongyue and Guanhe
to take note of it before you can use it."
In addition, there are more than twenty kinds of various seals used by Shenxiao
Sect, the main ones are Tianpeng
Seal, Five Thunder Train Seal, Tiangang Seal, Beidi Fire Bell Seal, Dingjia
Contract Seal, Tai Chi Jade
Seal, Purple Micro Jade Seal, Dutian Great Thunder Seal, Six Ding Jade Female
Seal, Tiju City God Si
Seal, Seal of Killing Evil and Cutting Plague, Seal of Urgent Pursuit, Seal of
Thunder and Fire General, Yubu Seal of Thunder, Light, Fire and Cloud
Tongyin, Lingfeng Lingyin, and Five Thunder Train Seals have different uses, but
they are all used to implement thunder methods.
heavy weapon. A few more are introduced below.
Priest Yuwen Qiongxi
Shenxiao Jade Wen Qiongxi, contains the volume of "Gaoshang Shenxiao Jade
Qingzhen Wang Zishu Dafa"
Eight, it is one of the five treasure seals of Shenxiao Lei Mansion. It is said
in the scriptures that this seal was made by the Qinghua Emperor
It is said that it is secretly hidden in the Nine Heavens. "It is made of gold
and controls the gods of the Nine Heavens and Nine Earths, the five mansions and
The Dragon God of Hai Sanjiang Shuicao uses his seal to control everything and
cure all diseases. If you swallow it, you will be cured."
"Every time you make a seal, place it in Jiazi and Gengshen, facing the
southeast, at the second hour of Chensi, in the pure secret room.
In the process, first burn incense, pray silently, take the true fruit of
Shenxiao, and blow it into the wood. Then order the work
It's done in a moment, don't let it stop. Carve them with clear jade or red
jujube hearts and offer sacrifices according to the law."
The form of the seal is as follows: "In thirty-nine days or a period of time,
when the person is determined, he will enter the secret room.
Set up a table in the middle, spread it on silk paper, use three steamed cakes,
three cups of soup, one stick of incense, and set up three

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 6, Page 9 0 8.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 32, pages 61 and 62.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\


Sixteen, arranged on the left and right, three incense candles,

Serve incense and drink wine, and stand on the northwest side of the case.
Facing the south, I bow again. I am a happy minister.
Live forever, cultivate the great road, and be lucky today
At night, prepare incense and lamps as offerings to the
Pray for the soul. The minister came to enlighten the Immortal Emperor
Jun, Qinghua Emperor Jun, Haosheng Han Jun
Father-in-law, the True King, Yaohua Yubao, the True Emperor
Man, Lord Zhenyuan on Shenxiao Jade Tower, left
You Zhenfei, Prime Minister Xianbo, Zuo Huayou

Priest Yuwen Qiongxi

Ji Zhen Zai Immortal Saint, Immortal Official and Spiritual Official, Tongzhang
Yinzhong Saints, Jade Wen Qiongxi, Urgent Pursuit
Capture and kill evil and eradicate plagues, generals with electric fire, palm
seals holding seals and seals for the saints, direct altars to the land,
All true spirit. I have a clean body and wear the precious seal. I wish there
will be no disease inside and all diseases outside will be eradicated.
Demons, help the sky to transform, help the country and save the people, cut off
evil spirits, and expel sneaky things. Yesterday in a certain year
On a certain day of the month, at a certain time, in a certain place, I will
teach you the sacred scriptures of Shenxiao, Yuwen, Qiong, Tongzhang, and Lei.
If you have the seals of fire, slaying evil, and urgent catching, I would like
to offer sacrifices in a clean room somewhere on an auspicious day, and I will
receive the treasure.
print. The seal has been submitted on the year, month and day, and the emperor
of the three divisions has been flying to beg for orders and issue them to the
Wherever the subordinates go, they will inspect and inspect the ministers'
movements, identify them and carry them out. Still begging for conferment from
heavenly saints
Everyone, the God King who protects the seal, the thundering official, and the
straight talisman messenger guard the jade inscriptions and the seal talisman,
Hundreds and thousands of weights, Taoist inscriptions are circulated, people
and ministers have their seals, and ministers are ordered to use them. Summons
the gods and generals, and always calls
The officers and soldiers captured the evil spirits, killed the gods and ghosts,
and saved the king and the people, and achieved immediate results. The next time
I wish to be a minister
Pray for nature, be in harmony with immortality, rush to the jade palace, salute
God with your face, and be in harmony with Tao. Chen
Without any responsibility, he looked up to the sky and looked up at the Holy
Spirit with great enthusiasm. When he arrived at the camp, he bowed his head and
bowed again. Add incense, drink wine, disperse
Flowers, goodbye. Qinghua Emperor Shenxiao's jade treasure seal, which has been
secreted in Jiuxiao for more than 80,000 calamities, is
To make Qixian prosperous, the immortal people want to practice it, so they must
sacrifice it first, and then it will be effective. head cloth tianyuankan
House, the ground is laid out to form a palace, with five divine swords and
mirrors each, five streamers, and five cypress soups.

Also 0


5 1 Five Looks at Tujia History and Thoughts

A cup with five seasonal fruits, a cauldron of wood honey and fragrant soup,
pure water and pure brew of fragrant flowers, placed under the altar.
On the second floor, there are five seals on the upper floor, Jiuxiao lanterns
on the lower floor, and the steps are too small. Qibai; small omen from the sky
I would like to report that the emperor of the three divisions, the emperor of
Tianzhen, the father-in-law of Han, the Tianzun of Yufu, and Leihuo
The general, the general envoy, the palm seal Tianding, the wind boy rain
master, and the saints of the thunder department. I admire you
In Dahua, I admire the special grace, wear a Dharma basket, and ascend to the
immortal steps. Today we are building a round altar with a round sky and a round
altar with earth
Huxingsi, sincerity reaches the sky. I have the jade seal of an immortal
treasure. I worship according to the law and wish to be a real immortal.
All the saints, with compassion and piety, bestow upon you the true Taoist
fruits of immortality, pour them into the treasure seal, and fly the talisman
into the urn.
Begging for obedience. Those who do not follow the path will see their seals
turn into dust. After the Ji ministers paid homage to him, all sins were
If it disappears, all hope for the original edict. The body and mind are at
peace, the gods are at peace, the direction is beneficial, and the prayers are
As enlightened by Meng, I admire the great kindness of He Dao. I would like to
have a seal to pay homage to Dayu Mansion. Chen
Wu Ren was sincere and frightened, so he bowed his head and bowed again. Looking
up to the sky and looking at the saint, I am so excited to see the screen camp,
I sincerely
Word. Next, he offered incense, sealed seven of them with red seals, and
swallowed them. The three sacrifices according to the law are to avoid filthy
and turbid places.
Yin Zifei. On the day when his achievements are completed, Peiyin rides on a
phoenix chariot and goes to the sky.
Kill evil and eliminate plague seal
Killing evil and breaking the plague seal, collected in the eighth volume of
"The Great Law of the High God Xiao Jade Qing Zhen Wang Zi Shu",
It is one of the five treasure seals of Shenxiao Lei Mansion. The main function
of this seal is to "break off plague evil spirits" and can be used
It is used to cure diseases, collect evil spirits, exorcise evil spirits and
preserve life. Inside it says: "The right seal is printed with thunder-shocked
jujube wood, and is printed with pills."
Sand print. There are eight million divine soldiers in this seal, who can drive
away plague and attack evil spirits with the seal. When there is a great plague,
the seal will be arranged on the door.
Do not enter other people's homes, swallow seals and sweat, so as not to
contaminate others. Evil monsters annoy those who disobey the law, seal the
altar with
On all sides, the seals are burned by Fang Ling, and the monsters disappear. Use
it when necessary.
When using the seal, you should recite the mantra. When you present the seal,
take the mantra and say: "
Antarctic longevity, relief from misfortune,
When the three platforms are completed, all good things are accomplished. The
urgency is as high as the divine sky, jade and the pure king's laws.
"Open the seal
The curse said: "
The God of Shenxiao, bestows seals to channel spirits, and Lord Han bless him.
All wishes come true, and evil spirits take refuge.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, pages 616 and 617.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\



I 293

Zheng, Daodong Qianying. Urgent as high as high

Shenxiao Jade Qingzhen Wang Ling.
The curse says: "The treasure seal of the divine sky governs hundreds of
Spirit, the order is carried out, and Tianding is ordered.
With a divine seal, your life span will be endless. Ten Thousand Demons
Hands over, thousands of evil spirits disappear. Urgent as high
Shang Shen Xiao Jade Qing Zhen Wang Lu Ling.
The seal said: "Tian Ding is ordered, and the powerful man
Holding talisman. The goblins will be destroyed and the evil spirits will be
punish. Within the Three Realms, follow my command.

Kill evil and eliminate plague seal

The urgency is as high as the divine sky, jade and the pure king's laws. "

Its sacrificial seal method says: "
Taking Liu Bing, it is the day of Lei Hui, or Geng Shen Ding Mao, the spring
At the second solstice of winter and summer, in the open air at night, looking
at the sky, there are rows of Dou Shu, Zhong Xiang, Tong Shi She Ren, Du Shui
The messenger on the right, the purple light boy, the jade light boy, the five
thunders playing the official talisman, and the direct sun meritorious cao,
Kai Zhuyin Zhenwen Jade Seal Immortal Lord, use the pure fruit tea, money and
horse shape, burn green wood incense, worship
I wish the gods mentioned above may grant me mercy and receive oil offerings.
Someone came yesterday to teach and receive the Five Thunder Dharma, so
After receiving the treasure seal, I dare not use it on my own. Today is a
special offering. General Fuqi and the gods are focused on the true light.
Zhengmi, entering the various seals, the concubine gave a certain move to make
all the spirits, and the ghosts and gods had their wings. Offer incense and say
goodbye, three
After offering wine, pinch the chen with your left hand, and silently curse:
"Heaven assists Bingmu, and the spiritual light transforms into life." Pivot
Ling, seal and open the Eight Diagrams. Sacrifice to the gods and collect evil
spirits. It shook the five mountains and shocked all the nine states.
The water part tied its head, and the fire monster disappeared. May the
wonderful fruits descend and spread throughout the world. Urgency is like a law.
After that, all the gods sent down red and yellow true sacrifices, which were
condensed into the seal. Turn money into a horse-like shape to send gifts to
gods. receive
Seal, in a clean room, do not let women, chickens or dogs see you. After twelve
sacrifices, it is extremely effective.
If you only offer it three times, that's fine. A hundred sacrifices can be made,
and the boy from the seal appears, promising gold and elixir.

"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 617.

@@@@/ — The evolution and thought of the Shenxiao School of Taoism

Seal script makes one enter the fruit of immortality. Not to mention the use of
calligraphy, only seals, photos or seals, hundreds of
The evil will be punished, and the magical power will be wonderful. ”①

Urgent reminder to print

Urgent reminder to print and collect "Gao"
Dafa written in the Purple Book of Shang Shen Xiao Yu Qing Zhen Wang
Volume 8 is the five treasure seals of Shenxiao Lei Mansion.
one. The mage uses this seal to issue dispatches
The book and chapter are played to summon the officials and soldiers of the
gods. Inside
The right seal is made of jujube wood that shakes thunder.
Use whatever comes your way. To deal with urgent matters,
Seal it with a seal, and the person in charge will serve it
Go ahead, don't dare to stagnate, catch gods and chase ghosts,
When he was appointed to the office, all the gods were waiting to guard him, and
he did not dare to

Urgent reminder to print

Leaving the altar. Seal the bear spell (Qiao Chen Wen): longevity in Antarctica,
relief from misfortune and rebirth, Santai
At the end of the journey, all good things are accomplished. The urgency is as
high as the divine sky, jade and the pure king's laws. Seal Opening Spell: God
God Xiao, bestows seals to channel spirits, and Lord Han bless me, so that all
my wishes come true. The evil demon is converted to the righteous, and the Tao
fruit is hidden
camp. The urgency is as high as the divine sky, jade and the pure king's laws.
Seal incantation: Shenxiao Seal, control
Lark. Whatever the imperial edict does, Tianding will be ordered to do so. With
a divine seal, your life span will be endless. Wan Mo Gong
Hands, thousands of evil spirits are extinguished. 0 The urgency is as high as
the heavenly sky, the jade pure king's law. ” ② “Tao Dharma Assembly”
Volume 57 of "Yuan Dynasty" also says: "The general sent out his legacy to drive
away evil spirits and use it as a talisman." ③

① See "
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 57, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 151 and 152.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 617.
③ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 150.

The internal odor and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method

General Seal of Thunder and Fire

The general's seal of thunder and fire is the thunder of the divine sky.
One of the five treasure seals of the Mansion. Collection of "Tao"
"Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 57. mage uses
Summon thunder and luck, and use Leibu Shenzhen.
Inside, he said: "Suppress the source of the pond and pray for rain.
Use it for seals. ” ① “Gaoshang Shenxiao Jade”
Volume 8 of "The True Jade Purple Book of Dafa" reads:
"The right seal is made of gold, jade, or jujube wood.
Publish it and print it with cinnabar. This seal is
The seal script of the Eight Powerful Poisonous Snakes Guan Yufu Lei

General Seal of Thunder and Fire

God, pray for rain, burn evil spirits, slay water monsters, cast yellow gauze
into water, kill them
Weird, Dafa plague, it sends ghost fetuses, convulsions, and sky hangings, seals
all diseases and then kills them, walking tigers
For diseases, when the seal disappears, that is, when the thunder talisman is
established, its effect cannot be said " ②
The Great Thunder Fire Seal of Dutian
The Dutian Great Thunder Fire Seal is a divine thunder seal widely used by
Taoist sects. "History"
In Volume 49 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal's Body and Way", the white jade
toad of the Southern Song Dynasty "received the pure urn and walked on all
Dharma, the great thunder in the sky is the most powerful. The thunder seal used
is always worn between the elbows, and the prayers are always different.
"Should"③. The seal contained here can be found in Volume 57 of "Dao Fa Hui
Yuan". It says:
"I govern the mountains, rivers, immortals, officials, ghosts and gods in the
world. I can divide the cities, the gods, the temples, the officials and the
soldiers. I can send them all.
Can subdue evil ghosts and gods. People who practice law cannot use this seal,
ghosts and gods cannot be used, and temples and temples cannot be used.

① See page 150 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".

② See pages 6 1 7 of Volume 28 of "Tao Zang".
③ See page 386 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".

@@@@/ — The evolution and thoughts of Daogu Shenxiaolang

Dragon mirage, and use this seal to create it, cannot

Seal with him for miscellaneous purposes "①Volume 1, 2, 3
Wang Zhenjun, the fire master, said: "This is the seal of God.
Specially surrendered to the Thunder City, serving the wind and thunder,
Drive away gods and monsters, slay demons and pray for rain
Pray for clear weather, pray for wind and pray for snow.
The talisman should be sealed with this seal. mortal
All diseases can be cured by the seal.
Or if you are injured by water or fire, you can use a seal to seal it.
cold. Or wind and swelling poisonous gas, the seal disappears

The Great Thunder Fire Seal of Dutian

scattered. In the past, Lei Gong of Shaoyang received this seal and performed
meritorious deeds, so he moved to Shaoyang.
General. Therefore, the fear of seal gods and ghosts, and the disappearance of
water monsters "'②" Shangqing Tianshu
One is also included in the volume of "Return to the Courtyard and Bidao
Zhengfa". It is said in the scriptures that this seal can cure immortals,
officials and ghosts
God, the city god and the army, can quell monsters and suppress evil, raise
dragons and move thunder. Like praying for sweet rain, "Yu Youlong
place, use an iron plate on one side, seal the inscription on paper, use this
seal to send it to the water
In the middle, the dragon god stood up. For example, there are strange things in
the water, monsters in the trees, and disasters in ancient temples, all of which
are written in it.
If you use this seal to seal it, the monsters in the water will die, the temples
will destroy, and the trees will wither.
Or burned by fire and lightning from heaven. The seal is two inches wide,
square, eight inches thick, and the seal is divided into six parts.
The characters are composed of two lines of overlapping astronomical seal
Spirit Wind Law Seal
Ling Feng Ling Seal, collected in "
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 57. Tie the five thunders of Qing Yushu
An important instrument used in Zhenwen Dafa. The scripture says: “
Wear it to cross the river, and the sailing will be smooth.
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 150.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 9 Page 5%.
③ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 10, Page 473.
The connotation and influence of divine thunder method\

Back to ① ④ | 297

"Subject the illuminating evil spirits, and the hundred demons will not be able
to do anything", "It is advisable to
Use solid peach wood, with the one facing east as the top.
The second is the jujube struck by lightning, the second is the jujube tree.
Of. If you get the peach wood in the tomb, it will be especially sacred.
different. Be more able to follow the law, choose auspicious days, and destiny
The craftsman's house cleanses the body and mind, and publishes with sincerity,
Monks, nuns, children, women, and livestock are still not allowed to
Cats and dogs see it. After publishing, there are incense candles
Plain cakes, wine and fruits, tell the story of the founder Lei
God, sacrifice. Put it in a wooden box outside,

Spirit Wind Law Seal

Suddenly in Dharma Jing. If applied, it will be extremely effective.”①

Five thunder train seal
Five thunder train seal, this seal contains
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 57. so-called
"Five Thunder" refers to heavenly thunder, divine thunder and dragon
Thunder, water mine, social thunder. Learn Taoism
Scholars of the law should know where they are going, apply for ultimatum and
Please serve the God of Thunder. The scripture says, this
Printed in "Train Examination Use". road
The so-called "kaozhao" in teaching refers to the examination
The great method of summoning gods from ghosts. "Zhengyi Cultivation"
There are devils in the clouds in the world,
"Lie Yi" says: "

Five thunder train seal

The Nine Ugly Spirits, as well as the earth, water, wood, and stone, have
different shapes, transforming into demons, and have brain-like charms.

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page ⑸.

① See "

Legacy ⑷/The history and thoughts of the Shenxiao sect of Taoism

If there is harm to the people, the officials should be summoned by the Three-
Five Examination to pursue them and ask them. ”① Taoism believes that the
method of examination
There are six kinds of merit, so various sects often practice this method and it
is widely spread. "The Supreme Being Helps the Country and Saves the People"
Seven years after the "True Secret Essentials" volume, the sage told the
heavenly master: "This examination method can be used by people to achieve
There are six kinds of virtue. First, it can cure evil and inject evil diseases,
catch and kill evil spirits. Second, can
Explore the world with others, the length of life, the rich and the poor, the
noble and the humble. Third, kindness can be forbidden to others
Public and private, injustice and harm to each other. Fourth, those who can
interfere with the lives of husbands and wives, men and women, will not be able
to interfere with each other.
Resistance, eternal harmony, avoids the disasters of metal and wood, water and
fire, and is obedient and unhindered. fifth,
Able to remove public and private curses from others, evil spirits harming gods,
ghosts of living and dead, and those who plot harm with words.
They can all be eliminated and are harmless to each other. Sixth, it can
eliminate disasters from heaven and earth, wind and rain from time to time, and
the four qi
Improper, poisonous dragons and evil spirits, lustful water and drought,
pestilence, poisonous ghosts, etc. If one is not a righteous person, this method
will not work.
Can get rid of it. "Another day:"
In order to test the Dharma, I want to travel around the world to save people.
All things are always equal, they govern the country and their lives, help
people, and make contributions between heaven and earth.
Those who perform virtuous conduct and are heard in the Jade Capital, when their
merits are fulfilled, God will send immortal envoys to greet them, and they will
be promoted to great immortals.
position, rising during the day. After the emperor went to Luanba and captured
Luanba, he became more enlightened and more truthful than Shi.
Those who use it cannot record "② Taoism uses this seal to summon the Five
Thunder Gods to conduct various examinations and summons.
The Three Realms Hunyuan General Photographer Seal of the Ten Thousand Gods
The seal of all gods taken by the Hunyuan of the Three Realms is contained in
Volume 97 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan". through
It is claimed in the book that its seal function is very powerful and can
"Hunyuan Zuzhao, command the heavens, and subdue the masses."
Demon, suppresses the three realms, and protects all spirits", so it is called "
Yuanshi General Seal". Thus widely
The earth is used to chase dragons and pray for rain, drive away thunder and
lightning, summon clouds to stop wind, kill evil spirits, and protect life.
Among various ritual matters such as orders and memorials for previous chapters.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2 Page ⑺.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 32, pages 90 and 91.
The connotation and influence of divine thunder method\



His chapter "Zhengzou Jade Emperor"

The writing format is: "Zhengzou Jade Emperor: Gu
The minister's surname is certain. Your right minister, aren’t you sorry?
Wei, look up to the sky and listen, retreat and think about the arrogance,
The first beggar is Jinyuan. I would like to play it to serve as a guide
One day, I threw myself into a beggar to pray for Yu Ze. Chen
It’s hard to suppress the words, so I decided to choose a certain day of this
Just open a forum somewhere and declare your destiny to fly like lightning
Fu sent Yanggu Shenjun Zhang Jue to go and broadcast
Tell the thunder and drive away the thunder and rain. Shang Luchen

The Three Realms Hunyuan General Photographer Seal of the Ten Thousand Gods

A person has little knowledge, little virtue, shortcomings in merit, lack of

understanding of the true nature, is ignorant of the mysteries, and does not
obey the decrees of heaven.
OK, why pray for rain? For this reason, I would like to record the report for
those who heard it. Your right minister would like to bow down a hundred times.
Play to the Supreme Golden Tower of Haotian, Your Majesty the Jade Emperor, I
respectfully hope for the mercy of Heaven, and accept the music played by my
ministers. I bow down.
The imperial edict was issued to the province of Taixuan, announcing to the
Thunder Chiefs that they would be implemented accordingly. Please pray for
pardon first.
Forgive the people here for all their mistakes. Still begging for mercy, he sent
envoys Zhang, Tihuo Deng,
Judge Xin, supervising the Thunder God and Lightning Mother, Feng Boyu and Rain
Master, the God of Thunder in the Five Directions, and the Rain Dragon in the
current situation
God can shake the mountains and rivers, stir up the earth's veins, raise clouds
and fog, block out the sun, and chase down monsters.
Rainbow removes the feeling of drought. On a certain day and at a certain time,
there will be storms, thunder, lightning and rain, and thunder will fall
Altar, waiting for the call, thunder and lightning, drums sounding in the sky;
seas and rivers pouring down, sweet rain pouring down
In the wild. With the help of people's hope, it can bring relief to the anxious
and dry people. It can be used to express ordinary feelings, but also to express
trust in heaven. so despicable
If you wish, you will be truly grateful. I am sincere and frightened, I bow my
head in silence, and I would like to listen to it. I would like to play
year month day. A minister with a certain position is here to report. "Whenever
you use seals, you should recite "Xia Seal" orally.
Curse": "Innate heaven and earth, the fruit of the first ancestor. Death is the
key to life, and eternal life is here. Jade Emperor's Heart
Technique, all ghosts and gods avoid it. Urgency is like the law of Haotian Jade
Emperor. I follow the order of my ancestor Lu Zhenjun
Photographed. ”①
All in all, the Dharma Seal is the most important magical weapon in Taoism. It
symbolizes the world of heaven.
The authority of the gods is like the official seal of the human court. In other
words, the Dharma Seal is the
It represents the divine right to control the destiny of all things. Therefore,
Taoism attaches great importance to the production of seals.
And through a set of mysterious and mysterious sacrificial rituals, it is filled
with divine brilliance. and put
The production and use of Dharma seals are combined with the alchemy and qi
methods. In essence, they are still based on the essence of the human body.
The spirit of Qi comes to inspire the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and
humans and gods become one, in order to achieve the purpose of suppressing evil
and protecting life. ②
When performing the Taoist thunder method, various finger techniques are often
used. this
This kind of magic is also called "Pinching Jue", "Shou Jue", "Nian Jue",
"Holding Jue", "Fa Jue", "Shen Jue".
, "fight tactics" and so on. The mage uses his fingers to pinch certain parts of
the palm and fingers.
points, acupuncture points, or fingers combined into some fixed postures, thus
It has the function of gathering energy internally and summoning gods and ghosts
externally. The profound meaning contained in it is like the Buddhist "hand"
"Seal", one is a symbol of doctrinal norms, and the other is a symbol of the
realm and spiritual power of Taoist ancestors and gods.
Zheng, so in Taoist books, the fingering formula is also called mudra, and the
pinch formula is called knot seal. "Tao Fa Hui Yuan"
Volume 16. Said: "The key to the secret instructions passed down from the heart
of the ancestors is to penetrate into the secluded cave and summon gods and
control ghosts.
Holding the formula, silently transporting nothingness, because the eyes are the
formula" ③ The same book volume 57 points out: "In the fight,
The secret lies in the palm of your hand, and each action has its own secret. If
you get it, ghosts and gods will overwhelm you.
If it is lost, the demon will not be destroyed, so the laws will not work and
the actions will be ineffective. ” ④ “The Supreme Lord helps the country and
saves the people.”
Volume 8 of "Zhen Mi Yao" also says: "Yu Bu Gang Dou, the secret of palm and
eye, is the main point of Tao and the method.
The Yuan Dynasty. Those who follow the outline take advantage of righteousness
to control things. The secret eye is the master of luck according to the divine
change. Cultivation of immortality, refinement of truth, impeachment, summoning
and subjugation are all indispensable. ”⑤ It can be seen that the finger tips
important role in magic.

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 413 and 420.
See Li Yuanguo's "Taoist Seal Treasures", Taiwan Lingbao Publishing House, 2002
"Tao Zang" Volume 30, Page 6.
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 153.
"Tao Cai" Volume 3 2 Page 1 0 3.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\

3) (1)


The method of pinching is based on the theory of mutual understanding between

heaven and man. Taoism regards the palms as connecting with gods and spirits.
The important channel of
Gua, Five Elements, Nine Palaces, Twelve Chens, Beidou, Nandou, Twenty-Eight
Constellations, etc. Because of ancient
People often use these concepts to symbolize the movement of celestial phenomena
in the universe and the creation of all things.
By doing the seals, a condensed picture of the universe is formed on the palm of
the hand, thereby achieving
The purpose of the unity of heaven and man and the calling of all spirits. There
are about three hundred kinds of finger formulas commonly used in Taoism.
It is widely used in activities such as exercises, warding off evil spirits,
restraint, and rituals. Zheng Suonan's "Tai"
The second volume of "Ji Ji Ji Lian Nei Dharma" says: "
The trick is the key. "Huang Ting Jing" says: The son is a gate for others
Put the ups and downs. Then the hand can hold the entire creation of the body.
If you pinch the child, the kidney water will be strong. If you pinch the noon,
the heart will be strong.
The prosperity of the god of fire has been explained one by one, but it cannot
be exhaustively studied. "
① This refers to the relationship between tactics and internal refining
In terms of. Volume 8 of "The Supreme Master's Secret Key to Helping the Country
and Saving the People": "
Wherever you walk, ask questions, and treat
If you enter a temple, cross a river, enter a mountain, or write amulets, you
must pinch your eyes. "
② Further point out
The important role of Zhizhijue in performing Taoism.
It can be seen from Taoist books that Taoist priests have used Juemu during the
Sui and Tang Dynasties. Sun Simiao's "Thousands of
Golden Wings・
"The Forbidden Sutra" states that Taoism prohibits six laws, the fourth of which
is "
"Twisting the eyes is forbidden" means that there is something on the hand
Fifteen meshes with different uses. "Jinsuo Liuzhu Yin" contains Five Elements
Jue, Dragon Making Jue,
Gods, ghosts, fairies, beasts, etc., Heavenly Tiger, Heavenly Dog, Heavenly Ox,
Heavenly Leopard, Heavenly Fox, etc., and
Said: "Twist the ghost's eyes, and the ghost will hide and go away. Twist the
ghost's sword, and the ghost will die in three days. It's a great test."
Xizuo Ci, whose courtesy name was Yuanfang, was from Jiangdong. Good at keeping
ghosts at bay. Emperor Wen of Wei heard about it and issued an edict to ban the
plague ghosts. ghost
Zhi Lai cried and said to each other: "Jiangdong Zuojun, use your copper claws
to pinch my eyes, and I will remove my ears." Not going
If you want to stab me with a knife, you will die immediately. They all left
crying. Within three days, the illness in the palace will be worse.
Those who are not sick will always be healthy, and those who are not easily
infected will be healthy.
”③ That is to say, the emergence of Zhijue can be attributed to the Three
There are a lot of finger tips. Here I will introduce some basic and commonly
used ones.

See Volume 2 of "Tai Chi Sacrifice and Refining Internal Techniques", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 10, Page 462.
See page 109 of Volume 32 of "Tao Zang".
See "Tao Zang", volume 20, page 441.

Encountering the History and Thoughts of Yixiao Sect, the Most Religious
Teaching of Yixiong

The Five Elements Jue is a basic fingering technique, which combines the five
internal organs of the human body with the five stars and fingers of heaven.
Palms connected. "Yunji Qizhu" Volume 61 "The Method of Taking the Spiritual
Energy from Five Directions" says: "The energy comes from the heart.
When you are ready, you should grasp the three talents and five elements, which
are the eyes of all spirits. The general method of Fu Zhang Jue is to hold
Therefore, Yun Kuigang, sealing the Five Mountains, Guan Sanchen, catching
ghosts, embracing the source of the river, solidifying the true Qi, and
You Xian Bei Tong also. When things happened, he immediately sent him with the
breath formula to disperse his energy. Fanzhijue, female
The son is on the right side, and the man is on the left side. The body of yin
and yang is the same. The big finger belongs to earth, the index finger belongs
to fire, middle
The finger refers to wood, the nameless root is gold, and the little finger
refers to water. The root section is Meng, the middle section is Zhong, and the
top section is
season. The eye of the nail is the knife branch of the five elements. The knife
branch is responsible for killing, and it is used to kill evil and evil. five qi
Now that they are complete, they should follow the five categories and subdue
each other, so that nothing is dissatisfied. ”① Here are five directions and
The combination of Yue, Five Emperors, Five Qi, and Five Zangs hopes to use the
power of finger tactics to control the heavens.
The creation of earth, ghosts and gods. In Volume 13 of "Jin Suo Liu Zhu Yin",
this tactic is compared with Five Stars.
In connection with it, it is believed that the state of becoming a real immortal
can be achieved through palm skills. The wooden trick is on the left hand
The lower part of the second section of the second finger, the Fire Jue is on
the left side of the third section of the third finger of the left hand, and the
Earth Jue is on the left hand
On the left side of the third section of the fourth finger, the Golden Jue is on
the right side of the third section of the fourth finger of the left hand, and
the Water Jue is on the third section of the left hand.
The first of three fingers. "This is the Five Elements Secret. When you do
something regularly, use the five-color pen to follow it.
When the instructions are fulfilled, this is often the case in practice. In
three years, the Five-Star King has changed and taught his son what he needs to
All those who have achieved the natural way "②
The Twelve-Chen Jue is also the basic Finger Jue, which combines the Twelve
Palaces, the Twelve-Chen and the Twelve-Finger Finger Jue.
Each part cooperates with each other, pinching it to control ghosts and gods and
participate in creation. "
The knuckles have twelve stars,
They also create and restrain each other "③ Its specific location: Ziwen is at
the root of the fourth finger (ring finger)
Department, the Chou text is at the root of the third finger (middle finger),
the Yin text is at the root of the second finger (index finger), and the Mao
text is at the root of the second finger (index finger).
Wen is between the first and second sections of the second finger from the root,
and Chenwen is between the second and second sections of the second finger from
the root.
Between the three sections, the Si text is on the top of the second finger, the
Wu text is on the top of the third finger, and the Wei text is on the top of the
fourth finger.

① ③ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 2 Page 4 2 7.
② See page 421 of Volume 20 of "Tao Zang".
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao’s Thunder Death\




Department, Shen Wen is on the five fingers (

The top of the little finger), the unitary text is on the five fingers, counting
one and two sections from the top
Between them, Xuwen is between the two and three knots from the top of the five
fingers, and Haiwen is at the root of the five fingers.
Every time the Master pinches the text, it means grasping the sun and changing
the destiny.
Volume 57 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" says: "Yinwei beheads the eyes, kills ghosts,
kills tigers, wolves, insects, and rats, and blows the
Pinch it. Mao is the head of the eye, which can cut off evil spirits and cause
blowing and pinching. Chen is used to treat the eyes, remove swelling, poison
and pain, and curse
Aquatic clouds, snow, thunder and hail. It has been opened to the eyes, and can
be used to issue talismans and soldiers, to connect the sky and the earth, and
to write talismans for approval.
Guan ultimatum. Noon is for bright eyes, and the cursed water can cure dark
eyes, reduce swelling and pain, and stop bleeding. Not done yet
Eyes are built with auspiciousness in mind, the house is built to seek wealth,
the relationship is sought with officials, and wasted money is eliminated. Shen
means to remove the eyes and summon
Send troops to catch the sneak. Xu is the thief's eye, and the flying talisman
travels at night, and no one or ghost can be seen. Hai is the hook
Eyes, collecting ghosts and chasing souls, hooking the orders of the City God
Society. The seeds are beneficial to the eyes, clear the internal organs, and
relieve heat and heart knots.
dry. Ugliness is a demon's eye, which can eliminate monsters and catch ghosts.
Whenever you use these techniques, you will pinch them and then curse, saying:
Hundreds of ghosts, all
Evil, common mulberry essence. Urgency is like fire, which prohibits
photography. The master said: Recite the mantra three times, and then think
about it.
The sun and moon are above my head, and the stars are before me. Pin the key
points and make a T-shape with your feet, which is magical.
It’s secret and unpredictable "①
Five Dou Jue, including Bei Dou Jue, South Dou Jue, East Dou Jue, West Dou Jue,
and Zhong Dou Jue
tactic. Volume 8 of "The Supreme Master's Secret Key to Helping the Country and
Saving the People" says: "The husband cures diseases and drives out evil
spirits, and restrains the soul.
The soul hides gods and shelters, builds prisons to chase ghosts, builds houses
to protect the people, and even allows magicians to subdue gods, ghosts, and
evil spirits.
Demons, elves, monsters, and oysters must first fight against the five obstacles
to protect themselves.
Form, hide the soul, and then perform various methods to control evil spirits.
If ghosts and evil spirits are repelled, the patient will
After a while, it is clear that the evil spirit has been transported, so it is
better to use five flying buckets to surround the patient's body."
If jailed
To summon ghosts, to control the house and to settle the people, they all use
the Five Dou Techniques of Flying and Twisting, spreading them all over the
place." His Big Dipper Technique
Also known as Qixing Benjue, "The first Kuixingwen is on the second section of
the second finger of the left hand, the second edict is
Star text, on the first joint of the second finger of the left hand. The third
command star is on the third finger of the left hand
one period. The fourth is the star, located on the second section of the third
finger of the left hand. The fifth card has a star text, on the left

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 153.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The fourth finger of the hand is the second section. The sixth charm star text
is on the second section of the fifth finger of the left hand. seventh blessing
Star text, on the third section of the fifth finger of the left hand."
① Nandou Jue, the secret representing the six stars of the Nandou
arts. The rest of the dowels are also distributed on the palms of the hands.
Whenever you pinch them, you must remember the name of the star king.
taboo. All mages should be proficient in the use of holding braces so that they
can quickly pinch five dou in the palm of their hand when casting spells.
The trick is called "Flying Nian Wu Dou".

Zuo Ting

In addition to the most basic Taoist Zhijue mentioned above, commonly used ones
include Yuqing Jue and Shang
Qing Jue, Taiqing Jue, Beidi Jue, Ziwei Seal, Dingjia Seal, Transforming God
Jue, Benshi Jue,
Dujian Jue, Marshal Jue, Marshal Seal, Dutian Master Seal, Fire Bell Seal,
Tianluo Di Gang
Jue, Ecstasy Table Jue, Eagle Jue, Dog Jue, Three Scenery Seal, Dujian Seal,
Deaf Soldier and Dumb General Seal,
Zhiyue Wujiangjue, Dutongfu Seal, Leijue, Leijue, Chief Photographer Seal,
Service Seal, Tiangang
Seal, Rijun Jue, Yuejun Jue, Mingtang Jue, Tiangang Jue, Tianding Jue, Five
Thunder Jue, Gong
Cao Jue, Plague Collection Jue, Pinch Dou Jue, Jiagui Jue, Ghost Forbidden Jue,
Golden Sword Jue, and Weapon Execution Jue,
Four Mountains Technique, Richen Technique, Ghost Chasing Technique, Jinding
Technique, Opening Seal Technique, Human Seal Technique, and Luring Ghosts and
Prison Going Technique, Jincheng Technique, Driving Hundred Monsters Technique,
Driving Locust Technique, Cloud Riding Technique, Ghost Killing Technique, Human
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2, pages 107 and 10 8.
The inner ear influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method 7 \


Temple Technique, Temple Breaking Technique, Disease Expelling Technique, Ghost

Binding Technique, White Tiger Technique, Green Dragon Technique, Soul Chasing
Ghost Exploration Technique, Zhuo Sword Technique, Dragon Solving Technique,
Plague Ghost Sword Branch, Dragon Dragon Sword Branch, Earth Center Sword
Branches, Ghost-killing Sword Branch, Thieves-Breaking Sword Branch, Three-Guard
Ghost-killing Secrets, Star-Recruiting Secrets, etc., Jiang
The old hand seals of Tianshi Mansion in Xilonghu Mountain also contain 75 kinds
of seals.
As far as thunder methods are concerned, the most commonly used ones are thunder
games. That is, pinch the palm with two or three fingers of the left hand
Heart, press two or three fingers with your thumb to pinch Ziwen, press your
thumb with four or five fingers to pinch the palm, which represents Yang.
Thunder; use two or three fingers of your right hand to pinch the palm of your
hand, use your thumb to press two or three fingers to pinch Hai Wen, four or
Holding the thumb and pinching the palm symbolizes Yin Ting. The thunder and
lightning are combined, the yin and yang are stimulated, and all the thunder is
It is indispensable in spells such as collecting evil spirits, so it is called a
thunder bureau. There is also Thunder Jue, also known as Wu
Thunder Jue includes Heavenly Thunder Jue, Earth Thunder Jue, Cloud Thunder Jue,
Water Thunder Jue, and Demonic Thunder Jue.
Volume 57 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan": "Tian Lei Jue; pinch the Yin with both hands,
and hide the armor with the five fingers. Mine
Jue, two fingers, three fingers for the bow, the big finger pinches the fourth
finger, and the five fingers pinch the big finger. Yun Lei Jue,
The second finger bows, the big finger pinches the ugly, the third, fourth and
fifth fingers hold the position, and the big finger hides the armor. mine
Jue, the second, third and fourth fingers of the bow, the big finger pinches
Hai, the fifth finger presses Ding, and the big finger hides the armor. demon
Thunder Jue, two, three, four, and five-finger bows, the big finger is fixed,
and there is no armor.
”① “High
The Five Thunder Techniques contained in Volume 11 of "Shangshenxiao Yuqingzhen
Wang Zishu Dafa" are different from them.
Thunder Technique, Divine Thunder Technique, Dou Lei Technique, Water Thunder
Technique, Demonic Thunder Technique, should be based on different schools.
difference. There is also the secret of transforming gods, which all those who
practice the thunder method must know. "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume
Wuqi said: "
Transforming God Technique, the big finger of the left hand is from the wheel to
the mao, and to the chen, it becomes the five thunders.
Make "② This is a secret method. "The Supreme Master's Secret Key to Helping
the Country and Saving the People" is recorded in Volume 8.
The difference. He said: "Use your little finger to carry the person from the
fourth finger, use your middle finger to hook it, and then use your big finger
Pinch the middle section of the middle finger, straighten the two fingers, and
come from the chest to the face.
And use it.

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 153.
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 9 Page 1 5 3
"Tao Zang" Volume 32, Page 107.


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

From the Taoist point of view, the reason why finger tips can communicate with
gods and participate in creation is
The fundamental reason is that man and nature are one, and yin and yang and the
five elements are all integrated into the human body. "road
"Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 67: "
The two elements plus the five elements are gathered into one person and are not
Not enough for grammar. And if the liver qi leads to the left eye, the formula
is used in Mao Wen, taking Dongdong to act. Heart
Qi flows through the mouth, the formula is written in Wuwen, and it is done in
Nanshi. If the temper is clear and the nose is clear, use the middle finger in
Chinese for the secret.
Take the next best shot. Lung qi leads to the right eye, the formula is in
Youwen, and it takes the Western phase to act. Shen Qi Tong
Er, Jue uses Ziwen to act in Beisu. If you understand this way and understand
this principle, then the two phases will not be the same.
In the two me, but in my body. The five elements are not only in the five
elements, but also in my body. Blow and become wind, luck
It becomes thunder, hiss becomes clouds, hehe becomes rain, it is ever-changing
and has various shapes and forms.
The material in the heart. ” ① In this way, the technique of pointing fingers
is based on the theory of vitality.
Based on this, it also highlights the important role of human beings in the
biochemistry of heaven and earth and the information of yin and yang.
Another type of magic that pays equal attention to Zhijue is Bu Dou, also known
as "Bu Tiangang" and "Ta Gang".
"Bu Dou" and "Bu Gang Jie Ji". Because it is said to be created by Dayu to
control floods, it is also called
"Yu Bu". Han Yangxiong's "Dharma Preface",
"Chongli" said: "In the past, the Si family controlled water and soil, and Wu Bu
Duo Yu. "Li Gui's note: "The daughter Yi's name is Yuye, who controls water and
soil, travels through mountains and rivers, and is ill, so she travels.
Lame. Since Yu was a sage, he used ghosts, gods, ferocious beasts, wasp-mouthed
snakes and aphids to hold his claws, and vulgar shamans
Follow the steps of Yu. " This is the earliest record about Yu Bu. As soon as
Taoism was established, this
This ancient witchcraft is incorporated into its spells as an important means of
attracting gods and evil spirits.
being widely used.
"Yuanbian Jing of the Eight Emperors of the Cave God" says: "Yu's step is a
technique created by Xia Yu, who summoned soldiers
The steps of the gods. This is the root of all arts and the essence of
mysteries." "Yu passed the South China Sea
On the shore, I saw the bird banning curse, which could make the big rocks turn
over. When the birds were banned, they often did this step. Yu then touched and
wrote it.
His behavior is to make people use his skills, and then he returns them, and his
skills are all proven. Because Yu made it, it is called Yu
step. Since the beginning of this world, there have been many people who like
the Tao, and those who seek it have gathered in droves, and they have deduced
hundreds of ways. Liu, King of Huainan, Han Dynasty

See Volume 67 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 213.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\


An has come, but there are articles compiled by Wang Zi and compiled by Shamen
Huizong, which are very similar to each other.
As a result, there are more than ninety varieties, with different movements and
different chants."
① From Ge Hong’s notes
Judging from ancient times, the early Yu steps had three steps and nine traces,
and the steps were arranged in a straight line.
On the top, there is no fighting shape. But later it merged with Bu Dou and was
called "Yu Bu".
Tiangang" and "Tangang Budou".
The art of Tagang step fighting is based on the ancients' belief in the north
On the basis of fighting faith. The original meaning of "Gang" is


Day 2

The last star of the Big Dipper. "Inner Chapter of Baopuzi"

"Miscellaneous Ying" said: "I also want to make a seven-star Beidou, with the
leader as the leader.
Covering his head and pointing his head in front of him, "The sky in ancient
In the text coordinates, the North Pole is the celestial pole, and under the
North Star
The Beidou rotates at any time and is regarded as the central pivot.
New. "Historical Records Tianguan Shu" says: "Dou is the emperor's chariot.
Transported to the central government, it temporarily controls the four
townships, divides yin and yang, and builds four



2 steps
9 methods


At this time, the five elements are balanced, called Jiedu, and all records are
tied together.
Yu Dou. "Jin Shu Tianwen Zhi" also said: "Beidou
The seven stars are in Taiwei North, the cardinal of the seven political
affairs, the yin and yang

Twelve traces of Yu's steps

"The Supreme Being's Secret Key to Helping the Country and Saving the People")

Yuan Benye. Therefore, it moves to the middle of the sky and controls the four
directions, so as to establish the four seasons and balance the five elements.
It was the ancients who compared the stars in the sky with the society on earth.
Believe that the emperor is the most important person in the world
The central political system is modeled after the heavenly constellation system
with the Beidou as the center. Confucius
Said: "Beichen lives in its place and all the stars share it." ② Yang Jiong
from the Tang Dynasty also said: "There is a north in the sky.
Chen, surrounded by stars. The Emperor of Heaven is so majestic that he respects
him with his brilliance and spirit, and with him he has the four auxiliaries.
There are ministers close to the three princes above the prime minister. ”③
This shows that the fear of the Big Dipper,

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 398.
② See "The Analects of Confucius,"
"For Government".
③ See Yang Jiong's "Armillary Sphere" in Volume 18 of "Wenyuan Yinghua".

Luo Rennu/Evolution and Thoughts of the Shuangxiao Sect of the Erdao Taoism

The customs of respect and belief have a long history and have a wide influence.
Taoism absorbs the Beidou worship in ancient China and enriches and improves it
to form a
Built with Beidou Dashen—

The heavenly world of Arctic Ziwei, the main god, is simulated

The magic of dancing along the traces of the Big Dipper came into being. The so-
called stepping on the gang means being good at it
When walking, the direction is determined according to the location of the
Tiangang at that time; when walking, it means that the walking trajectory is
like a bucket.
Shape means to move along with the fighting. This kind of alchemy appeared at
the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty at the latest. Wei Bo
Yang's "Book of Changes Shen Tong Qi" says: "When performing the steps of
Doudou, Liujia uses the sun and Chen." Yin Changsheng
Note: "Performing the stars, walking on the Big Dipper, obeying the talisman of
Liujia, swallowing the sun and the moon are also diseases" ① Taoism
The Fulu Sect attaches great importance to this technique. They pretend to have
a small area and lay out the Tiangang Formation as a
In the ninth level of heaven, my feet are piercing the clouds, I am leaping
forward, I am thinking about all the heavens, and I am following the Nine
Palaces, Bagua, and Dou.
If you follow the symbol of the sky and do it, you think you can reach the
purple sky, restrain ghosts and gods, and break the earth to summon thunder.
Those who follow the rules are the way to strengthen the body, mind and soul.
Volume 1 of "Jin Suo Liu Zhu Yin" says: "
also. First, work hard on the body from the ground, strengthen the spirit, calm
the internal organs naturally with the spirit, and then reach the sky
The earth inspires the gods. "It is also said that this method was passed down
by Laojun and Zhang Ling, and it was developed after one year of practice.
Fei, in two years he can ward off soldiers, in three years he can ward off
ghosts, and in four years he can become an immortal. No one dares to commit any
harm or evil. Xi
When Yu the Great got it, he "drove the gods, ghosts, dragons, tigers and
leopards to cut through the mountains and rivers, draw up the rivers, and divide
the mountains and rivers."
After leaving Jiuzhou and ascending to the throne of the emperor, he took the
Taoist interpretation and transformed into Tai Chi." ② According to "Yunji"
"Seven Lots" Volume 20, the mage can spread silk cloth on the ground and draw a
star map on the silk cloth.
"Using the green pen as the star and the red pen as the outline", the
practitioner holds his breath and concentrates, mantras in his mind and steps
forward, in order
Stepping on the seven stars, the soul and soul can merge into one form and
ascend to the sky. And pointed out the two major prohibitions of the step guide
Taboo: "Don't walk horizontally across the sky, or draw the straight line of the
sky that connects the stars. If you violate the sky's outline,
Cutting down and cutting off the way of heaven is a great ban. Don't spy on the
real person's star when you follow the steps. It's a big taboo to do both of
Take off your scarf and kowtow in thanks. ” ③ But those who are profound in
Taoism do not need to borrow star charts on cloth and silk.

① See page 7-5 of Volume 20 of "Tao Zang".

② See pages 357 and 359 of Volume 20 of "Tao Zang".
③ See page 156 of Volume 22 of "Tao Zang".
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\

Act accordingly.
The early Bu Gang mainly refers to Bu Bei
Dou, then gradually developed into Bu Wu Dou, and
Many classes with different forms and contents have evolved.
Law, the steps taken are not limited to five fights



shape. Regarding the common outlines contained in Taoist books of the Tang and
Song Dynasties,
The methods include: three-step nine-step method and three-five-step outline.
Law, Taiyi Gangfa, Zhengyi Gangfa, Twenty
Two traces of Yu's steps, twenty-eight traces of Yu's steps,
Sanyuan General's step method, Earth Axis Yu's step method,
Taiwei Gangfa, trance flying Konggang, the sky is round and the earth is round

The method of crawling on the ground and flying into the sky
"The Supreme Being's Secret Key to Helping the Country and Saving the People")

Fang Gang, Yin Du Yang Du Fa, Huo Luo Du Fa, Santai Gang Fa, Ji Shen Gang,
Qixing Gang,
Curse the water gang, send the water gang, command the sick gang, envoys
encourage the gang, break the sky gang, collect the witch gang,
Gong to collect epilepsy, move thunder to cure diseases, curse dates to ban
poison gang, summon messenger gang, step wind gang, step
Yun Gang, Bu Leigang, Wu Leigang, Xin Leigang, Jiuzi Magical Use, Huoluo Dou,
all always cause thunder.
Gang, walking dragon water absorbing thunder gang, eastern earthquake thunder
gang, southern thunder fire gang, western service thunder gang
Gang, Northern Society Ling Gang, Zong Lei Gang, Bagua Gang, Bagua Five Elements
Gang, Jiufeng Poyu
Gang, break the ground to summon thunder gang, step to drive the dragon to
absorb water gang, Shaoyang thunder gang, Jiuzhou gang, enter the altar to
The divine step is, Jiji Dougang, Unfinished Dougang, Yin and Yang Huoluo
Dougang, Fire Wheel Gang, Hiding Tick
Dou Gang, Prison Dou Gang, Jiuling Dou, Bu San Cai Gang, Tiezha Carp Gang,
Thirty Six Steps
Gang, Taiyi Zhao Lei Gang, Jiugong Gang, Wind Fire Thunder Gang, Hair Cover
Gang, Confused Soul Gang, etc., these
These various Gangfa fighting techniques collected in "Jin Suo Liu Zhu Yin" and
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" are not only
It is used by the Shenxiao sect and is followed by the majority of sects. In
many other Taoist books
Among them, there are also a large number of Dougang and Yubu techniques.
What needs to be pointed out is that in addition to Taoist techniques such as
step-fighting and step-fighting, Taoism also
There are many practices with Beidou worship as the core. This is because they
believe in these star gods.


(5 people sigh/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

It controls people's destiny and has the spiritual power to control ghosts and
gods. "The First Infinite Man"
Volume 2 of "Four Annotations to Pinmiao Jing" says: "East Dou is the master of
calculation, West Dou takes names, Bei Dou falls to death, and South Dou falls
to death.
Fighting for the upper class, fighting for the leader in the middle, supervising
all spirits. "Cheng Xuan Yingshu: "Today's explanation of Dongdou is Dongdou.
Fang Qisu, Jiao Kang and other Shaoyang positions are in charge of life
calculations. Nowadays, people have achieved fame. West Douji
The seven constellations in the west, Kui Lou and other lunar functions, are
responsible for remembering people's good names. Beidou is Beidou Qisudou
Ox and Taiyin are in charge of death, so the name of death is omitted. Nandou is
the ghost of Qisujing in the south, etc.
The duty of the sun also governs life, so it is also recorded as the highest
level of life. Zhongdou means Kui Chi and other seven places. The so-called
Fighting and directing four fights, all the life and death of all souls, sins
and blessings are also "① According to "Golden Locks and Flowing Pearls"
"Gong I" Volume 5 contains more than thirty kinds of fighting techniques, such
as matching fighting, clothes fighting, walking fighting, flying fighting, etc.
Dou, Dai Dou, Shun Dou, Inverted Dou, Counter Dou, Horizontal Dou, Low Dou,
Reverse Dou, Pleiades Dou, Sitting Dou.
Dou, Xing Dou, Lying Dou, Finger Dou, Wu Dou, Kui Dou, Hard Dou, Rou Dou, Yin
Dou, Yang Dou
Dou, evil dou, true dou, close dou, catch dou, punish dou, ban dou, contain dou,
Hong dou etc.
Dharma, "Add the steps of Yu to each other, and practice the righteous and
unified Dharma. You will be able to stir up wind and rain, and the heaven and
earth will be smooth."
The main functions of the various fighting methods and Yubu mentioned above are:
first, they are used for internal training and self-cultivation;
One is used to communicate with gods and capture ghosts. Especially on the
occasion of transporting thunder and fighting the gods, it is necessary to step
on the Gang Steps
fight. Volume 57 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" says: "Anyone who practices truth and
follows the Dharma, when he encounters the guidance of the Master,
Thunder spells, talismans, etc. must be obtained in order to be effective.
Therefore, there are Jiangang and Qigang in the law.
General Fagan, each takes charge of his own affairs. ” ③ Zhu Zhizhong also
said: “The way of paying homage to the emperor with a flying seal is also
Inseparable from Huo Luogang. At the beginning, he opened the Gangang step by
step to inform the master. The next step will be to break Xun
Gang, to summon generals. After the officials were gathered together, they then
stepped down to the Gang, using Fei Yuan Shen to carry the five lambs.
Enter the Niwan 0 The way of the human Niwan enters from the two paths of yellow
and red 0 The two paths of yellow and red are from the sun and the moon

① See pages 219 and 220 of Volume 2 of "Tao Zang".

② See page 377 of Volume 20 of "Tao Zang".
③ See Volume 57 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 2 9 of "Tao Zang", page 1 5 2.
The inner secrets of Shenxiao Leifa and factory visits and exits



The way is also: ① It is to use the essence and spirit in the body to channel
spirits and summon thunder through the art of pretending to fight.
The above-mentioned Leiwen Tianzhuan, Leiwen Dharma Seal, Zhijue Mudra, and Yubu
They are all the main spells of Shenxiao Thunder Method. In addition, there are
water curses, medicine, medicine, and contemplation.
The art of observing the weather, etc., are all required to be practiced by
those who practice the thunder method.

Section 5 Basic Kung Fu and Thunder Movement Keys

Shenxiao Thunder Method contains dozens of major methods and many alchemy
techniques, but there are also some
Basic kung fu, no matter what discipline or method, must be practiced and
mastered. This is something that ascetics should know
The first thing I want to introduce is "
The kung fu in "Fire Master Wang Zhenjun's Secret Edict of Thunder", his words
The secret says: "Sit quietly with a clear mind and do nothing. First rub the
kidneys and chest to the Hua Chi, then rub the Yongquan to reduce the fire in
the heart.
The Dantian moves left and right. Recite the true mantra with your eyes and
mind, grasp the minefield without any delay, become a divine summons
The general will be the same as before, and the fictitious talisman will be
ordered to be placed on the Danji. The Five Thunder Gods will transform into a
thousand true beings, and I will order my disciples to become true
Shape, Supreme Master Jinsou taught me how to regenerate my body outside my
body. The five-star light shines down, shines
It penetrates the five internal organs like glass. Collect the whole gangsu in
the abdomen, take out the knot on the right and the Yuyi on the left. Oriental
Like Cuizhi, there is the demon Jiang Yingchun on the left. Southern red tea was
born in Li, and Shangyun Liebi lived in Dan.
Chi. In the west, the white appearance is like gelatin, and on the right side,
Hehua is in the autumn period. The north is as dark as clouds.
There is Kun electricity entering the spring pool. In the middle of the year,
the yellow clouds carry evil spirits, and the five clouds mix and descend into
Huangting. Yangri Dangke
When Yin is born, recite Qingjin at each day and hour. The five clouds
supporting the soul are like garrisoning troops, ordering troops and gathering
generals to thunder
city. He went up to the divine sky to court the emperor, and then returned to
the capital to confuse his appearance. Jiaji pun enters Kunlun, title
The white deer walks like clouds. Take flowers, ride on deer and ride on the
clouds. Huo Di welcomes you in front of an ox cart. Generals from five
Under the Nine Passes, there are golden bells and jade chimes, He Lingling. When
a person comes to Niwan and pays homage to Yuanshen, it is the Xiantian Golden
body. Emperor Xun ordered Taiyi to be given, and each was given water and fire
to refine his spirit. Ru Xingfei used the emperor's curse to declare, Dou

See Volume 76 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 268.
312 ]

The history and thought of Shenxiao Sect

Gang inspires the sky. If you can't hold the hanging beads, you will return to
nothingness. Propaganda of imperial edicts
Returns to the five internal organs, the millet and pearls are vigorous and
there is no one left. But recite the true mantra of Gui Lei, twelve langans are
moon. Another example is that Cao Teng is sleeping only in the spring. How can
anyone understand the beauty? If you can practice it according to the law,
everything will be
"Nothing in ten thousand is lost"
This section of Wang Zhenjun's skills includes meditation, thinking, changing
the mind, Dongzhao, and Zhou.
Skills such as heaven, refining gods, and returning emptiness. According to Zhu
Zhizhong, practitioners should first sit quietly;
During the winter solstice when Yang is born, sit in a quiet room with your feet
crossed, close your eyes and draw the curtains, and meditate.
Breathe, hold your breath, put your tongue on the roof of your mouth, and rub
your waist and eyes with your back hands for ten counts to lower the heart fire
and the divine water.
Then the body fluid in the mouth will overflow with sweet fragrance. When the
fire in the heart subsides, the whole body becomes warm and the feet feel like
But he takes the kidneys out of his left hand pocket, inhales the clear fruit
through his nose, and sends the heart fire to the Dantian. Use your left hand to
rub the navel chakra again
Down, eighty-one times. Change hands around 0, and rub three times. I just think
that my navel is like a fire wheel.
Inflammation, the consciousness of the Dantian is blazing, full of real tea,
abnormal in color, and firm in shape. Long time travel
"It can eliminate all diseases internally and purify demons externally." This is
the basic skill of thunder method, also known as
Water and fire lifting method.
On the basis of meditation, you can practice thinking and change your mind: "
A person's behavior must first be thought about
When the officials are submissive and have a thought in their hearts, their
spirits will be in harmony with their bodies. Every time you pinch the hand and
recite the incantation, all the generals will be surrendered.
That’s it. The method of transforming into a god is to first fight with a body,
then pinch the magic of transforming into a god, and then turn your body into a
withered one.
Wood, take a sip of Dongfang Qingdong and blow it on your body. Inhale the
southern fire and fry it for three more times, then mix it with
Dantian. Hold the thunder board in your left and right hands, rub your abdomen
three times, turn left, and store the true fire of Dantian, kidney fire,
The fire in the heart turns from the five internal organs and leads to the
forehead in the form of thunder. The next time I used my left hand to pick out
the text, hehe
It catches fire and burns to ashes. Then pinch Si and Xun. The Xun wind comes
from the southeast and blows away the ashes.
There was a little fire in the embers, which gradually became as big as a round
mirror. I saw my true nature in the mirror.
Taking a sip of golden light and black, the body gradually grew bigger and
surrounded by four beasts. But he turned into a god and recited a mantra:
The Five Thunder Gods will transform into a thousand true beings, and I will
order my disciples to merge into their true form. Taishang Jinguo taught me how
to teach my body
External rebirth. His hands flew into a yin and yang fight, flying towards his
forehead to cover his body. I also thought about a talisman,
He held out a gold medal from the golden light of the Tianmen, with seven
characters written in gold on it: The case is laid to lay a memorial ceremony
for the soul, and it is touched by thunder and lightning.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\



The light shines brightly. Hold the gold medal in front of your forehead with
your left hand and recite the mantra of pouring out the fire.
There is a person in the golden light, with the head of a human and the body of
a snake. He comes down from the sky, goes straight into his body, and wraps
around his body.
body. After all, I am the Emperor of Heaven in my own body, but I summoned the
messenger and recited the curse of killing the thunder god, the Jade Lord
Clear command spell. After picking the formula, recite the Five Thunder
Messengers and the Thunder God Mantra again. ” At this point, practitioners
He has reached the state of unity between humans and gods and transformed into
the Emperor.
"Dongzhao" means to think of the five stars shining in the sky like wheels when
you are still and calm.
Send it down to yourself. Mercury in the north casts black light into the Xuan
Palace of the Imperial Township (
Three inches below the navel), south
Mars from the square sends red golden light into the Jade Gate (one inch and a
half from the hairline), and Venus from the west sends white light.
Qi enters Yuli Zique (
Behind the left and right eyes), Jupiter in the east drops the lapis lazuli
light into the Abyss Pearl
Behind the left and right ears), the central Saturn sends golden light energy
into the gold chamber Changgu (people under the nose).
middle). Then knock the teeth three times, swallow three mouthfuls of fluids,
and recite the Gaoyuan Purple Que Mantra, "See the stars coming from each
Go straight in, suck the fruit and swallow it, send it down to the five internal
organs, and see the five internal organs and the five-color light cloth rushing
up, and the starlight
The cross-reflection is bright and clear, like the shape of five-color glass."
After that, the true energy of the five directions can be collected to summon
Five Thors. The key is to adjust the mind and think carefully. "Concentrate one
mind and all the gods will be united.
Hernias and all hernias gather together, truth and falsehood are essentially
empty, both adversity and obedience are silent, the three realms are round and
connected, one spirit shines brightly,
This is the key to grasping and adjusting the mind. When one thought is
activated, all thoughts arise; when one orifice is opened, all nine orifices are
"Open, there is no other way to control tea."
The method of refining the three treasures in the Zhou Dynasty includes the
harmony of the four images, the five qi toward the yuan, and the gathering of
the three flowers.
top. When doing the exercises, keep your eyes open, listen to the music, adjust
your nose and breath, and keep your mouth shut. This is called harmony.
Four images. The husband's eyes cannot see but his soul is in his liver; his
ears cannot hear but his essence is in his kidneys; his mouth cannot open but
his spirit is there
The heart and nose are not resting but the soul is in the lungs, the limbs are
motionless but the mind is in the spleen, so it is said that the five qi are
facing the yuan. by
The essence transforms into macro, the solitary transforms into spirit, and the
spirit transforms into emptiness, so it is said that three flowers gather at the
top, and Zhu Zhi is in the middle of the day:
After concentrating the mind, wait for the incoming and outgoing breath to be
evenly adjusted, first roll your tongue back to fix the two orifices at the base
of the tongue, and close your breath.
I feel the fire in my Dantian is blazing, all my mental energy is gathered, but
it rises slightly up to my flank, and the clouds and fruits in the five
directions come from
The Weilu point ascends to this point, which is named Xiaguan. It is very easy
to ascend, so a sheep cart is used to transport it. to clip
The ridge is called Zhongguan. It is difficult to ascend, so it is transported
by deer cart. Up to the brain, it’s called Shang

@ ( ^ ) ( ^ ) @ /

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The pass cannot be penetrated without force, and the pass cannot be raised
without the force of a fake ox cart. So it is said
Take the flowers, ride on the deer and ride on the clouds, and you will be
greeted by the oxcart in front of the Huo land. Also known as the river cart
moving negative positive results,
Bring me Yuanyang. Therefore, it is said that Yiliu goes all the way up to
Penglai and spreads into sweet springs all over Jiugai. From then on, Dantian
Moisturized, yellow buds bloom everywhere. People today do not have this inner
strength when praying, so they can be easily induced.
At this point, it is necessary to keep people outside the door to prevent
conflicts between people and dogs and cats. Still sitting in front of him
A few days ago, I suddenly felt really strong, my body grew bigger, my spirit
became more energetic, and I gradually saw people in the house,
Mountains, rivers, vegetation, and trees are not regarded as belongings. You
have to close your eyes tightly, fear that the three flavors of fire will burn
your body.
Into the devil's realm. Anyone who has demonic obstacles in practicing Dharma
often falls into this state, such as not knowing where their limbs are.
Press a few times with your hands in a hurry, then calmly and calmly for a
while, this true state will appear. Words cannot describe all the wonderful
It means that scholars can only know for themselves when they see the inner
environment. "The so-called five thunder generals are also the three treasures."
Transformation, "that is, the blending of spirit, soul, and intention into one
The second one introduces Wang Wenqing's "
"Praying for Eight Sections of Brocade", collected in Volume 6 of "Tao Fa Hui
Nine. The book comprehensively and systematically discusses Yuan Wujie's
questions and Wang Wenqing's answers.
He learned the inner secret of Shenxiao sect’s elixir and thunder method. There
is also a note on Yufeng, which is easy to understand and more
Clearly revealed the mystery of Shenxiao's thunder method. Eight chapters in the
book. Chapter 1: Li Ji, Yan Wu
The evolution process of Chi and Tai Chi advocates practicing the pure and
strong energy of the innate Brahma, "can feel the heaven
The earth moves ghosts and gods, breathes wind, clouds, thunder and rain, and
reaches everything." There are four key points for this:
The first is to concentrate, the second is to be diligent, the third is to
maintain, and the fourth is to pass on. Chapter 2 of the Call-up, Explanation
Describe the secret of summoning the gods of Lei Department. It emphasizes
taking the spleen earth as the center and staying calm in deficiencies.
If the spleen orifice is opened, golden light will appear immediately, just like
summoning the kidney to guide the heart to unite the divine nature of the
thunder department.
lose. As the note says: "
Whenever a judge summons a general and dispatches a general, he looks up and
raises his eyebrows
If it goes up, the strength of the horizontal sky will also rise, and the
mysterious orifice will naturally discover, the divine light will pillar the
sky, and the thunder god will be evil.
Not deserved.
"The third line of the holding chapter tells the secret of inner alchemy
practice. Sit in meditation with steady breath as the next step.
During the hand skills, the next time I thought about the sexual intercourse
between water and fire, the spleen orifice suddenly opened, and the golden light
gradually grew bigger and was transported into the two kidneys.

① See "
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 76, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 264 ~ 268.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method 1.



From the guts to the heart, the tongue comes out in front of the body, a ball of
golden light is spinning endlessly, and it is focused with the heavenly eye.
Looking at the golden light, I saw the summoned god jumping inside, chanting the
mantra and thinking about it, and ascended into the invisible. book four
The Talisman Chapter discusses the secrets of writing talismans. There are three
key points. One is to keep your breath steady to collect clear energy; the other
is to
Hold your breath and write the talisman with a sharp pen. The third thing is to
save your spirit and hit the official "into the talisman". The golden light
covers the talisman.
Secret characters. The so-called "golden light flashes, the writing paper moves
like a dragon, and the paper is full of evil spirits"
"", that is, there is a supernatural response, otherwise it will be ineffective
and ineffective. The fifth chapter of Qingqing reveals the divine sky
The Secret Purpose of Qing Qing in the Thunder Method. On the basis of the
theory of the unity of nature and man, it is believed that whether
The supernatural changes in everything in the sky, on earth, and in the human
body are all the result of the nine heavens' natural luck.
The sixth chapter on praying for rain mainly describes the secret of praying for
rain in Shenxiao Thunder Method. Point out that the key lies in meditation
Two kidneys. The seventh evil chapter, the so-called "
"Shaha" means that the mage uses his own soul to
Anger, the calligraphy talisman summons generals, burning all over the Dharma
Realm, purifying the fruit and evil atmosphere, and eradicating the evil spirit.
The eighth creation
Chapter, expounds the inner secrets of the creation of heaven and earth and the
harmony of the three talents. Point out that man is the spirit of all things,
The inside and outside of the body are connected with heaven and earth, "
The earth, mountains and rivers are prepared for everything. My fruit can bring
peace of mind
Qi, I use my body to control it and combine it with the secrets of heaven and
earth. I still use my true intention to pay attention to what I do.
If I do something, then the true order of heaven and earth will follow my will,
and retribution will be determined. This is a foolproof thing."
He also regards the heart as the ruler, and any thought he has, whether it is
good or evil, will be judged by immortals, Buddhas, ghosts and demons.
thin. "
If I can know the origin and flow of my ancestral points and grasp this true
result, then I will be the leader of heaven and earth.
dominate. And being driven by the heart, being angry, vicious, and evil, it is a
disgrace to its heavenly ways, and it will forever be a ghost.
Well, how can you seize the good fortune of heaven and earth!"
Here we focus on the internal and external exercises to give an overview. The
so-called "
"Hold" refers to the operation and refining of the inner elixir. Wang Wenqing
said: "
First, you should calm down and suppress all delusions.
If you want to think, sit down. My heart is like a lotus flower before it
blooms. There is a pool of water between the two kidneys.
This is clear. But there is black tea in my heart that flows straight down into
the water in my two kidneys, and I suddenly see a red plate wrapped in it.
Boiling inside, this is called the coupling of water and fire. However, the five
spleens have two corners upward and a hole in the middle.
It's as big as millet. When it suddenly opens, there is a little light. It's as
big as millet. It gradually becomes as big as an egg. It rotates into
The two kidneys come out from the gallbladder, from the heart, through the root
of the tongue, blow them out with the mouth, and only gold can be seen.

The deceased is a sandbag and the person is old/-^—

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

A ball of light circulates endlessly on the ground. Use the heavenly eye, that
is, the center of the eyebrows, to see the steps of the Dharma.
The sky is about to jump inside, I recite the mantra three times urgently.
Finally, with the intention of practicing the Dharma, I will continue to
The three wishes are: I hope that when I practice it, I can speak according to
my heart, accumulate merits together, and ascend to the invisible.
After that, use your nose to inhale its light and the generals, all of them are
in the mouth. Swirl the water in Huachi, swallow hard,
Collect the remaining water and swallow three more times. At the end, the golden
light is stored in the heart and passes through the gallbladder and the kidneys,
and its recovery is as small as millet.
Rice, people live in the spleen orifice. After swallowing three mouthfuls of
Huachi water, the kidneys outside the valley twitched and contracted.
The next time, he knocked on his teeth and made nine passes. After that, he
slowly left the house.
"This is a fairly complete set of internal skills.
The method of writing talismans is to use the inner energy and divine light in
the form of talismans for external use. Wang Wenqing said:
If a lamb cares about the whole, it can achieve innocence at the top, subdue
monsters at the bottom, and move people in the middle.
Wind, rain, thunder and lightning. When writing amulets, you must first hold
your pen with a steady breath, use your nose to draw clear signs, and draw a
long line
Inhale, don't make it turbid, the most important thing is to be clear, and then
be quiet, no breathing at all, and write the talisman with a pen in a hurry.
After that, the general summoned by the person with the celestial eye shines
into the talisman, shouting loudly and shouting out of the talisman, covered
with golden light.
Talisman, I saw that among the written talismans, there were summoned generals,
and I urgently used the three characters Lingli'er to sign the talisman.
± 0 If the hernia in the mouth leaks out when writing the talisman, or if the
mouth is not closed and the talisman is written, the talisman will not work.

Even if there is an efficacious effect, if it happens for a while, it is not the

power of a talisman. If you are writing amulets, let it slip out of your mouth
If you are sick, you should close your mind and write this talisman. If he walks
solemnly three times but has different writing symbols, he is a heavenly
If you don't do it, you won't be able to do what you do.
"That is to point out to the point, whether the calligraphy talisman is
effective or not
The key is to hold your breath and concentrate, which is the most basic
principle of the talismans taught by the Shenxiao Sect.
The method of praying for clear sky is to use inner strength to sense the heaven
and earth and pray for clear sky. Yu Wenqing said: "Heaven
Underground, its supernatural changes are no better than a cup of tea. The true
loneliness in my body is the Nine Heavenly Disease. build
They may appear casually while raising the altar to pray for good weather, or
after performing the mixed instructions as before, they may
On the altar, or in a quiet room, I sit down and close my breath to calm down. I
keep it in my heart like a half-opened lotus.
There are dots of red light around the tongue, spitting out all over the front
and back, the red fruit gradually gets bigger, the light fills the room, and
when you leave the room
Rising into the sky, the light is very bright, like a wheel running, slowly and
quickly, blowing up flames, filling the air
When Liuhe is full, at this time, you feel your body is hot and thirsty, and you
must not drink water or eat melons or the like. like
If you drink water, water and fire will have sex, and the sky will not be clear.
When I endure thirst and hunger, I chant the name Mars in my heart
The connotation and influence of divine thunder method\



The mantra, the mantra of the God of Thunder and Fire in Dutian, is recited
endlessly, but when I think about it, it makes people on the altar stand on the
The burning talisman urges. At this time, the thought has become true. When the
mind moves and the Qi responds, the clouds disperse and the sky opens up
Bright, the sun appears by itself. Wait until the sky becomes clear and the
stars appear, then you can recite the words one by one.
On the altar, the ceremonial masters dispersed their seats. "
The method of praying for rain is to mobilize the true energy of the two
kidneys. Wang Wenqing said: "Pray for rain."
Jue, if after writing the talisman and sending the general, I will sit down on
the altar or in a quiet room, adjust my breathing, and save my
The heart is like a lotus flower that has not yet bloomed. There is a red fruit
lying directly between the two kidneys. There is a true heart between the two
Water, think of the red lamb descending in the heart, the water boils, but the
red color is contained, flowing from the liver to the base of the tongue
When I came out, I saw the clouds in my mouth were full of energy. When I came
out in front of me, I turned around Xunhu and gradually grew bigger.
Like a wheel, it spins up to the sky, its clouds fill the sky, and there is the
sound of wind and thunder in your ears, booming
distinct. But he calmed down and breathed nine times, just like before, he held
it nine times. Already feel that the kidney water in this body is gone
Sheng, Xiao Yi is in an emergency and cannot go. If it goes away, the kidney
water will be released and the rain will not fall. Waiting for the wind
When the rain comes to the altar, it starts to rain heavily, then it gets up,
and then it gradually becomes lighter, and then the heavy rain has arrived. Only
practice this,
Sha Cutting is the use of internal power thunder to summon gods and generals to
drive away evil spirits and extinguish spirits. Wang Wenqing
say: "
All summoning talismans require anger. If you have an anxious talisman, you will
have a quick talisman.
After that, he threw his pen at Xunhu and summoned the generals, all with angry
faces. After dispatching the general, it is necessary to calm down and calm
Sit down and store a little golden light in your spleen. Divide it into two
points. One point will flow into the two kidneys and turn into black.
The air mass rushes straight up and comes out from both eyes. Yang sun comes out
from the left eye, and yin sun comes out from the right eye.
Fly up to Sunda. Then there is a little golden light, which turns into the human
heart and turns into red gas, flying out from the base of the tongue.
In Xunhu, the black ones are black clouds and black mist, the red ones are fiery
red flames, only the black clouds and flames are rising.
The sky is filled with nothing but black clouds and red fire. It is nothing but
unburning. It covers everything. The gods are called ghosts.
Crying, there is no escape, and the black energy is surrounded by red energy,
forming hundreds of thousands of groups. At this time,
If you are sweating due to severe heat in your body, you must not fan your
clothes or open your lapels. Until it is hot and dry, gently use the lamp heart
to twitch
Nose, the left nose twitches on a sunny day, the right nose twitches on a cloudy
day, a loud sneeze, and a thunderbolt in a moment.





7 "The History and Thoughts of the Erer Taoist Shenxiao Sect

The sound came from Xunhu. Only with such restraint can the altar be liberated,
and nothing will go wrong
That’s it. ”①
In addition to the techniques taught by Wang Wenqing and Wang Zhenjun, there are
still some masters who have also left their own secrets.
Secret skill. For example, Bai Yuchan teaches sitting and practicing Kung Fu,
which is very unique. The mantra is: "Look at each other
Two kidneys, identify the middle. Suddenly there was a sound, like a
thunderbolt. Rejuvenate the Dantian and nourish it,
Sweet and cool like honey. Anyone who achieves this can return to the
fairyland." Bai Yuchan explained in detail: "Ning Ning
God determines the rest. Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth and focus in
your mind. When you look down at the Dantian, you can feel the dense clouds of
Zuzu tea.
Continuously, that is, there is a bright spot between the two kidneys, also
known as the method of breaking the ground and summoning thunder. When Yangchu
Move, Cun Zuhong starts from the lower Dantian, passes through the tail gate,
and slightly protrudes the chest and spine to open the lower pass.
Feel yourself going up from the spine. Although the movement is still, the
center is slightly stretched, which is the opening of the center. But the
shoulders are shrinking
Head, feel past Yujing, enter Niwan, open and close. The teacher said: Jiaji
doubles as a double-entrance door.
This is the root of practice. This name also opens the gate of heaven. When the
mouth is filled with the liquid of awareness, close your breath and close your
Swallow slightly. Like a stone falling from Dantian. The teacher said: Huachi’s
jade liquid is swallowed frequently. That is, the fifth principle
Fruit, mixed with hundreds of gods, ten reincarnations of spirit, all the ashes
of immortals, swords, Gui, Li, and she, and time and effort, all are
Here it is. The restored ancestral tea is in the Zhonghuang Spleen Palace,
forming a ball of golden light with a secret word inside.
I feel like a baby that has not yet given birth, with the alchemy light
gathering together, forgetting about it, and then removing it.
At the tail end, the body rushes straight up from the jiaji. The master said:
Yuanjun Zifu ran straight up. mind
Injection, the chest bursts, and the bright hall opens from the eyebrows.
Looking up at Taixu, the golden light secret words are separated.
When light fills the universe, the messenger appears in the flames. The master
said: The handle of the bucket was overturned and it became dark.
The water of the Yellow River flows backwards. It is also said: Thousands of
clouds overturned the North Sea, and thousands of feet of snow rolled up in the
Yellow River.
Also "②
There is a method of meeting the sun and the moon, which is valued by Lei Fadan
family. "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 98
According to the legend, the third, eighteenth, twenty-third and eighth day of
each month are the days when the sun and moon meet, "

See Volume 69 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 225 ~ 234.
See "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 77, "Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 276 and 277.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method'


The waxing and waning of the moonlight above, and the waxing and waning of the
tides in the sea, are the times when the Lei family’s alchemy family does its
You should practice meditation and practice your inner affairs, "
Existing as a dead tree, the fire will burn it, and the Sunda wind will blow it
Remove the ashes, only the ginkgo remains. In the chaos, a little spiritual
light gives birth to a baby. Hold firmly, close your eyes, bend your head
Sitting there, I can't think of anything inside or outside. I'm in a trance, but
I don't seem to be thinking about Zhongshan.
The divine curse is actually just something that comes to mind. Incarnate into
the God of Universal Transformation with the sound of thunder, and bring the sun
and moon together
Wall, enter the blue pool from the top door, and condense the Brahma body in the
golden light. At this time, Beidou also comes from the top door.
People, from their hearts to their kidneys, are shrouded in bright light,
surrounded by thousands of gods, chanting a hundred-character mantra, and
carrying their ancestors
If you mention the Brahma name Thunder God, then turn over the Beidou, the top
door will open, and all the people from the top will open.
When you go out, you will see a small star on the side of the Sixth Star of the
South Dipper directly beside the Tianhe River. It is as big as a wheel and
shines golden light.
Yao, when the thunder god saw this starlight, he all handed it over to Qiao
Guangzhong, mixed it for a moment, and turned into one
There was a golden light and the thunder god roared. At this time, Tianzun
recited a hundred-character mantra to transport the double thunder situation and
absorb the evil spirits from the sky.
Looks, waved away together, there was a thunderbolt, the golden light burst out,
and the god of thunder with the Brahma name appeared, and then waited for the
The gods of the community are listed like dragons guarding pearls. I will
accompany you with blessings and recite sutras and mantras. After all, gradually
transformed into Brahman
Named Thunder God, they all made golden light, slightly guided by their noses,
entered the blue pool from the top door, the Big Dipper
Cover it like this. Put it away and collect it, you should be diligent in it."

There is also a wonderful use of Hunyuan attacking qi, which was passed down by
the Hunyuan Sect of the Shenxiao sect. This method will internal strength
Buqi is used to treat diseases and has a wide range of applications. It is
recorded in Volume 15 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan"
Four. Inside he said: "
Anyone who treats head wind, brain pain, and even eye pain, Bu Zi, think of head
wind coming from the top
Coming out, the four sides are all spread out like this, scattered in all
directions. Such as head wind, eyesight, swelling and redness, shame and bright
For those who are afraid of the sun, put cloth on the skin to drive away the
wind, and then go out from the top door, then cloth on the eyes to disperse the
wind evil.
Now, I want the air-conditioning to hit my eyes and feel naturally cool. If
there is a nebula, it will be removed from the end of the eye
out. If the redness and swelling are noted, the cloth will be removed, and then
the immortal official, who is the heavenly doctor, will be applied with cold
medicine. rule
All cold diseases, such as cold, want to heat soup, the sun is really hot, burn
the spleen and warm the stomach; as follows, Yuan Leng,
Think of the Dantian as burning, very hot, and stop. If the heart is angry and
the spleen hurts, if you want to warm it up, adjust it.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 424.

How can one enter the fence/Evolution and Thoughts of Shenxiao Sect of Erdaoism?

Reason: it is not advisable to use fire to make people feel dry. It can only be
warmed and replenished. Like any cough, see
Treat it with cold and heat. For example, if you have a hot cough and there is
phlegm in your chest and diaphragm, you want to turn it into water to get rid of
it; if you have a cold cough, you want to turn it into water.
Warmth and quality make up for it. The lung and chest points on the back can
replenish heat. For example, if a person is over fifty and wants to replenish
If a person is under thirty, take five points of heat to supplement it. Also
look at people's muscle thinning and replenishing it. Such as crossing
For cough, first remove the phlegm on the diaphragm, then replenish the lungs,
and then the kidneys and brain. The same goes for replenishing Dantian and
triple burner.
reconcile. Then think about the immortal doctor who uses medicine to turn
paralyzed insects into water, which comes out of the fire, and thinks about the
body being burned.
When the surrounding area is smoked, it is hot all over, and the patient curses
food and drink to nourish the five internal organs, as if the wind is blowing
all over the body, as if the four
For those with weak limbs and difficulty walking, there is a lot of cloth from
the top, with two hands protruding from the top, and from the nails, think
It comes out from the Lung Face point and from the middle of the toenail. If
abdominal pain, heat hernia spreads in all directions, and it recurs, think of
Replenishes the kidneys. Like dampness and swollen water vapor, imagine that the
fruit comes out of water and fire, and the limbs are scattered, gradually
disappearing, and no longer exist.
It can be removed with stool, but there is fear of swelling, pain and qi
deficiency, and the person will die. Only three points a day, do it five times,
No problem. If he retreats and gets sick again, he will surely die. Such as a
woman's blood qi rushes to the heart, bleeding collapses, and the moon
If the water is not regulated, the water will not flow properly. Think about its
weight, whether old or young, and use your mind to adjust the spots. Those who
are able to heal will know how to use the medicine and bait.
treat. Whenever you are walking like a bear, first think of the heavenly doctor
and the immortal official in front of you, and act as you wish. The child is
anxious and frightened
For wind, first remove the wind from the head, and then spread it on the
diaphragm to turn phlegm into water.
Go away, and the heart will be relieved of evil heat. When a person is in danger
and feels pain when pinching his four fingers and screams, he can
It is difficult to treat those who are silent. Like diarrhea with five kinds of
cold and heat, think about it and treat it. Many children don’t know
It hurts and itches, and it is difficult to move forward or retreat. If there is
a future, he can only curse water and drink milk from his mother. Anyone who is
If you suffer from it, you should not eat all kinds of poisonous and disgusting
things. All diseases should be treated with cold and heat.

The Jinhuo Tianding Internal Refining Technique was taught by Lin Lingsu and is
included in Volume 1 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan"
Ninety-nine. When practicing, enter the quiet room at noon, "
Sit astride a crane, nose, heart and kidneys facing each other, sit upright,
Do not bow your head or turn sideways. Then knock your teeth thirty-six times,
bow three times with your heart, Chen Wen on the left, sword on the right
Jue, set the nine breaths. Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth, hold your
breath for nine more times, and swallow the liquid nine times. Rub the two with
both hands
Kidney, ninety-nine and eighty-one times. Think of your navel and kidney as a
huge sea, with fire emanating from the water, spreading from the back twenty-

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 806.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method'

| stroke

The gates and twelve-story towers surge upward until the mud balls turn into
golden balls, which are placed on the round cover.
Top, move it nine times, tap your teeth for nine passes, still put your tongue
forward on the roof of your mouth, hold your breath for nine times, and swallow
the liquid for nine times.
Second-rate. Next, place the fire ball at the entrance, from the bottom of the
Jade Tower to the heart, then tap the teeth on the three links to fix the nine
breaths. Second-rate
Use the water from the heart fire to fight with the fire from the kidneys, and
then tap the teeth to connect the nine channels. Keep the gold in the lungs
The bell is thrown and it vibrates in space. Swallow the liquid seven times, mix
it with the water in the kidney, and tap the teeth again. live
The spleen is filled with golden light, and the throat is connected to the
heart. The wind and thunder are shaking, and the golden bell is thrown, and the
golden light is shining.
Send it out, combine it with your heart and bowels, tap your teeth nine times,
swallow seven passages, and concentrate on seven breaths. There is a voice in my
heart like
Thunderbolt, I saw Tianding riding the red luan and rising into the sky, glowing
with golden light, the three yuan cauldron boiling, and the golden bell flowing
Fire fills the void. Knocking his teeth for twenty-five times, fire came out
from the tip of his tongue and communicated with Tianding,
But bow your heart nine times, knock your teeth nine times, rub your face and
three fields with your hands, perform twenty-four turns each, and absorb the
Put it into the nose, take it into the mouth and swallow it. The sky in the sky
enters my heart again, the red pearl is inside, the sky is inside
one sight. Raise and stretch your feet, and use your left and right hands as if
you are shooting a bow, nine times each. Sit up, thank you
Holy, Bi"①.
Mix the Five Thunder Internal Cultivation Methods, and combine the Five Thunders
with the practice of internal strength. These five thunders are green
Thunder, red thunder, white thunder, black thunder, yellow thunder. Its formula
says: "
Lord Thunder of Dutian, calling the clouds
Shocking wind. Green thunder and red fruit press the nine palaces. The red
thunder is white, the sky is upstream. white thunder black
Fan, downstream Xuanfeng. Black Thunder Yellow Tea, Baji Yuanchong. Yellow
thunder and purple bears filled the sky with lightning.
The world around is scorching hot and windy. What gods don't subdue, why ghosts
don't follow? Those who regard me will die, follow me
Those who are sealed. Beiling black calendar, nine ugly purple children. Feng
Boy is the rain master, driving away thunder and leading the wind. Lei Gong Lei
Gong, you have great supernatural powers. Heavenly talismans are everywhere, and
thunderbolts are everywhere.
"The rules of Kung Fu are divided into Lian Lei, Chao Yuan,
Transforming gods, refining generals, etc., one after another, the techniques
can be mastered in one go. The Master sat quietly, tapping his teeth to
Close your eyes, swallow three mouthfuls of fluid, put your tongue on the roof
of your mouth, exhale, and let the inner Qi rise and fall in the three palaces.
Close your mouth, exhale for three breaths, exhale for one breath, look inside
your heart, practice Qi for one breath, and swallow
Fall into the kidney palace. "Close your eyes to express your anger, and move
your liver and courage. When the wind blows, send orders, and silently recite
"Thunder Movement"

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 30, pages 261 and 262.
3 2 2 legacy



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The History and Thoughts of the Taoist Shenshi Sect

One volume of the Sutra of Protecting Life, or the Great Golden Light Mantra, is
called Refining Thunder. "Close your eyes again and look inside the liver
Breathe out angrily for three breaths, letting the fire in your mind reach your
heart. When you hold your breath for a while, still huff and puff.
Three mouthfuls each. "Rebreath again, then swallow fluids, exhale three times,
cough up ashes three times, and the results will be divided by themselves.
Bu Jiugong.
"This is the internal refining of Qing Lei. Then look inside the heart palace
and breathe out slightly."
Want Xiong Zuo
Anger makes gallbladder tea popular, and it is the fan that stirs up the fire
fruit. Blow three breaths, and think about the fire in the palace of your heart
After steaming and fumigating the lungs, Debai walked up to the top door. Then
use the nose to suck the door, take a quick sip, and swallow the kidney
In the palace, the belly button swells up, causing the lamb to return to the
original state, and the three palaces rise and fall.
"This is the inner refining red thunder."
Make an angry payment, drum up body fluids and fluids, and send it down to the
kidney palace. If you think white is descending, take the black tea from the
kidney palace.
When Fengdu Pass surges up, just blow it three times and don't listen to it.
"This is the internal refining white thunder."
second interest lamb
When he gets angry, he shrinks his valley and moves his lower abdomen seven
times. Restore kidney water black fruit, go through the spleen palace
After that, it merges with Huangdong of the Spleen Palace. Take five sips of tea
every time. When fire comes from earth, it will be born. If you think about
water, it will come from earth.
Then stop, get the soil from five points, and refine it into one piece. The
results will spread in all directions from all directions, so there is no need
to have delusions. "
This is the inner refining black thunder. The five qi are refining the spleen
and palace, and the yellow qi is initially formed, with a color like golden
oranges, "Second
The ministerial fire of the kidney palace, the civil fire of the bladder, and
the monarch fire of the heart palace are descended, which is the true fire of
samadhi. Spleen as
Cauldron, the bladder and kidneys under the abdomen are burned with fire, and
the smoke becomes purple-gold. Its Zhang Chaoyuan is lush, such as
The electricity is brilliant and glittering. "This is the inner refining yellow
thunder. After taking a breath, look back
At the top of the door, imagine that the five qi are heading towards the Yuan.
The top of the door has purple qi shining brightly, and all the orifices in the
body are exhausted.
bright. "
The master has been refining to this point, the five teas have come to the Yuan
Dynasty, the three flowers have gathered on the top of the head, and the purple
tea cups are everywhere.
The heavens and the earth are shining brightly, and there are round lights on
the left, right, upper and lower parts of my body. This is the wind within my
Thunder, lightning, clouds and rain are unpredictable, so why can't ghosts hide
behind them? The mage's elixir is full of energy, Zihe
It's enough for him to go to court with his appearance. Then it is shipped to
the top door, leading eastward with the nose, and distributed with the next
Left and right, and then think about it. It is formed by the condensation of
many elements, and the true form of the invisible form, and
To drive away invisible ghosts and gods is not a delusion at first. When you
blow on the ashes, they turn into rain masters before you;
As soon as it blows and shines, it is transformed into the Wind Bo behind; with
the true point of my body, the original essence, that is
Thunder is the male; when both eyes shine, it is the mother of lightning. The
so-called innate way of practicing the law will use one's own
Yuanshen is also. The Master's behavior is so consistent, and he is so talented
that he can sit still and stand up

Shuangjin Leijin is the influence and reverse of Neo)



Calling and responding to the whiskers, it can drive away gods and generals,
transport rain and cause wind, just like walking and holding talisman water, it
can cure diseases and drive away diseases.
Evil, even if I have more than enough to make up for my wife's shortcomings, how
can it not be effective for the purpose?
Come on! The mage has finished practicing the refining exercise, and when he is
in trance, he starts from the inside out, and a talisman comes out of his
It can be used to summon thunder to cause lightning, drive thunder to cause
rain, or cure evil spirits and eliminate demons. Use it as appropriate, and
recite the four above aloud.
Sentence, keep your thoughts in mind like the Dharma, command and hold the
talisman to go forward, there is nowhere to go.

The above are all practiced by Taoist masters or devotees who practice Taoism,
so for ordinary people
For people, you can choose some simple and easy-to-understand cultivation
methods, which are introduced here.
Some. Volume 1 of "Gaoshang Shenxiao Yuqingzhen Wang Zishu Dafa" contains
Tianmin's hair combing method:
"If you face the fruit, swallow it, and comb your hair, it will turn white into
black, which is good luck and prosperity."
While combing your hair, recite the mantra silently: "On the top of the jade
roof, there is a clay ball and crimson chamber. The precious essence of Xuanhua
is the scene of the Emperor of Heaven."
Everlasting in Yulin, the divine light is different. On the left is the hidden
moon, and on the left is the hidden sun. Liuhe Qinglian, Baishen
Decryption. The urgency is like the decree of the great emperor in the sky.
"There is a way for people to wash their hands: "Close your eyes.
There are immortals and jade girls dressed in five-colored clouds. Four beasts,
lions and white cranes are in front of them. The sun and moon shine into the
In the middle, tap your teeth thirty-six times, take the hernia to the east and
blow it into the water. Take a mouthful first, and then use
"Recite the mantra silently when washing:"
The sky is clear and the earth is bright: the sun and the moon shine in the
morning. Fill my five bodies with brilliance
Yuqing. Tea is not stained and the five internal organs are flourishing. Gather
together to eliminate the Northern Capital, and destroy the Nine Realms. evil
Hidden, Fulian Shangqing. Practicing bathing today, I will be blessed by
everything. He was born in a feather suit and was promoted to the imperial
It's as urgent as the decree of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor." Some people
from heaven came out of the law and said: "
Get sunlight in the morning, get sunlight in the evening
Breathe in the moonlight and blow it on the left and right to ward off all evils
and evildoers, and cut off the tongue and curses.
"and silently
Feng Zuo Yuqing, wear the sacred tiger. The rising sun, the rising moon, and the
eight enlightened scenes. Liujiasui
God, Liu Ding will follow. Benefit heaven and earth, support praise and gou
Chen. The seven-star Xuanwei guarantees eternal life.
Five Thunder Soldiers and Lie Jingzhen. Swordsman, water and fire, must be
separated from the body. Violate my heavenly edict, Kuigang
Go beyond the line. The urgency is as high as the Jade Clear Emperor's decree to
eliminate demons. "

Fa Hai's Relics" Volume 21, "
Tao Tan, Volume 26, pages 844 and 845.
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, pages 559 and 560.

Being bullied



/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

In addition, there are Tianmin fasting porridge method, Tianmin bathing crown
method, Tianmin undressing method,
The method for the people of heaven to lie down, the method for the people of
heaven to take medicine when they are sick, the method for the people of heaven
to walk in the dark through filth, the method to avoid nightmares,
Methods for soothing the five internal organs, methods for soothing tinnitus,
methods for removing disasters, methods for restoring spirits, methods for
improving eyesight, and methods for relieving one's worries
Laws, etc. are all suitable for ordinary people to use, so they can be called "
Convenience method".
Convenient methods are widely circulated because of their simplicity and ease of
implementation. The most important of them is to persist in
To recite the Dharma, that is, believers should be devout and recite the holy
name of the Heavenly Lord all the year round.
Reach the state of perfect merit and virtue. 《
The Nine Heavens respond to the sound of Yuan's thunder and universalize the
Heavenly Lord Yushu Bao Sutra.
The Dharma is the Universal Transformation God. With this door of wisdom, the
foolishness of the world is transformed, and the way of tranquility clears the
world of people.
Turbidity, breadth of heaven and man. He said: "If there are sentient beings in
the future who hear my name, they will
Meditate in your heart and recite these words: Nine heavens should respond to
the sound of the thunder to universalize the deity, maybe one sound, or five or
With a sound, or hundreds of sounds, I will transform into the ten directions
and move the three realms of the mind, so that those who call me by name will be
as salty as
meaning. In the ten directions and three realms, all the heavens and earth, the
sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, grass and trees, are flying and moving,
If you are aware or ignorant, heaven, dragons, ghosts, and gods will hear all
sentient beings calling my name, and if anything goes wrong,
If you don't, you will rob your heart and turn it into fine dust.
” That is, in daily life, always recite sincerely
If you recite the treasure sutra of the Nine Heavens, the sound of thunder and
thunder in the nine heavens will bring peace to your soul and calm your mind.
and pulse. Anyone who is punished and overcomes the battle, and who uses his
actions and possessions will be evil, "Return to this sutra and recite the
If you burn incense as a talisman, all misfortunes can be explained. In
addition, you may suffer from serious illness or illness.
If there are difficulties in marriage and childbirth, or if ghosts and monsters
are causing trouble, you should chant sutras and burn talismans, and your body
will be safe.
All unlucky. It can be seen from this that the merits of this sutra are
incredible, as it says in the sutra: "Inherited
The power of Tianzun is so psychic. Wear it when you go in and out of your daily
life. It will be admired by everyone and admired by ghosts and gods.
Afraid, when encountering all kinds of dangers and difficulties, wholeheartedly
call on the Nine Heavens to respond to the sound of thunder and universalize the
heavenly deity, and you will be liberated.
Summarize the effect of reciting the "Yu Shu Bao Sutra" and the sound of thunder
in the nine heavens to universalize Tianzun's treasure name
Virtues mainly include broadening the scope of heaven and man, calming the mind
and harmonizing the pulse, relieving adversity, curing diseases and protecting
the fetus.
Get married, ward off evil spirits, save souls from the dead, silence rumors,
end lawsuits forever, and protect characters.
Keep the water and land safe, have good weather, avoid disasters, etc., and have
incredible experiences.
certificate. Not only that, it can also reach the point of being vacuum-free and
stain-free. As Tianzun said, the ultimate way
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method\ ⑻

I 325

It is so profound that it is difficult to hear or express it. “The Taoist enters

with sincerity, maintains it with silence, and uses it with gentleness.
Use sincerity to sound foolish, use silence to sound dull, and use softness to
sound clumsy. If this is the case, you can get carried away with your husband,
and you can get carried away with him.
Self-forgetfulness can be compared with forgetfulness." He also said: "If you
can know and stop, you will be peaceful and peaceful, and if you are peaceful
and peaceful, you will have sage wisdom.
If the Holy Wisdom is complete, the wisdom will arise. If the wisdom arises, it
will become one with the Tao. This is called true forgetfulness. But he forgot
Without forgetting, forgetting without forgetting, and forgetting without
forgetting, this is the supreme path. "① This points out the meaning of
The true method of Taoism is to use sincerity, silence, and gentleness as the
three-character formula for inner refinement.
If I reach the true state of forgetfulness and become one with the Tao, then I
will advance in virtue and be free from demons, and I will be promoted one day.
It can be seen that the method of chanting sutras and holding chants described
in "Yushu Bao Sutra" is simple and easy to perform, and has great merits.
Infinite, it can be said to be the only method of convenience in Taoism, so it
is very popular among the people and is widely used.
Widely popular, with more than twenty kinds of annotations and interpretations,
it has become an important Taoist text since the Song and Yuan Dynasties.
One of the required documents.
To summarize all aspects of Shenxiao Thunder Method, although it has rich
connotations and many tricks,
But there are six fundamental points, which Taoism calls "
"Six Things in Lei Mansion". Bai Yuchan said: "Lei You
The Six Prefectures are not known to the world. Its true talisman, true mantra,
true truth, true gang, true secret, true
The mechanism is not the mechanism used by today’s people to write talismans,
recite incantations, cloth tea and step gangs, or pinch secrets.”
The secret is not a false thought. Take the gray cloth and pinch the secret to
think of it as a spirit. Only to reach the extreme of emptiness and keep quiet.
Six characters are the main ones. Maintain Taihe, make your original fruit pure,
and naturally strengthen your spirit.
Feeling him is like the echo of a valley." "The ancients painted dragons to
light up the sky, and the wind and rain flew away; they painted water to
enlighten the gods, and the night
Hearing the sound of water; painting the Buddha and seeing the light shining all
over the temple. The good reason is not to distinguish with wisdom, but to
concentrate on the spirit, and the pen and ink
Everything you live in can change, how can it be like a curse! Therefore, when I
write the talisman, I don’t have to worry about the morning.
At night, I am either drunk or awake. I don’t recite the mantra or do anything
prosperous. I just sweep the essays and use them in every possible way. It’s
The wind and thunder destroy the demons, and when I witness the existence of the
Dao, I don’t know that the messenger is me, and I am the messenger.
Those who practice it throughout their lives, stop reaching the extreme of
emptiness, and keep quiet and sincere are just six words, how can they be fake?

See pages 759 and 760 of Volume 1 of "Tao Zang".


The woman Ba Shaqiang/—

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

That’s right!” ① That is to say, the application of all methods is based on

internal strength and is rooted in Laozi’s Qing Dynasty.
The avenue of silence and nothingness.
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 85 contains six formulas. The real talisman is: "Use
the talisman without correctness."
It is suitable, but it is inappropriate when it is not used. The talisman is a
combination of faith and name, and the magical light is magical. "
The true mantra says: "Thousands of mantras are like a little bit of emptiness.
There is no thought in the mind and the wonderful center is there. Go up to the
altar and call for action.
Use, the curse is called Zhujiangshu. The three generals have perfect vitality
and spirit, and they can walk and sit very clearly. try
Gently pluck the handle of the bucket, chatting, laughing and thunderous.
"Zhenjia said: "Zuguxuanguanxuanzui
Spirit, the teacher's guidance is very clear. Hidden in the stone is the
treasure hidden in the jade body, Yuanjing Yuantha and Yuanshen. "
Zhen Gang said: "People in the world don't know this Zhen Gang, but they are
strong-willed, concentrated and energetic. It is up to him to drive away gods
and conquer ghosts."
Lord, the wonderful Dharma master.
"The true secret says:"
The master of the art uses Quan Xie’s wisdom sword to eliminate the six thieves
Kill three corpses. Use the talisman to drive away evil thoughts, and uphold the
Holy Spirit through decisive actions. "Zhenji said: "I will use
Yuan Shen knows a few things, practices them well and is good at giving. There
is a sense of silence that can be channeled, and only changes can be channeled
The film "②" further reveals that the secret of the use of thunder lies in the
human body's energy and spirit.
Internal refinement and exertion, thereby closely linking what people do with
the creation of heaven and earth, both
It fully affirms the important role of human beings in transforming nature and
utilizing all things in the world, and it also highly
It promotes the transcendent spirit of independent life that Taoism has always
advocated, which is exactly what Taoism Leifa advocates.
Contains the most precious ideological achievements.

Section 6 Social Impact and Historical Position

In the Northern Song Dynasty, Wang Wenqing, Lin Lingsu and others founded the
Shenxiao sect. In a short period of more than a hundred years,
During this period, the Shenxiao sect spread throughout southern China and won
the trust of both the government and the public, as well as many
The conversion of Gao Dao is not only related to Song Huizong's esteem, but the
more important reason is

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 84, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, Page 34 1.
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 348, 349.
The inner secrets and shadows of Shenxiao Leifa"\Picture

9) (iii)

I| 327

It is because of its profound theory and exquisite Taoism that it attracts a

large number of believers.
It became the most prominent Taoist sect in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. The
thunder method he pursues has also been criticized by many
The Taoist sect absorbed it, resulting in a large number of works and rituals on
However, research on the large number of Thunder Scriptures and ritual books
preserved in the Taoist Canon has so far
It is very lacking, and the discussion on the origin and development trajectory
of Leifa also needs to be more comprehensive and more comprehensive.
for detailed research. However, the academic value of this research can be fully
Yes, because it involves authentic Taoist teachings and has directly penetrated
into the Chinese people
The vast spiritual world of universal beliefs and basic worldview. Its meaning
is just like pine
What Ben Koichi said: "Because Taoism emerged from this world. Therefore,
The study of Taoist rituals is tantamount to looking at Chinese symbolism, and
at the same time,
It is to physically step into another world that is considered equally important
as the real world. "

To summarize the influence of Shenxiao sect’s thunder method and theory on
society, firstly, its theory was adopted by Song and Yuan Dynasties
Many sects of Taoism have widely adopted it. First, its rituals contain quite
rich scientific knowledge.
academic achievements and insights, the former improved and promoted the style
and development of Taoism, and the latter
The authors have enriched the treasure house of culture and science and
technology of the Chinese nation.
As far as Taoism in the Song and Yuan Dynasties is concerned, in addition to the
traditional three major sects: Zhengyi, Shangqing, and
In addition to the Lingbao sect, the emerging Fulu sects mainly include Qingwei,
Jingming, Beidi, Tianxin,
Donghua and other schools, Jindan sect is divided into two sects, the southern
and the northern sects. These schools have different inheritances and different
theories and methods.
Different Taoist sects have more or less accepted some influence from the
Shenxiao sect, which is summarized below.
Among the traditional three major sects, Jiangxi Longhushan Zhengyi sect has the
greatest influence and the most
Attracted by the imperial court, he finally became an officially designated
Taoist sect during the Southern Song Dynasty.
Commander. Starting from Zhang Jixian, the 30th generation Heavenly Master, this
sect absorbed inner elixirs and thunder methods, and improved the orthodox
One Dharma basket forms "
"Zhengyifa Lei", thus showing strong vitality. In addition to the previous

① See page 192 of the first volume of "Taoism" supervised by Yashun Fukui and




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The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

It has been said that the Heavenly Masters of the past dynasties were good at
thunder techniques. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the Zhengyi sect also produced
a group of people who were skilled in thunder techniques.
A world-famous master of Dharma and Taoism. For example, Zhang Daoqing (1136-
1207) lived in Shaoxing for 27 years
(1 1 5 7) After encountering a god who taught him the secrets of Taoism, he
refined the art of praying and impeachment. "The True Immortal of All Times"
Volume 5 of "The Continuation of Ti Dao Tong Jian" says: "The true king sat
silently on the front mountain and saw five misty clouds.
Among the Ten Thousand Gods and Forest Guards, there is an emperor sitting on a
dragon carriage, summoning the true emperor to teach him the secret and
spiritual texts. You really deserve it
Then, the Taoist hope began to appear. Later, a temple was built there to
remember the place where he received the Tao. It’s already a drought in the
Waterlogging, prayers are always answered. When people are sick, the talisman
and water immediately respond, and there are many admirers from Beijing and Han
Dynasties. ”①
Liu Yongguang (1 1 8 9 - 1206), in his prime, traveled to Nanyue and met Taoist
priests in Linchuan County, Fuzhou.
Zhang Fuyuan was taught the "Book of Five Thunders" and learned how to use
thunder and pray for rain to ward off evil spirits.
It was heard that Ning Zong gave the title "Mr. Chongjing" to the dynasty and
issued the inner currency to overhaul the Qing Palace on Longhu Mountain.
To live in it. ② In addition, Zhang Jixian’s disciples Wang Daojian, Zhang
Yuanying, Xue Yingchang, Chen
Tongyin, Wang Tianzhu, Wu Quanjie, Xi Yingzhen, Zhang Yougui, Lu Xuyi, Shi Ju,
Shi Mao, Yin Shangshi, Zhang Xianxian and other high-ranking sects are all
proficient in thunder methods and are well-known.
The Qing sect in Maoshan was still prosperous in the Southern Song Dynasty.
According to Liu Dabin's "Maoshan Chronicles"
The Shangqing sect established a total of fifteen generations of masters in the
Southern Song Dynasty, many of whom were famous for their Tao, Thunder and
The worldly person. For example, Li Jinghe, the great master of the 29th
generation, casts talisman money in the well, and the sick drink the water from
the well.
Get better. Li Jingying, the 30th generation master, can worship Zhang Feishen,
go up to heaven and go down to Fengdu, please
The rain should be heavy. The thirty-first-generation master Xu Shoujing adheres
to the Tao and does not ask others to know, "Every time there is a juniper
He sent envoys to the mountains to repair things, and they were always honored."
The thirty-fifth generation master Ren Yuanfu Ying Ningzong
According to the imperial edict, he went to the palace to hold a large ceremony,
pray for clear weather and heavy rain, and follow the imperial edict, which was
immediately fulfilled. forty
Xu Daoqi, the third-generation master, used the art of summoning thunder and
lightning to "pray for snow and stop the wind, all of which were miraculous."

There is also Xiao Yingsou, the master of Sanjing in Dadong Xuandu of the
Shangqing Dynasty, who wrote "The Infinite Man in the Yuanshi"

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, Page 4 4 3.
② See "
"Xuan Pin Lu" Volume 5, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 18, Page 139.
③ See "
"Maoshan Chronicles" Volume 12, "Tao Zang", Volume 5, pages 607 and 610.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Star\


The five volumes of "Pin Miao Jing Nei Yi" use the inner elixir to explain the
talisman and thunder method. It is believed that people can obtain the golden
If you use the treasure, you will feel free and at ease, and you will never grow
people. Bu Zhen Guo can save all diseases and all diseases will heal themselves.
Bu Zhen can ward off evil spirits and evil spirits.
self-destruction. Buzhen tea can move wind and thunder, and wind and thunder
will shake themselves. The addition of cloth can help all things, and all things
can be supported.
Things are at ease. Bu Zhen tea can extricate ghosts, and the ghosts can
extricate themselves. This is an immeasurable person."①.
In addition, Lu Zhirou, Sun Yuanzheng, Deng Andao, Jin Yuanfan, Dong Sijing,
Yang Zhiyin,
Zhang Yu, Ouyang Wen and other Taoist priests of the Shangqing sect were also
known for their knowledge of thunder talismans and formed a
Developed the distinctive "Five Thunder Methods of the Shangqing Dynasty". The
Taoist Book of the Shangqing School of the Southern Song Dynasty "Shangqing
"Returning to the Court, Bi Dao Zhengfa" is the representative work of Lei Fa of
the Shangqing School. Six seals of adduction
There are three of them, namely, the chief seal of Dutian, the great thunder and
fire talisman of Dutian, and the chief seal of Dutian.
Taken from the Shenxiao sect, there are also many other Taoist talismans that
teach the Shenxiao sect, such as Zhu Mingfu,
The Thunder God Talisman, the Fire Bell Talisman, the Black Killing Talisman,
and the Tiangang Talisman are all traditional Shangqing sects.
After the Lingbao sect entered the Song Dynasty, it took Yanzao Mountain in
Jiangxi as its headquarters and split into a Donghua sect.
The sect is popular in the southeast. The Donghua School was founded by Ning
Quanzhen, a Taoist priest in the early Southern Song Dynasty.
He is really talented and famous in both the government and the public.
Disciples He Chunzhen, Zhao Yifu, Song Fu, He De
Yang, Wang Chengzhi, Zhang Youzhi, Zong Miaodao, Hu Yuanding, Hu Cihui, Zhao
Huaimin, Hu
Zhong Zao, Du Wenyu, etc., and later passed by Wang Yu, Zhao Dezhen, Song
Cunzhen, Zhang Dongzhen, Sun Yat-sen
Jingzhen, Lu Mozhen and Xue Yizhen spread to Lin Lingzhen from Wenzhou, which
made Donghua Xuanfeng flourish.
Extremely momentary. The new Lingbao sect with Donghua sect as the core has
promoted the development of the traditional Lingbao ancient method.
It has undergone radical changes, its rituals have become increasingly grand,
and its rules and regulations are profound and mysterious. as
Wang Guxu of "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa" (Ning Quanzhen Edition) said: The Holy
Mercy of the Yuan Dynasty opened the sky
"People," so the three-yuan commandments, the four-pole Mingke, the three-hole
and four-auxiliary sutras, hide the earth and hide the sky.
Ruan, the law of Nuqing Xuandu, the text of Baqiongjiuding, the book of Jinzhen
Baji, Fengzhaolongzhang

See pages 332 and 333 of Volume 2 of "Tao Zang".


Also this person changes the person/2 - The history and thoughts of Daoxiang
Shenxiao Sect

The seal script, the method of soft gold and water jade, the talisman of
enlightenment and soul-stirring, the fine writings of the five elders, the Eight
Seas Deng
The True Seal Script, the Great Tribulation Hongzhen Letter, the Spiritual
Treasure Summoning the Dragon Chapter, the Zhengyi Salvation Chapter, the Cave
The seal of the opening of the mountain, the secret of the Eight Views of the
Shangqing Dynasty, the words of Xuanzhen Qusu, the pictures of Taiping left and
right, the cave
The products of mysterious wisdom, the art of riding on the soles of the feet to
creep on the void, the skill of climbing the leader and seizing the power of
fighting" are all integrated into the great spirit treasure.
within the law.

Obviously, the Lingbao method enshrined by the Donghua sect absorbed some Taoist
techniques from the Shenxiao Thunder method.
For example, in the first volume of "Lingbao Lingjiao Jidu Jinshu" there is "
"Thunder House", the mandala facility
Taking the gods of Lei Department as the main character shows that the author is
quite familiar with Lei method. Tongshujuan
The second is the "Thunder House Program", which says: "
When the weather is dry and you pray for rain, you should press Taiyi
The Ten Gods, Five Lucks and Six Fruits, Thunder Stars and Birds, and Liujia
Stems and Branches, it is deduced that the auspicious time is chosen to build
During the fasting period, there are memorials to God Haotian, Emperor Ziwei,
Emperor Tianhuang, Emperor Changsheng, and Qing Dynasty.
"Hua Dadi" and other gods from the Thunder Department prayed for sunshine and
Volume 2 of "Lingbao Jade Mirror"
The fourth also contains Shenxiao gold slips, Shenxiao jade slips, and Shenxiao
jade seal scripts with thunder inscriptions, which shows Shenxiao's Taoism.
It has been integrated into the Lingbao Zhai method. After Ning Quanzhen and Lin
Lingzhen, Zheng Zheng in the late Southern Song Dynasty
Suonan also advocated the Lingbao sect's method of sacrifice and refining for
the dead, and wrote two volumes of "Tai Chi Sacrifice and Refining Internal
It is also a typical example of applying thunder method to fasting rituals. He
said: "
It is said that two hundred thunders were cut off and surveyed
There are more than 300 families of Yu family, more than 300 families of
Lingguan, and more than 180 families of local officials.
③ It can be seen that he is familiar with hundreds of schools of thought
Thunder method, so it is easy to use.
Qingwei sect claims to originate from Qingwei Tianyuanshi Tianzun, and it is
true that it evolved from Tianzun's teaching.
The four sects of Yuan, Taihua, Guanling, and Zhengyi, up to Shizhuan and even
Zushu Yuanjun, came together to form the four sects.
First, the Qingwei sect was first established, and passed down to Guo Yulong, Fu
Jiayu, Yao Zhuang, Gao Xiong, and Hua
Ying, Zhu Dongyuan, Li Shaowei, Nan Bidao, Huang Shunshen, Xiong Daohui, Peng
Ruli, Zeng
Guikuan, Zhao Yizhen, Zhang Daogui, Ye Yunlai, Liu Daoming, Zhang Shouqing, etc.
have a long lineage
① See "Tao Zang", volume 30, page 649.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 37, Page 43.
③ See page 441 of Volume 10 of "Tao Zang".
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method,
; ⑻



During the Song and Yuan Dynasties. This sect, like the Shenxiao sect, advocates
the combination of thunder method and inner elixir.
With internal refining as the body and talismans as the use, it is called
Qingwei Lei method. The true system of God he worships,
Almost inherited the entire structure of Shenxiao Sect. The techniques used
include transforming gods, summoning generals, and refining
Du, calligraphy, internal refining, etc. are also mostly taken from Shenxiao
Taoism. This sect combined Bai Yuchan's "Tao"
"Nine Essentials of the Dharma" is regarded as a classic, and it is based on
establishing one's character, seeking teachers, keeping integrity, observing
precepts, understanding the way, and practicing
Dharma, Shouyi, Jidu, and inheritance are the key points of Qingwei Taoism,
which express the relationship with the Shenxiao sect.
The tendency of unity of purpose. Many Taoist priests of the Qingwei sect also
practiced Shenxiao Taoism, such as those of the Six Dynasties
Grandmaster Zhu Dongyuan was originally "
Shenxiao Yushu Envoy". The principles of Taoism of Shenxiao and Qingwei schools
Generally speaking, the techniques and techniques are generally similar, the
main difference lies in the talismans and spells used.
It is certain that the Qingwei Sect was deeply influenced by the Shenxiao Sect.
Even the Qingwei sect itself
And the one who knows the subtle Dharma is also called Shenxiao. The secret of
truth. Dao Naiwan
The ancestor of Dharma, Lei is the lord of all thunders, and the Dharma within
the law. Therefore, Yuanshi was ashes and ruled
All spirits. "
① It is on the basis of belief in Yuanshi Tianzun that Shenxiao, Qingwei, etc.
Only then can Taoist sects be integrated with each other.
The Jingming Sect was a new Taoist sect during the Song and Yuan Dynasties. It
was derived from the Lingbao Sect.
Taking the Xishan Mountain in Nanchang as its ancestral home. He respected Xu
Xun of the Eastern Jin Dynasty as his ancestor, and later succeeded Hu Huichao
of the Tang Dynasty.
In the early Southern Song Dynasty, Zhou Zhengong rebuilt the Xishan Dharma
Altar and taught more than 500 disciples, marking the purity of
The formation of a clear path. But then it declined again and was regarded as a
"Lingbao side sect". Enter the Yuan Dynasty,
There was also Liu Yu who re-established the New Jingming Sect, "from which he
expounded the great teachings and taught the later generations."
②. its method
Based on loyalty and filial piety, respecting heaven and Tao, and relieving
death and reviving life. Liu Yu's biography of Huang Yuanji, Huang
His disciples include Xu Hui, Chen Tianhe, Liu Zhenchuan, Xiong Xuanyun, Liu
Sifu and Huang Tongli.
Xu Hui is the successor of his legacy. Xu Hui had hundreds of disciples, the
famous ones being Zhong Yanwen, Xiao
Honor the virtuous. In the following five generations, the successor was Zhao
Yizhen, who combined Qingwei, Jingming and Quanzhen.

See Volume 1 of "Qingwei Shenlie Secret Method", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 4, page 135.
See Volume 1 of "The Complete Book of Jingming Zhongxiao", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 4, page 630.




/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

He studied and wrote extensively. Later, it was said that Liu Yuanran could
summon thunder and punish ghosts and gods. It was already the Ming Dynasty.
The Jingming sect has written extensively, and its philosophy centers on
loyalty, filial piety and Jingming. It believes that "
Loyalty and filial piety
Liben, square inch pure and clear, all four beauties are ready, the spirit
gradually becomes spiritual, no need to practice, the natural way
"Succeeded"①. Judging from the experience of their ancestors in the past
generations, most of them are proficient in the art of conquering gods and
slaying evil spirits.
It is said that Xu Xun was able to "shout the wind and thunder", kill spirits
and eliminate evil spirits, and leave the treasure seal of the Six Prefectures
of Lei Department in the world.
Hu Huichao was so profound in Taoism that he "whistled and roared with wind and
thunder, burning down the temple." Destroy evil spirits in a moment. this
Due to this kind of luck, Lei Ting's secret skills have been inherited by later
students, such as Xu Hui praying like a god, "
During the year, there are floods, droughts, and disasters within thousands of
miles. If you pray, you will go there. God will move the sky, and thunder and
lightning will follow.
Yes, I don’t know how many of them turned the red earth into a harvest year and
swept away the accumulated clouds into a clear scene. to
The Tathagata, the sick, the common people thought they were suffering from
malaria, the pigs cried, the wooden guests groaned, and the clouds and seals
flew away.
"The strange spinning screen, this is the most popular one" ②. The method of
thunder is often discussed in the Taoist books of this sect.
For example, the fourth volume of "Jingming Zhongxiao Complete Book" contains
Liu Yu's theory of thunder, and the fifth volume describes the origin of Lei Zu.
Come on, the second volume of "Tai Shang Ling Bao Jing Ming Cave Shen Shang Pin
Sutra" talks about servants.
The method of thunderstorm, the thunder talisman collected in "Lingbao Jingtian
Shudu Judicial Court Instructions", "Lingbao Jingming"
The Five Thunder Divine Methods collected in "Secrets of Interpretation of Bao
Jingming Huang Sushu" are the receiving gods of Jingming Sect.
Evidence of the influence of the Xiao Sect.
After the Northern Emperor sent people to the Song Dynasty, it was still spread.
His descendants are Zheng Zhiwei, Hu Yanghao, Xu
Bida, Liu Yu, Huang Gongjin, etc., all preached the gods that mixed Shenxiao and
Beidi Taoism.
Xiaojinhuo Tianding Dharma, also passed down the Qing Tianpeng Dharma to
subjugate demons, Hunyuan Fei Catching Four Saints to subdue demons
Dafa, the Dafa of the Five Elements Mansion of Tongchu in the Shangqing Dynasty,
the Secret of the Five Elements Jade Book of the Shangqing Dynasty and the Nine
Spirits Flying Steps
Dharma, the Heaven-Connecting Iron Barrier Dharma, the Dongyue Wen Taibao
Examination Secret Dharma, the Earth Marshal Wen Dharma,
Marshal Zhang’s Secret Technique in Dongping, Marshal Zhang’s Special
Examination and Summoning Technique in Dongping, Marshal’s Secret Magic Pass on

"Jingming Zhongxiao Complete Book" Volume 2, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 4 pages 6 3 4.
"Jingming Zhongkaoquanshu" Volume 1, "Tao Zang" Volume 24, Page 632.
The inner meaning of Shenxiao Thunder Method is Shengxiang, coming out

" )⑻


Law, the secret method of Marshal Langlingguan of Fengdu, the secret method of
Marshal Chexia of Fengdu, the secret method of Fengdu Kaozhao University
The black law of the Taixuan system in Fa and Fengdu has absorbed the evil
witchcraft. Most of these Taoist laws are based on the thunder method.
This book shows very obvious characteristics of Shenxiao Sect. There was also
Yuan Miaozong, a Taoist priest in the Northern Song Dynasty.
It is our responsibility to inherit the lineage of Ye Fashan and Deng Ziyang.
"The Supreme Being's True Story of Helping the Country and Saving the People"
The ten volumes of "Secret Essentials" also contain a large number of thunder
techniques, all of which are intended to save the world.
To save people, "There may be no rain for a long time, or there may be pests and
borers, causing disasters to the people, or there may be evil stars shining
Divisions, border invasions, enemy attacks, dragons and water monsters, floating
figures, capsized boats
Ships and other such things, no matter how big or small, fly to the sky, and
invite the heavenly soldiers to destroy them."①
The Tianxin Sect in the Song Dynasty was derived from the Zhengyi Sect and was
founded by Rao Dongtian in the Northern Song Dynasty. he
He is entrusted to Zhang Ling from afar and Tan Zixiao is close to him. He
spreads the righteous Dharma of Heaven's Heart to the world, so he is called "
Tian Xinchu
"Ancestor". Raodong Tianhou passed Zhu Zhongsu, Zhu Chuanyou Taoist leader, You
Chuan Zou Ben, Zou Chuan Futian
The letter indicates that Deng has meritorious service. According to the secrets
passed down by his master, Deng redacted the Tianxin Zhengfa and compiled it
into "Shangqing".
"Tianxin Zhengfa", he made Huagai Mountain in Jiangxi Province his ancestral
court and had hundreds of disciples. There is a way
When he was on his way, he got a stone letter and a silk letter in Maoshan; also
known as Shaoxing Wuyin (1158) Tianjun descended
Grant "
Qipin Maxim 2 later compiled the results into "
Supreme Xuanyuan Santian Yutang Dharma"
Passed down from generation to generation, it promoted the prosperity of Tianxin
Taoism at that time. At the same time as him, someone who is proficient in
Tianxin Dharma is still
There are Wang Taichu, Lei Shousheng, Ren Daoyuan, Ouyang Wenbin, Chen Que, Zhao
Ziju, etc., who can
It can be seen that this sect spread widely in the Southern Song Dynasty.
It can be seen from the Taoist books of this sect that they attach great
importance to talismans, seals, and thunder methods.
And take the Three Lights of Righteousness as the foundation of Taoism. Its Five
Thunder Method, Transformation Method, Bu Gang Method, Zhi
Toxic control method, pest control method, method to eliminate the hidden
connection, burning lamp retribution method, Tiangang rescue method
Dharma is very similar to Shenxiao Tao Dharma. The gods worshiped are Emperor
Ziwei, True King Shenxiao,
Marshal Tianpeng, Marshal Heisha, Marshal Yisheng, Marshal Xuanwu, Tiangang
Great Sage, etc., represent
It is clear that this sect and the Shenxiao sect share a common Shenzhen worship
system. Entering the Yuan Dynasty, Tianxin sent the representative

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2 Page 5 4.

^ / / —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

In the meantime, when he felt the way, he was taught the Ruyi Taoist teachings
in the Six Heavens of Hunyuan, and was "paid by Xin Tianjun"
"You will explain the teachings of Thunder", so he merged the two sects of
Tianxin and Shenxiao to form the Hunyuan sect.
As for the two sects of the inner alchemy sect, the northern and southern sects,
Chen Nan and Bai Yuchan also taught the thunder method of the Shenxiao sect.
Later, this tradition has been followed by many Quanzhen Taoists, and the art of
thunder method and talisman has become
Each Taoist sect is an important method to help the world and save people, and
thus it has been prosperous for a long time. Investigating its fundamentals, it
Therefore, this situation has arisen, firstly, because Leifa is very inclusive
and involves almost everyone.
All areas of human life, participating in real life and the illusory spiritual
world. it's very
Pay attention to people's living environment, and try to use various spells to
help people and improve living conditions
Live, transcend the confusion of life and death, and relieve people's fear and
anxiety about death.
This kind of Mahayana thought and broad-minded compassion are generally
recognized by all Taoist sects.
At the same time, it has also gained extensive social influence.
In addition, Shenxiao Leifa also includes many health sciences, medicine,
astronomy, etc.
Knowledge and scientific achievements in astronomy and meteorology, especially
in astronomy and meteorology
In terms of performance, the results are quite outstanding. Volume 77 of "Tao Fa
Hui Yuan" "strategy of star battles"
It contains a celestial disk, divided into five circles, which is used by Taoist
priests to observe changes in the stars in the sky. Inside
"Zhou Bi Tu" says: The heavenly disk moves quickly, but the five stars move
slowly, like ants turning a mill. Viewed from this perspective
Therefore, day and night are always rotating in the sky, and the twenty-eight
constellations are the meridian stars. If it rotates with Tiangang, it will be
The stars move along the celestial disk and follow the palaces. Five stars and
four stars, the second house of the sun and the moon, must be used in the
fleeting years.
According to the Baizhong Sutra, it is determined that a certain star will be in
a certain direction on a certain day, and then the month will be used to add the
correct time and movement.
If you are in charge, the stars will be clearly visible throughout the day, and
there will be no difference between day and night. "
① Same book
"Thunder Miaoqi" contained in Volumes 78 and 79 focuses on the operation of
astronomical stars.
The relationship with the changes in thunder, lightning, wind and rain mainly
includes "Ding Twenty-eight Nights, Five Elements, Clear Rain"
"Five Talisman to Determine the Direction of Clear and Rainy Days", "Month-by-
Month Determination of Generals", "Flowing Fire and Evil Stars to Determine the
"Emperor Star Hard Prescription", "Thunder Arrow Technique", "Commentary on the
Five Thunder Pan Scriptures", "Taiyi Yuanjun"
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 279.
The connotation and influence of Shenxiao Thunder Method




"Methods for Determining the Traveling Methods of the God of Thunder", "An
Investigation of the True Plan", "The Rules of the Heavenly Stems", "The Rise of
the Moon and the Stars"
"Example", "Judgment of Sunny Rain", "Example of Thunder White Tiger Emperor's
Star Rising", "Horizontal Pushing Twenty-Four Directions Square Path"
"The Stars Are Coming", "The Stars Are Worth the Twenty-Four Hours on Ten
Heavenly Days", "The White Tiger Kills in All Directions"
"Sun and Chen", which contains rich knowledge of astronomy, almanac, climate and
other subjects.
Scholars should be proficient in praying for sunshine and rain.
As the "Command Song" says: "
Thunder hangs in the sky and has been passed down from word to mouth for tens of
thousands of years.
If you don't fight with ordinary people about etiquette and righteousness, you
will become a living immortal when you recognize the truth. Black clouds and
souls see each other by mistake, lightning flashes
It rains continuously. If it appears that it is high or low in the eight
dwellings, the same is true for the four directions above and below. morning,
dry, evening, sunday
Sky, although there are clouds, I can see the morning and evening. Even if the
sun is over the top, it will be in vain. It will only be determined if it
returns to normal day. noon
At the end of the day and before the end of time, black pigs spit fire and form
groups. The sky corresponds to the wind and clouds, and the next day it is
The rain is not coming. Only in the evening can the haze recede, and the sun can
be seen in the smoke cage and treasure tripod. The late rain falls all over the
On the hillock, red air fills the sky and annoys the scorching sun. The white
rainbow piercing the rain is an injury. You must know that the sound of thunder
is fast and slow.
Learn to teach carefully in the evening. The white clouds accompany the thunder,
but the white clouds do not fight the rain and waves. White air fills the sky
It will rain soon, Aries will cross the sea and rain will fall on Sheep. Red
chicken and purple goose thunder and lightning, black clouds correspond to the
two phases
No matter what, fire clouds correspond to fire, and the weather is hazy and
foggy. The green smoke cage fire returns to the west, and the east
There is fog and haze in the west. Three days after the fire clouds
corresponded, black clouds, dew, frost and showers came. Suddenly Yun Shi
When you rise high in the sky, the storm will surely come towards the Lord. Even
when the clouds are small, the wind is light, but the strong vortex shakes the
peak. The cloud platform reaches the center of the sky abruptly. The sky
corresponds to the rain pouring down. Look more closely at the southeast,
northwest, and upper directions. If
It shouldn't be half cloudy or sunny yet. It is difficult to recognize people in
the land of golden sand and dust, and there is no need to question them when the
wind and rain come together. Suddenly there is a rainbow
Reaching the end of the world, the red sun still appears on the top of the
mountain. If it rains equally for three days, the sun will scatter colorful
Lin. If there is still a slight dew, the waves of the river will rise, and the
black clouds will become thicker and foggier. If the fire clouds are compared to
each other, according to the
However, the red sun appears in the heart of the sky. ...The sage preached this
secret of heaven. Don't hold on to "Thunder" at any given moment.
"Ting He Jia Shi Kuo" also said: "Push the heart of heaven carefully with your
hand, and when the earth and gang meet, they will create thunder."
The evil sun pushes the bloody blade, and the storm and rain are like falling
cliffs. The rose is in a state of decline. Thunder first and then rain





1The history and thoughts of the Shenxiao sect of Taoism

”① These all emphasize

The sky is full of golden fire, and if it meets the water, it will cause thunder
and rain. Don’t be suspicious.
The knowledge of astronomy and meteorology plays a very important role in the
effectiveness of thunder magic.
Therefore, Taoist priests must be proficient in astronomy and meteorology.
Scientific achievements related to astronomy and meteorology are reflected in
the "Yuyang Climate Affair"
The book "Machine" is divided into eleven chapters. The first seven chapters
respectively tell the story of the sun and the moon through
Observe the bright, Tiangang stars, Beidou, dragon qi, white tiger qi and river
qi to judge the weather
Thunderstorms and droughts. The thirty-nine pictures of "Thunder Card" are
collected for this time, with explanations, mainly based on the
According to the time, position, color, shape and movement of clouds in the sun,
moon, stars, and the Milky Way, etc.
Movement direction, etc., to predict the time and location of drought, flood,
cloudy weather, wind, rain, thunder, etc.
And strength and weakness, etc. Later, it was "Zhu Lei Climate", "Miaodong Yin",
"Xiantian Yizhen Thunder Jade"
"Chapter" also describes the technique of waiting and watching the sky to break
up the clear rain. Although there are myths, superstitions and other

4 females
Be bullied by others
Clothes and personality
Kan two-legged wood
Lei Lun Long Sheng
Electric sunrise
Never been here before
Has anyone been punished?
Withdraw funds
Stable ball fighting day
Benefit from previous generations
Among the eight differences
Good at entering and exiting
Kun 0


hale and hearty

Huo Zhongtian
Ling Yougong
Gongzhi Street
You Yingdeng
come out
not yet
come out

Go out
Mo Si
Suffering from sun
Long Chu
Hua Yi
fish tacos
Paint plus
Social items





"Yuyang Climate Progenitor")

Thunder brand (

① See page 293 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".

Qianji Temple
Zhen Jun Dong Ba Chen
Lei Fang looks at it now
Big money comes in time for silk
Heavy rain
Out of the falcon in the painting
Bi Tongtian
Note Xiao
And the cloud
wind watch
Those who go
Can't find it
Deer is
Shen Zhi
women's electronics
letter of commission
The sound and video of Shenlongshoushigao is\


I 337

It has a scientific component, but to a certain extent it reflects the Taoist

priests’ long-term observation of astronomical and meteorological changes.
The experience of transformation contains some scientific results that should be
affirmed. In another book "Pan"
"Book of Heaven" also contains astrological battles, wind fortune telling,
Liujia and Wumao fortune telling, sun and moon fortune telling,
Pentameter breaking method, etc. Mainly based on the clouds in the stars, the
sun and the moon, the Milky Way and Liujia and Wumao
The time and changes of the day are used to predict climate and social changes
for the application of Taoism.
Provide a reasonable basis, as the saying goes: "Force the thunder in the palm
of your hand, call for the wind and rain in the present, and live on behalf of
the heavens."
Xuanhua, giving money and benefiting people, will always be a treasure of the
In short, Shenxiao's thunder method is the most important Taoist magic method in
the Song and Yuan Dynasties.
Taoist doctrines, philosophical thoughts, Taoist laws and rituals, theology and
Chinese folklore
It has had a major impact on people's beliefs, daily life, culture and art, etc.
Therefore, Shenxiao Sect and its theoretical Taoism should be placed in the
history of Chinese Taoism and Chinese culture.
occupies a position that cannot be ignored.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2, Page 6 0 2.

@ ( ^ ) ( ^ ) @ / —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

: attached

Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

A few years ago, at the invitation of the Hong Kong Taoist College, I gave
several lectures on the study of Taoist talismans.
Lectures on the topic. His lecture notes were later compiled and published in
the Hong Kong Taoist College
In the book "Taoist Rituals", due to publishing reasons, many academic friends
Difficult to access. This compilation of "Shenxiao Thunder Method" involves a
lot of talismans, but the book
It is difficult to discuss in detail, so this handout has been slightly modified
and included as an appendix to facilitate
Mutual reference.

Section 1 The origin and evolution of Taoist talismans

Talismans are the most important magic in Taoism. It is often used together with
incantations and becomes a Taoist
The main means to help the world. Volume 36 of "Lingbao Wumei Renshang Sutra"
"My husband's decree has three stages: one is to perform the incantation, the
second is to perform the talisman, and the third is to perform the method. The
person who curses,
It is also a secret message from heaven, and all the spirits are summoned by the
mantra and descend with the aura. Talisman, from heaven
In harmony with the agreement, the group of true beings will descend according
to the call of the talisman. The Dharma Master is in charge of the Immortal Cao
of his department, and he has his own group of true beings.
Lectures on the Taoist Talisman

(1 )


Bai Ling, each doing his job. There must be false spells. Call them to come and
send them away. This is called three
Bureau "①
In the vast literature of Taoism, or in its religious rituals, fasting,
religious training, and cultivation, there are many examples at any time.
Talismans can be seen everywhere. It can be said that one cannot achieve
enlightenment without talismans and talismans, and talismans are
Taoism is the most distinctive religious symbol. So, where does the talisman
originate? its
What about evolution? The following are described in turn.
1. Xuanyuan is summoned by the talisman to summon all gods
As a very unique cultural phenomenon, the origin of witchcraft such as spells
has even
morning. Across the world, talismans are an important category of human
prehistoric culture.
In 1906, archaeologists excavated 350 prehistoric monuments in Vinka,

The most abundant burial objects in tombs are charm objects made of various
materials, such as
Earrings carved in the shape of human faces, bronze pins decorated with human
heads and snakes, the largest number
The variety and variety are rare in the history of human archeology. In
addition, around the world
Many talismans from prehistoric and ancient times have been excavated from all
over the world, and their materials and forms vary.
It has national characteristics and shows different cultural backgrounds and
religious elements.
Many such charm ornaments are also found in China. In 1972 in Shaanxi Province
A pair of jade earrings were unearthed from the tomb of a young girl at the
prehistoric site in Tongjiangzhai, and the bones on the earrings were
There are as many as 872 beads, which is obviously a charm with sacred
②In Liaoning
Hongshan Cultural Relics in Guangdong, Shiwan Cultural Relics in Guangdong,
Liangzhu Cultural Relics in Jiangsu and Zhejiang
Sites and Longshan cultural sites in the Central Plains, a large number of jade
dragons, jade pigs, and jade
Tiger, jade turtle, jade fish, jade bird, jade cicada, jade pei, jade bi, jade
hoop, jade cong, etc.,
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3, Page 8 0 7.
② See "Brief Report on the Excavation of the Jiangzhai Site in Lintong in the
Spring of 1972", "
Archeology, Issue 3, 1973.

The evolution and thought of Taoist Shen Xiaoyong

These exquisite jade objects are used to protect oneself from evil spirits or to
communicate with gods.
The functions are exactly the same as those of later Taoist talismans, and they
should be the initial form of talismans.
According to Sima Qian's view of history in the Western Han Dynasty, the dawn of
Chinese civilization began in the Xuanyuan period
generation. Taoism, which is directly inherited from the learning of Huang and
Lao, highly recommends this founder of Chinese civilization.
worship. The Taoist book says that while the Yellow Emperor was quelling chaos
and governing the country, he was refining elixirs and cultivating Taoism, until
his merits and virtues were perfected.
Dinghu ascended to heaven and became the co-ancestor of the gods. In this way,
various Taoist spells are closely related to
Huang Di had a direct connection.
Volume 100 of "Yunji Seven Lots"
"Xuanyuan Benji" details various legends about the Yellow Emperor,
It is said that when he went east to Qingqiu, he met Mr. Zifu and received the
call from the "Three Emperors Neiwen".
"All gods". He also toured the Five Mountains and "wrote their images, thinking
that they were pictures of the true shape of the Five Mountains."
①Same as
The third volume of the book "The Origin of Taoism" also says: "The true teacher
has the supreme Xu Huang as his teacher.
Yuanshi Tianzun taught it, and it was a profound essence, secreted in the Nine
Heavens, and rectified and applied to the Daisheng. The rules of heaven
The Heavenly Lord evolved in the Three Pure Ones, and the gods promoted the true
vehicle and enlightened the immortal order. In the human world, Fu Xi Shou
In the picture, Xuanyuan received the talisman, Gao Xin received the scripture,
Xia Yu received the Luo book, the four saints received their gods, and the five
The old man appears in Hezhu, so there are three tombs and five canons, which
are the teachings of Changdao.

There are similar records in non-religious literature, such as "Chun Qiu Wei"
which states that the Yellow Emperor conquered Chi
Especially, "The Queen Mother of the West sent a Taoist priest wearing a
mysterious fox fur to teach him with talismans."
③. "dragon
"Yuhe Tu" also said: "Heaven sent Xuannv to give the Yellow Emperor the magic
talisman of military faith to subdue Chiyou.
...The emperor challenged him, and Queen Mother Mengxi sent someone to teach him
the talisman. Emperor Wu set up an altar to invite people, and there was a
mysterious turtle
The title talisman came out of the water and was placed in the altar, whereupon
the talisman began to be passed on.
Although these legends are difficult to prove, they reveal that the art of
talismans originated very early.
Information, various charms and ornaments from ancient times discovered in
archeology can prove this.
point. According to the research of many scholars, witchcraft was very popular
as early as the Yin and Shang Dynasties. as
① See page 682 of Volume 22 of "Tao Zang".
② See page 12 of Volume 22 of "Tao Zang".
③ See Ming Tao Zongyi's "
Talking about Breasts, Volume 3, Page 2 3 1.
Lecture Notes on Taoist Talisman and Seal Script

\ group


Dayu, the founder of the Xia Dynasty, was also a great wizard himself. He
controlled the floods and fought successfully
Miao, who presides over sacrifices, summons souls and recites curses, is half
human and half god, as if he is the face of both a god and a human emperor.
appearance. The basis for all this power is said to come from the "Heavenly
Power" passed down by Emperor Gao Yang.
Gao Yang ordered Yu to stay in Xuan Palace, and Yu personally sent the
auspicious order from heaven to conquer the seedlings. "

Of course, ordinary people cannot understand Tianzhi Ruiming, because it is a
very strange thing.
Different seal characters. Volume 2 of "Shi Yi Ji" written by King Jia of Jin
Dynasty says: "Yu "
Guide to Sichuan and Yiyue Mountains, followed by Huanglong
The tail is in front, and the black turtle carries the green mud behind. The
black turtle is also the messenger of the river spirit. There is a seal under
the turtle's chin
The writings are all ancient seal scripts, which are the characters of the
mountains and rivers of Jiuzhou. Every place that Yu drilled was sealed with
green clay.
"Remember the location and have the black turtle seal it." This type of black
turtle seal script can still be seen in later generations. "Dharma"
"Tie·Shenpinmu" says: "
Xia Yu wrote stone wall seal scripts in Changjiang Mountain, Pingjiang County.
According to historical records, Dayu's casting of the tripod was also related
to the art of talismans. according to"
"Zuo Zhuan", "Han Shu"
It is recorded that the function of Jiuding is to worship God and ghosts, and to
make the people know that "
God's traitor"
Less harm, both are related to channeling spirits, exorcising ghosts and warding
off evil spirits. Commentary on Ancient Artifacts Chapter 9
The tripod is very exquisite and majestic, with deformed animal patterns on it,
as well as mysterious and terrifying patterns.
The pattern of Kui dragon and gluttonous meal. The poem "Nine Cauldrons" written
by Wang Anshi of the Song Dynasty said: "Yu went digging in the mountains and
In all the valleys, dragons scurry and hide, and chimis lurk. His ambition is
still coveted by Yu Shang, and he uses a golden cauldron to control Jiu Mu.
The clouds are red and the sky turns black, and the wind blows the mountains and
uproots the trees. Dingcheng Juguan becomes a strange rope, Yaksha walks
The singing ghost cries day and night.
② It can be seen that in the minds of ancient people, Jiuding has a very
powerful protective effect.
The divine power of national security and people. Because it represents the
combination of divine power and political power, it is the symbol of human
A symbol of unity with the real world and the spiritual world.
The Yellow Emperor's peach figures and peach charms mentioned earlier are also
symbols. i.e. hint peach
Humans and Taofu are the two gods of peach trees in Dushuo Mountain in the East
China Sea, and they can drive away ghosts.
Ward off evil spirits. Coupled with the extension of association, the peach wood
itself also has extraordinary divine power.
① See "Mozi·
"Not captured".
② See "
Collection of Ancient and Modern Books, Volume 80, Page 97208.


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Gourmet pattern (
Late Shang Dynasty bronzes)
Zhang Daoyi's "Chinese Pattern Series"

"Records of the Years of Jingchu" says: "Take peach soup on New Year's Day.
Peach is the essence of the five elements and can suppress evil spirits."
Qi can control hundreds of ghosts. "So the ancients drank peach soup and made
peach figures, peach swords, peach knives, and peach swords.
Peach seals and peach arrows are used to cure diseases and expel evil spirits,
and to ward off ghosts and avoid misfortunes.
Drawing and carving talismans on peach boards are called peach charms and peach
seals. Such tokens were used in Qin and Han Dynasties.
Time has appeared. "Xu Hanshu. Etiquette" says that "the peach seal is six
inches long, three inches square, and five inches long."
The color calligraphy and text are in accordance with the law, so as to protect
the door. "Liu Zhao's note: "Peach seal was used in the Han Dynasty to stop evil
In today's world, colorful seal characters are used to mark the Dragon Boat
Festival. "
The so-called "painted seal characters" are made of colorful silk and brocade
threads with painted characters on them.
Picture and text, this is an early talisman. 《
"The Book of Taoism Conferring Gods" says: ""The Rites of Zhou"
Then, write the number of the tenth day, the number of the twelfth month, and
the number of the twelfth year in the square script, and hang them on the tree,
that is,
go. The ancients used seal characters, but today's runes are still similar to
them. ”① During the Qin and Han Dynasties, people used painted seal scripts
If the talisman is tied to the body, it is said that it can "ward off war and
disaster, and make people less sick and warm." The way of future generations
The religion has completely inherited this custom. "Baopuzi Neipian. Dengshe"
contains: "People are famous for their mountains.
On the day of Jiazi's expulsion, add five inches of five colors each and hang
them on a big stone. You will get what you ask for. ""pass
The second volume of "A Brief Introduction to the Precepts and Dharma of
Teaching the Three-hole Sutra" says: "Brocade is forbidden. It is painted in
five colors to form a text.
In order for people to achieve enlightenment through the five desires, they must
first obey the discipline and precepts to restrain their minds.”, “
Therefore, pattern
Silk shells are threatening to the heavenly officials, begging for fortune-
telling, and their names and fortunes are Jin."
② These are all Taoist traditions inherited from ancient times

① See page 145 of Volume 32 of "Tao Zang".

② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2, page 195.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ ⑻


Proof of the wind.

Alchemists of the Qin and Han dynasties also used talismans to treat illnesses.
From the Mawangdui Han tomb medical book "Miscellaneous Bans"
Prescriptions) and "Fifty-two Prescriptions for Diseases", it can be seen that
the talisman has been used to treat more than ten kinds of diseases.
Such as "bleeding from the injured", "baby convulsions", "warts", "fox hernia",
"neck tumor", "burn"
Burns", "paint sores", "psoriasis", etc., and mentioned the use of Yubu and
peach trees to drive away evil spirits.
sick. ① "Book of the Later Han Dynasty·Fang Shu Biography" records that Xu Deng
and Zhao Bingshan used witchcraft to cross the country.
During the chaos and epidemic, the two met on the Wushang River, and concluded
that they would be together for a period of time.
"Spells to cure diseases". The so-called "Yue Fang" is the art of forbidding
curses and talismans. It is the combination of holding curses and releasing
Qi Gong combines Qi, so it is also called Qi Qi and Qi Qi. "Baopuzi Neichai,
He memorizes his techniques in detail, claiming that those who know them can
make people suffer from epidemics without being infected, and can ban ghosts,
gods, poisonous insects without getting infected.
It can treat injuries, stop bleeding, repair bones, is invulnerable, has a wide
range of functions, and is "very proven". Such charms
The art of magic was originally the specialty of Qin and Han wizard Fang Tu, and
it was not only spread in Wuyue. Like the King of Horses
On a silk painting of gods unearthed from a tomb of the Han Dynasty, the words
"Zhu Yue", "Forbidden", "I" are written.
"A hundred soldiers will not move", "Don't dare to attack me", etc. should be
regarded as forbidden incantations based on various gods.
These air restraint techniques from various regions have been inherited and
incorporated since the beginning of Taoism.
It is combined with the yin-yang and five-element studies since the Warring
States Period and the Han Confucian study of diagrams and latitudes, and then
takes shape.
It became the study of talismans.
From the original meaning of "Fu", it originally refers to Ruiying. "Book of
Rites Justice" Zheng Xuan's note:
"It is said that the talisman of all things is long, and they all come as
auspicious responses." Explanation: "The talisman is said to be the source of
nectar and sweet spring.
Attribution, the long term refers to the genus of Linfeng and the Five Spirits,
and they should be dealt with accordingly. "According to the theory of divine
People then called the various auspicious signs appearing in heaven and earth
It evolved from Fu to "Fu Ying". "Historical Records·Zou Yan Biography" says:
Zou Yan deeply observed Yin and Yang
According to the news, it is believed that the heaven will show its signs, and
the saints will observe it. "Since the division of heaven and earth, the five
virtues have been passed down.

① See Wei Qipeng and Hu Xianghua's "Compilation and Interpretation of Medical

Books from Mawangdui Han Tombs" (1), Chengdu Publishing House, June 1992
Monthly version.
3 4 4 ⑷

^ back

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Each treatment has its own appropriateness, and the corresponding treatment
should be as follows." His "Book of Fengchan" also said: "Under the sky, it is
appropriate to establish
Worship God in order to comply. "Of course, whoever can get the talisman can
command heaven to
"The Biography of Wang Dan of Yan Ci" says: "When Wang Mang was in power,
everyone was
Next, this is called "Fu Ming". "Han Shu·
The Han vassal king was deposed as a family member, and Jiadu was granted the
title of Fumeihou by offering talismans. "
A similar term is "Fu Rui". "Han Shu·Liu Fu Biography" says: "The place of
If it rises, it must first be given a talisman; if heaven disobeys it, it must
first bring disaster. This is the sign of the gods.
Yes, it is a natural prediction. "There are also "prophecies", which are various
prophecies that express destiny.
"Fengtong talisman, establish position and change number"
"The Collection of Zhuge Liang" says: "
Secondly, the original meaning of the talisman also includes the verification of
the gods. "Huainanzi·Ben Jing Xun I"
Said: "Heaven, earth, and the universe are one person's body, and within the
Liuhe, there is one person's control. This is why it is clear
Nature cannot threaten it. Those who judge the talisman will not be confused by
monsters. ” High temptation note:
Talisman, verification, proof
"Shen means Ming; Fu means test" ① "Pian Hai" also says: "
Third, the concepts of response and verification have developed into a mutual
trust between people.
tools, that is, various "talisman sieves" and "letter sieves" made of gold,
copper, jade, wood, bamboo, etc.
"Military Talisman", with characters and patterns engraved on it, cut into two
halves, and keep one in each.
symbol', "
When the time coincides, it is considered a contract. "Shuowen Jiezi" says: "Fu
means letter. Made in Han Dynasty, it is made of bamboo.
Six inches, divided and combined. ""Yupian" said: "Fu, a talisman section, is
divided into two sides, each
Keep faith. "This type of talisman was first created in the Qin Dynasty.
"Historical Records Xiaowen Ji" says: "In the beginning,
The prime minister of the county and state is a copper tiger talisman and a
bamboo envoy talisman." They are used to replace the ancient Guizhang to
facilitate the dispatch of troops and generals.
The above three meanings are all contained by Taoist talismans. If there are
many talismans, then
One of them is divided into two parts, either master, disciple, or Taoist priest
each holds one half, or burns and wears each half.
To achieve the goal of two people being of one mind and being in harmony with
God. "The Book of Taoism Conferring Gods" says: "The ancients called for orders
There are talisman sections, and the talismans are made of bamboo pieces. Today,
the yellow paper summons the divine talisman to replace the bamboo, and the
human-shaped talisman is the messenger.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 5 6.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ ⑨


① There are many talismans for sending troops and generals in Taoism, but the
one who recruits is the "Heavenly Soldier God".
The concepts of communication between heaven and man and verification by gods
are the most fundamental of the art of talismans.
the rules.
Taoist talismans are derived from ancient Chinese witchcraft, the Yin-Yang Five
Elements of the Warring States Period, and
And the alchemists and prophecy theology of Qin and Han Dynasties. Zhang Ling,
Zhang Jiao and others in the Eastern Han Dynasty created the Five Dou Rice Road
Since the beginning of the Yellow Turban Taiping Dao, Taoism has made full use
of the technique of talismans as its cloth.
The main means of Taoism to help the world, and has been widely accepted by
Zhang Yuchu, a heavenly master of the Ming Dynasty, said: “
Daomen Sutra Dictionary, Taishang Sandong, various classics, are from the Yuan
What the First Heavenly Lord, the Lingbao Heavenly Lord, and the Supreme Moral
Heavenly Lord Chrysostom announced has been passed down from generation to
generation, and all the masters
Explanation... If the ancestral heavenly master receives all the sutra urns of
the Supreme Being, then the alliance will be the most powerful; Ge Xianweng
What he received was the Four Immortals of the Central Alliance; what Mao
Zhenjun received was the Shangqing Great Cave. The rest of the symbols
There are many, and they all benefit the country and the people, and protect
their families and themselves. Therefore, those who worshiped and took refuge in
the past dynasties all gained
In response to the prayer, there are strange signs, and the test of the teaching
given by the Supreme Being is not false. "②

"The Complete Collection of Chenzhou Talismans - Preface" also says: "The art of
talismans has a long history. The Yellow Emperor accepted it
From the Queen Mother of the West, it was passed down to Shaohao; Shaohao was
passed down to Zhuanxu, and his meaning was widely spread from generation to
generation, but it was not passed down continuously.
Absolutely. Li Er discovered all his secrets and started Taoism with the help of
talismans and incantations, which attracted many followers. Later, the Spring
and Autumn War
In the age of the country, the magicians saw the end of the world and did not do
anything. Instead, they retired to the rocks and ravines to focus on
The curse is almost there. At the time of Emperor Shun of the Han Dynasty, a man
named Zhang Zhenren came out of the mausoleum and obtained a strange book on the
In his room, he lived in Heming Mountain in Sichuan and practiced cultivation.
He used talismans to treat people's illnesses, drive away ghosts and conquer
No response. People respect it. Later he got the title of Tianshi. The reason
why Taoism does not decline today is that it has good qualities
Heavenly Master. The main thing that the Heavenly Master holds is the way to use
ghosts and gods, and all the magic spells. charm
The power shows how great it is. "They all spoke highly of the magic of spells.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 32, Page 144.
② See "
"Ten Rules of Taoism", "Tao Zang", Volume 32, pages 147 and 148.



The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

2. Celestial Master created teachings and explained scientific standards

From the time Zhang Ling founded Taoism in the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Sui
and Tang Dynasties for more than 800 years, the Taoist form of heaven was
There are three great sects: Shi, Shangqing and Lingbao. In the Song Dynasty,
the study of talismans entered a new stage.
development stage. On the basis of the three old schools of Han and Tang
Dynasties, Beidi, Shenxiao, and
New Taoist sects such as Qingwei, Donghua, Tianxin, Taiyi, and Jingming. As a
result, the clan in the Song and Yuan Dynasties
The sect proliferated, with rich writings, mature doctrines, and unprecedented
prosperity. Taoist talisman science has reached its peak.
The ultimate point. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, all Taoist sects
gradually declined, and the study of talismans also ceased.
It is stagnant, but there are also outstanding figures who add to its glory.
Especially preserved to this day
There are a large number of documents, which are precious documents for people
today to study talismans.
Below, according to the order of time and the similarities and differences of
the sects, we will talk about them separately, so that we can understand
Learn about the history of the evolution and development of talismans.
1. Tianshi Dao and Zhengyi Sect

Tianshi Tao is also known as the Tao of Zhengyimengwei, the Tao of Five Pecks of
Rice, and the Tao of Ghosts. It was also called the Tao of Ghosts after the Song
For the right way. This sect has experienced ups and downs and has continued
from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the present day, becoming a Taoist sect.
The oldest and most influential Taoist sect in the religion. Therefore, the main
line of development of the art of talismans
That is, it is based on this school.
Since Zhang Ling founded the religion of Western Shu, Zhang Heng and Zhang Lu
later promoted Taoism.
The technique of mantra is very effective in curing diseases and exorcising evil
spirits for the people, so it is deeply supported by the people. "Book of the
Later Han·Liu Yan"
"Biography" records: Zhang Ling was in Heming Mountain, "
"Make talismans" to spread his teachings. "Three Kingdoms·
"The Biography of Zhang Lu" says that Zhang Lu inherited his ancestral legacy, "
According to the independence of Hanzhong, walk the five buckets of rice road.
Fu Shui cures diseases, and if a bucket of rice is produced, the pain will be
cured immediately, and the people who worship it will be cured."
According to Volume 2 of "The Family of Heavenly Masters of the Han Dynasty",
Zhang Sheng, the son of Zhang Lu, practiced Taoism well, and his father ordered
him to
Sijiao moved from Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province to Longhu Mountain, Guixi, Jiangxi
Province, carrying his ancestral sword seal and sutra urn.
He obtained the former site of the Xuantan of the Heavenly Master and the former
site of Dan Zao, and settled there. On the three-yuan day, he went to the altar
and passed down the message.

Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

He taught scholars from all over the world and inspired more than a thousand
It is natural to explain it as a scientific model and take it as a rule."
①. bright
Wang Wei's "Qingyan Conglu" said: Zhang Ling's great-grandson
Zhang Sheng moved to Longhu during the Yongjia period of the Western Jin Dynasty
The mountain is the beginning of the Dragon and Tiger Sect of Tianshi Dao. but
This sect was not prominent at first, but it was not until the fourth year of
Emperor Zhezong of the Song Dynasty that Shaosheng
In the year (1 0 9 7), Longhu Mountain was decreed to be the foundation of the
Zhengyi School.
Mountain, this mountain became the ancestral court of Tianshi Tao.
Among the heavenly masters of all ages, he is proficient in talismans
There are many. For example, Zhang Zixiang, the tenth generation heavenly
The Second Guangxuan Fulu taught all directions; the eleventh generation
Heavenly Master Zhang Tongxuan used talisman water to cure the epidemic.

Zhang Ling (Ming version of "The Strange Traces of Immortals and Buddhas")

"Everyone who drinks will recover", so "the beggar says

Collect, those who receive the sutra will benefit everyone.”
"It will heal if the leaves are cured." Zhang Jixian once wrote an iron talisman
to eliminate disasters in the state's salt ponds, and once
"Take the talisman and throw it into the water, and if you drink it, those who
are sick will be cured." Zhang Ke, the Thirty-fifth Generation Celestial Master
Da, used talismans to control water, prayed for rain, and drove away locusts. He
had many magical experiences and won the trust of Emperor Lizong.
Lifting the talismans of the three mountains, and also observing the religious
affairs of the palaces in front of the emperor." From then on, the Zhengyi sect
took over the leadership
The status of Fulu sects. In the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang had several
imperial edicts to meet with the forty-third generation Heavenly Master Zhang
At the beginning, he was given "the seal of Zhengyi Xuantan, a talisman for
guarding the pass, and a famous mountain forever."
② above
All heavenly masters have made indelible contributions to the spread and
development of talismans.
In addition to the heavenly masters of the past dynasties, there have also been
a large number of Taoist priests who are proficient in Taoism in this sect.
Such as Kou Qianzhi, Lu Xiujing, Wei Yuansong, Luo Gongyuan, Zhai Qianhu, Yang
Tongyou, Zhang Wan

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 4 Page 8 2 3.
② See "
Han Celestial Master Family", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 1, pp. 824 ~ 8 3 5.
Must 8




/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Fu, Du Guangting, Wang Daojian, Liu Yongguang, Zhang Xiyan, Yi Rugang, Mao
Yunzhong, Zhang
Daoxu, Xue Yingchang and others. They astonished the world with their superb
magic and served both the government and the public.
Place your bets.
The Taoism of this sect is mainly based on talismans and incantations, and it
also practices guidance, persuasion, and preservation.
God, food, room. By the time of Zhang Jixian in the Northern Song Dynasty, he
also absorbed the inner elixir and Shenxiao of the Zhonglu School.
Thunder method has brought great changes to the traditional talismanology.
Important existing texts
Presented are "Laozi Xiang'er Annotation", "Taishang Zhengyi Curse Ghost Sutra",
"Zhengyi Dharma Cultivation Purpose"
"Yao", "Nv Qing Gui Lv", "Tai Shang Three Days Zheng Dharma Sutra", "Tai Shang
Zheng Yi Dharma Sutra",
"Explanation of the Scriptures in Three Days", "The Majesty of Taishang Sanwu
Zhengyi League", "The Majesty of Taishang Zhengyi League"
瓓", "Zhengyi Dharma Text Ten Rui Zhaoyi", "Zhengyi Dharma Text Sutra Chapter
Official Product", "Tai Shang Laojun"
"Three Talisman of Hunyuan", "Zhengyiguanzhangyi", "Taixuan Jinsuo Liuzhu Yin",
Taiqing Jing
"Celestial Master's Formula", "The Thirty-generation Celestial Master Xu Jing
Zhenjun's Quotations", etc., most of which are included in "Tao"

2. Shangqing Sect and Maoshan Sect

The Shangqing Sect was founded in the middle of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and
respected Mrs. Huacun of the Eastern Jin Dynasty as its founder. its
The appearance has certain origins with the Tao of Heavenly Masters. Its
founders include Yang Xi, Xu Mi, Xu Mai, etc.
They are all followers of Tianshi Tao, and Wei Huacun also served as a priest of
Tianshi Tao. Therefore, it can also be said that
The Qing sect is derived from the Tianshi Tao.
After the founding of Yang, Xu and others, the sect gradually became more
popular after being spread by Wang Lingqi.
developed. By the time of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Lu Xiujing also
passed down the Qing Dynasty Sutra method, "Including three caves,
Tao Hongjing lived in seclusion in Maoshan. He compiled the classics of the Qing
Dynasty and wrote many books.
His contribution was so huge that Maoshan became the center of the Shangqing
Sect. After him, the Shangqing sect
Most of the great masters lived in Maoshan, so the sect was also called the
Maoshan Sect.
From the Sui and Tang dynasties to the Song and Yuan dynasties, the Shangqing
sect was very prosperous, and a large number of high-ranking sects appeared.
road. For example, Wang Yuanzhi knew the destiny of heaven. At the end of the
Sui Dynasty, during the reign of Emperor Long Qian of the Tang Dynasty, Mr.
Tell the secret to fulfill your destiny. The King of Qin and Fang Xuanling paid
a visit incognito. The gentleman greeted him and said, "There is a saint here."
Taoist Talisman and Seal Script Lecture 9

, cave)


people. Because the King of Qin told the truth, he said: If you want to be the
emperor of peace, you are willing to love yourself. King of Qin
Mr. Yi received the Three-hole Method"①. Sima Chengzhen wrote more than ten
kinds of Taoist books, which were deeply loved by Empress Wu,
Ruizong and Xuanzong respected him. In the ninth year of Kaiyuan (721), Xuanzong
sent envoys to welcome Sima Chengzhen.
The emperor personally received the Dharma urn and was rewarded very
generously." ② His disciple Li Hanguang was proficient in Shangqing
Dafa visited the capital several times, and Xuanzong received the Three-Dong
Sutra in the Datong Hall. Born in Song Dynasty, Zhu Ziying
He taught the scriptures and Dharma of the Shangqing Dynasty. Renzong granted
him the title of National Master, and the Queen Mother received his teachings.
Liu Hunkang is divine
Zong, Zhezong and Huizong respected him. At that time, Empress Meng accidentally
swallowed a needle to stop her throat, and no doctor could do it.
"When the master enters and wears the talisman, he vomits and acupunctures the
talisman, and the palace is full of magic."③. Jiang Zongying, Xiao Ying
Sou, Dong Sijing, Du Daojian, Zhang Yu, etc. are famous for their erudition and
high practice, and each has his own writings and biographies.
World, elucidating the subtleties of the Shangqing Sutra.
The inheritance of this sect is very clear. From Wei Huacun to Liu Dabin in the
Yuan Dynasty, there are a total of forty
Five generations of masters. Its inheritance was based on Yang and Xu Shangqing
sutras, and Liu Hunkang received the imperial gift of nine
After the Old Immortal Capital Seal and the Sword, the Seal Sword was added to
the inherited tokens. and with dragon and tiger
The three mountains of Shanshan and Yanzao Mountain stand at the same level, and
the talismans are taught to the world.
The Shangqing Sect mainly practices the Shangqing Dharma, and also practices the
Lingbao Sutra, the Three Emperors Sutra and the Heavenly Master
Taoism. The practice method focuses on preserving the spirit and refining the
energy. It advocates the combined practice of various techniques and the
combination of talismans.
Methods, spells, guidance, food, medicine, external elixirs, qigong, health
preservation, and other medicines in the room
Technique, in order to seek immortality. In the Tang Dynasty, Sima Chengzhen
also introduced Confucian principles of integrity and sincerity.
and the Buddhist theories of tranquility, vipassanā and meditation, and enriched
the Taoist internal refining principles; Xiao Yingsou adopted
The study of inner alchemy explains the art of talismans, advocating that the
elixir can be refined internally and the talisman can be cast externally. The
talisman must be made with
It is based on the true spirit of the human body's aura and is quite innovative.
Among the classics of the Shangqing Dynasty, the most highly regarded by this
sect are "Dadong Zhenjing" and "Female One and Five Elders".
"Bao Sutra" and "Tai Shang Su Ling Great You Miao Sutra" are praised as "the
three wonders of the Taoist."

① See "
"Yunji Seven Lots" Volume 5, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 22, Page 29.
② See "
"Yunji Seven Lots" Volume 5, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 22, Page 30.
③ See "
"Maoshan Chronicles" Volume 11, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, page 605.

Logic 0

/ ^

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

"The Great Cave True Sutra", first of all, declares that those who practice this
sutra, "concentrate their energy and focus on their ancestors and wander around"
Spin; refine the spirit and learn the Tao, and be inspired by the auspicious
wind. Gathering something out of nothing, breathing out the forms of all gods;
Extreme movement and stillness, the wonder of surrounding the emperor in a
trance. This is what is called the wandering wind that mixes with the wind,
making it universal for heaven and earth.
The foundation of planting, the source of creation by the Emperor and the Holy
Spirit" ①. The thirty-nine true methods of pondering contained in the sutra
A typical practice method of the Shangqing Sect. In addition, important
documents include "Huang Ting Jing" and "Zhen Zhen"
"Gao", "Deng Zhen Yin Jue", "Shang Qing Holding the Middle Jue", "Shang Qing Huo
Luo Qi Yuan Fu", "Shang Qing
"All the True Sacred Secrets of All Sutras", "Shangqing Qiong Palace Lingfei
Liujia Left and Right Talisman", "Nine Heavens and Eight Treasures True
"Wen", "Tai Xuan Eight Views", "Zi Wang Lun", "Tian Yin Zi", "Tao Ti Lun", "Feng
Theory of Essence and Qi", "The Inner Meaning of the Yuanshi Imeiguangren
Shangpin Miaojing", etc. According to Qingba Changuang's "Mao"
According to "Shan Zhi", the Shangqing School has written 198 books, which is
the largest among all the Taoist schools in the early period.
crown. The publication of these documents has enriched the theoretical system of
Taoism and also exerted a great influence on the practice of alchemy.
It has made great contributions to the improvement of spells, spells and fasting
3. Lingbao Sect and Gezao Sect

The birth of Lingbao Sect was roughly at the same time as Shangqing Sect. This
sect respects Ge Xuan as the first ancestor.
The founder is Ge Chaofu, a grandson of Ge Hong, a native of the Eastern Jin
Dynasty. He is named after the Lingbao Sutra.
Volume 19 of "Zhen Gao": "Ge Chaofu constructed "Ling Bao", and Feng Jiao became
popular." ❷ "Yun Ji"
The third volume of "Seven Signs" describes "Lingbao Luoji", which refers to Ge
Xuan, Taishang Taiji, Taiji Sanzhen, and Xu
Laile personally taught Lingbao Sutra and later taught it through Zheng Siyuan,
Ge Xi, Ge Ti, Ge Hong and Ge Wang.
The same lineage passed down to Ge Chaofu, who passed on to Ren Yanqing, Xu
Lingqi, etc. From then on, "the world
According to Shilu, the tributaries are scattered, and the breeding is not
According to Qiu Fangyuan, a high-ranking Taoist in the Tang Dynasty, this sect
originated from Tianzun in the Yuan Dynasty and reached the Yellow Emperor.
At that time, Emperor Tianzhen taught the Yellow Emperor in the cave of Mount
Emei, "all the ancient seal scripts are written in heaven"; later Dayu
After obtaining it to control the water, he successfully completed the "Five
More Talisman" and hid it in Baoshan, Dongting; until the Warring States Period,
King Wu
"Tao Zang" Volume 1, Page 5 1 2.
① See the preface of "Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing", "
② See page 20 of Volume 20 of "Tao Zang".
③ See page 15 of Volume 22 of "Tao Zang".
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes



At the time of Helu, Longwei's father-in-law was ordered to take it out, but no
one could recognize it. Until Ge Xuan and Lu Xiujing
After deducing and practicing more, "the ritual was established, and the
teaching of Lingbao became popular in the world. It started in Xuanyuan,
Finally Jane is silent (
Lu Xiujing), the Dharma teachings are so perfect that future generations can
observe the celestial rituals, and those who pass them on will learn about them.
There is no doubt that there are countless people who have come to realize this
teaching. There are countless people who have inherited this teaching and become
emperor teachers.
others. Immortal Han Zhong passed down the magic of Lezi’s longevity, which is
the source of this. The son cultivates and attains the Tao
There are nine people. The king of Wu asked Zhongni about the five talismans,
but Zhongni did not send a letter, and instead told him a nursery rhyme: "Long
My father-in-law lived in seclusion, and he was alone in Baoshan and stole Yu's
book. Emperor Xuanzong of Kaiyuan Dynasty in Taolin County
The stone talisman obtained was the old residence of Zhenren Yin, which was
later changed to Lingbao County. There is a Lingbao Temple in the south of the
The Lingfu Hall in the courtyard is the site of the Lingbao Dharma.”
The Taoism of Lingbao Sect is mainly based on spells and rituals, and in this
regard it is close to the Tao of Tianshi. as well as
Influenced by the Shangqing Sect, he taught the techniques of preserving the
spirit, refining Qi, and chanting sutras. But this sect is the only one in the
However, it is quite influenced by the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism,
emphasizing the "universal salvation of all people".
Sutra is "
"Mahayana Dharma". In its scriptures, you can see the cycle of three lives, the
causes and conditions of good and evil,
Retribution for sins and blessings, correction of three karma, rebirth after
tribulation, nirvana, practice of merit, and observance of precepts
Preaching on laws, fields of benefit, etc., and using "
Mahayana Taoism” calls itself, thus making Taoist theory
Significant changes have occurred.
②In short, it is important to pay attention to persuading people to do good and
saving people, and to fasting and science.
The two most significant characteristics of Lingbao Sect.
This sect specializes in fasting and offering rituals. The ancient Lingbao
method passed down by Lu Xiujing was passed down by Zhang Wan of the Tang
Fu, Du Guangting and other developments have become the basic content of Taoist
magic. Entering the Song Dynasty, Lin Ling
"Lingbao Lingjiao Jidu Jinshu" and "Lingbao Lingjiao Jidu Jinshu" compiled by
Zhen, Ning Quanzhen and Jin Yunzhong
Shangqing Lingbao Da
The Dharma has a total of four hundred and twenty-five volumes, and the Ming
Dynasty's "Lingbao Wumeiren Sutra"
"Fa" also has seventy-two volumes, detailing various Taoist rituals and rituals.
Therefore its place
Although his position is not as high as that of the Tianshi and Shangqing sects,
he is quite active among the people. Since the Northern Song Dynasty
① See "
Taishangdong Xuanlingbao Outline Notes", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 6, Page 3 7 6.
② See Li Yuanguo's "On the Mahayana Thought of Taoism: Centered on the Lingbao
Sect", Taiwan's "Philosophy of Religion"
Issue 3, 1999.




/ "Er Taoism Shenxiao Sect Yanfuyin"

Thinking of silence

Standing against Longhu and Maoshan, and taking Yanzao Mountain in Jiangxi as
the ancestral altar, he taught the Lingbao Sutra.
Therefore, it is also called Yan Zaozong.
In the early scriptures of Lingbao Sect, "Lingbao Five Talisman Preface" and
"Lingbao Yishu Jade Chapter"
Zhenwen" is the representative one, and in the later period, "Lingbao Wumeiren
Renshangpinmiaojing" is the most important.
"Preface to the Five Talismans of Lingbao" talks about the techniques of
conquering Qi, taking food to maintain health, and using spells to ward off evil
Regarding the method of using the "five talismans", the late "Yuanshi Five Lao
Chi Shu Yu Pian Zhen Wen Tian"
"Shu Jing", "Lingbao Chishu Jade Jue Miao Jing", "Natural Zhen Yi Wu Zhen Fu
Jing", "
Lingbao is destroyed
There are improvements in classics such as "The Wonderful Sutra of Saving the
Five Refining Living Corpses" and "The Supreme Spiritual Book of All Heavens".
step development. "Lingbao Chishu Yupian Zhenwen" contains dozens of Lingbao
talismans, which is called
It can control yin and yang, summon gods and immortals, and obtain fourteen
kinds of blessings. Propaganda of "Lingbao Sutra"
The purpose of "the Immortal Way cherishes life and cannot measure people" is
not only valued by this sect, but also by all sects.
The sect and its followers regard it as the sect of all dharma and the head of
the group of sutras. It is extremely rich in content and explains
It explains the creation of the universe such as yin and yang, the three
talents, and the five elements, the cultivation of characters, and the
principles of Shunde and Qigong.
It also talks about the techniques of eliminating disasters and warding off evil
spirits, suppressing ghosts and suppressing demons, and cultivating the spirit
to achieve perfection. It is the study of Lingbao Tao.
the most important work on law. Generally speaking, the Lingbao sect appears to
be more competent in the study of talismans.
It also has certain theories and has made more achievements than the Tianshi and
Shangqing sects.

4. Qingwei Sect
The Qingwei School was born in the Song Dynasty. This sect claims that its
Taoism comes from Qingwei Tianyuanshi Tianzun.
Hence the name Qingwei Sect. It is also said that his teachings evolved into
Qingwei, Shangqing, and Shangqing after the teachings of Yuanshi Tianzun.
The Lingbao, Daode, and Zhengyi sects were passed down ten times to the time of
Zhaozong in the late Tang Dynasty, when Zushu met Lingguang.
The Holy Mother imparts the subtle and innate mysteries of nature. "Or the
bamboo hairpin with bare arms, holding a sword and sitting on a stone, shouting
Feng Ting, flying in the world. Then we went to the Qingxu Cave Shenhua River in
the mountains near Xijing and felt the peace and tranquility.
Xuanwen Yuanjun took the form of a beautiful woman and walked by the stream. The
master held a scarf to attend to her and welcomed her to the shore. Fan
A few nights later, they manifested themselves as male and female beasts, and
despite all the difficulties, they showed no sign of laziness. Knowing that he
is sincere, he calls
He rode a raft on the Yiliu River and returned to his old place each time,
learning the principles of Qingqing, Lingbao, Daode, and Zhengyi.
Pay it forward and hide it from sight. The secret of the five sects of the
division is in charge of the thunder, which can take different forms, or take
advantage of
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

I 353

The dragon wields a sword and controls all spirits; or the dragon wears a golden
crown and wears plain clothes, residing in a cave. Fierce nature makes you
solemn, even though thunder
God also strengthens me.
① That is to say, the five sects of Zushuhui became one, and the Qingwei sect
was revived.
This shows that this sect has the characteristics of integrating various Taoist
After Zu Shu, there were Guo Yulong, Fu Yangjing, Yao Zhuang, Gao Shuang,
Huaying, Zhu Dong
Yuan, Li Shaowei, and Nan Bidao were successively the ninth generation masters.
But his deeds are simple and his influence
Not obvious. By the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Qingwei Taoist sect
had gained some strength. Afterwards, the yellow menstruation
With the spread of Shun and Shen, the Qing Wei School became very popular in the
world. Zhang Yuchu's "Ten Rules of Taoism" said:
Qingwei begins with Yuanshi Tianzun, and Shenxiao begins with Yuqing Zhenwang.
Since the passing of generations,
Qingwei descended from the two masters of Wei and Zu, and then there were
masters Zhu', Li, Nan, and Huang, who continued to spread.
Sheng, all the writings on talismans, scriptures, fasting methods, and thunder
methods were derived by Master Huang. "②
Since Zhu Dongyuan, the Qingwei sect has become popular in the Bashu region. Zhu
Dongyuan is Chengdu
"He has round eyes and beautiful beard. He lives in seclusion in Qingcheng. He
serves as an official of Xuan Lei Ao. He is a Qingwei Cave Guard Shangqing
Yushu envoy. The second award was given to Li Shaowei, the real person of
Yunshan Baoyi. Baofeng, Fangzhou, is a place where people live.
The old site still exists and is known as Li Lei's residence. The real person
first used the palaces and mausoleums of the eunuch family to abandon the
secular world and become enlightened.
Zhen, a teacher who taught Taoism, was the Youqing of the Yuan Dynasty in the
Qing Dynasty. Later, when he saw the official descend, he spread the jade edict.
He was appointed as the envoy of Wu Lei Academy, and later he was promoted to
fly around the three realms, appearing unpredictable. Meishan Hunyin real person
Tao, the real person’s original surname is Southeast and his given name is Gui.
Bingchen (1 1 9 6) Yin hour on the third day of November
"Born in Meishan", he later studied under Li Shaowei and learned all the hidden
secrets of Lei Dharma. He once assisted Li Zong and gave many advices.
From then on, he returned to hermit immortality and taught Huang Shunshen the
Huang Shunshen (1224 - ?) was named Leiyuan, his common name was Yingyan, and
his courtesy name was Huibo. Fujian built
Ningren. His nature is enlightening, and he cannot understand all the classics
and history. Got critically ill when he was sixteen years old, Nan
Bi Dao uses the law to rule it. "Thunder struck the court, and his illness
suddenly recovered. Looking at his bones and his immortality, he noticed that
Pay it forward. Baoyou came out for inspection, and was summoned by Emperor Li,
who wrote four words about the real person Lei Jie
① See Chen Cai's "Qingweixianpu", "Tao Zang", Volume 3, page 3 3 1.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2 Page 1 4 9.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

"To give it to him"①. With his good prayers, Jing Lei Dharma became famous
throughout the Song and Yuan dynasties, and won the Southern Song Dynasty's
Zong and Yuan Shizu summoned him. He gathered all the subtle Dharma, "
Tan Si’s writings expound the purpose,
And his books began to be prepared in large quantities. Whenever you pray, if
you hold a contract, you can get the reward without making a move.
The retribution is in the vast desert, it is not easy to carve the bridle, how
wonderful it is. For a while, the princes and princes quarreled
If you want to receive it, thousands of scholars come from all over the world."
②. There are thirty-five direct disciples, three
Ten people each got one method, and only five people got the whole method,
namely Zhang Daogui, Xiong Daohui, and Ye Yun
Lai, Liu Daoming, etc. "
Master Zhang of Wudang Dongyuan transformed into the four seas and exposed a
solitary peak. His way
Most of them travel in the north. Zhenxiong Zhenren of Xishan alone wrote
inscriptions on various standing stones, and then explained the four
If it is square, it travels especially to the south.
After that, the Qingwei sect was divided into two branches and spread to the
north and south: one was centered in Jianning, Fujian;
Xiong Daohui presided over the dharma, which was passed down to Peng Ruli of
Ancheng, Peng Chuanan Anfu Zeng Guikuan, and Zeng Chuanjunyi Zhao
It should be true, and people should be clear. One group is based in Wudang
Mountain in Hubei Province, led by Zhang Daogui and Ye
Yun Lai and Liu Daoming were in charge of the altar, and Zhang Shouqing was
passed on. “We are all masters of the same generation, with a blend of morals.
The light inside and outside is brilliant. ” ③ Zhang Shouqing once responded to
the imperial edict and went to the palace to pray for rain and cure diseases,
and built a golden urn house.
Due to his merit, he was given the title "Ti Xuan Miao Ying Tai He Zhenren". He
has many disciples, the famous one is Huang Ming
You, Peng Tongwei, and Shan Daoan later formed the Qingwei branch combined with
Quanzhen and Zhengyi.
The sect, also known as the New Wudang Sect, spread continuously until the Ming
and Qing Dynasties.
During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Dongyue Temple in Beijing also became the
base for the spread of this sect. Dongyue Temple Qingwei
The first line was created by Yu Guihuang, a Taoist priest in the Ming Dynasty.
He once served as You Xuanyi, Taoist Director of Chaotian Palace in Nanjing.
After him, it was taught in sequence until the twenty-first generation. His
sect’s poem says: “
Gui Chongying
Observe the true Tao, upright virtues and sincerity pass on the virtuous, the
source is pure and good, the bright light turns into good luck, the cave is
clear and peaceful, and the curtain is red.
"In addition, the "
"Zhuzhen Sect General Book" also contains the names of various sects.
There are another nine different Qingwei tribes, which shows that the Qingwei
sect spawned many families during the Ming, Qing and Republic of China.

See Chen Cai's "Qingweixianpu", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 3, pages 331 and 332.
See the preface to Chen Cai's Qingweixianpu, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3, Page 3 2 6.
See Volume 5 of "The Continuation of the True Immortal Body and Tao Tongjian of
All Pasts", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, Page 4 4 6.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes


many. To this day, Qingwei Taoism is still spread in Shanghai and Taiwan.
Today's "Tao Zang" contains "Qingwei Shenlie Secret Method", "Qingwei Zhaifa",
"Qingwei Yuan"
"Jiang Dafa", "Qingwei Danjue", "Qingwei Xuanshu Reporting Ceremony", all of
them are from the Qingwei School in the Yuan Dynasty
The descendant added it based on Huang Shunshen's original work. "Tao Fa Hui
Yuan" Volume 1 to Volume 55 are all contained in
Most of the Taoist books of the Qingwei School were compiled with prefaces and
postscripts by Zhao Yizhen, the son of Yuanyang, and were used to study the
thoughts of the Qingwei School.
important information.
Qingwei Talisman Technique is a new type of Talisman Technique with many names.
Zheng Suonan's "Tai Chi"
Preface to "Sacrifice and Refining the Inner Dharma": "Beyond the right dharma,
there are also subtle dharma thunders, with more than hundreds of names." ①
Compared with other sects, the Qingwei sect attaches great importance to
traditional talismans and
He practiced inner elixir and formed a unique "Qingwei elixir". Inner words:
"This method is
The gate of all dharma, the cardinal of the three caves, you should nourish your
spirit, refine your body, condense your essence, and suppress distracting
Abstain from cravings, kill three corpses, and sacrifice one bear. Do not have
internal thoughts, do not have external thoughts, stay pure and simple.
"Zhengding Wuwei", "The key to the Dharma is not to focus on talismans or muddy
incantations. Let me be right first
Add, the spirit of the combined general... When it condenses, the secrets of the
body can be seen, and when it moves, the movement can be understood silently.
God’s version of Qingming,
It is as bright as the autumn moon, the wonder in silence, the mystery in
Dharma, its silence can know where the original heaven is combined.
also. But when I am in the middle of two battles and in the center of
concentration, I use the divine fruits to connect each other, and together they
will become a general.
All diseases will disappear, and all evils will disappear. Therefore, virtue is
the talisman of Tao, and sincerity is the foundation of law." ②
In addition, this sect also borrowed the method of cultivating the deity from
Tantric Buddhism and evolved it into the method of "transforming gods".
road. In theory, it is based on Zen Buddhism, Quanzhen Taoism's "clear mind and
one's nature" and Confucianism.
"Studying things to gain knowledge". And using the concept of "Idealism in All
Dharmas" as its spell technique
Lay the foundation. Its Taoism is particularly similar to the Shenxiao sect, so
it is said in the Taoist books that this sect is the Shenxiao sect.
Tribesmen. The volume of "Qingwei Shenlie Secret Technique" says: "
And those who understand the subtle Dharma are also called Shenxiao.
also. The wonderful method in the real Tao, Tao is the ancestor of all laws,
thunder is the lord of all thunders, and it is the law of law.

"Tao Zang" Volume 10, Page 4 4 1.
"Qingwei Dan Jue", "Tao Zang", Volume 4, Page 9 6 3.

Luo Ren steps into the ditch/ —

Jiaocai 7 "Langyan" Sibu

Dharma. Therefore, the first point of the Yuan Dynasty governs all spirits. "①
In short, the talisman of the Qingwei sect
The study of mantras plays an important role in Taoist talisman science because
of its systematic, strong theoretical nature and wide compatibility.
It has a very important position.
5. Donghua School

Donghua sect was founded by Taoist Ning Quanzhen in the early Southern Song
Dynasty. It evolved from Lingbao sect.
Erchu was once popular in the southeastern region. Ning's original name was
Liben, with the courtesy name Daoli and the full legal name.
real. A native of Kaifeng. His family background is unknown, and he was raised
in the Pei family since childhood. Pure talent, sensitive to
All books on medicine and divination from hundreds of schools of thought should
be integrated and carefully observed.
"Wen Jidu is just like the divination technique of the wind-horned bird". Later,
he studied Taoism deliberately and studied under Tian Ling of Lushan Mountain.
Xu and Wang Gu, the ministers of the book, obtained the teachings of the Three
Cave Scriptures and the Donghua Dharma. Tian Lingxu said: "Pei's son
My roots are deep and my bones are like those of an immortal. I will bear a
great name in the future. However, those who inspire my Donghua sect will surely
This person is also. If you want to teach me the Tao, can you let him teach you?
The minister also happily said: This is my
Zhiye. Then he taught Yan. Since he has been practicing diligently, he has been
able to understand the truth and reach the spirit. He flew to the gods to pay
homage to the emperor and became famous.
Later, the capital was affected by the Jingkang Revolution and moved to Suzhou.
He also obtained Yang Xi's legacy from the official Zixian.
Lingbao Xuanfan 49th grade, five mansions, jade book, runes, one sect seal
formula", great progress in Taoism, disciples
There are many people, and Donghua's method is implemented to transform the
south. In Shaoxing, the name "Dong" was given due to the merits of fasting and
Wei Gaoshi", Jijin"
Mr. Zanhua gave Ben Rongpang. From now on, all the memorial ceremonies will be
"Mr. Master of the Code". Later, he was framed in the Xiaozong Dynasty and was
conscripted into the military. He escaped with unknown traces.
If you practice diligently, those who take refuge will be like the market.
Although both eyes are blind, "However, for the purpose of the higher path,
everything is
Remember, if students from far away seek Taoism, they will know their name,
character, and Dharma.
If the chapters are scattered, you can touch them with your hands and you will
know where the items are."

In his later years, he stayed at the home of his disciple He Chunzhen, and
Chunxi Xinchou (1 1 8 1) handed over the teaching affairs to Zhao Yi.
The husband later died. His direct disciples include Song Fu, He Deyang, Wang
Chengzhi, Zhang Youzhi,

See "Qingwei Shenlie Secret Method", "Tao Zang" Volume 4, page 135.
"Lingbao Lingjiao Dudu Jinshu Sijiaolu", "Tao Zang", Volume 7, pages 17 and 18.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ ⑻


Zong Miaodao, Hu Yuanding, Hu Cihui, Zhao Huaimin, Hu Zhongzao, Du Wenyu, etc.

Wang Nan, Zhao Yifu, Song Cunzhen, Zhang Dongzhen, Kong Jingzhen, Lu Mozhen, Xue
It spread to Lin Lingzhen in Wenzhou, which made Donghua Xuanfeng very popular
in Yuan Dynasty.
Lin Lingzhen (1239-1 3 0 2), whose original name was Weifu, whose courtesy name
was Junzhao, and whose nickname was Lingzhen.
Shuinan. He came from a wealthy family and was smart since he was a child. He
has long studied hundreds of schools of classics and history.
The purpose of Sanqi, "Yin Fu", and "Bi Fa" is to add meaning alone, but because
of repeated attempts, it failed to rank, so it was abandoned.
Following Confucianism and Taoism, he left his residence as a Buddhist
monastery, studied under Lin Xuyi and Xue Xizhen, and learned the Donghua
Dharma. So big
Advocate Xuanfeng,"
Shao Kai Donghua's teaching has become a true master of the generation, taking
it as his own duty to save life and save death.
The person who built the Pudu Conference is not a single book, his nature is in
harmony with the true Qian, the Tao opens the secret key, the supervisor is
distinguished, and the Lai Ge
Come to Ning, the Yi is in full bloom!" At that time, Zhang Yucai, the thirty-
eighth generation Celestial Master, also respected the Lin family and ordered
him to
Wenzhou Road Metaphysics Lecturer, subsequently promoted to Ben Road Taoist
Records. "I retreated to Linyu and learned from all three caves.
Various disciplines, as well as internal texts and secret canons written by the
ancestors of the past dynasties, the guidelines are the same as the teachings,
and they are compiled into editors.
There are ten volumes of Jidu's book and two volumes of Fuzhang and secret
decrees. The big one is a message of consecration to heaven, the small one is
As for the matter of Minjian in the field, we had to prepare a meal for the
feast and prepare it in a charming way.” Later, Lin Lingzhen came to see her
Went to Longhu Mountain and paid homage to Zhang Yucai. The Heavenly Master
personally taught him "Lingbao Tongxuan Xuanxuan Dharma Master"
Honorable title. The abbot Tianqing of Wenzhou observed the affairs and took
Wenzhou as the missionary center and received his disciples.
There are no less than a hundred people in the state." Dong Chuqian, a disciple
of Tianshi, later became the great master of Xuanjiao
Wu Quanjie, as well as Jinhua Xie Gong, Kuocang Zhou Gong, Wulin Wang Gong,
Wumen Zhou Gong,
Duke Yu of Lushan Mountain, Duke Zhao of Chicheng, Duke Zhou of Lianxi, Duke
Ping of Xuzhou, Duke Zhang of Zhulin, "
The author of "Xuanmen's Biaobiao" is particularly famous for his travels and
encounters, and he can't write them down in one or two words.
It can also be described as a flourishing of giving and receiving at one time.”

According to the "Origin of Lingbao" in Volume 244 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", the
ancestors of each generation are listed in the following chapters.
After Lin Lingzhen, he was Dong Chuqian of the Longhu Sect, and then Zhang Si,
the thirty-ninth generation Celestial Master.

"The Facts of Mr. Shui Nanlin", "Tao Zang", Volume 30, Chapter 498,
① See Volume 244 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan"
499 pages.


Bu Gengzhuo Guang Erjia Banqinyi School of Poetry and Thoughts

Chengyi, which shows that this sect has integrated with the Longhu Sect in the
middle and late Yuan Dynasty and became the Zhengyi Sect.
Compared with the traditional Lingbao sect, the Donghua sect not only inherited
the ancient Lingbao method of the Jin and Tang dynasties,
It also shows the characteristics of the new era, that is, it is based on the
inner alchemy theory and widely incorporates hundreds of schools of thought.
Techniques include Ascension to the Gods, Flying Steps, Thinking and Convincing
Qi, Swallowing the Sun and Stepping into the Fight, Seeing Inside the Hole, and
Seeing the Holy Blessing.
Zhuan, Kaidu chasing photos, refining corpses and reviving immortals, etc., but
did not pay much attention to the thunder methods that were popular in the Song
and Yuan Dynasties.
There is also little influence from Zen Buddhism, Esoteric Buddhism and Neo-
Confucianism, and the traditional Lingbao sect Pudu is maintained.
All living beings are good at fasting and worshiping. His writings are huge,
rich in content and divided into categories.
It is clearly organized and can be regarded as a model of spells, fasting
rituals, and ritual documents.
6. Tianxin Sect

The Tianxin Sect was founded by Rao Dongtian. According to "Linchuan Prefecture
Chronicles": "
Song Raodong Tianlin
A native of Sichuan, he is a county official. In Chunhua, the dream god said:
Your heart is fair, and your name has moved to heaven. Then repaired
Dao, a Taoist priest told me that it is appropriate to see Tan Zixiao. After
visiting for several years, I met Nanfeng. "
Later, he entrusted Zhang Ling from afar and Tan Zixiao close by to spread the
righteous Dharma of Heaven's Heart to the world, so he was called "
"The first ancestor of the heart". According to Jin Yunzhong's "
Volume 43 of "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa" says: "After the Middle Ages,
Science and education are booming, but the main road is obscure, the world is
getting worse, magic is prevalent, and there are many different streams.
To refute the miscellaneous. The three-hole product comes from the sect of Han
Tianshi Hong Zhengyi, and the Tianxin Zhengfa came from Yan.
When the sword is sealed in the jade bureau, the monsters are different in the
world, and the law is used, the merits will be prosperous. sky
The memorial tablets in my heart have gone through the changes of Wei and Jin
Dynasties, and the division of the north and the south.
Test. Five seasons later, Mr. Tan and Mr. Rao successively wrote the ancestral
accounts... Wen Raojun
He is well versed in the affairs of the underworld, and I am afraid that he may
want to warn the world in a vulgar way, or he may have some insights. again
At the time of transmission, the imperial edict was given to the immortal to
fill the position of Netherworld, which is the law of the world. Yuan Miaozong
therefore because of his style
And narrate. At the beginning of Shaoxing, Lu Zhenguan again compiled the Law of
Heaven's Heart, especially those who used the laws of the world to determine it.

① See "
Collection of Ancient and Modern Books" Volume 51, page 62332.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ ⑯

1 359

Public. ” ① The preface to “Shangqing Beiji Tianxin Zhengfa” also says: “The
master of Tianxin Dharma comes from the Supreme Being.
The sun descends from Heming Mountain to teach the heavenly master, referring to
the book of the Northeastern Pole, to ward off evil spirits and save the people.
There are only three talismans in the spread of Tianxin Zhengfa. One is the
Tiangang Great Holy Talisman, and the second is the Black Evil Talisman.
Three three-light talismans. If we talk about the three-light talisman, it is
linked to the three emperors, the Tao corresponds to the three realms, and the
virtues represent the three
Cai, the real three masters, is called Tianxin, the sect of all ways and the
ancestor of all dharma. "
② This fact
It shows that this sect originated from the Tao of Tianshi, and focused on the
three talismans of Tianshi. It was further deduced by Tan and Rao into
The book opens.
Tan Zixiao (8 2 3 - 9 7 3) was a high-ranking scholar in the late Tang Dynasty
and the Five Dynasties, and his name was Kinmen Yuke. blessing
Jian Quanzhou people. He was successively favored by Wang Shenzhi, the king of
Fujian, and the Liezu and later master of the Southern Tang Dynasty.
The etiquette can be compared to Du Guangting of Shu. According to "Biographies
of the Southern Tang Dynasty". Chen Shouyuan, the Heavenly Master during the
reign of the King of Fujian
When the ground was hoeed, dozens of pieces of wood were found among the copper
ounces. "They all had Daoling talisman seals on them, and the ink was as bright
as new," he said.
If it goes away but cannot be used, give it to Zixiao, and Zixiao can pass
through it as much as possible. Then he said that Daolingtian's heart was right
"Dang, orifice ghosts, cures childbirth diseases, has many effects." Therefore,
those who spoke Dharma in the Song and Yuan Dynasties "all have their ancestors
in Zi."
"Xiao". ③
In the fifth year of Chunhua (994), Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty, Rao
Dongtian was practicing in Huagai Mountain.
On the top of the mountain, there is a five-color precious light rushing up into
the sky. The next day, I look for the place where the light originated, which is
the Three Pure Realms.
On the Wuyao altar. Then I dug about three feet and found a gold letter, which
revealed the secret of the heart of heaven with gold plates and jade seals.
One part of the formula is called Zhengfa. Qinzai's Zhengfa is the mind of the
Jade Emperor and the true text of Taiqing.
The Supreme Master's wonderful method, the spiritual books of the three caves,
form a four-level sutra urn, the so-called Dongxuan, Dongxuan, etc.
Gods, cave truths, and spiritual treasures are beyond morality and are the
beginning of nature. ... Although the cave has a secret
Wen, but did not understand the reason for the use of the jade pattern, met the
instructions of the gods again, and learned from Mr. Tan.
Zixiao taught him the way. Zixiao also ordered to see the Holy Emperor Tian
Qiren of Mount Tai, and he got the most wonderful result.
He also asked for the help of the Yin soldiers, and the great scholar was named
the first ancestor of Tianxin, and he was called the hero of the rectification
of the Dharma, Rizhi Yuanjun, Beiji.

① See pages 645 and 646 of Volume 31 of "Tao Zang".

② See page 645 of Volume 10 of "Tao Zang".
③ See "
Volume 43 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Tao of All Pasts", Volume 5
of "Tao Zang", pages 3 4 8.

Suffering from a small number of people and luck to others/Evolution and

Thoughts of Shenxiao Sect of Erdaoism

"Envoy of the Exorcist Academy". This theory is quite mysterious because Tan has
passed away long ago, but it also reveals that
The Taoist relationship between Rao Dongtian and Tan Zixiao was revealed. Queen
Raodong passed down her teachings
Zhu Zhongqin, Zhu Shizhuanyou Daoshou, Daoshou Zhuan Zou Bi, Zou Ben Zhuan Fu
Tianxin, Tianxin Zhuan
Deng Yougong. Deng Yougong was born in the late Northern Song Dynasty. According
to the secret passed down by his master, "the method of mourning has declined.
Di has inherited the training from his master and personally received the secret
runes of Taishang's fourth-order sutra. How dare he not think carefully about
how to move his mind and practice it
For fear of letting down the sages, I deleted the part of Tianxin Zhengfa and
divided it into upper and lower parts.
roll. The spells used by mages today are all Beidi Talismans. They are divided
into three volumes and are called
"Beidi Rune" is outside the Zhengfa"①. He compiled Tianxin and Beidi Taoism
"Shangqing Tianxin Zhengfa" and "Shangqing Marrow Spiritual Texts and Ghost
Laws" have been handed down from generation to generation. And with Jiangxi
Huagai Mountain is the ancestral court of Tianxin Sect, with hundreds of
In addition, there is a master named Shangqing Dadong Sanjing Road, who also
preaches the true Dharma of Tianxin. Northern Song Dynasty
Volume 7 of Fang Shao's "Bo Zhai Bian": "While on the way to Sanshilang, I
practiced the righteous Dharma of Heaven's Heart, and in order to drive
Evil is especially meritorious, and the common people call Lu Zhenguan." Hong
Mai's "Yi Jian Zhi" records Lu Zhen in many places.
The official's deeds are as follows: "Lu Shizhongzi should be able to do it. He
was famous for using talismans to cure ghosts. He was a scholar-bureaucrat.
"Jianmu said Lu Zhenguan", "went to Lingbi County in the first year of Jianyan
(1 1 2 7) to exorcise evil spirits for the county magistrate's daughter.
Quite experienced.”

Yilu Shizhong said to himself, from the fifteenth day of the first lunar month
to the seventh day of the first year of Daguan in the Northern Song Dynasty

, "I received the secret instructions from the great leader Tianjun, from later
to the first year of Xuanhe (1119)

It was in Wuyin, Shaoxing (1 1 5 8) that he tasted and banned books and wrote
them down for faxing. Tianjun Jingjing
"Zhong, like the sound of a baby, but Shi Zhong and his disciple Zhai Ruwen
personally heard the notes"③. In "Wu"
In Volume 1 of "Shangxuanyuan Tiantian Yutang Dafa", it is also said in the
self-recorded notes that Xuanhe Gengzi
(1 1 2 0) After receiving the advice from Zhang Ling's disciple Zhao Sheng, he
was ordered to go to Maoshan to find his secretary. "The last few
He was ordered to guard the Jinling Mountains in the year, and specially visited
the top of the peak. In the middle of the night, the divine light spread across
the sky, and a person could dig up to a depth of three feet.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 10, pages 607 and 608.
② See "
Volume 7 of "Yi Jian Yi Zhi".
③ See Volume 28 of "Supreme Xuanyuan Tiantian Yutang Dafa", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 4, Page 111
Lecture Notes on Taoist Talismans

\ build


Xu, I got a stone letter and a silk scroll, about six or seven feet long, mixed
with Penglai fine sand. surplus
Therefore, it was passed down from generation to generation because it was
divided into twenty-four grades. ” ① Afterwards, Lu Shizhong collected the
proceeds and compiled them.
The "Supreme Xuanyuan Santian Yutang Dharma" was handed down to the world, which
promoted the prosperity of Tianxin Taoism at that time.
Volume 43 of Jin Yunzhong's "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa" praised: "
Lu Jun is a talented and knowledgeable person,
He wrote a biographical text, and at the beginning of the ten volumes of his
method, he wrote a description of each of them, which is extremely accurate and
Ancient and modern "②
At the same time as him, those who were proficient in Tianxin Dharma include
Wang Taichu, Lei Shousheng, Ouyang Wen
Bin, Ren Daoyuan, Master Wang, Chen Que, Chen Yushi, Zhao Ziju, etc., many of
Originally they were officials and people. For example, Ren Daoyuan in Fuzhou,
"As a young man, he studied Taoism and studied under Ouyang Wenbin.
Refine yourself and practice the Heavenly Mind Dharma, which is very effective."
③. Chen Nan, Cai Jing’s nephew, won Wang Wenqing’s favor
Heavy, call it "
In the future, Taoism can be promoted and worshiped."
④ Sun Gu, the enshrined official of Tianchang County, "has tasted the holy urn,
and it is very effective to hold the heaven's heart."

Master Yong Jinmen Wang of Lin'an, "Daily practices the Heavenly Heart Dharma,
performs ritual rituals for people, and carries stars."
A crown, a robe, not a Taoist priest."
⑥ There was also Chen, a censor who lived in Qiantang.
"The law of the heart cures people's diseases" has many test results.
⑦The clan member Zhao Ziju met a Taoist priest who preached the Heavenly Heart
He painted the statues of Liujia and Liuding, fasting and serving with
sincerity. He often cured people's illnesses. His son also followed his example.
My father practices the righteous Dharma of Heaven’s Heart.
⑧The eldest son of Prime Minister Li Shimei, Heng Lao, "
When I first learned Tianxin Dharma,
When eating and drinking, it’s not a bad idea to stop taking care of yourself.”
⑨ It can be seen that this sect spread widely in the Song Dynasty, and its
The mental method is not only spread among Taoist priests, but also practiced by
many officials and literati.

See "Tao Zang", Volume 4, Page 3.
See page 646 of Volume 31 of "Tao Zang".
See Volume 5 of "Yijian Zhiwu Zhi".
See Volume 6 of "Yi Jian Ding Zhi".
Volume 7 of "Yi Jian Bing Zhi".
See Volume 6 of "Yijian Zhiwu Zhi".
See Volume 14 of "Yi Jian Ding Zhi".
Volume 6 of "Yi Jian Yi Zhi".
See Volume 7 of "Yi Jian Yi Zhi".

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

It should be noted that although the teachings taught by Rao Dongtian and Lu
Shizhong belong to the Heavenly Heart Dharma, their
The content is quite different. Rao Dongtian highly praised the "three
talismans": Rongtian Xinfa, Beidi
Taoism and Dharma are integrated; Lu Shizhong emphasizes internal cultivation.
The so-called "cultivation of the three lights internally to achieve Taoism, and
external cultivation"
The three lights act as a talisman. The wonders of the Three Lights can be
obtained by Heaven and last for a long time, and people can achieve the truth
through them. Therefore
The appearance of three lights can save people from diseases. The magic power of
the three lights can conquer ghosts and gods. announce
The mighty virtue of the three lights can eliminate the sound of monsters. The
wisdom of the three lights can open up the underworld. three
Although the method of light is simple, it is within me to practice it, and it
is infinite. ” and claimed that Yutang Dafa came from the great
Fanyu Jingshan, so its method is the core secret of Tianxin Dharma. "Tianxin is
the driving force of Yutang Sect."
"Evil things". ① "Yutang is the inner secret of Tianxin's ancestral law, the
origin of all laws, and the place of the three realms.
Yang. Since the time of the Han Celestial Master, he has only taught the Heart
Seal. There are no other miscellaneous techniques, only righteousness. ”②
In Renyuan, the most famous person of Tianxin sect was Lei Shizhong (1221-1295).
Lei Zike
Quan, nicknamed Mo'an, was originally from Jiangxi Province. He moved to Jinniu
Town, Wuhan, and his nickname was Shuangqiao Old Man. according to
It is said that Yin Jing opened up Taoism, and the official Guan Lu taught him
the "Ruyi Taoism of the Six Heavens of Hunyuan";
Xin Tianjun filed a case and said, "Fu Qing will explain the teachings of
Thunder to help all living beings." So a forum was set up to announce
He taught mainly based on "The Sutra of Saving People", and his Taoism
flourished, with thousands of disciples, divided into Eastern and Western
There are two factions: Southern and Western Shu. "Shudulu, Grandmaster Li Er
and Nankang Cha Taiyu. From Shilu,
The Tao of Li traveled to Western Shu, the Tao of Taiyu traveled to the
southeast, and the teachings of Hunyuan spread throughout the world.
He wrote "Xin Dharma Preface", "Tao Dharma Zhizhi", and "Yuan Tao Song", all of
which gave full play to Hunyuan Taoism.
Miao "③ This school was popular in the early Yuan Dynasty. It integrated the
Taoism of Tianxin and Shenxiao. It called itself "Hun"
Yuan" can be regarded as the Hunyuan Sect of the Tianxin Sect. Since the Ming
and Qing Dynasties, the activities of the Tianxin Sect have been rare.
It seems to have merged into Zhengyi.
7. Jingming Sect
The Jingming sect was formed in the early Southern Song Dynasty, and its full
name is Jingming Zhongxiao. This sect worships the Western Jin Dynasty

Supreme Xuanyuan Tiantian Yutang Dharma" Volume 1, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 4, pages 1 and 2.
"Supreme Xuanyuan Tiantian Yutang Dharma" Volume 26, "Tao Zang" Volume 4, page
Volume 5 of "The Continuation of the Tao Tongjian of True Immortal Body in All
Pasts", pages 446, 447 of Volume 5 of "Tao Zang".
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes~

I! 363

The Taoist priest Xu Xun is the founder, with Nanchang Xishan as its base.
According to "Jingming Zhongxiao Complete Book" Vol.
According to one account, in the first year of Taikang (280), Xu Xun served as
magistrate of Jingyang County in Shu at the age of forty-two.
At the beginning of taking care of things, he admonished the officials to get
rid of greed, get rid of troubles and details, free themselves from prisons, and
give instructions and instructions.
Teach them loyalty, filial piety, kindness, forbearance, prudence, diligence and
thrift, so that the officials and the people will be happy and willing to make a
new start. First there is hunger, and the people
There is no way to lose rent, and the counties and cities are governed by the
law, and the rate is high. The true king used the magic elixir to point the
rubble as a
Gold, people lurk in the county garden, and those who are not defeated are sent
to serve in the garden, and the people seize the land and gain it.
Gold can be lost. There was a severe epidemic at the age of 18, and the dead
were seventeen or eighteen. The true king used the divine method to save him.
All those affected by the talisman will be healed instantly, and even those who
suffer from severe pain will be cured. He came sick from another county
There were thousands of people in the day, so they placed bamboos on the river
ten miles outside Guo, and placed talisman water in them.
Just drink it under the bamboo. If it can't come by itself, you can drink it
safely. The people of Shu said:
People do not steal, officials do not cheat, my king is alive, and I am sick and
unable to do anything." Later asked in Danyang
Mother Mo, "
The mother received the law of filial piety from the Ming Dynasty king, and
combined it with the "Bronze Talisman and Iron Principle" given by Lan Gong to
the filial piety king.
"Guan" and "Jindan Bao Jing" taught it. ...Later, he met the two emperors of the
sun and the moon again, and granted him pure brightness.
"The way of loyalty and filial piety." From then on, howling wind and thunder,
slaying demons and subjugating demons, making great contributions to the world,
loyalty and filial piety are the immortal ways.
Both are perfect, and the flying lift comes true. In future generations, "all
disciples of Jingming who study in the world will respect them as Taoist

Xu Xun is described as the founder of Jingming. Although it is relied on by
future generations, the worship of Xu Xun
It has a long history. In the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Yun, Hu Huichao and others
revived Xishan Taoism and promoted it.
"The Way of Jingming Lingbao, Loyalty and Filial Piety" has not yet formed a
climate. In the early Southern Song Dynasty, Xishan Yulong Wan
Shoulu Taoist priests Zhou Zhengong, He Shouzheng and others worshiped Xu Xun
devoutly and prayed to Xu Zhenjun to save his life.
The people were moved by Xu Xun's Six Truths, and said, "Show me the secret
method of purifying the spiritual treasures, and transform the people into
loyal, filial, and honest people."
"The teaching of caution", "so he built an immortal altar called Yizhen to
promote good knowledge."
This Jingming sect was officially born in Xishan, Nanchang. Volume 1 of "The
Complete Book of Jingming Zhongxiao" also says:
① See page 623 of Volume 24 of "Tao Zang".
② See He Shouzheng's "Preface to the Secret Method of Conquering Demons by
Lingbao Jingming Newly Cultivated the Nine-Lao Divine Seal", "Tao Zang", Volume
10, No. 547

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

"(Xu Xun) conferred the title "Flying Immortals to Save People"

Sutra" and "Pure Ming, Loyalty and Filial Piety", true
When the public gets it, he builds the Yi Zhen Altar and passes it on to his
younger brothers.
More than 500 people came to eliminate the evil meeting, and the people
Lai Yi'an. ” It can be seen that at that time Jingmingyi
The grand occasion of the sect, but later "its method died"
Micro", so it is regarded as a "spiritual treasure"
By the door."

Ren Yuan, then Liu Yu started anew again
Jingming sect. Liu Yu (1257 1 3 0 8) was named Yizhen and named Yuzhenzi.
A native of Jianchang, Nankang. "Have long been wise,
He went to school at the age of five, studying and doing business.

Zha Xun (Ming version of "Three Talents Picture Society")

If the crown is weak, the parents will die, and the mourning ceremony will be
carried out. The family is poor and has to work hard to make food, but regards
worldly things as insufficient
In the 19th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1 2 8 2), the founder of Duan Dynasty, who
devoted himself to the study of immortals, claimed to be in the West.
When he met the heavenly master Hu Huichao on the mountain, he announced, "The
Jingming sect is about to rise, and it will have eight hundred disciples.
The master's work became more and more diligent, and Tengsheng Taoist Temple was
built in Xiaoxingli to encourage people with good teachings.
Transform the people, and there will be many people who travel from far and
near. After that, Liu Yu claimed that Xu Xun had conferred the title of
"Zhonghuang University"
"Tao", "Eight True Interpretations", "Lingbao Tan Ji", Guo Pu conferred "Yu Zhen
Li Tan Shu", Hu
Hui Chao gave the order of three or five flying steps to kill evil with one
strike. After more than ten years of hard work, Liu Yu finally
"In the reconstruction of Jingming Daokou", he opened the gate to teach and
induce young students to learn. His method is based on loyalty and filial piety.
Respect Heaven and Tao, help life and survive death, be simple but not
complicated." In the first year of Zhida (1 3 0 8) Yu
Hua, aged 52. His disciples commented: “Sir’s learning is based on integrity and
Seen in real practice, do not pretend to be superior, do not be cunning and
consider it submissive, do not lie, do not lie too much

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 4 Page 6 2 9.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ ⑻


The words must be about the principles of heaven, clearly understand the purpose
of the three religions, and take the Lao family as the sect. have
The 137th chapter of "Yuzhen Quotations" and "Jingming Secret Edict" says "①
The Jingming Sect founded by Liu Yu has Xu Xun as the Jingming Taoist master,
Lan Gong and Mo Mu as its Taoist masters.
Jingming started teaching, and the twelve true kings of Xishan were taught by
Jingming; he also respected Zhang Chlo as the Jingming Sutra
Masters, Hu Huichao is Master Jingming, and Guo Pu is Master Jingming. They are
collectively known as the "Three Masters of Jingming".
"Master". There is no position of Zhou Zhengong or He Shoucheng among them,
indicating that Liu Yu is related to Zhou and He
Not the same lineage. Liu Yu later passed on Huang Yuanji with his knowledge,
Huang passed on Xu Hui, and Xu Hui passed on Zhao Yi
It is true that the Five Dynasties Successor Sect was the most prosperous period
of Jingming Dao.
Huang Yuanji (1 270- 1 3 2 4), whose courtesy name was Xiwen, was known as Mr.
Zhonghuang. Born in Yuzhang
A famous family in Fengcheng. He was born in Xishan when he was 12 years old. He
successively studied with Zhu Zunshi, Wang Yuehang and Liu Yu.
Liu Yu believed that he could be entrusted with the important task of passing on
his dharma. The Huang family also established Yuzhen, Yinzhen, etc. in Xishan.
The three altars of Dongzhen taught Jingming Taoism. He used his Taoism to
persuade the capital, and many officials and officials
Ask politely. The famous disciples he saved include Xu Hui, Chen Tianhe, Liu
Zhenchuan, Xiong Xuanhui,
Liu Sifu, Huang Tongli, etc., Xu Hui is his successor.
Xu Hui (1291 - 1 3 5 0) was also known as Yi, with the courtesy name Ziqi and
the nickname Danzhizi. its first
He came from a prominent family in Fengcheng and later lived in Luling as an
official. I studied under the Huang family and learned all the secrets of the
eight extremes of Zhonghuang. I also participated in
Pay homage to Lan Daoyuan of the Changchun Palace, and obtain the purpose of
Quanzhen Wuwei. He takes care of his elderly mother, expresses filial piety and
obedience, and serves the people.
Praying for rain is very effective in dispelling illnesses, and he is known as
Mr. Qifeng. He saved hundreds of disciples, the famous one being Zhong Yan
Wen, Xiao Shangxian, etc.
After Xu Hui, the successor of the Five Dynasties was Zhao Yizhen. Zhao's name
is Yuanyangzi. Jiangxi Fu'an
people. Young and intelligent, he is well versed in the classics and history of
hundreds of schools of thought. Later generations of the Taoist sect, my
forefather Zeng Guikuan studied
Pure and clear Taoism, worshiping Taiyu Guan Zhang Tianquan and Li Xuanyi again
to obtain the true edict, so as to
This combines the three schools of Qingwei, Jingming, and Quanzhen, and is
respected as the heir of both the Qingwei and Jingming schools.
division. He once traveled far and wide, going to Wu and Shu in the west, to
Wudang in the south, and into Longhu Mountain, where he met with forty

"The Complete Book of Jingming Zhongxiao" Volume 1, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 4 Pages 629 ~ 6 3 1.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The second-generation Heavenly Master Zhang Changchang was a close friend, and
he eventually settled in Ziyang Temple in Podu, Jiangxi Province, and became a
Public. ① His works include "Ling Bao Gui Kong Jue", "Yuan Yangzi's French",
"Xian Chuan Ke Mi"
Zhao Yizhen passed on to Liu Yuanran, who was the sixth generation successor.
Liu Yuanran (1351 1 4 3 2) No. Xuanzi. A native of Gan County, Jiangxi Province.
He became a monk at a young age and later studied under Zhao Yizhen.
He was taught the methods of Jingming, loyalty, filial piety, talismans and seal
scripts, and the elixir of gold and fire. Can summon thunder, lightning, wind
and rain, impeachment
Ghosts and gods are also good at medicine and getting along with people. Loyalty
and filial piety are the foundation of the foundation. During the reign of Taizu
of the Ming Dynasty,
In response to the imperial edict, the palace was given the title of Gaodao.
Tourists gathered there and were summoned to live in the Chaotian Palace. Later,
the Xishan Road was built.
He lived in the courtyard and returned to the capital in the Song Dynasty. He
was given the title of "Puji Changchun Zhenren" and the second grade.
Yin Gao leads all Taoist affairs in the world. In the Xuanzong Dynasty, he was
given the title of "Da Zhenren" and later died in
After Liu Yuanran, the lineage of Jingming Tao was unclear, and the sect
gradually became more similar to Zhengyi and Zhengyi.
The whole truth merges. In the ninth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1652),
Quanzhen disciple Xu Shoucheng went to Xishan to study
Jingmingdao is committed to the restoration of Xishan Temple. After Xu, his
disciples Tan Taizhi,
Zhang Taixuan and Xiong Tai'an lived in Xishan and succeeded the Jingming Dharma
tradition. Since then, the teachings of Jingming Sect have been
Hidden but not clear. According to the Records of Longevity Palace in Xiaoyao
Mountain written by Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, the main mountain of Jingming

The Yulong Wanshou Palace in Xishan, Jiangxi, had incense until the late Qing
Dynasty. Today in Taiwan, it is still

There are Jingming Taoist teachings, such as the Taoist Xishan Jingming Zongxuan
in Tainan, which is hosted by Mr. Lin Qingquan.
The martial arts sect is still promoting Jingming Taoism.
Since the Northern Song Dynasty, the idea of the unity of the three religions
has become the mainstream, but the degree of harmony is
Just different. Among the many sects, Jingmingdao is a typical example of the
unity of the three religions. This group believes
Taoism's purity, Confucianism's loyalty and filial piety, Buddhism's Mahayana,
the purpose of the three schools is the same through different paths
Return. They attach great importance to the cultivation of ethics and morals and
have very strong Neo-Confucian characteristics. like
Liu Yu said: "What is one? The purity of the Supreme Being, the loyalty and
forgiveness of the Master, the Mahayana of Qu Tan,

See Volume 4 of Zhang Yuchu's "Zangquan Collection"

"Biography of Zhao Yuanyang", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 3 Page 2 3 2.
Lecture Notes on Taoist Talisman and Seal Script

, group


Same as this. By inference, the emperor's good attitude was in the middle, Yao's
approval was in the middle, and Shun's essence was
1. Yu was a great fan, Tang was a sage who respected the sun, King Wen was as
pure as himself, and Yi Yin was one of them.
Virtue, Mencius's nourishment of qi, and Zi's thinking of the mean, are all one
of them. Although the words are different, their principles are
one. The sage knows that it cannot be expressed in words, and expresses it
through words; he knows that it cannot be conveyed, and expresses it through his
By agreement. He said: Hold the Yuan and keep oneness, exhaust reason and
nature, understand the mind and see the nature, and never forget the mind.
That’s what the person said. The great teaching of Jingming, I, comes first and
then the sage, combines the truth with the spirit, and the Tao with the heart.
Fallen words and interpretations will not fall into the dust of the Dharma. ” ①
In this large passage, Liu Yu quoted Confucian scholars of all dynasties.
and made a high-level summary of the thoughts of the sages, showing deep
Confucian cultivation.
keep. In fact, Liu Yu himself is "
He is an old Confucian with good character and practice. He said that he is a
"beginner to pure learning".
When I came to the Ming Dynasty, I didn’t recite the Taoist scriptures very
much, and I just memorized the old Confucian books.”②
Since the purpose of the three religions is to help the world and save people,
is it possible to "stop Confucianism in the world?"
"religion"? In response to this one-sided view of abandoning Buddhism and
Taoism, Liu Yu pointed out that the two religions are responsible for
The mission of “saving the world and protecting lives” cannot be ignored. He
said: "If the teachings of the two clans can be destroyed, then
It has been a long time since the heaven was destroyed. How can it be today?
Later scholars, whenever they see the words and writings of the early
Confucians, must understand
Recognizing the general idea is to embellish the teachings of the world. There
is no need to glue pillars, drums, and harps. The diction is fine and should be
Practice yourself silently. There are people who have unmeasured virtues. When
they see the words of the Confucian scholars, they strongly resist them.
Pai, how close. Let’s look at my own life. Is there anything lacking in my prior
marriage status? able
Is it true that to free oneself from the desire for profit is like the ancients
living with ice vines? Can you live up to the darkroom leakage?
If you are practicing Confucianism and becoming a Confucian, you should also
remember the generations of Zhou, Cheng, Zhang, and Zhu, all of whom will come
All people are blessed. I cannot say this and cannot add more words. Ordinary
people since
My original accumulation of blessings is not deep, and I speak freely and
without scruples, so my blessings become less and less. ……The Great Immortal
This is a person who has accumulated great blessings and virtues over many eons.
His contribution to saving the world and protecting lives cannot be said to be
without merit or mediocrity.
Discuss it lightly. In fact, the smart people in the world do not hesitate to
cultivate their own skills and make continuous progress.

"Jingming Zhongxiao Complete Book" Volume 5, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 4 Page 6 4 5.
"Jingming Zhongxiao Complete Book" Volume 3, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 4 pages 6 3 8.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

When I achieve the status of a sage, I will nod and smile, and then I will know
that my words are true. "

Obviously, Liu Yu’s view of integrating Taoism, immortality, and Confucianism,
loyalty and filial piety, is not only rich in
It enriched Taoist ethics and was fully affirmed by Confucianism at that time.
For example, in the Yuan Dynasty
The main classic of Jingming Dao, "The Complete Book of Jingming Zhongxiao", has
been written by six famous Confucian scholars.
Such as Zhao Shiyan, Yu Ji, etc.) wrote the preface to it. For example, Cai
Guogong, the official of Guanglu, knew the Sutra Banquet
Zhang Guixu said: "
How can it be that those who are called immortals in the world have left behind
unique things! Xishan Yuzhen
Mr. Liu's inheritance of Jingyang Immortal's pure and bright way must be based
on loyalty and filial piety. A bandit is loyal but has no king, a bandit has no
filial piety
My dear, the Eight Hundred Immortals have the right to be forthright. Alas!
Neither loyalty nor filial piety is good for humans, let alone immortals
Huh? Maintaining loyalty and filial piety is something that an immortal can do,
but is it any worse than a human being? The ancients said: If you want to
cultivate immortality,
First cultivate humanity, then why not give up?" Confucianism professor Peng Ye
said in the preface: "
The heart of an immortal, husband
His heart is to save the world. Be loyal but filial when you want, never be
obedient or biased, follow the principles of Ye Zhongzheng, and
In the prosperous age, it was in the prosperity of Longping. ...and once again
expressed his sincerity and sincerity in supporting Tsuna. again
He said: A person who is extremely loyal will not deceive anyone; a person who
is extremely filial will love everyone. He also said: All dharmas are empty,
only one
Honesty is truth. Si Yan also means that he can truly understand the purpose of
Duxian and think of it as a teaching. Yiqi Tedu
The Immortal's Purpose is exactly the Purpose of my Master, and it is also the
Purpose that has been carried out since Yao and Shun.

From these prefaces, we can see that Jingmingdao and Confucianism have reached a
perfect harmony.
The degree is generally recognized by Confucianism and Taoism.
Historically, Jingmingdao has always attached great importance to "loyalty and
filial piety", and its theory has evolved with the sect.
development and gradually deepens and matures. As early as the Xu Xun worship
stage in the Jin Dynasty, "
"filial piety"
That is the main content of worship. At this time "
The idea of "filial piety" is what Xu Xun admired
The product was also influenced by the Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius’
filial piety thought. In the Tang Dynasty, Hu Huichao gave
"Filial piety" coupled with the sacred cloak, fabricated a series of deified
stories. Jingming Dao in the Southern Song Dynasty
The establishment means introducing the Lingbao sect’s idea of saving people and
combining “filial piety” and “loyalty”.

See Volume 4 of "The Complete Book of Jingming Zhongxiao", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 24, pages 82, 643.
See pages 620 and 622 of Volume 24 of Tao Tan.
Lectures on Taoist Talismans

, picture


This makes "loyalty and filial piety" more realistic. In the Yuan Dynasty, the
doctrine of Jingmingdao matured.
Its doctrine of "loyalty and filial piety" received special attention. The most
important Jingming Taoist book of this period,
"Jingming" and "Zhongxiao" have been juxtaposed, and the name of its sect was
also named after "Tai" before the Yuan Dynasty.
"Shang Ling Bao's pure and bright way" has been transformed into "pure, bright,
loyal and filial piety".
The inner alchemy method of Jingmingdao originated from the Zhonglu Jindan
School, and the talisman method pays special attention to the "yellow" method.
"Su Zhen Wen" and "Huang Su Twelve Talismans", and the incantation teaches the
true words of Buddhist Tantra, showing
This school has the characteristics of integrating hundreds of schools of
thought. When describing inner alchemy cultivation, Zhong is often mentioned as
Filial piety comes first. "Tai Shang Ling Bao Jing Ming Human Taoist Product"
says: "When you practice it sincerely, you should be filial."
Tit, the second form refining, the third salvation.
” ① “Gao Shang Yue Gong Taiyin Yuanjun Filial Piety Immortal King Ling Baojing”
The preface of "Ming Huang Su Shu" also says: "Anyone who learns Huang Su Shu
must be loyal and filial. A loyal and filial person
Be upright and forgiving, be gentle and respectful, cannot waver between right
and wrong, keep away from evil and evil, possess the ten good deeds,
The five negative factors are eliminated, and in one mind, external things are
not sluggish, and natural achievements will be achieved. After all, if there is
success, then it will be yellow.
A plain man takes loyalty and filial piety as his foundation. "
② The "flavonoid" here mainly refers to the practice of inner elixir.
It shows that cultivating inner elixir also puts "loyalty and filial piety"
The Jingming sect also attaches great importance to the function of talismans.
In "Tai Shang Ling Bao Pure Brightness Humanity"
"Princess" has only one very important humane talisman. The whole article is
centered around this talisman, claiming that all human beings
Those who receive this talisman must practice it with sincerity. First, they
must have loyalty and filial piety; second, they must meditate and cultivate;
It takes a lot of effort to save people. "Business is about helping others,
seeing other people's fathers, seeing other people's mothers, just like my
mother. Showing pity to the elderly and orphans, showing pity to the poor and
the sick, as if the illness is critical, if it is one's own body, such care will
be taken.
You can understand me.
” The incantation of his calligraphy reads: “The secret code of Jingming,
promoted to an immortal official, loyal and filial piety.
Son, Fu and his relatives were honored in the ninth life, and were ordered to be
promoted to immortals. Wherever they go, the treasure jars are enshrined in
Spin. ” ③ Not only does loyalty and filial piety be listed as the first
priority in practicing talismans, but it is also considered
Only sons of loyalty and filial piety can be appointed to become immortals, thus
highlighting the "
"Filial piety" is in the talisman

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 10, Page 5 2 3.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 10, Page 500.
③ See "
Tao Zang) Volume 10, Page 524.
37 0


0 5 ^ ^ /

The Reform and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

important role.
Another example is the volume of "Tai Shang Ling Bao Jing Ming Secret Dharma
Chapter", which contains two talismans for saving and removing six relatives.
Taoists believe that this talisman can pray for parents, report the kindness of
parents to the king, and save all living beings.
The sufferings of all peoples, "either to account for their benefit, or to
recommend them, are the foundation of filial piety. Doing this has
Only by practicing "gong" can you train your body and practice various spells.
He also described the methods of use:
The former one uses cinnabar to write talismans on the natal day of the six
parents, pinch the Yin seal, and keep it as a symbol.
The filial King Ming recited the mantra once and wrote the talisman, either
swallowing it or wearing it. The latter is the sixth relative of his parents
On the day of death, write a talisman with cinnabar, pinch the talisman, and
recite a mantra as a filial king.
Apply the ashes and mud of the calligraphy talisman all over the heart, and the
deceased will be resurrected naturally with the power of this magic. ”①
That is to say, through the spiritual power of the talisman, the filial piety
towards parents and six relatives can be fully expressed.
In addition, all practitioners must observe the precepts. In this regard, the
Pure Bright Path also has strict precepts
law. "The Sutra of the Supreme Spiritual Treasure, Pure Brightness and Flying
Immortals to Save People" must be mentioned when it comes to believers
practicing magic.
We must abide by the "Ten Precepts", the first of which is the "Eight Principles
of Not Forgetting", namely loyalty, filial piety,
Integrity, prudence, generosity, abundance, tolerance and tolerance are called "
"Eight Treasures". "Yulong Collection of Ten Books on Cultivation"
"The Biography of Xu Zhenjun in Jingyang" says: "Be loyal without deceiving, be
filial without being disobedient, be honest without being greedy, be cautious
without being greedy.
Don't lose it. If you cultivate yourself in this way, you can become virtuous.
To be broad will gain many people, to be generous and generous, to be tolerant
and harmonious
Acceptance and tolerance bring peace of mind. Accepting others with courtesy
will eliminate resentment and guilt. In all my ways, I am diligent in movement
and stillness, and read
Here it is. ” ② Volume 1 of “The Sutra of the Supreme Spiritual Treasure Pure
Brightness Flying Immortal to Save People” also says: “The loyal ones admire
The extreme of filial piety is the extreme of obedience, the extreme of honesty
is the extreme of purity, the extreme of caution is the extreme of caution, the
extreme of broadness is the broadness.
The rich are extremely happy, the tolerant are extremely harmonious, and the
ninja is extremely wise. The sky is dominated by fighting, and the earth is
dominated by mountains.
Extremely. If the sky has poles, it can gather all kinds of energy; if the earth
has poles, it can gather all forms; if the house has poles, it can gather all
kinds of energy.
Then it can gather many trees, and the same is true for human beings with eight
extremes. Therefore, if you can gather good deeds and establish them well, the
way will be prepared.
If the Tao is prepared, what you see and hear will naturally open up, and what
you should practice will naturally be smooth. This will lead to the pure and
clear spiritual treasure.

① See pages 539 and 540 of Volume 10 of "Tao Zang".

② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 4, page 760.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes



The foundation of flying immortals to save people. ” ① These commandments,

which can be regarded as the pure and bright path, have been repeatedly
The importance of loyalty and filial piety in Taoist cultivation.
The Taoist sects mentioned above, plus Shenxiao, Beidi and other sects,
constitute the Taoist sect.
The main body of the Fulu Sect. If we look into their origins, they all come
from the Tao of Heavenly Masters founded by Zhang Ling, so it is clear that
In the Qing Dynasty, most of them returned to the Zhengyi sect inherited by
Tianshi. In addition, there were many branches.
It is difficult to describe all the schools one by one, such as Taiyi Road,
Yuantong School, Jiugong School, Qingcheng School, Lingcheng School, etc.
Shan Sect, Lushan Sect, San Nai Sect, Chenzhou Sect, Nangong Sect, Li Jiadao, Bo
Zi Dao, Qian Jun Dao, Qing Shui Dao, Three Emperors Sect, Gaoxuan Sect, Dongyuan
Sect, Shengxuan Sect,
Xihe Sect, Qionglongshan Sect, Zhendao Sect, New Wudang Sect, etc., the so-
called "Seventy-two Schools"
"Fu Fa", we can see the prosperity of Taoist Talisman School. From the Eastern
Han Dynasty to the present, it has evolved and developed.
In the past two thousand years, it has become the largest sect of Taoism.

Section 2 Types and Structure of Talismans

There are many types of talismans, which can be divided according to their
titles and uses, or according to their
By distinguishing from sources and fields, comprehensive inspection from various
angles can provide a more comprehensive understanding of
their kind. As for the structure of the talisman, although it is quite complex,
it has its own connotations.
Only few people know the logic and organization of it, and it is inevitable that
it will be misunderstood by outsiders. under
Let’s talk about these issues separately.
1. Three yuan and eight will be divided into two ways
There are quite a few names for talismans, and the origins of various names are
mostly related to their origin or function.
Can be related. According to Chen Jiru in the Ming Dynasty, there are three
Taoist characters in "Yan Gian Yu Tan".
Twelve types, namely, text, cloud seal script, eight-body six-script script,
talisman characters, eight manifestations, jade character formula,

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 10, Page 559.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Imperial scripts, heavenly scripts, dragon seals, phoenix scripts, jade

certificates, gold scripts, stone characters, inscriptions, jade
Chinese calligraphy, jade urns, jade articles, Wensheng ink, jade letters,
alchemy and ink urn, jade policy, Fulianzhi
Books, Langqiu Liwen, Baiyin Zhibian, Red Book, Huolian Zhenwen, Jinke Momo,
Zha, purple characters, natural characters, Sihuicheng characters, Lang Jianrui
script, and stone debt. these names
It may be related to celestial phenomena and geography, or it may be connected
with gods and true spiritual objects. The so-called "cutting down the dragon's
text to see it,
Linchi is full of bird trails" ①, "
Holding the secrets of Yin and Yang, you can get the heart of heaven and
Taoism is divided into three classics and twelve parts. The three caves are
Dongzhen, Dongxuan and Dongshen.


"Three Vehicles". Volume 2 of "Taoist Doctrine": "The three caves contain the
spiritual sounds of the eight societies.

Jingzhi Xuanjiao, with gold and jade characters, can return to its source by
studying it; Fengzhuan Yunzhang can cultivate the Yinzi people
Enlightenment. This is why. Therefore, there is a hidden note in the Jade Sutra
that says: The three-hole sutra talisman is the outline of the Tao. "正一
"The Sutra" says: The three caves of wonderful methods, all of which should be
combined, are one vehicle. "Benji Jing" says: If
There are twelve scriptures, and those who answer the three caves are called
Zhengye. Explanation: One is the truth, the other is the cave
Xuan, the three cave gods. Zhen takes non-mixing as its righteousness, Xuan
takes non-stagnation as its righteousness, and God takes unpredictability as its
righteous. "
③ The so-called "twelve parts" include this text, magical symbols, jade
formulas, spiritual diagrams, genealogical records,
Precepts, majesty, methods, techniques, recordings, praises, and performances.
Among them, this article and God
Talisman, chanting, performance, etc. are all related to the talisman.
Volume 6 of "Yunji Seven Lots" says: "
This article is the foundation of the law of life, and it is the first in
number. Immediately
After that, it is necessary to support, so the next time is to argue the divine
talisman, Bahui, Yunzhuan, Sanyuan, and Yuzi.

The so-called "
"This text" refers to the book of Sanyuanbahui. It is the source of all writing.
The foundation of legal principles. Its earliest origin is from this celestial
phenomenon. Sanyuan refers to the original chaos
The Qi; the five virtues refer to the combination of yin and yang of heaven and
earth; the combination of the three and five is called the eight gatherings.
"Dong Xuan"
"Lingbao Xuanmen Dayi" says: "Three Yuans, one is the ashes of Hundong Taiwu
Yuan Gao Shang Yuxu,

① See the poem "Book" by Li Jiao of Tang Dynasty.

② See the poem "Luo Chushu" by Zhang Jianjing of Tang Dynasty.
③ See page 812 of Volume 24 of "Tao Zang".
④ See page 38 of Volume 22 of "Tao Zang".
Lecture Notes on Taoist Talisman and Seal Script

\ ⑻


The second day is the red mixed Tai Wuyuan supreme purple emptiness phase, the
third day is the dark silence Xuan Tong Yuan supreme pure emptiness phase.
seats. There are three basic virtues in the five virtues, namely Yin, Yang, and
Harmony. Yin has Shaoyin and Taiyin, and Yang has
Shaoyang and Taiyang are the harmony of harmony, the five virtues. Those who
write seal scripts compose collections; those who write cloud scripts call them
Yunzhuan. This is the text of Sanyuan Bahui and the seal seal of eight dragons
and clouds. They are all heavenly books. three yuan eight
This is the example of five characters and eight characters in Hui, and the
example of five symbols and five wins in Yunzhuan and Mingguang. eight meetings
This article has 119 words, and its five true articles total 668 words. It is
one of the three talents.
The original root gives birth to heaven and earth, civilizes humans and gods,
and is the source of all things. "
① “Being able to distinguish between two instruments,
It can also classify the phenomena of Dharma; it can not only understand all
things, but also express and explain the most rational principles, just like
wood has writings.
His name is Liye, also known as Zhenwenzi.
This article appears in the sky and changes unpredictably, so it is called the
Book of Heaven. "Zhutian Neiyin Jing" says:
"Suddenly there was a heavenly book with characters one foot in diameter.
Naturally, there was an empty space on it. The writing was radiant and the
octagonal light hung down.
It's too bright to look at. The Emperor Tianzhen said: "Significant, respectful
and wonderful, it is not like ordinary people."
Therefore, it opens the beginning of a great existence, then closes the light of
the sky, treasures its way and respects its writing, and its words are
The body of an extraordinary book covers its wonderful images while concealing
its true nature. ” ③ “Lingbao Immeasurable Man”
Volume 2 of Dafa says: "
Written in fire, after the red book, the characters are ten feet square and the
eight corners hang down.
The awning covers all the heavens, shades the Western Yuan, is the root of the
Nine Heavens, has the power of flowing gold, and is the true source of jade
light and gold.
The light shone brightly in space, and Yuanshi ordered Emperor Tianzhen to write
down its text, which was named the Eight Powerful Dragons, and it also spread
across the heavens.
The Book of Eight Meetings. ” ④ In other words, the Bawei Longwen is the
earliest heavenly book.
The Book of Heaven is the source of writing, and there are immortals and true
saints who evolved in this world and provided the basis for all the people in
the three realms.
Used by God. In this regard, Tao Hongjing's "Zhen Hao" Volume 1 says: "
Now that writing has begun, it is
This is the beginning of the five colors. When the article is written, it shows
the friendship between the people and distinguishes the yin and yang.
The book of Sanyuanbahui Qunfang Feitian also has the seal of eight dragons and
clouds with clear light. Later arrested two

① See pages 7 3 6 of Volume 2 4 of "Tao Zang".

② See "Tao Zang", Volume 2, 4, Page 7, 3, 4.
③ See Volume 7 of "Yunji Qizhu", Volume 22, Page 41 of "Tao Zang".
④ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3, Page 6 1 6.

The history and thought of Shenxiao sect of Taoism

In the emperor's time, the eight chapters of the eight chapters were written in
the form of dragon and phoenix seals, and the traces of Yunzhuan were
scrutinized and thought of as following the shape of Sanskrit.
The book is divided into two categories, the soil truth follows the Yi, and the
different branches are divided into sixty-four kinds of books.
Then it was broadcast to the thirty-six heavens and the ten directions, and each
one took its own chapter and used it differently.
Although the sound canon is uniform, the traces are different. In terms of
proofreading, the book of Bahui is the most authentic book.
The ancestor of articles. Yunzhuan Mingguang is its root sect, and it started
with books. Three yuan and eight today
The book of the meeting is used by the Emperor Taiji Gaozhenqingxian. Cloud Seal
and Mingguang Seal, what I see today
The characters in the divine talisman book are also. ”① So the Heavenly Book,
which is difficult for ordinary people to understand, evolved into six
break apart
There are fourteen kinds of characters, including divine symbols and seal
scripts, as well as secular texts. The so-called "
"Two Ways" means that the talismans and the common writings have developed
separately. The former is used for Taoist cultivation.
Spirit, the latter is used for communication among people in the world.
Divine talismans refer to various talismans with pictures and texts, which are
used in Taoism to summon spirits to ward off evil spirits and bring peace of
The magic talisman is the writing of dragon seal and phoenix seal, and the
miraculous sign
world. Volume 2 of "Taoist Teachings" says: "
The characters in the talisman book are also. God takes unexpected events as his
righteousness, and the talisman takes the name of talisman contract, which means
that this miracle is a divine use.
No method, benefiting all living beings, faith is like a talisman. ” ②
"Dongxuan Lingbao Xuanmen Dayi" also says:
This talisman is originally written in the sky. Tai Zhen writes astronomy
upwards. The directions are separated to distinguish the image talisman.
difference. The talisman captures the power of clouds, objects, and the sun; the
calligrapher interprets the meaning of different sounds and sentences;
The person who draws the picture takes the form of spiritual changes in the
book. However, there is a book in the talisman, which incorporates images; there
are pictures in the book, which form
Use both sounds. Therefore, there are eight styles and six texts, which are more
"Eight bodies" refers to the eight categories of talismans, namely, heavenly
books, divine
What is said here is "
"Six articles" refers to
Shu, Di Shu, Nei Shu, Wai Shu, Gui Shu, Xia Shu, Rong Yi Shu. "
There are six principles for the composition of talismans, namely, pictogram,
referring to things, phonetic sounds, understanding, transfer of notes, and
Yes, this is exactly the same as the six meanings of Chinese character studies.
Among the eight styles, the Book of Heaven is the Eight Huiwen.
It has been introduced previously. The second is the sacred book, which refers
to the cloud seal script. Because its shape is like a cloud, it is
"Tao Zang" Volume 20, Page 493.
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 4 Page 81 6.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 4 Page 7 3 7.
③ See "
Tao Shu's Lecture Notes on Talismans

name. "Tao Zang" contains many cloud seal scripts, such as "Yun Seal Script for
Saving People", the entire sutra is written in cloud seal scripts.
Seal writing is quite precious.
The third place book, "The place book, the image of dragon and phoenix", "The
eight chapters of the book are composed of dragon and phoenix, which is called
① Therefore, it is also called dragon chapter and phoenix.
"The Dragon Book" is said by Xuansheng to be written about astronomy."
arts. "Lingbao Sutra" says: "When the map is opened by Chi Ming, the fortune
will be natural. In the Yuan Dynasty, the town was settled, and the five
elements were applied."
Chapter, red script with jade characters, eight mighty dragon texts, protects
against disasters and makes heaven last forever. This is the dragon chapter.
also. "②"Zifeng Chishu Jing" says, "'The old text of this sutra is hidden in
the Purple Room of Taishang Liuhe.
There are six lions and giant beasts sandwiched between the walls, and a jade
boy and a jade girl guard Feng Wen. ” ③ “Lingbao is immeasurable”
Volume 30 of Renshang Jing Dafa contains dragon chapter and phoenix text, and
"Gao Shen Xiao Yu Qing Zhen Wang Chai Shu Da"
Volume 1 of "Fa" contains the Dragon Chapter Heavenly Book. As far as its image
is concerned, it is true that a dragon and a scorpion are roaming around, and a
wonderful understanding comes from it.
If you teach near the waterside, every word may become
However, "the clouds are flying and falling, and the dragons and snakes are
bending over each other"④, "
dragon" and

Dragon Chapter Heavenly Book

The Supreme God Thunder Jade Qingzhen King "Purple Book Dafa")

① See Volume 7 of "Yunji Qizhuan", Volume 22 of "Tao Zang", pages 41 and 40.
"Tao Zang" Volume 22, pages 41 and 42.
② See Volume 7 of "Yunji Qizhuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 2 Page 4 2.
③ See Volume 7 of "Yunji Qizhuan", "
④ See the poem "Yang Bing Zhuan" written by Wang Yu of the Song Dynasty.
⑤ See the poem "Cursive Screen" of Hanok in the Tang Dynasty.

Oral entrance and person 5 years old/—

Taoist frosty sky waves along Gao and thoughts

The fourth and fifth are inner and outer books. Volume 7 of "Yunji Qizhu" says:
"The fourth one is called Nei
Books are those vomited by turtles, dragons, fish, and birds. Wuyue Waishu,
written in scales, armor and hairy feathers. ”① This
Both types of books are related to animals, referring to characters that
resemble tadpoles, birds and insects. Like a turtle
Book: "Emperor Yao Tao of the Tang Dynasty wrote a turtle book because the
Xuanyuan spirit turtle was in charge of the picture." Bird book: "Zhou Wen
Wang Chique held the book in his house, and Wu Wang Danniao came to the room. He
used the two auspicious signs to write the bird book.
Zhou Fayu's calligraphy was written by factors leaping into the boat. "Insect
Book:" Lu Qiu and Hu's wife, Huan
Made by silkworms. "Snake Book": "In the late Tang Dynasty, the fish man dreamed
of snakes surrounding his body, and he dreamed of it while sleeping. "Long Shu:"
Hao Fuxi received the auspiciousness of Jinglong and began to write the Dragon
Book. "Luan Feng Shu:"
Shaohao Jin Tianshi Zuo Luan
Feng Shu uses birds to record official articles and takes images from ancient
Chinese prose. "Tadpole book: "Because of the name of tadpole, so
The festival takes shape. "Book of Tigers": "The Book of Tigers was lost in the
history of King Wen of Zhou Dynasty. Tigers will not harm people, so they were
named Zou."
Yu, Yin Zi Shi also. ” In addition, there are Zhuansu seals, which resemble the
shape of a lotus flower before it blooms; carved talismans
The book is in the shape of a bird's head and clouds; the crane-headed book is
shaped like a crane; the mosquito-footed book is shaped like a crane
Down like mosquitoes. ② These talismans are vivid in shape and each has its own
The sixth is the ghost book. Volume 7 of "Yunji Qizhu" says: "The sixth chapter
is called Ghost Book, with fine miscellaneous characters.
It is ambiguous and cannot be understood by humans. "③ This kind of ghost
writing refers to the ghost writings on the body of the deceased who was struck
by lightning or
Graphics and text that appear nearby. "The ghost writer, in the Jiayuan period
of Song Dynasty, there was a person in Jingkou who was shocked to death, and
there was something on his arm.
Seal script is like an eight-point script. ” ④ Taoism says that thunder
controls life and death, and evil people and poisonous insects often suffer
Heaven sends lightning strikes, "There must be a heavenly book to reveal the
fault, either it appears on the bottom of the pot, or it is written on the wall
of the house, or it
The shape of the calligraphy is not the Chinese fonts of later generations. It
is actually a heavenly book written in Yunzhuan, or it may be similar to Zhou
Tadpoles, bird traces, and ancient texts are similar"⑤. These heavenly books
are called Leiwen, Leizhuan, and Leishu.
That is, the ghost book.
The Seventh Summer Book. "Yunji Qizhu" Volume 7: "Seven days in mid-summer, Cao
Hagi cloud

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 2 Page 4 1.
②④ See "Fifty-six Kinds of Calligraphy" by Tang Weixu, "Shuo Yong", Volume 7,
Pages 3, 0 ~ 3 9 7 3.
③ See page 41 of Volume 22 of "Tao Zang".
⑤ See Volume 73 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 2 9 of "Tao Zang", page 2 4 5.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ group


Seal script is also. ”① refers to the evolution of Chinese characters such as

official script, regular script, cursive script, seal script, etc.
Talisman. For example, the fuwen in "Taiping Jing" is a combination of several
official script characters; "Chenzhou"
The talismans in "The Encyclopedia of Talismans" are mostly composed of several
cursive characters; the talismans in "The Thirteen Branches of Zhu You"
Talismans are mostly composed of several regular script characters. In short,
everything changes without departing from its origin, and the knot of the
talisman diagram
Structure and image are all used in changes in various styles and images.
The Eighth Book of Rong and Yi. Volume 7 of "Yunji Qizhu" says: "Eight days of
Rong Yi's calligraphy is similar to that of Kun
The term "Rong Yi" generally refers to the ethnic minorities other than the Han
people in the Central Plains. Tao
Insects are also. "②"
One of the sources of religion is the witchcraft culture of ethnic minorities,
and the talisman contains Rongyi culture.
The ingredients are also very natural. As Mr. Meng Wentong said: "Five Dou Rice
Originally practiced by ethnic minorities in the southwest, the use of talismans
began with Zhang Daoling. The talismans are definitely not Han Chinese.
The word "③"
The above eight kinds of talismans are mainly based on their sources. In
addition, depending on the use of the talisman
Paths, they can be divided into three major categories, namely celestial
symbols, geographical symbols, and human symbols.
2. The celestial phenomena of condensing clouds as seal signs -

Celestial Talisman

Among the many talismans, some express the movement of celestial bodies and yin
and yang news.
They are related to astronomy, stars, weather, ecology, etc., such as various
celestial phenomena, stars
The talismans of constellations, clouds, thunder and lightning, wind and rain
can be called celestial talismans. right
This has long been explained in Taoist literature.
First, when describing the origin of talismans, Taoism believes that they are
formed by the condensation of vitality between heaven and earth.
It is a portrait of all things in the universe. Volume 16 of "Lingbao Yujian"
says: "The original husband
Before the Five Supreme Beings, there is the Supreme Brahma in the sky. It has
no outline and no light. It condenses the wonderful fruits in the chaos and
hides the true secrets in the darkness.
Silently, the two instruments have not yet been judged, and the ten thousand
exchanges have not yet begun to take shape. Its divine wind melts, and the three
gray consecrations shine,

① ② See page 41 of Volume 22 of "Tao Zang".

③ See pages 3 1 6 of Volume 1 of "Collected Works of Meng Wentong", Sichuan
Bashu Publishing House, July 1987 edition.
378 | @ @ @ @ /

The History and Thoughts of the Shenshi School of Taoism

Gather together to form a text, condense the clouds to make seal script, open
the outline of five characters, and hang down the eight corners to establish the
three talents and govern.
The Way of Humanity may be regarded as the book of Heluo, or the image of Zhuo
Bi Yunhan, the so-called true literary and spiritual book in the world.
That is true. However, its greatness is used to judge the heaven and earth, to
transport yin and yang, and to maintain the flow of mountains and rivers.
The creation of characters is also the wonder of the true text and jade
characters. ”① This kind of division of heaven and earth,
The talismans that transport yin and yang are essentially diagrams that express
the existence of the universe and the transport of all things.
Secondly, judging from the names of the talismans, many of them are related to
astronomy and celestial phenomena, such as the sky
Books, astronomy, Yunzhuan, Leiwen, Qixingyinwen, etc. "Lingbao
Volume 273 says: "The seven-star hidden text can cure diseases and defeat evil,
kill evil and eliminate demons", "
The great generals of the heavens,
The Five Great Demons, countless old texts, were born on Beidou Jade Tower and
Santai Xuanmen.
Guidu, controlling ghosts and gods, killing evil and eliminating demons, is the
secret text of Beijun."
② In other words,
The Seven Star Hidden Text comes from the revelation of the Big Dipper. It is
the secret text of the Big Dipper Star and Emperor Ziwei. It is
A symbol of the connection between the Star God and people.
Third, judging from the structure of the talismans, many are also related to
astronomy and celestial phenomena, or
Painted with the sun, moon, Santai, Beidou, Nandou, twenty-eight constellations,
or miscellaneous
Use pictures and texts of wind, rain, thunder, lightning, frost, water, fire,
etc. Such as Spica Talisman, Kangxi Talisman,
Disu talisman, house talisman, heart talisman, tail talisman, Jisu talisman, Dou
talisman, Niu talisman
Talisman, female constellation talisman, Liuhe star talisman, Tiancang star
talisman, Feidou star talisman, Gongling star talisman
etc., ③ The so-called "Thirty-two heavens are the net, the twenty-eight
constellations are the wheels, the seven stars are the boxes, and the two
Yao is the jurisdiction, the North Pole is the pivot, and it is in all
directions. The thirty-two heavenly branches are connected to the base. "

Fourth, judging from the uses of talismans, they are widely used to summon wind
and rain, drive electricity and attract thunder.
talismans, such as the cloud-rising talisman, the rain talisman, the thunder-
driving talisman, the lightning talisman, the sunny talisman, and the snow-
praying talisman.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 10, Page 258.
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 8, Page 3 8 9.
③ See "Jidu Jinshu" Volume 272 of "Jidu Jinshu", Volume 8 of "Tao Zang", pages
379 and 381.
④ See Chibao Lingjiao Jidu Jinshu, Volume 273, Volume 8, Page 3 8 9 of "Tao
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes


The talisman and the wind-calling talisman all belong to this type of celestial
talisman. Volume 62 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" contains the rain talisman
The curse says: "Flying to the sky to stir fire, mediating the divine thunder,
rising to the Yang Valley in the east, transporting the Dragon Platform in the
west, and spinning fire in the south.
Mansion, turn north to the river Kui, drive the dragon to cause rain, and
quickly chase after the talisman arrives "①
Broadly speaking, Taoism’s Tai Chi Diagram, Xiantian Diagram, and Wuji Diagram,
and Confucianism’s Nine Diagrams
Palace pictures, river pictures, Luoshu, and Buddhist tantric mandalas can all
be classified as celestial symbols.
picture. Although these images with different cultural backgrounds have
different shapes, they have something in common
That is, they are all people's certain explanations for everything in the
Regarding Hetu and Luoshu, many scholars believe that they are related to
changes in celestial phenomena and Yin and Yang news.
related. For example, the author believes that the river map expresses the law
of the five elements, and the Luo book elaborates on the five elements.
The law of mutual restraint between actions, the combination of the two forms a
system consisting of "
The number of creations of heaven and earth”
The universe generation pattern of the combined five elements and yin and yang
②Man of Buddhist Tantra
Dala is also an all-encompassing schema of the universe. "Yan Mi Chao" says:
Luo, the place where sages gather and where all virtues come together. ""Secret
Notebook" said: "
say three
The secret is perfect and full of meaning. "There are four types of mandalas
according to their form. The big mandala is
For example, the picture carefully depicts Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Vajras, and
goddesses, and then uses yellow,
The five colors of white, red, black and blue match the five elements of earth,
water, fire, wind and sky. Its appearance is
Painted in the shape of a lotus, it represents the periphery of the universe,
which symbolizes the essence of the entire universe.
Of course, this is only one meaning of mandala. It also has very rich artistic
conception and profound meaning.
Because of its profound principles, it is called "
The essence of Tantra". However, its basic principles are related to
The Taoist Tai Chi diagram is extremely consistent.
In the Tai Chi Diagram, the very ancient symbol of yin and yang is used to
illustrate the universe.
The process by which things evolve from a pure and undifferentiated innate
state. it contains
Yang, yang contains yin, "yin and yang interact with each other, movement and
stillness depend on each other, detailed and lively, and interesting."
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 181.
② See Li Yuanguo's "A Probe into Chen Zhuan's Thoughts on Yixue", Beijing
Sanlian Bookstore, October 1997 edition of "Taoist Literature"
Chemical Research" No. 11.


Fan Leather and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

"Naturally" vividly expresses the laws of opposition and complementarity of yin

and yang between heaven and earth and the harmony of the universe.
The essence of oneness. It should be noted that symbols such as Tai Chi diagrams
and mandalas are not
It is not the product of logic and rationality of philosophers, but the long-
term development of alchemy masters and monks of all ages.
On the basis of cultivation, we explore the fruits of thought collected from the
depths of human consciousness. Just like Tai Chi
Chen Nao, the person who handed down the picture, said: "This picture does not
rely on language and characters, but you can understand its spirit by observing
it quietly."
Wonderful "① Because in the field of innate intuitive wisdom, any language and
writing often reveal
It was pale and colorless.
What is particularly interesting is that some data from modern medical research
show that when gas
When Gong practitioners are highly tranquil and mentally ill patients are in a
certain mental state, they
Their brainwave images sometimes take on a shape similar to Tai Chi diagrams.
this kind of phenomenon
It has attracted the attention of many scientists. For example, Western Jungian
psychologists have done some research
related experiments. result"
Jung's patients (
They know nothing about the mysteries of the East
(Knowledge) found in their own hearts pictures that were exactly similar to the
Yin-Yang Circle and the Mandala.
case and those "
People who take hallucinogens such as lysergic acid diethylamide and mescaline,
In a remote corner of their consciousness, they not only encountered a mandala
that was very consistent with the Tibetan mandala.
complex and abstract symbols, but also encountered that everyone can relate to
Identify the beings equivalent to the gods of the mandala.”
② In other words, Tai Chi diagram and mandala
Symbolic images such as Luo and the gods in the mandala are not the arbitrary
creations of Taoist monks.
Rather, it is the result that exists in the subconscious mind shared by mankind.
In addition to Tai Chi diagrams, there are many symbols in Taoism related to the
movement of the universe. like
The pictures of Lingbao becoming green, the picture of blue sky singing, and the
picture of Dafu Litu represent the sky,
"Lingbao" refers to the things in the universe
A set of symbolic diagrams of the evolutionary process of earth and people. The
so-called "
Raw energy—

God and tea. 《
It says in the volume "Lingbao Wumeiren's Excellent Sutra Talismans":

① See Li Yuanguo's "On Chen Zhu's Theory of Cosmogenesis", "Study of World

Religions", Issue 2, 1985.
② Meet Ying,
"Tibetan Buddhist Tantra" written by John Blofeld and translated by Geng Sheng,
page 80. tibetan people
Published 5th edition in 1990.
Lecture Notes on Taoist Talisman and Seal Script


"Gods descend into spirits, bears gather together to become treasures, gods
descend into gatherings, and take form, everything is born, and nothing is born.
Nothing is unknown, nothing is established, nothing is impossible. "It sums up
the three talents, embraces no boundaries, and the sky
Weeds and insects on the ground cannot help but transform. "Therefore, its Tao
is capable of covering ten thousand heavens and covering ten places.
Promote yin and yang, reconcile cold and heat, govern the Eight Diagrams, lead
the three elements, control ghosts and gods, and protect
civilian objects. Therefore, his writings can truly summon spirits and save
countless people. He is the sect of all Taoism and is said to be of the highest
Those who have learned from it. ”①
Such a powerful and mysterious spiritual treasure
Yes, how does it appear in the world? if
Said that the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, people and animals are gods
to obey the true concreteness of existence, then also
It can be said that various spiritual treasure talismans are its
symbol. According to Taoist scriptures, as
The Shiqing transformation diagram of the first talisman of Lingbao,
It is the innocent emperor experiencing the birth of the universe
scene, and then painted it with a purple pen,
It expresses "Lingbao's peaceful friendship and the beginning of youth"

Changes of Lingbao Shiqing

"Ling Bao Wu Zhi Saving People's Excellent Sutra Talismans Picture")

"Illumination" is the symbol of the change of yin and yang. Therefore, "it
governs the world and the ways of life of ghosts and gods in heaven and earth,
and can be qualified to
Accumulating life is to hold the soul, and forming and refining is to obtain the
truth. If there is a sign, write it in blue on bamboo and silk.
Take it from the northwest, it will preserve your life and prolong your life,
your spirit will not be dispersed, and you will be able to maintain your health
and be healthy. Wear it and you will come back alive
The body, rejuvenates and rejuvenates, and undergoes annihilation at the right
time. The body passes through the taiyin, and the picture of the change of
becoming green when wearing clothes is shown in the figure of becoming green.
The emperor and the sign rise together, and he is free in space. ”② In other
words, this picture is not only the beginning of heaven and earth.
The symbol of points is also a treasure of health cultivation. Please see the
variety and naturalness in the picture
Such lines, vivid, smooth, free and unrestrained charm, soaked with life and
spiritual activity
What a harmonious weather map it is. Through meditation on this picture,

"Tao Zang" Volume 3, Page 6 3.

① ② See "

@ @ @ @ /

・The history and thought of Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

It will definitely help to open up wisdom and increase wisdom, get close to
nature, and experience the unity of subject and object, the unity of nature and
The second picture of Bi Luo Kong Song shows the relationship between celestial
phenomena and human beings. Taoism believes that
The coexistence of heaven and man is based on the origin of the innate origin.
From the troubles of spiritual treasures in the universe and
When the first green faces meet, they produce the fruit of blue falls. When the
green leaves cover the sky, they gather stars.
Dou, in humans, becomes veins, connected like a circle: "There are three hundred
and sixty meridians, three
One hundred and sixty meridians, thirty-six hundred collaterals, and other
collaterals, branch collaterals, silk collaterals, and Huang collaterals.
The gift is regarded as its origin, and the text is combined to form a picture.
The person who wears it is an immortal. With the blue calligraphy ruler,
Summon the innocent souls of the ten directions, play a song in the sky, listen
to it all, take it and practice it, the same method as above. "

This means that the picture is essentially a picture of the meridians and pulses
of the human body.
The third largest Fu Li Tu map. The so-called "Fu Li" is the name of Xiantu.
Floating, because it is empty but not real, so it is floating; Li is dark, dark
and without light, so it is called Li. when
When the universe was in chaos, the true earth of Fuli filled the space; later,
after the transformation of yin and yang, the heaven and earth
Divide and judge, the real earth of Fuli condenses to form the world, therefore,
the innocent emperor’s purple pen seal,
"With green as the ground, yellow as the text, and red as the boundary, this
picture is called Fuli soil, and the area is connected to the acupoint.
Where it is. To the east of Zhonghuang Taishang Mingfan, there is a swirling
flow, viewed from the palace tower in the main domain.
The place of existence. If you have the ability to wear it, hundreds of gods
will come to you, the three realms will welcome you, the devil will give you
your orders, and the five emperors will serve you.
Xuan, Emperor Huang Taiyi and Zhao Dongzhang were promoted to the Purple Room
together. The spleen and stomach of the owner of this picture are nourished and
Taihe, take the same method as before.
②It can be seen that this picture is an image of the true earth in the heaven,
and it can also be used
Take internally and externally to nourish life.
Although the contents of the three spiritual treasure talismans mentioned above
are partial, they are related to each other.
It is connected and integrated, showing a complete, harmonious and integrated
view of nature. Overview
In short, whether they come from various sects of Buddhism or Taoism, or have
different forms, these talismans have something in common.
The same characteristics emphasize the unity and harmony of the universe. Of
course, for most people,

① ② See page 6 4 of Volume 3 of "Tao Zang".

Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ ⑨



These symbols are difficult to understand. Because to understand their true

meaning, not only
Rational thinking is required, and in particular, mysterious experience and
intuitive insight are needed.
3. Tongzhen reaches Lingbiao Liuhe—

geographical symbol

In traditional Chinese culture, nature is regarded as an organic life form, and

human beings and nature are
Pay keen attention to the natural relationship. Therefore, out of survival and
spiritual needs, the tradition of
The traditional Feng Shui technique came into being.
The core of Feng Shui is to explore celestial phenomena, mountains, rivers,
architecture and human survival and development.
coordination and optimal status. It combines the ancient proposition of Chinese
philosophy "the relationship between heaven and man"
"Unity of man and nature" and so on are introduced into daily life, focusing on
the integration of the whole nature and
Seek harmonious development and organic order in the ecological circle, and
maintain closeness and intimacy with all things in the world.
Through a symbiotic and coexisting relationship, we can achieve our own
development and spiritual tranquility. Place
It is said that "
"The right time" and "the right place" achieve the goal of "humanity and
harmony". This trinity
The idea of coexistence, whether in the past, present or future, should be the
model of human development
Eternal themes and historical responsibilities.
As one of the main bodies of Chinese traditional culture, Taoism's thoughts have
profoundly influenced
The art of Feng Shui. A large number of symbols are widely used in environment,
architecture, houses, life and so on.
In the fields of industry and life, it has become an indispensable content in
ancient Feng Shui. In fact,
Many talismans themselves are schemas of geography and environment, reflecting
Taoist priests’ understanding of the natural environment throughout the ages.
It is the product of a combination of rational observation of the environment,
mountains, rivers and feng shui and mystical experience. so people
It is believed that they can ward off evil spirits and protect the country.
Among the many geographical symbols, the most famous is the true form of the
Five Mountains that appeared in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.
Picture, "Inner Chapter of Baopuzi·"
"Ya Lan" said: "
The most important thing in Taoism is the Three Emperors Neiwen,
The true shape map of the Five Mountains.
"There are many reports on the value of this map in geography and cartography.
Few scholars affirm it. For example, Japanese Professor Ogawa Takuji believes
that it is the oldest
A map that combines the true shape map of Dongyue with the modern contour map of
Mount Tai.

bereaved woman


/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

By comparison, I think the two are very similar.

①China’s Cao Wanru and Zheng Xihuang pointed out that it
They are a kind of flat mountain map, which are very precious and developed into
A sect of Taoism.
② Here, let’s discuss it from the perspective of religion and culture.
Today's "Tao Zang" contains several pictures of the true shapes of the Five
Mountains, and their shapes are similar. Reality
In addition to the Five Mountains, it also includes Huoshan, Qianshan, Qingcheng
and Lushan. The latter is called
Sifu. Each mountain has two real pictures, one with text description and one
Character illustration. Taoist books call those without words "the true shape of
the upper five mountains", and those with words are called "the lower five
"The true shape of the mountain". From the text description, we can know the
basic situation of each mountain. According to "Dongxuan"
According to the "Lingbao Five Mountains Ancient True Form Picture", it was
originally a three-color picture, "
The black one is Yamagata,
The red one is the water source, and the white one is the mouth of the chamber.
If the painting is small, the hills will be slight; if the painting is large, it
will look like a long river.
Ge Hong said that high and low follow the shape, long and short follow the
image. The origin of the paintings of sacred grass and stone chambers was later
The immortals who come here have the ears to know everything in their
What we see now are black and white engravings, black curved rectangles, things
direction, represents the mountain; the curve in the black mountain represents
the water flow, and the blank space should be
The Taoist priests cultivate themselves in the cave heaven and the blessed land.
With the text, you can know the path up the mountain. The mountain
The water flows and springs in it, the distribution locations of various elixirs
and herbs, and the locations of caves and temples
land, as well as the height, width, and extent of mountains. From the above
points, these figures
It has considerable practical value, and its appearance is definitely related to
the actual observed mountain topography.
So, who created these runes and what was their purpose? From "Five Sacred
It can be seen from the "Preface to the True Form": These maps are from the
Supreme Taoist Lord above the heaven, "looking down.
Liuhe, looking at the short and long rivers and seas, observing the heights of
hills and mountains, naming Tianzhu and settling on the geography, suddenly five
① See Takuharu Ogawa's "Map of Inchina before Modern Western Communication",
Japanese Journal of Geosciences
No. 258.
② See Cao Wanru and Zheng Xihuang's "On the True Forms of the Five Mountains in
Taoism", "Research on the History of Natural Sciences" No. 6
Volume No. 1.
③ Friend "Tao Zang" Volume 6, page 7 4 0.
Lecture Notes on Taoist Talisman and Seal Script



Dongyue true shape map

"Dong Xuan Ling Bao Five Mountains Ancient True Form Picture")

At the top of the mountain, various towns and auxiliaries are planned. Kunling
is honored as a spiritual immortal, Pengqiu is respected as a real person in the
pavilion, and the water is as peaceful as the gods.
The source of extreme yin lives in the Ruins of Fusang, where Emperor Taidi
lives. Therefore, the abbot's Fu became the room for fortune-telling.
Langhai Island is the place where the nine elders are raised. Their ancestors
are Yingxuanyan, Changyuan Liusheng, and Fenglin gather in the cave. Each is a
Name, and in the Cangliu sea Xuanjin. The water is green and black, and the
waves shake the spirits.
All the fairies and beauties live together in Cangying. Their names are hard to
find, but they are actually quite clear. Because of the rules of the mountain
Seeing the twists and turns of rivers and mountains, the mausoleums turning back
and forth, the mountains high and long, twisting and turning like snakes, they
look like calligraphy.
Therefore, the name is created based on the image, and the actual name is
determined. The form is secreted in Xuantai, and it emerges as a spiritual
"Letter", so these pictures were drawn based on its images.
①The purpose of drawing is to facilitate revision
Taoists know that the residence of immortals and innocents is a famous mountain
for collecting medicines and refining elixirs, to ward off evil and bring
disaster, and to attract gods.
Darling. As the "Ancient True Shape Map of the Five Mountains" says: "Zi has the
shape of Dongyue, which makes people wonder.
May your life be prosperous, live for a long time, people will walk on mountains
and rivers, and hundreds of sedges will gather together. The child has the shape
of Nanyue, with five plagues
If you don't add it, you will get rid of the fire. Those who seek evil against
me will return it and hurt themselves. Zi has the shape of a mountain in the
middle, and his direction is only
Profit can lead to billions of dollars in wealth. May you be willing to
cooperate without any physical effort. The son has the shape of Huashan, and it
eliminates five
Soldiers are invulnerable to human blades, and the famous gods of mountains and
rivers are respected by Si Ying. The child has the shape of a northern mountain,
but when it enters the water
In the event of disaster, hundreds of poisons will be eliminated. Serve the
dragon and enjoy long-lasting blessings. Zijin has the shape of five mountains,
stretching across the sky
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 32, pages 629 and 630.

@ ) ( ^ ) ( ^ ) @ /

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The earth and the surrounding areas are happy to see me, and humans and gods
share the same joy. ”① It turns out that from Daomen’s point of view,
The True Shape Map of the Five Mountains is not only a map, but more
importantly, it is a token of Tongyi Daling.
Because they symbolize the numerous immortal beings in the mountains and rivers.
Originating from the ancient concept of animism, Taoism believes that mountains,
rivers, and everything in the world are
Everything is a living being full of emotions. Every mountain, every river,
every piece of grass
Wood has its own dignity and presiding gods. And with this kind of talisman, you
You can communicate and dialogue with them, and they will receive you friendly,
Hundreds of mountains
The gods of Sichuan and Sichuan all go out to greet the son." Of course, the key
is whether we can achieve the state of communication between humans and gods.
It depends on the practice of the talisman holder. "Illustrated Notes of the
True Forms of the Five Mountains" says: "Everything feels wonderful.
Bei Zhou, whether it is heaven or man, whether it is mountains or water, whether
it is flying or sinking, whether it is communication or matter, it is all true
The letter has a total number as a symbol. The feeling of verification is all
due to good deeds." "Only before we should cultivate the precepts and accumulate
The spirit is in the spirit, always thinking about the true form, wearing the
talisman, the body is wonderful, the wisdom is clear, and the master is the
People follow it diligently to eliminate disasters and dislikes, and the essence
will bring signs, and signs will bring gods to descend, and what they wish for
will be harmonious." ②
People in Taoism regard this picture as a treasure for self-cultivation and
self-protection, and its teaching is very forbidden.
"Inner Chapter of Baopuzi"
"Ya Lan" said: "In ancient times, the immortal officials and people followed
this secret secret, and they did not have the name of immortals.
"It cannot be taught to someone who does not teach it," and "If it is taught to
someone who is not his/her, he will be blamed." And those who require it must
Purify one's body and purify one's spirit, abide by the precepts, accumulate
merit and do good deeds, and help the world and save people." If you cannot
practice benevolence and righteousness,
Compassion without refinement or integrity can bring disaster to the point of
destroying the family, and should not be taken lightly."
It can be said that most of the various talisman diagrams used in later
generations to enter mountains, cross rivers, and settle down in the soil were
made by
The true shape map of the Five Mountains evolved. But they are more versatile
and more targeted.
For example, "Baopuzi Neipian Dengshe" contains eighteen kinds of Laojun and
Xianren mountain talismans, which are also called
If you worship and take it with you, it will be very effective." The second
volume of "Shangdongxin Dan Jingjue" describes the method of practicing elixir.
It also means that we must rely on the power of talismans to protect us: "Mortal
people combine mountains and elixirs, and want to build mountains and rivers and
temples to seat hundreds of gods."

① See "Tao Zang", Volume 6, Page 7 3 5.

② See Volume 79 of "Yun Ji Qi Zhuan", Volume 2 2 of "Tao Zang", page 56 2.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ ⑯


The magic of ghosts relies on talismans as the most important factor, and the
magical medicine also uses the power of talismans to ward off defenses. Talisman
This is what Lao Tzu teaches from gods and men. Nowadays, people use it but
rarely experience it, because there are many biographies
Mistake, and lack of confidence, just use it. However, if you want to live
forever, medicine is the best way to achieve it.
Power can lead to immortality. However, it cannot be abolished, and it can be
used to ward off ghosts and ward off evil spirits, and to use the elixir
gradually. ”①
As for the people's daily life, life and death, marriage, and fields, they are
inseparable from the talismans.
effect. For example, there are thirty-nine types of talismans in "Tai Shang
Laojun Hunyuan Three Parts of Talisman", including interpretation
Dirty, safe house, ward off fire, ward off earth, stop waste, hate all kinds of
strange things, ward off ghosts, ward off plague, peaceful
Soul, seeking a child, having a baby, seeking an official position, farming,
benefiting silkworms, protecting oneself, prolonging life, four seasons, etc.
The talisman has a very wide range of applications, and its purpose is to help
the people, bring happiness, longevity and tranquility.
It should be noted that the recipient of the talisman must also abide by the
rules in daily life.
Some commandments. According to the "Supreme Three Days Zhenzhai Lingju", there
are ten precepts, such as
You are not allowed to worship evil masters and witches for blessings or seek
blessings with things; you are not allowed to attract masters and girls, sing
and dance,
Within; you must not attract evil people and commit evil acts of robbery and
robbery; you must not build armies or plot rebellion.
To be disobedient; not to be duplicitous, to bully the weak; not to take human
life, not to obey the law and precepts; not to
You must betray your master and deceive your emperor, break contracts and break
promises; you must not accumulate money in warehouses and seek huge profits. In
short, the purpose
The purpose is to persuade people to respect the law and accumulate charity, so
as not to lead to death and family destruction.
disaster. Because good Feng Shui is only about the right location, and good
morals are also good for people. It is in this sense that good Feng Shui is
Above, we believe that the Taoist theory of talismans will certainly have a good
effect on building a house and building a family.
In this ancient land of China, the respect for Feng Shui has long been a
It has become a theoretical guidance in people's daily life. People often use
various symbols
To improve the living environment and psychological environment, and eliminate
some incomprehensible perceptions of the world around us
Wonderful sense of fear. Made up of special patterns, square characters,
numbers, colors, and objects
Mystical things can often soothe people's potential inner uneasiness and inspire
them to

① See page 407 of Volume 19 of "Tao Zang".


Superwoman Miaosui/ —

The history and thought of Shenxiao School of Taoism

Emotions of respect and awe for nature make the environment and space sacred,
and people
It also provides spiritual stability, which is undoubtedly conducive to survival
and development. Therefore, it is possible
It preaches the worship of various symbols, that is, the respect for mountains,
rivers, and all living things.
Fear, love of nature. By believing in the form of symbols, people are asked to
be kind to God.
all things on earth, and perfect one's own moral cultivation, which is deeply
saturated with the characteristics of oriental nations and
The prophet and wisdom of the unity of nature and man are closely related to
4. Heqi refining and regulating the aura—

human body charm

From changes in celestial bodies and weather, to news about mountains, rivers,
and feng shui, all phenomena in the universe
are all interconnected and cleverly maintain harmony and balance as a whole.
People are
It is an indispensable and important component in this huge life network. In
this kind of three-in-one
In the structure of the universe, human beings are regarded as the perfect
embodiment of life. Other laws of nature
Earth has the important mission of assisting the transformation and nurturing
process of heaven and earth, thereby making the whole
The natural world is always in the process of orderly development. This
philosophy full of Eastern wisdom
Concepts also run through Taoist talismanology.
The characteristic of Taoist talismanology is that it is based on Qi, that is,
there is Qi in the talisman and there is information.
It has energy and can be used to adjust the field, gather energy, cure diseases
and maintain health. The fundamental basis is the heaven
People are one. As Jiang Yong said in "Heluo Jingyun": "
Very much so! The harmony between heaven and man,
The wonderful combination is seamless, and the ultimate principle is inherent in
the human body, but people are not aware of it.
"Then, heaven and man are consistent
Where is the record? It turned out to be images such as Hetu, Luoshu, Tai Chi,
and Fulu.
middle. In Taoism, there are various internal refining talismans, cultivation
talismans, healing talismans, and exorcism talismans.
It is a symbol related to people’s life activities and physical health, and can
be summarized as human beings.
Physical symbols. There are many such talismans, especially those from the
Jingming sect, Donghua sect, Shenxiao sect, and Qing sect.
The Wei sect, Tianxin sect and Beidi sect are the most distinctive.
For example, the Jingming sect has thirty talismans for internal refining, the
most important of which is Huang Suzhen.
Text and diagram of the true shape of the five internal organs. Huang Suzhenwen
is composed of eighty-one characters, which means





The state in which the ancestral Qi of heaven and earth circulates is also the
trajectory of breathing and breathing Qi in the human body. "High above the Moon
Volume 2 of Taiyin Yuanjun's Filial Piety Immortal King Lingbao Jingming Huang
Sushu says: "Anyone who wants to learn from immortals must
Know the true text. The true text is the Brahman of heaven and earth. In the
beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was obtained by prioritizing heaven and earth.
Obtain it to practice the Tao and Dharma; Laojun obtains it to save the world.
The human body cannot be preserved
He is the ancestral lamb of all heavenly treasures, spiritual treasures, and
divine treasures. "ancestors" are combined to form the word, combined to form
The eighty-one characters of the true text are added to the spleen and kidneys.
Five elements of heaven and earth, earth and water
Yes, you can live if you get it. If a Taoist can burn incense every day and
observe the true text, he will know
Spleen and kidney vomiting and inhalation are secondary forms. From one to
eighty-one, if you spit it out, you will see it coming out; if you swallow it,
you will see it coming out.
When you look at them, they are each three inches long and three inches wide."

These symbols representing the movement of inner energy are difficult to
understand from the surface only.
People think quietly, which is what the book calls "viewing". If you have Huang
Su Zhenwen, you can hang it quietly
In the room, I have time to go to the incense and meditate on time. Keep your
mind calm, concentrate your mind, and be still
When observing the true text, you must remember every stroke. Open your eyes to
concentrate on the symbols, and close your eyes to meditate on the truth.
Shape, if you practice it carefully, you won't adjust your breath but adjust
your breath by itself, and you won't catch your thoughts but your thoughts will
subdue themselves, naturally.
You can experience the movement of vitality in your body, "
See "the extraordinary"
"Qi Shape", enter
And you can also feel the state of blending with heaven and earth and breathing
the same breath as the universe. The so-called "
Breathing, going in and out quietly, my Qi is smooth, then the east of heaven
and earth is also smooth. My heart is indifferent, nothing
No worries at all, carefree and inactive, and in harmony with the Tao, this is
called the body of tranquility and compliance with the Tao."②
On the basis of contemplating the true text of Huang Su, you can also practice
the true shape diagram of the five internal organs. of people
Each of the five internal organs has its own spirit, and those who practice it
should first know their true spirit. "Jing Ming Huang Su Shu" Volume
One said: "Each of the five internal organs has a spirit, each spirit has a
form, and each form has ashes. This is the essence of the patient's spirit.
The shape is the body of the fruit, and the shape of the spleen is contained in
the four. This person has not understood the principle.
If you want to understand the five internal organs, you must first know their
spirit. Those who know their spirit will live forever. Make it have a way, think
about it

① See page 506 of Volume 10 of "Tao Zang".

② See Volume 69 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 2 9 of "Tao Zang", page 2 2 4.

How can there be more people and fewer people/ - ^The history and thoughts of
Shenxiao Sect

There is a law "①"

Think "that is"
"Think" and "Imagine", this is an ancient expression since the Qin and Han
Taoism attaches great importance to alchemy. For example, in "Dadong Zhenjing"
and "Huangting Sutra", it is said that
The key to saving and thinking 0 "Storing" is the storage of thoughts, and
"thinking" is deep meditation. exist
This refers to the form of the true shape diagram of the five internal organs.
By contemplating the human body and spirit, the body and spirit can be seen.
What a success.
In addition to such talismans for meditation and spiritual refining, the
Jingming sect also has some internal refining methods.
Qi talismans, such as the Sanhua talisman, are typical examples of this type.
There are three lines of Sanhua Talisman. When writing the Talisman,
The Taoist is asked to calm down and sit quietly, "Think about your own body.
There is a pond under the Dantian, with banks built of gold and jade.
There are three floors of golden towers and jade houses. Taishang Laojun is on
the lower floor, Taishang Daojun is on the middle floor, and Yuan Yuan is on the
middle floor.
The First Heavenly Lord is on the upper floor, with his platform facing the top
door, and the three monarchs are sitting right in front of Dantian and Jiang.
In the three places of the palace and the Niwan, there are three-colored clouds
of light coming out of the Niwan." Then tap your teeth nine times.
Recite the mantra: "The sky in the sky, the Yuluo Xiaotai, the Jade Mountain in
Beijing, the supreme, the great
Luo Yuqing, a misty calamity, if you die, if you survive, the three flowers will
be separated, there will be a wonderful courtyard, golden palace and jade
Room, Senluo Jinglu. After finishing the curse, he pinched the "Du Jian Jue" in
his hand and held the pen to write the talisman.
After the talisman is written, take the incineration ashes with water. When
taking it internally, think about the following:
"Swallow one talisman and store it in the Dantian, and there will be red Qi
Shangtouniwan. Swallow the second talisman and store it in the Dantian."
In the Dantian, there is red energy that penetrates the Jiang Palace. Swallow
the third talisman and store it in the Dantian, with red and front
The two qi rise and fall together, nine times, forming the three qi of green,
yellow and white, rushing to the top of the door and forming auspicious clouds
Like a car hood. Nai slightly cursed and said: "There are three kings in the
golden room, and the great Brahma is transformed into a precious lin.
Qi Zhenjing is Xuanxuan, forming a natural Qiongtai body, towering three stories
high in the sky, with flowing clouds and red sky.
Wing Qiongtian, connected to the ninth level of the sky above, with valleys and
springs of thousands of feet below, combined with cave doors to create spirits.
Roots, the three-flower treasure is bright and vivid. "After finishing the
curse, take nine breaths and stop.

Among the Donghua sect's human body amulets, the most distinctive feature is
that they have a large number of internal refining and healing functions.

See "Tao Zang", Volume 10, Page 503.

See Volume 2 of "The Sutra of the Supreme Lingbao Pure Brightness Flying
Immortal to Save People", Volume 10 of "Tao Zang", page 5 6 2.
The most important teaching notes on talismans

\ film



symbol. "Lingbao Lingjiao Jidu Jinshu" contains one hundred and twenty healing
charms in Volume 286.
The treatment scope is very wide, including "heart and spleen pain", "qi block",
"malaria", "dysentery", "asthma"
"fullness", "lumbar and kidney pain", "cold dampness", "headache", "cholera
vomiting and diarrhea", "deficiency",
"Bad symptoms of typhoid fever", "Unhealthy weather for typhoid fever", "No
sweating due to typhoid fever", "Unexplained abnormal syndromes",
"Miscellaneous diseases", "various winds", "different symptoms of wind", "head
wind hurts people", "evil heart", "frightened heart"
Palpitations", "wind convulsions", "prenatal and postpartum", "women's strange
diseases", "pregnancy without a child for a long time"
"Safe", "Don't worry about bad symptoms during childbirth", "Irregular
menstruation", "Blood arrhythmia", "Pain during menstruation",
"Spleen and blood qi", "uneasy fetal movements", "insecure pregnancy", "blood
clots and qi", "women's
"Cold cold disease", "female dizziness", "all eye diseases", "catarus clearing",
"dizziness in eyes"
"Dizziness", "red eyes and wind poison", "swollen and itchy eyes", "blue
blindness", "child's shock", "child's

"Diarrhea in children", "hot flashes in children", "oral problems,

", "Miscellaneous diseases in children", "

"Throat diseases", "alveolar ulcers", "tooth root abscess", "throat closure",

"wooden tongue",
"Sores on the mouth and tongue", "throat wind", "evil syndromes in the body",
"difficult to understand syndromes", "evil sores on the buttocks"
"syndrome", "kidney carbuncle and kidney leakage", "lower part disease", "five
hemorrhoids, leakage sore", "evil carbuncle",
all injuries,

"Injury pain", "snake and dog injuries", "ear syndrome", "nasal

"Suffering from", "malignant sores", "poisonous sores", "wind sores", "broken

wounds and swollen poisons", "knife-injured bones"
"Injury" and other various injuries, and according to clinical division, they
are divided into "wind department", "dafang pulse department",
Surgery", "Otorhinology", "Oral Dentistry,
"Ophthalmology", "Obstetrics", "Pediatrics", "
"Injury Branch", "Jinzu Branch", "Hard Stone Branch", "Sore Branch", "Book Ban
Branch", this is
It is what the world calls "Thirteen Branches of Zhu You". Each talisman has a
written description to tell you
What kind of medicine should be used, how to prepare the medicine, how to treat
the disease and what taboos should be avoided, just like Chinese medicine.
Medical formulas, thus forming a relatively systematic and complete medical
talisman system. ①
In addition, there are also demon-repelling and healing talismans, blessing and
healing talismans, nine-day magic talismans, and sun soul talismans.
Talisman, Moon Soul Talisman, Five Buds True Text, Jade Infant Divine
Transformation Talisman, Tiangang Righteousness Talisman, Qingdi Soul Protector
① See pages 515 ~ 524 of Volume 8 of "Tao Zang".
Talisman, Red Emperor's Qi-nourishing Talisman, White Emperor's Soul-Serving
Talisman, Black Emperor's Blood-Opening Talisman, Eighty-one-grade Talisman, Ten
Eight Jade Talisman, Twenty-Four True Talisman, Twelve Meridian Talisman, Five
Emperors True Talisman of Demon-nurturing, Five Emperors of Demon-Controlling
The True Talisman, the Five Heavenly Demon's Evil Jade Inscriptions, etc. are
all human talismans used to refine Qi and preserve the spirit.
For example, in the Central Eight Weilong article, see
Contained in Ning Quanzhen's "Shangqing Lingbao"
"Dharma", Volume 16, is a Taoist secret
The Book of Heaven is written in seal script. Its explanation is: "Yellow
The principles in the middle govern the infinity. Zhenxingtu
Hui, Liulian Palace. "These sixteen words,
Taishang Daodaojun wrote in the Three Qing Dynasty Yuxiao
The platform calls upon all gods. Its first sentence "yellow"
"Zhonglijie" comes from "Zhouyi": "Jun

Dance to waste
Overlord II
period tide
A haze

Zi Huang Zhongli, upright position, beautiful

In it, it flows through the limbs and originates from
Career is the most beautiful thing.
” "Zhou Yi Shen"

Central Eight Dragon Articles

Painting by Li Yuanguo)

The scroll of "Tongqi" says: "Huang Zhong gradually understands the principles
and moisturizes the skin." ① The master said: "Nai Yun
The seal script of Dafan's bear is written in an empty space, which is the
"Yuanshi Lingshu Part 2". big
Brahma is the heaven among the heavens; the hidden words are the secret sounds
of the heavens. "And it is said that this article is from the beginning of the
Yuan Dynasty
Tianzun personally taught Taishang Yuchen Daojun, which contains the innate
secrets of Taoism and the subtleties of cultivation.
Wonderful, "So this sentence is formed according to the sixty-four hexagrams,
and the number of yellow in the image is used. All practitioners,
On a day when the Bing and Ding fires are strong, set up an incense stick facing
the southeast and pray again, writing it in yellow. or town or
If you wear it, all the spirits will vibrate and gather the true energy to
harmonize the three fields. Updated on Benming, Gengshen, and Jia
Take it on Zi, Renjie, Taisui, and Jichen to summon the true spirit, and the sun
will give birth to the divine light of wisdom, and hundreds of gods will be
Zhaogan, Fei Zhen is too empty, no matter how bad the disaster is, he is
supported by the gods, and he is sitting in court to pay homage. The so-called

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 20, Page 73.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes~~,




If you don’t open up, you can’t stop everything”①.

The Shenxiao sect also has many human talismans used for internal refining and
health preservation, such as the divine light talisman, "Swallow
With one talisman, hundreds of evil views are running around, the sound is like
rapid thunder, hundreds of meridians are harmonious, and children are frightened
and fly to pieces.
If you are in the middle, you will be safe"②. The moon soul talisman, "
Throw yourself into the water, your nose should be opened and your mouth should
be closed for thirty-six times.
Use the Jia swallow talisman to wash the ears and eyes with pure water, so that
the omen surface will have a golden and jade light, turn the old back to a
child, and cure the wind
Disease, a woman drinks it and gives birth to a baby, the divine water flows
smoothly, all the pulses are safe, and the sun and moon run high for it.
"Also". There is also a brain charm, which can be swallowed to "replenish the
brain, prevent headaches, and the gods will bow to you for a hundred days."
For nine teeth, take it orally for three times, and wear a jin on your belt. Eye
Fu: "Drink with clear water, and use it for night vision."
If there is light for a hundred steps, you will not suffer from eye diseases."
Tongue talisman, "
Drink clear water to neutralize all kinds of poisons and produce liquid and
"Moisturize". Heart talisman, "replenish the heart and fix the will, the gods
know the gods, predict good and bad things, take a hundred days of work
become. Knock on the teeth and make nine passes, swallow the fluid in three
mouths, and admire it as you wish." Liver Talisman, after taking it, "
save god put
Green light benefits the eyes, and you will never suffer from eye diseases. It
nourishes the liver and strengthens the body and prevents aging." The spleen
talisman, after taking it, "keeps the spirit alive"
In the yellow fruit, it can create all kinds of things and permanently remove
diseases." Lung Talisman, after taking it, "save the spirit and release it"
The light of white jade, after taking it, you will never suffer from cough,
phlegm and saliva". The kidney talisman, after taking it, "you will not suffer
from mysterious diseases"
The room is full, the essence is replenished and the yang is tirelessly
strengthened, and the deep roots are solid and the flower calyx is born." ③ In
addition, there is yin
Talisman, cell talisman, fetal talisman, knot talisman, festival talisman, blood
talisman, essence talisman, qi talisman, divine talisman, life
Talisman, Thirty-Six Heaven Talisman, Thirty-nine Chapter Talisman, Mixed
Hundred God Talisman, Three Corpse Removing Talisman, Soul Controlling Talisman
Talismans, etc., are all used to protect life and health, refine qi and
cultivate spirits.
Other sects also use a large number of human body talismans to help with
internal Kung Fu cultivation. For example, there are three Tianxin sects
The light talisman, the emperor's life-saving talisman, the true fire nine-ray
talisman, the true water ten-ray talisman, and the red glow of the first sun.
Interior view, inner view of the true yang’s newborn jade, interior view of the
bright yang’s brilliance, and yun yang fire
The interior view of Yunhechi, the interior view of the cave with the sun and
the flying dragon, the interior view of Zhengyang worshiping the spiritual
The inner view of Zhengyang's bright light, the inner view of pure Yang's golden
glow, and the nine-yang's clear and bright true illness.
① See page 803 of Volume 30 of "Tao Zang".
② See Volume 1 of "The Great Law of the Supreme God, Jade Pure King Purple
Book", Volume 28, page 561 of "Tao Zang".
③ See Volume 2 of "The Purple Book of Dafa by Gao Shang Shen Xiao Yu Qing Zhen
Wang", Volume 28 of "Tao Zang", pages 569 ~ 573.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The inner view of the instrument, the inner view of Suhua Shixuanchu Yuan, the
inner view of Qingguang Taichu Shengyao, and the crystal light
The interior view of Qingming Yaohua, the interior view of Jade Light and
Chenghui Gaoming, the interior view of Lingming Cave with round light
Picture, golden light pure and empty inner scene picture, divine light supreme
virtual clear inner scene picture, Dingguang Qingceng Jade
Light knotted inner scenes, etc. Most of these talismans organically integrate
talismans and internal refining methods.
Quite distinctive. Such as the jade light and clear interior scene, it not only
contains the thoughts of immortality, but also has the symbolism.
How to use the curse. He said: "On every thirteenth day and night, a scholar
should fast and sit quietly to save his life.
On the top of Kunlun, look at the moonlight, recite the mantra thirty-six times,
knock your teeth and swallow your fluids thirty-six times each.
Obey the talisman and retreat after a long time "①
In addition, Qingwei Sect has a five-yuan guarantee
Shengfu, Guanmaitong Kaifu, Xianzi
Talisman, shield character, fortune-telling talisman, psychic
talisman, calamity-resolving talisman, harmonious talisman, and truth-clearing
talisman, food talisman, qi talisman, Ming Xing
Talismans, eye-clearing talismans, etc., Beidi sect has An
Soul Talisman, Soul-Suppressing Talisman, Shangyuan Talisman, Middle
Yuan Fu, Xia Yuan Fu, Lion Fu, Qing
Dragon Talisman, White Tiger Talisman, Suzaku Talisman, Xuan Talisman
Martial Talisman, Tongmu Talisman, Canopy Talisman, Nine

Jade light and clear interior view of Gaoming

The Jade Book of the Authentic Gaoben Interior of the Supreme Three Heavens Jade

Yuan Sha Tong Fu, Wu Dingdu Si Fu, Gao

Diao Bei Weng Talisman, Seven Governments and Eight Spirits Talisman, Taishang
Hao Feng Talisman, Changlu Giant Beast Talisman, Mighty Sword Divine King
Talisman, devil-eating ghost talisman, four-eyed old man talisman, Tianding
Hercules talisman, guard me nine-fold talisman, ward off
Corpse Thousand Miles Talisman, Remove Unlucky Talisman, Yan Emperor Fierce
Blood Talisman, Tianyou Destruction Talisman, Four Ming Broken Bones Talisman
Talismans, etc., are all human body talismans used for spiritual cultivation.
The art of Taoist talismans is widely used in the fields of human body
cultivation and life.

The Authentic Jade Book of Gao Ben's Interior Scene in the Supreme Three Heavens
Jade Hall, Volume 1, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 4, Page 127.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ ⑥


The human tranquility method of Lu includes the internal cultivation method of

swallowing the talismans, the protective method of wearing the talismans, and
There are methods for sensing spirits summoned by calligraphy talismans, as well
as talisman water methods for transforming talismans into curing diseases. The
contents are quite rich and theoretical.
On its own system, it is indeed a cultural field worthy of in-depth study.
because it involves
When it comes to traditional Chinese health preservation, qigong, alchemy,
medicine, pharmacy, psychology and
Taoist theology, folk beliefs, local customs and other aspects. Once you untie
the button, you can see
many problems.
5. A little bit of spiritual light turns into a true talisman—

symbol structure

Regarding the structure of talismans, there is a progression from rough to

subtle, from random to organized.
development process. Needless to say, early Taoist symbols clearly lacked
standards and organization.
Coupled with the feebleness of the theory, it can hardly be called "study". But
after the Song and Yuan Dynasties,
A fundamental change has taken place, adopting the theory of vitality of Chinese
philosophy and the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.
The science of life and life serves as its theoretical basis, thus making up for
the fatal weakness of the art of talismans.
At the same time, we attach great importance to the standardization of talismans
and pay attention to the orderliness and organization of the structure of
transformation, thus making the talismans rise from a kind of magic to a theory,
which is what we call today
From the overall structure point of view, each talisman can generally be divided
into three parts, namely
Talisman head, foot and abdomen. The so-called "talisman head" refers to the
upper part of the talisman, which is like a
personal head. "
Talisman foot" refers to the lower part of the talisman, like a person's foot.
This is
For those with upper and lower structures. If it is a symbol with a left-right
structure, the left is the symbol head and the right is the symbol.
foot. "
The "talisman belly" refers to the part that contains the talisman's orifice and
gallbladder. This is the soul of the talisman.
The most important thing is where the strength lies. The combination of the
head, foot and belly of the talisman becomes a
A complete talisman.
Futou is sometimes also called "
Talisman holder". The Talisman heads used by each Taoist sect are different. For
The wind, clouds and thunder used in the secret method of Thunder and Fire Zhang
envoy passed down by Shenxiao Sect.
Pray for rain, pray for thunder, pray for snow, pray for sunshine, scatter
clouds, stop wind, destroy temples, kill ghosts, drive away plague,

This person also covers the number of trips/—

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The talismans for driving away locusts, fighting fires, and cutting rainbows all
have the character "Rain" as their heads; their five thunder prayers
There are fifty Mulang rain-praying talismans and Mulang-evil-fighting talismans
used in the talisman, all of which are marked with "Tai Shang".
For the head. Another example is the Nine Prisons collected by the Jingming
Sect's "Shangqing Tianshu Yuan Hui Che Bidao Zhengfa"
Talisman, thunder male talisman, fire bell talisman, Dingjia talisman, seven-
yuan talisman, Santai talisman, black killing talisman, five
The Yue Talisman, the Tiangang Talisman, the Ancan Talisman, and the Zhenzhai
Talisman all have three star diagrams as their heads. These
They are all symbols of upper and lower structure. The left and right structure
of the talisman is like the Sanwu mixed structure taught by the Shenxiao sect.
The thirty-six talismans used by the Hedu Heavenly Thunder Method to govern
heavenly affairs, manage geography, and regulate human affairs.
The forty-three general talismans and the twenty-one spiritual treasure
talismans used in "Purple Book Dafa" are all based on
The character "Ghost" is the symbol head. There are too many other characters to
describe them.
Let’s talk about the foot of the talisman. For example, Zhu Meijing of Qingcheng
in the Northern Song Dynasty passed down the emperor’s orb five thunder prayer
For the talisman used in , the upper part of the character "Yu" is the character
head, and the lower part of the character "光", "泳",
"Li", "Dan", "Yan", "Zhao"...etc. are the foot of the talisman. Taoism refers to
the divine power.
Strength and weakness all depend on the final move, so when writing the talisman
foot, you must concentrate on making decisive decisions.
The pictures and texts on the foot of the talisman also vary greatly depending
on the function of the talisman.
Each path has a belly, just like human internal organs. Generally speaking, Fu
Mainly Fuqiao and Fudan. The so-called "qiao" refers to "xuanqiao" and
In terms of "key points". Taoism believes that heaven and man are one, and
talismans have the same origin. Whether the talisman is effective or not,
The key is whether there is a talisman or not. "Preface to the Supreme Heart
Dharma" says: "Mostly talismans, seals, mantras,
The secret is a literary ritual passed down from generation to generation, and
it is the precious teaching of the Supreme Being. However, the most important
skill does not come from one skill.
It is the key to the human body. If the sky has an orifice, it will encourage
all things; if the earth has an orifice, the rivers and seas will return.
The source, the square and the circle follow the utensil, and if the human body
has an orifice, the spirit will move and remain still. "The Mysterious Book of
Chaos" also says:
"The great creation of heaven and earth is always in one orifice. If people can
know this orifice, all methods can be understood. One orifice
Communicating spirits can travel thousands of miles, ascend to heaven and earth,
and drive away gods and ghosts. Collect it as fetal breath and use it as an
orifice, Tao
There is something truly wonderful about the Dharma. There is a reason for the
deep connection between the disciples, and when they learn that Tianran laughs
foolishly. A little talisman
Lecture notes from Chief Professor Fu Mouxue

\ ⑻


It is originally a spirit, and the wonderful function of the orifice is the

complete essence "①
Various talisman orifices may be pictures and texts, some may be sacred, some
may appear in real writing, or some may appear in virtual writing.
Hidden truth, rich in form and changeable. The so-called "real book" refers to
the calligraphy written in ink and ink on the
In the talisman, there is a tangible talisman orifice. "
"Xu Shu" refers to writing with fingers, eyes, tip of tongue, and mind.
Nian waits to cast spells on the talisman, in the water, in the void, or on the
body. Because it does not use ink, it is invisible.
There is no image, and ordinary people cannot see it like Xiao, so it is called
the invisible talisman.
As mentioned earlier, the talismans contained in the Five Thunder Prayer Method
of the Emperor's Orb are in the talismans.
Draw another circle between the head and the foot of the talisman, and imagine
that a god enters the circle.
"beating people" represents the god's "
"Secret taboo", this is the Fuqiao. In "Gaoshang Jingxiao Three
There are twelve talismans in "Wu Mixing Du Tian Da Lei Lang Shu", and it is
pointed out that they have different works.
After the talisman is completed, use the order of Taiyi, the ten gods of
Jingxiao, to write the spell, and the next person will be named on the talisman.
On it, add the word "qiao" to describe the meaning, and then "paint it with
Yuanshi Tianzun's urging wind and thunder hidden seal".

Therefore, these talismans are often smeared with thick ink in the end, making
it difficult for people to see their original appearance.
What is said above are all talismans in tangible form.
The talisman of the virtual book is invisible and imageless. The Xin Tianjun
Talisman recorded in Volume 6 of "Fa Hai's Relics"
The fire clouds and blazes of the Leicheng City of Xunda are preserved, and the
omens and eyes are filled with empty books.
The word "Emperor's edict" means
Fly into the Thunder City.
"What is said here"
"Zhao Mu Xu Shu" means concentrating your eyes and thinking
Bookmarks. Another Jade Emperor gave Xin Jun a symbol and said: "
Breathing in the gallbladder palace of the blue-grey man, and Zujia
Mix in the middle dantian. Use your left eye to write one'
The word "ling" is written in the right eye with "一"
word, tongue book one'
The word "Fei" contains three characters of green, red and white in the sky. use
The nose leads the mouth to the place where it is sucked and swallowed. The five
elements are interdependent and then restrain each other. They restrain each
other until they reach the center and breathe out.
The three words "Ji Ba" rushed up to the heavenly gate, and the heavenly gate
cracked open. I wanted to see the Jade Emperor and prayed, so I remained silent.
Play, recite three characters three times, and finally see a real person holding
a gold medal with three characters on it, suck it out

① See Volume 19 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan" (

"Tao Zang" Volume 29, pages 484 and 485.
② See "
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 16, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 469.

Luo people sandbags people years / 2^! Xiang Shenxiao’s most evolution and

The trumpet is blown into the talisman. ”① That is to say, using your eyes and
tongue in the void (i.e.
Imagination) calligraphy and painting talismans, and then imagine the gods
descending into reality, combining with the invisible talisman orifices, and
entering into something.
In the talisman of form.
Using your eyes to write the talisman orifice can also be called "muzhuan".
"Lingbao Jade Mirror" Volume 8
General Zai Yuqing summoned Wan Ling Fu and said: "
The teacher stood still and kept his seal for three days in the air.
The three characters "Xian Zhen Lei" are clearly defined, leading back to the
middle palace with the nose, which are blue, yellow and white.
The inside and outside are mixed into one, reaching the lower Dantian and the
upper Touniwan, turning into a baby. ”② The seal is not
It can only be written in the air or on paper. It can also be written on the
palms of the hands, soles of the feet, navel, Dantian, etc.
parts, and even on all kinds of utensils. "Fahai's Relics" Volume 8: Battle of
the Electrical Techniques
Said: "The book with empty eyes contains the word 'in the center of the right
The word "Hang" is written on the heart of the left hand, with both hands
touching each other.
The Hemo Ling is extremely hot, and there is a ball of golden light in the palm
of your hand. ”③
In addition, you can also use your fingers to make virtual drawings. The
thunder-summoning formula contained in Volume 8 of "Fa Hai's Relics" says:
"The teacher often adds Xu every month to see where the Tiangang is. Looking in
the direction, think of a Big Dipper. Use it next time
Sword tactics, written to Doukou'
The word "蚪" flashes in memory, and I think there is a golden light in the
Dantian, which will automatically
The eyebrows burst out and shoot directly in the direction, breathing this word
in anger, and using the sword to introduce the talisman "④ Use your hand here
The word "蚪" in the Xushu refers to the orifice of the Thunder Summoning
Talisman. But ultimately, regardless of
It’s all about moving your eyes and hands, and it’s all human thoughts that play
a decisive role—

God's function. because

Therefore, the vitality of heaven and earth and the human body can be
transformed into orifices and inserted into talismans. The talismans are all
made of spirit.
Light is fundamental.
The so-called "spiritual light" refers to the soul and essence that are realized
during the practice of meditation. when
After you have the aura to connect with gods and spirits, you can also use
talismans, ink and other external forms.
Nothing, it doesn't matter anymore. As stated in "The Hub of Qingwei Dao Dharma
and the Preface of Dharma": "Don't ask the spirit.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 26, pages 757 and 758.
② See page 192 of Volume 10 of "Tao Zang".
③ See "Tao Zang", volume 26, page 767.
④ See page 766 of Volume 26 of "Tao Zang".
Taoist Talisman Tea Science Lecture Notes


Funny) | 399

If it doesn’t work, don’t ask whether it has been tested or not. The letter will
be swept away, don't think about it. The Taoist is extremely enlightened
True, the changes in the Dharma are subtle. The Tao helps people because of the
Dharma, and when people understand the Tao because of the Dharma, they change
Infinite. You should know that the Dharma is originally empty, and its nature is
pure and clear. If you can understand all Dharmas with one mind, then all
Dharmas will
All in one mind. Return to all dharmas and illuminate one mind, then one mind
will be fixed on all dharmas, like this
You should know that it is the body of Dharma, and Dharma is the use of Tao." "
"The Hub of Taoism" also said: "The painting of symbols is not
If you know something, it will make ghosts and gods laugh. If you know how to
draw the talisman, you will be shocked and make ghosts and gods scream. Those
who practice today will not
The source of understanding the Tao and Dharma is mistakenly thought to be a
talisman orifice acting on paper. Little did they know that this orifice was
The aperture, where heaven and earth are combined, is called the Shenxiang
point, and there is Kanlijing inside. Ask for it in your body,
Don't ask him for help." He also said: "
Talisman, the true faith of heaven and earth. Everyone pretends to be Zhu Mo
Paper and pen, I only say that a little spiritual light reaches the sky and the
earth, and is the residence of the spirit. What is it but a talisman? Can
The void can be water and fire, rubble, vegetation, food or drink, it can be
present, it can be absent, it can be
Tong, changeable, this is called Tao method. Master said: The talisman is the
combination of yin and yang. Only the world
The most sincere person can use it, but if it is not sincere, it will naturally
not work. Therefore, it is said that with my essence, I can unite the sky
The essence of all things on earth; with my god, I unite with the god of heaven,
earth and all things.
Yes, so the fake size of paper summons the ghosts and gods, and the ghosts and
gods have to say "①The talisman orifice is
The soul of a talisman, a talisman without a talisman orifice is like a piece of
waste paper. This principle makes sense.
There is also a theory of "Fu Dan" in modern Taiwanese Taoism. According to "The
Complete Book of Talismans and Divine Curses"
What he said: "It is not difficult to write a spiritual talisman. Anyone can do
it at a glance. However, drawing a good spiritual talisman is difficult.
Does it really have divine power? There is an indispensable symbol in the

Fu Dan, no

With it, no matter how you draw or recite the mantra, all you will draw is
nothing but empty space.
The talisman has no effect at all.
"It turns out that fu gallbladder is like a person's gallbladder.
If you are not brave enough, your talisman will have neither courage nor power,
and it will be difficult for you to exert your divine power. In every talisman,
there must be
The talisman must be painted on. Investigating its origin, this type of talisman
actually evolved from the talisman orifice. They
Its function is similar to that of Fu Qiao. There are more than 80 kinds of
talismans commonly found in Taoist sects in Taiwan.

Volume 1 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 28 of "Tao Zang", pages 673 and 674.
400 I Logic





The History and Thoughts of Daozhao Shenxiao Sect

Let’s give two examples to see their appearance.

Gang: This is the "four righteous and fair talismans". There are ten strokes in
total, representing A, B, C,
The ten heavenly stems are Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren and Gui. You need to
recite the mantra silently while painting:
"Open the gate of heaven, kill the ghosts on the way, open the underworld, split
the way of people, kill the ghosts, and break the ghosts' belly." This is
The most widely used talisman.
: This is the "Twenty-eight Nights Talisman". There are twenty-eight strokes in
total, which means two
Eighteen constellations. While painting, he recited a mantra: "The horns are
strong and the heart is at the end of the room, and the bullfighting girl is
empty and threatening the walls of the room.
Kui Lou's stomach is full of Pleiades and Bi Changshen, and the well's ghosts
and willow stars are Zhang Yizhen'
The talisman head, talisman foot, talisman belly, talisman orifice, talisman
gall, etc. form a series of
Talisman, which contains the secret words and taboos of the main god, such as
Tianzun, Laojun, Xuannv,
Thunder God, Star Lord, Five Emperors, Marshal, General, Heavenly Master, Real
Person, Spiritual Immortal, etc. In the Ming Dynasty
On some Qing talismans, there are three hooks on the head of the talisman, which
represents the three pure gods of Taoism.

Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and Daode Tianzun. If these three ticks are
written in "Edict"

"Ling" or the name of the god represents the city god, the land and the
ancestor. In this way, it constitutes
A complete talisman.
6. Dispersion, aggregation and brushwork
On the surface, calligraphy and seal writing seem simple, but in reality they
are complex. Because everything is complicated
Each large talisman has several characters and various patterns, and the
talisman shapes are combined according to a certain procedure. exist
In actual operation, the symbol needs to be divided into several parts for easy
writing. This decomposition is called
Make a "scattered shape". Each form is equipped with different spells and
instructions when writing.
Sometimes it is necessary to think, spread the spirit, and change the spirit,
which must be performed accurately and continuously in sequence, and then
Aggregate into symbols. When writing, the scattered shapes can be spread out on
the same plane, so when writing,
The origin of the strokes can still be seen later; but there are also many
inscriptions written in layers on the same plane.
In other words, after the talisman is completed, it is difficult to see the
scattered appearance.
When the scattered shapes of various characters, patterns, and lines are
organically combined together, they become
Taoist Talisman Gengology Lecture Notes



When it is a Taoist talisman, it is called "Ju Shape". From scattered form to

gathered form, it is like several
Herbal elixirs are carefully blended by doctors, and each dose is the same. The
entire book
The process of drawing symbols is called "brushwork". "Chenzhou Talisman
Encyclopedia" says: "Shu Talisman
Just like the writing of seal script, bells and tripods, the sequence of strokes
has certain ups and downs, so it should not be rushed.
Engage in it, otherwise it will fail. The so-called talisman is not something
that can be done arbitrarily.
There are words. "I am not aware of the ancient secret texts in these places."
The main purpose is to study the order of his writing methods. However, the
order of writing is extremely complex and unusual.
It is not easy for people in the Tao to get clues for a while. It can be seen
that understanding the writing style of calligraphy is a matter of studying
The important content of studying Talismanology. Here we introduce the writing
method of Sanguang Zhengwan Talisman to see the process of writing the Talisman.
Preface 0
The Sanguang Talisman was passed down by the Tianxin Sect and was listed as the
first of the Tianxin Talisman Techniques and was highly regarded.
The so-called "three lights" refer to the light and spiritual energy of the sun,
moon, and Beidou (Tiangang).
The Tianxin Sect claims that by infusing the body and mind with righteousness
from these three lights, it can drive away evil spirits and cure diseases, and
lead to eternal life.
In this world, if you can achieve success in cultivation, "If you can ask for
the fruit of the three lights, you will not be lazy for a long time, and you
will be successful in a thousand days."
Enjoy the color, strengthen the body and lighten the body, avoid all kinds of
diseases, if you don't tire of it all your life, gradually enter the immortal
state, and have great power.
It’s hard to describe”①. The talisman drawn with this extraordinary function is
the three-light righteousness talisman.
When writing talismans, you must first abide by the seven precepts and five
taboos, avoid forbidden days, and choose auspicious days.
And prepare offerings to the gods, pens, inks, papers, etc., take a shower,
purify yourself, and enter the altar to cast spells.

(1) First, calm down, gather your energy, and imagine the majesty of the Dharma
altar, filling the sky and the earth.
Light up the thunder and fire, burning all over your body; then "
Become a god”—

imagine yourself

He became a heavenly master with a red bird on his head, a Bagua spirit turtle
under his feet, and a green turtle on his left side.
There is a dragon, a white tiger on the right, and a boy in green holding a seal
and a flag on the left and right sides.
In front are the Zhifu priests holding swords and halberds, and in the back are
tigers and soldiers arrayed; Zaicunxiang Dushi
In front, the Patriarch is behind, leading Marshal Tianpeng and thirty-six
generals to guard the altar. Ran

① See "
"Shangqing Tianxin Zhengfa" Volume 1, "Tao Zang" No. 1. Volume 609.



^ Corpse


^ The history and thoughts of Zaishen#pai

Afterwards, the mage silently played God, respectfully invited the gods summoned
in the talisman to come, formed seals with his hands, and prepared
Summon the gods into the altar.

(2) Concentrate your mind and clear your mind, recite the God-Gathering Mantra:
"Liujia Yangshen, come and serve me on the left, serve you."
Wei Shufu. Liuding Yin Shen, come and serve me on your right, guarding the
talisman. Sizhi Gongcao, come and serve me
In front of me, the guards wrote talismans, as urgent as laws and orders. "After
the curse is over, imagine that gods from all walks of life have responded to
the call.
Come and gather at the altar.

(3) The mage's eyes widened and he stared angrily at the lamp containing
cinnabar. chant mantra
Saying: "The yang essence is shining brightly, the yin ghosts are declining, the
spirit is great, the vitality dew is too weak, and the seven diseases turn into
When the Five Sus become a platform, all evils will be destroyed and all ghosts
will be destroyed. Urgent like a law, "After the curse is over, the sky will be
The solemnity of Gang is blown into the cinnabar cup. Then take the cinnabar and
smoke it over incense.

(4) Holding the brush in hand, burning the incense, imagining that the brush
turns into a magic sword, sharp and powerful.
Yi, radiates sword energy and divine light. That is to say, recite the imperial
mantra: "
The sun will shine, and the ghosts will fade away.
The divine red is dazzling, the nine clouds are too faint, what I have done now
will destroy all ghosts, seven hernias will turn into fire, three points will
Form a platform, two stars shine together, the talisman reaches the speed of
pursuit, the pen is the divine sword, the ink is the halberd, the pen is the
rule of law
Disease, thousands of ghosts are hiding. Urgently, like a law or order, "After
the curse is finished, it absorbs the light from the sky and blows it into the

(5) Hold the ink on the incense and recite the incantation: "
The divine ink is spirited, the true essence in the moon,
The talisman bans ghosts, extinguishes evil spirits, swallows patients, and
ensures peace forever. Urgency is like a law. "
After finishing the mantra, take the light of Tiangang and blow the ink on it.

(6) Write again and burn it with incense. Recite the mantra: "The pen is a sharp
knife, and the ink is
For hundreds of medicines, evil spirits are eliminated, hundreds of charms are
destroyed, magical pens are full of energy, calligraphy talismans dispatch
spirits, and officials are summoned.
When he arrives, he calls the officials to go about their business, pointing out
the life of people and the destruction of ghosts and ghosts. Under Fuwu Kuigang,
he entered the world
"Zhang, no movement, no action, as anxious as the law", "
The divine ink is spirited, changing death and giving life, a magical pen
Kai, all ghosts will disappear. Hurry as God’s command.”

(7) Use the left hand to form the "fighting formula" -

Hold the middle finger, ring finger and little finger firmly

Make a fist by pressing it with your thumb, straighten your index finger, and
it's done; hold the inkstone in your right hand and pour it on the incense
smoke. Recite the mantra: "The four bright lights are bright, the heaven and the
earth are normal, the three-light divine water can ward off bad luck, and the
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

, group



The star guards the town, the seven spirits are illuminated, the calligraphy
talisman evil ghosts are lurking at Wu Kuigang, the evil ghosts are lurking, and
everything is mixed.
Kang, Taishang Laojun, teach me how to evil ghosts, and communicate with my
gods. I call the jade girl up to collect the ominous things.
Ascend to the Immortal Deed and wear the seal. Hurry as God commanded. "
(8) Left-hand transformation, knot "
Purple Micro Seal”—

The little finger crosses the back of the four fingers and the big finger

Hook each other, pinch the third section of the four fingers; pinch the
horizontal lines of the palm with the middle finger, straighten the second and
fourth fingers,
Serve. Holding ink in his right hand, he imagined that he would become a
heavenly master. First turn left and grind the ink forty-two turns,
The symbol gathers the spiritual energy of the twelve celestial bodies, the
twenty-eight constellations, the sun and the moon; then turns right to rub the
The seventh turn represents the light fruit converging with the Big Dipper.
Grind the ink on the left and right sides of the above, twice each.
Then absorb the light of Tiangang and blow it into the inkstone.
(9) Spend time with pen and incense, reciting the mantra of the Emperor of
Heaven: "The Emperor of Heaven releases the chapter, wear it"
Tiangang, the evil ghosts from the five directions, why don't they perish? When
the flying light is sucked in, all ghosts hide in it, Tiangang
The great sage has a murderous heart. Urgency is like a law. "After the curse is
completed, absorb the Tiangang light world and blow it into the pen
(1 0) The left hand is in the form of a complex knot, and the right hand is
holding a pen and ink, concentrating energy and concentration.
On the paper, the calligraphy symbols were quickly cut and completed in one go.
The talisman gathers into shape, and then chants the mantra: "
Complain to Tiangang
The Great Sage, the Lord of the Big Dipper, the Lord of the Sun and the Sun, the
Lord of the Taiyin and the Moon, destroy the evil and destroy the traces.
Shape, the devil is afraid, timid and heartbroken, saves the suffering of the
people, bestows great power, cures diseases and removes disasters,
Return to death and return to life, the heavenly talismans are everywhere, the
demons will be eradicated forever, the true heat will come, and the holy power
will be followed. Urgently
As God decrees. "After the incantation, inhale the three rays of light, blow
into the cloth talisman, and imagine the talisman god
The light is dazzling, the spirit is truly heroic and majestic, and it has the
power to ward off all evils, including diseases and evil spirits.
(1 1) The left hand is still in the Dou Jue, the right hand is holding the
talisman, facing the sun, reciting the mantra: "Sunrise
In the east, Chia is dignified, someone (referring to the patient) serves the
talisman, the talisman guards the four directions, and the person with the
divine talisman
Abdomen, search the stomach and cleanse the intestines, all diseases will be
cured, the bones will be strong and strong, thousands of ghosts and gods, no one
dares to take the place,
Knowing the talisman is God, knowing it is true. Urgency is like a law or order.
(1 2) Give the drawn talisman to the seeker. When handing it over, recite the
talisman: "
Yuan Henry Zhen, all evil will not lead to righteousness. Feng Boyu Master,
Sizhi Gongcao, Five Thunder Messenger, Trustee


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Fu Fongxing, three meritorious officers and three envoys, follow my magic

talisman to manage affairs with me, Zhuo Jianxiang
treat. Urgency is like a law.
(13) After the talisman has been handed over, the mage still needs to send
generals to hold the talisman, imagining that the gods will go with the

Treat people's illnesses. The mage's hands formed "

"Thunder Bureau" -

Pinch the palm with the second and third fingers of the left hand

For the heart, press the second and third fingers with your thumb to pinch Ziwen
(the root of the fourth finger), press the fourth and fifth fingers with your
thumb to pinch the palm.
Heart, hold it tightly, this is Lei, or Yang Lei; pinch the palm with the two or
three fingers of the right hand, and press it with the big finger.
Use the second and third fingers to pinch the Haiwen (the root of the fifth
finger), and the fourth and fifth fingers to press the thumb to pinch the palm.
This symbolizes
Ting, also known as Yin thunder. Absorb the righteous energy from the East and
send it out with your hands. And recite the general dispatching talisman:
The thunder in the sky is faint, the dragon and the tiger are crossing each
other, the sun and the moon are arrayed, they shine on me clearly, today's merit
is great, the master
Holding the officials and soldiers, holding the talisman and marching. Urgent as
a rule "①
Look, it looks like a simple three-light righteousness talisman.
The process of drawing a book is so laborious. This is probably because
It is unimaginable to ordinary people. It should be noted that this
More than a dozen processes are just a formality when drawing the talisman.
There are many tricks besides cutscenes. For example, you must be familiar with
Learn about the functions of Zhongzhijue and Yubu, and understand all kinds of
gods and truths.
The name, image, and functions are as contemplated in this law,
The summoned Celestial Master, Tianpeng, Beidou, Gong Cao, and Ding Jia


All gods must be remembered one by one, otherwise the truths will not descend.
The talisman also has its appearance and has no effect. Of course I'm drawing

Three Lights Lucky Talisman

(Painting by Li Yuanguo)

It is just a single stroke, and it is difficult for outsiders to know its

In Taoism, people use talismans to summon gods and control ghosts, which seems
to be a mysterious talk. But its talisman holds a curse
The method is closely related to traditional Chinese internal practice, Qigong
therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, and folk medicine.
Therapy, psychotherapy, faith healing, etc. are closely related. In fact, the
function of the talisman is mainly

"Shangqing Tianxin Zhengfa" Volume 3, "Tao Zang" Volume 10, pages 615 and 6 1 6.
Lecture Notes on Taoist Talisman and Seal Script


| 405

The key is to calm people's fears and provide them with some kind of spiritual
support and treatment. because
Because there is an incredible power hidden in the human body, that is,

Thought energy. As long as we can properly develop and utilize this power of
thought, we will often

An unexpected miracle occurs. The ancient talisman technique is very important

for developing potential functions and adding
The power of self-strengthening has very amazing results. This is why the art of
spells has been popular for thousands of years.
And the inner reason that is not destroyed.

Section 3 The function and principle of talismans

The symbolic meaning and function of talismans are very complex, but in the
final analysis they are based on
Operations evolve based on people. Master Zhang Yuchu pointed out: “
His Majesty’s Sutra Collection,
If the Ancestral Heavenly Master received it, it would be the Weidu Gong of the
Alliance; if it was received by Ge Xianweng, it would be the Four Immortals of
the Central Alliance; if it was received by Mao Zhenjun,
If you receive it, you will find a large clear hole and many other talismans.
This will bring prosperity to the country and the people, and protect your
family and yourself.
Therefore, those who have worshiped and converted in the past dynasties have all
received the inspiration. They prayed and kowtowed, and there were strange
symptoms. His Majesty
If you test the teachings, you can believe it or not make false accusations. "
① In other words, the first function of the talisman is to pray
To bring good fortune and bring peace to the country, this is its function in
society -

Blessing the country and the people;

First, it is used to exorcise evil spirits, cure diseases, and achieve spiritual
enlightenment, which is its function on individuals -

Ning family protects itself. The fusion of these two functions makes the
talisman a very important

Keepsake. It is through the unique cultural carrier of talismans that the Taoism
is communicated

The connection between Taoist believers and Taoism connects Taoist priests,
believers and history, culture and faith.
connections with religion, society, and the environment, thereby promoting
Taoism and its followers to the entire world
recognition and participation. This is the basic function and cultural element
of Taoist talismans.

See "Ten Rules of Taoism"

"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2, page 148.

Ji Ruan or Mei)

The evolution and thought of Taoist Shen Xiaolang

1. The talisman is the evidence of taking refuge in the right path.

For Taoist priests and believers, talismans are first of all evidence of their
conversion to the right path. Pass
Through the teaching of talismans, in the extremely solemn ceremony of imparting
talismans, Taoists recognized
Taoist history, culture, and beliefs, and personally participated in Taoist
religious life, so that
First, the Tao lineage has been passed down from generation to generation for
thousands of years, and the talismans in it have a link between the previous and
the next.
The role is very important.
Talisman is a necessary token for believers to transform themselves from mortals
to saints. Anyone who takes refuge in Taoism must first
You must take the oath of alliance and receive the talisman. Generally speaking,
first receive the amulet from the teacher,
Observe the three and five precepts of Taoism, which are taking refuge in the
Tao, taking refuge in the scriptures, and taking refuge in the teacher; abstain
from killing,
Abstain from stealing, abstaining from sexual immorality, abstaining from
licentiousness, and abstaining from drinking. Then the teachings are given. Its
importance is just like that of "Dong"
"Xuan Ling Bao Lessons on Fa" says: "瓓, restrain one's temperament, stop
wrongdoing, and restrain evil
Roots, the generation of Taoism, start from mortals and saints. From the
beginning to the end, they first start with the precepts and then reach the true
Husband, there are two things in mind, and there is no lack of understanding
between the two things. Lu also said, "The wonderful energy of the three days,
the gods of the ten directions"
The title of Immortal Spirit Official is used to practice with those who follow
the Tao. ”①
Strictly speaking, talismans and urns are two different categories. The urn is
called "the sutra"
"Fa Lu", "Bao Lu", its content is richer and more complex than Fu, and its
meaning is deeper.
Oh, most of the fonts used are such as "ancient inscriptions on birds, seal
scripts and official scripts", and sometimes they are also accompanied by
Picture, so it can also be called "瓓 Fu". Taoism believes that the dharma urn
records the merits and achievements of the heavenly officials.
Fang Shenzhen's name attributes, whether he cultivates his body, saves his life,
or summons the gods to channel spirits, he must use the Dharma pot.
"Zhengyi Cultivation Brief Instrument" says: "Lu is also recorded, the
cultivator is the god's room Ming Zheng, but he takes pictures of the sky.
The earth spirit can control demons and ghosts, and according to its
achievements, it can be ranked among the immortals, there are no human beings,
and it can live forever.
The world is in harmony with Dao Xuan, so it can save people from death and save
living beings, which is a huge merit and virtue.
It is important to cultivate and enshrine the three-hole scriptures and gold
books and treasures. The urn, the true spirit of the supreme god

① See "
"Tao Cai" Volume 3 2, Page 22 9.
Taoist Talismanology Lectures D



Wen, the secret words of the saints of the nine heavens, will impeach the
officials of the three realms, control Yuan Yuan, and control the masses.
Taste, appraise one’s sins and blessings, examine merits and demerits, record
the importance of good and evil, record them in simple books, and compile and
declare them
Wen, after reading the spiritual map, deduced the nine hundred and six heavenly
tribulations of Yang, and issued an edict to all the spirits of heaven and
Follow the merits and serve, distinguish the immortals, the officials, hundreds
of millions of soldiers, and tens of thousands of cavalry, the immortal boys and
girls are listed as the masters of their duties.
Whatever happens, the number of people who are encouraged to serve will be dealt
with, and the catastrophe will not be punished. All the true saints from the ten
directions will report to each other.
Husband Talisman
Teachers, make alliances and receive teachings, follow the commonplace and
practice the truth, forever maintain the way of life, and gradually become at
the extreme", "
The treasure basket comes from nature, so at the beginning of the catastrophe in
the Yuan Dynasty, in the confusion, flying mysterious stars formed in the sky.
Miaoqi, the seal of Chenglong Seal, is the spirit of the Yuanshi God that
responds to the Qi. It is because of the birth of heaven

The earth, its myriad transformations, and its clear distinctions are all due to
Tao Qi and spiritual texts."

Taishang Zhengyihe Picture Life-Saving Basket (
"Tai Shang San Wu Zheng Yi Alliance Wei Lu" Volume 4)

Taoism regards the Dharma urn as the treasure of Taoism, which is called the
innocent spiritual script and the red Zhangyun seal script.
②. Therefore, it will never be taught lightly, and its teaching has
Keeping the truth will always be a treasure of the body, so it is called a
treasure basket."
A strict set of rules. The general situation is: disciples must first cleanse
themselves and then wear a gold ring
and currency, pay a visit to his master, and swear an oath to cultivate the
truth and never violate the precepts. After that, master and apprentice
He made an alliance with heaven and earth, swore an oath to the three officials,
broke the scroll and divided it into rings, and each held half of it as a
contract to convert to the Tao.
After making an appointment, the master accepted it in a Dharma basket. "Sui Shu
Jing Ji Zhi" says: "The method of receiving Taoism was at the beginning
He received "Five Thousand Wen Ru", then "Three Cave Ruins", then "Dong Xuan
Ru", and next he received "Shang Xuan Ru".

See "Tao Zang" Volume 3 2, page 1 7 5.

See "Zhengyi Cultivation Brief Introduction", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2 Page 1 7 6.

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

"Qing Ru", all of which are plain calligraphy, recording the names of the
officials and subordinates of the various heavens, as well as various talismans.
The mistake lies in it, the article is weird and unknown to the world.
"The whole passing-on ceremony was very solemn.
With a strong sense of mystery. It is in this sacred religious atmosphere that
for everyone
The seeds of inspirational spiritual practice were sown in the heart of a
beginning humane. Because once you are punished, you will
You must abide by the precepts, practice according to the Taoist laws and
precepts, and perfect yourself step by step.
Self, and finally reach the state of becoming a saint.
The objects of teaching the Fa Lu are quite wide. In addition to Taoist priests
of the Taoist family, it can also be passed on to children.
Children, women, citizens, slaves, ethnic minorities, and even many emperors and
generals also accepted
Dharma basket. For example, Emperor Wu of the Northern Wei Dynasty worshiped
Qian as his teacher, "
I prepare the Dharma in person and receive the talisman. since
This is a great Taoist industry. Every emperor who ascends the throne must have
a talisman to tell a story."
Later Zhou Dynasty inherited the Wei Dynasty,
① During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, people worshiped the Dharma urn
Worship the Tao and the Dharma, and every emperor will receive a urn, just like
the old Wei Dynasty."
The letter reached its peak, and many emperors in the past dynasties also gave
it to them. "Three Cave Cultivation Rituals" says: "
Li's leather
In the Sui Dynasty, the Supreme Emperor told him that he had received the
talisman of the order, so he respected his ancestors and enshrined him in the
book, and retired with the country. So get Zhi Tan
Ruidian, four descendants of Luobu, three caves, seven grades from Zhengyi to
Dadongfan, and one hundred urns.
At the twentieth level, there are 2,400 subjects, 1,200 rules, and 1,200
The Four Auxiliary Sutras serve as the gateway from the ordinary to the holy,
and help the country and the body. "

There are many types of Dharma urns. For example, the Zhengyi sect has twenty-
four levels of urns, the Lingbao sect and the upper level urns have
The Qing sect, the Beidi sect, the Three Emperors sect, the Gaoxuan sect, and
the Shengxuan sect all have different kinds of magic urns. important
The ones include Tongzi Jiangjun, Hundred and Fifty Generals, Sanyuan Generals,
and Dutian Jiufeng Pohu.
Urn, Bu Xing Gang Urn, Hundred Ghost Summoning Urn, Kao Zhao Urn, Four Forbidden
Qi Urn, Du Zhang Bi Seal
Urn, East and West Two Forbidden Text Urn, Lingbao Five Talisman Urn, Eight
Views Heavenly Script Urn, Golden Tiger Talisman Urn, God
Tiger Talisman Urn, Erjing Sanben Urn, Lingfei Liujia Urn, Bawei Dragon
Summoning Urn, Jiuzhou Society Order
Urn, Lucky Town Treasure Urn, Big Cave Three Scenery Urn, Red Book True Wen Urn,

① See "Sui Shu·

"Jing Ji Zhi".
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 2, page 166.
Lecture notes on the study of soup after returning to Xiangzhou@


Of course, the Taoist dharma basket is not only a token of refuge from the
righteous path, but also a supplement to the righteous path.
Evil, a tool to help the country and the people. As Zhang Jixian said: "My
family's Dharma basket can be
Move the heaven and earth, the mountains and rivers can be shaken below, the
dragons and tigers can be conquered by the Ming Dynasty, the ghosts and gods can
be captured by the Netherworld, and the power can be
By raising up rotten corpses, one can escape from life and death by cultivating
them; in a big way, one can control a country; in a small way, it can bring
about disasters. ”①
"Zhengyifa Liberal Arts Precepts" also said: The functions of the Falu are very
wide, and it is "the president's heaven".
All the gods and ghosts on earth slay evil spirits, slay goblins, summon spirits
and qi, control mountains and rivers, and purify
The atmosphere is filthy, the chapters are passed down to the post, and you can
reach the gods. ”②
According to Taoist rules, those who obtain the Dharma must wear it at all
times. If there are several methods
If you are wearing a urn, wear the highest level urn, and keep the rest in
sealed boxes and letters. Waiting for engraving
When the person dies, the Dharma vessels at all levels and the Taoist books he
has learned are put into the box together with his clothes.
Burial. Such a strict teaching system has cultivated generations of loyal
believer in karma. For believers, by holding talismans, they first affirm their
Taoist beliefs, secondly participating in Taoist activities, and using Taoist
precepts to restrain themselves
One's own behavior makes it pursue goodness and truth. Because no matter what
kind of talisman, in the final analysis, the purpose is
They are all the same, that is, abandon the false and follow the true, pray for
blessings and nourish life. Just like "Gaoshang Dadong Wenchangsi"
It is said in the volume "Lu Ziyang Baolu": "
By upholding this instrument and practicing according to it, you will be able to
escape from the past.
Resenting grievances can stop the karma of lawsuits, cut off the roots of bad
karma, destroy the root of evil and suffering,...
Eliminate natural disasters at the top, prevent earthly disasters at the bottom,
increase and delay the calculation, cut off the evil spirits, the divinity is
clear and enlightened, and the culture is flourishing.
Hair "③
In addition, talismans are also a way for believers to learn Taoist culture and
identify with Taoist history.
medium. As mentioned before, Taoism says that the talisman comes from Yuanshi
Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, and Taizun.
According to the secrets of Shang Laojun and the ancestors of past generations,
every talisman has its own origin. Rulongzhang
Fengqi seal script was passed down by Lingbao Tianzun, and the Taoist priests of
Lingbao sect used it to prevent disasters and protect the country. Be a master
and apprentice

① See "The Sayings of the Thirty-Generation Celestial Master Xu Jing Zhenjun"

Volume 1, "Tao Zang" Volume 3 2 Page 3 6 9.
② See Tang Zhang Wanfu's "
A Brief Introduction to the Teaching of the Precepts and Dharma of the Three-
hole Sutra" Volume 1, "
Tao Zang) Volume 3 2 Page 185.
③ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 504.
410 1 study




The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

When teaching from generation to generation, the disciple must believe that this
is the sacred faith secretly passed down by the deity and ancestor.
things, and at the same time know its connotation and functions. In this way,
you will naturally become familiar with it.
The history, culture, pantheon, magic, and rituals of Lingbao Sect.
Volume 30 of "Lingbao Wumeiren Renshang Sutra" says: "The destiny of heaven and
earth must be
The writings of Longzhang and Fengzhen are written on Ziluo, and they are placed
on famous mountains. They practice and recite this sutra to avoid it.
Or the stars may be misaligned, and the sun and moon may become dim. When Huang
Suzhu writes the five elders’ red calligraphy and jade characters’ true text,
rest in peace.
Famous mountains, practice and recite this sutra to avoid them. Or if the four
seasons are out of proportion, yin and yang are not adjusted, it will be a blue
The Chapter of the Great Brahma's Zhengyin was practiced and recited in famous
temples and mountains in the area to avoid it. Or if the ruler of the country is
in trouble,
During the war and revolution, Huang Suzhu wrote the Thirty-Two Heavenly
Secrets, wore them with him, and practiced and recited them to ward off
Of. Or if there is an epidemic, and tens of thousands of people are killed or
injured, when the green elixir is written in the thirty-two days, wear it.
Take it with you and practice chanting to avoid it. Or if a mentor or friend has
ordered him to do so, then Huang Suzhu writes that the Great Brahma’s hidden
words are immeasurable.
The sound is burned. Whenever you use it, you should be the Spiritual Treasure
Heavenly Lord, just right in the middle of your finger.
Festival, take the three phases of Tianmen and write them facing south. For
example, if you practice fasting according to the law, keep your thoughts
sincerely, and write
If you recite the talisman, the heavens will remember your name, and all the
gods will be waiting to defend you, and you will be the minister of the Golden
Palace. "① This is the saying
The functions of dragon seal and phoenix seal.
The contents of the dragon seal and phoenix seal are the cryptic words of the
thirty-two heavens, including the eight heavens in the east, the eight heavens
in the south, and the eight heavens in the south.
There are eight days in the west and eight days in the north. The so-called
"taboo" is different from the common saying in the world.
The meaning is difficult to understand. The "Short Meaning of the Hidden Words
of the Great Brahman" in the "Dongxuan Lingbao Sutra" says: "The voice of the
Great Brahma,
It is different from the earth in that it is used and not used, so hidden things
happen. The hermit, the secret is not
Shown on the outside. There are also hidden and obvious aspects in this.
Nowadays, there are two kinds of people who speak in cryptic words. One is
The sound of Sanskrit books is Sanskrit sound, and it depends on the use on the
earth. The sound of the earth appears outside, and the sound of the great Brahma
Hidden in it. Use this thing to cover the Sanskrit sound. The Sanskrit sound is
not used, it is hidden inside, so it is a hidden language.
To make things clear. The two words are now used in the same word, and contain
many meanings. If they are directly related to the same
The meaning of the word is not visible, it is not the solution, and its purpose
is not obvious, so it is hidden in order to make it clear and mysterious.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3, Page 7 7 5.
Lecture Notes on Fushu and Seal Script

\ group


The truth is also profound. There are four types of cryptic words: one is to
conceal names, the other is to conceal taboos, and the third is to conceal
The hidden meanings of the four are also "① The text of dragon seals and
phoenix seals are all gods, demons, and spirits.
The inner name is hidden, so if you chant it, you will get the corresponding
feeling, which can prolong your life and make you fly like a jade.
The hidden words of the heavens are difficult to understand without explanation,
so they are also disclosed in Taoist books. Rudong
Fang Batian's first sentence: "庶娄阿淬, Wushou Avalokitesvara." Zhang Yuchu
explained: "庶
The person has a calm and far-reaching appearance. Lou is the name of the long
building at the foot of Yujing Mountain, which ascends to Xuandu Palace.
Ah, the god of Ana in Xuandu, the supervisor of the tower, Dafancha has been
around for several weeks, then Ana
The big drums of Loudu were played to gather the people, and the emperor was at
the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Hui Zhe, the name of the emperor’s tour,
It is also beautiful and beautiful. Nothingness means too much nothingness. When
words are said to be too nothingness, the truth will naturally arise.
Holy. The person who thinks, the door of the sun and the moon, says that the sun
and the moon in the sky will meet at the door of thinking. observer, perception
Ye..., is taboo for the Emperor of Heaven. The sound is the sound of the eight
characters. Those who can recite it are real people who ride on the golden wheel
Opening the underworld, the jade girl raises the flower flag and wraps the
sword, observing the urn of the long night, and the four truths pull out the
nine secluded places.
Suffering, the Seventh Patriarch is clothed in glory, and the decayed remains
are revived.
Please see, just these eight-character runes contain such rich cultural
By teaching their origins, meanings, and functions, isn’t it a lively and lively
Are there lectures on history and culture? There is no doubt that for most
believers, Talisman
The influence of religious activities such as mantras and rituals is far greater
than the influence of Taoist philosophy on them.
ring. There are many similar examples.
All in all, as a unique cultural carrier of Taoism, talismans are not only the
It is a medium for disciples to learn Taoist culture and identify with Taoist
history, and it is also a medium for them to convert to the right path and
The certificate of truth and spirituality relies on the unique cultural carrier
of talismans to communicate information.
This is an important function of the talisman to connect the disciples with

① See page 520 of Volume 2 of "Tao Zang".

② See "
Volume 4 of "The Comprehensive Meaning of Yuanshi Wumeirenrenshangpinmiaojing",
"Tao Zang" Volume 2, pages 322 and 3 2 3.

A person, a month, a person, a person, a year/ — "The history and thought of the
Shenxiao sect of Taoism

2. Talisman is a tool for blessing the country and the people

"Rebirth", paying great attention to the survival of the people and the
development of society. They
Through various religious activities, he has participated extensively in social
life, among which talismans are
Taoism is an important tool for rescuing people from disasters and bringing
peace and prosperity to the country. Ruan Zhenji and save the country
Zuo, harmonizes yin and yang, prays for rain and sunshine, wards off disasters
and diseases, preserves life and prays for longevity, transcends death and saves
All kinds of rituals and rituals are inseparable from talismans. Talismans have
become an important part of Taoist activities and ancient folk customs.
An indispensable cultural component in people’s lives.
For society or a group, the feudal emperors, officials and ministers of the past
dynasties worked for the imperial road.
If the emperor is prosperous and has a long and peaceful career, he often
invites Taoist priests to hold various rituals. "The Supreme Yellow Ribbon"
Volume 16 of Zhai Li Cheng Yi says: "
Burning incense, practicing the Way, confessing sins and apologizing for
mistakes is called fasting;
If you really come down to the Holy Spirit and ask for favors and blessings,
this is called a Jiao.
” ① Zhai and Jiao are collectively called Taoism.
The general name of the ceremony. Since the Tang Dynasty, Taoism has also called
Dharma gatherings collectively known as Zhaijiao ritual gatherings.
There are many types of Zhaijiao, which are used in different places. According
to Du Guangting, Zhai
There are twenty-seven levels, but the most commonly used one is "
"Three Urns and Seven Products". Three Urns refers to gold urns, jade urns,
The seven grades of Huanglu are Sanhuangzhai, Natural Zhai, Shangqingzhai,
Zhijiaozhai, Tutanzhai and Mingzhai.
Daomen Customization》Volume
Zhenzhai and Sanyuanzhai. Later, the fasting method changed slightly. Elements
of Song and Lu
Sixth: "
Taiyi Zhai, the emperor worships and displays rituals to match the sky; Jiutian
Zhai, protects the country,
Protect against misfortunes; Jinluzhai protects the emperor, brings peace to the
people and governs the country; Yuluzhai protects the six
In the palace, after assisting Concubine Ning, she can serve as the emperor's
residence, or ministers and ministers can pray for the country.
Xiu Feng; Huang Luzhai, universally benefiting the family and the country,
aiding the survival of the country, opening up the seven ancestors, and rescuing
Mengzhenzhai can be used both when the ancestral temple is relocated and when
ministers die; Dongyuanzhai can be used to eliminate epidemics.
Calendar, sweep away evil spirits; Jiuyou Zhai, then the lamp breaks the
darkness, rescue the souls of the dead; Five Refinement Zhai, annihilation
Moving the gods brings peace to the soul and eradicates sins; Zhengyizhai
conveys the gods to the gods, upholds the righteous and eliminates evil. Right

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 9, page 478.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ ⑻


Laws and regulations all have rituals. The remaining seventeen items are
detailed in Guangcheng's "Huanglu Preface"
中》 ①
There are also dozens of kinds of Jiaos, such as Jieluo Xingyun Jiao, Qiyuan
Yansheng Jiao, and Jiulong Jiao to pray for rain.
Jiao, Jiao to pray for rain and snow, Jiao to pray for the Five Emperors to live
in their homes, Jiao to the Northern Yin of Ziting, Jiao to ward off disasters
and benefit from good luck, and Zheng
Yi Chuandu Jiao, Chufu Dingming Jiao, Dongyue Yansheng Jiao, Beiji Zhenwu Jiao,
Wenchang Qilu
Jiao, Jiao to pray for good fortune and protect heirs, Jiao to protect the fetus
in Liujia, Jiao to protect Zhengyi's tomb, Jiao to swear fire to protect against
disasters, Jiu
Youba Sin Jiao, Suiyu Rebirth Jiao, Shenghua Qiandu Jiao, Three Chao Jiao, Five
Chao Jiao, Beiyin
Jiao, Luotian Jiao, Zhoutian Jiao, Putian Jiao, etc. "The Sutra of Zhengyiweiyi"
says: "
those who offer sacrifices,
Pray for the enjoyment of the gods of heaven and earth. There are also many
kinds. All cakes and fruits must be clean, and no dried meat is allowed.
If you are filthy, the Heavenly Official will not bless you.
② Du Guangting also said: "Jiao is another name for sacrifice. Incense.
Flowers, candles, fruit wine, and tea soup descend to heaven and earth, sending
messages to all gods to ward off disasters and pray for blessings, and to
benefit heaven and earth.
Down. The method comes from Hetu Longwen Yuanhua, Emperor Rui's nerves, taking
Juanjie as the first priority, and the spirit
Based on the foundation, be sincere and dedicated, be inspired by hope, follow
the prayers, pay homage to the rhetoric, and refine the regular script.
To be honest, we must be strict and respectful. "

The forms and contents of these fasting rituals are different, and the gods they
invite are also different, but they all
It is necessary to enter the prayer list and chant the talisman. The talisman is
indispensable in all fasting rituals.
Important legal objects. Du Guangting pointed out the great role of talismans in
the Dharma assembly: "
Can suppress talent
Degree, reconcile yin and yang, open the degree to fly freely, protect the
emperor, rescue the weak and help the weak, lead to the secluded world and
achieve enlightenment.
Reconciliation of grievances, but death prolongs life, and the suffering of life
and death cannot be saved. "Therefore, build a house and set up a memorial
ceremony for it."
At this time, it is necessary to "secure the five directions with the true text
and jade characters. After the work of unifying the altar is completed, collect
it and burn it, scattering the ashes"
"In the blue smoke."

From Ning Quanzhen's "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa" Volume 39 to 4 listed "
fasting talisman seal

① See "Tao Zang", Volume 31, Page 712.

② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 18, Page 257.
③ See Volume 6 of "Taomen Customization", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3 1 Page 7 1 4.
④ See Volume 18 of Jin Yunzhong's "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa", Volume 31 of "Tao
Zang", page 4 5 3.

Hong Kong people’s banxigou/ —

Taoism is on the edge of Songxiao, and Sixheng

In "Men", we can see that talismans have a wide range of uses in fasting
rituals. For example, when offering incense, they should be accompanied by ten
The five-way incense talisman is the moral incense talisman, the incense
talisman that transcends the three realms, the talisman for seeking sound and
rescuing suffering, and the talisman for universal salvation.
Incense Talisman for Dead Souls, Incense Talisman for Immeasurable People,
Incense Talisman for Breaking the Nine Hells, Summoning Souls to the Altar, Mu
Bathing incense talisman, clothes-changing incense talisman, spell-casting and
eating incense talisman, soul-receiving and receiving sutra incense talisman,
passing talisman and announcement slip
Incense talisman, ordination incense talisman, refining rebirth incense
talisman, Pudu Dharma bridge incense talisman. "Zhu Xiang Zhang"
Said: "Whenever you are practicing fasting and practicing sincerity with
incense, twisting incense should be the first step. Every time you burn incense,
And there is one talisman master, totaling fifteen talismans. "

When fighting with Bu Gang, fourteen talismans must be used, namely, the Gang
Talisman for summoning the flying gods of the ten directions, and the summoning
The official gang talisman of the refining department, the official gang
talisman of Zhao Ling Baojun, the official gang talisman of Zhao Huang Luyuan,
and the official gang talisman of Zhao Tian
The Demon King Gang Talisman, the Summon Five Emperors Gang Talisman, the Eight
Directions Powerful Gods Gang Talisman, the Corpse Raising Death Gang Talisman,
The earth-controlling talisman, the demon beam-shaped talisman, the ghost-
destroying Shuang talisman, and the demon-binding talisman
Talisman, general sweep ominous Gang Talisman, Shi Dou Li Ji Gang Talisman.
"Gangbu Zhang" says: "Every step
Gang, there is a general in charge of it. You must first burn incense and write
Lingbao on yellow paper to summon the fourteen gangs.
symbol. Whenever he encounters a problem and follows the situation, he will be
burned in the furnace, and his official will be appointed. "

Twenty-four talismans should also be used when playing the music, such as the
talisman to summon all the spirits of the three realms and the messengers of the
three realms.
Talisman, Summoning Six Direct Gongcao Talisman, Summoning Liujia Divine General
Talisman, Summoning Six Ding Yuwen Talisman, etc. "Fa Zou"
Chapter" said: "Any time a large fast is built, it is all based on the official
letter. It is announced first, then it will be destroyed, and the period will be
I am reporting to the emperors of the heavens, the gods of the three realms of
Guanmeng, and all over the world. I should use the talisman to summon the
meritorious gods.
Officials, I have ordered you to spread the word, hoping to synesthesia. "③ Ten
talismans must be used to build the four post courts.
"Four Posts Chapter" says: "Whenever you build a mysterious altar, you should
build four post courts, dedicated to receiving and passing on talismans.
It also resembles the postal pavilion in Yangjian. The so-called four stations
are Jiaolong Station, Jinlong Station and Fenghuo Station.
Yi and Jinma Yi are also. Each post is headed by a god, who looks like a strong
man and holds a yellow flag.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 31, Page 40:,
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 31, Page 4 2.
③ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 31, Page 4 3,
Taoist Talisman Learning Sound and Meaning

\ Hello


When you are waiting for an envoy, you must call him according to the
calligraphy and talismans, and then you can feel the surrender. "① Afterwards,
transform the environment
When calling for light, you need to use six talismans. When calling for light,
you need to use three talismans.
Tang, Anzhen, Zhaozou, Lantern, Breaking the Prison, Huiyao, Supervising
Students, Dirty, Bathing, Crowning
In ceremonies such as bringing up children, conferring ordination, offering
sacrifices, redressing grievances, uprooting the dead, rescuing the suffering,
etc., all must use the same method.
The related talismans must be used according to the rules and regulations,
otherwise the gods will not be able to descend and the fasting ceremony will be
laborious and useless.
spirit. In fact, no matter whether any ritual ceremony is held or various
monasteries are set up, it must be done without
Talisman, Talisman has become the most important symbol of Taoism and Taoism,
and has been recognized by society and
general public approval.
As a Taoist priest, you need to accept various talismans to improve your
Road steps. It can be seen from the "Zhengyiweiyi Jing" that the first-time
human Taoist master should "receive the certificate"
"deed", "time"
The third one is to "enjoy the talisman of immortality",
The fourth time"
Received the order of Jiuzhou Society "Fu Lu", the fifth "
To receive the evil-killing talisman", No.
"Liu Dang"
Enshrine the Nine Palaces to protect the six evil talismans", the seventh one
"enjoy the Nine Heavens Soldier Talisman, the Nine Heavenly Soldiers Talisman
"Innocence Talisman", the Eighth Dang "
Enshrined in the "Chi Guan Yuan Feng Talisman of the Heavenly Spirit", the ninth
one is "
Offer two
Eighteen constellations and seven star talismans", the tenth should be
"entrusted with the seal of the capital and the four forbidden talismans", the
Once "
"Enshrine the Purple Palace Urn", the twelfth day "
"I accept the devil-breaking pottery". All these rules
Concentration, on the one hand, enables Taoists to possess all kinds of
extraordinary and holy spiritual powers, and on the other hand, it ensures that
The sanctity of inheritance. It is recorded in the book that the Supreme Being
said to the Heavenly Master: "Every one hundred and thirty-two principles are
The majestic ceremony was at the end of the Longhan tribulation, in the Sanhua
Bian Palace of the Yuqing Dynasty.
At that time, Yuanshi Tianzun was facing Taishang Daojun, Jiuzhenshi, Yuanshi’s
father-in-law, and Thirty-two Heavenly Masters.
The emperor, the Five Elders, the Supreme God, and the Wuji God King ordered the
five emperors’ jade boy to wear a nine-cloud panorama and display this majesty.
Yi, share it with me. Said: The Master will spread throughout the infinite
worlds of the three realms and ten directions, and all men and women will have
Anyone with a kind heart will pass it on. I have arrived, and after five kalpas
now, I have taught and enlightened people everywhere.
Heaven, all the saints, true immortals, all have been entrusted to you. The
golden slips of the book are secret in the heavenly palaces. Now they should be
given to your son.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 31, Page 4 9.

/The Movement and Thoughts of the Erdao Shenxiao Sect

If you respect it, you will be blessed, and if you vent it, you will suffer
disaster. Yuanshi has given warnings, so you should be careful. ”①
For the general public, talismans were also an important component in ancient
people's lives.
From marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, and childbirth to birth, old age, illness,
and death, as well as settling down a family, prospering a career, and seeking
People can seek help from the talisman for wealth, getting an official position,
farming, business, studying, etc.
Help, get spiritual satisfaction and psychological balance.
For example, the twenty-eight talismans recorded in Volume 272 of "Lingbao
Lingjiao Jidu Jinshu" are respectively
Used to cure corpses in houses, break bans on evil witches, cure premature
death, ward off unforeseen disasters, and cut off temperature.
Eliminate the poisonous energy of ghosts, remove all evils and bring good luck,
protect your life from all disasters, cure severe disasters for many years, and
cure evil spirits
The qi is filled with all kinds of strange things, it controls the Heavenly
Stove, brings wealth, peace and blessings, controls the diseases of cattle and
horses, and is suitable for many positions.
Various places such as wealth, control of all waste, etc.; there are also
longevity talismans, rejuvenation talismans,
Talisman to ward off water, talisman to ward off fire, talisman to ward off
tongue and tongue, talisman to ward off official disasters, talisman to protect
longevity, talisman to protect nobles and wealth
Talisman, talisman for benefiting husband and wife, talisman for benefiting
descendants, talisman for protecting land, talisman for protecting silkworms,
talisman for protecting six animals, talisman for increasing capital
Talisman for thieves, charm for good fortune, charm for wealth, charm for
resolving enemies, charm for cursing, and corpse-breaking charm.
Talisman, Earth-moving Talisman, Anzhen Talisman, etc. Also included in "Tai
Shang's Secret Magic Talisman for House Control"
In addition to bad luck, yin and yang are not in harmony, hate dreams and ask
for no interest, prevent thieves from invading, and attract gold and silver to
The seventy-two talismans of great wealth, disgust with evil stars, disgust with
the ghosts of being punished by officials, disgust with ghosts in dreams and
sleep, etc.
Spread the word to the world, protect the houses, make every family peaceful and
healthy, and be blessed by God.
Disasters will not occur, good fortune and longevity will be extended,
descendants will be prosperous, silkworms in the field will be more abundant,
six animals will flourish, and everything will be wiped out
The spirits can eliminate the evil atmosphere, and the magical talismans are
mysterious and will forever guard the door."②. In addition, the marriage of men
and women
When a woman is pregnant, she has a birth protection talisman, and when she is
about to give birth, she has a smooth delivery talisman. As for luck,
The use of talismans to treat diseases and injuries has a wide range, including
all medical treatments.
disciplines, thus forming a unique Taoist medicine—

Spell healing.

In addition to its emphasis on real life, Taoism also emphasizes the final
destination of human beings -

① See page 258 of Volume 18 of "Tao Zang".

② See page 180 of Volume 2 of "Tao Zang".
Talking about beans in Pan Sheng's house

\ group


Death also expressed strong concern. They used fasting rituals, spells and
Presiding over various Dharma gatherings to commemorate the dead and save the
souls of the dead not only soothes the souls of the living,
It also shows Taoism’s ultimate concern for life. Regarding this, Gao Daolin
Lingzhen of the Southern Song Dynasty once said:
It is with the original intention of Jin Yuanyuan, the master of nothingness and
teacher of Hunyuan, to show the wonderful method of life and death.
The sharp-edged staff can be used to stand up and die, and the sacred medicine
can be used to prepare strange medicines.
Lin, think carefully and learn it. The so-called talisman of destroying corpses,
refining corpses and resurrecting immortals can be seen in Wufang Anzhen.

"The Wonderful Sutra of Living Corpses", the runes all over the body are found
in "The Treasure Secret of Ascension to Heaven", there is a method of bathing
and wearing a crown,
Funeral and burial articles, the soul ascends to the jade capital, the soul is
sent to the earthly mansion, all the grievances and mistakes are cleared, and
the spiritual consciousness is at ease.
When fate meets, the season coincides, the form and spirit are wonderful,
shaking the sky, temporarily extinguishing and then resurrecting, and the heaven
Earth protects each other. ”①
Volumes 261 to 27 of "Lingbao Lingjiao Jidu Jinshu". in, write down in detail
It contains various talismans used to bury the dead. Such as the small talisman
worn on the deceased's shroud,
There are fifteen talismans in the middle garment, twenty-five talismans in the
undershirt, seven talismans in the quilt, and twelve talismans in the coffin.
Tao, thirty-nine corpse-raising talismans. "Sandongke" said: "
God's pillow, quilt and various talismans, his name ascends to heaven
The talisman is written in yellow Suzhu. Prepare for the day when you can
survive." There are also ten talismans in Xuan Gong Jidu's coffin.
The second way, "help the dead souls to be rescued, make Chao ascend the cave
platform, and be listed among the immortals. It should be Qing Zeng Zhu Shu Yuan
There are ten or two talismans in Shilingwen, which are distributed in Xuan
Palace, one shape above and below."

For the unjust souls who died violently due to various natural and man-made
disasters, Taoism uses talismans to transcend them.
Degrees, such as the summoning talisman for twenty-four types of casualties, the
talisman for chasing 36 casualties, the talisman for solving three corpses, and
the talisman for solving
The five tired talismans, the six root refining talisman, the six path summoning
talisman, the twenty-four types of dead soul healing talismans, etc. even
They are those wild ghosts and lonely souls that no one cares about. Taoism also
uses the summoning talisman of ten lonely souls and the summoning of nine
She Ling Lonely Soul Talisman, Bahui Dharma Food Talisman, Changing Food Six
Brahma Talismans, Nectar Dharma Food Talisman, Puji Dharma
Food Talisman, Solitary Soul Upgrading Talisman, Qingxuan Nine Hell-Breaking
Talisman, Earth-Breaking Soul-Inducing Talisman, etc., can calm those

"Lingbao Lingjiao Jidu Jinshu" Volume 261, "Tao Zang" Volume 8, page 2 5 7.
"Lingbao Lingjiao Jidu Jinshu" Volume 261, "Tao Zang" Volume 8, pages 266 and
418 | Happy Girl Shaluo

/ —

The evolution and thought of the Houxiao School of Taoism

The undead in distress. In fact, these Taoist talismans and rituals are not so
much in the supernatural
To save the helpless souls, it is better to comfort the people who are still
alive. Because
Deep in the hearts of the people in the old days, they not only sympathized with
those who died unjustly, but more importantly
Inexplicable fear, they often believe that wandering ghosts are scourges
important source of human life. The only way to help these innocent souls is to
escape the pain of the blood lake.
If the sea rebuilds its life, then the world can have peace and tranquility.
Hell and sea of suffering are the same as heaven, in
Their settings in various religions are unquestionable. Most people in modern
society believe that
For heaven and hell to be nothing, of course they would laugh at spells, rituals
and the like.
However, if we regard it as under the specific social conditions at that time,
people's view of society
The tortuous reflection of suffering and protest will undoubtedly lead Taoists
to resort to magic to get rid of
The dark desires and demands of the world produce heartfelt admiration and
admiration, even though they
The role played by Taoism is temporary, partial and illusory, but after all it
shows the influence of Taoism on society.
A passionate and sincere concern for society, life and the ultimate.
It needs to be pointed out that if you read through the Taoist Canon and other
Taoist books, there are tens of thousands of Taoist talismans.
The function of the urn is to punish evil and eliminate demons, protect the
good, and never be used to cause harm to people.
It is the so-called "black magic" that harms the country and harms the natural
order. This is because the purpose of Taoism
The decision is to serve the society with compassion and charity. Like Taoist
The ten wishes made when casting spells and using talismans say: "One wish that
the great road will prevail and spread throughout the world."
Wilder. Second, I hope that everything in existence will be enlightened. Three
wishes for the ghosts of Nine Nights to be liberated for a moment.
The fourth wish is to be lonely and helpless, and to be reborn. May the world be
peaceful and the crops be abundant. Liuyuanchen
A loyal son is filial, a king is benevolent and his father is kind. Seven wishes
for universal unity and reconciliation between grievances and relatives. Eight
Wish Hidden Cells
Eggs are born from salt. Nine wishes for a new mouth for accumulated illnesses
and immediate recovery. Ten wishes to expose all living beings alone, to bring
Having enough food and clothing is in harmony with the Tao." To sum it up in the
words of Jin Yunzhong, a Taoist priest of the Southern Song Dynasty: "
life and death
How great is virtue! Tao is good for life, so it gives birth to heaven and
earth. Heaven and earth are good for life, so all things are born. people
But since you are born, you should take life as the most important thing”, “
To be greedy for life and hate death is a common phenomenon in ancient and
modern times. life and death
The inexhaustible is the principle of the universe. Therefore, God has mercy on
the world, teaches and establishes science, and saves people from danger.
Taoist School Fu Zhuanxue Lecture Notes


逹) 1 419

To eliminate demons and avoid delusions, to pay homage to seals and hold
memorial ceremonies, to pray for good fortune and prolong life, these are all
due to the virtues of the vast Tao.
This is the wish of the people to live their lives."①
3. Talisman is a special skill in curing diseases.
Using talismans to treat people's illnesses is a special skill that Taoism is
good at.
But because it involves the medical field, it is a sensitive and difficult
topic. especially
Today, when modern science and technology are highly developed, talismans and
spells have been abandoned by medicine and have become
It is a "superstitious" and "absurd" talk.
However, from the "Huangdi Neijing", "Miscellaneous Forbidden Prescriptions",
"Treatise on the Causes and Symptoms of Various Diseases", "Qian Jin"
Judging from "Yi Fang" and many Taoist scriptures, the connection between
amulets and traditional medicine has been at least 2,000 years ago.
Years of history. From the Zhuyou therapy of pre-Qin doctors to the Taoist spell
therapy of Han and Tang dynasties
The Dharma has been inherited from one source and developed continuously. Until
modern times, it is still practiced in some areas.
use. For example, the "Hua Shui" used by Miao wizards, and the "Nine Dragon
Water" used by folk doctors,
All are the evolution of spell therapy.
The technique of Zhu You was first seen in the "Huangdi Neijing, Su Wen,
Treatise on Shifting Essence and Changing Qi". Book
It is said in the book that Huangdi said: "I have heard that the ancient methods
of curing diseases are only to change the essence and change the qi, and you can
just give it a try."
The so-called "
"Wish you" means that the patient tells the gods about the cause and symptoms of
their illness and prays for relief from the gods.
Eliminate pain and restore health without the use of drugs or needles. "Road
"The Later Chronicles" also mentions blessings
It was entrusted to the Yellow Emperor by his skills, and it was said that the
Yellow Emperor patrolled the East China Sea and obtained the mythical beast Bai
Ze, "because he asked the world
Things about ghosts and gods, since ancient times, essence has been a thing, and
wandering souls have been a change.
Seed, Bai Ze said. The emperor's order was written in pictures to show the
world, and the emperor wrote a blessing to evil spirits.
Zhu Zhi". So Huangdi became the founder of Zhu Youke. "Xuanyuan Stele Medicine"
"Zhu You Thirteen Sections" states: "The Thirteen Sections of Physicians were
taught by ancient sages, including the Zhu You Section.
It is a secret talisman made by Xuanyuan family to treat various diseases of
both men and women. Wherever medicine and acupuncture are not

"Shangqing Lingbao Dafa" Volume 12, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 31, Page 409.

The shape of my head was changed and thought by the Shuangxiao sect at the age
of eight/second

For those who are affected by this, it will be effective in all cases, and it
can exorcise evil spirits and bind evil spirits. It is very effective for those
with diseases.
Tianzhu told the reason, so it was named Zhuyouke. "
Many famous doctors in the past have explored Zhuyou therapy. As Wang Bing of
the Tang Dynasty said:
"If a husband is willing to donate his thoughts, there will be no burden of
admiration on the inside; there will be no desire in the heart, so there will be
no appearance of officialdom on the outside.
Keep calm and innocent, since there is no evil, it is the way to move the
essence and change the qi, there is no false poison, I wish to explain the cause
of the disease,
It’s just a yue stone." This is the reason why the ancients could cure diseases
with just Zhuyou. of later generations
People are concerned about worries, are physically tired and tired, do not know
how to maintain their health, and are prone to diseases, so they only rely on
It is difficult to be effective. As Ma Xiao said in the Ming Dynasty: "
In future generations, poison will be given to cure it,
The Yue stone is used to treat the external condition, but it can cure the
disease, rather than wishing to cure it. The difference is that
So "①
So, the key to the Zhuyou technique—

What is the connotation of transferring essence and changing qi?

"Shi" means "shift" and "change" means change. They both refer to strengthening
the good and suppressing the evil, so that the spirit becomes strong and inward.
Shou. Wu Kun in the Ming Dynasty said: "The ancient rulers clearly saw their
emotions, wished them well, explained the cause of their illness, and explained
their illness.
If there is a deviation, then the Qi will be diseased, and the treatment will
overcome it, and the Qi will be born.
"Zhang Zhicong in the Qing Dynasty also
Said: "Moving and benefiting its essence, transmitting and changing its energy."
The words to God are: "blessing", "Yu", "Conong", "Yu", "Conong"
By praying to the gods, diseases can be cured." "Those who gain the gods will
prosper, and those who lose the gods will perish. Words can nourish them."
Those whose essence and energy are strong can be prayed for recovery from
illness, and decoction, medicine, needles and stones can also cure it. like
spirit scattered
Even if there is a magic pill, there is nothing you can do about it, so it will
get better and not heal."
②Use Japanese vector numbers
According to "Hundred Words on Chinese Prescription Treatment" of the Ming
Dynasty, Zhu You is essentially a kind of "wonderful medicine with a sudden
change of mind".
"Technology" belongs to psychotherapy. It mainly improves patients through
beliefs and suggestions.
mental state, so as to achieve the purpose of treatment.
According to the literature, those who were proficient in Zhu You in ancient
times were Miao Fu and Wu Xian. "Shuo Yuan·Bian"
"Wu" said: "Miao's father was a doctor. He used the tube as a mat and the moss
as a dog. He faced the north and prayed.
After speaking ten words to the ears, all those who come with support and
support will all recover as before. "Shiben"

① ② See "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon·

"Suwen" note.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ Nong


Wu Xian, a minister of Emperor Yao, regarded Hongshu as a minister of Yao.
When people are sick, I wish the trees will wither and the birds will fall.
"During the Warring States Period, Yu Fu congratulated you as a doctor.
"The weak wood is the brain, the grass is the body, blowing on the orifices
fixes the brain, and the dead come back to life.
”① The famous doctor Bian Que and
His teacher, Chang Sang Jun, was both good at Zhu You's technique and passed
down the Book of Forbidden Prescriptions to the world. This is
The earliest monograph on Zhu You. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the art of
witch doctors was also very popular. in the cloud
"Ri Shu" on Meng Qin bamboo slips, "Fifty Disease Prescriptions" on Mawangdui
silk scrolls and "Huainan Wanbi Shu"
There are records of Zhuyou therapy in China. Especially in the areas of Wu and
Yue, this style is most popular, so it is also
It's called "Yue Fang". "Book of the Later Han·Biography of Xu Deng" notes: "Yue
Fang is also good at abstaining from mantras." "Bao Pu"
"Zi Neipian·Zhili" also said: "Wu and Yue have methods of forbidden
incantations, which are very clear and proven.
Ear. "
One of the important sources of Taoism is the ancient Chinese wizard culture,
whose spells
Therapy is developed from ancient traditions. "Taiping Jing" Volume 50 "God's
"Wen Jue" says: "There are always sacred words in heaven. Nowadays, people are
taught to speak them, and they use them to make the gods respond.
Qi comes and goes. When the people get it, they call it a blessing from the
gods. I wish you, I wish you a hundred hits, I wish you ten
If you hit ten, I wish this is the text of God in heaven that preaches the
scriptures. He wishes that Shenxuan can cure illnesses and all
Those who gather ten of them will be cured wherever they are used. ”② In other
words, the curse and blessing system
The secret teaching of the gods contains the power of the gods, so it can cure
diseases and relieve misfortunes.
Zhuyoushu has developed into spell therapy, which contains richer contents.
Because when implementing spell therapy, psychotherapy, suggestion therapy, and
faith therapy are often combined into
Comprehensive use of Yang therapy, Qigong therapy, drug therapy, physical
therapy and natural therapy
use. Modern medicine has repeatedly proven a fact that every witch doctor and
alchemist is familiar with; false
If the patient believes that the treatment is effective, the effect is often
very obvious. This is based on precision.

Causes of physical interactions.

① See "Han Shi Wai Zhuan".

② See Wang Ming's "
Taiping Jinghe School" page 181.



The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Frank, a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins in the United States,

specializes in research on mental health

links between health and well-being, and many cases have been reported
illustrating how the mind

Plays the main role in treatment, sometimes even the only role. He said:"
research shows,
In many cases, especially those involving mental states, the drug's
Effectiveness is affected by the patient's confidence in the cure and is linked
to the doctor's confidence.
At the same time, it was the doctor who conveyed his knowledge of the power and
effectiveness of drugs in some unknown way.
The feeling of being able to
American scientists discovered through research on patients taking placebos to
treat diseases
Now, many patients experience almost immediate pain relief after taking a
placebo or sugar pill.
Of course, people taking these pills don't know these are placebos and believe
they are
A real pain reliever. Here, "belief" or not becomes the key to whether there is
any curative effect.
Modern medicine is exploring the mysterious mechanisms of this effect. Because
placebos can not only
Sedates, relieves pain, and also treats conditions such as gastric ulcers,
burns, and infections.
Experiments have found that some patients can subconsciously relieve pain in
their bodies after taking it.
When the system becomes active, their brains will release a large amount of
natural anesthetics, that is, brain
Orphins and endorphins, thereby alleviating or eliminating pain. In fact, the
brain releases
The amount of these chemicals released may represent the patient's response to
the doctor and his use.
The degree of trust in the drugs and treatment methods used. Medical scientists
believe that placebo
The biochemical basis for a therapy, which may be due to the patient's belief in
a drug or treatment
any time, the information is transmitted to the brain cells affecting the
injured and diseased part of the body. These brain cells
The cells then exert their effects, just as they would if they made a real drug.
Your mental state can make you sick, but it can also make you well. fact
Human beings are capable of much more self-healing than we imagine. frank
The professor commented: "The miracles of healing reported in faith medicine can
be attributed to spiritual
status to explain.
” Because of the extremely important interaction between mind and body, the
The World Health Organization points out: “Western medicine practicing in third
world countries, if these
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ Nong


The country's traditional healers like ascetics, magicians, witch doctors and
midwives work alongside them,
In some cases greater success may be achieved "①
Taoism uses charms to treat people's illnesses, which includes spiritual
therapy. Anyone who takes this
The method first requires the patient to believe that the spell has spiritual
power, otherwise no treatment will be given. "wish
According to "Thirteen Sections": "Those who are dishonest and disrespectful
will not be cured; those who slander the Heavenly Doctor will not be cured;
those who doubt and believe will not be cured."
Those who are determined will not be cured.
"In order to enhance patients' trust in talisman therapy, Taoism claims that
It was taught by Tianzun and Laojun himself, so it possesses all kinds of
extraordinary divine powers. its roots
The purpose of this book is to strengthen the patient's identification and trust
in Taoist priests and their charms, so as to
Help the power of faith to cooperate with treatment. It turns out how effective
spell therapy is,
It is often directly related to the personal reputation of the caster. A highly
respected person
The effect of a mage's treatment on people must far exceed that of ordinary
warlocks. As for the ancestors of past generations,
Teachers and leaders of various religions all have the "supernatural" ability to
draw spells on water and cure diseases.
With their strength, they have reached the point where they can relieve the pain
as they wish, and they can do whatever they want, regardless of form.
Choose a technique, including Qi mud balls, sedge, or fake vegetation, rubble,
food, water, etc.
Fire has miraculous effects.
by language (
Blessings), pictures and texts (
talisman), action (
Zhijue, Yubu), etc.
form, and supplemented by the drug Fu Shui, the Taoist master first obtained the
patient's active preparation
combination, thereby diverting the patient's attention from the pain and
mobilizing positive factors in the patient's body
Element, forming a state of moving essence and changing qi, and keeping the
spirit within. In this therapeutic practice, also
Very clever use of suggestion therapy.
Regarding suggestion therapy, there is currently no unified definition. It can
be understood as a doctor's
A therapy that eliminates or alleviates a condition by giving positive cues to
the patient. Due to various
All kinds of information can play a suggestive role, so language, sound, text,
patterns, gestures

① See beauty・
"23 Breakthroughs in Science and Technology" Chinese version, published by
Shanghai Science and Technology Literature
Publishing House, May 1983 edition.

How could the people of Zhou enter the age of Manren/ —

The history and thought of Shenxiao School of Taoism

Gestures, expressions, etc. can be used as means of suggestion, which makes

suggestion therapy diverse.
Sample. Commonly used clinical cues include voice cues, graphic cues, sensory
cues, and memory cues.
hints, drug hints, situational hints, surgical hints, etc., and its scope of
application is very wide.
In addition to treating sores and other neuroses, it is also used for pain,
itching, asthma,
Tachycardia ventilatory syndrome and other psychosomatic disorders,
psychosomatic diseases, impotence and frigidity
Sexual dysfunctions such as enuresis, stuttering, pressure to eat and other
behavioral disorders can all be treated.
It should be known that people are the embodiment of a certain society and
culture, and suggestibility is
It is a common phenomenon in people's psychology. Therefore, it is necessary to
understand the patient when performing suggestion therapy.
the social and cultural background of the person. In nations and regions where
scientific knowledge and medicine are still underdeveloped,
In this area, most people believe that the origin of diseases is caused by
ghosts and gods, and they are "suspicious of gods and gods" all day long.
"Ghost", thus causing a heavy mental burden, aggravating the pain, and making it
difficult to extricate oneself.
For various illnesses, neuroses, psychosomatic disorders, functional disorders
and behavioral habits
Obstacles, Taoist masters use various mysterious talismans (pictures and texts
suggest) and
Spells, music (vocal cues), combined with mudra and Yubu (body cues)
and drug talisman water (drug suggestion), so that patients can act without
thinking in this special environment.
receive treatment. Throughout the treatment process, the patient believed that
the magic spell could control
It subdues ghosts and demons and drives away illnesses, so it is always in a
proactive and cooperative state; while performing magic
The author’s optimistic attitude, firm words, and mysterious atmosphere are all
strong and effective
hint, in this way, it will often produce magical effects. Use spell therapy to
Successful treatment of miasma, "possession", "terror", "anxiety", "evil",
"human demon" etc.
There are numerous examples in history. This is also the reason why spell
therapy was spread to
One reason today.
Talisman therapy often relies on the power of faith, so it is closely related to
faith therapy.
Union. Medical scientists point out: “Faith therapy is the treatment of ordinary
people based on faith (religion).
A general term for basic treatment methods. In fact, this kind of treatment
relies on the relationship between the therapist and the patient.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ out


contact rather than the usual medication or therapy sessions. According to

records, many
In many cases where traditional treatment fails, faith healing can be used
successfully. This kind of treatment
Therapy has a long history, and our country began to use it in 5000 BC. Egyptian
Believe that all cures for diseases are known only to God. The earliest healer
was Yinbo
Tepu, who was born around 2700 BC. Holy Tradition Jesus is considered to be
Zi is an outstanding representative among divine healers. In today's Catholic
Church, it is still possible to
I often see people with healing talents "①
In the history of Taoism, there are even masters with this "divinely gifted"
Many, such as Ge Yue's method of qi restraint, "It is very good at curing
diseases. Anyone who has been sent a name and treated thousands of miles away
will be cured."
There is no need to see the patient's body, the way of restraining good Qi";
Wang Yao does not need to sacrifice, does not need talisman water injection
Medicine, "It works to cure the disease, but if you sit with an eight-foot cloth
on the ground and don't drink or eat, you will have bad bowel movements for a
Get up"; ② Zhang Zhen filled a vessel with water and "blowed it away, and there
was a red light shining directly on the water.
Two Zhang, use this water to cure all kinds of diseases. Those who are sick
inside drink it, and those who are sick outside take a bath and they will stand
"Healed" ③; Xu Xun used his magical prescriptions and spells to treat the
epidemic, "Everyone was cured immediately. As for the
"There are no cases of severe sores that cannot be cured" ④; Wan Zhen found out
the way to live a long life, "There are talismans that can help
"Things can cure people's suffering and have immediate effect."
⑤; Liu Zhigu is proficient in Fuzhuan pulse formula, "use color to replace
pulse, use
When the Qi is painful, it can be used to oint the blind river and treat the
snow powder. It is so exquisite." Mr. Mo
Carrying medicine and medicine, "If a person is sick, he will be cured by
touching it with his hands, so he is called Mr. Mo."
His name is unknown.”
"Records of Immortals in the Immortal Garden", "Records of Immortals in the
Three Caves", "Records of the Source of Ganshui Immortals", "Records of
Searching for Gods"
There are also many people with extraordinary healing abilities, so they are
called "gods" by the world.

See Che Wenbo (

Psychotherapy Guide, page 8 1 1, Jilin People's Publishing House, February 1992
Volume 5 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Tao of All Pasts", Volume 5
of "Tao Zang", pages 136 and 138.
Volume 10 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Way of All Pasts", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 5, Page 1 6 3.
Volume 26 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Tao of All Pasts", Volume 5
of "Tao Zang", page 2 4 8.
Volume 31 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Tao of All Pasts", Volume 5
of "Tao Zang", page 2 7 9.
Volume 32 of "Tongjian of the Real Immortal Body and Tao of All Pasts", Volume 5
of "Tao Zang", pages 282 and 286.

Shark style person update ⑹ / —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

What exactly does this type of treatment rely on? There is no clear answer yet.
Scientists have discovered this by measuring the brain electrical activity of
some priests, shamans and patients.
Now, people with special healing abilities have unusual brain wave patterns,
which can be called "
wave pattern." Of particular interest is this: "When the healer lays on hands,
he can
enough to affect the patient's brain waveform. Therefore, they can coordinate
with each other and the patient becomes relaxed
It is looser and more alert, and its body has also entered a state in which it
is most susceptible to self-healing. At this time, energy
Seems to flow from healer to patient”, “Sometimes healing doesn’t really require
a healer
To touch the patient, simply raising your hand close to the patient is enough.
How treatment works
What about? No one knows. However, one thing is clear, that is, human beings are
higher than ordinary creatures.
Objects and humans are the product of the interaction of body, brain and soul.
Freud and
Jung revealed the subconscious mind of the human brain, where the experiences of
the times are stored. belief
Can create miracles. All doctors know the placebo effect of giving a patient a
A placebo with no therapeutic effect is predicated on not telling them that it
is a placebo. On the contrary,
It should be the same as those patients given the real medicine. But there is a
strange thing about faith healing
Reality: that is, treatment does not depend on the patient’s understanding of
the treatment itself”①.
It should be pointed out that the "talisman water" and "sacred water" used in
Taoist treatment are far from
It is just a "comfort water" similar to a placebo, which also contains the
essence of the human body.
and the "spiritual energy" of heaven and earth. In other words, there is Qigong
therapy hidden in Fu Shui therapy.
In the process of making talisman water, the practitioner is required to
concentrate, close his breath and spread his breath.
Qi moves freely and pours into the water. As Zhang Shanyuan, a great Taoist in
the Ming Dynasty, said: "Chengcheng Zhanzhan,
The rest of the group moves in a stillness, gathering all things into
nothingness, causing my spirit chamber to return to the sea. The soul discovers
it and grasps it.
The pen is pointed at the heart, and the eyes are wide open, and the divine
light is transported into the body, from the two eyes to the center of the
eyebrows, and the eyes burst out
Light, and a round image, and then write the talisman here. This light shines
like lightning, like a golden snake, wherever I go
The calligraphy and seal characters are flying around the pen, shining brightly,
starting from small to large, gradually expanding, filling the space.

① See Che Wenbo "

Psychotherapy Guide, page 813.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ ⑻


There are endless changes in the universe. If this is the case, a little
spiritual light will penetrate the sky and the earth, and it will be in harmony
with nature, and the divine mechanism will respond.
Hui, one spirit with omnipotence, penetrates all inner secrets, and has endless
It turns out that in the process of drawing talismans to make water, not only
the essence and energy of the caster are integrated into
Ideology (
God), and also absorbs the energy of nature, thus making the mage and patient
Integrate with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to achieve the purpose
of restoring health. The so-called "take my
God, combine with other gods; with my nothingness, combine with other tea, the
essence is used to control the gods, the gods are used to control the tea,
The bear is used to control the talisman, and the talisman is used to control
the spirit. This is done and the other responds, and this sense is used to
control the spirit. No hard work at first
Aspirations and thoughts are not laborious, but actions originate from
innateness, and the spirit is transferred to
Own. The spirit should follow its own spirit, without asking why it is spirit;
the one who responds should follow its own response, without asking.
When asked why, people know that their gods are gods, but they don’t know that
they are gods because they are not gods.”
②. use this
This kind of talisman water that is integrated with human body essence and
spiritual energy of the universe should certainly be used to treat evil
poisoning patients.
It should work.
Spells were used to cure illnesses, and physical therapy was sometimes used very
skillfully. Ruzhi
To heal cuts and bruises, use a glass of cold water, draw amulets and recite
mantras, and spray the wounds vigorously with a few mouthfuls.
place, and then fold it into several layers with yellow paper, soak it in cold
water and stick it on it, it can really stop bleeding and stabilize the
Painful, anti-inflammatory, and detumescent. Because the talisman turns into
water, and the water is filled with essence and spirit, this is
Qigong therapy; the yellow paper used has been treated by Baiji, which has the
functions of stopping bleeding and eliminating pain.
It has the functions of poisoning, relieving pain, tightening the mouth, and
promoting muscle growth. It is a drug therapy; spray it with water on the
injured area.
mouth, that is, clever use of "
"Cold condenses" to stop bleeding and is a physical therapy
method; coupled with the role of psychotherapy and the comprehensive use of
multiple therapies, there is an obvious
Efficacy. As for clinical treatment using drugs combined with spells, it is more
This will be discussed specifically in the next lecture.

① ② See "
"Dao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 67, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, page 212.


But strong/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

4. Talismans are based on essence, energy and spirit.

Traditional Chinese culture is centered on Qi. The cosmic plane in ancient
Secondary discussion (
Such as the theory of the three talents of heaven, earth and man), material
system theory (such as metal, wood, water,
The theory of the five elements of fire and earth), the theory of induction of
heaven and man (hiding the different layers of the universe and the human body
There is the meaning of information exchange between times), Qi is as the
interaction between heaven and earth, all things or
The intermediary of sympathy is indispensable for a moment. People regard Qi as
everything in the universe and human beings.
Treat it as a universal. In the words of Ge Hong: "The lady is in the air, and
the air is in the person.
From heaven and earth to all things, everything needs Qi to be alive. "① It is
precisely in this way of using Qi as
On the basis of ontology, Taoism has established its philosophical outlook,
which is reflected in alchemy and health preservation,
When refining and nourishing one’s life, the first thing to pay attention to is
the heaven, earth, and human beings.
The energy of the body; when using spells, it is also emphasized that the
essence is the foundation and the soul is the use. one sentence
Words, whether it is internal and external elixirs, guidance in the room, qigong
medicine, talismans and spells,
They are all inseparable from the functions of the three treasures of essence,
qi and spirit0
According to the world view that Qi generates all things, Taoism believes that
everything comes from heaven and earth, all things, and people.
All kinds of things are the result of the transformation of yin and yang.
Talismans for psychics are no exception. They are all evolved from the original
Volume 7 of "Yunji Qizhu" says: "All things are made of essence, so the two
rituals and three
The scenery is all filled with essence and energy. All things exist, and essence
moves within them. yes
Then the five elements and six things all have essence. Use the essence of Tao
to spread on the bamboo slips and ink, capturing the essence of things
Qi, to eliminate falsehood and assist the true, to assemble the spirits, to
control life and death, to maintain movement,
Anzhen Wufang "②
The talisman is formed according to the movement of vitality, and the talisman
is in harmony and trustworthy. "By my God,

① See "
Baopuzi inner chapter・
To Polytechnic
② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 2 2 Page 4 1.
Lecture Notes on Taoist Talisman and Seal Script


(1 )


Combining the spirit of the other; with my appearance, the result of combining
with the other, the divine form is invisible but formed in the talisman, and
this is done
He responds, this sense and the other spirit, is it not a talisman? The sky is
drawn with the dragon and the han, and the knots form talismans;
Human beings move around with their spirit, and the writing becomes a symbol,
and the harmony between heaven and man is the same. The method of writing
It's just a magical effect of innateness, and it can be turned into a talisman
by luck. The founder said that the eye reads the seal script and the mind
understands it.
Lei Xuan had no thought at first and had no effect. "

It can be seen that the talisman is only an external form, it is the carrier of
vitality. To this king
Wenqing's disciple Yu Feng clearly pointed out: "
The talisman has no formal shape, and misfortune is its spirit. spirit, ancestor
Jia also. The ancestor is very unknown. How can Anshi Ling be? That is the
spirit, then I know the whereabouts of the ancestor's hernia, and stick to it.
Dantian, warms and nourishes the foundation. When ordinary people move their
hands, feet, eyes, ears, nose and tongue, this orifice will also move.
Also gather Yuan Su's place. Pack up your spiritual bag and keep your soul in
the purple house, which is the door of life.
The three are inseparable from each other, as Mencius said, “I am nourished by
my awe-inspiring nature.” “When writing talismans,
It's all in the closed wood. It is necessary to collect the Qingxiong in the
nose and send it to Huangting, and close the nine orifices before you can get
Reality. The calligraphy talisman is written in one stroke, and the golden light
shines brightly, and there will be a response as soon as you use it. If leaked
Yuan is very strong, but he doesn't use his nose to induce Qing Ran's impulse,
so he gets Yuan to fan out. And if you hold your breath, your mind will not move
Move, don't have distracting thoughts, focus on the center, the hernia and the
pen turn together, and all the thoughts are in harmony. talisman
It is ridiculous to not know the legend of Xuan Guan, not to know the ancestors,
and to write talismans indiscriminately."
② That is
It is said that the art of talismans must be based on the inner strength and
alchemy, otherwise it will have only its form and will have no meaning.
effect. The self-condensed essence and the recognized soul in the internal kung
fu practice are the talismans.
The foundation of the art. As Master Zhang Jixian said: "
Taoist unforgettable spells and talismans must be
The two are in harmony. When the wonderful skill of the innate way is achieved,
can there be any incantations and talismans?
Together with the innate, the spells and talismans are always mysterious. The
path has been lost and nothing has been gained, and the talismans and spells are
Of course.

In the eyes of ascetics, the talisman is the movement track of the creation of
heaven and earth and the news of yin and yang.

See Volume 4 of "Daofa Huiyuan" "Calligraphy and Fu Brushwork", "

"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 692.
See the notes of "Shu Fu Chapter 4" in Volume 69 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 230.
See Volume 71 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 241.

Suffer @

Bao Renxiu)
/ "

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Traces are the holographic carrier of the unity of man and nature and the
wonderful harmony between form and spirit. 《
Volume 1 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" says:
The talisman is a combination of yin and yang, and only the most sincere people
in the world can use it. Sincerity is not enough, naturally
It’s not working. Therefore, it is said that with my essence, I unite the
essence of all things in heaven and earth; with my spirit, I unite heaven and
The gods of all things, the spirits are attached to each other, and the gods and
spirits are dependent on each other, so the false-sized paper summons the ghosts
and gods,
Ghosts and gods have to be right. ” ① Whether the talisman is effective or not
ultimately depends on oneself.
"Sincerity" is the soul obtained during internal cultivation. As long as the Qi
machine is activated and the heaven is activated during internal cultivation,
In the realm of human induction, some cultivators will innately (
drawn unconsciously)
Various symbols. These symbols drawn by Taoist masters often produce some
wonderful things.
The phenomenon induces some special functions, which people find mysterious and
incomprehensible, so it is called "divine".
"Teach", "
The talisman of heaven descending.
Many similar phenomena occur in the modern Qigong world. Some practitioners do
I understand Taoist charms and have never even come into contact with them, but
when I am still, something appears in my brain.
Some strange pictures and texts, or rapid calligraphy and painting in a state of
vigorous vitality, this kind of calligraphy and painting
After comparing the pictures and texts, it was confirmed that they were the
talismans and incantations passed down by Taoism and Buddhism. And many
Taoist symbols have been used and verified by modern practitioners. They may be
self-refined cultivation methods.
A true map, or a guide map for the aura of mountains and rivers, or a set of
moves for martial arts
Road, or the method of spreading qi to treat diseases, but it does not use
words, but talismans.
It’s just a pattern to show.
Of course, it is quite difficult to verify the soul. It requires long-term and
painstaking efforts.
Only through practice can this be achieved. Volume 4 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" points
out: "The heart must understand, and every thought must be
Truth, this heart is the Tao. In your spare time, if you persist in keeping the
truth, a little spiritual light can penetrate the sky and the earth.
Yuantuo Tuo, shining with light, gathers the treasure in the room of Mingtang
and Yujing, fumigates into one, inside and outside
Insightful. When nothing happens, Ruru remains motionless; if you pick it up by
chance, the wonderful use is not light. Good luck or bad luck

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 674.
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

\ group



Ominous, you know it clearly, you don’t need to ask, you will respond naturally.
Each sect has its own secret method for cultivating spiritual light. For
example, the Qingwei sect has the Sun and Moon Refining Practice.
Dharma, in which golden light is used to refine talismans and seals, it is quite
unique. Volume 4 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan"
Concentrate and meditate, calm down the heat and stabilize the breath, sit with
your eyes closed, your mind in the middle palace, and wait for it to reach its
final state of concentration.
I forgot both things, and gradually the golden light came out from the two
rules, and they combined into the upper talisman and seal in front of me, and
the golden light gradually
Gradually it opens up and fills up the heaven and earth. As a sign, I am in
Taixu. I look down at the Brahma and Brahma that are filling in front of me.
The divine ring arch obeys orders. It has been like this for a long time. When
there is no one around, they naturally follow the path, walking, sitting and
lying down.
It can be done. The poem goes: Seeing that the void is intangible, don’t lose
your spirit. Clean up in a hurry
In front of my eyes, I saw a ball of light. Many things appeared in an instant,
and the original appearance was in the early Yuan Dynasty
Park. If a person recognizes these children, he will be able to accomplish
something and still see his mistakes. "②
Spiritual light and golden light are both used by the soul. The soul is self-
spirited, can write talismans, and can summon
General, you can pray for sunshine, rain, cure diseases, exorcise evil spirits,
and perform all kinds of magic.
All laws are answered immediately. If you want to summon a divine general, you
must first clear your mind like a mirror and think about the golden light coming
from your heart.
Tian Qi, "
Then he felt the void, ascended into the invisible, and stayed for a while in
the divine chamber before he
If you notice it, you will see divine light coming out from both directions,
filling the sky, and touching the ground under the golden light of the Tianmen.
The lightning rushes upward, the three merge into one, and the body stands in
the middle, becoming the master of creation. Then he called the God of Thunder,
Descend from the sky and emerge from the earth. They all have big bodies,
leaning on the sky above and leaning on the earth below. They are majestic and
Yi, stand tall and listen to orders, and serve at will. However, even if it is
like this, there is spirit when it moves, so why bother to think about it?
Breathe in and out, and the soul comes to life."
Another example is when treating people's illnesses, the mage should be humble
and silent, hold his pen and draw talismans, "With my spirit
Ming Yuan Shen Zheng Cha, gathered in one talisman, attacks the person suffering
from abnormal body and yin hernia, yang syndrome is added with water pen, yin
"Add a fire pen to the syndrome and treat it according to the syndrome." "If
there is an evil cause in a serious illness, report it to the Xingdongzhang
category." if
If you worship evil spirits crazily, you will be sued for the Demon-Conquering
Chapter. All diseases are not related to their size, and they are in harmony
with each other.

"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 691.

① ② See "
③ See "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 4, "Tao Zang" Volume 28, page 692 "




/ two


Xiangchunxiao School’s Revolution and Thoughts

You can be rigid, but you can't think about whether you have experienced it or
not, it will become an obsession."

As for the calligraphy talisman, one must hold one's breath and concentrate, and
only then can the ink be written with the spirit appearing. Script to
Jue is just a magical effect of innateness, which is used to transport vitality
to form a talisman. Jue said: "
First clear and clear,
Concentrate your mind without any worries, and make your mind clear. All the
eight wastelands are in my mind, then the spirit will return and its energy will
be restored, and the soul will be restored.
You can only write now. Staring at the tip of my pen, I think about the divine
light coming from my body, and then follow
Dharma calligraphy. The deposit is like a golden snake flying away on the paper.
The pen must follow it, the eye reads the seal, and the heart
Chapter of Enlightenment. The golden light of thought gradually expanded,
filling the heaven and earth, and I thought about three or five taboos. Such as
summoning a general's letter
For talismans, use this method to summon incantations, or stack up various
inscriptions, and use them at will. Even so, one
A little spiritual light, shining brightly on the sky and the earth. Before
writing, there are already distinctions. Those who are better at practicing are
especially worthy of it.
Use Kung Fu externally on Zhu Mo. "

After understanding the above principles, we grasped the key points of the
talisman technique. Fu Lu Yi Tian
The spiritual power of the earth and the essence of the human body are the
driving force, and they are effective according to the soul of the person.
Therefore, it
It requires that the caster must have profound internal cultivation skills, and
at the same time value morality over wealth,
The character of loving charity, secondly, knowing all kinds of rules, following
the laws and tactics, can you gain the heart.
Everything works with ease, which is why the Taoist sect has established taboos
on writing talismans and holding curses.
reason. There are seven precepts and five taboos for writing talismans, and
there are three benefits, four taboos, and five purifications for chanting
Must be remembered to follow.
The first sign of Shufu is to warn against wrong thoughts. Taoist priests draw
talismans on people with the purpose of eliminating disasters for the people.
E, cure diseases and expel evil spirits, so I should collect some property
without comment. But you can't use this trick
Seek wealth and be greedy. If you have greed and evil thoughts in your heart,
your spirit will be unhealthy and you will draw evil pictures.
The talisman is not only ineffective, but also hurts oneself, so it must be
Second, beware of dirty hands and mouth. Before drawing the talisman, the caster
should take a bath and purify himself.
Eat vegetarian food for two or three days to purify his mouth. You must also sit
quietly and practice internally to clear your mind. at the same time

See Volume 4 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan", Volume 28 of "Tao Zang", pages 693 and 691.
See Volume 4 of "Daofa Huiyuan" "Calligraphy and Fu Brushwork", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 692.
Daofei Zhuxuesheng



Be careful not to come into contact with corpses, blood, or filthy gases. Keep
your mind calm and your three karma clean.
Only in this state can you write amulets.
The third warning is to use unclean supplies. Taoism says that the products of
calligraphy must be specially selected and pure.
It is dirty and cannot be left to its own devices. For example, it is better to
use sheep hair for brushes, pine smoke ink for ink, and paper for paper.
Yellow paper and cinnabar paper, the rest are unsuitable. "Chenzhou Talisman
Encyclopedia" divides Taoist talismans into
for the four categories and says: "
Those who post both categories of suppression and prayer must use cinnabar
It is written in pine smoke and ink. The two types of requests for summons and
medical treatment must be written on yellow paper and written with cinnabar.
This is something that requires great attention.
The fourth commandment is not to speak your mind. When writing the talisman, you
must concentrate on it and be consistent with your heart and mind.
You cannot recite incantations or write magic charms in handwriting while
thinking about things that have nothing to do with it. correct
the way is:"
Concentrate your concentration and write with great energy. The body is like a
bat, with wings divided into eight characters.
The pen is strong and vigorous. If the pen is weak, the magic power is weak. As
fast as a flying bird, it can be accomplished in one stroke. morning and evening
Si, using the pen and ink, imitating the shape, opening the eyes as if it were
alive, silently observing the spirit, natural and foreign.
The foreign objects are on the left and right, and cannot be measured. A stroke
of writing cannot be filled with dull shades. Must
It is a moment of spiritual inspiration and majestic momentum, without any
distracting thoughts or interruptions.
My heart and pen are moving together, my energy and curse are moving together,
and in a trance, I feel like I see the God of Thunder running
The clouds and mists command the wind and thunder, and all the gods obey their
orders. Use it this way and it will be foolproof. Better still
In other words, if you can’t concentrate on good reasons, the beauty of
inspiration is "①
The fifth commandment is in the wrong direction. Taoism believes that due to the
different purposes of drawing symbols, the ingested
Spiritual energy is also different. In addition, changes in moon orders,
seasons, celestial phenomena, and geography make the time for drawing talisman
The orientation should be chosen relative to the symbol being drawn. Picturesque
symbols related to the Big Dipper, facing north
Square, and then you can write the talisman. In the same way, when drawing
talismans for treating heart diseases, you should face south.
side; when drawing the amulet for treating liver disease, you should face the
east; when drawing the amulet for treating kidney disease, you should face the
Square; when drawing the talisman for treating lung disease, you should face the
west. In short, we should identify the five elements and five directions.

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 77, "Tao Zang" Volume 2 9, Page 2 7 8.

⑷ Anyone will fall 7

The history and thoughts of Zuijiao Shenxiao Sect

There is no mistake in the application of the talisman matching method.

Similarly, after the talisman is drawn, whether it is burned, swallowed, or
worn, there are certain
Orientation requirements. For example, the "Thunder Fire Talisman" is used to
cure diseases and remove evil spirits. The time of use depends on the patient's
Burning toward the east, the patient is in the east, "
"Look to the east and burn under the altar"; the patient is in the south,
Then hope that the south will be incinerated; if you follow this example, there
must be no mistake. 《
"The Encyclopedia of Chenzhou Talismans" also says:
"Burning talismans also has its own laws, directions, and time. You must not do
it arbitrarily.
When holding the talisman, hold the upper corner of the talisman with one hand,
place the lower end on the fire, and recite the mantra when the fire is burning.
Burn it in a certain direction and raise the ashes, and don't mess with it. "
The sixth commandment is to indulge in sex with women, alcohol and sex. Taoism
says that meat and fish will pollute the body, and wine and sex will mess up the
sex, so in front of the talisman
You must abstain from pornography and alcohol, avoid sexual intercourse with
women, and have no sexual intercourse. You must keep your body and mind clean
and your inner energy pure.
1. Shen Ning is shrewd, so that the three treasures can be united, heaven and
man are one, and the pen can produce strong
Great field effect.
The seventh commandment is to re-write and re-paint. When writing amulets, the
most important thing is to do it in one go, with one stroke.
Don't be sloppy, indecisive, or apply repeatedly. Volume 84 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan"
"The calligraphy is only one stroke, no more filling is allowed, no matter how
dark or light it is, it must be inspired by spirit.
The momentum is majestic, without any distracting thoughts or interruptions. The
heart and spirit are in harmony, and the giving is given by the pen.
Meeting, in a trance, it was like seeing a general running through the clouds
and mist, ordering thunder, and in a moment, the golden
The light shines brightly, the purple is lush, the wonderful functions are
vertical and horizontal, and the wind and rain obey the orders." Don't "
between love and thoughts
Broken, the spirit is lost, even if it can be achieved, it will be diligent at
first and lazy at the end, and it will not be effective at all.
Good reasons don’t know the beauty of spiritual inspiration.”①
In addition to the seven precepts, there are five taboos; one is taboo against
pregnant women taking talismans with their hands, and the other is taboo against
all kinds of impurities.
When holding amulets, the three taboos are to avoid disturbing the talisman
altar through side doors, the four taboos are to avoid incompatible spells, and
the five taboos are to avoid the entry of impurities.
Talisman altar. 《
"Chenzhou Talisman Encyclopedia" says: "Anyone who violates these five taboos
will be angered by ghosts and gods.
The descending spirit comes as expected! Therefore, those who practice the law
should be extremely careful and do not commit any wrongdoing. "

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 342.
Taoist Fu Ce Science Lecture Notes



When reciting the mantra, you need to know three things. The first is to
straighten your mind, the second is to lower your eyelashes, and the third is
Qi cathexis. There are also four taboos: one taboo against filth, two taboos
against blood and light, three taboos against noise, and four taboos against
female. "
If you can act according to this, you will definitely follow the instructions
given by the mantra, and the gods and ghosts will only obey. Covering the
righteous mind leads to evil
If thoughts do not arise, and the eyelashes are drooped, evil colors will no
longer be seen. If the breath is concentrated, the breath of the gods will be
connected, so it is achieved.
The order is about to take effect. The lower four ends are all tabooed by gods,
generals and true immortals, so they must be avoided with all their strength.
When reciting mantras, we should also strive to achieve five kinds of
purification: one day to cleanse the altar and the place where the Dharma altar
is located, it is advisable to cleanse it in three days
Sprinkle it in front and smoke it with sandalwood. The second is the pure house,
any house with an altar, inside and outside, up and down,
All should be kept clean, and if there are pregnant women, they should be
avoided as soon as possible. The third is to purify the body. Anyone who enters
or exits the Dharma altar
Everyone should take a shower and change clothes first. The fourth is to purify
the mind. Those who perform the method should meditate three days before
Qi, refine the three treasures internally, making the heart clear and pure. The
fifth day is to purify the mouth, which means fasting for three days before
practicing the Dharma.
Precepts, so that there is no foul smell in the mouth. "If you do it in this
way, you will definitely get the response."
When reciting mantras, you should pay attention to your posture. You should
first check your position, then stand upright with your breath held and
Calm the Qi, "head slightly lowered, eyelashes lower, hands drooping, feet
making a figure eight, and then quickly raised
When reciting, no matter the length of the mantra or the number of words, it is
important to recite it once in one breath.
When reciting, the body should be upright and not shaken. Otherwise, it will be
like a primary school student's vacillating endorsement.
You should not be careless if you lose respect for gods, generals and true
In addition, when holding curses and talismans, one must also pay attention to
footwork and master finger techniques. There are two main steps
Among them, one is called Sword Step, and the other is called Yu Step. "The
sword steps forward, advancing and retreating, paying homage to the seal."
Use it when needed. Yu's step is also Kuigang's step, with his two feet
vertically and horizontally forming a T-shape in front and back, and they cannot
meet each other.
It is used when summoning generals in ritual battles. This is a kind of ritual
to meet the gods, and it is the same as before worshiping.
"Crane dances together". Zhijue, also known as handjue and mudra, is an
important hand in Taoist practice and spell casting.
part. In layman's terms, it refers to various postures formed by changes in
hands and fingers. It is often used in talismans.
The art of curse. 《
"The Encyclopedia of Chenzhou Talismans" says: "
However, it is not necessary to pinch the secret every time you recite the
mantra, which is particularly important.
Everywhere, start using them one by one. For example, Taoism’s rituals,
fighting, refining, etc., and Buddhism’s flame mouth serving of food, etc.
Science, uses the most tactics. Therefore, if the main altar is not one with
profound Taoism and Dharma, it cannot be allowed to do so. It is not easy to
build the secrets.
436 |

Being raped by a woman who changes her age/—

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Because, there are the most numerous ones, no less than three hundred formulas.
It is difficult to memorize, but it is easy to become familiar with them.
"Especially difficult"
The last point is particularly important. The mage must "become a god" when
reciting the spell. Become a god
Also known as "
"Incarnation", that is, the performer must enter a special mental state and
He became one with the summoned god, and he became a powerful god.
Really, this is similar to the Buddhist Tantric "
I am the god of heaven, and the god of heaven is me.
Volume 56 of "Dao Fa Hui Yuan" says: "Every calligraphy and talisman is sent
out, the words are practiced, and they are transformed into spirits.
The fire master said: Those who practice thunder magic should use the magic
formula of transformation and knock the five points with their teeth every time
they are called upon by a driver.
The preserved head carries a beam crown, is dressed in red clothes, and wears
red shoes. On the left and right are immortals holding banners and children
holding swords and palms.
The son, the boy holding the banner, the judge in charge of the evil book, the
general Lei Gong of the Five Emperors, the Lei Gong of Shaoyang, the train
The marshal and the generals are all at my front, rear, left and right,
listening to orders and then acting. ”①
"Chenzhou Talisman Encyclopedia" says: "
On the occasion of this order, I am Heaven, and all gods will
All ghosts and soldiers must obey my orders, so before burning the talisman and
reciting the mantra, you must change your mind and close your eyes.
Hold your breath, stand upright with your hands down, and take three breaths in
each direction. This also shows the majesty of the gods and makes them
You know that I am under orders from the Shangqing. At this time, my authority
is nothing less than that of the Shangqing. Only after you have transformed into
a god can you
Burning talismans and holding curses. "
To sum up what has been said above, Taoist talismans are based on the theory of
Its use and functions are inseparable from human social activities and the
essence of the human body.
Qi Shen is inseparable from the spiritual power of nature. It is only in the
state of mutual understanding between heaven and man that it arises
With the talisman, only in the realm of unity between man and nature can the
talisman reveal supernatural powers.
It has the functions of omens and shocking things; of course, it also has the
function of entering into the emptiness and tranquility, where the subject and
the guest are completely lost.
Only those who cultivate the inner world can truly understand the mysteries
hidden in the talismans.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, page 147.
Lecture Notes on Taoist Talisman and Seal Script

, ⑷


| 437

Section 4 The influence and status of talismans

Talismans are the most unique and complex cultural carrier in traditional
Chinese culture.
Because it involves heaven and earth, all things, people, real life, and virtual
The vast spiritual world is within reach, including religion, philosophy,
medicine, pharmacy, qigong,
Health preservation, inner elixir, outer elixir, language, writing, calligraphy,
art, folk custom, environment,
architecture and other fields, thus leaving a legacy of one kind or another in
many aspects of Chinese society.
imprint. Here, by exploring the relationship between talismans and related
fields, it illustrates the role of talismans in China
influence and status in Chinese culture.
1. The art of talismans and forbidden spells
The execution of Taoist talismans is inseparable from the function of forbidden
incantations. One is the incantation, the other is the
Talismans, these are the two pillars of Taoist magic. The talisman is a divine
contract, the curse is a secret word, and the talisman is both
The combined use of medicine and medicine has become the main means for Taoism
to promote Taoism. A world in which everything is created according to Qi
Observe, the mantra, which is the secret word of God, is no exception and is
also evolved from the innate vitality.

Volume 4 and 5 of "Lingbao Wumei Renshang Jing Dafa" says: "
The root of heaven and earth, the wonder of the beginning
Hernia, phoenix seal and dragon seal are combined into true text, spiritual
sounds and Sanskrit chants are divided into mantras, and the original God sees
no form
The principle of conveying important information to the Taoist master, rescuing
the crowd of fans, and explaining the truth are not common words in the world.
They are all taboos in the heavens. If a sergeant goes there, he can fly to the
capital; if a sergeant goes there, he can move to the capital.
If you live in the Immortal Room, if you are a lowly person, you can live in
this world and prolong your life. ”①
In other words, mantras and talismans coexist in the same body, and are both
created by heaven and earth and derived from yin and yang.
information carrier. According to Taoism, sound and image are the most basic
natural elements in the universe.
Su, from "
It can be seen from the "Book of Saviors" that the origin of the universe comes
from the sacred depths of heaven.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3, page 861.

Being beaten by others/ & / —


The evolution and thought of Taoist Shenxiao

Sutra mantra. Yuanshi Tianzun, the ancestor god of the universe, is sitting on "
In the beginning, the sky will be blue," chanting sutras and holding on

He cursed for seven days and seven nights, and then the gods and kings of the
ten directions and the gods heard the sound and arrived, cooperating with
Yuanshi Tian
Zun distinguishes between heaven and earth, nurtures all things, and governs the
Surprisingly, Western Christianity has a similar view. In the Bible "New
The first chapter of the Gospel of John says: “Before the creation of the
universe, language existed.
Now, language is with God, language is God. "In this regard, a Western
Marius believed: "The world may have been produced by the first sound, the most
The original voice comes from the underworld of primitive times. Sound turns
into light, part of the light slows down
Slowness becomes matter. But this substance can never be absolutely complete,
because every
The produced matter retains some elements that can produce sound.

The ancient Babylonians and Greeks also connected sound with the formation of
the universe.
For example, the Pythagoreans conceived the scale structure of music as unique
to the universe.
structure type. They also believe that although sound is the most basic factor
in the universe,
For the most fundamental and primitive sound, that is, the sound caused by the
movement of celestial bodies -

The harmony of the planet cannot be heard by human ears. Of course, there are a
very few people who
In a special state, one can hear and understand this sacred and harmonious sound
coming from the depths of heaven.
sound, they are called "
Saint” wise man.
In essence, this worship of sound originated from the ignorant period of
mankind. Original
Human beings in primitive society used witchcraft to explain various natural
phenomena and believed that sounds were supernatural.
Origin, Einstein said: "Because primitive people did not understand sounds, they
thought that sounds
Sound is a mysterious and incredible thing.
②Exactly like this, for primitive humans
It is said that sound is some kind of message conveyed from the other side of
the spirit, the world of gods.
breath, emotions, and omens or requests, which are related to the invisible but
eternal, supernatural
①②See (
English) Juliette,
Music Therapy" Chinese version, Shanghai Music Publishing House 1989
Published in year.
Lecture Notes on Fu Jiao Fu and Seal Script

\ group

1 439

A way to connect with the world. This type can be seen in many parts of the
Phenomenon, such as the primitive tribes of New Guinea believe that through
spells, flutes, tambourines
and the function of the horn, people can hear the sacred space and the voice of
the gods.
Besides, each god has his own unique voice. If people pay attention to their
By imitating, you can combine yourself with the mysterious ancestors, thereby
maintaining your own
own survival.
Of course, ancestors or gods are not the only vehicles with voices. primitive
It is often believed that every person and every object has its own mysterious
voice, and each
Since everyone responds to this sound, the spell can be cast on the human body
and all things.
A powerful influence, wizards always try their best to use it in various
witchcraft rituals
Spells and sounds can inspire gods, destroy demons, cure diseases and exorcise
evil spirits.
Maori in New Zealand, Indians in America, Eskimos in Siberia
Everyone has wizards who are good at spells. There is a saying in India: "
the whole universe
The universe obeys the control of the gods, and the gods obey the control of the
"In France, it is said
There are Catholic priests who can recite something called "
Mass of St. Seracius, used to inflict harm
Enemy, this kind of terrifying "
Black magic will cause the cursed person to die slowly
Go, but no one can save him. As for the "Pharaoh" inscribed on the Egyptian
"The curse", its terrifying magic power is well known to the world. It can be
said that for the curse witch
The worship of art is a worldwide belief.
Mantra is a special language and special sound.
A powerful weapon for defeating evil spirits, it can occur through direct
communication with the mind of metaphysical gods.
Potency. Mantras are also the most mysterious part of all witchcraft and spells.
When chanting mantras
When chanting, there is often no need to think. All you need to do is to have
deep faith and concentrate on reciting.
In the eyes of many people, the so-called witchcraft is the art of chanting
incantations. We are analyzing all witches
When observing the practices of Taoism and Esoteric Buddhism, we always see
people reciting mantras.
It can be seen that spells are always the core of magic and witchcraft.

How can a lover enter the steps of a dagger/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The origin of Chinese mantras is also quite early. The legendary Yellow Emperor
was the earliest founder.
people. During the Yin and Shang Dynasties, there were wizards who specialized
in conducting incantation activities. to the west
During the Zhou Dynasty, wizards were divided into six categories, namely, Da
Zhu, Xiao Zhu, Ming Zhu, Dian Zhu, Curse Zhu, and Nv Zhu.
Blessings, they presided over various blessing activities, and there were dozens
of types of incantations.
Such as blessings, blessings for the year, blessings for good luck, blessings
for change, blessings for luck, curses, making curses, attacking curses, and
saying curses
etc., or used to pray for good fortune, to ward off disasters, or to pray to
heaven. but not
Regardless of the differences in content and purpose of these mantras, they all
have in common the use of language.
Words and sounds are used to communicate with ghosts and gods, pray for
blessings and avoid harm, so mantras become able to reach the universe.
Cosmos, sensing the voice of the gods.
The original sound of the universe is called "Great Sound" by Taoists, or "Sound
of Nature". "Laozi"
It is said: "The big sound is like sound, but the elephant is invisible." The
so-called "like" means "nothing".
think. Tang Chengxuan Yingshu: "Xi, there is still nothing. The great sound of
the Great Dao is silent and silent, from the beginning
There are traces of falling, but the sound is silent. Therefore, the teacher
listened but ignored it. Qiong's sound shakes the universe, and I want to
That is, the trace is the foundation, so it is said that there is a moral sound
and sound.
”① This kind of vibration shakes the universe and smells bad.
Isn’t the “big sound” in the ear what Western philosophers call the harmony of
the planet?
In "Zhuangzi: Equality of Things", this kind of harmony is called "Lai". The
sound of nature is silent and comes from
It is not in nature, but it is the source of all kinds of sounds such as "human
sounds" and "earth sounds". Chu Bo in Song Dynasty
Xiu said: "The rise and fall of human form is due to the discontinuity of voice
hearing. The sounds of people and the sounds of earth are moving.
There is stillness, the natural sound of nature, which is beyond the stillness
of movement, and there is the real master and the real king, who can hear the
real sound.
"② Since there is no sound, the ears cannot hear it, and it can only be heard
in meditation or dream.
Only in the environment can you appreciate it, Du Guangting said: "
We must seek within the wisdom of destruction, be discouraged and tacitly agree,
Then listen to it, not hear it with your ears, use the spirit to obtain the
silent sound, and prove the true way. "③ "Ling Bao"
Volume 4 and 5 of "The Sutra of Infinite Measurement" also says: "Everyone has
his hooves in a dream, or a god or a person."

"See Qiang Siqi"

"The Tao Te Ching Xuande Tushu" Volume 12, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 13, Pages 4 5 6.
See Chu Boxiu "
Notes on the second volume of "Nanhua Zhenjing Yihai Tuwei", "
"Tao Zang" Volume 15, Page 1 9 0.
See Du Guangting's "Tao De Zhen Guang Sheng Yi" Volume 32, "Tao Zang" Volume 1 4
pages 4 7 7.
Lecture Notes on Taoist Talismans


By preaching its essence, your mind will be enlightened and your wisdom will be
renewed day by day. Watching its secret sounds will lead to enlightenment and
Call God and summon the generals, all stationed here. The three realms respect
and obey, and the heavens admire.

The so-called "
"Secret Sound" refers to various spells with special functions, which can access
The harmony of the movement of celestial bodies harmonizes with the aura of the
universe, activating some mysterious force in nature.
Strength is therefore universally valued by many ethnic groups and various
religions around the world. as
Taoist incantation is particularly unique because it is based on the theory of
above. Tan Qiao of the Five Dynasties pointed out: "The void transforms into the
spirit, the divine into the qi, the qi into the form, the form and the qi
And the sound "②"
Taishang Lingbao Pure Brightness Flying Immortal to Save People Sutra
"Explanation and Examples" says: "
The person who writes the word, the person who looks like the person
Knot also. The talisman is the essence of the word. The mantra is the principle
of the word, and the mantra is the sound of the word.
Dye the paper with elixir, use the words and symbols to describe it, recite the
mantra with your mouth, and inspire people.
Ghosts and gods are the spirit of nature and the harmony of bears. Use humans to
summon gods, use gods to summon hernia, and refine the fruits.
God, God is in harmony with nature. The presence of God and the appearance of
God are the combination of God and Xiang. I am the most harmonious person,
The heroic nature of heaven and earth is the origin of the law of obeying
characters and talismans. " ③" Taishang Lingbao Pure Brightness Feixiandu
Volume 5 of "The Book of Humanities" says: "
The jade character comes from the fruit of Brahma. It divides into characters
and combines into sounds.
What is wonderful becomes a talisman, and what is agreed upon becomes a curse.
④ As for "Tong Hua Lu", it is more clear:
Sound is the essence of Qi. A piece of paper separates the air and the air
cannot reach it, but the sound inside the wall can be heard
The person who hears and understands the sound is very spiritual.
Taoism performs incantations based on essence, energy, and spirit. If you do not
practice internal kung fu but only practice external
Decoration, "reciting and practicing, only in the mouth and not in the heart",
then the sutras and mantras are ordinary scriptures,
How can it be effective? The second volume of "Tai Chi Sacrifice and Refining
Internal Methods" says: "
All the Sutras in the Taishang, one
All the mantras speak of the most wonderful blessings in the human body. It’s a
pity that people today can only recite them in words!”⑤
When practicing mantras, you should sit quietly and recite them silently. It
says in the volume: "Reciting aloud and practicing it is only done through the
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 3, Page 8 6 1.
② See Tan Qiao's "Huashu Dahan".
③ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 10, Page 6 0 0.
④ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 10, Page 5 9 8.
⑤ See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 10, Page 463.
442 1 learn



The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

It is not in the heart; the effect of sitting and practicing secret silence is
in the heart and not in the mouth. Thinking silently in the heart is related to
the underworld
Hidden through, reciting orally is only for the eyesight. That is to say, recite
silently, just keep it moving in your heart
Thoughts should not come out of the throat. Those who recite silently with sound
are also recited in the heart, which means that they are silent but move the
also. If you can close your eyes in silence in a quiet room and sit for the rest
of the night, then the effect of silent meditation and practice will be
For internal refining. The longer you sit quietly, the more wonderful and
mysterious it becomes, and it is thousands of times more effective than reciting
aloud. pray
Praying for rain, praying for sunshine, and praying for snow, all the important
points are in the sitting posture. Good practice
Those who do not even want to recite incantations will only work silently in
their hearts. "
① Volume 8 of "Tao Fa Hui Yuan"
Wuyi said: "Thousands of mantras are like a little bit of emptiness. There are
no thoughts in the mind and the wonderful center is there. When you go to the
altar to call for action,
When used, the curse is called Zhujiangshu. "
② These all illustrate the key points of spells.
In Taoism, there are people who specialize in incantation, called forbidden
incantators. To prohibit, to stop, to speak
Its method can eliminate disasters and diseases, restrain ghosts and capture
spirits. This is a method that combines mantra and Qi method
Alchemy began in the pre-Qin Dynasty and flourished in the Han and Tang
Dynasties. Ge Hong said: "Wu and Yue have methods of forbidden curses.
There are very clear experiences, many don't know. Those who know can enter into
a great epidemic and just sleep with the sick
Not to be contaminated, and to follow dozens of people in a group, all of them
are fearless. This is a good way to avoid natural disasters.
also. There may be evil mountain spirits that invade other people's homes, throw
stones at them, or burn their houses with fire.
Some people may see and interact with others, or they may only hear their voices
and words, but those who are good at abstaining will stop them with fruit
This is why tea can ban ghosts and gods. Entering the mountains and forests,
where there are many streams and poisonous vipers, where no mortal can pass by
for a while.
Don't slander, but those who are good at restraint can restrain them, and they
can travel dozens of miles, and their partners will do nothing.
victim. It can also suppress tigers, leopards, snakes and bees, all of which can
be suppressed and unable to rise. Hernia is used to prevent sores and blood
Even if it stops, it can also connect the bones and tendons, and restrain the
white blade, so that it can be stepped on without being hurt, and it can be
stabbed without being hurt.
people. If a person is bitten by a snake or a snake, he will be cured
immediately if he is restrained.
"In a nutshell, it is forbidden to curse
The various special functions displayed by the technique are all due to the
function of Wu Qi. "Those who are good at controlling Qi will be able to
It nourishes the body, but it causes evil if used externally, but the people use
it every day and don’t know it.”

① See page 4 4 9 of Volume 10 of "Tao Zang".

② See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 29, Page 348.
③ See "
The inner chapter of Baopuzi,
Xi Jiao E Xuesheng

\ group


"Baopuzi Neipian" contains dozens of forbidden curses and secret methods, such
as the secret forbidden method of human plague,
Beidou body protection method, five qi method to prevent diseases, three to five
methods to ban tigers, enter mountains to ban snakes, and protect rivers and
Dragon method, Liujia secret spell method. In "The Legend of Immortals", there
are dozens of Taoists who are proficient in this art, such as
Mrs. Fan, Liu Gang, Jie Xiang, Liu Rong, Ge Yue, etc. are all known for their
ability to "call ghosts and gods, ban
It is famous for "controlling changes". Li Chunfeng of Tang Dynasty's "Golden
Suo Liuzhu Yin" said that the technique of forbidden incantation is
The essential teachings enshrined by Heavenly Master Zhang Ling, and anyone who
performs forbidden mantras must be entrusted by the Forbidden Heavenly Master Li
Boyang (Tai Shang Lao)
Jun), Forbidden Land Master Luo Wenqiang, and Forbidden Outline Master Hu
Xuanzang are the founders. "Forbidden East Luxu" says:
These three people are the leaders of the practice of Jin. Those who want to
learn Jin must first think about these three people and then follow them.
Coming from the sky, clouds covered with precious light circled the top of the
sky. Nine clouds in purple clothes were twisting the secret of all prohibitions
in their hands.
Within three steps before meeting, you should bow three times with your heart.
If you are in the same place as a stranger, you should bow nine times with your
heart. Three people, one person.
After praying three times, you can follow this formula to abstain from certain
things, which is very effective." Under the First Ancestor,
There are four more real people, namely the Forbidden Heaven Master Zhao Boqin,
the Forbidden Land Master Yin Fuzhi, and the Forbidden Ghost Master Huang Tian.
Zhang Tuling, the master of life and imprisonment, "
When making new additions, one must share the same etiquette with the previous
teacher, and then proceed
All forbidden things are connected with the gods." ①
According to the book, there are 360 subjects of forbidden curses taught by
Laojun. The most commonly used ones are
These are the thirty-six important laws, such as the law to eliminate evil for
the country, the law to eliminate evil spirits for the people, and the law to
pray for rain for the people.
Methods, methods to stop wind damage, methods to subjugate tigers, methods to
use dragons, methods to ban snakes, methods to eliminate evil and cure diseases,
The method of killing the talisman and destroying the temple, the method of
prohibiting the remote introduction, the method of prohibiting the evil place,
the method of prohibiting the plague, and the prohibition of destroying the
Weird magic, it can be said that there are hundreds of magic techniques, with a
wide range. All these fully demonstrate the Dao Shuguan
A compassionate heart that cares about society and life.
If the forbidden mantra is used to treat diseases, it requires that the Taoist
must have the sentiment of saving the world and the people.
They are also required to be proficient in medical ethics and pharmacology. As
stated in the "Essentials of Zhengyi Dharma Cultivation", first
First, we must be able to "observe the four elements", "the four elements
harmonize with those who regulate life, and those who do not regulate diseases."
Observe it with your lips, coldness is the increase of wind, heat is the
increase of fire, flow is the increase of the earth, slippery is the increase of
water, and sound is the increase of

"Golden Suo Liuzhu Yin" Volume 4, "Tao Zang" Volume 20, pages 371 and 372.
444 | Tian ⑻ (Geng Cheng/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The wind increases, movement means the breath increases, itching means the
breath increases, and the silence means the breath becomes harmonious. or from
outside, or
Starting from the inside, it starts from the outside due to cold, heat, work,
rest, fullness, hunger and deficiency, and starts from fame, wealth, joy, anger,
sound, color and thoughts.
If the patient's eyes turn yellow, stand up
"Observe the shape and form", "
"From within". Secondly, we must be good at "
The patient will recover if his face is all red. The patient will die if his
face is red and his eyes are blue. The patient who is black and his eyes will
not die.
Death, the person with black face and red eyes will not die, the patient with
red cheeks and forehead will die, the patient and the healthy person will die.
If a person's color changes like a horse's liver, if he looks at it he looks
green, and if he is close he looks like black, he will die, and the patient will
be unable to open his mouth and breathe.
The patient who speaks out will die; the patient whose feet will be swollen and
whose knees are as big as a bucket will die; the patient who speaks lies and is
confused will die.
The patient with a fever will not die, but the patient will have a blue back,
and the person with the reverse will die. The patient will die with a yellow
face and blue eyes, and the patient will die.
Those with blue faces, dull eyes, and black teeth will die; those with dry hair
and numbness will die, and those with deaf ears will not speak or speak.
Those who make noises will die, those whose tongues are curled up will die,
those who are straight and angry will die, those whose beards and eyebrows are
raised will die, and those who have facial expressions will die.
Those with white eyes will die, those with blue faces and dark lips will die,
those with swollen scrotum will die, and those with sunken eyes will die. sick
People have five qualities. A person with liver failure can look straight and be
naked without seeing anything. Those who are heartbroken do not want to see you
People's speech is confused and their tongues are curled up and they can't
speak. If the spleen is deficient, eating meat will cause the skin to break, and
the nose will be flabby and the lips
褰. The person with lung failure has a pale face and hoarse voice, and the skin
is scorched and the hair is scorched, and the nose is open. In patients with
kidney failure, their ears feel straight and dilated.
Heard nothing."
Obviously, these diagnoses are based on Taoist priests’ long-term observation of
diseases and clinical practice.
As a result, there are quite a lot of scientific elements in line with
traditional medicine, and this is exactly what
Medical knowledge that those who practice good deeds should possess. "Husband's
Taoist method can save people from illness, but as for observing
Time, must not know. If you want to practice forbidden medicine to cure an
illness, you should order the patient’s home to be fine and clean in the
The room was quiet and noisy. The Taoist priest went to the patient's side,
burned incense and carefully observed the patient's demeanor. Ruoxing
If the evil cannot be cured, it is also necessary to cure it by applying the
three seals in order to preserve the spirit and move the qi. Went to check again
in the middle of the day
Is it good or bad if the demeanor changes slightly? If not, it will be banned
again. Does the weather have to change at night? If not,
It must be banned again. When I go to court tomorrow morning, my expression will
not change, and my fate is completely incurable. "
What is particularly important is that Taoists must have lofty medical ethics.
The book says: "The husband governs
When you are sick, you must take wealth lightly. The Tao has the heart to save,
the gods will bless, and the true energy will respond. If it moves, the heart
If you are eager for wealth and have no intention of saving, your actions will
be ineffective, and disaster will only harm your body. Taoist talismans can save
people from illness
Lecture Notes on Taoist Talisman and Seal Script

\ Nong



If you are suffering, you must frequently order Taoist priests to lecture on the
thirty-six sutras, apply the Xuan Sheng Fu Tao and other methods, and measure
Learn the nuances of sex. Now I would like to follow the three or five secrets
of Zhengyi Immortal to practice the art of talisman.
Listed below. On the 12th and 35th day of the lunar month, there are many
magical methods of Taoist incantations that reveal the underworld and forbidden
End, thousands of streams are hidden in the abyss, and it is difficult to
understand them all.

The art of forbidden incantations is often used together with talismans and
seals. The talisman is the induction of the combination of divine energy and
spirit of heaven and man, and the incantation
For the voice of your sincere heart, you should recite the mantra when casting
spells and drawing talismans, and recite the mantras when using talismans.
All rituals and rituals must be done with mantras. The mantras are preached
sincerely by practitioners who practice magic.
Voice. For example, when praying, the incantation is a word to praise the gods
and pray for wishes;
When there is thunder, the incantation is used to invite gods for luck; when it
comes to treating diseases and exorcising evil spirits, the incantation is used
to express Taoism.
Words such as "light, disease and evil will all disappear"; when practicing
internal refining, the mantra is to calm the mind, refining and refining.
The Secret of Qi. When reciting mantras, you not only need to step on the gang
and pinch the secrets, but also think about it and change it.
god. Such a single-minded focus on a certain realm creates a network of multiple
information channels.
Initiate signals to mobilize the potential within and outside the body to
realize a certain wish. It stands to reason that
It is possible.
"Tao Zang" contains a large number of mantras with a wide range of contents and
uses. like
Judging from the language and characters of spells, they can be divided into two
categories: explicit spells and secret spells. like
In terms of the form of reciting mantras, they can be divided into three types:
verbal mantras, subtle mantras, and mental mantras.
A brief introduction is given below to see the situation.
Manifest spells refer to a type of spells that people can understand literally.
Most of them are four-character, five-character or seven-character prose, and
their language maintains the true nature of Chinese tradition without any
The influence of Indian religion and writing, "
"Chenzhou Spell Encyclopedia" says: "There are two kinds of spells.
One of them is passed down by Taoists, and the other is a secret spell. Those
passed down by Taoists are divided into four.
5. There are many seven-character sentences, and sometimes there are three-
character sentences. The length of each mantra varies, but six sentences,
Eight or ten sentences are the most common meaning of the mantra, and it is easy
to find out. This is the meaning of Tianshi Zhang Lingju.

① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 32, pages 576 and 577.

The Shuangxiao sect of the Eryi Taoist religion and its thoughts

Used in Heming Mountain

For example, in "The Mantra of Dispatch": "The gods of heaven move the talisman,
and the way of heaven is natural. The gods of the earth move the talisman, and
kill ghosts."
god. If you know it is not true, don’t take it for granted. You know you are not
a god, so don’t be my god. Don’t hurt those who avoid it,
The one who is in power perishes. All over the world and all over the earth.
Follow the talisman and reveal your true form. Obviously
Retribution is as urgent as the law. ”① This is a spell to summon the gods. Its
content is:
Another example is "Sitting and Refining the Mantra": "
The god is silent, the hernia is lingering, and the red ash is stored in
Danyuan, through
The mud pills soar to the sky, the golden bridge appears, and the seven yuan
appears. The God of Kui descends, and also spins, blending into one.
The secret number is hanging, in a trance, wrapped in ashes, breathing urgently,
swallowing hard, Nayuan Palace, true fire
Jian, mention it again, in front of Yintang, golden light appears, illuminating
boundlessly, Flying Sword Jue, Mo Liulian, golden
The light is broken, the officials are in order, and the place of conduct must
be dedicated. Urgency is like a law. ”② This mantra is shallow
Yi Jing is purely an internal practice technique.
Secret spell refers to a type of spell that is difficult to understand
literally. Such as the Taoist scriptures of Han and Tang Dynasties
The "hidden words", "hidden rhymes", "sanskrit sounds", "internal sounds", etc.
in the language are brief, but
The content is difficult to understand. By the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Taoism
also widely adopted Tantric mantras, such as
Sixteen-word Secret Spell, Summoning Barbarian Thunder Spell, Mollie's Small
Magic Summoning Spell, Five-Thunder Secret Spell, General Summoning Lord's Order
Curse, Lightning Mother Curse, Fierce Thunder Curse, Fengdu Jutan Catching
Curse, etc. are mostly taken from Buddhist Tantra. exist
In "Xiantian Lei Jing Yin Shu", the gods Xiao Yuqing Zhen Wang and Dou Mu are
the main Dharma gods, and Dou Mu is
The image is "
Three heads and eight arms, holding the sun and moon, bows and arrows, golden
spears, golden bells, and arrows.
He is wearing a sword, wearing a sky-green robe, driving a chariot with fire,
and there are seven white pigs in front of it. The messenger who leads the
chariot stands in front of him to listen to the order.
"Appeared in the great round light" ③. In fact, this Dou Mu is the great deity
of Tantric Buddhism, Malizhi Tianma.
Holy, so its full name is "
Brahma Dharma Master Doumu Purple Light Heavenly Queen Moli Zhitian Great Sage".
The Dharma quotes a large number of Tantric mantras, such as the Doumu Heart
Mantra, which is closely related to the Tantric Mantra

① See Volume 3 of "The Divine Curse of the Three Caves of Taishang", Volume 2
of "Tao Zang", page 6 4.
② See Volume 5 of "The Divine Mantra of the Three Caves of Taishang", page 88
of Volume 2 of "Tao Zang".
③ See page 330 of Volume 29 of "Tao Zang".
Taoist Fu Ce Science Lecture Notes


, ④ )


The mantra is word for word. ①

Taoism also borrows two of the most important mantras from Tantra—

Spit, flush, plus

Zha and La constitute the secret mantra widely used by Taoism in the Song
"Yi Lue" volume says: Taoist sects and sects offer sacrifices to various sects,
and most of them use the secret mantra of "Spitan Zala" as their ritual.
Used for treasure basket. Some of them use red-seal heavenly books, some of them
are genuine, some of them have scattered books.
There are many other methods that are useful,
Those who are useful in the law are also useful in the canopy law, "
Rate is very useful for coring. There is also a sect of Ma Ling official method,
which uses the saliva of Zala God to shoot quickly.
Those who curse can also use the four-character "spit-dala" to stack a book and
send the spirit official. These four characters also have numbers
Names, all words spoken, belong to the mind. You should know that Chapan Zala is
a taboo in my mind.”②.
In addition, the Heavenly Treasure of the Supreme Edict of Absolution, the
Heavenly Treasure of the Heavenly Life, the Bamboo Leaf Treasure, and the Four
Baolu, all use this four-word secret mantra. Of course, each sect understands
the meaning of this mantra differently.
Other mountains are completely different from what Buddhism teaches. In this
regard, Zheng Suonan pointed out: "Those who know the talisman should
It also contains nature. Fu Miao is a divine general, and ghosts regard him as a
true divine general. Fu Miao is a mountain, and ghosts see it
It's a real mountain. All kinds of images are the same as those in Tianzhuan.
Just like burning the clothes of the underworld and the wealth and tools of the
It means that the ghost's eyes have no light, and images appear according to the
meaning. Too enlightened, this is the reason for the harmony
Good fortune is called a talisman, and grasping good fortune is called a
talisman. ”③ There are many similar secret spells, such as
Most of the spells used in "Tai Shang Ling Bao Jing Ming Secret Dharma Chapter"
have strong secret meanings.
Teach colors.
Taoism absorbs the mantras of Buddhism and uses them to practice and cast
spells. It has its own inherent principles.
Depend on. The third volume of "Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi Alchemy Secrets"
brilliantly explains the practical value of the secret spells.
Immortal sutras and Buddhist scriptures, with compassion to save the world, are
even more incantatory, making the reciters unable to understand their words.
There is no ambiguity in its meaning, no words or thoughts, and it is used to
remove the evil consciousness/cut off the knowledge and view, and remove the
obstacles to desire.
When the mind of heaven appears, the truth comes out and all thoughts are
emptied. It drives away distracting thoughts and is a wonderful way to cleanse
the mind. "just

① See Volume 4 of the Buddhist secret text "The Secret Essentials of

"Tao Zang" Volume 10, Page 4 5 0.
② See "
"Tai Chi Sacrifice and Refining Internal Dharma Ritual Brief" volume, "Tao Zang"
Volume 10, page 4 5 4.
③ See "
Logical people and hundreds of people read books/ —


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Because it removes the obstacles of acquired knowledge, it helps to return to

the innate realm.
Thereby developing human potential, this is one of the values of the secret
mantra. Of course about the secret spell
There is still a lack of research on the full functions and mysterious
mechanisms of
Compared with secret mantras, explicit mantras have a wider range and more
applications. In "Tai Shang
Among the 8 1 8 spells collected in "Three Caves Divine Spell", there are 7 5 2
explicit spells and only 2 secret spells.
14, and the remaining 42 are explicit and secret spells. The so-called "explicit
and secret unity",
It means adding some secret mantras to the manifest mantras. As in the Qionghua
mantra: "Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt
The side secretly cries..." It is a secret mantra, "The clouds carry the jade
seal script, the jade seal cloud seals, ascend to the sky and enter the earth,
collect them.
Cut off the plague and the evil ghosts, pull out the marrow and intestines, obey
the destiny of heaven, and eradicate the evil disasters."
① The unity of Buddhism and Taoism, the use of both tantra and sutra,
cooperating with each other, and integrating into one body, this should be the
An innovation in teaching. This situation also reflects the Taoist Fushu sect
and the Buddhist Shingon sect.
A historical aspect that influences and learns from each other.
There are three ways to recite mantras. One is to curse, which is to say it
loudly with your mouth
Reciting, the second is the micro mantra, which refers to reciting it lightly
with your mouth, and do not sing it loudly.
Let yourself hear it." The third is the inner mantra, also known as the Yin
mantra, the secret mantra, and the silent mantra. "Shangqing Cave"
The "Yin Curse" on the volume of "The True Tianbao Big Cave and Three Scenery
Treasures" Note: "You can't come up with this in your heart."
Voice. "②"
Note in Volume 2 of Yuanshi Wumeiren Renshangpinmiaojing's Inner Meaning: "The
secret one can be moved by speaking.
Silent. ” ③ The volume of "Tai Chi Sacrifice and Refining Internal Dharma
Rituals" says: "The "Nine Heavenly Gods Chapter" teaches
When people recite the Dharma, their minds are disturbed and they recite
silently. Those who are confused are those who calm their minds. "The Complete
Book of Saviors" contains a secret mantra:
Heart mantra. Another cloud, the heart worships. "Huang Ting Jing" says,
"Everyone carries the Heavenly Sutra in his heart." No
Sutras such as "Saving People", "Sheng Shen", "Huang Ting" and "Big Cave" should
be recited silently. Everyone deserves it
Silently reciting the Yixin, mantras in the heart, and worshiping in the heart,
all of these are reciting the Heavenly Sutra in the heart, all of which
gradually enter the ultimate secret.

See "Tai Shang Three Cave Divine Mantra" Volume 10, "Tao Zang" Volume 2, page
See page 110 of Volume 34 of "Tao Zang".
See "Tao Zang" Volume 2, page 352.
Lecture Notes on Taoist Talisman and Seal Script

⑥ )


The theory of creation. All the sutras and mantras, the Supreme Being has no
choice but to reveal them to people in words, hoping that everyone will
The purpose of the words is revealed, beyond the appearance of all phenomena,
and the natural way of nothingness is seen. stuck in words
The corporal also said: "① This kind of silent spell is mainly used to
cultivate the inner body.
"mental power", "
"Thinking Power", "
"Concentration" can best entice people to enter a profound state of
concentration and inspire wisdom.
Ability to possess magical powers, praised by Taoism as "
The way to refine God is the most important thing in pure cultivation."
Therefore, it is especially popular among
Pay attention to.
The above three kinds of mantras are used in different places and have different
functions and effects.
"Tao Zang" contains tens of thousands of mantras. Their practical application,
intrinsic value, and culture are all important.
There has been no systematic research on the chemical factors. Therefore, for
Taoist incantations and talismans
Evaluations should be cautious, do not make attributions easily, and should have
an objective and scientific attitude.
left room for explorers.
2. Spells and traditional medicine
The application of talismans to cure people's diseases has repeatedly shown
miraculous effects. This is the influence of Taoism on Chinese society.
a contribution, because in this unique therapy, there are many valuable
Valuable clinical experience and wonderful prescriptions. From the materials
used when drawing symbols such as cinnabar, ink,
Speaking of paper, peach wood, etc., and then speaking of the various medicines
used when swallowing Talisman Water, they can
Find some reasonable and scientific elements in it.
Cinnabar is often used to draw symbols, also known as cinnabar, dansu, red
cinnabar, mercury sand, and cinnabar.
It is a natural mineral medicine. The main component is mercury sulfide. Sweet,
cool in nature and flavor, with
poison. Functions and Indications: Calm the nerves, calm panic, improve
eyesight, detoxify, calm the mind, ward off evil spirits, benefit
gas. Can cure madness, palpitation, upset, insomnia, dizziness, blurred vision,
swelling and sores
Ulcers, scabies, convulsions, toothache. "Compendium of Materia Medica" says:
"Cinnabar can calm the heart and calm the mind."
It travels through the blood vessels and enters the lungs to lower qi and travel
through the skin. The spleen can remove phlegm and saliva and travel through the

① See "Tao Zang", volume 10, page 449.


The lover Sha Jian enters the year/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

In the human liver, it can cause blood stagnation and travel to the fascia; if
it enters the kidney, it can expel water evil and travel to the bone marrow,
either up or down.
It can be found everywhere, so it can calm the mind and expel phlegm, dispel
evil and reduce fire, treat convulsions, kill insects and poisons, and eliminate
It belongs to the category of evil and sores and scabies. "
Taoist priests used cinnabar to draw talismans, and they cleverly used the
medicinal properties of cinnabar, such as in treating
When suffering from malaria, Taoist priests use a sesame cake to recite
incantations and draw talismans on the cake with cinnabar.
Three strokes for mild cases, five strokes for serious illness, half the number
for children, malaria can indeed be avoided after eating. At once
From a medical perspective, it is scientifically sound. For cinnabar calms all
The mercury contained in it can kill spiral bacteria. Dip three strokes of
cinnabar, which weighs at least one penny, and suffer from
The patient took a heavy dose of cinnabar once, so it was effective. Shaobing
can saturate the stomach and regulate the spleen
Digestion is also in line with the principle of treating malaria.
If you draw cinnabar on paper, burn it and put it into water, the talisman paper
will turn into ashes.
However, the medicinal properties of cinnabar still exist. It is blended into
water and has effects on patients after taking it. This kind of burning
The method of swallowing is related to the Taoist technique of taking golden
elixir. Cinnabar is not only used for drawing symbols
The essential medicine is also the best product for alchemy. Taoism believes
that cinnabar belongs to "
Benefiting others ten thousand times as much as five
The top-grade elixir of "Gu" is refined into a pill, which can make people
immortal after taking it. It can be seen that Taoism
The scholars chose cinnabar to draw talismans, which was not a random choice.
First, it was due to the practical medicinal properties of cinnabar.
Sex, firstly, out of the worship of cinnabar, the color of cinnabar is very
bright red. it makes
People think of the sun and the vigorous life. The sun can drive away darkness
and ghosts.
Charm, vigorous life can defeat illness, and what the devils who create illness
fear most is
Vermillion and the sun.
Ink is also commonly used to draw symbols. Ink is a symbol of ancient Chinese
civilization, also called black ink.
Gold, Chenxuan, Xuanxiang, and black jade pieces. It is processed from pine
smoke, human gum juice, spices, etc.
Made from tung oil fumes, and later made from tung oil smoke as the main raw
material. From a medical point of view
Look, the best medicine is pine smoke ink that has been aged for a long time.
Its nature and flavor are pungent and flat. Indications: stopping
Blood, swelling, can treat vomiting blood, metrorrhagia, bloody diarrhea,
carbuncle and swollen back. "Medical Forest"
"Xian" said: "In ancient times, pine smoke was used, which is close to warm in
nature. Today, tung oil smoke is used, which is close to cold in nature.







| 451

Although the smell is light and weak, it is still normal. Zhenzhi adds pearls,
gold, ice, and musk deer, and Chen Jiu
Be good. "Materia Medica Seeking Truth" said: "Mo, specially designed for the
liver and kidneys, is black in color, pungent in taste, and warm in
When the blood heat is too high, it can be like the plague, nose abrasion,
postpartum haemorrhage and collapse, and golden sores and threads wrapped around
the eyes.
All can be cured. To stop bleeding, use bitter wine and leek juice; to reduce
swelling, use pig bile,
Mix it with vinegar; if there are threads in the eyes, the ink will hurt the
blood; if the guest is dissatisfied in the abdomen, the earth will be ground.
Clean and swallow, each is used to treat the ear according to the disease. "
In order to improve the medicinal value of ink, people added some precious
medicines to the ink.
materials, such as pearls, musk, rhinoceros horn, garcinia, tiger bone,
cinnabar, gold, etc.
The range of beds is even wider. "Deng Zhen Yin Jue" contains "green ink",
"tiger bone"
The production method and use of "Pearl Ink", "Dongpo Zhilin" has "Black Dragon
Marrow Ink", its ink
"There is naturally dragon musk qi. Mix it with water and take it with a knife.
It can dispel the qi and eliminate phlegm."
It needs to be explained that in the eyes of ancient people, ink was not an
ordinary thing.
It can not only record the beginning of human relations, but also ward off
ghosts and worship demons. It has been popular among the people since the Qin
and Han Dynasties.
Since ancient times, there has been a custom of using pen and ink to offer
sacrifices to gods and pray for blessings. Because ink represents the gods,
Since he was a saint, ghosts were very afraid of ink, so Taoist priests used ink
to draw talismans to drive away ghosts.
In addition to worshiping, it can also cure and eliminate diseases. It has both
benefits, which is wonderful.
There are many materials for drawing talisman, such as silk, brocade, iron,
stone, bamboo, wood, gold, and silver.
You can draw symbols on them, but paper is the most commonly used. Paper is one
of the four ancient Chinese
One of the great inventions, its advent promoted the development of civilization
in China and even the world. No
However, although people cannot do without paper in their daily lives, their
medicinal value is unknown
Very little.
Paper can be used as medicine. Its nature and taste are sweet, flat and non-
toxic. Different textures of paper can be used to treat
Treat different diseases. Li Shizhen, a great medical scientist of the Ming
Dynasty, "Compendium of Materia Medica" Volume 38 Technical Technical College
The researchers have researched the origin and medicinal value of paper, and
left many prescriptions: if you use Chu
Paper, "Bamboo paper is used to burn out, stop vomiting blood, vermicular blood,
hemorrhage, and bleeding from sores,"
Burn dog hair to powder, take wine to stop malaria". Use rattan paper, "burn
ashes, Fu bruises and bleeding, and adults



The history and thoughts of the Shenxiao sect of Taoism

The child has internal heat and continuous bleeding. Use old rattan paper (
Burn in the bottle to store the property) Two coins, add musk
A little, drink with wine. Still use paper twists to wrap musk, and burn the
smoke to sniff. Use straw paper, "make twists,
For red carbuncle, it is best to remove the pus. Dip a lamp in oil and shine it
on the malignant sores, which are soaked in moisture and rot, and yellow water
will come out.
"It works several times." Use hemp paper to "stop any bleeding and burn the
In addition, medical books of the past dynasties also contain some prescriptions
for using paper to treat diseases. Such as "Puji
"Prescription" contains: "If he vomits blood and doesn't stop, take five pieces
of white tissue paper, boil ashes and drink it with water, but the prescription
is ineffective."
"The spider's bleeding won't stop. Old paper is on the screen, and the ashes are
burned. Drink a drink of wine and it will stop." "Saint Hui Fang"
Contains: "If the bloody diarrhea doesn't stop, wrap three pieces of white paper
with a spoonful of salt, burn it red and grind into powder, take it three times.
Drink the rice. ""One Hundred Prescriptions for Wang Rash" contains: "For those
with blood splashing on the skin, boil it on the wine jar.
The paper was torn into pieces like poplar flowers, spread over the bleeding
area, and pressed to stop it. ” "Liu Yuxi's Message Recipe"
Contains: "For those whose menstruation does not stop and comes at an irregular
time, thirty pieces of paper should be burnt with ashes, half a liter of sake,
and a kimono.
Stop. Drink it with warm wine during the winter months "①
It can be seen that paper books can be used as medicine. Taoists use paper to
draw talismans and burn them internally.
The original medicinal properties of cinnabar, ink and paper still exist.
Furthermore, many talismans may have been treated with medication.
Or drugs have been added during papermaking, such as white sand, cinnabar,
mulberry, sunflower leaves, clouds
Motherwort, cork, saponaria, atractylodes, ginger, rush, sophora japonica, etc.
If you use this kind of medicine
Paper treatment will be more effective.
Surprisingly, even almanacs and door-god statues were used to cure illnesses.
"Compendium of Materia Medica"
Volume 38 of "Compendium" states that the annual calendar is mainly used to
treat malaria, "Use the full calendar every other year and burn the ashes at
noon on the Dragon Boat Festival.
The glutinous rice balls are enlightened. "Take rootless water and take fifty
pills in the morning." It is also called the portrait of Zhong Kan,
It is mainly used to ward off evil spirits and stop malaria. "Sheng Ji Lu" says:
"Ghost malaria comes and goes, draw a clock on paper, burn two pieces of ashes
Qian, asafoetida, arsenic, and cinnabar are each about the size of a soap seed.
Take it as powder. Mix it with cold food noodles and take a pill of adzuki
big. Take one pill each time, put it under cold water when it is released, and
practice it on the 15th day of the first lunar month and the 5th day of the
fifth lunar month.
① See "
"Compendium of Materia Medica" Vol. 38, People's Health Publishing House,
December 1991, proofread edition, Volume 2, No. 2
21%, 2955 pages. The following citations are referred to as the proofread
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes



"Yang Qi's Simple and Convenient" said: "

The woman had dystocia, Zhong Chi's left foot was ashes, and she took water "①
Prescriptions that are popular among the people and used clinically by doctors
are obviously derived from Taoist spell therapy.
Law. It can be seen that the Taoist talisman technique has also left many
difficulties for traditional Chinese medicine.
With the mark of obliteration.
Examining the origin of talismans, the earliest talisman was painted on peach
wood board, so it was called "peach talisman".
"talisman", in the minds of Chinese people, peach wood is quite prestigious, it
can both drive away
Ghosts can ward off evil spirits and make people immortal. It can be said to
have a "two-way effect". Li Shizhen
He once studied the history of peach charms and said: ""Dian Shu" says: Peach is
a tree from the West, and five
The essence of wood is the fairy tree. It has a pungent taste and bad qi, so it
can suppress evil spirits and control hundreds of ghosts. Jinrenmen
Use peach charms on it. The "Jade Candle Book" says: Peach boards are placed on
the doors to ward off evil spirits. Take "Mountains and Seas"
Sutra "The gods Tu and Yulei live under the peach trees in the East China Sea,
and they govern the affairs of the ghosts. Xu Shenyun: Yi
Death comes from a peach grid, a grid, and a stick. Therefore, ghosts are afraid
of peaches. Nowadays, people use peach stems as bows to ward off ghosts.
also. "Book of Rites" says: When Wang Diao prays, he will use peaches in front
of him to ward off bad luck. Xun Zhe,
Peach branches are used as brooms. "Natural History" says: Peach roots serve as
seals and can summon ghosts. "The Story of Zhen Yi"
Cloud: Ghosts are afraid of the southeast branch. According to these theories,
the branches and leaves of peach in "Compendium of Materia Medica"
Roots, cores, peach owl, and peach pout all have their origins in warding off
ghosts and cultivating disobedience. "Qian Yixiao"
"Er's Prescription" remove the accumulated ripeness and knotted chest, use the
medicine of Croton, Po, and Mercury, and decoct it with Taofu.
"Down" also means "disgusting" ②
Apart from those mysterious mysteries, in terms of medical treatment, peach tree
is indeed a kind of
A drug with many uses. Such as peach fruit, which is mainly used for promoting
production of body fluids, moistening intestines, activating blood circulation,
and digestion.
Accumulation; Peach Blossom, main functions of diuresis, blood circulation,
laxative, edema, athlete's foot, phlegm retention,
Stagnation, amenorrhea; peach root, used to treat jaundice, vomiting blood,
vermis, amenorrhea, and carbuncle
Swelling, hemorrhoids; peach gum, mainly used to treat stone stranguria, bloody
stranguria, dysentery, evil in the middle, and disobedience;

"Compendium of Materia Medica" proofread volume 2, page 2 1 9 6.
Compendium of Materia Medica, Volume 29, Volume 2, Page 1751.

Why don’t people come to Hong Kong to enter the new year/ —

Taoist Shenxiao Sect's Yangao and Thoughts

Peach leaf, used to treat rheumatism, head wind, headache, malaria, eczema,
sores, and ringworm
Sores and insecticide; peach branch, mainly used to treat abdominal pain and
hidden sores, remove evil spirits and abdominal pain,
It can remove heat in the stomach, detoxify, ward off warts, kill various sores
and insects, and treat jaundice; peach kernel, functions
Indications: blood stasis and blood obstruction, evil qi, cough and upper qi,
hardness under the heart, sudden attack of blood, confidants
Pain, blood clots, blood constipation, dryness of blood, moistening of stool,
moisturizing of intestines, wind and bone deficiency, liver disease
Malaria, fever, ghost injection pain, postpartum hematosis; in addition, peach
skin, peach hair, peach parasitism, etc.
All can be used as medicine. It can be said that the whole body is full of
"treasures". No wonder Taoism commonly uses peaches.
This phenomenon is not accidental. It is the result of thousands of years of
clinical practice by witch doctors and Taoist priests. We
Its value should be appreciated.

Fu Shui treatment is inseparable from water, which is the source of life. The
most primitive creatures, in
Polymerization, reaction, and reproduction occur in water; the highest level of
life develops in the amniotic fluid of the mother's body.
nurture, form. It is water that brings vitality to the earth and promotes the
growth of all things.
Survival and development, just as "Chun Qiu Wei·Yuan Ming Bao" said: "Water is a
speech, Yin is
"It transforms into moist water, and flows under water", "Water is the curtain
of heaven and earth, the beginning of the five elements, and everything in
between is water."
The origin of things is the body fluid of vitality." Tianyuan Fawei also says:
"The birth of things is the fluid of vitality."
Their shapes are all water, and water is the origin of all things, and they are
all rooted in the creation of heaven." "Water is born in
Yang is formed from Yin, when Qi starts to move, Yang is born, when Qi gathers
and becomes still, it becomes water." Therefore, Taoism
The magic of using water for healing is also its brilliance.
Sima Chengzhen of the Tang Dynasty said in "Xu Zhen Essence Miscellaneous
Treatises: Fu Shui Lun": "The person who writes runes says:
Seal seals are also written by the gods. The dots and paintings have images, so
the spirit is preserved; the characters are
Health, so take Zhu Yan. Water is the fluid of vitality, the nourishment of
latent yang, tangible and so on.
There is no shortage of talent. Therefore, water is the mother of Qi, and if
water is clean, Qi will be clear. Qi is the basis of shape, and the harmony of
Qi makes shape
Tai, although the Rongwei of the body has its own internal fluids, the internal
organs of the abdomen also have external fluids, so it can clear the abdomen.

Collection of Ancient and Modern Books, Volume 55, pages 66908 and 69909.
Pinyi Houlucheng Lecture Notes


| 455

Stomach, beneficial to the body and qi, and can guide talismans and assist in
”① It can be seen from this that Fu Shui’s
The merit cannot be erased.
Like traditional Chinese medicine, Taoist charms—

Fu Shui therapy is also established

Based on the theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements. When implementing the
talisman, the mage is required to understand the Yin
Yang transformation, proficiency in the five elements' generation and restraint,
and dialectical treatment. Bai Yuchan pointed out: "
Amulet water,
To cure diseases and drive away evil spirits, to accumulate merits, to be in
harmony with the Tao, to become a transcendent saint, one must first understand
the mind and reason.
"If you have a clear understanding, don't be suspicious", "If you want to treat
a disease, you should carefully observe the disease syndrome, and then treat it
Treat it with Fu Shui. A person's Qi is transported between the three burners
and the five internal organs. If it goes smoothly, it will be healthy, and if it
goes against it, it will lead to success.
Illness may be caused by uncontrolled cravings or insufficient intentions, so
the invasion of evil energy will lead to illness. as I
With the true quality, I can purify the evil of the evil, and use my true yang
to fight the other's yin. If the patient persists
The evil ways can be transformed with convenience, cured by using water, and the
success of saving people can be achieved, and the level of immortality can be
But for the wonderful fruit."

The function of Fu Shui is to reconcile the yin and yang in the patient's body,
soothe the five internal organs, and nourish
Rongwei, the key to restoring health is still "
"Qi" function. "Qingwei Dao"
Dharma Hub says: "Su Wen" says: Nothingness is tranquil, true ashes follow it,
and the spirit is kept within.
Are you recovering from illness? People are sick, whether they are cold or hot,
severe or mild, all of which result in loss of coordination and craving for
Without restraint, the evils of the six qi can be multiplied. Use talisman to
cure diseases, talisman Zhu Mo'er, how can you heal yourself?
spirit. The reason why I am spiritual is that I am very real. Therefore, it is
said that the talisman does not have a formal shape, but is clever in its humor.
According to this saying, objects can contain ashes, and mud balls and sedge can
also help people. "③
When using talisman water, medicinal decoction is often used, such as to treat
heart and spleen pain, draw talisman
Incineration ash, mixed with clam fly powder, clam powder is mainly used to
treat phlegm, dyspnea, asthma, cough, water vapor edema, and stomach pain.
Vomiting, heart and spleen pain, etc. Taoist priests use it together with
talismans to treat heart and spleen pain, which is a combination of talisman
medicine and
① See "
"Tao Zang" Volume 4, page 955.
② See "
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 1, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, pages 678 and 679.
③ See "
"Tao Fa Hui Yuan" Volume 1, "
"Tao Zang" Volume 28, Page 674.






^ Zhuangbozi Benyangao and ideas

To treat the accumulation of Qi into lumps and calligraphy and talismans turning
into ashes, use perilla and wood scented decoction to dissolve the ashes and
take it orally. perilla
It has the functions of lowering qi, eliminating phlegm, moistening the lungs,
and widening the intestines. Acosta is mainly used to treat gas pain in the
heart and abdomen and warm the heart.
The combination of these two herbs, which harmonizes the stomach, strengthens
the spleen and eliminates food, is a good remedy for treating gas pain due to qi
To treat dysentery, calligraphy symbols turn into ashes. For example, use
Licorice Decoction for red dysentery, Baiji Decoction for white dysentery, and
Baiji Decoction for red dysentery.
Use black plum decoction for white diarrhea, and pomegranate peel decoction for
those who are unable to speak. Adjust the dosage according to the symptoms. All
of them are suitable.
Principles of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of dysentery.
To treat fullness of breath and ashes of Shufu burning, use coltsfoot flower
decoction. Coltsfoot flower is mainly used to treat cough and asthma.
It is effective for breathing and throat paralysis because it has the functions
of moistening the lungs and lowering qi, resolving phlegm and relieving cough.
Difficulties in treating women
When the product is produced, the calligraphy talisman will turn into ashes. Use
peach kernels or peach fruits to make soup. Add vinegar to the soup to mix it.
Because of the peach
Both kernels and peach fruits have the effect of treating dystocia and
postpartum diseases. Vinegar also has the effect of preventing and treating
effect. To treat syncope and talismans turning to ashes, take mint decoction
because mint has the ability to eliminate
It is effective because it dissipates wind and heat and clears the head. To
treat drunkenness and calligraphy talismans turn to ashes, use kudzu root
Drink the decoction because Pueraria lobata has the property of dispersing
stagnant fire and detoxifying alcohol, so it is effective. Treat spleen disease
with jujube soup
Taken together, jujube can nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and
promote fluid production. It is mainly used to treat stomach deficiency, lack of
food, and weak spleen.
sugar. To treat liver disease, use red bean soup. To treat virtuous disease,
take it with salt soup. Treat lung disease,
Use Huoxiang Decoction to treat heart meridian diseases, and use Baizhi
Decoction to treat heart meridian diseases. Treat cold dampness and athlete's
Concoction with honeysuckle. To treat headache, use Angelica dahurica powder and
tea. Treat head injury
For people, take it with frankincense soup. To treat epilepsy, use Suanzao
Decoction. Treat malaria with peach
Take the twig and willow twig decoction to avoid dizziness and fishy smell for
several days. To treat waist and kidney pain, use Muxiang Decoction. rule
For cholera vomiting and diarrhea, use clove or Huoxiang decoction. Treat
palpitations, deviation of the mouth and eyes, and hemiplegia
If it fails, use Polygala and Aspartame decoction. To treat hemorrhage, use new
cotton to burn ashes, which is the same as fu ashes
And, take it with Nepeta Decoction. To treat irregular menstruation and pain,
boil Angelica sinensis with wine and mix it with Fuhui.
use. To treat fetal dysphoria, take it with light vinegar soup. To treat
infertility, use jujube decoction.
To treat all cold diseases in women, use ginger salt decoction. To treat women’s
qi dizziness, use woody scented decoction
Clothes. To treat red eyes and wind poisoning, use Schizonepeta or copper green,
decoct it and mix it with ash to wash your eyes. Treat redness and swelling
If wind poisons the eyes, use Manjingzi Decoction. To treat swollen, itchy and
painful eyes, use Gallnut Decoction. rule
Taoist Fu Luze Lecture Notes

\ group



If you see black flowers in your eyes due to cataract, use wolfberry soup to
treat it. To treat excessive tearing and unclear vision, use Rehmannia glutinosa
Serve with soup. To treat blue blindness, use Sichuan Fungus Decoction. To treat
children who cry at night, use jujube soup
Apply gray to the center of the head. To treat vomiting of milk and cold stomach
in children, use Atractylodes Macrocephala decoction. Treat teeth
If the groove is ulcerated, use nepeta and honeycomb soup mixed with ash to
rinse your mouth, or wipe the affected area. To treat tooth decay, use
Take Guan Zhong Decoction. To treat strong odor at the roots of teeth, apply
Baiji and Fuhui. To treat closed throat, use moxibustion
Mix it with leaf soup. To treat woody tongue, use Cnidium monnieri and ash, burn
and smoke it. To treat severe boils, use
Use lime and fu gray to adjust the stickers, or use mung beans to adjust the
gray stickers. To treat kidney pain and kidney leakage, use black beans to treat
Gray paint. To treat five hemorrhoids, use Ji Ke Decoction mixed with ash and
fumigation. To treat leaks and sores, use Fritillaria powder to mix the ash
Paint. To treat all poisonous sores and swellings, pound the ash into the ash
and apply it on it. To treat sores and ulcers, use bamboo
The leaves and branches are burnt into ashes and mixed with the talisman ashes.
To treat wind sores and damp leprosy, use Xanthium herb powder and tea.
Take Tiao Fu Hui internally, do not use Shao powder and Fu Hui for external
application. To treat malignant sores in children, use light powder and charms
Painted in gray tones. To treat bruises, swelling and poison, mix fish and
butterflies with talisman ash, apply half of it externally and half with wine
There are many prescriptions for using similar talisman water and medicine
together, such as "
Lingbao Lingjiaojidu
Most of the various healing talismans and seal scripts collected in the "Golden
Book" and "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa" are used
Medicinal decoction is always required. In "The Thirteen Branches of Zhu You"
and "The God's Book of Heavenly Medicine and Fu Zhuan", it is paired with
There are hundreds of kinds of medicines that can be used in seal script. All in
all, the clinical effects of various spells
Application, often closely combined with drug treatment, should be recognized
when we reveal layers of
Behind the cloak of spell therapy, what you see is a bundle of good medicine
hidden in a Taoist gourd.
Wonderful recipe. As the backbone of traditional Chinese medicine—

Chinese herbal medicine and prescription science, their origins

The source is very complex. Taoist talismanic medicine is also one of its
sources. It is certain that
These achievements of Taoist priests come from thousands of years of clinical
practice, and they contain reasonable principles.
The gratitude is of course hard to erase.
3. Talismans, traditional culture and Chinese society
The art of talismans involves all aspects of social and personal life, which
naturally causes




―The history and thoughts of Zu Yuan Wo Xiao School

general interest. Since the Han Dynasty, it has won the devotion of countless
good men and women.
The letter set off wave after wave of devout worship, coupled with the ruling
classes of past dynasties
It was first advocated by the superiors, and the literati and citizens imitated
Notes, anecdotes, legends, novels, and street talk add fuel to the flames, so
The custom of enshrining talismans has always been popular in both the
government and the public, and its influence has spread to all aspects of
society and culture.
The field has penetrated into the long history of our country and the psychology
of the people, and is deeply rooted in
It is so solid that we cannot take it lightly.
First of all, for Chinese society, the talisman plays an important role in the
replacement of feudal regime and the stability of society.
Ding had a certain influence, especially during the Han and Tang Dynasties. From
the legendary Three Emperors and Five
Emperors, from Emperor Qin to Han Wu and emperors of all dynasties, they all
claimed to be "
"Emperor", so the talisman
Ming Tuwei was appointed as the divine certificate for his establishment of
political power. This science of prophecy and fortune-telling began with
Pre-Qin, flourishing in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Wang Mang used prophecy when he
usurped power and reorganized the system. Han Guang
Emperor Wu ascended the throne based on the "Chi Fu Fu" and highly praised the
prophecy and made people whole
The Neolithic School established the prophecy, and in the first year of
Zhongxing "announced the prophecy to the world", officially making the prophecy
the God of Wei.
The study was designated as the official philosophy. As a result, prophecy books
were published in large numbers, with as many as thirty-six kinds.
The dominance of Chenwei theology ended with the demise of the Eastern Han
Dynasty, and the
The Cao Wei regime banned the study of prophecy. After that, feudal emperors of
all dynasties strictly prohibited
The study of prophecy. "Sui Shu·Jing Ji Zhi" states that prophecies were banned
from the Liu and Song Dynasties in the Southern Dynasty, "
and Gaozu
After receiving Zen and being banned for too long, Emperor Yang ascended the
throne and sent his emissaries to search the world for books and prophecies.
Those who were involved were burned, and those who were harassed by officials
were put to death. Since there is no way to regain his knowledge, in the secret
Many of them were scattered and perished." The main purpose of doing this is to
stabilize the regime and prevent opposition
The sects and the people used the prophecies and taboos to rebel and rebel. Pei
Ziye of the Song Dynasty once pointed out:
The eccentric people of Fuzuo Dao use illusions and illusions, which are enough
to move the crowd, but are not enough to do meritorious deeds. Today, the
From this point of view, the left way can move people to believe it, so the king
prohibits it.

See Volume 7 of Zhao Yan's "Long and Short Classics"

"Fear Commandment".
Daowo Fu Ce Science Lecture Notes

\ group


However, the science of prophecy was absorbed by Taoism and incorporated into
talismans. Therefore, all dynasties
There are those among the emperors who believe in talismans. Such as Emperor
Taiwu, Emperor Wencheng, Emperor Xianwen, Xiao
Emperor Wen, Emperor Xuanwu, Emperor Xiaoming, Emperor Xiaozhuang, Emperor
Xiaowu, Emperor Xiaojing, Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty
Emperor Xuan, Emperor Jing, etc. all respected Taoism. "Every emperor who
ascends the throne must receive a talisman." Sui Dynasty
Emperor Wen Yang Jian claimed: "I only serve Xuan to rule over all nations" ①
That is, where the destiny is
Self-proclaimed. He reused Taoist priests Zhang Bin, Jiao Zishun, and Dong
Zihua. These three people "received the title of Gao Zulong".
At that time, he privately addressed Gaozu and said: "You should be the Son of
Heaven, and you should be kind to yourself."
②. At that time Yang Jian was still
The assistant ministers of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, "Fang Xing carried out the
affairs of the Zen Dynasty and wanted to spread his destiny to the world", Zhang
Bin and Jiao Zi
Shun et al. catered to Yang Jian's mentality of needing talismans, and used
celestial phenomena and talismans to attach to the changes in political power.
, so he is deeply favored. Volume 10 of "Ch'ang'an Chronicles" says: "Zishun was
able to drive away ghosts and gods, and Fu Zhu
The talisman foretells the response of Sui Wen Ying's orders, his accession to
the throne, and his obeisance to Duke Yong'an of Kaifu. ""The Hui of the Tang
Volume 50 of "Yao" also said: "Jiao Zishun was able to manipulate ghosts and
gods, and told Sui Wen about the talisman of his orders, and
Li, the Sui Dynasty granted his son Shun Kaifu Zhuguo. Resignation is not
accepted. He often consulted on military and state affairs, and the emperor was
afraid that his contacts would make him tired.
When he was sleepy, he would always send people to the nearby palace to set up a
watch, named after the Five Links, to show off its miraculousness. "Jiao
Because he himself once "broadcasted the heaven and earth with talismans", he
was involved in other people's talismans.
Love is very sensitive. The thirteenth year of the founding of the Emperor (
593) In February, it was explicitly ordered that "private information shall not
be concealed"
"Zangwei Houtu prophecies", even relatives of the emperor are not allowed to
violate this prohibition. His fourth son
Yang Xiu pretended to be a talisman, and his old friend Wang Yi made trouble
with the prophecy, but he severely punished them both. He had
An imperial edict was issued to accuse Yang Xiu of his crime: "You pretended to
be a monster, but you will not end up in your position. You falsely claimed that
you are a ghost.
He also said that he could not live in the palace, he said that his bones were
not worthy of being a human minister, and his virtue and deeds were worthy of a
heavy-duty vessel. The arrogant way of clearing the city
Holy, I want to take myself as one. He pretended to be a dragon in Yizhou and
said it was a good omen. Retelling Mu Yi’s surname,
When he was in charge of the palace in Chengdu, he used the name of He Nai in
vain to predict the fortune of eight thousand people. Hengshengjingshiyao
Different, to prove the disaster of brother, to create the auspiciousness of
Shu, to fulfill one's own body. Don’t you want to get it?

① See "
Sui Shu,
Chronicles of Emperor Wen.
② See Sui Shu,
"Laihe Biography".


? People shout down)

/ —

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

If the country is evil, the world will be in chaos "①

Sui Daye (
6 0 5 - 6 1 8) At the end of the year, all the heroes came together to compete
for the world. Among them, the most powerful
There are forty-six groups among the stronger ones. Taoist priests often make
talismans for these groups to invite them.
Favor. Among them, the most widely spread talisman is "
"Lao Tzu will live in this world, and Li will be the king", which made the Sui
Emperor Yang was suspicious and wanted to "execute everyone with the surname Li
in the country." And the people who started the trouble are ordinary people
People named Li such as Li Mi, Li Gui, Li Yuan, etc. all used this prophecy to
call on the world to accept
People's hearts. Most of these talismans come from Taoism, such as Wei
Yuansong's poems and prophecies, Qi Hui's prophecies, and Li's prophecies.
Chunfeng Zhi Tianming and Wang Yuanzhi personally informed Li Yuan about Fu
Ming, both of which contributed to Li Tang's entrepreneurial success.
public opinion.
During the Tang Dynasty, more than twenty generations of emperors received
talismans from Taoist gates. Such as Xuanzong successively accepted
The masters of the Maoshan School, Sima Chengzhen and Li Hanguang, were awarded
the Shangqing Dharma Ribbon. The governor of Chuzhou during the reign of Emperor
Cui Xian presented thirteen kinds of national treasures, the first of which was
the Xuanhuang Tianfu, "
It is shaped like a wat and is eight inches long.
There are holes to prevent war epidemics in the world" ②. Emperor Wu was fond
of cultivating Taoism, so when he came to the throne, he "called for Taoism"
The scholar Zhao Guizhen and other eighty-one people entered the ban and built a
golden dojo in the third hall. The emperor was lucky to have the third hall.
Receive the Dharma in person at the Jiutian Temple."
③. Emperor Xizong favored Wu Fatong of Maoshan and "sent envoys to accept the
big cave"
Lu, he was respectfully called the Master"④. Not only that, Wu Zetian also used
Taoist talismans to
Create public opinion for her to be the queen. In the fourth year of Chui Gong
(688), Wu Zetian came to Luoshui in person to worship at the altar.
"Heaven-given Holy Picture"; monk Xue Huaiyi prepared "Dayun Jingshu" with Chen
It is the use and transformation of Taoist talismans.
With the strengthening of the feudal system, the political influence of
talismans was gradually weakening, but
It was also respected by many emperors. For example, Zhenzong of the Northern
Song Dynasty directed the "Dazhong Xiangfu" dropped from the sky.
In the farce of the Ming Dynasty, Empress Dowager Liu of the Ming Dynasty was
punished by the Qing Dynasty, and Shenzong ordered the Taoist priest Wang Taichu
to enter the palace.

① See "Sui Shu·

"Biography of Wen Sizi".
② See "Old Tang Book·Five Elements Chronicles".
③ See "Old Tang Book",
"The Chronicles of Emperor Wu".
④ See Volume 11 of "Maoshan Chronicles".
Lecture Notes on Taoist Talisman and Seal Script

, 摑



Granting the talisman, Huizong personally taught the secret of Yuqing Shenxiao;
Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang ordered forty-two
The celestial master of the generation taught the talismans normally. In the
future, the emperors who received the talisman can be tested, including Chengzu
and Xuanzu.
Zong, Yingzong, Xiaozong, Shizong, etc. For example, Emperor Shizong once
ordered Taoist priests from Mount Taihe to write twenty talismans
Thousands of pieces were sent to Beijing, and the main purpose of receiving them
was to prolong life and ward off disasters and evil spirits.
On the other hand, in order to strictly prevent civil unrest, private private
activities among the people were prohibited from the time of Emperor Taizu of
the Ming Dynasty.
Make talismans. In the third year of Hongwu (1370), the edict was issued:
"Bailian Society, Ming Zunjiao, and Baiyun Sect,
The witch appeared to support Luan, prayed to the holy book, cursed water, and
other magic arts, and banned them." ① Later, the law was adopted
The prohibition is fixed in the form: "
Ordinary witches pretend to summon evil spirits, write talismans to curse water,
and support Luan
Praying to the saints, calling himself Duan Gong Taibao Shipo, and falsely
claiming to be Maitreya Buddha, White Lotus Society, Ming Zunjiao,
The Baiyun Sect and other congresses responded to the leftist and chaotic
tactics... to confuse the people, and those who led the way were hanged.
The followers each have a hundred sticks and can travel three thousand miles.

Entering the Qing Dynasty, various folk religions were surging, such as Luo
Jiao, Qi Jiao,
Huangtian Sect, Mahayana Sect, Hongyang Sect, Longtian Sect, Changsheng Sect,
Trinity Sect, Qinglian Sect
Sect, Eight Feng Sect, Vacuum Sect, Yixiang Sect, Yuandun Sect, Jingkong Sect,
Denghua Sect,
Jin Zhuang Sect, etc., they often use traditional Taoist symbols to create
prophecies and encourage people to
Heart, trying to overthrow the Manchu regime. For example, the Huangtian Sect of
external Buddhism and internal Buddhism teaches the "triangle
"talisman" and "flying talisman" contain hidden prophecies; in the classics of
Hongyang Sect, there are healing spells
Book, Celestial Master Talisman. The main scripture of Wenxiang Sect (also known
as Eastern Mahayana Sect) "Huangji Golden Pill"
In "Jiulian Zhengxin's Return to Truth and Hometown Treasure Scroll",
"Internally known as Maitreya Master, many of them are cryptic and undercover.
Numbers, pictures and prophecies, talismans, rise and fall of surnames, dates,
months and places, etc. It is also clear that there is competition for the
"Equal words"
③. The Trinity Church first advocated academic scholarship, taught internal
skills, and cured people's illnesses.
Later added
Use the talisman and the seal to dispel evil spirits and catch ghosts, and the
cover also belongs to the yellow scarf and white lotus."④. Yuandun Sect

① See "Jia Zi Tiao in June of the Third Year of Hongwu" in Volume 53 of

"Records of Taizu of the Ming Dynasty".
② See Volume 11 of "Daming Law".
③ See Hao Jin's "Jie Tie" on July 28, the third year of Shunzhi.
④ See Volume 8 of Xie Qizhi's "Wuzazu".

/二^-The history and thought of the Chi' sect of Taoism

"The Sutra of Numbers of Pearls" is an extremely explicit book advocating regime

change based on Fuwei prophecies.
The followers of the scriptures may draw and make talismans, chant sutras and
recite mantras, or cure diseases and prepare medicines to soothe them.
To move the masses, he was severely suppressed by the government many times.
According to the "Qing Dynasty Laws and Regulations", all
All kinds of heresies (folk religions) are strictly prohibited.
Those who use evil words and rumors to mislead the public will be killed."
Ordinary shamans pretend to summon evil spirits and write talismans to curse
Heretical techniques or hidden images, burning incense to gather people,
gathering at night and dispersing at dawn, inciting the people, for
The first one will be hanged."①
In the history of more than 1,800 years from the Han and Tang Dynasties to the
Ming and Qing Dynasties, Taoist talismans have played an important role in
It has played a considerable role in changes in politics and regimes in society.
It is both the hand of the emperor and the emperor.
It is a powerful tool for ruling the world and a magic weapon for the people's
society to resist the tyrant's tyranny.
A sharp double-edged sword has carved an indelible mark on China’s political
Mark of.
In the field of traditional Chinese culture, such as writing, calligraphy, art,
folk customs, etc.
On the other hand, talismans also have a wide range of influence. As far as the
relationship between talismans and Chinese characters is concerned, they are
They have the same origin. In the words of Tao Hongjing's "Zhen Gao", both
Chinese characters and talismans are from ancient times.
Created by Shengzhen, it is based on celestial phenomena and is based on nature.
Viewed from a modern semiotic perspective;
Whether it is a talisman or a Chinese character, they all belong to a common
category -

symbol. symbol

The number is the carrier of culture, and the creation and inheritance of
culture are mediated by symbols. if
It is said that Chinese character symbols are the symbols that distinguish the
Han national culture from other national cultures. So
It can be said that the talisman symbols distinguish Taoist culture from other
religious cultures and secular cultures.
The key to change. However, in the Taoist view, written language is often
difficult to express accurately and completely.
It shows the vivid form and vitality of objective things. "Books cannot fully
express what they say, and words cannot fully express what they mean", because
This requires abstracting the vitality of various things into yin and yang
symbols, and then adding text and pictures.
Images are organically combined into talismans, using abstract dynamic symbols
and concrete similar objects.

①See Zuo Zongtang, the governor of Shaanxi Province in the third year of
Guangxu's reign
Notice No. 9 on Strictly Prohibiting Cults
Taoist Talismanology Lecture Notes

1 463

To use metaphors, it is the so-called "sages set up images to express their

thoughts." Understand this principle, then
It is not difficult to understand the strange symbol forms and imagery in the
. These seemingly incomprehensible symbols are actually wonderful in that "
Inexplicable", they all
It comes from the abstraction of concrete objects in nature and is a dynamic
symbol with rich meanings.
It contains the eternal way of the universe and the jumping original force of
Talismans are inextricably linked with the art of calligraphy and seal cutting.
For example, in the Talisman
Seal script, regular script, running script, and cursive script are all used.
Among calligraphers, there is also the "Yun script" school.
That is the Yunzhuan script of Taoism. Monk Mengying's "Eighteen-Style Script"
says: "The person who wrote the book is Wei Heng.
made. In the Xuanyuan era, Qingyun was common, and its style was gloomy and
colorful. It was a disciplinary text.
Take all images. "Shupin" says: Wei Heng's calligraphy is like flying, and the
words are like clouds. ”① 中
Among the calligraphers of the past dynasties of the country, many of them
started out in Taoism, such as Wang Xizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, who was
knowledgeable in all kinds of calligraphy.
The calligraphy style is the best in cursive script. The calligraphy is majestic
and graceful, like a dragon leaping over the Tianmen or a tiger lying on the
wind tower. It has been treasured throughout the ages.
It is respected as "
Shusheng Er's handwriting of "Tao Te Ching", "Huang Ting Jing" and "Lanting
Prestige for thousands of years. Kou Qian's good calligraphy in the Northern Wei
Dynasty, "
The style is both official regular script and the pen is square and round", "
No one is better than Kou Qianzhi."
② The one handed down from ancient times is the "Zhongyue Songgaoling Temple
Stele", with a smooth and square font.
It is majestic, strange and majestic, blends Chinese style with true practice,
is simple and has ancient meaning. Sima Chengzhen of Tang Dynasty
Both calligraphy and painting are exquisite, and his calligraphy is long in seal
script, which is unique and is known as the "Golden Scissors Book".
In the Northern Song Dynasty, Chen Ni was good at calligraphy and wrote "
The word "福" is four feet large with thick splashes of ink; there is also the
word "开"
The banner "Zhang Tian'an is a horse, Jun Yi is a dragon" has been handed down
from generation to generation. Most of his books are in running script, which
are vigorous and powerful.
Powerful and vigorous. The white jade toad of the Southern Song Dynasty was good
at calligraphy and painting, and his cursive calligraphy was like a flying
Movement, seal script and official script are also fine. Zhao Menghou of the
Yuan Dynasty was an expert in poetry and calligraphy, good at painting, and had
a profound foundation in calligraphy.
Thick, the writing is smooth and moist, the structure is broad and meticulous,
the style is graceful and charming, true, grass,
Official script, seal script, and script are all exquisite. Running script
ranked first in the Yuan Dynasty, and small regular script ranked first in
regular script.
① See "Collection of Ancient and Modern Books,"
Dictionary of Chinese Characters Volume 2 Gong I.
②See Kang Youwei's "
"Guang Yi Zhou Shuang Ji" Volume 4.

The people of the world are divided into ditches/-The thoughts of the Erjiao
Caiying Yingzhuan

1. He is praised by later generations as one of the four great calligraphers in

my country. There is also the great Taoist Zhang Yu, who once taught
Yu Boxheng studied "
"Seventy-Two Talismans", its calligraphy has its own style and the font is crisp
and clear.
Qiu, with the Taoist indifference and elegance. Fu Shan was good at poetry,
calligraphy and painting in the Ming Dynasty.
He is good at cursive writing, Li writing, and seal writing. He is good at
collecting inscriptions and inscriptions, and is especially good at seal
Seal cutting is also a great treasure among traditional Chinese arts. From the
Qin and Han Dynasties to the present, there have been
A large number of seal cutting art masterpieces have been produced. Among them
are called "
A type of "bird and insect seal seal",
This kind of curved and coiled sculptures, cleverly stippled with the shapes of
fish, dragons, insects and birds, are typically beautified.
Seal script is the result of some outstanding seal carvers who, with their
intelligence and courage, followed the Qin Dynasty and copied the Han Dynasty
and learned from ancient times.
Launched from the soul, it is popular in China and fashionable in foreign
countries. However, it is this kind of seal script
The seal is often similar in form and spirit to the Taoist talisman seal. The
various methods used in Taoism
Seal, such as Taoist Master's Seal, Huang Shen Yue Zhang's Seal, Jiulaoxiandu
Seal, Yuanshi Talisman Seal,
The Seal of the Three Heavenly Supreme Being, the Divine Seal of Flowing Gold
Fire Bell, the Seal of Yuanjingdan Yuanfu, and the Yuanying Taihuangfu Seal
Seal, Dragon Seal True Seal, Jingming Dharma Seal, Taiwei Emperor Seal, Shenxiao
Seal, Canopy Seal, Tiangang Seal
Seal, Seal of Thunder City, Arctic Exorcism Academy Seal, Shangqing Tianshu
Academy Seal, Lingbao Dafa
Si Yin, etc., they are not only magical tools used to summon gods, ward off
ghosts, exorcise evil spirits and cure diseases, but also
It is an exquisite and unique art treasure that should be included in the world
of seal cutting art.
The influence of talismans on folk art is also quite extensive. Various
auspicious things spread among the people
Most of the patterns and evil-proofing items are related to Taoist talismans.
Such as the combined character, also called unity
Chinese characters evolved from Taoist Fuwen. Common ones include attracting
wealth and making money every day.
etc., specially used to be posted on doors, granaries, money cabinets, etc. on
the first day of the first lunar month. Another example is the most
The word "longevity" is a favorite word among Chinese people. It has thousands
of different shapes.
The writing method is amazing. If you analyze its content, most of it comes from
Taoist talismans.
In addition, there are various seasonal stickers used by the people to celebrate
the new year, such as sending poor watches, grains, etc.
For rain slips, mosquito charms, etc., write the text on yellow paper and stick
it on the wall, alleyway, etc.
at. As Guyu Dan said: "When Guyu comes in the third month, the Heavenly Master
comes to the gate, holding a seven-star sword.

Lecture Notes on Taoist Talisman and Seal Script



Kill the scorpion spirit. "There are bridal chamber stickers, affixed to
In the wedding room, the content is "Zhang Tian
"Master is here, all evil will be avoided" etc. There is a town
Home stickers, auspicious notes, public printing paper, content
Nuanwu is used to ward off evil spirits and pray for blessings.
In addition to text-based stickers, there are also
There are a large number of graphic mascots. If used
Those who receive blessings include dragon, phoenix, lin, turtle,
Magpie, bat, carp, wishful thinking, spirit

Lingbao Dafa Seal

Ming Dynasty bronze seal collected by Li Yuanguo)

Images such as sesame, gems, flowers, etc. represent respectively

It represents auspicious concepts such as blessing, joy, benefit, good luck,

surplus, and wishful thinking. Happy birthday, via pine
The combination of images such as cypress, turtle, crane, peach, Nanshan, East
China Sea, longevity star, etc., expresses people's
The mentality of hoping for health and longevity. In short, the prominence of
the two characters "Fu Shou" and "Fu Shou" comes in various forms.
The Jingmiaofeng Mountain stele contains pictures of hundreds of blessings and
hundreds of lives, which are essentially talismans.

In addition, there is the "immediate ennoblement" used to pray for nobles -

Hanging Seal"—

The monkey picks the seal bag from the maple tree; "
"Rising in the sky" -

Happy to draw three yuan”—
Flying under the red sun; "
A magpie; "from official to official" -

Like Update”—

Bai Hexiang

There are three longan fruits perched on the tree

Roosters and cockscombs; "ten thousand flowers" used to welcome the spring

White elephants carry evergreens on their backs; "Three Yang Kaitai" -

The sun; the “chicken king’s house” used to detoxify—


The monkey rides a horse; "Feng Hou"

three sheep looking up

A rooster's beak pecks a scorpion; "Five poisons"

Snakes, scorpions, centipedes, spiders, and geckos fight each other, whichever
one "attacks with poison"

The meaning of "poison"; the door god, stone gangdang, screen wall, screen,
stone used to ward off evil spirits and control the house.
Lion, cloth monkey, cloth chicken, gourd, mirror, money, door flag, etc. These
meanings are precise
Wonderful, folk artworks with popular, intuitive and easy-to-understand forms
are all derived from Taoist talismans.
It has a great influence on our country's literature and art, architectural
style and people's psychological customs.
big. With each passing day, there are new peach and old symbols, ancient
religious customs and the traditional culture of the motherland.
466 | @ @ @ @ /

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

fused together, its original meaning gradually faded, and constantly took on new
By the way, due to the great influence of Taoist talismans on Chinese society,
He also imitated the Taoist priests and made some talismans. Such as the dragon
seal collected in Dunhuang documents
Seal, Dragon Seal Divine Seal, Vajra Boy Seal, Moko Flower Hand Seal, various
flower seals, all official seals
Seal, Ruyi Mani Seal, Divine Footprint, Sandalwood Seal, Wave Head Seal,
Invisible Seal,
The Precious Wheel Seal, the Seal of Love and Joy, the Mind Seal and the Great
Freedom Seal contained in "The Secret of Tripitaka",
The sky seal, foot walking seal and forty-three spiritual talismans are
obviously derived from Taoism.
Taoism is China's native religion. In the process of its formation and
development, it has
It has absorbed the culture and folk witchcraft of various ethnic minorities in
China. On the contrary, many minorities
Nationalities such as Achang, Buyi, Dong, Jing, Li, Maonan, Miao,
The Qiang, She, Yao, Yi and Zhuang people also believe in Taoism and use Taoist
Dealing with demonic diseases. For example, the Dong’s mages and priests are
inseparable from talismans at any time.
Mantra, when calming down a frightened child, the mage recites a mantra and puts
it on the child's forehead and seal.
Draw a talisman in the middle, and then stretch out the child's palm to draw
another talisman. Jing nationality in labor
When childbirth is difficult, the mage is also asked to draw talismans on the
ashes and drink them with water. When the person dies and has a funeral, the
mage will
The "Ghost-Sealing Talisman" is slapped on the coffin lid, which is called the
Ghost-Sealing Talisman. Miao wizards are proficient in water painting. They
The left hand is tied with the "Three Mountains Jue" to hold a water bowl, and
the right hand is tied with a sword to draw a symbol on the water to treat
sick. And because of different diseases, the names of the formulas are also
different. If you treat an emergency such as sudden fainting, then
Use "Jiang Jiang Shui"; to treat bone eels in the throat, use "Herons Water"; to
treat burns on the skin and flesh, use
Then use "Snow Mountain Water"; to treat bleeding injuries from falls, use
"Blood-carrying Water"; to treat knife wounds, use "Blood-carrying Water"
The most solemn religious ceremony of the Yao people -

The precepts, the most important of which

The activity is to teach Taoist talismans, sutras, seal swords, Laojun

chopsticks, Shangyuan sticks and other methods.
device. The Yao scripture "Zhi Suo Du Jie Ke" states that Taoism implements Du
Jie for the purpose of "
Lord of prosperity", "convert to the true religion", "get rid of the secular
body", "become a saint beyond ordinary people", "become a saint"
Ji', "Protect the country and the people", "Wish the saints a long life without
borders, pray for blessings for the common people below, and observe fasting"
Lecture Notes on Taoist Fu Zhu Studies

\ ⑨


"Jiao" is a ritual ritual that benefits all living beings, so it has become a
must-go event for Yao men in their lives.
thing. The religious function of Zhuang masters is to draw talismans for folk
calligraphy and painting to ward off evil spirits,
To reward gods and save the souls of the dead, there is also "
"Bagua protects the door", "Green Talisman suppresses ghosts", "Black Notes"
Customs such as "to ward off evil spirits" and "hanging a mirror to shine". Bimo
of the Yi ethnic group is familiar with Yi scriptures and can quote them
The scriptures predict good and bad luck, draw talismans and recite
incantations, preside over sacrifices, ward off disasters, pray for blessings,
drive away ghosts, and attract evil spirits.
Soul, a sword used to draw talismans for personal protection. The handle is
inlaid with seven stars, symbolizing the Big Dipper. This is
The Beidou Divine Sword used by Taoism.
Due to the efficacious nature of Taoist talismans, it has also spread overseas.
Started from Tang Dynasty
Since then, Taoist spells have been spread to Japan and South Korea. According
to "Nihon Shoki"
According to records, during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Chinese curse masters
crossed the sea from Baekje and came to Japan, and were subjected to
Received by Emperor Minda and Emperor Tuiyou. Later, he was regarded as the
originator of Shugendo in Japan.
Yi Xiaojiao is famous for his spells and "can command ghosts and gods, collect
water and collect fuel". his disciple korea
Even Guangzu is a master of Chinese Taoist spells. To the Nara Dynasty, the flow
of spells
spread more widely. Volume 8 of "Continued Nihon Chronicles" says: "Whenever
Ying Ling Tu is king, he will be in the universe and benevolent."
And animals and plants, favor feathers. Inheriting the etiquette of Zhou
Dynasty, especially benevolence and love, Li Shi’s teachings are deeply
Killing "The "Li Jiao" mentioned here is Taoism, and is combined with the "Ling
The comparison with the talisman shows the importance of the talisman, and it is
used as a protective tool to prevent disasters and cure diseases.
Things are accepted by the upper class and the people. But it also aroused the
suspicion of the supreme ruler.
Doubt and uneasiness. Emperor Shomu once issued an edict strictly prohibiting
the private teaching of talismans: "Internal and external
If the civil and military officials and the people of the world are accustomed
to heresy, accumulate illusions, and are disgusted with charms and curses, then
Anyone who harms anything will be beheaded for the first offence, and exile for
the worst offenders. If there is a park in the forest, talk about the Buddha in
Dharma, personal teaching, imparting knowledge, sealing and talismans, combining
medicines to create poisons, making all kinds of preparations
Strangely, those who violate the edict will be guilty of the same crime. "

In the early Heian Dynasty, Japanese students who studied in the Tang Dynasty
returned home one after another, bringing back

① See Japan's "

Volume 10 of "Continued Chronicles of Japan".


The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

Many Taoist talisman literature, such as

"Bao Pu Zi Nei Pian" "Tai Shang Ling Bao Jing",
"Magic Elimination Treasure Zhen'an Zhi Jing", "Three Armor Divine Talisman"
Sutra), "Three and Five Forbidden Laws", "Yin Shu Yu",
"Steps", "Forbidden Laws", "Spiritual Mysteries" '
etc., were taught by Esoteric Buddhism, Shugendao, Yin and Yang Dao
absorbed by Shinto and popular among the people
spread, and thus to Japanese religion, medicine
Studies and folk customs have had considerable influence.
For example, the nine-character secret mantra originated from Chinese Taoism
After the law was introduced to Japan, Japanese Shintoism

Japanese Five Mountains Royal Talisman

Combined with local traditional practice methods, add

Through perfection and development, a set of nine techniques that integrates
spells, mudra, footwork, etc. has been created.
The word cutting method is "implemented in Shugendao and Yin and Yang Dao, and
is also popular among the general public." thereby
This ancient cultivation method from China can be carried forward in Japan,
which is a great achievement for China.
An achievement in the history of cultural exchanges between Japan and Japan. ①
Entering the Edo period, many Taoist books were introduced to Japan in large
quantities. Regarding Emperor Kan's
Worship is also prevalent in society. Nakae Fujiki, who is regarded as the
originator of Onmyoology in Japan, wrote "
"Explanation of Fuyu", wrote "Preface to Taishang Tianzun Taiyi God", and
personally worshiped Taiyi God.
Dajiang Kuangbi is the author of "Collected Notes on the Origin of Zhenzhai
Spirit Talisman", "Tai Shang Huimin Jia Geng's Secret",
"Secrets of the Three Religions of Jiageng Lingfu", "Illustrated Biography of
the True Forms of the Five Mountains", "The Big Dipper in the Origin of the
"The Legend of Divine Talisman" and so on, thereby localizing Taoist talismans.
By the end of the Edo period, the Tokugawa family
In the 12th year of Tianbao (1841), Duo Yuan, a courtier of Qing Dynasty, copied
it during the reign of Emperor Xiaozong of the Song Dynasty.

① See Li Yuanguo's "

The spread of "Nine-Character Secret" looks at the religious exchanges in the
cultural history of China and Japan", "Bashu
Multidimensional Vision of Culture" pages 7 8, Sichuan People's Publishing
House, October 2002 edition.
Taoist talismans

\ group



(Around 1178) "Twelve volumes of "Tai Shang Zhu You Ke" prefaced by Tianshi
Zhang Xujing.
In China's neighbor South Korea, people regard the core element of Taoism, the
idea of gods, as
It is a concept that emerged spontaneously in Korea, so the successors of Taoism
did not face any resistance.
According to documentary records, Taoism was introduced to Korea in the early
7th century. "Legacy of the Three Kingdoms"
Volume 8 says: During the Wude and Zhenguan years (618-6 4 9), the Koreans
competed for the first place in the Five Dou Rice Road.
Believing, Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty specially sent Taoist priests and
Tianzun elephants. The Taoist priests of the Tang Dynasty were the king,
The subjects lectured on the Tao Te Ching, toured famous mountains and rivers,
held fasting ceremonies, and compiled talismans.
"Haidong Chuan Dao Lu" and "Wuzhou Yan Wen Long Collection" records that during
the Tang Dynasty,
(8 3 6 - 8 4 0), that is, in the era of King Minai of Silla, Cui Chengyou, Jin
Keji, and Seng Jihui were three
He studied in the Tang Dynasty and practiced Taoism under the Heavenly Master
Shen Yuanzhi at Guangfa Temple. He also followed Zhongli Quan
Learn inner alchemy and swordsmanship, and obtain "
"Qinghua Secret Text", "Lingbao Bifa", "Golden Edict", "Heaven"
Taoist books such as "The Method of Escape and Refinement" and "Vipassana Jade
Wen Baolu". Later, Dancheng, Cui Chengyou, Seng
After Cihui returned to China, he spread his teachings to Silla. There was also
Cui Zhiyuan in the eighth year of King Jing of Silla.
(8 6 9) He studied in the Tang Dynasty and learned secrets from Jin Keji. After
returning to China, he studied under Cui Chengyou and
Shi Cihui and Shi Xuanjun learned the secrets of Taoism and became proficient in
inner elixir swordsmanship and spell steps.
Gong I, the book "
"The Sixteen-Article Formula of Shen Tongqi", "Gaya Bu Yinfa", "Measuring Water
and Interpreting Corpses",
"Songye Corpse Explanation" and other works have become the originators of
Korean Taoism.

The Goryeo Dynasty was the most prosperous period for Taoism in Korean history.
Taoist temples were established,
The Taoist priest system and the priest system were also established. Kings of
all dynasties respected and believed in Taoism.
Taoist fasting festivals are held by the state. The main purpose of Zhaijiao is
to pray for the prosperity of the country and the people
To pray for peace, good times, good fortune, longevity and tranquility, and to
pray for blessings and avoid disasters, the main ones are Taiyi Jiao and Haotian
Emperor Jiao, Haotian Five Directions Jiao, Old Man Star Jiao, Three Realm God
Jiao, Natal Star Jiao, Five
Plague God Jiao, Xingbian Jiao, etc. In addition, the Taoist color of Korean
traditional medicine is
Quite thick. For example, the most famous medical classic "Donguibojian" is
compiled based on "Tao".

See Li Yuanguo's "

A Brief Examination of Zhong Liquan’s Life and Deeds, Taiwan
Tao Yun" Issue 1, 1997.

Being treated like & /

The History and Thoughts of the Shenxiao Sect of Taoism

The fundamental principle of "precise medicine and rough medicine" explains the
principles of medicine with Taoist philosophy.
"Jing Pian" is based on the Taoist "Huang Ting Jing" and introduces midwifery
care in "Miscellaneous Diseases"
The baby's talismans include birth chart, birth inducing talisman, and earth
borrowing talisman. There is also "Lin" written by Xu Youqu.
"Sixteen Records of the Garden", among which "Yiyun Records" includes "Dengshe
Talisman", which includes "Baopuzi"
The Immortal Ascending Talisman, the Mountain Entering Talisman, etc. in "Inner
Chapter". As for the studies of Tuwei and Feng Shui, they are more popular
to the attention of successive emperors. All in all, Taoist culture and its
theory of talismans had great influence on Korea.
It has had considerable influence on the country's religion and culture.
In the surrounding areas of China, Taoist culture is also widely absorbed.
According to the "Ryukyu Calendar"
"The Daibao Case" records that in the first year of Ming Yingzong's orthodoxy
(1436), Ryukyu King Shang Bazhi and Wang
Xiang Huaiji once wrote to Zhang Maocheng, the forty-fifth generation Heavenly
Master, requesting for the talisman to be granted. Orthodox three years
(1438) In November, Huaiji wrote again to thank the Heavenly Master for
receiving Lu's favor. Orthodox four
In 1439 (1439), King Shangbazhi died. He took the opportunity to report his
funeral to the Heavenly Master and asked for a funeral rite for the new king.
Taoist talismans have also been introduced to Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia,
Singapore, Indonesia and other countries
The home has become a symbol of religious belief and cultural important in
Chinese society in Southeast Asia.
Su, widely believed by Chinese people0
To summarize the above four lectures, from the origin, history, function,
A brief introduction to various aspects such as influence was given. Obviously,
this only provides some
The clues for studying this unique skill are far from precise. From the current
research on Taoism
In terms of the entire current situation, the emphasis on and research on
talismanology is the weakest link.
Although dozens of new books on talismans have been published in Taiwan in
recent years, they are all limited to
The description of "technical" aspects lacks historical and theoretical
analysis, so it cannot be called

This time, I was invited by the Guilin Academy to talk specifically about
"Taoist Talismanology".

A move that started a new trend. I would like to throw some light here and
respectfully ask for your advice from eminent virtuous people and experts.




In those gloomy days before I turned 30, there were of course some brief
Happy times, but the car of life is pulling on a very heavy track, and then
However, a clear goal can always make me get rid of the temptation of
degradation and sinking, step by step
Toward the palace of ideals.
In the Youjiang coal mine near Heming Mountain in Dayi, Sichuan, the birthplace
of Chinese Taoism, I
I often look up at the bright starry sky, hoping to find the Dou Shu that will
guide my future life. also
Maybe, sincerity can indeed move God. By chance, I discovered that beautiful
The unassuming Heming Mountain turns out to be the ancestor of Zhang Ling, the
founder of Taoism and Buddhism.
From here, the long history of Chinese Taoism that lasts for thousands of years
is revealed. Although at this time the sacred mountain has
The temple was destroyed and the monument was ruined, and both humans and gods
were empty. However, those green and towering ancient cypresses were still full
of vitality.
Of course. From then on, this sacred mountain ancestral hall of Chinese Taoism
has firmly locked my eyes.
The brilliance of the Holy Ancestor of the Sanqing Dynasty is like the shining
Beichen in the dark night, guiding me through the deep darkness.
In the cold mine tunnels, I embarked on the road of seeking truth and truth,
determined to promote the Chinese Road
And work hard.
From a miner buried deep underground to a researcher and professor who lives
with books today
Professor, for more than twenty years, I have been in and out of thousands of
Taoist scriptures, soaking in them.

The enemy team Ba Huocen/ —

Taoist Shenxiao Sect Yage and Silu

In the vast abyss of Chinese culture. Religious holy places all over the sea and
abroad, pure
It touches my heart; it penetrates the profound philosophy of heaven and man and
nourishes my wisdom. exist
With the support and help of many great virtuous people, teachers and friends, I
finally completed some research.
The research results are worthy of the passing years. The draft was first
completed at the end of the last century and was respected
Teacher Mr. Wang Jiayou’s affirmation, and he happily wrote the preface to show
his encouragement to the students.
The caring feelings of respected teachers will be unforgettable for a lifetime.
Although the small book is completed, the research on the Shenxiao sect is still
The research is not over; not to mention that some of the views in the book are
not yet clear, and the omissions are difficult to
No, I respectfully ask for corrections from great Taoists and academic
Special thanks also go to Dr. Jiang Sheng, professor of Shandong University, who
provided suggestions for the publication of this book.
Provided great help. I would like to express my gratitude to the Taoist
community and scholars who have always supported me over the years.
Friends from the academic world and all walks of life.

Li Yuanguo
On July 8, 2002, at his apartment in the northern suburbs of Rongcheng, Xishu

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