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Drug Description

Vitamin A - 2000 I.U.

Vitamin B1 - Nitrate 2 mg
Vitamin B2 - 1 mg
Vitamin B6 - 1 mg
Vitamin B12 -
Folic Acid - 0.1 mg
Acid Amide - 10 mg
Calcium Pantothenate - 20 mg
Vitamin C - 25 mg
Vitamin D - 3500 I.U.
Vitamin E acetate - 5 mg
Biotin -
Copper Sulphate - 0.45 mg
Cobalt Sulphate - 0.47 mg
Manganese Sulphate - 0.21 mg
Royal Jelly Concentrate: Biopterin - 10
10-Hydroxy - -decenoic acid - 27


Apifortyl capsule is used for the treatment, control, prevention, &

improvement of the following diseases, conditions and symptoms:
Mineral deficiencies
Minerals related poor nutrition
Leg pain due to blocked arteries
Pregnancy related mineral deficiency
Digestive disorders
Heart attack
Chest pain
High blood pressure
Apifortyl capsule may also be used for purposes not listed here.

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