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Srishti Computer Centre


No.1. Create an Excel Table as follows below. (20)

OrderDate Region Rep Item Units UnitCost Total
1/6/2020 East Jones Pencil 95 1.99 189.05
1/23/2020 Central Kivell Binder 50 19.99 999.50
2/9/2020 Central Jardine Pencil 36 4.99 179.64
2/26/2020 Central Gill Pen 27 19.99 539.73
3/15/2020 West Sorvino Pencil 56 2.99 167.44
4/1/2020 East Jones Binder 60 4.99 299.40
4/18/2020 Central Andrews Pencil 75 1.99 149.25
5/5/2020 Central Jardine Pencil 90 4.99 449.10
5/22/2020 West Thompson Pencil 32 1.99 63.68
6/8/2020 East Jones Binder 60 8.99 539.4

Do the followings:
i) Sort the table region wise.
ii) Sort the table total sales wise.
iii) Filter data to show only sales data of “pencil”?
iv) Use Filter to show which Items has unit cost more than 10 rupees?
v) Get the total sales value from the above table.

No.2. From above table create a pivot table on region wise total amount for each item. (10)
No. 3. Create table as below and highlight different subjects with different color using
conditional formatting.
Day / Period I /Period II /Period III /Period IV
Sunday Math Science English Computer
Monday Science Computer Math English
Tuesday English Math Computer Science
Wednesday Computer Science Math English
Thursday math Science English Computer
Friday Math Science English Computer

No.4. Create a line graph on last seven day temperature (both maximum and minimum). (15)
MCQ Question (Answer any 20 Questions out of 25)
Question: 1: Which file are contents readymade styles that can be used for a word document?
(A) Presentation (B) Letters (C) Magic wands (D) Templates
Question: 2: To delete the selected text press
(A) Ctrl (B) Alt (C) Home (D) Delete
Question: 3: Which of the following to justification align the text on both the sides-left and right of margin?
(A) Balanced (B) Right (C) Justify (D) Balanced
Question: 4: To print a document, press ___
(A) Ctrl+ P (B) Alt + p (C) Tab+ P (D) None of these
Question: 5: To see the document before the printout is taken, use
(A) Print Preview (B) Format pointer (C) Cut (D) Paste
Question: 6: To save a document for the first time, option is used.
(A) Save As (B) Save first (C) Save on (D) Copy
Question: 7: Portrait and Landscape are
(A) Page Layout (B) Paper Size (C) Page Orientation (D) All of above
Question: 8: Which of the following key is used to delete characters to the left of the cursor?
(A) Backspace (B) Delete (C) Shift (D) Alt+Delete
Question: 9: _____ enables the user to automatically insert numbers in a sequential or random number.
(A) Auto Number (B) Look up Wizard (C) Hyperlink (D) Ole object
Question: 10: A file containing relatively permanent data is
(A) Sequential file (B) Transaction file (C) Master file (D) Random file
Question: 11: This form displays multiple records, one per row, in the form window
(A) Justified (B) Columnar (C) Tabular (D) Datasheet
Question: 12: In a database table, the category of information is called ____
(A) Tuple (B) Field (C) Record (D) All of above
Question: 13: In Access table, column is also known as ____
(A) Type (B) Data (C) Record (D) Field
Question: 14: Which of the following is not a valid Data Type in MS Access?
(A) AutoNumber (B) Currency (C) Picture (D) Memo
Question: 15: DOS based spreadsheet package is
(A) Smartsheet (B) Excel (C) Spread PRO (D) Lotus 1-2-3
Question: 16: ____ sign is used to create an absolute cell reference.
(A) $ (B) @ (C) & (D) %
Question: 17: You can undo and redo up to ____ action in Microsoft Office Excel, even after a worksheet is
(A) 50 (B) 99 (C) 100 (D) 500
Question: 18: Press ______ to displays the Print dialog box in MS Excel.
(A) Alt + P (B) Ctrl + P (C) Esc + P (D) Tab + P
Question: 19: To displays the open dialog box to open or find a file, press
(A) Alt + O (B) Ctrl + O (C) Esc + O (D) Tab + O
Question: 20: Which of the following function used to adds the values in the function argument or the values in
the all references in the argument?
Question: 21: What are the animation like effects that occur in Slide Show view when you move from one slide
to the next?
(A) Highlight (B) Footer (C) Header (D) Slide transitions
Question: 22: Press _____ to delete one word to the left.
(A) Ctrl + Enter (B) Ctrl + Tab (C) Ctrl + Space (D) Ctrl + Backspace
Question: 23: File ___ shrinks the size of a file so it requires less storage space.
(A) Compression (B) Defragmenting (C) Synthesizing (D) Scanning
Question: 24:The file that is linkked with an e-mail and sent to the receiver of the e-mail is referred to as ____
(A) Annexure (B) Appendage (C) Attachment (D) Add-on
Question: 25:Which of the following is not an output device of a computer?
(A) VDU (B) Keyboard (C) Printer (D) CRT screen

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