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Core Fitness:

Group Consulting Project

Kylie Blair, Hailie Stevenfield, Heather Schollmeier,

Ayden Winterland, Ashley Przybylski
Small, locally-owned fitness center

Owned by Jennifer Blair

716 E. Empire St., Suite A
Bloomington, IL 61701

One-one-one coaching to target clients
individual goals

Energizing, team-oriented workout classes

Personalized, holistic nutrition plans
designed specifically for the client
Problem Definition

Lack of Awareness Limited Offerings

-Many competitors including -Individually-owned businesses
monthly gym membership only have so many services they
offerings can offer
- Core Fitness does not have -Consumers may prefer
a large social media presence membership-based options so
they can workout on their own
Research Objectives and Hypotheses
Research Objectives Hypotheses

1. To determine if consumers feel

more connected to businesses 1. 80% of consumers tend to feel
they follow on social media. more connected with businesses
2. To determine if gym customers they follow on social media
prefer a wide selection of 2. 50% of consumers would pay $35
products and services, beyond or more on a 30-minute workout
basic equipment. session
3. To determine if the location of 3. 75% of consumers believe that
Core Fitness is convenient to Core Fitness is located in a
those in the convenient, easily-accessible area
Bloomington-Normal area.
4. To determine if the price of Core
Fitness services reflects its value.
Research Methodology Employed
Descriptive Research:
- Quantitative survey administered via Qualtrics
Exploratory Research:
- Focus group of non-customers to determine attitudes
and preferences surrounding fitness centers
Secondary Research:
- Determine demographics within Bloomington-Normal
- Find the impact social media has on small businesses
- What consumers consider when choosing a gym
- Typical target markets for gyms and gym services
Focus Group Findings
Question 1 Questions 3

“What are your expectations on services that you would receive “Do you recall posts from Core Fitness in the past?”
from being a member of a gym?” ● All answers were “no”
● Insight into what services the business needs
● Not ideal given the more people that know, the better
● This helps customer/business satisfaction
● Business needs to push harder on ads and awareness
● Pleased customer = more customers
Question 4
Questions 2
“Do you recall seeing posts from other fitness centers in the
“What specific workout programs/classes interest you the past?”
most?” ● All answers were “yes” with the name of the business
● Main two answers: weightlifting and HIIT workouts
● All fitness centers were much larger than ours
● More slots for these types of workouts
● Brand recognition through ads are needed
● More advertisements on availability of these workouts
Group Findings
Group Findings: Social Media
Group Findings: Location
Group Findings: Price
Group Findings: Services
Group Findings: Services
Group Findings: Multiple Regression
How likely are you to enroll in a workout program that you’ve never tried before?
Group Findings: Chi-Square Analysis
What social media app do you use the most?
Group Findings: Basic Difference Test
Group Recommendations

Promote services
Increase social
that stood out to
media presence

Loyalty programs
and/or discounts
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