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Dear daddy with long legs,

Last night, just in time for the dark, when I was sitting in bed
looking at the rain and felt terribly bored with life, but the nurse
appeared with a long white box addressed to me and filled with
LOVELIEST pink roses. And much nicer, it contained a postcard
with a very polite message. Thank you, Dad. Your flowers are the
first real gift. I'm a child and I lay down and cried because I was
so happy.
Now that I'm sure you've read my letters, I'll make them much
more interesting. Just please pull out this terrible letter and burn
it. Thank you for making a very sick, unfortunate freshman
cheerful. You probably have a lot of loving family and friends,
and you don't know what it's like to be alone.Goodbye, I promise
never to be terrible again, because now I know you're a real
What do you think is my favorite book? Right now, I mean, I
change every three days. "Suthering Heights." Emily Brontë was
quite young when she wrote this.In spring, when everything is so
beautiful, I want to turn away from classes and run away to play
with the weather. There are so many adventures in the fields! It's
much more interesting to live books than to write them.
May 27
DEAR SIR: I received a letter from Mrs. Lippett. She hopes that
I'm doing well in deportation and study. Since I probably have
nowhere to go this summer, it will allow me to return to the
shelter and work on my council until the opening of the college.
I HATE JOHN GRIER'S HOUSE.I'd rather die than come back.
May 30
Have you ever seen this campus? It's a heavenly place in May. I'm
the happiest of all! Because I'm no longer in the shelter; I started
telling you about the campus. I would like you to come to visit
and let me take a walk with you. I walked, talked and drank tea
with a man. And with a very superior man - with Mr. Jervis
Pendleton from Julia's House; her uncle, in short, he is as tall as
you. Being in the city on business, he decided to come to college
and call his niece. He's her father's younger brother, but she
doesn't know him very well.
In any case, he was there sitting in the waiting room very
correctly with his hat, stick and gloves next to him; so Julia ran
into my room and begged me to take him around campus and then
deliver him to her when the seventh hour was over. I said I'd do it.
He's a real person - not Pendleton at all. We had a great time. He
is tall and thin, with a dark face and the funniest smile. We
walked all over the campus, then he said he felt weak and should
drink tea. He suggested that we go to the College Inn - it's not far
from the campus by the pine walk. I said we should come back
for Julia and Sally, but he said he doesn't like it when his nieces
drink too much tea; So we just ran away and drank tea, cupcakes,
marmalade, ice cream and cake at a beautiful little table on the
balcony. We had the most fun time! But he had to run on the train
as soon as he returned, and he hardly saw Julia. She was furious
at me. He seems to be an unusually rich uncle. It became easier
for me to find out that he is rich because tea and things cost sixty
cents apiece.I give you my compliments.
P.S. This morning I looked into the glass and found a completely
new hole that I had never seen before. That's very curious. Where
do you think it came from?

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