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The Fall

In the very Journey of life it’s a vast mixture of mystery and wonder though unravelling each and
every one of these little reflections I’m more interested in one portion of it, I call it “The Fall” I
use this term as something that’s not unknown and curious because by stories, movies & shows,
even from personal experience there can come the time the fall happens and when it does the
impact the very hit and just being there on the ground felt in an indescribable manner for there is
no right way to describe just how it feels. It’s a really fascinating thing to me on how the fall
could be described as by different people and how it was done about it, but as said that the
impact and the pain cannot be described this can however be where the manifestation could be
redemption or corruption both is also possible, the fall interest me so much because if thought of
hard enough, this is the very part where someone has the turning point of changing their futures
for a very long time, but let me be very clear that after learning from Therapeutic Community
there’s still a way to help recover from the fall and perhaps even grab on to them before they do.

In every fall we get back up again and that’s how life can be summed up by things going
smoothly and we tend to just fall down and naturally we just get back up however other types of
fall can’t be simply done like so such as being pushed, falling into water, … The metaphors can
go on and on, the point is the when we have fallen it’s hard to get back up again and Therapeutic
Community can teach one principle which is lending a hand to bring back up again, where going
back to the start is the worst but it’s strange because it feels different every time we go back,
someone is with you this time and that’s where Therapeutic Community has its greatest strength,
no one is alone and the suffering is shared and done by in different forms, to reach up high again
with someone at your side.

Gerardo Lopez was an individual who had the fall because he joined an gang called MS-13 a
very terrifying gang from the US with a lot of disturbing crime records, Gerardo Lopez
explained his life and actions why did he joined the gang and what made him decide to leave but
from that very speech he delivered he became one of the examples of Therapeutic Community
where in which he manages and creates his programs towards survivors and victims of gang
joining involvements, it helped him he went through this program and so he decided to do the
same; by reaching out to others that needed a hand to stand up again and this is another thing, to
remove the stigma that once a criminal always a criminal.

A second chance is all one can ever receive, this can still be seen in a show called Ramsey
Behind Bars, where Gordon Ramsey creates a bakery, and the Chefs are all prisoners and what
he has done there was teach them all how to bake it’s didn’t feel tense, it felt like how I felt when
I was at culinary class and I can tell the results were quite beautiful how they were able to make
really nice looking and tasty pastries; cupcakes specifically. Some of the prisoners received jobs
after all that and I want to make note of that, as I watched this video I didn’t see prisoners, I saw
normal people baking having the time of their life and that the power of Therapeutic Community
to regain passion.
Thus leads to my conclusion in which the fall has an opportunity to change someone, it’s the
vulnerable state that can be manipulated or channelled, it’s a catalyst where Prison really should
be all about rehabilitation and not punishment, this is a refreshing teaching because to return
back the path continues, and within that path there are those who are on the fall would you bring
them back up again?

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