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Donald Marshall Vinny Eastwood youtube

Biggest Secrets how it is your face yeah it is kind of yeah not kinda at all it is me I was asking
well I'll just tell you Queen Elizabeth got really interested in this magic kid that could uh make
these songs out of thin air so she had me serenading her because she thinks she's really
special she's pretty insane by the way by five different ways um she rules this cloning station

Queen Elizabethand Vladimir Putin um all of them are there Muammar Gaddafi was there he's
not actually dead by the way that was a clone of them him that died and all the people around
him jostling the camera the video the the phone video um they were all in on it he's not dead
that was a clone that they killed that's why they buried his body in a remote location nobody will
ever find because it's clone the cells are different and stuff I guess like these they're grown in
five months in a a big glass tank full of uh like salty water and um just takes five months and it's
no cost at all it's basically uh maintenance they just got to get tissue from you

end of the world 2012 and everything is all about ultimate lizards and cloning and I'll tell you all
about it right now um something has to be done these people are like over corrupt I don't know
if there's a word for it in the English language they bring people to the cloning station and
enslave them and have the option of allowing them to remember the memory if they leave you
unmount un if they leave you memory repressed it will give you symptoms in real life and you'll
just think that you're sick you won't know it depends on what they do to you as a clone um if
they're torturing you and you'll get badly sick you'll get heart damage like my heart's messed up
and I'm only 37. just turned 37 and um yeah I think strap you do a rack and freaking slice you
and everything and people sit around in a crowd watching you in this big well not big it's not it's
a stadium and it has a hockey boarded ring but it's smaller than a normal hockey rink um and
the celebrities uh and kings and queens from weird countries are all there sitting in the stands
watching this weird faces of death scenario thing made people sword fight they made me sword
fight there I got all chopped up as a clone and the thing is they can have multiple clones of you
right now they got chips in these clones too so they turn you into the next clone like within a
matter of uh like 30 seconds like deactivate one clone and go over to this one and click it on and
I've experienced it it's uh everything goes black don't you don't have dreams anymore some of
the celebrities make uh songs I've made songs for them there about not having dreams
anymore and your dreams are lost and blah blah your heart this heart that like I made a lot of
songs there um Donald how do you know that you're the real you um scars and uh clones well
these duplication clones can't walk around in public without what they call a Handler they uh
they have to be babysat so that they don't bite someone on the face or start a fire in a house or
they're like uh they did it go with the first first impulse you know what this reminds me of it
reminds me of the episode of Family Guy where Stewie clones himself but he doesn't do he
doesn't do the cloning job right and he and he creates what's known as Stewie who's really kind
of thing is is that sort of what we're talking about here it could be they make that cartoon they
make the Simpsons they make all the movies and stuff they made the Avatar movie um they
make they own Hollywood right so and they get their ideas they all discuss stuff at the cloning
station like all night it's

pretty boring there because first once they do the sex sex sex sex and then they do death stuff
to themselves because they can turn somehow they have they have the attack to make the
Clone not feel any pain at all they said it's something to do with uh how uh how a person
becomes a quadriplegic uh just the first second before they were quadriplegic they can't feel
any pain stabbing their thigh or anything just like a quadriplegic can well but they can still move
around and stuff they've done it to me it feels weird like they let me stab myself in the forearm
and go you can get right up the arm and didn't feel anything and it's bleeding and stuff it's pretty
gross and all kinds of stuff there there's there's nothing to do there though once you do all the
stuff and the novelty wears off but uh then you're not allowed to leave if you want to leave uh
well they only keep you if you're used for something well good looking for sex or something or
have some kind of talent or something and if you try to talk you say oh they're take they say
people that think they're in the Fifth Dimension or the astral plane or something they'll go to the
police and say they're some the world leaders are taking me to The Fifth Dimension they're the
astral plane and victimizing you torturing me like Chris Benoit as well they killed him uh well he
killed himself but the thing was they were torturing the hello to him like uh Insane Clown policy
and had a song made up about him and I actually did the lyrics for the song um they made me
do it because I didn't want to because I liked Prince Chris Benoit the thing was they had his wife
and his kid there and they started hurting them too and they were home throwing up and stuff
and he was trying to go to the police and they they wouldn't uh yeah we are we are um we've
still got another uh 30 seconds or so also to wrap up your point if you want yeah he they uh he
tried to go to the cops they sent him to the mental institution and kind of like Tila said he said uh
Queen Elizabeth is blasting me into another dimension and she's torturing me there and forcing
me to have sex with her and stuff she said he said this to his therapist this is like public
knowledge now though and uh he was like oh yeah here take these pills and he's like no really
they're taking me to some place when I sleep it's like it's bad man you know it sounds sort of like
Invasion of the Body Snatchers they get you while you sleep or something like that I want to tell
you about that we'll be right back over there we'll be right back ladies and gentlemen just a few
minutes with Donald Marshall welcome back ladies and gentlemen to our number two of the
fastest two hours in talk radio it's the Vinnie Eastwood show broadcasting live five days a week
on from the fabulously fluidated capital of Auckland New Zealand
the island chains nation in the sunny slave South Pacific it's borderlining on Fukushima radiation
down here but it's good for the economy because everybody's got a part-time job as an
incandescent light bulb my very special guest is Donald Marshall for the remainder of this hour
Donald welcome back you're going to talk to us about the the reptiles and and speaking of
which The Reptilian conspiracy this is the
conspiracy that is used to demonize anybody like I remember I was talking to a bunch of
Communists right about the two types of fluoride you know calcium fluoride which actually is
natural and not that bad for your teeth and uh and sodium fluoride which is unnatural and comes
from the phosphate fertilizer industry and then straight off the bat they said oh you're going to be
talking about shape-shifting reptiles next well they're not shape-shifting the thing is I'm going to
tell you what the shape shift is and it's really creepy and this is the thing that they said that could
wipe the world people panicking with the riots and stuff because the cloning thing people cloning
people's kids and messing up messing them up in the brain is bad enough uh remotely killing
people who they don't like which might happen to me you never know um thing is uh the

lizards okay lizard's been around a long time like since before ancient Egypt and everything
and the uh the symbol you know that I the Eye of Horus with the squiggly hanging out of it that
has to do with lizards it has it's a lizard symbol it means two things it's a pro lizard symbol and it
also means to beware there's lizards here okay there's three different kinds of lizards I'll tell you
all about them they're called real the thing is I'm not sure if it's one L or two at the end it's real v-
r-i-l-l or v-r-i-l uh Germans were into them they had a club with real things anyway there's a
there's like a one to one and a half foot tall one that's the real type one um it's got scales red
scales uh there's a type two that that is not parasitic but it's still vicious nasty carnivorous they're
all carnivorous and there's a type three that's eight feet tall that uh has a real long neck and
looks like a gray alien but it comes from deep deep deep underground like like I mean like below
deep bass deep like uh they need a methane oxygen mix to breathe and deep underground
they got sulfur pools I guess that make this stuff anyway they come up underneath the dumb the
bases the the government is complicit with them basically now now I have to tell you about the
parasitic aspect of the lizards and why the Illuminati and the governments use them okay I'm
saying this in a nutshell because it's very important I want to get it all out on your show uh
nobody's going to say this for fear of Clone torture remote control death or death by lizards a
thousand times until you die by a heart attack or something um but I figured I have to tell people
because well they're getting me there anyway like uh they eased up lately asking me not to talk
about it anymore but uh I'm just going to uh well the lizards have a thing okay they have what's
called a proboscis there's lizards out there today that have a proboscis on their face okay these
things got it in the middle of their head okay and on the top of their head this is the real type one
and two one and two the the type two of a proboscis sheath that comes out it sticks out um the
type ones for instance it's like a micro or a chocolate chip it looks like basically the tip of it now
one point in these things lives because they have a long lifespan lizard species one point in their
life uh they can slowly wiggle this thing out eject it and it goes into somebody's eyeball okay
another animal now it Wiggles in by the sense of taste they describe this to me so like when I
was like 18 years old there and told me about it different times throughout the years of going
there they can bring you there every single night if they want to and they did bring me there
every night they laughed at me when I said I just want to tell the world about this they said
nobody's ever going to believe me you won't put it together and uh eloquent way to people think
that technology isn't that uh advanced yet with cloning because we they just clone the Sheep
right no um they've been calling people a long time this way uh thing is the lizard okay the thing
squiggles in through the eye it uh does a spiral around the optic nerve all the way to a certain
point and it's driven there by taste and they they said once it gets there it has the taste of
butterscotch and then it does a feeling like holding your breath and going pushing outwards and
at the tip of this chocolate chip it then starts what they call sweating the quill now the the spinal
cord stuff comes out a spinal cord out of the chocolate chip thingy and it's everything that the
lizard is the lizard's old body is dead it's that little lizard thing is dead uh and it can't go back in
can't get it back in it's one way uh once it excretes this stuff sweats this quill thing um the
person's debilitated for an unknown amount of time I don't know how long but when they come
back they have to have some recovery time but when they come back they are not the person
anymore they are then the lizard let me put this to you flatly they're the old person's
Consciousness is gone the body is absolutely totally dominated and the lizard is smarter as a
human then and totally controls everything over time it'll develop a rash it'll it'll lose hair um thing
is these things are all over the place and they mimic human behavior in fact one of their names
in the past is mimic um well it's interesting um when we look at um say psychopathy uh for
example the psychopathic mentality Psychopaths learned very early on in life to umimic proper
human behavior because they know that they're very different from other people and they learn
how to mimic emotions and things like that so it's a similar type of thing in it a lot of the people
that you hear about in the news that are getting people and chopping them up in the basement
and eating them and stuff frying them up these are what they call drones they're parasited
House of the lizards they like to make them um the only thing a drone wants to do is make more
have sex and torture someone like uh it's it's a different kind of mentality it's hard to explain um
when they when they at the cloning station when they victimize someone uh it gives them a
powerful feeling and it's the nerdy way you know that that nerdy aspect of it uh oh I got
something over someone uh but they do that to the extreme oh and alien abductions let me tell
you something they videotape alien alien abductions they set up alien abductions with
Hollywood makeup and stuff like not all of them I can't say all of them some of them might be
real for all I know but I've seen the set it's a really crappy looking saucer you just walk up a ramp
into it they never see the outside of it but uh they clone people right and then activate them
when they're on the slab strapped down now someone goes in with a a gray mask with and the
mask is made of chicken skin okay just to give it that aspect of realism um dyed gray chicken
skin so it'll look real and does it look real stretched over a mask right and they have the mask on
they go in and have sex with the people um and they videotape it and the people's faces to see
the their reactions and stuff it's the government and celebrities doing this to people because I'll
tell you why how the celebrities gone into it back in the past it was a political thing they bring all
the leaders of this of the countries in together and they can all chat about stuff and enjoy this uh
you know sacrilegious uh forbidden place this cloning thing and do whatever they can't do in
real life well they got real bored with each other because most of them are fat and ugly and bald
stuff so they started bringing celebrities there this is why JFK died by the way and Marilyn
Monroe JFK was going to talk about it the cloning station he didn't want to go she didn't want to
go they had they had her there too they said uh we'll torture you at the cloning station if you uh
talk about it anyway um yeah that's like a big thing that's why he died like um man so anyways
uh it's not The Fifth Dimension it's just the cloning station and cloning station with your clone
pre-injected with drugs um yeah the lizard thing they just totally take them over um they they do
it a lot that used to be it's a luciferian thing um they said that these lizards were the sons of
Satan or whatever Lucifer or whatever um they're not though they're just a species of lizard that
survived the extinction of the dinosaurs by being way way underground um I'll just tell you I
know it sounds the damn things can talk okay uh but they don't have a tongue I'll I'll tell you
about their mouths it takes a while basically they have a blood Spike okay uh this is what they
call a chupacabra too they come up from underground different spots all over the world right like
uh worms out of a rotten apple different spots and then they Infiltrate
The Society there but uh the drones today have erased well of 100 years ago erased any
existence of these real lizards from like uh Egyptian carvings on walls they would smash them
right or books that had anything in them about them they would burn them um because drones
don't want to get found out and sent off and killed like this is what I thought FEMA camps were
for rounding up drones because they've been talking about it at the cloning Center this is where
they discuss all political worldly affairs and they let me sit in fly on the wall because they figure
nobody's going to ever believe me that they can clone anybody in everybody that there is bored
of it the whole technology had lost the novelty like 10 years ago right so they go there and they
talk to Brad Pitt and uh let me tell you all the celebrities because they bring them there and they
tell them look you're here you're going to hang with us if you don't want to well if they cry and
make a fuss like Lauren Hill from the Fugees uh make a song but I get out and stuff they let her
not go to the cloning station they don't activate or let her have normal dreams but other people
they really grow them to stay and they say if you ever talk about it you're gonna die they made
the oh but the reason Britney Spears went pop do you want to know right now wow um well
Britney Spears went whack because she watched too many murder videos at the cloning station
okay the cloning station is like a small Sports venue like a dog and pony show right um it's got
the stands see about 400 450 but there's different cloning stations and different deep

underground bases but all the celebrities go to an above ground one in a wildlife preserve
somewhere and it's just like an oval Sports venue with underground stuff where they grow them
and store them on racks five high like bunk beds five high stainless steel so uh they go there
and sit around and do crazy stuff and they bring me there like they were bringing me there every
night like uh I'll just tell you it was like a victimization uh joke like um they would torture me
basically in many different ways uh to come up with a song some kind of a song for someone
some kind of Jean wrote music anything for a while there they wouldn't uh stab me or anything
well in the Clone like I don't have scars on me it's on on the Clones at this place but they usually
scrap the body same night anyway because it's so stabbed up I've been through a lot there but
and that's another reason why I want to expose these things oh and also how lizards kill people
right I've witnessed the the head Wiggy thing go into the eye they showed me um the thing is
the Illuminati are basically using me okay to expose these lizards in an eloquent way because
none of them want to be the first person out so that they'll die like Bernie Mac was he tried to
start a mutiny there uh saying we can't have this we all gotta shut this place down this is this
place is the devil he said and they tortured the out of them for uh yeah you can't you can't swear
on uh FCC regulated radio by the way okay well I thought maybe you could bleep that out or
something nope no time to play on this eh no no Nelly Furtado made a song about that anyway
uh bleep on the radio so she says it on the radio so you know I figured it was loud oh anyway
these so back to the lizards the three different kinds the Third Kind is the smartest the biggest
and the strongest and everything and they pretty much lowered over the other two uh there's
different regions though uh they cannibalize on each other underground anyway Queen
Elizabeth is really in with these things okay her family

has been for a long time now these Bloodlines all that they are are super inbred people okay
once the ethics of uh Lucifer like uh my family are down to stuff that's why I don't talk to them
anymore uh inbreeding makes you makes you strong um pedophilia keeps you young and uh
helping lizards gives you good luck or something from the devil and stuff they used to do this
thing kill your firstborn son it gives you fortune in Life or something and uh it's pretty sick so
anyways um you know all that stuff is you know not true and they know it they just keep it going
for like some stupid club like uh like the devil Club oh we're cool we're evil uh just there are a
bunch of basically it's a bunch of really rich fat old people they can't get laid so they enslave
people there to curve on them right drug them make them compliant or through fear or drugs
and use them because they'd have a hard time even paying a prostitute really like you ever see
Kissinger as kissing just said power is the ultimate aphrodisiac yeah he's there um met him as
clones I met a bunch of them as clones they all wanted to meet the guy that made all these
songs and I don't even want to talk about the songs thing because some people have said oh
you just want to be known for making all these songs and stuff and really I just want to shut
these people down because everyone else there's a bunch of celebrities there and they're
scared like Whitney Houston they killed Whitney Houston with an aneurysm just recently like uh
and then all the celebrities there said okay we're not going to have any more of us get killed this
way uh what happened with her she wanted to leave Show Business entirely didn't want to sing
anymore no concerts didn't want to be on TV and didn't want to attend the colony station to be
used as a sex slave but in the beginning of her career she basically sold her soul that's what
they all talk about selling your soul to the Illuminati you're selling your clone be used by old
freaks um at the cloning Center or for an ass yeah I mean aspect slave um yeah they do that
you know

how they cover up their one eye oh yeah that means that means two things that means watch
you you don't get the lizard to stick the thing in the eye or like uh well it means a couple different
things for different people means like uh don't um you only have to see things and I always
figured it was the lizard in the eye thing because I get introduced I've seen so many artists and
pictures of them doing the uh the triangle around the eye um sort of thing yeah you do your
thumbs and your index fingers together and uh just look through and put the put your hands
together and just look through them like that and your other fingers sort of look like sun rays
come coming out sort of thing I've seen so many artists do that well the thing with the pyramid
and the eye thing is the whole symbol is a joke it's uh once you know what the

Pyramid is for then you you know when you're pretty much Illuminati but I'm going to break that
whole thing right now I'm going to ruin it um you got to look on my page and look at the
schematics for the pyramid I explain what it's for um it was basically a world trap it's a giant
cockroach trap for grills okay these little events that went in they were at an angle they were
lined with uh smooth Limestone and uh anything that went in didn't come out because these
crab nasties claws well that's why I call them crab nasties of grills I've been calling them that my
whole life um they couldn't scramble back up and out yeah yeah well we'll actually um hold that
thought hold that thought about the crab nastairs and we'll be right back after the break at the
Vinnie Eastwood ladies and gentlemen with Donald Marshall welcome back ladies
and gentlemen to the Venice wood show broadcasting Live From The Chateau de Rothschild on
American we're talking about organized crime today indeed the crime a very
nasty particular scumbaggery element of human calling with my favorite special guest donor
Marshall welcome back Okay so these people you heard about the celebrities selling their souls
to the place so that's what they're doing they're selling

themselves to be used as clones at the cloning center now the thing is after a while they they
have kids and they want to bring their kids there too to induct them into the family right they just
want to perv on um and they're all too scared to say no and they do bring their kids there and
mess them all up to keep them memory repressed and just mess with them and then they they
do all kinds of stuff with uh different technologies that they have there like I'm trying to like I
know about a bunch of different Technologies they have in order to tell everyone about it but not
enough time on your show to tell about all of it so I'm trying to tell about the most important thing
is the cloning lizards oh and the head chips I didn't tell you about the head chips but um to the
grills the three different types the small ones they use to drone people uh to host people
because the proboscis on young lizard uh type ones they uh they're small enough to go into an
eye and not ruin the eye right um because they're supposed to do this to animals with bigger
eyeballs probably freaking dinosaurs but uh yeah um so speaking of type one um I've had a
request from uh Sonic who's a radio show host with a type 1 Radio Lounge and he wants to
bring you one of his show uh very soon you'll be willing to do that wouldn't you okay cool well
I've already shared your contact details that sort of sort of a misnomer but anyway I'm sorry so
uh these lizards it squiggles in the thing takes over totally Total Domination right old person dies
and uh it becomes a totally compliant slave basically uh does whatever the people wanted to do
because it's just happy to live life as a human being now right it's totally coherent and uh it
knows that it's life is dependent on it mimicking human behavior so it does really well uh even
with other animals it it's smart enough to instinctually mimic the animal's behavior right it uh
incorporates that animals brain to I don't know it just takes over in the worst way it's a parasitic
lizard nasty now uh the headship thing man I know this is a lot like I had to explain about all this
stuff my total disclosure and phases because I didn't want to lump it all out in one time at one
time for people because it's well you're afraid I'd think you were crazy I mean it doesn't matter
man I mean like as um as far as most people are concerned you know as soon as you opened
your mouth it's it's Insanity whereas I don't like to judge people like that after the first word that
they say I like to hear them out okay yeah well okay a bunch of billionaires were scared about
dying they said they were uh they were so rich they can make people die they can start wars uh
they can do anything in the material world but once they die they can't even take it with them
they're just dead right so a bunch of billionaires got together and said we don't want to die we
want to figure out how to live again as clones right um thing is they the Clone is just like a
negative copy of the person though so it's not even like the person living it's a it's a flawed copy
okay so the thing is what they do they've devised a way I don't know how thing used to be as
big as a circuit board like uh look like that was not an Illuminati symbol by the way it's like it's
about the size of my fist right yeah they uh they tested this on a Chinese Farmer they showed
me the video clips um I had it sticking out the guy's head and everything didn't compensate him
just sent him back home said they had to do something to him um they whittled it down so that

microchip is supposedly the size of like a just a bit bigger than an apple seed right and it can it
can totally and it's it's a flawed copy as well but not as flawed it can totally hold your uh your
mental stuff right everything that you are basically but they need babysitters because they go
pretty wack sometimes they're missing some stuff it's flawed but the thing is just like those
lizards do with the eyeball thing and squiggling into the head rich people can put their stuff on a
microchip and set this into somebody's head and

basically body snatch them that way as well and they keep it secret because of course you
know everyone or they can do with the Clones too but there's more side effects if you put it into
a clone's brain um so they basically body snatch people with chips in the head and the uh the
lizard thing I they tried to convince me that and others that uh it was a worldwide takeover thing
that they had already taken over so much that uh all was lost you better just go along with it but
that's not true there are very very small part of the population like under five percent or
something but uh they bring they they drone people like beautiful women and then have the
drones marry these men that whoever wants this woman and they don't care that it's a lizard
Consciousness uh they just do it and it's still murdering the other person though but and it's
pretty sick so I had to tell the world and uh yeah I'm expecting to uh be killed really um well hold
on can I can I just get clarification on something because you said um that they can't kill you or
they won't kill you or something like that before but now you're saying there probably will I don't I
don't see the the connection okay I'll get to that part that's the part but even with the crazy
sounding stuff that I've told you already this is another crazy aspect of it okay uh the thing is
with all the songs that I made at this place and they were bringing me back every single night
and saying sing a song or we're going to torture you next night sing song we're gonna torture
you sometimes I couldn't think of anything and they'd just like stabbed me and Watch Me Bleed
there and now they're all watching like it's a bizarre faces of death thing and uh different people
want to know what it's like to stab someone so they send the most stab me while I'm on drugs
so I won't hit them or something it's like that it's very sick and uh well I have to tell you Queen
Elizabeth is there uh Stephen Harper Canadian Prime Minister uh Obama is there Vladimir
Putin is there the pope is even there all kinds of heads of different factions of different things uh
the head of the Mexican drug cartels there uh Mafia in Italy is their man everybody is there it's
like it's a rich guys crazy Club that'll never get caught and uh you have to be real privileged to
go there well I don't want to go there and uh I'm not privileged there I'm pretty low on the totem
pole there actually probably the lowest so uh anyway they all they all threatened me never to
talk about it and along as I've been divulging this stuff on Facebook um they've been bringing
me there and threatening me and stuff and then asking me not to mention them specifically
what they have done there and stuff and uh panicking really uh trying to deter me with uh
stabbing my clones there burning burning the clones and everything and I'm telling you it's like
real it's clear as day it's not like having a dream unless they drug you if you're there you're
totally coherent and you can't pinch yourself and wake up or slap yourself or or people would
and I don't know of a way to block this Consciousness transfer to the clones otherwise I would
like being a tin foil room or something I don't I don't know if there is a way to block it up if there
is they haven't told me um but anyway they're all there and since I was a kid they well after I
started making songs when I was about five by the time I was hitting about eight years old they
were saying uh I don't even want to say because it's over the top ridiculous and I don't want to
even endorse this uh stuff that they say but they said it was possible that I could be um The
Comeback Messiah for the end times to save the world and I said no that's not true I'm just a
guy that's going to expose your lizards and your cloning and you guys aren't going to bring me

anymore and they well I got all the info when they thought that I was absolutely loyal to them
okay for years I acted loyal to them I even had to almost give myself Stockholm syndrome to
make myself believe that I liked them because my family members were there so I like my
mother was there even so uh and they can give you sodium pentathol truth serum to see into
your clone to see if you will talk about them if you're on memory refreshed or unrequested
memory and you'll be able to remember all your the Clone stuff but once your unrepressed
memory you always remember everything they can't keep your memory away from you then
when they bring you there so the only unrepress people that are real Ironclad loyal it also makes
you uh smarter as a clone when you are unrepressed memory so they wanted me to be on
repressed memory so I could think of Better lyrics for songs because they've given me
adrenaline injections there like I've never had that in real life but they feel really good they're
adrenaline injections and uh I've never done cocaine in real life but they made

me do cocaine there so I could do uh speed wrappy stuff because uh like like Busta Rhymes
type of stuff um so you can't do that like just off the bat but that stuff really speeds you up and
actually gave me my clone a heart attack a couple times um but yeah they're they're all like
we're so powerful we're not we're gonna get caught doing this no one's ever going to believe
anyone but that's because everyone else only had half of the story after years of playing friends
with them they told me everything because they wanted to be really cool with me they wanted
me to like them because I made their favorite song like the Top Gun theme song made that right
when I'm there and uh they're all all the politicians want to be cool with me because the
celebrities think that I'm amazing and stuff and they think I'm amazing too right coming up with a
Thong Song out of thin air like that uh and put a bunch of references in songs other people have
in the past too like back in the 80s uh this band called heart made this song called dreams uh
these dreams go on when I close my eyes and uh talking about the cloning station when when
you're a clone there um but they tell people that it's the other dimension or astral plane so that if
they ever go to the police they'll say oh I'm going to the other dimension and then that's not true
right they well you want us to police another dimension right and but it's not the other another
dimension or the astral plane it's just the cloning station like um the the brown stone Brown
something Massacre Brownsville Massacre down in Texas somewhere well that was all about
them uh the children of the fold got murdered a big uh religious cult they all got murdered and
chopped up well the fold was the cloning station and they were going there and getting freaked
on by a bunch of elderly uh Rich perverts uh and then they didn't want to anymore and they said
leave us alone we have computers we're going to tell all about the fold and uh they went there
killed them all um the Picton stuff was really unsettling or disturbing because well Elizabeth
wanted to be real close on hand to me because everybody wanted to look at me talk to me and
uh I was like focused on with a spotlight there at this place because I did these songs and
different money making ideas for different people so she always wanted to be around me to get
in on the spot like

she's like that she's like a cameraman for for all the celebrities that are there so she was always
around me you know the thing is she said to strengthen my mind she wanted me to watch all of
the Picton murders and they had a camera in the corner of the room where he did these
murders the thing was he would walk the woman the hooker over to a painting on the wall facing
that way and say uh do you like this painting my brother painted it for me put his arm around the
woman and with his other hand he'd reaching back of his of his pants and pull out a ball-peen
hammer and mock her in the right in the back of the head and that was it and he used to almost
have to give her like two or three or something and one time one of the hookers got him tell you
about that some other time or something but uh he got them all um he said I asked him one time
at the cloning station

because they would bring him there and ask him what it was like and everything like he was a
celebrity or something it was weird like and uh they're all trying to act evil like they're vampires
or something and and he would talk and stuff and I asked him he they asked me if I had any
questions for him I said why a ball pain hammer and he said well normal Hammer has a claw on
it Carpenter's hammer and if I had to do a second strike uh the claw might get hooked on
somebody's clothing one of the girls clothing and it might went on my drawback my hook on
then he's ruined because he was just a skinny old man and uh yeah but Elizabeth used to make
me watch them they have two big screens at the cloning station over the stands one on either
side right so that people can on in the stands can look both ways well a lot of people can't watch
them um a lot of people want to act evil so they'll feel safe there because the more evil that you
are the more they're going to leave you alone so there's people man they psych themselves into
believing that they're evil too just that they'll feel safe because they've seen these lizards and
and people getting tortured and killed and they don't want uh any Badness on them so they try
to act even more evil than the other people that are there but uh yeah how does this how does
this relate to you being afraid that they're going to kill you but also saying that they can't well the
thing with the can't they're seeing they said that well a bunch of religious things around the
world including the Vatican says there well not all the Bishops are there and the props like
cronies the Pope's cronies there that not all of them are there but they're they said that uh they
think that I'm the next comeback um Messiah guy and as I said I don't endorse these claims and
a bunch of uh super uh superstitious uh super superstitious people said that if I get

killed that it's going to be in the end of the world and they translated that into saying that if I
could kill people are going to know that all the stuff I'm saying is real and they're going to freak
out and world end faster um but I'm just trying to put it forward in a calm concise way like they
do this lizard thing a lot like in a lot of different countries it's not just an isolated thing and these
things walk around all over the place there is a way to detect them it's uh you have to detect
them with a CT scan or a MRI okay he damaged me yeah and damage the frontal lobes of the
brain well when they do CT scans on Psychopaths there's virtually zero brain activity kind of
thing like it's it's all down here at the at the bottom base of the the lower cortex what they call
The Reptilian Brain is that what you're talking about I I didn't hear that actually okay never heard
of that all right we'll talk about this after the break at the video

welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the veneers which shows our final segment here with uh
Donald Marshall and I asked him you know is there anything you don't like talking about or
something that scares you that you kind of avoid talking about and uh he's already said it so I I
don't I don't know where exactly to uh to take this from here um in terms of you being the only
person who's really coming out and publicly speaking about um this phenomenon uh what
exactly do you expect people to do well um you're gonna have to do something about it
because the the thing

is sometimes these people they get a pet lizard one of their very own like Elizabeth's one is
called Matilda and uh Kissinger is one is called Herbert Herbert right and uh occasionally get a
hold of a real kid and bring it to the cloning station and feed a kid to one of these lizards um it's
like Alf the the show Alf runs around trying to eat cats and stuff everybody thinks it's cute well
these things their favorite food is kid human kid because it has less vaccinations in it because
some vaccinations after a certain age will if they drain the blood out of a thing uh the real lizard
will die from the vaccinations or get real sick or taste bad or something to them um so they get
kids they uh put them in a pit with this thing sometimes I've seen it there um they just point out
showed me so much stuff flat out thinking that I'd never be able to cohesively put it all together
to tell people about it in a believable fashion and that the technology of doing this is to advance
for people to believe but uh after seeing all that I've seen I have to tell as many people as I can
because they they kill people with these lizards and you know I don't I don't want to walk around
and a world with those parasited human hosts in it uh the thing is what

people have to do it's gonna have to be a military thing like the military will have to perform a
coup because I don't know if I'm going to get in trouble for saying this but Obama is down with
the role okay um Vladimir Putin he's down with them they're all scared like uh the Illuminati thing
is a big United thing but it's united through fear basically right because if one person comes out
and says oh I'm going to tell I want to tell that person dies real quick and um then the other
people look and go loop I don't want to be the next one right but
what they're saying about me uh with the religious people there and drones don't want to get x
out either so they're really harsh on people that talk about them so they're they're saying that I'm
the next uh new age Jesus there and I'm not endorsing this in any way by the way there's
people on the internet to say this stuff and they're they're not they're just crazy people um and
I'm not saying it either but they all say it and they said I'm in the Nostradamus prophecies and
picture book they said there's a picture of me in it um and that I'm Gonna Save the World from
something and I'm just going to inform the world about the parasitical lizards that the
government and Latin people get droned and uh sacrificing people to God so they don't even
believe in just so it'll be like some dark evil club that it can all belong to belong to something
right and uh it goes back pretty far like long ways uh yeah it explains on my wall a lot more um I
pretty much said just about everything I mean uh I don't know I was frantic when I wrote my
original letter because I didn't know how to to explain everything so I

just stepped stuck to the cloning aspect of everything because if I figured if I put lizards in it as
well people were gonna go whoa change the channel but uh so I pretty much told everybody in
phases just so that uh people wouldn't have too much to wrap their head around but it's the
most important stuff in the world like Chemtrails and MK Ultra and all that is done by them and
uh MK Ultra you need a clone of the person to to use MK Ultra on someone like really quickly I'll
tell you basically an example of MK Ultra on a person okay um they get a woman a beautiful
woman this uh this guy wants this woman but he's not as good looking as uh what she usually
goes out with so they clone the woman and this kid is a rich man's kid they clone the woman to
the cloning station put her in the center of the dirt ring because hockey boards with dirt in the
middle and surrounded by a bunch of black girls as it turns out this is her biggest fear we're
getting beat up by a bunch of black people with a bunch of black girls so the black girls will push
her around girl we're gonna beat you up and she's drugged and anyway the guy will come out
after a little while she'll be all scared guy will come out and say hey leave her alone and he's a
clone too and you know walk her clone out of the situation they'll put this girl when she sleeps
into different situations where she's in a life or death situation and have this guy save her
anyway they've never met now in real life they can do this 16 different times and just corny
straight out nerdy scenarios they call them scenarios uh next time that that girl sees that guy in
real life from the visual she will be automatically predisposed to like this guy and think that she
would be safe around this guy and this guy is Like A Champion or whatever depends on
whatever they program in um and it's basically that easy that's programming right there they can
also do it with fear so that uh I don't know someone will fear someone the same way that they
would be attracted right be apprehensive around the person um it's just all kinds of different
technologies that they have and uh they found some stuff uh I'll tell you it's it's written on the
walls it was an abandoned underground Atlantean base they used to call themselves
The Thule t-h-u-l-e well they had an abandoned base down there they found all kinds of stuff
and they back engineered all kinds of stuff and uh uh the viral Society from Germany started
doing it and then the Americans took their stuff and the Russians took some stuff too and then
they all started making stuff man but uh I know about a lot of the stuff they told me all about it
and I'm telling the world but uh yeah it's not good because other people have died now Donald
how did you actually get involved with this because you were telling him about how uh it's like
Elite families and and things like that who get involved how did you get involved what are you
what do your parents do well my parents my mother was a uh I guess a sex slave there when
she was a little kid which was a long time ago and um but they've been doing cloning like this
since 1945 first with Mark one clones then with Mark II clones with less flaws now uh and and
tracing back had a tracing back how did she get into it because what I found with uh CIA and a
lot of other programs is that they they have these uh these Bloodlines these families that go all
the way back so you might not even have anybody who's particularly important today but way
back in the day they'll have an ancestor who was very important and and all their family
subsequent have been enslaved is that kind of what happened it could be something like that
they haven't told me ancestry or anything but uh the sex

slaves they bring there they call that project muffin like you hear about Project Blue beam and
stuff well there's sex clones sex slave things called project muffin so I don't know why anyway
uh yeah they um my mother was there brought her in as a sex slave basically and she basically
gave permission like other families do to let them use me but that was the reason I was there
solely to be used as like a more station victim but uh then I started busting out with these songs
and uh they just let me do the songs and different uh ideas for movies catch lines and movies
and stuff like that and uh Toy ideas and stuff and uh yeah I made a lot of good ideas so they
kept on bringing me back and bringing me back and I'd come up with more ideas to keep them
from bothering me a little that I know I was uh sealing my Doom with them really like because
then they started bringing me there every single night and all these people wanted to meet me
after I made certain amount of songs you know thought that I had some kind of like super
talents to them all the richest people around music producers and stuff all went there more in
songs from me too it's free free songs I guess somebody gets paid not me though I've said I've
said for a long time that there's no creativity left in Hollywood really all they do is just steal other
people's ideas yeah well they do that a lot not even just with uh Hollywood they clone people
and uh get their passwords and stuff um and their business ideas under torture and then the
person the next day won't remember what happened at all just will think they didn't have a
dream last night and they feel sick the next day they have no uh recall of it at all unless they
want them to

and uh yeah but I'm telling all about him like some some of the things I've seen done there man
wow oh and at the pectin farm he didn't feed all the the hookers to the pigs some high profile
RCMP Canadian Royal Mount Canadian Mounted Police and uh judges and doctors and
everything some of them are luciferians and they wanted to know what human tasted like so
they went to picton's farm and uh have a bite to eat and barbecue out in the uh the big
Warehouse pig farm thing just barbecue right out in the middle and frying up a couple hookers
and one of the choices Parts I guess and yeah they ate something they got rid of that house real
quick like it's too bad they didn't they would have seen the screw holes in the corner of the room
to kill room man it was bad one of his things after he he would uh well I know that the cloning
Center that I go to the one above ground for the Richie Rich people they like the above ground
ones because the underground dumbs smell like Hospital right uh the cloning Center is within
five hours drive by car uh in a radius around the Picton Farm because they would speed Drive
these murder videos to from the Picton Farm to the cloning station to be watched by everyone
at this cloning station and uh I remember being there and waiting because they said bring
another video from the farm and uh I timed it and uh I even asked them what time it was like
kept on asking what time it was because they thought that's what I was doing like guesstimating
the distance but uh in a radius of five hours around the Picton Farms where it is so uh there's a
lot of land in that though but it's most likely in a nature preserve because all that's around this
Stadium thing is trees there's no smoke on the horizon even no uh air traffic no nothing so pretty
much uh I think it's probably Nature Preserve somewhere in Canada anyway the the vending
machines at the place take a Canadian change so okay well let's leave it there because
unfortunately we've run out of time and ladies and gentlemen if you wish to uh hear more from
Donald Marshall and have a look at his post forward slash donald.marshall.148
that's donald.marshall.148 and real thanks Donald we'll see you again
sometime folks [Music]

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