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Vedant Modi

SIN Theory DA -1

1. Find a tool for social network visualization from the Internet.

2. Install it and explore it
3. Create a sociogram of your network(friends,
family,acquaintances) using the tool. The node
names should be actual names of people.
4. Using the tool, check the different measures that you can find
for your sociogram.
5. Also explore any other options that are available in the tool.
6. Document the above and conclude with your opinion on the
7. The following tools will be covered in our syllabus, so do not
use these and avoid any
programming languages such as R or Python.
a. SocNet
b. Pajek
c. Gephi

The tools which we have used is the LeaderboardX which is a open

source project in the github and deployed to a website where we can
go and easily create a sociogram between different entities in a very ui
friendly way.

The main purpose of the leaderboardx is to build Relationship graphs

using the common fields like how every person know each other then
based of the relation of each person it generates a graph here the
person is considered to be node and likes and repocrited by are two
fields when a node is added into the graph it automatically calculates
the rank of that particular node based on the degree with other nodes.

By clicking on the node we can explore the other details about the
corresponding node such as Degree, in degree, out degree , rank
page rank size and here we can change many attributes such as color
shape and size of the node by which we can also classify the graph in
a much more simplified way.

Here is a example of a sociogram of a friends family relationship

based on this data

Vedant,21,male,myself,10,Very High,Reading, Hiking
Varun,35,male,brother,8,High,Playing Guitar, Cooking
Roopa Modi,60,female,mother,9,Very High,Gardening, Yoga
Pramod Kumar Modi,61,male,father,9,Very High,Photography, Traveling
Palak,30,female,sister,7,High,Painting, Dancing
Megha,34,female,sister in law,6,Medium,Running, Cooking
Devanshi,5,female,niece,5,Low,Coloring, Playing with Toys
Gaurav,22,male,friend,8,High,Watching Movies, Playing Video Games
Araka,22,male,friend,8,High,Reading, Basketball
Mayank,22,male,friend,8,High,Photography, Hiking
Arsh,22,male,Mayank friend,7,High,Playing Guitar, Cooking
Ashmit,22,male,friend,7,High,Traveling, Playing Board Games
Prudhvi,24,male,friend,7,High,Listening to Music, Swimming
Ravi Tega,23,male,colleague,6,Medium,Networking Events, Coding
Raaj,23,male,colleague,6,Medium,Coffee Breaks, Table Tennis
Dev,22,male,friend,7,High,Playing Video Games, Soccer
Kush,22,male,friend,6,Medium,Watching Movies, Bowling
Aryan,22,male,friend,6,Medium,Reading, Chess
Shivam,23,male,cousin,7,High,Travelling, Cricket
Khayati,27,female,cousin,6,Medium,Painting, Yoga
Naina,23,female,cousin,6,Medium,Dancing, Baking
Yash,25,male,cousin,7,High,Cooking, Playing Guitar
Param,18,male,cousin,5,Low,Playing Video Games, Cycling
Navelli,21,female,cousin,6,Medium,Shopping, Photography
Navaya,16,female,cousin,5,Low,Reading, Drawing

In the above data we have defined the parameters such as Name, age
, Gender, Relationship, Hobby , Connection Strength and Interaction
frequency using this data we have generated the below data which we
have further used to create the sociogram with proper networks and

,"Pramod Kumar Modi","Shivam","Vedant","Yash"
"Pramod Kumar Modi","likes","Devanshi","Megha","Vedant"
"Prudhvi","likes","Ravi Tega","Vedant"
"Ravi Tega","likes","Vedant"
"Roopa Modi","likes","Devanshi","Megha","Palak","Pramod Kumar Modi","Vedant"
,"Prudhvi","Ravi Tega","Roopa Modi","Shivam","Vedant","Yash"

Here to create a graph we have used two field called the person and the
endroses which we have further used to make the edges of the graph.

When the above file is loaded in the leaderboardXC it generates a

interactive graph where it also tells us different measures which are needed
for any sociogram
Here in the above graph we have 4 communities which are
1. Friends (Yellow)
2. Family (Pink)
3. Colleagues (Purple)
4. Cousin (Blue)

The above graph shows a structure of the relationship between all the
entities which were provided in the file based on the likes

There are many things which we can find out from the graph :-
1. The Most important Node here is Vedant(Myself) as the whole
graph has been centered around at that node
2. There are four communities Friends, Family, Cousin , Colleagues
3. Here every node has some in degree and out degree based on
who likes who
4. To categorize and sequence all the entries here a rank has auto
generated from the LeaderboardX.
5. Her since we have in degree and out degree we can also find the
shortest path between the nodes
In the LeaderboardX we have some more functionality such as to
to scale the graph based on the above category


LeaderboardX appears to be a tool designed to visualize and

analyze relationship graphs, particularly focusing on sociograms.
Below is an assessment of LeaderboardX based on the
information provided:


1. User-Friendly Interface: LeaderboardX boasts a

straightforward interface that allows users to easily create
sociograms and delve into relationships between entities. The
feature enabling users to click on nodes for detailed information
is particularly valuable.
2. Customization Options: The tool offers customization choices
for nodes, allowing users to modify attributes like color, shape,
and size. This feature proves useful for visually categorizing and
distinguishing between different relationship types or

3. Community Detection: The tool automatically identifies and

highlights communities within the graph. This functionality assists
users in recognizing patterns and clusters, such as friends,
family, colleagues, and cousins, as demonstrated in the provided

4. Ranking System: LeaderboardX automatically generates

ranks based on degrees and relationships, introducing a
quantitative aspect to the sociogram. This feature aids users in
swiftly identifying pivotal nodes or central figures within the

5. Shortest Path Analysis: The tool's capability to determine the

shortest path between nodes is a valuable analytical tool. This
feature is crucial for understanding the efficiency and directness
of relationships within the graph.

6. Scalability: LeaderboardX's ability to scale the graph based on

different categories enhances its analytical capabilities. This
feature proves particularly useful when handling extensive
datasets or when focusing on specific relationship categories.

Areas for Improvement:

1. Documentation: Comprehensive documentation explaining the
tool's functionalities, including data input formats, customization
options, and advanced features, would enhance the user

2. Collaboration Features: Integrating features that facilitate

sharing and collaboration on sociograms could enhance the
tool's utility, especially in team or group settings.

3. Data Import/Export: Streamlining the process of importing and

exporting data in various formats (CSV, Excel, etc.) would
increase the tool's flexibility and compatibility with different data

4. Data Validation: Implementing checks for data integrity and

validation could prevent errors and ensure the accurate
generation of sociograms, particularly as users may input data
from diverse sources.

In conclusion, LeaderboardX seems to provide a robust solution

for visualizing and analyzing relationship graphs. It caters to
various needs, from customization and exploration to quantitative
analysis. Addressing areas for improvement could further
enhance its usability and broaden its appeal to a wider user

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