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The previous literature and studies focused on the importance of Oregano

Leaves in the body and how people use them in medicinal aspect by cooking.

As to the study of Brazier & Butler (2023), Oregano has antibacterial and anti-

inflammatory properties, fights cancer, and regulates lipid and blood sugar levels. It has

also been shown to support gastrointestinal health by reducing gastrointestinal

inflammation. Further, as to Veenstra & Johnson, (2019) and Brazier (2020), oregano oil

is used to treat many ailments such as skin wounds, muscle pain, asthma, cramps,

diarrhea, indigestion, and is used also as a medicinal plant as it can improve

overall health.

Some studies show that Oregano can be effective in treating diabetes and

improving digestion and the immune system. Based on the studies of Gupta (2021) and

Grijalva et al. (2022), antidiabetic pharmacological reports of the phenolic compound

oregano are mainly in vitro reports. Therefore, preclinical and clinical studies are highly

recommended, as the diversity of oregano species produces a wide variety of phenolic


Over 50 health issues have been identified through research, according to

Raquel Barcelo et al., (2022), cough is the most frequently treated disease while

according to a group of scientists from the University of California's Department of Food

Science Massachusetts, USA, in the journal Process Biochemistry. The Important

organic compounds can support the body's defenses against a variety of germs that can

harm the skin, intestines, and other body parts. Turkish oregano and Greek oregano
differ from Mexican oregano in aroma and flavor. Oregano has been effective

antimicrobial agent due to its thymol and carvacrol content (Wilson, 2016).

On the other hand, the review related literature and studies also differ from this

study because since the focus of the present study is on Acceptability of Oregano

leaves (Origanum Vulgare) as an added ingredient in Orange cupcake and the findings

of this will serve as foundation to know about the health benefits of herbs like Oregano


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