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my dream is to become the best electrition

and i want to give education for all students

when i will be 23 age then i will become best electrition
and i will add some people to achieve the education for students,
1] editor
2] designer
3] knowledge
4] hacking
5] funny person
and 6] best rider
1] take person information
2] study learn
3] funny
4] partner
5] knowledge
and 6] rider
this all types of boys and girls i want to in my crew.
when i will end my study then i will open garage,
then i will do all types of work like:
1] bike repair
2] car repair
3] laptop repair, cpu also
4] speaker repair
5] house design and electic set, wirening
6] headphones repair
and 7] i will investion new-new ting.
my crew name is 'straw hat',
and my garage name also 'straw hat'.
i will set 20 13 people in my garage and
that 13 peaple have talents/skills or other.
this is all my electic works

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