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To make this Magical Evening more Magical, our next performer

_______(name) is bringing his/her talent to the stage. Let’s have him/her from
the bottom of our hearts and a big round of applause.

2. Here under the magical night carpet of stars, we are going to have our
next performer _________(name) performing a dance on the song ______(song
name). Let's have him/her with a thunderous round of applause.

3. On this beautiful stage, We are going to invite a person breathtakingly

beautiful and charming to bewitch us with her talent. Let’s welcome Miss/Mr.
________ (name) with as a big round of applause.

4. She is as beautiful as an angel. Her voice is as sweet as Nightingle. Guess

who is she? She is none other then _________ (name). Welcome her with a big
round of applause.

5. To take our heart and breath away with his/her performance, our
beautiful/handsome participants/performer ________(name) is next on the
stage. Let's have him or her with thunderous round of applause.

6. Some new talents are here to put a magical spell on us with their swift
dancing move. They are none other then the students of primary classes of our
school. Give a round of applause everyone!!

7. To rock the stage I would like to call … (student's name) to perform and
show their talent to you on this special day.

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