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Tilak Devadatta K


Q. VIT A,C,D,E,K to get absorbed into the blood stream which

minerals are required.
 Vitamin A: Eating foods high in healthy fats, like nuts or
avocados, can improve the absorption of vitamin A, which is
dependent on dietary fat.
 Vitamin C: When taken with a source of dietary iron, like leafy
greens or fortified cereals, vitamin C absorption is at its best.
Eating foods high in magnesium, such as nuts and seeds, can
benefit it as well.
 Vitamin D: It's important to include sources of healthy fats in
your diet because vitamin D absorption is dependent on fat. In
addition to being necessary for healthy bones, calcium and
phosphorus may improve the absorption of vitamin D.
 Vitamin E: When vitamin E is taken with dietary fats, it is best
absorbed. Nuts, avocados, and olive oil are examples of healthy
fats that can aid in its absorption.
 Vitamin K: The presence of dietary fats enhances the
absorption of vitamin K. It also depends on consuming enough
calcium in the diet.

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