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It is a dark night in New York City. The city was lively two hours ago with parties and
get-togethers, music, and dancing. However, at approximately 11:45 pm there was a gunshot
heard from all over. Immediately the music stopped, people dispersed, and the lively city became
quite dead. Noah, the head detective in NYC, was leaving work to meet a friend. Phoebe, Noah’s
best friend, was one of the top lawyers in New York. She focused on Family and Divorce law but
dabbled in criminal law years ago when she and Noah were in school together. As they went to
say hello, their greeting was cut short by the sound of the gunshot.

Phoebe- What was that?

Noah- I am not sure, it sounded like a gunshot coming from this building.

Both Noah and Phoebe looked to see what building they were standing in front of.

Phoebe- Noah, do you know where we are right now? This is where Jameson Stone lives, the
most successful entrepreneur NYC has housed in years. He was supposed to be hosting a big
celebration tonight for the first anniversary of his company.

A letter blows below their feet, stopping against Phoebe’s leg. She picks it up and reads “Join us
for a night of celebration and success. Put on your nicest sportswear and decorated headdress
for the Uptown, or should we say West Egg, the party of the century.” This was an invitation to
Jameson Stone’s party.

Noah- Then we should check it out.

As they entered the building, they were greeted with a stampede of people dressed in their finest
clothes and most expensive jewelry. Some people were coming out of the elevators while others
were running down the staircase. Realizing the possible severity of what happened, Noah and
Phoebe rushed to the elevator pushing through hundreds of people. As the doors closed, Noah
looked at the button panel and proceeded to select the 92nd floor. This was the top floor of the
building, and next to the button engraved J.S.

Phoebe- You're the detective, what should we be expecting when these elevator doors open?

Noah- I am not sure. Let's hope for the best.

As the elevator started to climb to the top, the sound of a woman crying became apparent. When
the doors finally opened, Phoebe let out a gasp. Jameson Stone was on the floor, dead. There was
what appeared to be a gunshot in his chest. A young woman by the name of Emma was standing
over Jameson. She was speaking to another young lady, Lacy, who was crying frantically a few
steps away from Emma. Both turned at the sound of the elevator doors opening.

Emma- I did not do it I swear. This is the love of my life. Someone help me!

Noah runs over to Jameson to check for a pulse.

Noah- No pulse. What happened ma’am?

Emma-Jameson was having a celebration for the first anniversary of his company. Everyone
heard a gunshot and before we knew it Jameson was on the floor.

Lacy- It was so loud sending everyone into an immediate panic!

Phoebe- I’ll call 911.

Emma- Please, wait, don’t call. At least let me explain what happened.

Lacy- Emma, he needs help!

Noah- Ma’am I work for the NYC Police Department; we need to call 911.

Emma began to sob as Phoebe called 911. She explained what she knew to the dispatcher and
hung up.

Phoebe- They are on the way.

Noah- Emma, can you begin to tell us what happened?

Emma- Jameson is, or was, my soon-to-be husband. We met years ago and have been dating
since the night we laid eyes on each other. I watched him grow this business and become the man
he is today, but some people, including myself, think Jameson’s changed for the worse.

Phoebe- Why is that?

Emma- He was always so sweet and considerate. He grew up with nothing and worked his way
towards greatness. He went away for a while to join the army, and when he returned we
rekindled our relationship. I always supported him, especially when it came to money. On the
other hand, money was always in question. My parents had plenty of money, old money they
inherited from their parents, but they never gave me any of it. Instead, they repetitively told me I
needed to find a job or a man. I never worked, even after Noah and I met. But recently he has
been complaining about how often I ask for money. This was never about the money though; I
loved him with or without it.

Phoebe- Ah yes, I see this often at work. The leading cause of divorce is usually money,
especially when… Emma, were you and Jameson facing any problems recently besides you
feeling as though he was changing?

Lacy- Have you two ever read The Great Gatsby?

Lacy directed the question towards Noah and Phoebe

Lacy- Because I am convinced Emma and Jameson are the real life of Jay and Daisy.

Jameson- A long time ago, but what does that have to do with Jameson’s death? Emma, was
money a major fighting point in your relationship?

Emma- None other than the occasional “stop asking me for money” statement! That is why I am
confused about the way he has been acting. Honestly, our relationship was better when life was
not working out the way we wanted it to. We were supportive of one another and reminded each
other constantly it would all work out. We were all each other had at one point in time. However,
the more successful he became and the better the relationships were, the worse it was. I do not

Phoebe- Well, based on statistics we know separation rates tend to lower during tough times.
Both partners are looking for a sense of security, and it tends to be one another. However, when
life begins to work out and each person, or one person for that matter, begins to have individual
success, is when separation rates rise.

Emma- We never planned to separate. We had concerns about one another and our relationship,
but nothing I would ever leave or let Jameson leave over.

Noah has been listening to Emma and Phoebe's conversation with intent of taking note of
anything Emma may have said that could cause her to be a suspect. Noah also kept an eye on
Lacy. She was frantic, maybe more than Emma, but he assumed the shock was just getting to her.
Noah knew Phoebe was right about divorce rates and how they correlate with money.
Throughout the whole conversation, however, he noted the fact that Emma needed money, and
wanted money, and that could have been a motive since he did think she seemed guilty.

Noah- Emma, would you mind answering a couple of questions from a detective standpoint?
Technically I am not on duty right now, but I could always save you some time and give the
notes to the current detective when he arrives.
Emma- I do not mind at all. I would rather answer questions now before there are multiple
people in the room asking me questions. Besides, I do not do well under pressure.

Noah- Clearly, you loved Jameson before he inherited wealth. Did Jameson know about your
family's money early in the relationship?

Emma- Yes. It came up in conversation the first night we met. I never thought about it to any
extent, just as something that happened to be brought up in casual conversation.

Noah- Did he ever ask you to pursue that money?

Emma- Shockingly no. I would have thought during a challenging time he would, but he was
always so set on earning his wealth and making new money. I always admired his hard-working

Noah- And your parents, are they still living? Where is the money located?

Emma- Unfortunately, my dad passed away a few years ago. When he died all the money went to
my mom. My mom died a few months ago, and my father's wish for her, when he passed, was to
have all the money sent to a charity. At first, I was upset I was not getting a penny, but then
Jameson started to do well, so it did not matter as much since I was with him.

Noah- Did you ever worry about Jameson leaving you? What would that mean to you in terms of
money? You would not have a source then? Would you have gotten a job?

Emma- A job? I have never worked a day in my life! I never worried about Jameson leaving me

Emma paused and turned towards Lacy. Lacy was too consumed with herself to realize what
Emam was inferring, that she had concerns about Lacy. Emma continues speaking, but in a
lower tone so that only Phoebe and Noah can hear her.

Emma- I was never concerned until Lacy started coming around. Lacy is his best friend from his
childhood. He told me never to worry about her, and I did not, but sometimes you cannot help
being jealous. I have spent so much time with her. We have gotten close, but, I don’t know,
sometimes I speculate.

Noah- I understand. That would be a hard situation to be in. When people begin to earn a salary,
their ethical behaviors sometimes change. Some examples of this are being inconsiderate
towards others and overemphasis on winning. Did you ever notice these tendencies from

Emma- Not until recently. He did become more inconsiderate with my time as his business began
to grow, but I always thought it was because he was busy with work. Recently I found out he was
going out with his friends.

After leading Lucy to the closest bedroom, Phoebe returned to the place where Jameson Stone
lay dead. Lucy was now out of the room, and the detective began asking questions more freely
about Emma and Lucy’s relationship.

Noah- Okay, and what about the overemphasis on winning?

Emma- With people in general, yes. He wanted his employees and everyone on the street to love
him. He was someone who always wanted to be in everyone’s good graces. That is why he
wanted to have this 1920’s themed party. All the girls were so excited to embrace their inner
flapper. The guys made jokes about all of the alcohol we had and how during that period the 18th
amendment would make this party criminal. Everyone was having a great time until, well until

Noah- Would you say his ability to win people over was authentic, or for a show?

Emma- Around people he cared about, authentic, but with newcomers or individuals he was not
familiar with, he didn’t act much like himself. More extroverted and conversational. The money
changed his personality. I liked him better before the money, but most people didn’t know him

Phoebe- Tell me more about Lucy.

Emma- Lucy and Noah grew up together. She recently moved to NYC from New Jersey. They
had been spending a lot of time together, and she often asked him if the money and fame were
worth it all. She is an extremely simplistic person. She likes small groups of people and hates
attention. He wanted her to understand it, be a part of it. I saw more of Lucy and Noah than I did
Noah alone. He wanted to show someone his world, without having to explain the bad parts of it.
I saw the bad parts of it, I was there, so I could not be that person, but Lucy could. I went to look
for him at the party tonight and when I finally found him, he looked like a different person. It is
as though he created this new identity for himself with the money he has made. Looking like he
was reintroducing himself to Lucy, he handed her a box with a white ribbon. She opened it and a
locket came out. At that moment I was so upset. I was so upset that I-
The elevator doors opened, and the sound of radios and sirens drowned out Emma’s last
statement. Noah handed over his notes to the detective and grabbed Phoebe's hand. As they
walked to the elevator Noah looked at Phoebe and said “Guilty.” Immediately after that, the
detective on duty told the police to arrest Emma until further questioning.

Phoebe- Money is such a powerful thing. It affects relationships more than anything else these
Works Cited

“8 Ways ‘The Great Gatsby’ Captured the Roaring Twenties-and Its Dark Side.” History.Com,
A&E Television Networks, Accessed 6 Nov.

Khalid, Hakar. New Money versus Old Money; the Importance of Wealth in ... - IJSSES, Mar.

“Marriage in the Roaring 20’s: 100 Years Later.” The Manely Firm, P.C., The Manely Firm, P.C.,
10 Nov. 2022,

Travers, Mark. “A Psychologist Explains the ‘Wealth-Love Paradox.’” Forbes, Forbes

Magazine, 12 Sept. 2023,

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