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Evidence-Based Nursing Policy

Student Name: Jamie Driggs, RN

Policy Title: Adult Central Venous Access Device: Care and Management

Type of Research Article: Quantitative

Policy Summary:

This policy provides guidelines on central venous access devices, including considerations for
insertion, care and maintenance, and removal based on the most current literature in an effort to
reduce the occurrence of central line-associated bloodstream infections. Considerations for line
insertion include indications and site selection. Guidelines for care and maintenance include
assessment, chlorhexidine cleaning and dressing changes, accessing the device, frequency of
infusion set changes, use of alcohol caps on ports not actively being used, and need assessment.
Considerations for line removal include staff qualifications based on device type and dressing of
the removal site.


Central line-associated bloodstream infections account for over half of all hospital-acquired
infections, typically resulting in increased hospital length of stay and an additional cost (Jarding &
Makic, 2021). Therefore, proper central venous access device (CVAD) care and management is
essential for infection prevention. CVAD bundles have been created to address this need and
focuses on hand hygiene, sterile barrier, chlorhexidine antiseptic use, catheter insertion site
selection, and daily assessment for the need of the line (Jarding & Makic, 2021). The selected
policy addresses all five aspects of the CVAD bundle, which is in place to protect our patients by
reducing the occurrence of central line-associated bloodstream infections based on current
evidence-based knowledge and practices.

References (APA 7th ed.)

Jarding, E. K., & Makic, M. B. F. (2021). Central line care and management: Adopting evidence-
based nursing interventions. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 36(4), 328–333.

Adapted from Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research, Fifth Edition
Schmidt, N. A. & Brown, J. M.
AY 2022-2023

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