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2) Business value of security and control

- The business value of security and control is about protecting assets, reducing risks, ensuring
compliance, and maintaining trust. It does that by:

1. protecting sensitive information, ensuring regulatory compliance, mitigating risks, ensuring

business continuity, and providing a competitive advantage
2. Effective security preventing downtime and maintaining operations even in the face of
3. They also help in identifying and mitigating internal and external risks, reducing the likelihood of
security incidents and data breaches.
4. Cost savings associated with implementing security measures can be significantly lower than the
costs of dealing with a security breach.
5. Employee productivity is enhanced by secure work environments, and security measures are
essential for business expansion.

5.1 Contemporary security challenges and how these enterprises can deal with them
1. little Resources: It might be difficult for SMEs to invest in and oversee adequate security
measures because they frequently have little funding and fewer dedicated IT staff members.
- Consider outsourcing to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs).
- Utilize affordable security technologies and solutions.
- Set security investment priorities in accordance with risk evaluation.
2. Compliance Challenges: Due to a lack of resources and experience, meeting legal obligations
might be difficult.
- Consult compliance specialists for advice.
- To simplify procedures, employ compliance management technologies.
3. Vendor and Supply Chain Risks: (SMEs) often depend on outside vendors and may be exposed to
security lapses in their supply chain.
- Do your research before choosing a vendor.
- Put supply chain risk assessments and tracking into practice.
4. Lack of Knowledge: SMEs could not completely understand the threats they face and may
undervalue the significance of cybersecurity.
- Implement awareness and training programs for staff members.
- Keep up with emerging cyberthreats.
Large Enterprises
1. Complexity: Effectively monitoring and securing all endpoints and systems is difficult in large
- Put in place reliable endpoint and network security solutions.
2. Insider Threats: A larger workforce increases the likelihood of insider threats, both
deliberate and unintentional.
- Use analytics on user behaviour to find anomalous activity.
- Implement stringent user privilege management and access control measures.
3. Regulatory Compliance: Because large businesses frequently work in several different
industries and areas, they have complicated compliance need.
- To guarantee compliance with various regulatory frameworks, use automation techniques.
4. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): APTs that want to penetrate and keep access to systems
for a long time find large companies to be appealing targets.
- To find weaknesses, do routine penetration tests.
- Implement cutting-edge solutions for threat detection and response.
5. Cybersecurity Talent Shortage: It can be difficult for even big businesses to hire and retain
qualified cybersecurity experts.
- In order to upskill current IT workers, create internal training programs.
- Work together to create talent with academic institutions and cybersecurity organisations.

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