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Mod. 3.

2: Art of Sumer蘇美爾藝術
● Sumerians are skilled in art, metalwork and architecture

● most of Sumerian rulers蘇美爾統治者 lived in large place
● Rich people lived in 2 storey house with dozen rooms
● Most Smerians lived in 1 storey house with 6~7 rooms and a courtyard
● The center of the city is their temples
● Temples are the most impressive landmark in Sumer

A ziggurat金字神塔 : shaped like a pyramid with outdoor

staircase戶外樓梯 on the side and a shrine神社 on the top

● Many Sumerians statues were made of clay
● The Sumerians created many sculpture, especially for temples cause gods is
important to them
● Sumerians also created large mosaic out of clay (art pieced together from
different colored stones)
● Carving from stone石頭雕像 they called relief sculpture浮雕雕塑

Mod. 4.2: Old kingdom 埃及古王國

● First and second Dynasties ruled Egypt four centuries
● Third Dynasty第三王朝 began during 2700 BCE till 2200 BCE
● Started a time in Egyptian history= old kingdom

Early Pharaoh法老
● The Old Kingdom was a period in Egyptian history about 500 years.
● During this time they continued with their political system政治體系
● They belief that Pharaoh was both king and god
● Pharaoh had other jobs
1. He’ll be blamed for natural disaster
2. people looked to him to help Egypt’s trade
3. Responsible for stopping wars
4. Also a priest牧師
● The most famous pharaoh of the old kingdom was Khufu胡夫

● The end of old kingdom, Egypt have about 200
million people
● As society develop during old kingdom, Egypt
trade with neighbors
Mod. 4.4: Egypt’s great temples埃及的偉大寺廟
● Egyptian are famous for their magnificent architecture of sacred spaces神聖空間
● Egypt also built massive巨大 temple
● Rows of stone sphinxes人面獅身像
● Columns柱子 were covered with painting and hieroglyphics象形文字, as were the
temples walls

Egyptian Art:
● Ancient Egyptian were masterful artists大師級藝術家
● Many of their greatest works of artistic expression were created fill填充 the
tomb墳墓 of pharaoh and nobles

Mod. 8.4: Myths explain the world神話解釋世界

● Greeks believed gods caused everyday event, rain, sunshine, etc
● Built temple to honor them or hosted sporting events to keep gods happy

Ancient Greek literature:

● Greek literature influenced影響 today’s language and arts
● Most famous epic: The iliad and the odyssey by Homer

Mod. 8.5: The Art藝術

● Greek Art had been admired for hundred of years
● To make the sculpture beautiful, the artist study human bodies, especially how it look
when it move
● Greek made statues of gods and goddess for religious purposes宗教目的製作神和女
● Greek made painted detailed scenes on rases, pots and other thing just use two
color(black and red)

Mod. 10.1: Rome羅馬

Rome’s legendary Origins傳奇起源:

● Romans believed their history could be traced to a great Trojan
hero called Aeneas特洛伊英雄
● After a long journey, Aeneas reached Italy, and he found several
groups of people living there
● Aeneas, his son Ascanius and their descendants後代 became
rulers in Italy
● Aeneas married the daughter of the Latin King

Romulus and Remus:

● The descendants of Aeneas were the founder of Rome, they were twins
● When they were babies, they were put in a basket and thrown into Tiber river
● They didn’t drown, the wolf rescued them and take care of them for many
● A shepherd found the boys and adopted them
● After they grew up, they decided to build a city to mark the spot where the
wolf rescued them
● When they were planning, Remus marked his brother’s idea, Romulus killed
● Romulus built the city and named it Rome

Mod. 10.6: Rome’s Legacy羅馬的遺產Archutecture and Art of Rome

● Roman architecture was based on the largely主要的 on older Greek design
● Roman use columns to make their public buildings look stately莊嚴 and impressive令
● Roman covered many of their buildings with marble大理石 to make it look more
● Roman engineering techniques工程技術 allowed them to take architecture beyond
what Greek had done
● Mosaic馬賽克 were used to decorate building
● Roman also skilled at creating portraits肖像 or picture of prople人像
● Roman created original works to honor紀念 their gods

Roman Science and Engineering工程

● Science was one doctor in the empire帝國, who lived in the AD 100s,
made many discoveries發現 about the body
● Romans built roads in layers, made roads last for持續 centuries

An Arch拱門= rounded, bridge shape; used in Roman

building since it can support承受 heavier weight, it is
allowed for taller building

A aqueduct水道= a channel to carry water from mountain

to city

Roman vault Domes

拱頂 圓頂
Mod. 5.2: Early Hinduism and Vedic Religion早期印度教和吠陀宗教
● 2000 BCE: New society in ancient India Vedic period
● Religion: part of daily life in Vedic period

The Veda印度教
● Passed down orally口頭的 for thousand years
● Later written down in Sanskrit梵語
● 4 books about God, soul and rituals儀式
● Philosophies哲學, learning about the pursuit of wisdom追求智慧

Later Vedic Texts吠陀文字

● Over centuries, ancient Indians(Aryans)印度西北的一個族群 also write a
poem and hymns讚美詩 in Sanskrit and collected into books called Vedic
● Texts described rituals for peace; scared fire神聖之火 represent light of
universe and the Divine神聖的
● Upanishads古印度一類哲學文獻, writings from religious students and
teachers reflecting反映 on the Vedas
● It influenced影響 later religious texts

Later Vedic Society

● Btw 800~ 500 BCE, clan identity氏族身份, Identification鑑別 by family ties
changed to territorial領土
● Powerful chiefs酋長 surrounded周圍 themselves with advisers顧問 and
collected texts
● Priests received a part of money donated by chiefs
● Priests and upper-class grew in importance creating social divided社會分裂

Caste system divided Indian society

into groups based on a person’s birth
wealth or job

Mod. 5.3: Hinduism Develops印度教發展

● Largest religion in today’s India
● Polytheistic多神論
● Mixed with different culture idea
● third largest religion probably oldest major religion
● People who believed in Hinduism called Hindus

Hindu Beliefs印度教信仰
● Belief in Brahman婆羅門(印度教種性制度的祭司)
● Belief in many gods; each= part of Brahman
● Everything in the world= part of Brahman
Life and Rebirth生命與重生
● Hindu idea= everyone has an atman靈魂 inside them( holds your personality)
● Belief that our goal= reunite重聚 our soul with Brahman( this world= Fake;
Brahman= reality)
● The need for reincarnation化身/轉世

Hinduism and society

● Person with bad karma will be born into a lower caste
● Person with good karma will see benefits in future birth
● liberation解放 is called moksha
● Hindus are not then only group that emphasizes強調 spiritual duty精神責任

Mod. 5.4: Siddhartha’s Search for wisdom悉達多對智慧的追尋

Quest for answer尋找答案

● 536 BCE, Siddhartha Gautama釋迦牟尼 was born in North India
● he is a prince who lived a sheltered庇護 life
● When he saw pain in ppl’s lives, he started asking about meaning of life
● He left home ~30 years old, traveled around India

Buddha佛陀 finds Enlightenment啟蒙

● As he search, tired to free his mind from daily concerns
● He do fasting禁食 and meditation冥想
● He found out 3 reasons humans suffer
1. we want thing that we don’t have
2. we want to keep things that we like and have
3. we don’t want to keep things that we dislike and have
● Siddhartha gained獲利 enlightenment( wisdom and insight) ~35 years old
● Told followers of his new ideas, First Sermon
● Called the Buddha= “Enlightenment one”開悟的人
● Spent rest of life traveling and teaching his ideas

Teaching of Buddhism佛教
● Four Noble Truth
1. Life has suffering 苦諦,苦難不會因為人死亡而結束
2. Our wants= causes of our suffering 集諦,苦產生的原因,因為佛教認
3. The end to suffering= nirvana 滅諦,從苦中徹底解脫出來只有脫離輪
4. If you follow Buddha’s teaching on Eightfold Path, you’ll find nirvana

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