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1.- When he first meets the witches what is the most important prophecy told to Macbeth?

2.-Why was Macbeth so surprised at this prediction?

3.-Who was Macbeth with at the time?

4.-Describe Macbeth’s Character.

5.-Describe Lady Macbeth’s Character.

6.-How did Macbeth kill Duncan?

7.-After the murder what covered Macbeth’s hands?

8.-Who discovered the murder?

9.-Who escaped Scotland afraid they would be blamed for the murder?

10.-Once crowned king who was Macbeth worried about and why?

11.-At the banquet what words did Macbeth say which resulted in the ghost appearing?

12.-Macbeth went back to the witches. Who did they tell Macbeth to be afraid of?

13.-At the beginning of the story Macbeth was admired. How did people regard him at the
end of the play?

14.-Why did Lady Macbeth sleepwalk and later kill herself?

15.-Who killed Macbeth?

16.-After reading this adaptation of Macbeth, what themes or ideas do you think we are
going to encounter while reading Shakespeare’s Macbeth?

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