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El cuerpo y su materia from sensei 2

“The human body, as well as all other matter, is just emptiness. It is an illusion created by God’s thought.”
“So you want to say that this tree and I are basically identical because we are emptiness?” Nikolai
Andreevich asked half in jest, passing by a big tree.
“Basically, yes.” Sensei grinned and added in a more serious way, “Your matter, as well as that of the tree,
is generated by one and the same initial energy, but modified and transformed into different wave states. Hence
the difference in material features. What does a human body consist of? A body, as you know, consists of a
system of organs, organs consist of tissues, tissues consist of groups of cells. Cells consist of basic chemical
elements. And 269
the greatest part of a body, about 98% of it, is made up of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen, and 2%
are other chemical elements.”
“I don’t understand, how is that?” These words accidentally escaped my lips.
“Well, for example, for 50 kg of your weight, the allocation formula will be as follows,” Sensei looked a few seconds
at my body as though estimating something, and then said, “Oxygen in various isotope states 30.481 kg, isotopes of carbon
11.537 kg, isotopes of hydrogen 5.01 kg, and isotopes of nitrogen 1.35 kg. That is 48.378 kg in total. Well, and I won’t list
all other elements where the weight is just grams. In general, they account for only 1.622 kg of the total weight… If we are
going to be more exact and add everything that hasn’t been digested: the remains of ice-cream, sweets, and the drink that
are not included in a chemical reaction of your body, then… in total, the weight of your body will amount to 50 kg and
625 grams.”
I was simply struck by such high-speed calculations of my body at just one glance. I had never thought
about the structure of my matter. Meanwhile, Sensei continued to address Nikolai Andreevich,
“So then, what are our chemical elements? It is molecules which make up a cell and exist according to their
own biophysical laws. Note that there is emptiness around molecules. Let's go deeper. Molecules consist of
atoms, and between them again there is emptiness. Atoms consist of a nucleus and electrons rotating around
them, and between them there is emptiness. The nucleus of an atom again consists of elementary particles –
protons and neutrons – with the same inherent emptiness between them. Let us note that variations of a
chemical element differ in the number of neutrons in an atomic nucleus, which is a feature of isotopy. Protons
and neutrons which form the nucleus of an atom also consist of smaller particles. So look, each time when
physicists make the next step, a new level of knowledge opens up to them, expanding their relative borders
beyond the horizon of infinite knowledge. Simply, as much as human perfected a microscope, that is the extent
to which he learnt the nature of the microcosm. I shall not continue enumerating what is divided into what, but
in the end, division comes to absolute emptiness out of which everything is born. It exists everywhere, both in
a microcosm and in a macrocosm. That is pure energy which is called ‘Po,’ making up an integrated field of
interaction of all kinds of energies and, therefore, variations of the matter arising from it. That is why it is said
that God is omnipresent. It is the pulses of energy Po that generate the waves that change the curvature of
material space and time. That is, in the depth of its essence, all matter is a set of a certain kind of waves and
exists according to laws of the wave nature.”


Sensei just shook his head head and explained, “ ’A victory over
yourself’ in interpretation of Ariman means to live for the sake
of accumulation of material things, to give up everything for the
sake of money, stepping over the lives of other people in order
to get power and leadership. But this is a substitution, a deceit,
an illusion of the welfare which turns to the total defeat of your
soul. Since a human following the way of Ariman wants to be a
king of this world. And he even doesn’t think of what is
awaiting for him after death. For him the other world, the world
of soul is somewhere there, he doesn’t know where. “Does that
higher world exist at all?” due to Ariman’s attempts it turns to a
big question for a human. And this material world, it’s right
here, here and now. It seems to be real for him. And all this
substitution happens as a human doesn’t remember the beauty of
the higher world, the world of God. He can recollect it only
reaching Nirvana
pag 67 they use any means to achieve their goal. And their goal
is simple – to distract the attention of a human from his internal
spiritual development by external material things. To hide the
true reason of Evil which is concealed inside of the human, in
his Animal nature. And, of course, the main thing for them is to
achieve an unlimited power over people. They strive to it and
dictate the society their rules of life, impose wards and don’t
shun to awake in people beast instincts. They profit from
people’s fear and ignorance. Since if a human knows truth, he
will stop fearing them, he will see the light. He won’t care
anymore about their lies, will turn around and will go to the
spiritual side.
pag 80 a 85 ba, khat, hu
Ba, the soul, Akh, the will-power and wishes.. And the other?”
“The other?! Well, it’s Ka, the element which was believed to be
a spiritual double of a man, his vital force (‘breathing’, ‘spirit’)
which is given to him from birth and after his physical death is
his guide in the beyond world, and
Sensei. Book IV by Anastasia Novykh
To download books: 84
then it leaves him. It was considered that Ka is born and grows
together with a human acquiring his merits and imperfections.
Ka may exist independent of body, for example, to reach the
heaven and talk to gods there or just move on earth. The Ka sign
was depicted as two hands lifted up bent in elbows (quite often
this sign was positioned on the head of the double), that
somehow reminds the hieroglyph in its meaning ‘to raise, to
seize’. The human was ascribed to have a multitude of Ka, or
how they were also called Kau.”
“It reminds the human astral body,” assumed Nikolai
“Why does it remind? This is it in fact. However ancient
Egyptians beside it managed to stuff into the notion of multitude
of Ka also protective functions of the aura. But it’s not too
important. In general they interpreted it more or less correctly.
As far as Ka as the astral body concerned, it was deemed that Ba
exists in Ka and has a feature to become bodyless or bodily.
Though by its structure Ba was more ascribed to etheric
“Well, it seems these Egyptians were not so simple…” Slava
changed his opinion at once.
Sensei went on to tell his story, “One more element composing
the human being was Khat, the physical body of a human.”
“Oh!” exclaimed Kostya gladily. “And I started to get worried
whether they had a notion of body at all!”
Sensei smiled almost unnoticeably and added, “With the word
‘Khat’ ancient Egyptians called not only the physical
body but everything to be rotten… And finally, one more
element which formed a triad with Ka and Khat was Hu.”
ancient Egyptians meant initially reasonable force which by its
influence on the body was comparable only with the notion of
Ba. Later this term was transformed into a ‘not the best part of
the soul’ which lives due to Khat and Ka and dies together with
the physical body, that is, with Khat. In our understanding, it’s
an Animal nature.”

hun and po story page 88

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