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Learning Task 3

Assume that you are a adjudicator in a debate competition in your school. Observe and note all the
speakers techniques in delivering his/her argumentative speech, including body gestures, topic,
arguements, and tone. List down all the recommendations, suggestions, and short comings that the
speaker needs ro improve on.


Learning task 4

In writing a argumentative techniques, discuss the following tips and techniques used in making your
essay impactful and convincing towards ypur audience

Learning Task 5

Imagine, on the school’s foundation day, an open debate was conducted for all highschool year levels.
As your task, you are assigned to choose between the government side and the opposition side with the
assigned motion “Is popularity one of the characteristics of being a student body leader?” you are given
7 minutes to state your arguements.


As for the final task, you will construct an argumentative essay regarding the topic “The use of
standardized tests to evaluate students' academic performance.” with a minimum of 500 words and a
maximum of 1,000 words.

Your essay should consist the following characteristics:

1. Presents the issue or case

2. Gives reasons and supports these reasons should provide its points
3. Refutes (proves wrong) opposing arguments

Your essay must consist the following parts

1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion

Write your task in a whole sheet of paper, you may use the internet for basis and additional insights
however always practice plagiarism. Everyone is free to choose their own side whether to agree or
disagree with the topic. To be passed on our next meeting.

Teacher: Any questions or clarifications regarding your assignment class?

Students: None Ma’am.

Teacher: Okay class, glad to hear that.

Students: Yes, Ma’am.

Teacher: Okay class, let’s call it a day. Good bye and see you on our next meeting class.

Students: Good bye and see you on our next meeting Ma’am.

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