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- Divers need to be firstly responsible for themselves to ensure their own safety

and the safety of their dive group.

- Recreational diving is based on self-responsibility, and therefore risk
awareness and attitudes are determining factors for triggering dive accidents

- You can seek more local-area knowledge from Internet reports, Coastguard
and specific apps for your phones
- The best time to beach dive is during slack tide, the time between high and
low tide, when currents are at their weakest.
- If conditions are not favourable don’t dive!

- Because you should prepare for any eventuality

- To guide you and minimize accidents when trouble occurs

- I haven't had a lucky escape, but I once heard my high school teacher tell her
story that when she was riding a motorbike on the road, a truck pushed her
close, so she lost control and fell under the truck. She thought at that
moment she was dead, but fortunately the car stopped in time and she was
still alive.

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