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As the world keeps advancing, you can’t afford to miss out by relying on conventional cleaning methods.

Sand blasting is gradually becoming the fastest and the most reliable method of ‘purification’ and you
don’t need a fortune-teller to tell you why!


Sandblasting was derived from ‘sanding’; a traditional method which uses sand with fiber to scrub
against another object with the use of hand. Due to many disadvantages in sanding, the concept of
sandblasting was introduced with patent right in the US in 1870.

Sandblasting is a process of forcing solid abrasive particles (mostly sand) across the surface of any
material at high speed using compressed air to either smoothen or roughen the surface. It uses a
mechanical instrument (which consists three major parts: the blasting media cabinet, the air compressor
unit and the discharging nozzle) to continuously discharge a mixture of sand and air using an highly
compressive pressure through the nozzle of the equipment.


The abrasive material used for the operation must be tougher and harder than the material layered over
the piece of work.

Sand is a fine material because it consists a significant amount of silica which is high in abrasives.
However, sand is not the only abrasive material that can be used for Sandblasting.

Sandblasting can be applied to materials like metal, wood, painting layers, plastic, concrete, e.t.c.


Clean Corp is a sandblasting organization which was established with the aim of polishing, purifying,
smoothening, roughening and cleaning of surfaces. Our services aren’t limited to industrial usage but
also to individual and household usage. These services include;

1. Surface preparation.
Sand blasting prepares a surface for coating by cleaning or roughening its layers which makes
any other application of substance on the surface easy and lasting.
2. Use of highly effective equipment.
This aids the targeting of specific areas of imperfections in the piece of work. It also makes it
possible to work on any shape of objects.
3. 24/7 ever-ready sandblasting services.
Clean Corp doesn’t ‘run out of stock’. Our services are on a standby because the major resource
used as abrasives is sand and it can be gotten from commonly known places.
4. Cleaning of tools that may have signs of corrosion.
We sandblast rusty, oil clogged and dirt filled equipment regardless of their sizes in order to
ensure maximum efficiency in their functioning and to prevent wear and tear.
5. Use of highly graded and fine abrasives.
Our abrasive is totally natural and does not contain toxic or deteriorating components. Finer
quality of sand is used to make smooth and even the surface of a piece of work.


1. We secure the environment to prevent tripping and falling.

2. We thoroughly scrutinize the blasting equipment to ensure the abrasive material does not spill
over the place.
3. We provide after-sales services by ensuring proper clean up of environment to avoid all forms of

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