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Q1: The USA's largest national monument, this state's Misty Fjords, consists of glaciers &

long, deep fjords?

The crrect Answer is: Alaska

Q2: Born Elizabeth Bloomer, she sprang up in Chicago in 1918?

The crrect Answer is: Betty Ford

Q3: This dance's name is derived from Polish meaning "from the province of Mazovia"?

The crrect Answer is: mazurka

Q4: Disney feature that won this award:?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs</i>

Q5: The simplest form of spectroscope incorporates one of these objects to split the

The crrect Answer is: prism

Q6: The state capital was named for a merchant & landowner with this 5-letter name?

The crrect Answer is: (William) Trent

Q7: Jane or Keri's old-fashioned booty boosters?

The crrect Answer is: Russell\'s bustles

Q8: Green olives are traditionally stuffed with these red veggies?

The crrect Answer is: pimientos

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